The one who hurts wise quotes. Aphorisms about mental pain, quotes pain in the soul

  • I believe that the ideal doctor is a person with a deep knowledge of life and the human soul, who intuitively recognizes any suffering and pain of any kind and restores peace by his mere presence. Henri - Frederic
  • I’m not a poet and not a prose writer I’m just a fan of pyramids. They tell me WHERE IS THE MONEY ?! And my soul hurts Because there’s no money, probably or it’s yours forever, Sergei Mavrodi ...
  • Another's pain is not the same as the pain of one's own soul. Pierre Corneille
  • Russia! The breadth and depth are irresistible. I'm alive with you, but I'm drowning in you. Nobody in the country of inexplicable people Can't explain their country. Where hopelessness tears hearts to pieces, But it is sweet to breathe this bitterness ... Or maybe in Russian it is happiness, When the soul hurts and toils. Nikolay Kolychev
  • The soul does not hurt in the mentally ill, it hurts in the healthy. Vladimir Goloborodko
  • A person cannot move forward if his soul is corroded by the pain of memories. Margaret Mitchell.
  • It is useless to turn to God because you are disappointed in earthly life, and pain has separated you from the world. Souls attached to the world are pleasing to God. He likes your joy. Albert Camus
  • The pain of the soul is sometimes sweet when you eat it with ice cream. Andy
  • Epicurus considers mental pain to be the worst, because the body is tormented only by the storms of the present, and the soul - of the past, the present, and the future. In the same way, spiritual pleasures are greater than bodily ones.
  • In weak souls, the possibility of inflicting pain leads to the more severe an outbreak of anger, the more painful the consciousness of one's own weakness. Therefore, women are more angry than men, the sick are healthy, the old are young, the poor are more prosperous.
  • The soul hurts, but the heart is crying ... And the disabled person sings and jumps. Igor Karpov
  • Love penetrates the soul, makes it strong, kind, responsive, and fear, pain and shame only disfigure it. F.E. Dzerzhinsky
  • Do you want to learn the greatest gift? - take pain, longing, sadness, fear, torment into your soul. Now turn them into strength, into a smile, happiness, confidence, peace. You can do it, because that is your torment, your fear, your sadness, longing and pain. ...
  • It's so sad when you realize that you no longer love a person, but you don’t want to leave him because he is dear to you and you don’t want to hurt him ... and thereby you burn your heart and soul.
  • From a long laugh - the stomach hurts, from prolonged anger - it reduces the cheekbones, from excessive indifference - the soul grows stiff. Yuri Tatarkin
  • The death of a noble one makes us weep over literary fiction, and the pain of the responding soul transfers the text from writing to art. Elena Ermolova
  • Not everyone with a soul ache is mentally ill. Valentin Domil
  • The furious debaters about the same soul aches. Either clash again, or hug and cry? Elena Ermolova
  • If your soul never hurts, then it does not need a doctor, it needs a pathologist.
  • In youth, happiness is when the soul does not hurt; in maturity - when the body does not hurt; in old age - when it does not hurt. Yana Dzhangirova
The collection includes quotes about pain and suffering:
  • I understood why people laugh. They laugh because they are in pain, and laughter is the only thing that can drown out this pain.
  • Pain is an illusion of feelings, despair is an illusion of reason.
  • Someone else's head does not hurt. Miguel de Cervantes
  • Pain has no boundaries. - Emile Michel Cioran.
  • Man is the only animal that hurts others with no other purpose. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • It hurts not only from pain. Zemfira Ramazanova
  • It would not be scary to hurt your hand, even several times, if the pain came after a long time. - Nicholas Gomez Davila.
  • The soul is the biggest mystery. People do not understand where she is, but they feel how much pain she causes.
  • Pain has its causes, pleasure is completely indifferent. Francis Picabia
  • If pain did not follow pleasure, who would tolerate it? Samuel Johnson
  • Only a sick soul can be attracted to the impossible and be deaf to someone else's misfortune.
  • If you cannot be happy, be pain. Sergey Lukyanenko
  • Suffering and pain are always obligatory for a wide consciousness and a deep heart. Fedor Dostoevsky
  • Recordings of pain in one space of memory cannot be erased by recordings of happiness in others.
  • The words "I love you" in one oriental language literally sound: "Give me your pain."
  • Because of the pain, we make the wrong decisions. Fear of pain is probably the strongest motivator.
  • The most severe torment and cruel torture for a person is his loneliness.

