When will the salaries of fire department workers be raised?

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations come to the rescue of the population in the most difficult and dangerous situations. Naturally, at the same time exposing themselves to considerable risk. But what kind of salary do they receive for such important and dangerous work? Let's find out how much rescuers earn in Russia and other countries of the world.

Earnings of Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations

In 2015, the average salary for EMERCOM officers in Russia was increased to 50,000 rubles per month. The average salary of the entire staff is about 40,000 rubles per month. The highest salaries in Russia are earned by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Magadan Region (70,000 rubles), the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (57,500 rubles) and Moscow (50,000 rubles).

Of course, given the risks that the Ministry of Emergency Situations take, they earn very modestly, especially the rank and file.

Earnings in foreign countries

Analogues of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in foreign countries have different names, but that is not the point. The main thing is how rescue service employees perform their immediate duties and how much they receive for their dangerous work.

From the table below you can see the average monthly salary for 2015 of foreign colleagues of our Ministry of Emergency Situations:

  • USA – $1620;
  • Germany – 2000 euros;
  • Kazakhstan – 750 euros;
  • Finland – 2500 euros;
  • Estonia – 650 euros;
  • Ukraine – $150.

As we can see from the above list of average salaries for 2015 in terms of American and European currencies, in many countries around the world the work of a rescuer is often undervalued. The income of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is either approximately equal to the average salary in the state, or even lower than it. And in Ukraine, in addition, it itself is extremely small.

The situation is slightly different except in Kazakhstan. There wage rescuers in 2015, although it is inferior to the American and European salary level (in some countries significantly), but at the same time the income of a Kazakh rescuer significantly exceeds average salary around the country. In addition, you need to take into account that in Kazakhstan the price level is still lower than in the USA and EU countries.

Comparison of earnings in the Russian Federation and in other countries

If we convert the average monthly salary that an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations receives in Russia in 2015, namely 40,000 rubles, into dollars and European currency, we get about $670 or 570 euros.

Of course, this is even less than what Emergencies Ministry workers earn in Kazakhstan. But at the same time, rescuers from Russia in 2015 earn much more than their Ukrainian colleagues and workers of similar services from other CIS countries.

It should also be noted that the average income of rescuers is eight thousand rubles higher than the average salary for all sectors of the national economy in Russia as a whole in 2015, which is 32,000 rubles.

So, by domestic standards, our rescuers are paid quite well. And again, the level of Russian prices for goods and services is significantly lower than Western prices, and inflation in the country is more at a slow pace than the devaluation of the ruble relative to world currencies. Thus, the gap between the real earnings of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia and his Western colleagues is not as big as when comparing nominal income amounts.

In addition, in the future it is planned to increase the material support of Emergency Situations Ministry employees in Russia as part of the 2012 program to improve the well-being of certain categories of civil service employees.

Everything is relative

Thus, when comparing the overall level of well-being Russian service emergency situations and their colleagues from other countries, it is necessary to take into account not only the nominal level of wages, but also a number of other criteria at both the national and profile levels, and also take into account the immediate prospects. Only an integrated approach will allow us to give the most objective and balanced assessment.

In structure Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations A major reorganization is planned in the near future. The reorganization process is planned to be completed in the first half of 2016. The fact that optimization of the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will affect personnel composition, there is no doubt, therefore the issue of salaries of Ministry of Emergency Situations employees is the most pressing.

How will the salaries of Emergency Situations Ministry employees change in 2015?

For quite a long time, the salaries of Emergency Situations Ministry employees left much to be desired. Salaries at the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations are expected to increase significantly in 2015 due to the fact that the planned reorganization of the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is aimed at reducing the management apparatus, that is, officials. And from this it follows that special forces officers who directly serve at the post and respond to emergencies, will remain a winner.

The fact that the income of rescuers is increasing is proven by the decree on improvement social policy, which has been carried out for several years, thanks to which the salary of EMERCOM officers has already reached 50 thousand rubles.

How are the salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees determined?

The salary of an EMERCOM officer consists of three components: directly from the salary itself, the salary for a special rank and allowances. Bonuses are also different: it can be length of service (experience), high qualifications, work with information that is a state secret, special service conditions and regional bonus percentages. The region of service plays a huge role: for example, in some areas, the salary of Emergency Situations Ministry employees has already increased by 60%. The so-called salary can also be increased. Special working conditions are also important: work in unfavorable radiation, chemical or biological conditions should be paid much more.

