Titular nation in the Russian Federation. Peoples of Russia. Titular nation in Russia

Since the mid-90s, since the formation of sovereign states former USSR, issues related to national self-determination are increasingly arising. In this regard, media reports are filled with the concepts of “nation”, “titular nation”, “nationality”, “nationality”, “ indigenous people", "ethnic group", "ethnos". How can an ordinary person, without special sociological and ethnic knowledge, understand all this? And main question, is it the titular nation or citizenship?

“Nation” and “titular nation” - what are they?

Sociology interprets it as any ethnic group that has developed historically, develops and reproduces itself in a specific territory. A nation is a social and economic entity, including a common language, cultural traditions, economic relationships, psychological characteristics And ethnic characteristics population.

It should not be confused with the concept of “nationality,” which includes representatives of an ethnic group throughout the planet.

The concept of “titular nation” appeared in sociology relatively recently - in late XIX century. French politician Morris Barrens introduced the term "titular nation" in relation to the dominant ethnic group in a state, where it is the language of this nation that determines the education system and cultural traditions become the basis of statehood.

Indigenous nation - titular?

The term "Indigenous Nation" refers to the united indigenous peoples living in a specific area. It is necessary to understand that an ethnos or ethnic group is an association of people closely related by long common residence and phylogenetic origin. Nation is a natural and social concept.

Only that nation, that ethnic group, which as an ethnonym is included in the name, is called titular public education, becomes the basis for civil statehood. It is worth noting that the titular nation is not a norm enshrined in law, but is often a social concept.

In the modern generalized understanding, the titular nation is an unfinished result of scientific and theoretical construction.


Sociologists and ethnographers often come to contradictions when discussing these concepts. A branch of sociology has been formed, called “ethnic sociology,” whose task is to study complex and often contradictory national-ethnic relationships. To understand the content of such relations, the historical paths of development, the formation of ethnic self-awareness, the emergence of the national question and ways to solve it - this is a modest list of tasks of the young science.

Is the titular nation an indigenous people?

Various schools of enosociology, Western and post-Soviet, often use and apply these concepts not always in the same way. Most often, the concepts “indigenous nation” and “indigenous peoples” are used as synonyms.

A nation living historically is considered indigenous long time in a given territory, for example, Armenians in Armenia, Ukrainians in Ukraine, Tatars in Tatarstan.

But the titular indigenous nation will become the primacy of its language in the general educational structure of public education. Either Autonomous Republic, state or county.

World examples

There are mono-ethnic and multi-ethnic states. Although this division is arbitrary and neither the UN nor UNESCO have issued any official regulatory documents. There are few mono-ethnic states in the world - those where 95% is the share of one ethnic group and the political borders are the same as the ethnic ones. Examples of such countries are Japan, Norway, Madagascar, Bangladesh, Egypt, South Korea, Somalia, Armenia, Albania, Greece, Italy, Denmark, North Korea, Malta, Poland and Portugal. The list does not claim to be completely reliable, since different sources take different indicators as the percentage of monoethnicity.

Definition problems

IN current situation With the multi-ethnic composition of the vast majority of countries, the division of the country's citizens into titular and non-titled ones, with the provision of preferences and privileges to some over others, the problems of titular nations have become a problem in many states. Namely in the countries of the post-Soviet space, as well as Great Britain, Yugoslavia, Spain, Czechoslovakia. Example conflict situations When national differences are resolved, armed conflicts arise, generated by chauvinism and nationalism.

Titular nation of Russia

Russia is a multinational state. Today, its territory is home to 180 ethnic groups speaking 170 different languages. has 81% of the total population. The definition of the titular nation, it would seem, does not raise any questions - these are Russians. But the category of titular nation is not legally enshrined in any document; political scientists and legislators have not yet finished the debates and negotiations.

In one of his speeches, Russian President V. Putin named a list of titular nations: Russians, Tatars, Chechens, Bashkirs, Dagestanis, Jews, and so on.

