Are if not confident users. PC proficiency level for a resume, how to describe it correctly

Do you still think that the computer is not for you and it is difficult to master the skills of working with it? Typing text quickly without looking at the keyboard, setting up, optimizing the system, repairing a computer seems only within the power of a master. But that's not true. This article will help you stop being a novice user and join the ranks of experienced PC users.

The tips in this article will help you become a more experienced computer user. And over time, you will understand that in 99% of cases of computer breakdown, you can not call a technician, but can handle it yourself. I hope you have already read the article, otherwise it will no longer be useful to you, because you intend to become a professional.

Learn to type quickly

The ten-finger touch method allows you to type texts on a computer at high speed without taking your eyes off the monitor. Having learned this big deal You will become more productive, any work and correspondence will be completed many times faster. And from the outside they will not look at you as a “teapot”.

Today there are many simulators, both on Internet sites and individual programs for Windows. With the help of such simulators, it is easier to learn to touch type using the ten-finger method. By practicing a little every day you can learn in a few weeks. At first it will seem difficult, but with persistent training, after two or three weeks you will notice that you practically do not look at the keyboard when typing. We have a special article dedicated to tips that will help you get started. Increase your productivity!

Learn PC repair and setup

Learn to fix errors and malfunctions on your computer yourself, articles from this site will help you with this. Also, in addition to OKompach, there are many useful sites through which you will learn how to optimize your system, set up your computer and the Internet, repair your laptop, and much more.

Here are just some of the sites that will be useful to you:

Become an experienced Internet user

Nowadays without World Wide Web no way. And, of course, most of the time we spend at the computer is spent on the Internet. Be sure to read the articles in the “Security” section on this site, for example, about how to properly protect yourself, your loved ones and your computer from threats and leaks of personal information.

Study interesting material from the IT industry

Read Hi-Tech news. Interesting articles from Wikipedia dedicated to computers and high technology. Explore the insides of the computer. Watch films about hackers and computer geniuses. Read about operating systems, programs, computer components, learn from each other, etc. and so on. All this will help you be superior to any inexperienced user's kettle.

Make friends with your keyboard and mouse

Much has already been said, here again I would like to say that hot keys allow you to perform work in a particular program many times faster. Once you remember the basic ones, you can use them in other programs. This allows you not only to reduce work time, but also emphasize your punctuality, knowledge and confidence in your PC. Also, hotkeys are very convenient when working with, and even. Be sure to learn the basic combinations, it greatly increases productivity.

After reading the article, you will understand that you have not fully used a computer manipulator before. But in vain. Some functions are very, very useful in operation.

Master complex programs

Learn to use complex programs, such as Photoshop, 3Dmax, CorelDraw. You can find a bunch on the Internet useful information on this topic, entire lessons and manuals on Photoshop, video editing, etc. Start with the simplest things and gradually learn from there. After a while you will notice how much you have “grown”.

Learn programming languages

And what? Why not try it. Programming, to be honest, is a very exciting activity. What if, after trying it once, you like it and seriously decide to take up coding? First, try such online training services as Codeacademy and Code Combat; if you have a tablet or smartphone on Android, download the Lightbot game; by the way, it is also available for iOS. Well, very soon it will appear on detailed guide how to learn to program, where to start and how best to learn. So subscribe to site updates by email, join in social networks and wait for the next articles.

In the professional skills section or additional information many indicate computer knowledge. But not everyone can make a list of computer programs for a resume. Of course, it’s best to only indicate software that you really know how to work with. After all, the recruiter may ask you to show your skills right at the interview.

Writing rules

HR officers advise writing about computer skills even to those people who are applying for a position not related to working on a PC. When describing your level of proficiency in this technique, you can indicate a list of programs that you know how to use. You also need to write down at what level you know the computer. You can indicate this as follows:

But it’s not worth describing in detail about your knowledge of certain programs. Each applicant can use this example of writing this column:

Advanced user. Ability to work with basic MS Office programs (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word, WordPad), graphic editors (Picture Manager, CorelDRAW), programs for sending and receiving electronic correspondence (Outlook Express). I can quickly search for the necessary information on the Internet, I can work with various browsers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Amigo, Internet Explorer). Good knowledge of the features of the Windows operating system.

The universal version of this section may look slightly different:

Intermediate PC skills. Ability to work with MS Office programs (experience with Excel, Word), search and download necessary information via the Internet (worked with Opera, Firefox browsers), can send emails.

Specifics of professions

There are a number of specialties for which it is necessary to list knowledge of programs that help to work. Of course, it’s better to start the description with general information about the level of computer skills and the ability to work with basic programs. For example, in an accountant’s resume this column might look like this:

Confident computer user. Knowledge of basic programs Microsoft Office such as MS Access, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, ability to work with email (including Outlook Express, Mirramail, EmailOpenViewPro). Excellent Internet skills in various browsers (worked in Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and others). Knowledge of specialized computer programs: 1C: Accounting 7.7 and 8, Parus, Client-Bank systems.