  • No matter how painful it may be, you should always step as if you were walking barefoot on silk.
  • It's just one ... It's just easier that way ... It's just that the heart beats smoother ..
  • When you love someone, then with your skin you feel his pain and misfortune, much stronger than he himself. Any pain is doubled.
  • Let's take pain for the truth, we will question everything else. John Maxwell Coetzee
  • Whoever loves to hurt another does not know how much satisfaction a person's feeling of spiritual warmth experienced at the moment when he gives people sincere joy. Ali Absheroni
  • The pain stings sharper when it is inflicted by someone close.
  • The leaves turn yellow, fall off, then new ones grow. However, do we know - perhaps when the leaf turns yellow and falls, the tree also suffers. Or when a caterpillar eats a leaf. Why are we so sure the tree doesn't hurt? - Anatoly Efros, "Profession: director"

  • One pain always diminishes the other.
  • People would be much more likely to hit the finger with a hammer if the pain was felt only a year later.
  • Night. I sit and smoke and stare out the window. It's sad, there is no one to talk to, no one is waiting for my call. I look at the stars and think: "How many of us are so lonely in the world?"
  • You can hit the wall as much as you like, but the pain will not be felt by her, but by you.
  • Not to love anyone is the greatest gift that makes you invincible, because not loving anyone, you are deprived of the most terrible pain. Adolf Gitler
  • Don't complain about pain - this is the best medicine. Omar Khayyam
  • There is no greater pleasure in the world than to feel that the pain has receded.
  • There is no pain worse than that which lovers inflict on each other. Cyril Conolly
  • There is no such pain, no such suffering, bodily or mental, which would not be weakened by time and not healed by death.
  • Real sadness when there is no one to share the sadness with ...
  • No one can escape pain. Yes ... you can't argue, quotes about pain from Julianne Moore
  • I was in so much pain that I started sticking needles under my nails to numb the pain in my heart.
  • Loneliness absorbs the soul when the dearest and closest person leaves us. Then we become like beasts in a cage. We start throwing ourselves against the walls and howling at the moon
  • People are the only living creature capable of inflicting pain on others just like that, aimlessly. - Arthur Schopenhauer.
  • One pain always diminishes the other. Step on the tail of a cat with a toothache and it will feel better. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • It is easier to find people who voluntarily go to death than those who patiently endure pain.
  • Remembering the pain that you have been caused and not feeling anything at the same time is scary. More scary than experiencing everything over and over again.
  • When we say that we are afraid of death, we think first of all about pain, its usual predecessor. Michel de Montaigne
  • To hurt someone we love is sheer devilry. In relation to ourselves, this is the state of heroic people: ultimate violence. The desire to go to the opposite extreme applies here too.

Do you know when we finally lose people dear to us? When we no longer feel the pain of losing them.

Lauren Oliver

When driving a nail into a person's soul, remember that even when you pull it out with your apologies, you still leave a hole there.

A mental wound, like a physical wound, heals only from within by the bulging force of life.

"Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy"

I hate love ... You delete his number from the phone book, but you remember it by heart, you want to forget these damned numbers, and knocks in your temples ... Tears ... Pain ... Morning and again, all from the beginning ...

Something hurts: not a tooth, not a head, not a stomach, not- not- not- ... but it hurts. This is the soul.

"Marina Tsvetaeva"

Sometimes good memories are more painful than bad ones.

“D. Depp "

Know how to keep all the pain inside, people do not care about your feelings.

When I feel bad, I start to be silent. It's easier for me to lock the pain in myself. Without harming another. I don't care that she is slowly eating me from the inside.

It hurt too much the last time to risk it again.

Pain is the reason why we feel human.

It's amazing how quickly you shut yourself off from the past when you have something to do with your hands and head. You can survive everything, even the most terrible pain. Only you need something to distract you.

"Chuck Palahniuk"

There will always be people who will hurt you. You need to continue to trust people, just be a little more careful.

"Gabriel García Márquez"

Never hurt a person when that person is ready to do anything for you.