What is the difference between employees and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

In 2014, not all rescuers saw an increase in their salaries. Salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees. As a rule, they significantly exceed employee salaries. In order to represent the difference between employees and workers, we introduce terms. All employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have special ranks internal service, these are persons included in the rank and file and command of the state fire service, while employees of the Ministry of emergency situations ordinary citizens can become Russian Federation who concluded employment contract with organizations and institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Thus, we can say that the Ministry of Emergency Situations employs employees, that is, people “in uniform”, and the workers are ordinary civilians without military ranks. It is this difference that plays a role in quite big difference salaries of workers and employees.

Dependence of salaries of Ministry of Emergency Situations employees on the level of inflation

By regulations, which operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, the inflation rate plays a significant role in determining the salary of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. According to government forecasts, inflation in 2015 will be 5-7%, which allows us to hope for a slight increase in the pay of rescuers.

Summing up the conversation about the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, we can say that a quick increase in salary should be expected thanks to the reorganization of the MTS structure, which will significantly optimize the work of the ministry. Indexing budget salaries depending on the inflation rate also allows us to make optimistic forecasts regarding the salaries of rescuers and other employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation announced the launch of a program according to which wages will be improved in government institutions. Its results are planned to be felt only in 2018. The innovation concerns not only employees law enforcement and the military, but also the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

It is planned to create new conditions for crediting wages. It should exceed the current level by 60%. But the question is: how much do representatives of this profession get paid now?

Remuneration in different regions of Russia

The conditions on which the salary of each employee will entirely depend in 2015 are few:

  • employee’s place of residence (city);
  • job title.

Minister of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov stated that employees of his structure are already receiving 2.5 times more than before the start of the program. In the future, an officer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will earn from 50 thousand rubles (on average in Russia). Particularly high rewards await those who have proven themselves in performing particularly important tasks.

All operations that were associated with the risk of life increase the salary of a modern rescuer. How long? There are no exact data on allowances.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to distinguish between an employee and an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The first category includes professionals who have shoulder straps on their shoulders. The workers (who rescue most of the civilian population) have slightly different positions. The only difference between the representatives of these two groups is the presence of shoulder straps. However, an employee’s salary (29–34 thousand rubles) back in September 2015 in Russia exceeded that of an employee (up to 15 thousand).

Regional differences also vary significantly:

  1. Magadan region – up to 70 thousand rubles;
  2. Krasnoyarsk Territory - about 30 thousand rubles;
  3. Moscow and Moscow region - approximately 26 thousand rubles;
  4. Nizhny Novgorod representatives of a dangerous profession - 17.5 thousand rubles;
  5. Kirov region - about 10 thousand rubles.

In this way, we can characterize the state of average salaries of representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2015 in different parts countries.

Additional payments

The Ministry of Emergency Situations offers its employees the most attractive bonus in 2015 in Russia if they perform tasks involving a risk to life. It is equal to the monthly salary. Those who work with state secrets, have advanced qualifications, or have a certain length of service and special service achievements are also encouraged. Such events are designed to stimulate the growth of professionalism among employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and improve the quality of their work.

Also, thanks to bonuses, Ministry employees receive additional social services in 2015. Particular attention is given to those who have a broad area of ​​knowledge in various fields. This increases the likelihood of completing each task comprehensively. It is worth noting some statistics: since the beginning of 2014, the earnings of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have increased by approximately 5.5%.

How much do rescuers earn in other countries?

How much do representatives of similar structures in other countries earn? Moving on to the salaries of foreign colleagues of our Emergencies Ministry workers, it is worth paying attention to the modest compensation for the risk experienced by each representative of a difficult profession. Emergency services personnel in other countries have the same responsibilities and work to perform the same tasks as our compatriots. Monthly salary in 2015 in the territory different countries has the following indicators:

  • Finland – about 2500 euros;
  • Germany – 2000 euros;
  • United States - $1,620;
  • Kazakhstan – approximately 750 euros;
  • Estonia – 650 euros;
  • Ukraine – 150 dollars.

The average salary of a Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations employee in 2015, when converted into foreign currency, will be about 670 dollars, or 570 euros. Of course, compared to most European countries, these are minimal values, but they are much higher than the indicators of the CIS countries.

It is also worth noting that the average salary of rescuers in 2015 exceeds that in all sectors of the economy by 8 thousand rubles. In addition, the developed program to improve the well-being of civil servants is already working.

Thus, the average salary for rescuers by domestic standards is quite good. In addition, prices for goods in Russia are in many ways inferior to their prices in their European neighbors. Based on the data obtained, it is worth concluding that our country has made, albeit insignificant, progress in increasing the wages of rescuers. Their dangerous activities deserve more government attention.

Changes in this area are taking place very slowly, but there is hope that they will contribute to an overall improvement in the economic situation in Russia.

It is also worth reminding every ordinary citizen that Emergency Situations Ministry employees are ready to risk their lives for their sake, regardless of how much money they receive for it.

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