Profitable business: how to open a marriage agency. Business plan for a marriage agency. How to open a marriage agency from scratch

  • Where to begin
  • Business Features
  • Basic expenses
  • Selecting a room
  • Search for colleagues
  • Equipment
  • How much can you earn
  • Attracting clients

Statistically, many people cannot long years find your love. Some of them start looking for a couple on dating sites or turn to marriage agencies. Nowadays, such sites are very popular, but they also have big disadvantages - scammers. The dating club is a proven and safe option. Moreover, in such a club you can find your love not only in Russia, but also abroad. If you are confident that you can help people and connect lonely hearts, this business is just for you. How to open Marriage Agency from scratch in 2019? In this article we will try to answer this question.

Where to begin

Before opening, you need to decide what kind of agency it will be. The first and easiest option is a domestic club. You work only with people who live in Russia. It is believed that such a business is not very profitable. The second option is foreign. You establish contacts with a foreign marriage agency and send them brides’ profiles. They, in turn, send profiles of grooms. The most popular option is mixed. You can introduce people both in Russia and abroad.

It will take you approximately 4-5 months to open an agency. Of these, business registration will take two months. During this time, you can find a suitable premises, purchase equipment, and make cosmetic repairs. It will take you about a month to find staff. The same amount is required to create a marriage agency website and for active advertising.

Business Features

In order to open a dating club and make money on it, you need to act step by step:

  1. Decide on the material and legal form of the activity. Register as individual entrepreneur is feasible and less expensive.
  2. If you decide to open a mixed marriage, you will need to establish connections with foreign marriage agencies.
  3. The third step when starting a business is to create a website. On it you will register clients, search for a suitable match for them and advertise your services.
  4. The fourth point is the creation of a database of potential brides and grooms. To do this, you need to fill out a form, write detailed information, attach passport details and photos.

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Basic expenses

Before opening a marriage agency, you need to clearly understand how much money it will require. To do this, we will consider in more detail what needs to be done to open a business.

Selecting a room

It is best to open a marriage agency in the city center. Of course, rent for premises will be higher than on the outskirts. But remember that you will be working with elite clients. They shouldn't have to feel inconvenienced to get to you. To start with, a room of 40-50 sq. you will have enough meters; it will consist of a reception area, an office for working with clients, a room for employees and a restroom. For rent you will pay from 20,000 rubles. In the future, you can expand the business and open a psychologist’s room, a photo studio, legal advice and courses for future brides and grooms.

It is better to make repairs in light colors. Bright walls can make you feel anxious. The interior should not be overloaded. You can post a couple of photos of happy and loving couples from a wedding photo shoot.

Search for colleagues

At the first stage, you should not hire many employees. To open a business you will need: a manager (salary - 25,000 rubles per month); secretary (salary - 18,000 per month); cleaning lady (10,000 per month). Initially, you can perform the functions of an accountant and manager yourself. Also keep in mind that the programmer will need to pay at least 50,000 rubles for creating a website. The work schedule can be from 10-00 to 18-00, closed on Sunday and Monday. You should enter into non-disclosure agreements with the people you hire.


Equipment you will need to open a dating club:

  • computers (3 computers costing 15,000 = 45,000 rubles);
  • printer+scanner+copier (1 = 9,000);
  • air conditioning (2 x 14,000 = 28,000);
  • table (3 tables of 3,500 = 10,500);
  • chairs (6 x 2,500 = 15,000);
  • sofa in the reception room (1 = 18,000);
  • plumbing (12,000 rubles).

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In total, to open an agency you will need approximately 260,500 rubles, excluding the costs of renovating the premises.

How much can you earn

Each marriage agency earns its own way. We will give you several options for earning money:

  1. Payment for registration on a dating site.
  2. Selling a database of potential brides or grooms.
  3. Organization of personal meetings.
  4. Payment for correspondence, translation of a letter, personal data of the client or additional photography.
  5. Monthly or quarterly subscription system;
  6. Translator services for brides who communicate with foreigners.

Each of these options has its pros and cons. Experts say that the payback period for opening a marriage agency is 1-1.5 years. On average, the annual turnover is 100,000 - 150,000 rubles.