In Russia, only in autonomous Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria and Tuva, the percentage of representatives of the titular nation is more than half of the total population. But in Chechnya there are only 2% Russians, and 98% are the indigenous population.

Ignoring national and religious characteristics, disrespect for the traditions of indigenous peoples as the titular nation of certain territories, chauvinistic conclusions of the “most Russians” in last years in Russia led to a certain tension regarding the issue of the titular nation being Russians. Human rights activists and legislators offer various regulations to secure the titular nation Russian Federation.

A lot of ethnic composition majority modern states represents a multifaceted national-ethnic system. The Stockholm International Institute has published a study of global problems, which indicates that 78% of conflicts involving weapons since the mid-1990s are based on inter-ethnic differences. Issues of national self-determination and self-awareness are coming to the fore today. Tolerance and respect for people who are different from us in any way are the key to peace and prosperity of humanity on our planet.

The study of interethnic relations is impossible without taking into account the status of ethnic groups. Ethnic status indicates the place of a people in the system of interethnic relations.

The status of an ethnic group in interethnic communications and the type of its relationships with other ethnic groups are determined by a number of factors, among which the most important are the size of the ethnic group, its migration mobility and the availability of the necessary resources for the reproduction and development of its language and culture. Depending on the combination of these factors, all ethnic communities are usually divided into ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples and titular peoples.

Titular peoples It is customary to call ethnic groups that have their own state formations bearing their name. Titular peoples are also often called indigenous, although this name is inaccurate. In international practice indigenous peoples are called aboriginal peoples who lead a tribal way of life. Applied to In the ethnic picture of Russia, indigenous peoples are those engaged in traditional types of economic activity.

A special subject of interethnic relations in the modern world is national (ethnic) minority, which is a separate ethnic community living on the territory of a foreign state and preserving its ethnic identity and specific traditional cultural features, aware of its differences and classifying itself as an independent ethnic group. Ethnic minorities therefore include population groups that:

    firstly, it is numerically smaller than the ethnic majority (titular nation) in the state;

    secondly, they are in a non-dominant position;

    thirdly, they have ethnocultural specificity and want to preserve it.

Ethnic minorities may include:

    part of the titular nation living on the territory of another state (ethnic diasporas);

    groups that retain their ethnic identity, but are scattered across many countries and do not have their own state (gypsies, Kurds);

    peoples of internal colonization, i.e. indigenous peoples who turned out to be numerically smaller than the visiting population (Evenks, Chukchi, Yakuts);

    ethnic groups that settled permanently as a result of mass immigration (Volga Germans).

The relationship between titular ethnic groups, indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities can be highly different character and be determined by political, socio-economic and historical goals and interests. The main criterion in determining the type and nature of these relations is the degree of implementation of the right of an ethnic group to self-determination (the right of the people to determine their own destiny). The right to self-determination is generally recognized by all peoples and governments , however, to date there is no clear mechanism and criteria for the implementation of this right. Therefore, in practice, such forms of interethnic relations as genocide, apartheid, segregation, and discrimination become possible.

Russia is a multinational country, more than a hundred peoples live in it, most of them are indigenous peoples and nationalities for whom Russia is the main or even the only habitat. In addition, there are representatives of more than sixty nations whose main place of residence is outside the Russian Federation. Indigenous peoples of Russia make up 93% of the population, of which over 81% are Russian. Over 6% of the population are peoples of neighboring countries (5%, for example, Ukrainians, Armenians, etc.) and far (1%, for example, Germans, Koreans, etc.) abroad.

Ethnographers unite the indigenous peoples of Russia into several regional groups that are close not only geographically, but also, to a certain extent, culturally and historically.

The peoples of the Volga region and the Urals - Bashkirs, Kalmyks, Komi, Mari, Mordovians, Tatars, Udmurts and Chuvashs - account for less than 8% of the country's population (of which almost 4% are Tatars - the second largest people in Russia). The traditional religion of the Tatars and Bashkirs is Islam, the Kalmyks are Buddhism, the rest are Orthodoxy.

