Title page of the report: how to format it - tips and photos. How to prepare a report at school (sample). Rules for preparing school reports of any classes

As a rule, schoolchildren are not subject to such strict requirements as students, but still, many teachers prefer to adhere to the basic design rules. After all, every student should have elementary concepts, since in the future we will have to write a lot of different works in higher educational institutions. Before submitting a report to school, let’s consider the basic requirements.

So, teachers try to adhere to GOST 7.32-2001, since it remains the most popular today. According to GOST, you must adhere to the following requirements:

  • font Times New Roman;
  • font size is at least 12 point, but many teachers require size 14;
  • line spacing – 1.5 mm;
  • numbering is continuous at the bottom of the page in the center and starts from the first page, but there is no number on the title page and on the table of contents page;
  • margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm, and bottom and top 2 cm.

It is best to print the report on a computer, then it looks more neat. Sometimes teachers make their own demands and therefore, before writing, you need to clarify everything with the teacher important points related to the design of the work.

Typically, schoolchildren are given a small amount of work, depending on the age of the child. Most often, a report needs to be written from 5 to 15 pages in A4 format.

Structure of a student’s report

The structure of the report is standard and the requirements for it are the same for each teacher.

The structure of the report consists of:

  • title page;
  • content;
  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusions;
  • list of used literature;
  • applications (for schoolchildren in rare cases).

All of the above parts except appendices must be included in the report. The format depends on the requirements of the teachers, since some ask to make a report with GOST standards - 7.32-2001 and 7.9-95, while others ask in the form of an essay at their discretion.

How to design a title page

Before filling out the report, you must correctly format title page, where the name and number of the school, the word “Report”, the topic of the work, student and teacher data are written.

At the very top center is the name and number of the school. In the middle of the A4 sheet the word “Report” is written, and on the next line the subject and topic of the work are indicated. Then we retreat a few lines, and on the right we write: “Completed by:”, and below the full name of the performer. On the next line “Checked by the teacher:” and the teacher’s full name is indicated.

Look at the example, which shows how to correctly format the title page of a report or abstract at school:

How to format content

This section identifies all parts of the report. This includes:

  • introduction;
  • titles of chapters and paragraphs;
  • conclusion;
  • list of used literature;
  • applications (if relevant).

As you can see, all the parts are described in the sample, and opposite the topic there is a page number, which indicates on which page this or that section can be found. Keep in mind that numbers are added only after the report has already been written, because the table of contents must correspond to reality.

How to format headings

Headings are not highlighted in capital letters. The first letter is capital, and subsequent letters are lowercase. Headings are written in the center of the page at the very top, and there is never a period after them.

Sometimes teachers require that headings be bolded, underlined, or colored. All requirements must be clarified with the teacher in advance.

What to write in the introduction, body and conclusion

The introduction begins with defining the goal. For example, you can write like this: “In my work I want to show that...”.

After the goal, the object and subject of research are considered. For example, “The object of my work is a person, and the subject is the tool that people use.”

Then you need to define the task: “I set myself the task of considering how people work on the collective farm, what they get from it and what tools they use...”.

The introduction must indicate why this topic is it relevant, are there any prospects, etc. You also need to write what exactly you studied on your own. For example, how many books were read, what idea was highlighted, what graphs or tables were used, etc.

After the introduction, the main part is written with chapters where the formulation of the problem is described in more detail.

After the main part, a conclusion is written, which describes almost the same thing as in the introduction, only in the past tense. For example, “I showed, I drew, I drew conclusions...”. The conclusion is also allocated no more than 2 pages.

Design of sections

Each section starts on a new page. Sometimes sections can contain not only chapters, but also paragraphs. It all depends on the complexity of the topic.

First, an introduction is written, which should contain a description of one, maximum two pages. After the introduction, the name of the first section is written on a new sheet, then the second, etc. Approximately 10-12 pages are allocated for all sections.

After describing the main part, you need to write conclusions and conclusions on the topic of the report. The conclusion also begins on a new page.

How to design tables

As a rule, digital material is presented in the form of a table. Thus, the work becomes more accurate and it is convenient to compare indicators. Therefore, teachers often require students to construct tables.

Often teachers require tables to be drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.105-95.

