What is polyester fabric in clothes. Why add polyester to natural fibers? How to care for polyester products


Polyester is a material obtained from petroleum products. The manufacturing process is accompanied by the release of carcinogens into the environment. But the answer to the question: "Is polyester harmful?" not so clear.

This is the most common synthetic fabric from which linen is made, outerwear, diapers, curtains, bags, carpets. People meet him everywhere. Outwardly, the material resembles high-quality natural fabric, but it is completely different from her in properties. And unlike wool, polyester is hypoallergenic. It is pleasant to the touch, does not wrinkle, holds its shape well, does not absorb water, and does not need special care. Its production is economical, which means clothing is affordable.

In contrast, polyester uses very little water, and it contains some toxic chemicals during production. chemical substances, which are not normally released into the environment. It can also be made from old plastic bottles, allowing companies to essentially turn trash into clothes.

Its biggest drawback is that it requires a lot of energy, which means burning fuel for energy and contributing to climate change. But to put it in perspective, Linda Greer, director of the health program at the Natural Resources Defense Council, says you actually release more carbon dioxide burning a gallon of gas than the production of a polyester shirt.

Why is polyester harmful?

Unfortunately, the material also has negative properties:

  • Strongly electrified, collecting particles of dust, wool, debris. This problem is easily eliminated by the use of an antistatic agent.
  • It prevents the skin from breathing. That is why in a dress made of polyester, in the summer you will quickly feel uncomfortable.
  • Possibly an allergy sensitive skin. In this case, in order not to refuse a suit made of the fabric you like, choose clothes with a natural lining.

Harmful or not scientists cannot give an exact answer. On the one hand, the fabric is made from stable, inert polymers. Which do not react with the environment. But on the other hand, unused monomers remain in the production of fibers. They, released with water or air, are harmful to human health. That's why doctors recommend not to abuse synthetics.

Theoretically, cotton is biodegradable while polyester is not. But the fact is that we dispose of clothes, which makes it inappropriate. For cotton clothes to break down, they need to be composted, which doesn't happen in a landfill.

“They need to go to a facility that knocks them out and then gives them water and oxygen and nutrients and stuff like that,” Greer tells Quartz. "Suffice it to say that very, very little solid waste has this fate of destruction."

Why add polyester to natural fibers?

In stores, you rarely find things made of pure cotton or wool. As a rule, they contain 10 or more percent synthetics. As a result, the fabric has the following advantages:

  • It is well breathable, giving comfort in the hot season and ensuring the safety of heat in the winter.
  • Versatility at work. Such a fabric will come in handy when you figure out how to make a tailor mannequin with your own hands and start the process.
  • Practicality. Clothes are easy to wash, dry quickly without wrinkling. But strict adherence is required. temperature regime when ironing.
  • Things are pleasant to the touch, and when touched do not cause irritation, itching, tingling.

Although the harmfulness of polyester has not been clearly proven, it is better for children to purchase clothing made from natural materials. Perhaps it is not so bright and loses its appearance faster. But the susceptibility of the delicate skin of a newborn is several times higher than that of an adult.

Why add polyester to natural fibers?

The bottom line is that while the growth of polyester is not good news for the planet, a big increase in cotton production will not be better. But because our galloping appetite for cheap clothing outstrips our ability to grow cotton, polyester allows us to continue business as usual, at least as long as we have the oil to do so.

The clothes we make will not be made from plant or animal grown fibers. The bacteria that stink in polyester shirts is different from the bacteria that stink in armpits. hide header. The bacteria that stink in polyester shirts is different from the bacteria that stink in armpits.

Clothing should be comfortable

When purchasing this or that thing, it is necessary to take into account not only practicality and beauty, but comfort and timeliness. A bodycon dress made of synthetics can be great, but on a summer day you will not be comfortable. Although in the fall or spring it will be most out of place. And in winter, a jacket with. In this case, the negative impact of the material will be minimized.

Of course, exercise can make you stronger, happier, and healthier. But it can also make you stink. And these polyester workout clothes don't help. Anyone who owns T-shirts knows that synthetic ones can turn sour after a short run, while old-school T-shirts are still without oxen.

The bacteria that thrive on sweaty polyester T-shirts are different from those that grow on cotton, researchers from the University of Ghent in Belgium have found. Polyester drill wear is lightweight, comfortable and dries quickly. But it's notorious to get a rank and stay that way. Internet message boards are awash with advice on how to take off fiddling with clothes at the gym, but the recurring nature of the questions suggests that none of the answers - vinegar, baking soda, avoiding fabric softeners, rinsing clothes in the shower - work 100% of the time. .

After conducting many studies, scientists have not found out that the substance adversely affects the human body. And although its effect is not strong enough to prohibit its production, doctors with one voice It is recommended to wear clothes made from natural fabrics.