Peoples North Caucasus: Abazins, Adygeis, Balkars, Ingush, Kabardians, Karachais, Ossetians, Circassians, Chechens, peoples of Dagestan (Avars, Aguls, Dargins, Kumyks, Laks, Lezgins, Nogais, Rutuls, Tabasarans and Tsakhurs) - make up less than 3% of the population of Russia. In addition to the majority of Ossetians - Christians, they traditionally profess Islam.

The peoples of Siberia and the North - Altaians, Buryats, Tuvans, Khakassians, Shors, Yakuts and almost three dozen so-called small peoples of the North - make up 0.6% of the country's total population. The Buryats and Tuvans are Buddhists, the rest are Orthodox, with strong vestiges of paganism, and simply pagans.


    Avksentyev V.A. Ethnic conflictology: in 2 parts. Stavropol, 1996. - 306 p.

    Harutyunyan, Yu. V. Ethnosociology: textbook. allowance / Yu. V. Arutyunyan, L. M. Drobizheva, A. A. Susokolov. – M.: Aspect-press, 1999. – 271 p.

    Achkasov V.A., Babaev S.A. “Mobilized ethnicity”: the ethnic dimension political culture modern Russia. - St. Petersburg, 2000. – 390 p.

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    Denisova G.S. Ethnopolitical factor in the political life of Russia in the 90s. Rostov n/d, 1996 . – 130 pp.

    Dorozhkin Yu.N. , Zorin A.F., Shkel S.N. Russian nationalism as a socio-political phenomenon of the post-Soviet period. – Ufa: Gilem, 2008. – 156 p.

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    Sadokhin A.P. Ethnology: Textbook. allowance. – Ed. 3rd, revised and additional – M.: Alfa-M; INFRA-M, 2004. – 352 p.

    Sikevich Z.V. Sociology and psychology of interethnic relations. St. Petersburg, 1999.- P. 131 p.

    Skvortsov N.G. The problem of ethnicity in social anthropology. St. Petersburg, 1996. – 230 p.

    Social and cultural distance. Experience of multinational Russia. resp. ed. L.M. Drobizheva.- M., 1998. – 126 p.

    Socio-cultural appearance of Soviet nations. Based on the results of an ethnosociological study. resp. ed. Yu. V. Harutyunyan, Yu. V. Bromley.-M., 1986. – 165 p.

    Stepanov V.V. Preservation and development of cultural diversity. Russian experience // Seminar “International legal guarantees for the protection of national minorities and problems of their implementation” [Electronic resource] / V. V. Stepanov. – Mode // www.coe.int/.../ 4._inter governmental_cooperation_(dhmin)/1PDF_RussSem_Presentation_VStepanov_ rus.pdf

    Tishkov V. A. Essays on the theory and politics of ethnicity / V. A. Tishkov. – M.: Russkiy Mir, 1997. – 532 p.

    Turaev V.A. Ethnopolitical science: textbook. allowance. – M.: Logos, 2004. – 388 p.

    Cheshko S.V. Man and ethnicity // Ethnographic Review. 1994.-No. 6.

Russia is a multinational country. Although the ethnic situation in a state with such an area and a population of over 145 million people could not have developed differently.

It is difficult to find exact data about the time when all these peoples and nationalities became part of Russia, given the fact that for a long time the union republics were citizens of one state, the USSR. Even at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the term “Russians” united three nationalities: Great Russians, Little Russians And Belarusians. and later became independent peoples.

It should be borne in mind that the census data is based on the self-determination of Russian citizens, since information about nationality is not included in passports. As a result, about 80% of respondents—approximately 116 million people—consider themselves Russian.