Attracting clients

Let's tell you several ways to attract clients for your dating club:

Location. To open a successful marriage business, you need to open it in a good location. If you are in the center, it is very difficult not to notice you. Therefore, initially think carefully about where you want to open a club.

Sign and name. The sign should be bright and unusual, and the name should be memorable and sonorous, which will attract the attention of customers. By the way, we recommend reading our article: How to choose good name for the company

In this article, we looked at how to open a marriage agency from scratch in 2019. We wish you good luck in your endeavors. We are confident that you will be able to help lonely people connect their hearts.

Also read:

  • Ready-made business plan for a wedding salon with calculations
  • How to open a recruitment agency from scratch
  • Organization of children's parties as a business

Meeting a decent person who, like you, wants to settle down and start a family is not so easy. If dates with friends of friends did not bring results, going to the club was boring, and dating on the Internet was disappointing, you can decide to take a drastic step and leave your destiny in the hands of professionals. the site found out how marriage agencies in Moscow work, who turns to them, why it is not customary to talk about it, how much matchmaker services cost and how not to become a victim of a scammer

Essentially, all marriage agencies are divided into three types:

  • traditional agencies “for everyone” with a huge client base, psychological tests and photo albums, where you will be arranged dates with several suitable candidates;
  • agencies “not for everyone” that create the illusion of a chance meeting with a potential life partner;
  • agencies organizing dating parties with elements of games or speed dating

Who uses the services of marriage agencies?

The bulk of agency clients are women over 30 years old who were busy with their careers while others were flirting, dating, getting married and having children, and men over 30 years old too. For the most part, they are divided into two types: workaholics and businessmen who have no time to look for life partners; or people tired of the complexity, commercialism and psychological instability of the weaker sex (as they say, having been burned by milk, you ask a professional to find decent clean water).

The ratio of men to women in most agencies is 40 to 60 percent. Experts say that it is easier for women to join such organizations. “For a man to contact an agency and admit that he himself was unable to find someone is quite a feat,” said Olga Korneeva, a psychologist-consultant at the Vizavi agency.

At the same time, women are looking for accomplished, personally mature, socially successful men. But men like calm, gentle, understanding companions.

Usually women from “male” professions come to a marriage agency. They often occupy leadership positions: chief accountants, financiers, lawyers, attorneys. If at work they feel in their place, then in a relationship they do not. Because men don't like to be controlled. They value emotions, kindness, warmth. Most often, women write in their profiles “Kind, understanding, beautiful, well-groomed.”

Olga Korneeva

psychologist-consultant at the marriage agency "Visavi"

In short, clients often have to first be prepared for dates, explaining what a relationship is, how to behave, how to get rid of old wounds and believe in happiness, and only then can they be released into the world. Therefore, decent agencies usually employ psychologists or psychotherapists.

Most companies will offer you two types of services:

  • access to the candidate database, where you can view client profiles and ask for their phone numbers (from 2 thousand rubles in a small modest agency to 55 thousand rubles in a company for VIP clients);
  • individual search for a partner with specialist consultations, preparation and holding of meetings (from 7 thousand rubles for one trial meeting to 77 thousand rubles for a package of services with a search for candidates, services of a stylist and psychologist, and so on).
There is also work with “specific orders” (search for non-standard queries - 20 years younger, only a millionaire, etc.). It costs much more and is rarely used.

Everything is clear about searching for people in the database; it proceeds approximately the same in all types of companies: a contract is concluded with the client (either fixed-term or without an expiration date), he is given access to the database, and his profile is posted. You can search for a suitable match, request a phone number, contact and make a date. Individual offline meetings are organized differently everywhere.

How does a traditional marriage agency work?

In a decent agency, they will check your documents, ask about the reasons for applying, and ask you to psychological tests and clearly indicate who you are looking for. Not everyone can sign a cooperation agreement. Married, mentally ill, seeking wealth and not ready to work on themselves will most likely fail the test.

If the first stage is completed successfully, a contract is drawn up with the client. Nobody gives a 100% guarantee of marriage. The agency only undertakes to provide a sufficient number of suitable candidates within a specified period (usually 2-6 months). Somewhere their clear number is written down, somewhere not.

