Solovyov's speech about teachers. Vladimir Solovyov and teachers: the secret of the relationship

Published 08/23/16 16:40

Evgeny Yamburg called the TV presenter a “helpful PR man.”

Director of the capital's school No. 109, doctor pedagogical sciences, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation and member of the public council under the Ministry of Education and Science Evgeniy Yamburg named the famous Russian TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov is a “helpful PR man.” He earned this characteristic after his statements about teachers.

This is how the teacher reacted to Solovyov’s words spoken during live broadcast on the VestiFM radio station, when he commented on Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s statement about low teachers’ salaries.

"Often intkbbee pedagogical ones are filled with all sorts of rabble that can’t get anywhere. And so they come out and go to work as teachers. […] With what drunken joy should teachers receive no less than mine? I earn money, but I don’t receive it,” Solovyov said in particular.

As a result, Yamburg wrote in the Echo of Moscow blog that with his statement “colleague Solovyov” caused “irreparable damage to the line of the party and government during the pre-election period.”

“Why do I, with difficulty overcoming disgust, call the TV presenter a colleague? Based on curriculum vitae, found on the Internet. The TV screen hero studied at the elite special school No. 27, where he studied a number of subjects in English, where diplomats, children and grandchildren of members of the CPSU Central Committee studied. Today it is school No. 1232 with in-depth study in English. Apparently, the school gave its graduates good knowledge foreign language, which allowed him to live in America for a number of years in the future. Why school? But not the Institute of Steel and Alloys, which he, to his credit, graduated with honors. Therefore, along with humanities, the school was good at teaching mathematics and technical subjects. Amazingly, until 1999, the TV star taught physics, mathematics and astronomy at her native school No. 27. But finally, the time came when V. Soloviev fully thanked his former teachers and colleagues. […] Bravo, TV presenter! Having uttered this disgusting and insulting passage addressed to a million people in a blue eye extra people, you have finally reached your goal. They convinced me of the existence of a fifth column in the country, which undermines the foundations of the state. One of two things: either you have exposed your own baseness, or you have discovered a terrible state secret. After your speech, all talk about increasing the prestige of teaching work looks like a hoax. We'll keep thinking. Low electoral bow to you for this,” writes the honored teacher.

How, on August 4, 2016, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, speaking at the “Territory of Meanings” forum on Klyazma, suggested that teachers who are dissatisfied with low salaries should go into business. The words of the head of government caused a strong reaction from the public.


* "Why should a teacher get a lot of drunken joy?!"

... The urgency of the issue and the genuine passion that the TV presenter put into assessing the representatives of the teaching workshop were obviously caused by the desire to support the Prime Minister, who advised a young teacher from Dagestan, dissatisfied with his salary, to go into business. The statement hit the Internet and caused a storm of indignation. Lending a shoulder to the prime minister and the leader of the ruling party during the pre-election period is a matter of conscience, honor and heroism of the TV presenter. Nothing personal - there is a consistent and unwavering defense of state interests. What, as we know, is why V. Solovyov is valuable to history. But it seems to me that in doing so he did the Prime Minister a disservice...
A.P. Chekhov wrote at the beginning of the last century that a poor teacher is a disgrace to the country. And Lenin’s calls to raise teachers to unattainable heights remained good wishes throughout the entire Soviet and post-Soviet period. In 2012, according to May decrees President, public sector salaries have been raised. But by now, inflation has eaten everything up, and the level of real incomes of teachers has returned to 2013. There is no time for fat here - I wish I could live...
Why do I, with difficulty overcoming disgust, call the TV presenter a colleague? Based on curriculum vitae found online.

The TV screen hero studied at the elite special school No. 27, where he studied a number of subjects in English, where diplomats, children and grandchildren of members of the CPSU Central Committee studied. Today this is school No. 1232 with in-depth study of the English language. Apparently, the school gave its graduates good knowledge of a foreign language, which allowed him to live in America for a number of years in the future. Why school? But not the Institute of Steel and Alloys, which he, to his credit, graduated with honors. Consequently, along with the humanities, the school was well equipped to teach mathematics and technical subjects.

Amazingly, until 1990, the TV star taught physics, mathematics and astronomy at her native school No. 27.

But finally, the time has come when V. Solovyov fully thanked his former teachers and colleagues. It couldn’t come at a better time, on the eve of a new one school year, the star calls to “stop the eternal breath of love for teachers,” justifying this call, cuts the truth to the womb: “Do I remember all the teachers kind words"? As Stanislavsky said, I believe, not everyone. What to do - it’s a mass profession, unlike the recruitment of TV presenters, when hiring teachers, there is no casting.

"All people dream scary dreams about school." But it depends on your luck. (I’ll note in parentheses that TV viewers shouldn’t expect sweet dreams after V. Solovyov’s nightly talk shows.)

And finally, the seasoned wit gives vent to the emotions that burst out: “Pedagogical universities are filled with all sorts of rabble that cannot get anywhere. And so they should receive as bankers, no less than Soloviev”?

This is the moment of truth! Bravo, TV presenter! Having publicly expressed this disgusting and insulting passage addressed to more than a million people, you have finally achieved your goal. — They convinced me of the existence of a fifth column in the country, which undermines the foundations of the state. One of two things: either you exposed your own baseness, or you discovered a terrible state secret. After your speech, all the talk about increasing the prestige of teaching work looks like a hoax. We'll keep thinking. A low electoral bow to you for this.

Evgeniy Yamburg

Honored Teacher of Russia

Education system in Russia: key problems. Quality of teaching staff. .

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