In contact with. Forecasts for Sport. Fraud groups. Sport Bets, Power Bet, World Bets and other scammers Sports forecasts VK

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Are Sport Bets the best in betting?

The Sport Bets group says that they are the best in the tennis betting industry, the only question that arises is whether this is true or false. If you take a quick look at the posts in the community, you may really get the impression that the privateer is constantly in the black, and the occasional negative bets do not play any role. However, if you read each message carefully, you will understand that you are dealing with an ordinary scammer.

The group leader constantly promises several positive bets in a row, sometimes even advises going all-in, which is strictly prohibited in betting. If you follow the group, you will see that most of the negative bets are removed, leaving only those that have passed. Thanks to such simple actions, a beginner may think that all bets are accepted and they can buy paid forecasts.

Reviews of sports predictions from Sport Bets also indicate deception on the part of the community organizer. The group has about 37 thousand subscribers, but there is no activity; moreover, all comments are closed. And this is the best privateer in the betting industry? Aren't you funny yourself? Where are the open statistics? Where are the normal and adequate thoughts about the upcoming matches, and not just “pointing a finger at the sky”?

Never buy forecasts from them!

Unfortunately, many fall for such scams, seeing how an unknown person allegedly brings a marathon from 1000 rubles to 1 million rubles in 1 month. Real reviews from people confirm that such forecasts for sports in contact only lead to the ruin of the game bank.

To make money on bets, you need to approach this issue seriously by contacting the professionals from Team Bet. This is a whole team of reliable privateers who will not drain your bank, but will gradually turn your account into a huge plus and help you get stable income from sports betting.

VKontakte privateers: the peculiarity of their work

It is impossible to say unequivocally that all forecasters are scammers and charlatans, but most of them are just such people. Judging by the numerous reviews about forecasts for sports in contact, we can conclude the following:

  • VKontakte privateers create fake pages and promote their own communities to attract a large number of gullible customers.
  • For the most part, these are not professional privateers at all, but ordinary swindlers who decided to get monetary benefits from naive clients.
  • Deception, betting on the greed of clients, fraud - everything that pseudo-privateers count on.

Some also offer information about allegedly fixed matches, which in itself is impossible. People believe them and pay their money for it, but in the end they end up blacklisted by the scammer and lose their money forever.

There are exceptions to the rules - the Tim Bet project. You can trust this resource because they provide high-quality forecasts and maintain transparent statistics. All this allows them to remain in first place among the best privateers on the RuNet, as evidenced by positive reviews from regular customers.

Should you trust Power Bet, World Bets and other groups?

Reviews of sports forecasts from Power Bet and other similar communities show that they should never be trusted for the following reasons:

  1. There is no evidence of high-quality predictions.
  2. There are no transparent statistics, and the statistics shown do not reflect the actual forecasts that were given to clients.
  3. Fraudsters place the main emphasis on the fact that the client is guaranteed to be able to make money on bets with them. At the same time, people’s reviews of sports forecasts from World Bets and other groups say completely the opposite; clients only lose money with such fake privateers, and do not earn money.
  4. Many bets that do not go through are removed from the group. After following the community for some time, you can draw the right conclusions about their activities. Never rush to buy forecasts from unknown individuals.
  5. How can you trust money to those you don’t know at all, even after reading negative reviews about them?
One of the correspondences with a pseudo-capper who loses all his clients’ money

Such fraudulent groups cannot be trusted, because they the main task– lure money from the client, then make 3-5 negative bets and finally lose game bank person.

Privateers from Team Bet work on a completely different principle, providing high-quality forecasts with high traffic, without any deception or fraud.

To avoid various types of scammers, study the information carefully and read reviews real people, write to clients who buy forecasts on that resource, talk by phone or Skype with the person you want to entrust your funds to. I assure you, if you ask to call or even meet, 99% of these “super-professionals” will simply refuse.
We, in turn, are always in touch and ready to answer questions about our services.

The main quality criterion is profit over the course.

The question often comes up: what coefficients do we work with? I understand that you want to bet so that you can become a millionaire with one bet, but let’s be honest - this cannot be called stability, this is already a kind of casino.

We operate according to a scheme that provides all our clients with income at a distance. People who have been working with us for a long time have stopped betting anywhere other than our resource for sports forecasts on VK, as they began to understand what it means to make money by betting, and not looking for a magic pill.

What are the coefficients for the work? Most often from 1.5 to 1.8. The point is not in high odds, but in profit over the long haul. We provide all our subscribers with several options for working with their own bank. After all, with the same statistics, you can get completely different incomes, depending on how you manage your balance.