Then the fun begins: finding partners and dating. Potential future spouses are shown photographs and told about each other's lives. If everything suits them, the man is given the girl’s phone number and he makes an appointment. Often, clients are asked to hold several meetings with candidates at once and choose the right one. It is immediately stipulated that the initial meeting is not a date. You communicate with each other, compare goals, discuss pitfalls - something like an interview for the position of bride and groom with a probationary period.

After the meeting, clients call the curators and share their impressions.

"We recommend seeing the person again. I believe that only after the third meeting can we draw conclusions, because each person may have different circumstances. For example, we had a case where a man had a serious illness on the day of the meeting conflict situation At work. As a responsible and decent person, he still came, but he was all in his own thoughts. It seemed to the woman that he was not very interested in her, but in fact he was just having a hard day,” says Olga Korneeva, a psychologist-consultant at the Vizavi agency.

If everything went well and the couple worked out, clients still have the opportunity to use the agency’s services during the term of the contract. You can, for example, come to a consultation with a psychologist and get advice on creating relationships. Or ask to find a new party if the relationship broke up quickly.

Some agencies act differently, for example, creating profiles of clients on dating sites and corresponding with other users on their behalf. Or they make fake accounts, invite you on a date with a obviously unsuitable candidate, and then lure you in and offer to sign an agreement to find someone more decent.

You can stumble upon gigolos, money-hungry women, or mentally inadequate people.

Agencies are not for everyone

To find out how they are looking for a soul mate in elite society, we went to a targeted search marriage agency that works with executives and business owners, top managers and expats. Here, the technologies for finding a partner differ from ordinary marriage agencies and, moreover, are classified.

It is only known that candidates are found in business clubs, closed business communities and at closed social events, and, for example, data from recruitment agencies is used as information sources for the search.

An agreement is concluded with clients, which stipulates that they will be provided with many candidates for the role of life partner. It is valid for four months - this is exactly how long it takes on average to prepare a person for a meeting, find a couple and start a primary relationship.

Agreements, again, are not concluded with everyone. The stop list includes those who are focused only on money or are not ready to change to solve personal problems. “If an unkempt woman or an unkempt man comes to us, who flatly refuse the services of a stylist and are not ready to work on themselves, we cannot help them,” says Ekaterina Gushchina, project manager at the targeted search marriage agency Heart-Hunter.

Dating takes place at events in which up to 150-200 people take part; such meetings are held every week, sometimes more often.

Our clients select candidates and meet at social event, while the candidate does not know that the acquaintance has been initiated and prepared. Often a man begins to court a woman, not suspecting that their meeting is not accidental.

Ekaterina Gushchina

project manager, targeted search marriage agency Heart-Hunter

It usually takes two to four events to find a mate. Some people develop friendly relationships, while others remain close to you as a loved one. As in marriage agencies, here clients prefer not to talk about how they met their life partner.

It is possible to find a match during the contract period in 85% of cases. Additional activities are carried out with the remaining clients with the participation of psychologists and stylists.

Dating at parties

Another way to get acquainted is to go to a party, for example, speed dating. Speed ​​dating takes place in clubs or restaurants, lasts several minutes, after which partners change. Entrance to the event costs from 500 rubles; mainly people from 35 to 45 years old participate; younger people are rare.

As Elena Korotaeva, director of the Seventh Heaven dating club, said, 25% of people manage to find a couple at a party.

Expert opinion

We use the practice of speed dating. If it's a club party, there may be game elements. For example, men are given keys, and women are given locks, or they have halves of a picture that need to be combined. The game helps people approach each other, sit down, and start communicating

Elena Korotaeva

Director of the dating club "Seventh Heaven"

According to Elena, in this business not all couples hide the way they met - many bring friends, send photos of children and even invite them to weddings.

Attention, scammers

When deciding to contact a marriage agency, you must always be on guard. Muscovites are increasingly complaining about unscrupulous marriage agencies. According to experts, every third client is dissatisfied with the level of such services.

The method of work of "black matchmakers" is almost the same. A person makes an advance payment, and then a marriage contract is concluded with him. Within a few days he is promised to find a suitable match. Time passes, but no appointments are made. When you call the organization, the consultant who concluded the contract, as a rule, is not on site.