The predominance of the Russian population is typical only for the central and northwestern regions, while the rest are inhabited by various ethnographic groups. The situation can be seen especially clearly using the example of ethnic diversity. Mountain peoples are famous for their original culture, veneration family traditions, wedding ceremonies, customs of hospitality and twinning.

Climatic features

Climatic features and geological conditions of the area significantly influence the settlement and general way of life of people. According to a comprehensive assessment natural conditions Russia, a quarter of the territory of Russia is not very favorable for human life.

The harshest climate is in the northern part of Russia, Siberia and Far East. They have adapted to live here Koryaks, Aleuts, Chukchi, Eskimos, Nanais and others. These are indigenous, but small in number - less than 50 thousand people in each ethnic group. Having settled in the territory of their ancestors, they adhere to their traditions - they are nomads, engage in reindeer herding, hunting, fishing, handicraft work. Since ancient times, northern peoples have mastered the art of Mezen painting and bone carving.

The industrial development of the deposits and resources of the North has significantly threatened some ethnic groups with extinction. In the territory of the North they also live Komi, the total number of which is over 400 thousand people.

Titular peoples of Russia


Including Cossacks and Pomors - over 80%, which is approximately 111 million people (in Russia). Dominant culture in the state. The religion of the people is Orthodoxy (professed by approximately 2/3 of the population), the second largest religion is Protestantism. Classics of Russian literature, artists and composers are known throughout the world. Traditionally, nesting dolls, samovar, Gzhel and Rostov enamel, and painted Pavlogorad shawls are considered symbols of Russian culture. Along with the Orthodox and secular holidays It is also customary to celebrate the pagan holiday Maslenitsa. Russians live in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the most populous being Moscow and the Moscow region (9% and 5.6%, respectively). There is a large percentage of Russians in cities with a population of over a million - St. Petersburg (3.5%), Rostov (3.4%), Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region (3,3%).


– indigenous people, whose number is 3.8% of the total national composition, is over 5.5 million people. The main religion is Islam; a small part, calling themselves Kryashens, profess Orthodoxy. There are Tatar mosques in all major cities Russia. Family values among the people are sacred, and marriage is equated to a sacred duty. It is customary to celebrate Islamic, native Tatar and national holidays. It is still customary for people to celebrate the arrival of spring (kargatuy) and the end of agricultural work (sabantuy). Most of lives in Tatarstan (about 40%), Bashkorstan (about 20%), Tyumen (4.5%) and Chelyabinsk region (3,5%).


– a large ethnographic group numbering almost 3 million, which is 2.03% of the total population of the country. The main religion is Orthodoxy. One of the famous Ukrainian symbols is the embroidered shirt, which is a men's or women's shirt embroidered with complex patterns. Traditions, holidays and family customs practically no different from Russians. In Russia, the most Ukrainians are concentrated in the Tyumen region (more than 8%), Moscow (8%), Moscow region (more than 6%) and Krasnodar region (4,3%).


– make up 1.15% of the total population, which is more than one and a half million people. A significant portion lives in Bashkortostan (74%), about 10% live in the Chelyabinsk region, followed by the Orenburg and Tyumen regions (2.9% each).


– a nationality numbering more than one and a half million people (1.13%). The majority live in Chuvashia (56.7%), Tatarstan (more than 8%), Bashkortostan (7.5%), Ulyanovsk and Samara regions.


– constitute approximately 1% of the total population, over 1.4 million people. The main part lives in Chechnya (84.3%), Dagestan (6.5%), Ingushetia (1.3%) and Moscow (1%).