The title of the table should reflect its content clearly, concisely and understandably. The table name is indicated at the top left of the table. First, write the word “Table” and put the chapter number and table number. For example, your table is drawn up in the first chapter, and the second table, then you need to write it like this: “Table 1.2”. Then a dash is added and the name of the table is written. For example: “Table 1.2 - Name of quantities and their designation.”

In the report on the text, it is necessary to refer to each table where the number of digital material is indicated. It is advisable to place the table immediately below the text, where a link to it is given. However, it all depends on the size. If the table is large and does not fit immediately below the text, then it is allowed to be placed on the next page.

Row and column headings should begin with a capital letter, but subheadings should begin with a lowercase letter.

However, there are complex tables where there are several sentences in the subheadings. In this case, the new word after the period is written with a capital letter.

The word “Table” only needs to be specified once. If it is necessary to move the table to the next page, then “Continuation of the table” is written, but there is no need to write the name.

How to Design Drawings and Diagrams

The report may contain not only a table, but also pictures or diagrams. They are needed for better visibility. The number of illustrations is not limited, as long as they reveal and explain the text being presented.

In accordance with GOST 2.105-95, drawings (diagrams) can be located both in the text and at the end of the presentation.

Any drawing is numbered exclusively Arabic numerals. The principle is exactly the same as in the tables. The first number is the chapter (section) number, and the second is the serial number of the illustration. For example, the first chapter, and the third drawing. Then “Figure 1.3” is written.

The diagram (illustration), its number and title (if any) are signed in the center under the picture. Do not forget that students create the drawings themselves and therefore links to them are not needed. For clarity, we present you with a sample with a picture.

How to provide links to sources

There are three main types of links:

  • intratextual;
  • behind-the-text;
  • interlinear.

In-text links are located within the report immediately after a quote or other fragment. To do this, the author's data, the title of the literature, the publisher and the page are placed in square brackets. It is not necessary to indicate the author and other data in the links. It is enough to write the serial number of the source used and the page number where it is written this information. For example:

When a quotation is written in the text, the serial number of the source, which is located in the footnote, must be placed above the sentence. See how the link looks like in the example:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in creating links. The main thing is that while writing the work, make notes for yourself where the information was taken from and then you can easily cope with links to the sources used.

Design of used literature

The sources that the student used when writing the report should be indicated on last page. The list of references is arranged in alphabetical order. First, the author's surname and initials are indicated, and then the name of the textbook, publisher and year of publication.

Schoolchildren often use the Internet to write reports, and this is not surprising. However, references to sources are written after the list of references. The example shows how to correctly format the used sources:

How to design applications

Appendices are rarely used in a school report, but sometimes you can’t do without them. It contains pictures, graphs, diagrams and tables that correspond to the topic of the work.

pay attention to important nuances when registering applications:

  • each graph, table or figure must be made on a separate sheet;
  • Each application must have a name, which is written centered at the very top of the page;
  • application sheets are not numbered;
  • The design can be not only portrait page orientation, but also landscape.


We reviewed the article on how to properly prepare a report at school. Now you know that you can adhere to both the teacher’s requirements and GOST. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the presentation of the report. If you adhere to what is written above, then your score will definitely not be lowered, since the work was done with high quality and in accordance with all standard requirements.

How to prepare a report at school (sample). Design rules school reports any classes updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru


The form of the report itself implies public speaking in front of a specific audience. Therefore, while working on a topic, take notes only on material that reflects the very essence of the problem. Don't overload the text small details and cumbersome examples. Your task is to clearly and concisely voice the main points and draw a conclusion. The optimal length of the report is 5-7 pages of printed text. Try not to go beyond it.

The structure of the report includes an introduction, main and final parts. Each element internal structure complete the work starting from clean slate and the corresponding title. If necessary, the main part of the report is divided into subheadings or paragraphs (for example, separating the theoretical and practical aspects of the study). Place such subheadings one after another without transferring them to new page.

Type the text of the report in 12 or 14 point, Times New Roman font with one and a half line spacing. The headings and paragraphs of the structural components of the report are highlighted in bold. Number the work sheets at the bottom of the page. The page number icon is not placed on the title page, but it is included in the total number of sheets of the document.