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Top list of forecasters

There are too many privateer communities that offer VK sports forecasts, and confused, inexperienced bettors often don’t know:

  • which of them can be contacted and which should not be contacted;
  • which of them can be trusted and which cannot.

Anyone can create such a group. If necessary, there are even applications that increase the number of participants (to make everything seem serious and real), but this will not improve the quality of forecasting.

It is worth considering several of the most popular communities offering VK sports forecasts to understand whether they deserve the trust of betters.

For example, you can only find good things about Timbet experts on the Internet, since the guys have really established themselves as professional forecasters:

  • carry out labor-intensive work on compiling each of the announcements, taking into account all possible factors;
  • never let their customers down, always ready to meet;
  • We are pleased with the high trafficability of forecasts and the efficiency of work.

But not all forecasters from the top list in the search for “privateers” in this social network prove to be just as reliable, transparent and professional.

Of course, a small number of participants most likely indicates an amateur - it is better to immediately avoid such “experts”. Without serious experience, as well as the ability to process and analyze information, there is nothing to do in forecasting.

But also a large number of people in a community is not an indicator of its reliability.

Suleymanov: a well-known fraudster

For example, a VKontakte group offering sports forecasts from Adel Suleymanov is quite popular. More than thirty thousand participants. In addition, this privateer has an actively promoted Youtube channel and a separate website.

The VK community is called “Sports Forecasts,” and Adele calls her office “KATS,” which should stand for “private analytical center.”

The group is active: in addition to offering forecasts, Adele tries to post sports news, and also never tires of telling how “bad people” slandered him and are trying to “mix him with dirt” by calling him a fraudster. However, the administrator does not respond to the fact that the network is actively providing screenshots with proof that Suleymanov is making low-quality announcements and deceiving people. He considers any criticism a sign of envy of him and unfair competition.

In the community, as well as on its website, there is plenty beautiful pictures, designed to attract new clients, as well as scans of bookmaker’s receipts, supposedly proving the effectiveness of cooperation with this privateer. In fact, nothing new is involved here, since this is how all cappers work, including other schemers.

All videos posted on the YouTube channel are also present here.

Some of his VK sports forecasts turn out to be free - this is something like a way to attract new clients. But you shouldn't be too happy:

  • as a rule, these are events with a result that is already clear, that is, any amateur would have predicted them;
  • or these are announcements copied from the resource of some other privateer.

If the forecast does not come true, follow it carefully - rest assured, it will not be included in the statistics. That's why she looks so perfect.

There are more than enough complaints about Suleymanov’s low-quality forecasting. You don't even have to try hard to find them. It’s simply amazing how there are still people willing to trust this deceiver. However, the privateer is not going to improve the quality of forecasts: his way of earning money is completely different.

Another service that he actively promotes in contact along with sports forecasts is account promotion. Do you want to drain your entire bank in just a couple of days? Then this is definitely for you. Moreover, Adele immediately recommends that the bettor’s account should have at least 50 thousand rubles. The guy doesn't like to waste time on trifles. He promises to increase bankrolls, but so far only cases are known when he reduced them to almost zero.

It’s amazing how players trust such a dubious person with their login and password. personal account at a bookmaker's office.

And there's no point afterwards when everything cash will be lost, appeal to Suleymanov’s conscience - this concept is absolutely unfamiliar to him. Bettors who complain are ignored, and those who are too persistent are blocked. You can write on third-party forums. True, there is already enough there without your complaint negative reviews about this office.

Kappara: earnings from advertising

The well-known privateer Alexander Kappara also offers his sports forecasts on VK, but his community on this social network was created more to attract new people to his own site.

Don’t be fooled by the offer of free forecasting: this person makes money primarily from advertising and affiliate programs, and therefore the quality of announcements is completely unimportant for him. It is only necessary that, as much as possible more people visited the site and preferably registered there.

Among other things, there is every reason to assume that Kappara is collaborating with dishonest bookmakers, as a result of which he makes forecasts that are beneficial to them (receiving a certain percentage for this).

The VKontakte group cannot be called particularly popular - just over four thousand members. But, as already indicated, the privateer did not initially set the task of promoting it.

Despite Kappara’s assurances that a number of experienced forecasters are working on forecasting, the passability of his announcements leaves much to be desired. If you analyze them and scour the Internet, you will see that much is simply “copied”. The proposed analytics unpleasantly surprises with its primitiveness, and sometimes it is completely absent, as if the results are taken “out of thin air.”

Intelbet: another dubious privateer

It is completely unclear by what criteria the Intelbet privateer team calls itself the best VK group according to sports forecasts:

There are not so many participants in their community - about eight thousand (there is a separate group of forecasts for Kazakhstan, but there are even less than a thousand people there).