To avoid getting scammed, remember these simple rules:

  • Before contacting an agency, read reviews about its work on the Internet;
  • be sure to ask for documents confirming the legal status of the organization;
  • Most reputable agencies will offer you a free initial consultation;
  • Be sure to keep receipts confirming payment for services. This may help you if the case goes to court.
Irina Burmistrova

Study marriage business Now it is prestigious and fashionable, this area is considered to some extent elite. In addition, this business can serve as a source of high profits.

Why are marriage agency services so popular now? Young people nowadays most often meet in, and finding a life partner in reality is a real problem for many. And older people are so preoccupied with everyday affairs and work that there is simply no time left for dating. Marriage agencies are designed to help people find life partners and, accordingly, derive some income from this.

Registration of activities

Like any business, marriage agencies require official government registration of activities. The situation is made easier by the fact that the state does not provide for obtaining a license for this type of activity. You just need to register the company as a private entrepreneur (FL-P). Marriage agencies are subject to a unified taxation system.

Market analysis

This is always the starting point for any business, and marriage agencies are no exception. By researching this market in your region or city, you will find out whether there is competition and in what quantity, what services competitors provide, their pricing policy and the scope of their activities. All this will help you better think through the organization of your future business.

Selection and design of premises

A marriage agency needs an office in which negotiations with clients will take place. You can rent a small apartment as an office. A good repair is a must. It is advisable to design the front entrance, and decorate the room inside in a certain style. A good highlight can be photographs of former clients on the walls, with thanks and wishes to the company.

The office should be located close to the city center, or simply in a crowded place. In addition to beautiful furniture, the office should contain necessary equipment– computer, printer, scanner, fax. A constant connection to the Internet is also required.

Marriage agency services

It is not necessary to immediately begin providing a range of all possible services in this business. Of course, both the profit of the enterprise and the possibilities for its development will depend on the breadth of services. However, you can start with a standard list of services and offer new ones to your clients over time. Marriage agencies can provide clients such services:

    • Providing a printed catalog with information about brides and grooms.
    • Providing an electronic database with information about brides and grooms.
    • Placing profiles of clients and clients in the agency database.
    • Placing profiles of clients and clients in partner agencies.
    • Organization of acquaintances and dates for brides and grooms.
    • Organization of meeting evenings.
    • Organization of marriage tours.
    • Searching for clients in collaboration with foreign partner agencies.
    • Services of a professional photographer, makeup artist, translator, lawyer.

How does a marriage agency work?

The main tools that marriage agencies work with are databases of brides and grooms. Most often, the database of suitors is created first. To create it, you can use the help of foreign marriage agencies or start compiling a database on your own. In any case, established contacts with foreign marriage agencies will only benefit your business.

In order for you to also be of interest to other agencies for cooperation, you must create a good website, post information about yourself on all kinds of resources

If you decide to start creating a database from scratch, then it is best to look for clients using the Internet, in particular. If you cooperate with foreign colleagues, then the profit from completed transactions is divided in half. In order for you to also be of interest to other agencies for cooperation, you must create a good website and post information about yourself on all kinds of resources. It would be a good idea to create an English version of the site immediately or over time. If you have it, you will greatly facilitate your search for clients from abroad.

To create a database of brides and grooms, you need to be able to choose suitable candidates; you should not take “everyone in a row.” The first clients should be especially attractive, this will help create good reputation to your agency. When your agency has hundreds and thousands of candidates in its database, then the admission conditions can be somewhat simplified. It is important to remember that almost all marriage agencies have many more candidates in their databases of brides than in their databases of grooms.

How much does it cost to open a marriage agency?

When creating a marriage agency, you will need to spend money on registering an enterprise, renting an office, purchasing furniture and office equipment, and developing a website. Costs for all this start at $2,000.

In addition to single expenses, a marriage agency must also spend monthly on paying rent for premises, paying taxes, website maintenance, mobile communications (including international), equipment maintenance, and utilities. Total: plus ~$590 monthly.