The title page of the report must contain the following information: full name educational institution, in which the report is made, information about the research topic, information about the author or authors and the teacher who will check the work. Place the name of the school at the top of the sheet, in the center - the title of the report without quotes or abbreviations, in the lower right corner the name and surname of the speaker where he is studying. Under the information about the author, place information about the teacher in whose subject the work is being done. At the bottom of the sheet, indicate the location and year the work was created. Type the main text on the title page in 14 font, the title of the report in 16 font (you can highlight the topic in bold).

At the end of the work there is a list of literature used in preparing the report. If your study contains appendices, place them after the references. Each application is indicated in the upper right corner of the sheet by text with a number (for example, Annex 1).


  • How to write a report

Not all people on earth are excellent speakers. If well prepared report, this will compensate for the lack of oratory skills. And don’t doubt, everyone can do it report so as to interest the listeners.


The report consists of two parts - text and. The first thing you need to pay attention to is to decide on the purpose of your speech, what exactly you want to convey to your audience. The goal is determined by the name of your a. It must consist of one. This is where the topic and purpose of your speech lies. You must remember that your report must include what is stated in the title. Avoid uninteresting facts. Each slide must have its own title. Don't call your slides interrogative sentences.


Excessive initiative in decorating the report may not please your manager. Adhere to generally accepted norms and rules for the design of such work.


  • report framework

Bench report, unlike the usual one, as a rule, serves as an informative occasion for communicating directly with the audience. The significance of this report but depends on how carefully its preparation was carried out.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - Personal Computer;
  • - vector graphics editors or presentation editors.


At the stage of collecting information for a, try not to “drown in the material.” Pick no more than three points that you think might be most important and focus on them. If you can clearly state everything point by point, then your report will be successful. Remember that you will be able to provide all other information to the audience during its discussion and answering questions.

Make a rough mock-up of the poster report and by drawing an approximate one on a sheet or using Adobe InDesign or similar programs. This will help you understand the text and how many drawings you will need to include in it, and what their approximate sizes will be, and how best to arrange them on the stand. Try a few before you make your final decision. possible options. At the same time, you should not reduce or increase the size of the drawings or the volume of text, so as not to occupy the entire space of the stand: it should be as clear as possible, that is, well perceived visually.

At the top of the bench report but place its title, which should be easy to read from afar (the height of the letters is at least 3 cm), and be short, informative, interesting and even, perhaps, intriguing. The names of the authors can be located directly below the title report and or in its text.

Not that the most important information should be located at eye level, and text placed on the right is much easier to perceive. Key points should be placed at the beginning of sentences so that when quickly scanning the text you can immediately pay attention to important information.

Break up the text report and into subsections: introduction, methods, results and conclusions to make it easier for readers to navigate the information. The section title should be bold, and for the text you should choose a font that does not have thin lines (Arial, Helvetica), with a size of at least 24 point.

You can also create a color base for the text. The informative part is best displayed on a substrate of cold tones - gray, blue, and key points- on orange or red. But don’t overuse color when decorating. report A.


  • Poster presentation

At congresses scientific conferences, congresses and symposiums, the use of posters has become widespread reports, which make it possible to cover a specific topic as fully as possible within a strictly limited time frame.

You will need

  • - stand for whatman paper;
  • - sheets of whatman paper in A2 or A1 format;
  • - a set of markers;
  • - mounting magnets or buttons;
  • - pointer;
  • - a set of flyers (brochures) with summary your work.


You can prepare a poster presentation using the following structure: - the idea of ​​the report; - studying the instructions and recommendations of the organizers; - precise planning of the content of the report: texts, graphics, color schemes; - searching and correcting errors; - the production process and final design.

Next is the title, in which you must indicate the topic and title of the report. Under the title, indicate in large: - your last name, first name and patronymic, without initials, so that people who have questions know how to contact you; - the organization you represent (try to avoid abbreviations, since for foreign listeners this will be complete abracadabra); - the place where your organization is located (village, city); - at international conferences, do not forget to indicate the country.

Design and content of the report. Make the content of your stand clear and concise, without cumbersome introductions, just to the point. Show the report diagrammatically. Design it in such a way that it reveals the essence of the work done to the conference participants in the most accessible and convenient form. All photographs, graphs, charts, tables and figures used must be clear and not duplicate each other.

