The Cherry Orchard. Tickets for the play The Cherry Orchard How long does the play The Cherry Orchard last?

Play " The Cherry Orchard"Igor Ilyinsky became the first production in the history of the Maly Theater play of the same name Anton Chekhov. Previously, the works of the great playwright were not of interest to this theater. Igor Ilyinsky tried to get as close as possible to the author’s reading of the play as a comedy (comedy of life), where the decision was made through absurd and, at first glance, meaningless conversations. human destiny. The heroes were having fun, pretending not to notice how their lives were falling apart, how their past was being erased into dust. The image of the cherry orchard came to the fore in the performance as a symbol of dreams and dreams, something unattainably beautiful, without which life is impossible and meaningless. human life. The garden literally filled the stage space, its snow-white branches visible through the wide-open windows.

Landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya (Tatyana Eremeeva) returns from Paris to her family estate, which is on the verge of ruin. Main value This estate has a luxurious cherry orchard as a memory of family, childhood and home. Ranevskaya had not been to her homeland for more than five years, trying to get rid of the melancholy for her son who died early, drowned in a pond not far from the estate. And therefore, for her, coming home is both joyful and alarming. Everything reminds of the tragic event and foreshadows a sad end. But it is here that Ranevskaya feels warmth and comfort, the joy of meeting with loved ones and her native garden. “I love my Motherland, I love it dearly,” she says. But the estate, along with the garden, goes under the hammer to a wealthy merchant Lopakhin (Viktor Korshunov), secretly in love with Ranevskaya, who once saved him, still a boy, from his father’s beatings.

The garden was sold to Lopakhin, a man of progressive views, a businessman and master of the new era. He plans to cut down the cherry orchard and build dachas in its place. This means that Ranevskaya, her brother Gaev (Nikolai Annenkov), two daughters - Anya (Elena Tsyplakova) and Varya (Lyudmila Pirogova) - say goodbye to the past forever. What awaits them in the future is unknown. The guests are having fun in the estate to the music, congratulating the new owner, and the previous owners froze in tense anticipation. Lopakhin, regular guest Epikhodov (Vladimir Dubrovsky) and the maid Dunyasha (Olga Titaeva) await Ranevskaya in the same anxious tension at the beginning of the first act.

In the performance of the Maly Theater central figure was becoming episodic hero- an old and decrepit servant Firs, played by Igor Ilyinsky himself. He's like chief custodian home - he took care of the estate like a businessman. There is no servility or servility in him, he is full of self-esteem, calmness and confidence. And he is the only one, like the captain of a sinking ship, who does not leave native home when they board up the windows and put a lock on the door. One of the critics called Firs, performed by Ilyinsky, “King Lear of the Russian estate.” An era passes with him.

In Ilyinsky’s play, the conflict was not reduced to a clash between people of the old and new generations, but consisted of the presence or absence of a desire for something higher than everyday reality. After all, Ranevskaya-Eremeeva’s thoughts were all this time far from worries about the estate. She thinks about the lover she left in Paris. This humiliating and bitter love torments her, but she does not have the strength to cope with it. In a dispute with Petya Trofimov, Anya’s fiancé, she defends her rights as a loving and suffering woman. But the sale of the estate frees Ranevskaya from worries, no matter how sublime the memories may be. Likewise, Gaev-Annenkov, a lazy man and a talker, divorced from reality, internally feels relief from the sale of the estate, which was too much of a burden for him. He protects the estate from Lopakhin, primarily guided by aesthetic considerations: the cherry orchard is more attractive than the dachas. However, he easily comes to terms with his fate. Unlike Ranevskaya and Gaev, Lopakhin is a man of action. But he, too, is drawn to beauty, to the beautiful, the embodiment of which for him was Ranevskaya. The sisters also look at the sale of the estate differently: Varya is afraid of the impending instability, Anya is full of hope and faith in a new life.