Income of marriage agencies

Developed marriage agencies receive a significant portion of their profits from marriage tours, which are paid for by foreign grooms. Such clients do not mind paying from 2 to 4 thousand dollars for a marriage tour. But at first, when connections with foreign clients have not yet been established, you will make a profit from drafting, translating and delivering letters from clients to foreign suitors.

You will also receive payment from the provision of makeup artist services, from professional photography for catalogs, and from the photo placement itself.

If we're talking about About the so-called club marriage agencies, only male clients pay for the services there. The subscription fee for being in the club is paid monthly, plus the provision of any information about the woman who is of interest to the client is paid.

Marriage agency payback

Payback periods depend on the size of the agency, the number of clients in the database, and the development of the city in which the agency is located. If we talk about approximate average terms, then we have a figure of 12-24 months.

Nowadays, being in the marriage business is considered a kind of prestigious and elite sphere. Besides high status such enterprises bring enough big income, which makes us think about the possibility of development own business in this direction.

What is the reason for the high demand for marriage agency services? Nowadays, most young people start dating on the Internet, and the search for their soulmate is outside virtual world cause difficulties. And representatives of the older generation, who devote all their energy to their careers and everyday worries, often do not have time to spend it on dating. It is precisely these categories of clients that marriage agencies are focused on, whose mission is to help people find their life partners. And, of course, get some profit from this.

How to open your own marriage agency:

1. Tax registration and state registration

Any entrepreneurial activity necessarily requires state registration. Marriage agencies are also subject to this procedure. Fortunately, this direction business does not require obtaining a license, so it will be enough to register the enterprise as a private entrepreneur (FL-P). Taxation of a marriage agency occurs according to a standard unified system.

2. Market analysis

Market analysis is the first thing a new entrepreneur should work on. This applies to absolutely any type of business, marriage agencies are no exception. Market research in the chosen direction and region will allow you to obtain information about the presence of competitors, their activities, and pricing policies. All this will serve as the basis for organizing your own business, taking into account its characteristics.

3. Premises. Selection and design.

To receive clients and conduct interviews with them, the agency requires an office. A small rented apartment is perfect as an office. There is no need to talk about such a need as a decent renovation and interior design in a pre-thought-out style. The entrance to the office should also be decorated in the chosen style. And the use of photographs and reviews from previous clients in the design will be an excellent recommendation for the company, noticeable after the first visit.

It is recommended to locate the agency in the city center or other place with high traffic. And the office must not only be properly furnished, but also have all the equipment necessary for work: computers, scanners, fax and printer. Separately, it should be noted the need for constant access to the Internet.

4. What services do you offer?

Of course, the profitability of a marriage agency directly depends on the range of services that it is ready to provide to the client. But it is absolutely not necessary to provide all available types of services at the initial stages of a company's development. You can start with a small selection of standard offerings and expand the range of services as your company grows. The main services of a marriage agency are:

Providing information about brides and grooms in printed or electronic form;

Periodic replenishment of the client register with subsequent placement of questionnaires both in your agency and in agencies associated with your cooperation;

Meeting clients, organizing dates, honeymoons;

Partnerships with foreign companies, searching for candidates for clients in their databases;

An agreement with a professional photographer, a makeup artist, the services of a lawyer and a translation specialist.

5. The principle of the agency's work

The main work of a marriage agency is to process a database into which information about future clients wishing to meet is entered. As a rule, a database of male profiles is first formed. To create it, it is recommended to establish connections with foreign enterprises in this field, but it is entirely possible to create it yourself by your company. However, contacts with partners will in any case bring considerable benefits to your business.

If you are planning to create your own database with clean slate", then it will be of great help to use social networks or other Internet resources. When your agency partners with another, profits are typically split equally among all participating agencies. It is also important that your company is of interest to potential partner agencies. This will require the creation of a website on which information about your company will be posted and updated. And creating a web page with a user language selection will make it easier for you to find clients abroad.

Creating a database of potential brides and grooms also requires a special approach. For quality work of the agency, especially at first, the selection must be carried out very carefully. The attractiveness of your first clients will shape the reputation of your company. Subsequently, when the database is filled with several thousand profiles, the recruitment rules can be simplified. It is also very important to remember that in any marriage agency the number of women’s profiles is much greater than men’s.