In addition, make several pockets at the base of the stand: - one for flyers with your program and detailed accompanying text; - the second for adhesive stickers with a pen; - for visitor business cards and questions.

It is also useful to prepare for the report Additional materials, which the visitor can take with him: - business cards; - booklets.

The title page is the first page, that is, its title, which says a lot about you and your work. It must be written according to standard rules and requirements and look professional.

Therefore, even since school days Children are recommended to gradually master the rules for designing the “cover” of their reports and messages. And if writing standards educational works have not changed over the years, the way they are written is the opposite. Until recently, registration was done manually, but today you can download various templates from the Internet, fill them out correctly and print them.

How to design a report title page

A report, work or message is, first of all, a document that must be written and executed in accordance with existing rules. There are four main types of information that must appear on the title page in a specific order:

  • Title of the report - topic

  • The name of the person, company or organization for whom the report was prepared. For example - full name educational institution

  • Name of the author who wrote the work - surname and initials, group or class number, course

  • Name and position of the assessing teacher

  • Date and place (city) where the educational institution or organization for which the report was prepared is located

The title page may also contain Additional information– contact information of the author, classification of secrecy or number of copies. In some cases, it is possible to write a title card using a special template. Therefore, you should always coordinate the design of the work with your supervisor.

But the photo shows examples of the design of title pages:

Title page design standards

When designing a title page, in addition to the information that speaks about the work, you must adhere to certain writing standards - font, text layout, indents, margins. We present to your attention the standard design rules:

  1. The title page of a report or message is the first sheet of work, and it is not numbered, but is taken into account when calculating the total number of sheets in the document

  2. The margins must have the following parameters: left margin - 3 cm, right margin - 1.5 cm, top and bottom margins - 2 cm

  3. Alignment should be centered. Only those lines that contain information about who “Completed” and “Checked” the work can be aligned to the right

  4. Filling font standard - size 12 – 14 “Times New Roman”

  5. The topic of the work should always be highlighted either in bold or in all capital letters

Designing a template title page for a report

Today there are many electronic instruments for page layout. Microsoft offers users a range of free templates to quickly create standard sheets in the "Resources" section. You can download these templates by clicking on the "File" tab and selecting the "New" submenu. Here you can browse the templates and select a specific style in the search field.

In general, a report is not difficult to write and format; it is more difficult to give a good report in front of a class or audience.

Upon registration title page school report should be followed strict style. It is preferable to use classic colors: black font on a white background.

If the printed pages of the report will be stapled on the left side, then when preparing the title page it is necessary to leave a space intended for a binder - a margin of 3.5 cm.

The preferred line spacing is 1.5, font is Times New Roman.

Title hat

At the very top of the first page the name of the parent should be written educational organization. The next line is the name of the school of the student performing the report.

Type and topic of work

In the middle of the title page is the name of the type of scientific work being performed - in in this case this is a report. The topic of the report is written below.

The topic must be correctly formulated. If possible, it should define the specific boundaries of a given topic and its clarification. It is advisable to avoid such formulations as: “Creativity of A.P. Chekhov", "Fauna and Plants of Eurasia", "Water World". It is impossible to cover such topics in one report, so it is worth specifying them: consider some of the works of A.P. Chekhov, certain groups of animals or plants of Eurasia, the largest seas in the world or Interesting Facts about aquatic animals.

The font in which the word “Report” is written on the title page may be larger than the font of the rest of the text. When writing a topic, it is common to use a smaller font.

Specify the type of work “Report” and write the topic

Regalia of student and teacher

Below is the title of the topic with right side the sheet is written full name. student and his class. The next line is your full name. teacher who will check the report.

City and year of writing

At the bottom of the title page is the name of the place ( settlement) student and the year in which the report was prepared.

Let's sum it up

Competent design of any scientific work, including a report, allows you to strengthen the overall positive impression of the work and increase your grade. In the article, we examined in detail each element of the title page of the report. To avoid having to re-enter all the fields, download the ready-made sample:

How to design a title page for a report at school if you don’t know how to do it updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Abstract is summary information in writing. The material for it is collected from several sources. In this form, you can briefly summarize the essence of scientific work. After completing the essay, the student can show the level of his knowledge in this issue and propose your own ways to solve the problems.