The theory describing polymers suggests that the components of many materials are quite stable and safe, since they themselves do not react. But to say this about monomers is a big mistake.

Germs love the cozy warmth of the human armpit; it's like going to the tropics without leaving home. These microbes feed on the substances in sweat and create the odors that keep the deodorant industry thriving. One of the authors of this study, Chris Callewart, is trying to figure out what causes stink pits, a quest he details on his website, dr.

The scientists asked 26 volunteers to take a spinning class, wearing shirts made from cotton, poly, or blends. The volunteers also had armpits. It turns out that bugs on shirts are different from bugs in pits. He wonders if bacteria can spread in a washing machine and is doing research to figure it out. Manufacturers have tried to make polyester fabric less hospitable to bacteria by impregnating it with antimicrobial agents such as silver nanoparticles or triclosan. Both products have been criticized as potentially negative for the environment, and there is little evidence of how they might affect the user.

Many manufacturers emphasize that the polymer is safe for humans, and are silent about monomers, which often remain outside the chains of polymers and can react with environmental components. And since polyester is a product of oil refining, the result of reactions can be formations, capable of causing harm to human health.

Metric fabrics and accessories

According to customer requirements, fabrics can be ordered from the counter. Whether you want to fit a mini top or desire a large exclusive evening gown, there is always the option of getting fabrics measured in meters throughout the piece. Likewise, you get the appropriate lining materials in the required sizes. Decorative fabrics are not excluded. Tablecloth fabric with matching placemats, a few new cushions or cover and curtain fabrics for the entire apartment can be ordered in the required quantities.

Why is polyester actively used today?

This is one of the most famous synthetic types of fabric. To make the material more pleasant to the touch, it is diluted with natural ingredients(very often with cotton). Thus, they get:

  • Fabric pleasant to the touch.
  • The material is more breathable than 100% polyester.
  • The term of operation of the product is significantly increased.
  • Things dry faster and practically do not wrinkle.

Polyester is a popular component of fabrics for the production sportswear, stitching and filling jackets, bed linen, curtains, curtains, carpets, and even diapers. If you pay attention to the labels of the products you buy, you will be surprised how often polyester fibers are used today. And few people think about the dangers of polyester.

How to care for polyester products

How to cut, you decide your own designs and wishes. For large projects, you will need significantly more material. As a rule, industrial fabric rolls are 80 meters long, so you can be sure that you will receive the required quantity in general. But not only fabrics are offered in the current counter. In addition, accessories and decorative accessories, such as borders, borders and stretch stripes, are on the counter to buy. For the perfect curtain fabric occasion, you need a matching curtain in the right size.

Is the tissue that surrounds us everywhere harmful?

Polyester is formed from oil, by industrial distillation. Oil is a chemical cocktail, the main components of which are gasoline or polyethylene, the precursor of polymers. Polymers, in turn, are the result of a chemical process during which several molecules are connected into one chain. Such molecules are called monomers, and the resulting chain is called a polymer. Several monomers may remain unengaged in the polymer and get stuck between its chains. Over time, these molecules can be released into the air if the original monomer was volatile, or dissolved in liquid if the monomer was soluble.

It's best to make an accurate plan in advance and then order everything necessary materials together. This saves you time, effort and shipping costs. Textiles have existed since mankind began. Already in primitive and early times we find linen, linen and woolen fabric. The form of fabric as such that we still use and know arose from the development of weaving technologies. There were always rectangular footprints associated with production. With an increase in length, the fabric could not be folded, but was folded.

In the process of industrial development, we find ever larger bales of materials and rolls. Textile fabrics are among the long goods. Their prices correspond to the current counter. In contrast, there are short or bulk goods such as zippers and buttons, depending on the quantity or measure used to measure the measure of the yard. This was originally based on the length of the forearm. It is in the essence of things that the cubit can be very different in their actual measurements. In order to achieve a single unification, comparative cells were fixed in the marketplaces and city blocks in the Middle Ages, after which it was necessary to sell the sale of Ellenvaren.

Monomers can cause serious harm to human health, and you don't need to have a lot of them. Buyers have the right to know before buying polyester how its constituents can affect their body. And although clothing manufacturers do not recognize the dangers of the material, having dealt with its structure, we can conclude that polyester is a harmful fabric.

Today, in tailoring for quick measurement of a substance, there are standards from half a meter to one meter, which are called a cutter. At the turn of the century, the measuring unit also established itself in the textile industry. Today, 80 meters is the standard measure for fabric rolls in the textile trade.

From the meter to the finished dress

Before you go shopping, you should plan a plan. There is nothing more annoying than to start trimming and then find that there is not enough fabric. Therefore, never measure the required quantity too strongly. Be aware of seam allowance, custom features, and any accessories such as straps or loops if they are to be made from the same fabric. For patterned fabrics, attention must be paid to the accuracy of the textile image. Again, more material may be required under certain circumstances.

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