  • Tatars - 5,554,601 (3.83%)
  • Ukrainians - 2,942,961 (2.03%)
  • Bashkirs - 1,673,389 (1.15%)
  • Chuvash - 1,637,094 (1.13%)
  • Chechens - 1,360,253 (0.94%)
  • Armenians - 1,130,491 (0.78%)
  • Mordovians - 843,350 (0.58%)
  • Avars - 814,473 (0.56%)
  • Belarusians - 807,970 (0.56%)
  • Kazakhs - 653,962 (0.45%)
  • Udmurts - 636,906 (0.44%)
  • Azerbaijanis - 621,840 (0.43%)
  • Mari - 604,298 (0.42%)
  • Germans - 597,212 (0.41%)
  • Kabardians - 519,958 (0.36%)
  • Ossetians - 514,875 (0.35%)
  • Dargins - 510,156 (0.35%)
  • Buryats - 445,175 (0.31%)
  • Yakuts - 443,852 (0.31%)
  • Kumyks - 422,409 (0.29%)
  • Ingush - 413,016 (0.28%)
  • Lezgins - 411,535 (0.28%)
  • Komi - 293,406 (0.2%)
  • Tuvans - 243,442 (0.17%)
  • Jews - 229,938 (0.16%)
  • Georgians - 197,934 (0.14%)
  • Karachais - 192,182 (0.13%)
  • gypsies - 182,766 (0.13%)
  • Kalmyks - 173,996 (0.12%)
  • Moldovans - 172,330 (0.12%)
  • Laks - 156,545 (0.11%)
  • Koreans - 148,556 (0.1%)

In Amsterdam, answering a question about the rights of sexual minorities in Russia, V. Putin said that sexual minorities have no restrictions on their rights, and gave a definition of the titular nations in Russia -

“But I would like for us, in Russia, to see, first of all, the birth rate increase due to the so-called titular nations: Russians, Tatars, Chechens, Bashkirs, Dagestanis, Jews and so on.”

According to the 2010 census, there is no such nationality as Dagestanis in Russia. There are Avars (8), Dargins (12), Kabardins (17), Lezgins (20). Jews are in 33rd place in the census.

The term "titular nation" was coined by nationalist ideologist Maurice Barres at the end of the 19th century. If we talk about the titular nationality, then it would be logical that the titular nationality in Tatarstan is Tatars, in Udmurtia - Udmurts, in Chechnya - Chechens.

On the definitions of the titular nation,

2012 Census data, nationalities indicated over 0.01%
№, Nationality, %

1 (Russians) 77.71%
2 (Tatars) 3.72%
3 Ukrainians 1.35%
4 (Bashkirs) 1.11%
5 Chuvash 1.01%
6 (Chechens) 1.00%
7 Armenians Circassians 0.83%
8 (Andean Avars, Didoi (Tsez) and other Ando-Tsez peoples and Archins) 0.64%
9 Mordovians Mordovians-Moksha, Mordovians-Erzya 0.52%
10 Kazakhs 0.45%
11 Azerbaijanis 0.42%
12 (Dargins, Kaitags, Kubachi) 0.41%
13 Udmurts 0.39%
14 Mari mountain Mari, meadow-eastern Mari 0.38%
15 Ossetians Digoron (Digorians), Iron (Ironians) 0.37%
16 Belarusians 0.37%
17 Kabardians 0.36%
18 Kumyks 0.35%
19 Yakuts 0.34%
20 (Lezgins) 0.33%
21 Buryats 0.32%
22 Ingush 0.31%
23 Germans 0.28%
24 Uzbeks 0.20%
25 Tuvinians Todzha 0.19%
26 Komi Komi-Izhemtsy 0.16%
27 Karachais 0.15%
28 Gypsies 0.14%
29 Tajiks 0.14%
30 Kalmyks 0.13%
31 Laksy 0.13%
32 Georgians Adjarians, Ingiloys, Laz, Mingrelians, Svans 0.11%
33 (Jews) 0.11%
34 Moldovans 0.11%
35 Koreans 0.11%
36 Tabasarans 0.10%
37 Adyghe 0.09%
38 Balkars 0.08%
39 Turks 0.07%
40 Nogais Karagashi 0.07%
41 Kyrgyz 0.07%
42 Komi-Permyaks 0.07%
43 Greeks Greeks-Urums 0.06%
44 Altaians Telengits, Tubalars, Chelkans 0.05%
45 Circassians 0.05%
46 Khakass 0.05%
47 Cossacks 0.05%
48 Karelians 0.04%
49 Mordovian-Erzya 0.04%
50 Poles 0.03%
51 Nenets 0.03%
52 Abazins 0.03%
53 Yazidis 0.03%
54 Evenks 0.03%
55 Turkmens 0.03%
56 Rutulians 0.03%
57 Kryashens 0.02%
58 Aguls 0.02%
59 Lithuanians 0.02%
60 Khanty 0.02%
61 Chinese 0.02%
62 Bulgarians 0.02%
63 Mountain Mari 0.02%
64 Kurds 0.02%
65 Evens 0.02%
66 Finns Ingrian Finns 0.01%
67 Latvians 0.01%
68 Estonians 0.01%
69 Chukchi 0.01%
70 Vietnamese 0.01%
71 Gagauz 0.01%
72 Shors 0.01%
73 Tsakhur 0.01%
74 Muncie 0.01%
75 Nanai 0.01%
76 Andes 0.01%
77 Didoytsy 0.01%
78 Abkhazians 0.01%
79 Assyrians 0.01%
80 Arabs 0.01%
81 Nagaibaki 0.01%
82 Koryaks 0.01%
83 Akhvakhians 0.01%
84 Dolgans 0.01%
85 Siberian Tatars0.01%