“If there is a theater that we must save and preserve from the past at all costs, it is, of course, Art Theater", - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. And so we go to the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky, “Doroninsky”, the very best, founded by Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. I’ll say right away that I want to see the entire repertoire in this theater! But getting to the Moscow Art Theater for the first time to see Chekhov, the theater’s program performance and my favorite “The Cherry Orchard” is some kind of special magic for me. I don't know what to correctly call what's happening on stage. For me, this is a classic, a classic that you don’t see everywhere in the theater these days. In some places it was replaced by talented modernity, and in others by gray mediocrity. But Chekhov’s pure and bright syllable is best heard this way, slowly, measuredly, sonorously and evenly - every word falls into the soul, each from the distant past pierces modern us like an arrow, aches the heart with sadness, and at the same time for me there is no such Chekhovian hopelessness. You can write and talk a lot about this performance, but is it really possible to express in words what you need, you simply need to see? I advise everyone, I strongly recommend, I implore you - watch the classics in the most classic of theaters! And I want to end with the words of TV Doronina, artistic director theater, “The traditions of Russian theater are realism, truth and words for the glory of man. Spiritual improvement, the desire to restore what is called “conscience,” for it is conscience that is the measure of human decency, kindness and selflessness.” This is the main thing for which I come to the theater, and I am happy when I find and respond with all my heart, with all my soul to the actors’ performance, and become at least a little better!..

Olga Bragina, January 21, 2019

The play “The Cherry Orchard” at the Moscow Art Theater. It is quite difficult to call M. Gorky a comedy, because... it reveals the entire tragedy of the process of death and degeneration of the Russian nobility. And this topic is very close to Chekhov, because we all know that he experienced very similar feelings to Ranevskaya, when the writer’s father was forced to sell the family nest for debts. In this production, the “puzzle of images and actions” completely came together for me - perfect selection played a big role in this cast. The director (S.V. Danchenko) managed to create a subtly touching, sometimes sad, sometimes cheerful atmosphere, and thanks to the magnificent acting ensemble, the unique Chekhovian intonation was preserved! Everyone is waiting for the arrival of the owner of the estate, Ranevskaya (L.L. Matasova), from Paris. Lyubov Andreeva and her daughter enter, and gradually everyone learns that they are facing ruin. Neither her brother Gaev (A.I. Titorenko) nor Ranevskaya are able to prevent it. And what can they do? Just waste money and think, not wanting to change anything in your life! Ranevskaya herself experienced many troubles in this garden, but she is happy to return here again and fills the house with her warmth, remembers her native land, and is nostalgic. She doesn’t care at all about debts, the sale of her estate and her daughter’s inheritance. She is happy with forgotten and relived impressions. The former serf, and currently the merchant Lopakhin (V.V. Klementyev), proposes a rescue plan: cut down the cherries and build dachas, but the proud owners do not agree with him. Ranevskaya arrogantly rejects help and continues to remain inactive in the bliss of her own memories. Gaev and Lopakhin constantly quarrel. While the old owners of the garden are throwing a ball, as if nothing had happened, the auction is going on: the climax of the action comes - Lopakhin acquires the estate. Ranevskaya decides to return to Paris to squander the rest of her savings. After her departure, everyone goes their separate ways, and only the old servant Firs remains in the crowded house. Open final, a closed curtain and only a dull knock on wood...

Oksana Gromova, January 18, 2019

I have long wanted to visit the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky, and now, finally, I had such an opportunity. I watched “The Cherry Orchard”. I consciously chose a classic piece. Something in Lately I’m a little tired of modern experimental productions, which sometimes you don’t know how to understand. That’s why I enjoyed watching the classic “The Cherry Orchard.” From the first minutes we were immersed in the atmosphere of the ancient estate. The scenery is beyond praise. The interior of the rooms is masterfully conveyed in the spirit of that era. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail. I liked the acting. This is exactly how I imagined Ranevskaya. Lopakhin is quite the bookish Lopakhin... The scene with Firs, who was forgotten in the house, was very touching. And I really liked Firs himself. The theater hosts an exhibition of scenery sketches for performances folk artist RF V.G. Serebrovsky. Very interesting! In general, I liked the theater. I was there for a very long time, even as a child I went with a class to “ blue bird“and I don’t remember anything at all. Everything here is done on a grand scale. There is a lot of space, where to walk and what to admire. In addition to traditional photographs on the walls, you can also see the costumes of the actors of the play “The Inspector General”. I had a very good evening. I wish the same for all of you. If you want to watch the classics, then the Gorky Moscow Art Theater is exactly the theater where you need to watch these very classics.


Oh, how I love the theater. It's like you're rebooting - this great game actors, this atmosphere, these stories that they tell us from the stage, these feelings that you experience with the actors, give you the feeling of a fairy tale. I forget this everyday bustle; at the moment of watching, I don’t even have unnecessary thoughts. I hope that I will watch all the performances. It was as if I had read the work all over again, but at the time when we went through “The Cherry Orchard” at school, it was quite difficult to understand, then after reading it, as an adult, I realized that this is a classic that will live for centuries. And after watching the performance it will remain in my soul. And I’ll be happy to watch it a second time with my baby.