The quality of the forecasts is not at all encouraging. The administration assures that several privateers are working on forecasting at once - and each time they even name who exactly compiled the next announcement.

Links to forecasts lead to the Intelbet website. It’s interesting that sometimes these can be the opinions of experts who have nothing to do with this dubious company - coaches, sports journalists, commentators and athletes. However, the privateer manages to present it as if all these experts work for him and provided their exclusive opinions specifically for him.

To avoid such “misunderstandings”, just google another comment from a specialist and you will see that it was originally given to some sports publication, but was simply copied here.

When you have to deal with forecasting directly from this privateer himself, the quality of the analytics noticeably drops. Often everything is illogical and unclear; some announcements cause nothing but bewilderment among experienced bettors.

In general, the company described is trying to “blind its eyes”, presenting itself as such professionals in the world of sports, who have access to insiders and information that is closed to prying eyes. In fact, these are amateurs, whose sports forecasts we would not recommend trusting in contact.

Lev Danilenko: who is he?

In the past, the vk community of sports forecasts from Lev Danilenko was actively promoted: three years ago there were a large number of people there and there were mentions of him everywhere. But gradually bettors were faced with the following:

  • the predicted results did not coincide with the actual results at all;
  • all the privateer’s promises turned out to be “dummy.”

Complaints began against the forecaster, truthful reviews began to be written about him everywhere, and he was forced to close his group. Even on Twitter they unfollowed his account.

There is every suspicion that the office called “Lev Danilenko” has not gone away and continues to deceive gullible bettors, but under a different name. For example, if you go to one of the resources that talk about the merits of this privateer in the past, you will be redirected to the Betfaq page.

By the way, this company is gradually collecting a lot of unfriendly reviews about itself. And she has several groups in contact at once, the largest of which so far has a little more than four thousand participants.

Instead of checking all these scammers or looking for a privateer in the ranking of groups with sports forecasts that you can trust, you can safely turn to specialists from Tim bet for such services. And the point is not even that the community of this VK privateer is already quite large and continues to grow without any promotion (people themselves join there after learning about personal experience about the reliability and transparency of the forecaster).

Since I'm tired of answering private questions about the honesty of this or that VKontakte groups with the topic of sports betting/predictions , it was decided to write this review material, in which we will talk about why the social network “VKontakte” is a paradise for crooks of all stripes, regardless of the area of ​​application of their efforts.

WITH full responsibility for my words, I declare that

We'll leave 10% for separate groups enthusiastic people who just want to chat about betting create such communities privately, without the purpose of commercial promotion. There are also separate groups, and they fit into the designated 10%, which confirm their statistics on independent forecast verifiers, and VKontakte is used simply as a powerful advertising tool for the Russian-speaking audience. The remaining 90%, as mentioned above, are fraudulent to one degree or another.

VKontakte is an ideal place for sellers of match-fixing: general and specific reasons

Now let's talk about the general and private reasons due to which, with The social network “VKontakte” has become a paradise for “cappers”, “sellers of fixed matches”, “insiders”, various kinds of “investment funds” and other scammers. Moreover, in the paragraph above, it was not in vain that I specified “regardless of the area of ​​application of their efforts.” The fact is that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”... Probably, initially there was simply an idea to create a social network following the example of foreign Facebook. Then, seeing the growing scale and commercial potential of his brainchild, everything predictably slipped towards making money, regardless of the object of advertising and the goals pursued, morality, etc. After all, if you think about it, VKontakte is now, first of all, a huge base of potential clients for traders.

That's why the policy of the VKontakte administration and has obvious signs double standards , either directly or indirectly, a penny would drop for advertising. Formally, after all, the groups “erotica/porn”, “match-fixing”, “inciting national/racial/religious hatred”, “selling a variety of counterfeit products” and in many other areas should at least be closed, and according to the Law, their owners should be brought to the appropriate type of responsibility depending on the severity of the offense. But who needs this, for example, an enterprising “school student” who has some kind of IT skills and decides to “sell a fixed match”? So such groups multiply like mushrooms after the rain and no one cares about them, and the suckers are not translated.

Now about the private reasons that contribute to the emergence, existence and prosperity of such groups. I warn you right away that the list, of course, is not exhaustive, but even from the above list you will be able to grasp the direction of thought and become familiar, albeit with the most primitive, but characteristic aspects of the VKontakte social network, which allow the owners and administrators of groups to deceive people if necessary or just manipulate public opinion, regardless of the topic of the public.

That's all for now and think before looking for information about sports betting on social networks!))

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