Too much big list listing all kinds of software can have the opposite effect: the employer will decide that your knowledge is very superficial.

It would be nice if an applicant for the position of sales manager, in addition to the list of basic PC programs, also indicates knowledge of specialized ones. In his resume, the specified section of the “professional skills” column may look like this:

Level of competent user. Skills in searching for specialized information on the Internet, experience working with various browsers (including Explorer, Opera, Chrome and others). Knowledge of the basics of working with Linux and Windows operating systems, basic office programs, text and graphic editors (Word, WordPad, PowerPoint, Access, Paint, Excel, Photoshop). Skills in working with specialized systems “BEST”, 1C:Enterprise (specification “Trade and Warehouse”), experience in working with a CRM system that regulates relationships with customers.

If the position requires more deep knowledge certain programs, they must be specified. So, for the position of PHP programmer, in addition to the ability to work with a PC, you may need the following: knowledge of PHP, social media API, WordPress API, CSS, HTML, JS, CSS.

In the latter case, you need to focus on your knowledge and the employer’s requirements.

If mastering new programs does not cause you any difficulties, this is worth noting at the end of the section.

How to describe skills - in general.

Description of computer skills is:

  1. one line in your resume if you are not a programmer, web designer, or layout designer;
  2. a short paragraph if the profession requires knowledge of special programs, computer technologies and tools.

Here's how to describe the general level of computer proficiency (for most office jobs):

"Advanced user. Good command of MS Office package (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word, WordPad), graphic editor(Picture Manager, CorelDRAW), working with email (Outlook Express). Confident work with different browsers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Amigo, Internet Explorer). Skills in working with Linux and Windows operating systems.”

Examples of descriptions of computer skills for different professions


Experienced user: MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Outlook), skills in working with the Internet (Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox) and email (Outlook Express).

Excellent knowledge of 1C 7.7, Trade + Warehouse, 1C 8.2, 8.3, Trade Management, Salaries + Personnel, ZUP, FIREPLACE, electronic reporting.

Assistant Manager

Knowledge of Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Linux. Confident user of MS Office (Excel, Word, Outlook, Access), working with the Internet (Opera, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox) and email (Outlook Express). Text and graphic editors (Word, WordPad, PowerPoint, Access, Paint, Excel, Photoshop). Possession Abbyy FineReader 9.0 Professional Edition, MOSEDO.

Confident user of office equipment (fax, MFP, mini-PBX).


Confident user of the Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint), legal systems and programs: Garant, Consultant +, Main Accountant System, System “ Financial Director" Knowledge of accounting automation programs management activities and electronic reporting (KonturExtern, SBIS++); 1C-Enterprise.

Web programmer

Expert level: PHP‚ AJAX‚ Jquery‚ LeafLet‚ Perl‚ HTML5‚ JavaScript‚ XML‚ MySQL‚ MSSQL‚ Oracle. Confident knowledge of modern platforms for creating and managing websites (CMS, FrameWork): 1C-Bitrix, UMI, NetCat, osCommerce, Joomla, Magento, Zend, YII, Cohana, CodeIgnitor, Symphony. Knowledge of specialized software systems: Mastertour from Megatek, Moodle, Elbuz.

Systems Analyst

Case tools: ERwin, BPwin, MS Visio, StarUML, Enterprise Architect, Visual Paradigm.

DBMS: MS Access, MS SQL Server, MySQL Workbench, Firebird SQL.

Project management: MS Project, Project Expert, Jira.

Development environments (languages ​​C/C++, JS, PHP): MS Visual Studio, Embracadero Rad Studio XE5-7, Borland C++, Aptana Studio, Adobe Dreamweaver OS.

Technologies: Windows Server, Debian, Ubuntu, Cent OS, Elementary OS, LAMP, WAMP, Denwer

Virtualization: Oracle Virtual Box. VMware Workstation, Bluestacks MISCELLANEOUS: EDMS "Letograf", 1C, Cisco Packet Tracer, Mathcad, Evernote, MS Office, Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice.

  • Before describing skills, read the job advertisement carefully. The first in the list is to indicate the programs that the employer mentioned in the list of requirements for the applicant,
  • indicate programs that you actually know well. If during an interview the employer wants to make sure of your skills and discovers that you have exaggerated your capabilities, this will be your last conversation,
  • the general level of PC proficiency can be described as follows: a) novice user, b) intermediate level, c) confident user, d) advanced user.

How to Describe Computer Skills on a Resume was last modified: December 26th, 2018 by Elena Nabatchikova

Now we will look at what skills a confident PC user should master. Once the basic skills are acquired, you can easily cope with more complex tasks.

Confident PC user: what are the requirements for him?

First of all, you need to know how to work with your operating system. This item should include maintaining the system in a stable operating condition, setting up the “desktop” parameters, correct installation and organization of the file structure (in which you can easily find any document, folder, or unzipping files in order to bring the data to the optimal size. These are the main knowledge, any confident PC user should receive it.