F. M. Dostoevsky "

I don't understand why this is called a broken heart. It feels like all the bones are broken too.

No one will ever experience someone else's pain, everyone is destined to have their own.

Colin McCullough

There is no more pain than pain in a heart, a broken heart.

The calmer a person is outside, the more pain he has inside.

Let them tell me anything to hurt me. They know me too little to know what really hurts me.

"Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche"

Any change comes with pain. If you don't feel pain, then nothing has changed.

Mel Gibson

I didn't want you to be hurt. You yourself wanted me to tame you.

Unbuttoned shower, come in, take, steal - I'm not afraid to dine. There is too much war behind me ... Draw me the sky, and draw the sun for me in it, And become a little in love with me ...

When it hurts, don't show it, because when they finish it, it hurts even more.

Whoever said that time heals all wounds was lying. Time only helps to learn how to endure the blow, and then live with these wounds.

There are moments in life when tears cloud the eyes, but it is a thousand times harder when the soul cries, but dry eyes.

And sometimes it is so sad. And sometimes it's so fun and no one will guess what a pain in the heart.

Restraining yourself when it hurts, and not making scenes when it hurts - that's what an ideal woman is.

Time teaches us to adapt to mental pain ...

The pain of the soul is the salt of uncried tears ...

Many experience pain, lies, betrayal and can endure, but only a few can forgive! After all, not everyone understands the heartache ...

After all, the soul is not an organ! But how much you feel when it hurts, you also feel an incredible surge of strength and energy when the SOUL is healthy ...

Trying to forget you, I captured the sweetness of the minutes spent with you ... Captured the taste of your kiss, your lips ... Captured every moment of love and suffering ...

It hurts me from a needle in my heart that kills me slowly ... no one understands me, and even you, my soul ...

They don't argue with the shadow to whom it hurts. Pain, both physical and mental, deprives a person of the opportunity to think soberly!

And the pain in my soul, meanwhile, has become familiar and familiar ...

Do not cry when your soul is hurt and your heart hurts! let no one see that you miss him! Don't cry, because tears are comforting! They won't touch anyone! Everyone has their own sorrows, and everyone is given their own !!!

You quarrel with me, not knowing that you are striking on your own, and you are fragile in me!

And my soul is still aching and aching ...

As history shows, time is an excellent healer. Tell me, is there any pill for a not long coma ... well, to "lie down" this is the time, otherwise you can't wait so long ... (((

The pain in the soul, born of melancholy, is less unbearable than the melancholy itself ...

There are so many drugs in the world, and they have not yet invented anything that removes this terrible pain in the soul ...

It happens so badly that the heart resembles a patient cut with a scalpel, and the soul is a cemetery, where the most beautiful, but such painful memories are buried.

My heart breaks ... my soul is aching ... and a flood comes from my eyes ...

I can not be without you...
The heart is crying, and the soul is groaning ... I, too, my dear, "GONE" from life.

You go into the apartment ... it's smoky there. Look into the soul ... it doesn't give a damn.

For those around me I create the look of triumphant, but in the depths of my soul I “sing”.

We will not take a penny to heaven, why should we sell ourselves like that? I am not a saint, but my soul is burning under a starry flame. She is stuffy. The last lit candle, and who lied that time heals and I see, barely closing my eyes, as you are already kissing someone's shoulders.

Another sleepless night with a cry from the heart in uncensored vocabulary - full of hatred, pain and despair ...

"Someone may, without asking your permission, inflict a superficial wound on you, but he will never be able to invade your consciousness without your permission."

When you close your eyes, you do not stop feeling pain, you only slow down its manifestation ...

Deep wounds do not heal quickly, and scars remain on sensitive skin forever. An analogy with the human soul!

The pain of the soul is not a wound ...

A Blizzard comes to my house in the evenings. She will hide so that no one can see her, and ... cries, cries. Cries so much - like a child ...

Howl is the groan of a soul broken by loneliness.

A man can hurt a woman by force, but a woman with her beauty is capable of inflicting an equally painful wound on him.

When your body hurts, see if everything is okay with your soul.

Leave me alone, okay? And don't come. I have so much pain inside because of you.

Physical pain for a man is a maximum of 5 minutes, ... but mental pain is the minimum of his whole life.