There are two types:

  • Productive. Relevant sources are selected, interpreted and presented in abstract form. Criticism and a creative approach to writing are allowed. Such abstracts include: a review, which involves collecting information from several sources (may include several points of view); a report containing an assessment of the problem of the primary source includes a broad analysis of it.
  • Reproductive. It reflects the information contained in the original source. It can be in the form of a summary that contains generalized information about the object being presented; only facts, illustrations, and research results are used here.

Stylistics and design

All analyzed information is presented in standard language using cliched speech patterns, for example: “is important”, “problem under study”, etc. The abstract is characterized by generalizing words, specialized terms and phrases that correspond to the topic of the primary source. An abstract is a kind of scientific work, and it requires a strictly defined sequence and design.

Title page structure

The first thing people pay attention to when checking a work is the design of the title page. It must, firstly, be clean and tidy, and secondly, you must remember that the design structure has official requirements. But despite this, the educational institution may also have its own requirements for the title page of the essay.

If you pay attention to the standard requirements, you can distinguish 4 design blocks:

  1. Upper. Includes the name of the educational institution.
  2. Central. Type of work: abstract, report, etc. The topic of the work should also be covered here.
  3. Right. Contains information about the author and the reviewer; signatures, ratings and notes on the work are placed in this place.
  4. Lower. Includes the name of the city and the year the work was performed.

The Ministry of Education regulates certain requirements for indentation and even for fonts and their sizes. But some educational institutions may have their own requirements. To avoid any misunderstandings later when submitting your work, you must ask your teacher in advance about how to format your essay.

Using this video as an example, you will learn how to design a title page in Worde.

State standards

The title page of an essay for a school is practically no different in design from abstracts of other educational institutions.

Upper block includes the name of the educational institution. You cannot write abbreviations here, only the full name. All letters must be capitalized. The text should be bold and centered. Line spacing is 1, font size is 14 point. The top block should deviate from the edge by 2 cm, on the left by 3 cm, on the right by 1.5 cm.

Central block. From upper block, it should be separated by 2 lines. It consists of several lines that display basic information about the operation:

  1. The type of work is written. Abstract, report, etc. The word is written in capital letters, font size 16 point.
  2. Indenting one line, write the name of the discipline. The first letters here must be capitalized. Font size - 14 point.
  3. The next line displays the topic of the work, the title should begin with a capital letter. Example: “On the topic: Types of scientific work.”

The alignment should be centered.

Right block. Information about the student who completed the work and who checked it is displayed here. There will also be notes from the teacher about the work, evaluation, and signatures. The font size should be 14 point, aligned to the right, 1.5 cm from it.

Bottom block. It should be done at the very bottom of the page on the last line, alignment - in the center, font size - 14 point. The distance from the bottom edge is 2 cm.

Thus, a sample title page design school essay looks like that.

It is important to respect the margin sizes when writing a paper. On the left side - 35 mm, on the right - 10 mm, on the top and bottom - 20 mm. The text should be formatted in Times New Roman font, size 14, line spacing - one and a half, alignment - width. It is necessary to create a table of contents that reflects the main subtopics of the analyzed information, with page numbers indicated next to it.

In the introduction, you need to justify the topic that the student wants to cover in your work, and the goals and objectives of the work should also be highlighted. It is necessary to explain the significance of the chosen topic in modern world and why the author touched on it specifically. Volume - 1-2 pages.

The main part is written in accordance with the outline of the essay and should fully cover the topic of the work, while each paragraph must begin on a separate page. In the title of paragraphs, only the first letter should be capitalized; a period should not be placed after it. You can highlight the main points and definitions in the abstract in bold in the text. The volume of this part is 12-15 pages.

In conclusion, the results of the work done are summed up and certain conclusions are drawn. You can also consecrate solutions to the problems and tasks posed. The volume of this part is 1-2 pages.

The list of references is formed last: from what sources the material was taken. Requirements for the list of sources are also covered by the regulations of the Ministry of Education.

It is worth noting that these requirements are general and may vary depending on the educational institution.


From this video you will learn how to design a title page correctly and according to standards.

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