Not following those who are affected by Art. 282 p.1, we will try to answer the question, how many nationalities are there in Russia?

Of the almost 2000 nationalities in the world, about 200 have self-determination - that’s how many countries there are.

Some nationalities have state self-determination in other countries - Jews, Arabs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Germans and other nationalities. These are citizens of Russia who have equal rights with other citizens.

Not all nationalities have a republican or autonomous determination in Russia, and each nation consists of dozens of tribes. If we narrow the count of nationalities to those common constituent peoples (for example, the Tatars), which in Russia constitute more than 0.01% of the total population, then the total number of nationalities and peoples in Russia is 120.

Siberian Tatars,
Astrakhan Tatars

Didoytsy (Tsez)


Kaitag people,
Kubachi residents

Mountain Mari,
Meadow-Eastern Mari




UAE Arabs,

The main nationality of Russia is Russian - 77%. According to the census, since 2002, the percentage of the Russian population in Russia has decreased by 4%.

The division of Rus into South Russians, Little Russians, Russians, Poles, Slovaks, and Balts corresponds to the ideas of Zionism. The Balts are told that they are Germans, although genetically they are not Germans. The Germans have R1a1 statistics of about 8%, in Bavaria - up to 15%, and among the Russians - about 50%. Southern Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Poles have about 55% R1a1.

Goebbels spoke about the importance of dividing the Eastern European peoples for the implementation of the ideas of Nazism. The contradictions between Ukraine and Russia are brought to the point of absurdity when the peoples are related genetically and general history Kievan Rus. The formation of the Russian language played a significant role, during which the South Russian and Belarusian languages ​​began to differ from the Russian language.

Genetics of the peoples of the North Caucasus - up to 90% (J1 + J2). During the war, Stalin resettled Chechens and Ingush deep into the USSR because Hitler's behavior towards Semites was unpredictable. The plans of Zionism, implemented by Berezovsky, consisted of military retention of Chechnya even when they did not think who would get what. Now we can say that Chechens in Russia are the titular people - even though there are 77% Russians, 1% Chechens, and 0.1% Jews.

In Russia, the ethnic composition of the population and the government, the oligarchs, is in inverse proportion.

The very concept of a titular nation is contradictory. Why are the Ukrainians not mentioned? Because they interfered with the sale of gas? Or because they have Ukraine? But the Jews also have Israel. According to the constitution, all Russian citizens have equal rights. Oppression itself numerous people, occurs under discussions about titular nationalities,
which were invented by nationalists of all kinds.