From mental pain, from bodily pain, from thoughts that inspire pain. No better remedy has yet been invented than ingested alcohol.

It hurts so much to listen to this silence. You just keep quiet, and I'm waiting for something ...

Sometimes it seems to me that my soul is crippled, blood is flowing from it, but there are no donors.

What happened to me is not a disease. Rather, trauma. As you know, the bone breaks more easily at the site of the previous fracture. So, by coincidence, an old fracture of my soul cracked.

It happens in the soul ... you breathe, breathe, but for some reason there is not enough air ... without you.

White snow ... It covers the soul with a black veil, hiding what gave strength to live - faith, hope, love ...

A state of not standing, melancholy in the soul, fog outside the window, tears roll, emptiness, pain, a lump in the throat ... lack of love, understanding, loneliness - mental loneliness ...

Life is arranged in such a way that you are sure to be wounded in the heart, and the imprint of this may remain forever ...

The butterfly ... flies ... into the fire ... trying ... to extinguish it ... but it scorches its wings ... and the soul.

There is no grief worse than that in the eyes of a mother who buried her child ...

There is either darkness or light in your soul. You either live or you don't. The pain of another is your pain, or a trifle. You are a person in this life, or so ...

With my mouth I would have grabbed the flying soul ... Again I will break the cry with silence ...

The soul lets in a few, but many do what they want in it, they have room. There are two ways of healing - to let the crowd in there, so that it becomes crowded, or to throw out the one who hurts ... Both are impossible ...

The past is sewn with scarlet threads, memories are my worst enemy, I break my present, the darkness of loneliness is suffocating again.

They say I have a beautiful smile. I will smile at everyone. Let it be better to look in the teeth than eyes.

You shouldn't want something that is not meant for you, it destroys the soul and drains the heart !!!

My soul is broken into fragments, and my heart beats to embody ...

My soul hurts with terrible force, no matter how much you tie it with ribbons: it gave me happiness on credit, and then took it away with interest.

How hard and sad it is for the soul, some kind of stone weighs on, the soul is torn to freedom, where it will be easy and calm, where only by catching my eye, they will understand how I ...

I won't fight for him anymore. I give IT to you. HIS heart is now in your hands - don't lose it, and don't break it ...

Killing love ... do not kill the object of your love ...

Half a life is a battle, half a life is pain, and only the joys of a moment, you cannot wash off the salt from spiritual wounds, but in these wounds there is healing.

It's terrible to wait for a person and not even know if he will appear in your life again or not.

In the damp dungeon of the soul, Tore the shackles of my love ... My heart screamed, bring it back, hurry !!! And the mind cried out, letting you go, LOVE !!!

Why is there no such pill that would heal mental wounds?

It is excruciatingly painful to realize that your best friend (at least you think so) behind your back is spitting into your soul ... not even into your soul, but into your very heart ...

Is it really necessary to move away from a person in order to realize what place he occupies in your life?

Everyone has his own "cemetery" in his heart, where he does not let anyone - there are only his fears, his pain, doubts and hopes.

But don't you dare touch my soul!

Who needs tear-stained eyes now? Crumpled soul? A fake smile? A broken heart? Nobody will undertake to fix it ...

Why are you crying? - Hit ... - What? - Heart ... - How's that? - Suddenly, but very painful ...

It hurts to realize that you were looking for a person, but he has been gone for several years ... Friends do not accumulate resentment in your soul, on your loved ones and relatives, because life is an instant, and God forbid, but it may turn out that there is no one to make peace ...

Without you, I live on the threshold of hell. I am poisoned by you.

It's funny how everyone wants to be friends after they've pulled their whole souls inside out.

Do not meddle in my soul! Well, if you are already climbing, then at least wipe your feet ...

Do not take love away from me, I am disgusting to myself without it !!!

Many men are not worthy to hear yours ... Sorry ...

I close the door to my life, with a howl of my soul - spring cleaning. There is no more entrance.

Forgot? … I am pleased! ... Another? ... Be happy! ... Sorry ... but I have to go ... well, you know the business ... What? ... YOU WANTED TO TELL ME THAT IN THIS WORLD I AM ONE !!! ONE SUCH !!! ... thank you ... sorry ... I know that ... kiss and bye ...

Aphorisms about mental pain, quotes pain in the soul

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