Today I’ve been like a Savraska all day, and in the evening I went to the play “The Cherry Orchard” at my favorite Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky. Famous story. Lots of "why" questions... and a lot of favorite actors on stage! I recommend everyone to watch it. Wonderful performance!

Nadezhda S.

Moscow Art Theater named after. M. Gorky. "The Cherry Orchard". Well, if we go, then go to the classics, we thought and went. Academic performance. We have become unaccustomed to the slow, measured flow of events. There was not enough drive, it seemed drawn out. But! You need to know what you're getting into and what to expect from the theater. Classic Chekhov. Classical production. Well done actors. Romance of scenery. The lights go out and you are transported to another era. You just need to slow down your rhythm a little and immerse yourself in the piece. Forget that you are always in a hurry somewhere. Enjoy the moment and don't be disappointed. But the main thoughts have not changed, have not lost their relevance. Although my reading of Chekhov and watching the play have different impressions. If after reading the thoughts were about a new world that could be built instead of the old one, which Anechka was interested in, then after the performance there was a residue that the cherry orchard was destroyed in the name of revenge on the past, for the oppressed ancestors. Two different emotions, two different ways to build the future. Chekhov Anton Pavlovich. Classic is timeless.

Lusine A.

Certainly one of best gifts for me it’s a performance that I’ve been wanting to see for a long time! We really liked the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky! We watched the famous “The Cherry Orchard” and both Stas and I were delighted with this performance!!! To all lovers of Russian classical literature I highly recommend it! The scenery, costumes, atmosphere, and most importantly the acting!

Good afternoon to all theater lovers

My next one theatrical review is dedicated to a performance that I have known for a long time and have seen with different compositions, recorded, using communications and directly in the theater.

"The Cherry Orchard" based on the play by A.P. Chekhov at the Lenkom Theater

Production by Mark Zakharov, director Igor Fokin. The performance has been running since 2009. It also exists in recording, so it is available for viewing not only by residents and guests of the capital.

First I watched it in recordings, then in the summer of 2015 in the theater, and now, in November 2017, with the help of the project [link] (and the site media-port,tv) and the film-theatrical version of the play, which is a live broadcast of the “live” performance from the theater, only unlike other broadcasts of this service, such a broadcast is carried out from several video cameras and there are close-ups, which means that the viewer can see everything and everyone perfectly and the quality increases significantly compared to the regular version.

Actors and roles

Alexandra Zakharova in the role Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya quite convincing, touching and femininely weak.

She has both despair and unextinguished female desires; she wants to love and be loved.

Alexandra Zakharova - Ranevskaya "The Cherry Orchard" Lenkom

Alexandra Zakharova Anton Shagin "The Cherry Orchard" Lenkom

Alexander Zbruev - Leonid Andreevich Gaev , brother of Ranevskaya.

Alexander Viktorovich also has certain theatrical cliches, but he is very charismatic and some performances (for example, “Marriage”) almost pull him off. And in “The Cherry Orchard” Zbruev plays well a man who speaks out of place and lives in the past (“I’m a man of the 80s”). However, he still tries to save the house and garden, although the methods he proposes further signal his separation from reality. Everyone loves him, as his niece says, but at the same time, even the younger generation of the family does not take him seriously.

Alexander Zbruev - Gaev "The Cherry Orchard" Lenkom

Anton Shagin - Ermolai Lopakhin

I really liked this young actor, he plays well, very emotionally.

Vladimir Yumatov - Firs

Two and a half years ago in the theater I saw Leonid Bronevoy in this role. But it was noticeable how weak he was and how difficult it was for him to play.
Now this role is played by the artist Vladimir Yumatov, familiar to many from the TV series. I had some doubts at the very beginning of the performance, because... Firs is 87 years old in his role, and Yumatov is only 66. Will he be able to show all the fragility and touching of this character, which carries many traditional and family values. But, fortunately, and this was my artistic discovery in this performance, Yumatov did a great job. Even paired with Zbruev (who is 13 years older than him) he doesn’t look young and I believed him. Although somehow they didn’t seem to age him on purpose. Even tears began to flow at the finale “we left, we forgot.”

The foreign governess’s “doll-like” appearance looks heavy and out of place; in the first scenes she is dressed very strangely and somehow fake. It is not clear why she is like this in a production that is almost classical in costumes and surroundings.
And there are some vulgar gestures that Lenkom makes, but the performance is not embellished.

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