6. How much will it cost to open such a business?

If you decide to open your own marriage agency, you will need certain financial expenses on state registration, renting suitable premises, office design, purchasing technical equipment. Creating a website will require some financial costs. The minimum amount of starting investment is about $2000.

In addition to the first investment, you need to take into account monthly costs:

  • office rental fee
  • tax payments
  • site content
  • payment cellular communications(including international),
  • office equipment maintenance
  • communal payments

It will cost about $590 per month.

7. Enterprise profitability

The main income for marriage agencies comes from the so-called “honeymoons”, paid for by foreign clients. On average, a groom from another country is willing to pay 2.5-4.5 thousand dollars for one such trip. However, at first, until the agency has established connections with foreign companies, you will have income mainly from organizing correspondence with clients, their meetings and acquaintances. In addition, some of the profit will come from the services of a photographer and makeup artist for photographing for the catalog and directly posting photos on the site.

If your agency belongs to the club category, then profit generation occurs according to a different scheme. The services of such firms are paid exclusively by male clients in uniform. subscription fee and additional payment for information about the girl the client is interested in.

8. How quickly will it pay for itself?

The return on investment in the development of a marriage agency directly depends on its scale and client database. An important factor is its location - profits are higher in more developed cities. The average payback period will be about 1-2 years.

Marriage makes us understand ourselves better, and this is not its least advantage, and also not its least flaw. (Jean Rosta)

The marriage agency market is saturated, however,annuallydemand for 25-30% obtaining services for organizing the creation of married couples. This is probably due to the fact that among marriage agencies there are low-quality, semi-criminal enterprises that, under the guise of a marriage agency, are practically engaged in pimping. This factor plays a negative role in relation to other marriage agencies. And trust in them is falling.

However, among them there are highly professional enterprises that, with their task of creating new married couples doing great. But such marriage agencies are in the minority.

Target of this project- create a small marriage agency business plan to organize real and high-quality services with a high percentage of wedding couples.


When opening a marriage agency, the staff plays an important role in development. After all, their interest in the business project also depends on his quality customer service quantitative composition in the agency’s catalog, which means the enterprise’s income.

The engine of ideas and their promotion will play a role competent psychologist. After all, only a psychologist can know the intricacies of the psychology of relationships between men and women! It is the psychologist who will help the client reveal his personal desires and aspirations.

One of the reasons that contribute to the breakdown of relationships between couples who have long-term relationships when getting to know each other is a complete misunderstanding of each other, in other words, incompatibility, although the necessary work with them was carried out in full.

Much in this matter depends on the competence of the psychologist himself, his intuitive sense when working with couples, since during testing, not everyone answers the test questions sincerely, and their answers may be deliberately false. And only experienced psychologist can foresee final result relationships of the surveyed couples. And help those understand that in their case, marriage is impossible (or possible).


The marriage agency will require 2-3 psychologists, their salary will be - 40-50 thousand rubles per month.

Another important link in personnel will be System Administrator(programmer) and a well-developed Internet resource, on the basis of which the main number of requests to a marriage agency will take place. His salary will be 25-30 thousand rubles per month.

Third specialist - visagiste. His task is to show his partner the best external characteristics of his intended companion. Based on the fact that men love with their eyes, a makeup artist will have a lot of work.

In addition, the fee will come mainly from the male side who contacted the agency. The task of a makeup artist is to please the male half of clients with his work. The makeup artist's salary will be 25-30 thousand rubles per month.

The total cost of wages will be 90-110 thousand rubles.


To ensure the success of a marriage agency, you need to think through all the details to the smallest detail and take into account even the smallest nuances.

For example, women like to consult with their friends when making important decisions for themselves. You can organize a separate room of “girls’ secrets” for them. This will be the highlight of the project.

A separate room is also needed for closer and more inviting communication between a man and a woman.

And, of course, a reception area for official negotiations. Clients need to be made clear that this marriage agency is completely real project to resolve their personal problems and prolonged loneliness.

Rent of premises with an area of ​​50 sq. m will be 1.5-2 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m. per month, and repair and design work - another 150-200 thousand rubles (one-time expenses).

For 350 rubles, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. It is not publicly available on the Internet.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

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