There is an interesting post, which I quote verbatim (Remo).

In connection with the recent statement by the President of Russia (he is also a “guarantor” of something), I had two questions.

“But I would like for us, in Russia, to see, first of all, the birth rate increase due to the so-called titular nations: Russians, Tatars, Chechens, Bashkirs, Dagestanis, and so on.”

Interesting. What is a “titular nation”?

TITLE NATION, part of the population whose nationality determines the official name of the state. The concept of "titular nation" was introduced French poet And politician Maurice Barres at the end of the 19th century. In the national-state formations of the USSR, the titular nation was in a privileged position relative to other ethnic groups. A local nomenklatura was formed from representatives of the titular nation; they received benefits upon admission to educational establishments(“national personnel”), the language and culture of the titular nation were supported at the state level. The exception to this rule were the Russians in the RSFSR.
(encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009.)

Someone might say that some dictionary is not an authoritative source. Okay, I’ll give a definition from the Law of the Russian Federation:

The titular nation is a part of the population of a state, the nationality of which determines the official name of this state (Federal Law “On public policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad” dated May 24, 1999).

So in Russia, whether anyone wants it or not, there is only one titular nation - Russians!
Of course, there will be cretins who will howl that the Russian Federation is a multinational state. Firstly, in this issue the presence of other nationalities does not matter. And secondly, have you ever wondered how “multinational” our state is?

There are 111 million of the titular nation—Russians—in Russia. In second place are the Tatars - 3.5 million, but in reality - only half of this number, and the rest do not know Tatar language, have mixed heavily with the Russians and define themselves as “Tatars” only because of the titanic efforts of Tatarstan. It should be taken into account that the so-called “Crimean” and “Kazan” Tatars are two completely different nations, with different history, culture, and absolutely different languages. In third place are Ukrainians - 2 million. In fourth place are the Bashkirs, 1.5 million, of which a little over a million live in Bashkortostan (29% of the population of the national republic, and Russians in Bashkortostan - 36.5%, we are the national majority in national republic Bashkir, yes). In fifth place are the Chuvash, 1.4 million (the decline is three times greater than that of other peoples. It is unlikely that the Chuvash are dying out en masse - rather, they are being rewritten as Russians). And only in sixth place are “the beauty and pride of the president of our Federation, the Chechens, about 1.4 million.

Quote (I don’t know how true the above conclusions are, but they were published on a serious resource):

So there can be no talk of any real “multinationality”; there are more than 80% Russians in the Russian Federation. And if we eliminate the federal division along national lines (introduced by the Bolsheviks), which is detrimental to the integrity of the country, then very many non-Russians will even “register” as Russians.

So, question one . Putin is not educated enough and does not know what a titular nation is, or is he deliberately insulting the Russian nation, equating it to the mythical non-existent “Dagestan nation” and others like them? (With the same success, one can declare “Volga region residents,” Sakhalin residents, and Muscovites a nation).

I would like to remind you that this is not the first time Putin insults Russians. In 2011, he was even tried by the tribunal of the All-Russian Officers' Assembly (in absentia, of course).

I consider it unacceptable nonsense when the president of the Russian country Russia openly displays Russophobia and insults the titular Russian people.

In this regard, I have second question . Why is everyone silent?

What I mean. There must be some kind of legal mechanism so that in cases of such anti-state behavior the head of state is held accountable. I don’t know how this should work - the prosecutor’s office, the constitutional court, the Duma. Public Chamber, or who else do we have? Or is everyone there just afraid?

Again, why are the leaders of officially registered patriotic and Russian national parties and movements silent, or their main activity is writing theoretical manuscripts about their personal great contribution to the cause of the national revival of Russia?

These are my two questions. Who knows the answer?

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At St. Petersburg State University, a creative exam is a mandatory entrance test for admission to full-time and part-time courses in...
In special education, upbringing is considered as a purposefully organized process of pedagogical assistance in socialization,...