It's about It’s not about fad or fashion, such skills are really important, because if you, for example, do not remove programs correctly, there is a chance that after a few months the computer will refuse to work at all.

Confident PC user cares about security

You need to be completely confident in the security of your computer, as well as all the data stored on it. For this purpose, you will have to master anti-virus programs from various manufacturers to perfection.

This skill cannot be called an exception, since it applies to absolutely all people who want to master a personal computer. It should be noted that if the Internet is your field professional activity(for example, you create various copyrighted materials), in this case the loss of all personal data is often comparable in terms of losses to bankruptcy!

Work in the "office" right at home

If we talk about who a confident PC user is, of course, this is a person who knows how to use basic office programs such as Excel and Word. It's not just about typing, it's about making full use of these tools to create fully formatted spreadsheets and documents.

To lead business correspondence, create documents and databases, as well as analyze statistics, you will need Excel programs and Word. Skillful use of these tools will allow you to automatically sort data in tables, count the number of words and characters in the created document, write letters, significantly reducing the likelihood of accidental errors.

What is the Internet?

One of the main skills of any computer user is skillful work on the Internet. It is necessary to learn how to search for information on the World Wide Web without hours of fruitless wandering through sites with a dubious reputation. You should be able to manage bookmarks to your favorite sites, as well as save all important information, which you will find on your computer.

The ability to use different modern browsers, which include many additions aimed at making surfing the Internet fun and comfortable for a person. A confident PC user can use special software to work with the entire incoming flow Email, which allows you to save received letters on your personal computer, as well as process the received data several times faster.

Often you will need to use programs to download files, taking into account possible work according to a given schedule, with its temporary suspension, subsequent downloading of data, disconnection of the Internet when the process of downloading materials is completed. In addition to the above skills, the main ones include the ability to write data onto CDs and DVDs, as well as other storage media.

First of all, it should be said that the necessary computer programs for a resume can vary greatly depending on the specifics of your activity. Thus, those services that a web designer must have are not at all similar to those that are useful to an accountant. Therefore, as when filling out any other resume items, you should not write too much in this column. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to a monosyllabic phrase. The employer doesn't know anything about you. Where is the guarantee that you won’t end up being assigned a task that you can’t handle?

PC proficiency levels

When choosing computer programs for your resume, it is worth knowing that there are several levels of computer proficiency as such. They should under no circumstances be confused in order to avoid later unpleasant and awkward situations. Therefore, we will consider each level separately.

1. Beginner

Basic computer skills mean you have an understanding of what operating system(most often this is Windows), you know about its main components and capabilities. This level of PC proficiency assumes that you can easily install new program, find the required item in the menu, copy or move files, open and close a document, etc. What computer programs do you need to master? For a resume of an applicant who claims to have basic PC knowledge, it is important that it contains information about the ability to use the basic (standard) applications of the system. That is, the same calculator, notepad, media player and others.

2. Medium

In this case, in addition to basic services, the ability to work with office applications should also be included in computer programs for a resume. The most widely used product suite is Microsoft Office. First of all, you need to be fluent in MS Word, be able to create and edit tables in MS Excel (as well as make calculations using formulas). Some positions also require knowledge (applications for creating and managing databases), Power Point (presentation editor). In addition to entering data, it is important to be able to create tables, graphs, charts, change its design), etc. The ability to work with browsers and quickly search for information on the Internet is desirable.

3. Confident

Many people, when filling out the “Computer skills” column, thoughtlessly write that they “have PC proficiency at the level of a confident user.” To avoid misunderstandings, remember: confident computer skills assume that you understand not only standard and office applications, but also have some skills and experience with highly specialized programs necessary for your line of work. Here you need to choose what is most suitable in a particular situation. For example, a web designer need not mention that he knows how to use the 1C: Accounting service, but about his knowledge of working with Adobe Photoshop and other experiences working with different CMSs need to be said.

The ability to work on the Internet is an important advantage for a candidate

The item “Proficiency in computer programs” in a resume, as you have already seen, is of great importance. Skills related to working on the World Wide Web can give you additional weight in the eyes of the employer. If you use it well search engines, quickly find relevant and reliable information, know how to work with you know where and how to place press releases and company advertisements, are well versed in various forums and social networks - have no doubt that for the owners of the company or company you will be of great value as a employee.

What if you have minimal or no PC skills?

It makes no sense once again talk about how important computer programs you know are for resumes. List including a large number of applications useful for working in a particular position are guaranteed to attract the attention of the employer. But what if your ability to use a computer is at the level of a beginner, and you really want to get a position? Let’s say right away that in some cases desire alone is not enough. At the same time, sometimes you can compensate for this shortcoming by mentioning in “Personal Qualities” quick learning and a willingness to constantly learn something new.

And, of course, don’t waste your free time: by mastering several new programs, you will significantly increase your ranking in the labor market!

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