Registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery. How to deal with Russian Post: secrets that will save your time, money and nerves

Despite the development high technology, Availability modern methods communications and the ability to exchange data via the Internet, situations may arise when it is necessary to transfer information on paper. As a rule, originals of valuable documents must be sent in this way.

In contact with


If, when sending a regular message, the sender does not need to visit the post office, then a registered letter with notification can be sent only with the appropriate registration at the post office. Postal workers will help you follow all the details of the procedure so that the shipment is guaranteed to reach the addressee. This is the most reliable shipping method.

It is enough to warn the operator about your intention to send a registered letter in order to avoid errors in registration. How much it costs to send a registered letter and receive confirmation of sending, you need to find out directly at the post office.

Attachments to be sent are most often:

  • originals of securities;
  • documentation on the work activities of the organization;
  • original copy of invoices and acts for financial statements;
  • requests, notices from government and municipal institutions: tax service, judicial system, Military Commissariat
  • certificates, copies of personal documents, powers of attorney, etc.

Sending a registered letter by Russian Post will not require much time and money. Placing the “Custom” mark on the envelope indicates the assignment of a unique identification code. Such a stamp is affixed by a postal worker, after which the sender has the opportunity to track the movement of his shipment by entering the received code into the appropriate line of the “Tracking” service on the official website of the Russian Post:

Important! The identification number can be found on the receipt issued to the sender after payment has been made.

Algorithm of actions

If the shipment is registered, then in addition to the ability to track its path to the addressee, the sender can receive not only a documentary report of delivery to the specified address, but also the fact of delivery, confirmed by the personal signature of the recipient (notification).

Only the person indicated in the “Recipient” line has the right to receive such messages. Other persons have the right to receive, but only if they have a certified one.

How to send a registered letter:

  1. Prepare documentation for shipment.
  2. Visit any branch of the Russian Post.
  3. Inform the postal worker of your intention to process this particular type of shipment.
  4. Enter all the details of the sender and recipient.
  5. Fill out the notification of delivery form correctly.
  6. Give the envelope with papers and the form to the postal employee.

Based on the volume of documentation being sent, you can select the most appropriate envelope size. Acceptable sizes correspond to: C6 format – minimum, C4 format – maximum. Weight should not exceed 100 grams if sent within Russia, and 2 kg if sent abroad.

The delivery time for registered valuable letters depends on the remoteness of the regions of departure and destination. To find out the approximate date, you should use a special calculator available for use on the Russian Post website.

You must fill out a special form

Sample form

The sending person does not have to compose the text. There are special forms for this: on the territory of the Russian Federation - f. 199, for abroad - CN07. The sender will learn about personal delivery of a registered letter by the returned signed form. The notice is printed on thick A6 paper:

Information is entered line by line. Forms are issued free of charge and can often be found in special compartments. If an error was made when filling out, you can fill out new form. When the message reaches its destination, the recipient will receive a notification, the presentation of which will allow him to pick up the envelope. The recipient will not have to think about how to correctly fill out a notification of delivery of a registered letter, because the sender did it for him. He will only have to put a signature proving the fact of delivery.

Russian Post provides the opportunity to use additional services, for example, SMS notification of delivery, 1st class mailing, and delivery of messages by airlines.

Sample form for milking Russia

It would seem that it is impossible to make a mistake. However, there is some confusion when filling out the lines. How to correctly fill out a notification of delivery of a registered letter.

  1. Specify the type of notification: simple or custom.
  2. Check the box for the type of message that is being sent. IN in this case“letter”, “registered”.
  3. In the “To” line, enter the full name of the person sending the message, or the name of the organization (when exchanging documentation between legal entities).
  4. The sender's address is written in the "Address" line.

If you have any doubts about the correctness of the postal code, it is better to contact the postman and determine the correct postal code using a directory.

Attention! Many people make the mistake of indicating themselves as the sender. Remember that such a notification indicates receipt by the addressee, and therefore is sent on his behalf.

In the “Sender” line, you must indicate the person to whom the shipment is sent, but yourself as the “Recipient”.

Sample form for abroad - CN07

additional service

To send important papers, you can use another service - send a valuable letter with a description of the attachment. This type of forwarding allows you to partially or fully compensate for damage in the event of loss or damage to the message. What is a valuable letter with an inventory of attachments? Such a letter (or parcel) with a declared value is officially registered by the postal system, after which its path is available for tracking using the assigned track code.

How to send documents in this way. There are rules for sending parcels with declared value. The procedure is similar to sending messages in the “registered” category and is carried out only from the post office.

To avoid making mistakes, you need to follow step by step instructions:

  1. Prepare documents.
  2. Come to the post office and select the optimal size envelope. Minimum and maximum permissible size– format C6 and C4, respectively.
  3. Inform the postman of your intention to send a valuable item.
  4. The amount indicated as “declared value” is established by the sender and is written on the form line when registering the shipment.

You can find out how much it costs to send a registered (valuable) letter by Russian Post using online calculator or from a postal worker. For example, shipping from Samara to Khabarovsk will take about 6 days, and the total cost, including notification and inventory, will be about 170 rubles (about 4 days, cost - 220 rubles with in an accelerated manner delivery).

To avoid loss or confusion when the message is received, an inventory of the contents is additionally included in the envelope. A letter with a declared value and an inventory of the attachment allows you to avoid misunderstandings between the post office, the sender and the addressee.

The inventory is compiled in two copies, one of which remains in the hands of the sender, and the second is placed inside the envelope after verification by the postman. When filling out, in addition to the total value, the sender indicates the value of each of the items being sent. Upon arrival of the letter at the addressee's post office, he will receive a notice containing the mark “valuable”, as well as the valuation amount. Thus, the recipient has the opportunity to verify the actual availability of documentation with the inventory.

Useful video: how to send a letter with receipt of receipt?

Remember! Please check all documents before sending. Attachments must be listed strictly line by line, indicating the serial number and name. Handwriting must be legible and the text must not contain errors. Any corrections are unacceptable.

A registered letter, unlike a regular letter, has a tracking number. On the territory of the Russian Federation, a registered letter is delivered to the addressee against signature in person or to a representative of the addressee by proxy.



Weight Limit

229 × 324 mm (C4 format)

In the Russian Federation - 100 g

Abroad - 2 kg

How to send

  1. Buy any envelope of the appropriate size, enclose a letter and write the address. The envelope can be purchased at the post office.
  2. Give the envelope with the letter to the Post Office employee, indicating that you need to send a registered letter.

Additional services:

  • Notice of delivery. You will receive a receipt signed by the recipient. To learn more
  • SMS notification
  • Air shipment- The fastest way to deliver a letter is by air.

Find a branch

Minimum size

110 × 220 mm (Euroenvelope) or 114 × 162 mm (C6 format)

Maximum size

229 × 324 mm (C4 format)

Weight Limit

In the Russian Federation - 100 g

Abroad - 2 kg

Notification of delivery of a registered letter: sample of filling out form f 119

Date of publication: 02/09/2018

A notification of delivery of a registered letter is a special document that informs the sender that his postal item has been delivered and received by the final addressee. The notification of delivery is a special postal form, Form 119 (f 119). This form filled in by the sender of the registered letter and sent along with it.

In addition to a registered letter with notification f 119, you can also send: a valuable letter, including a valuable and registered 1st class letter, a registered and valuable parcel post, as well as parcels. In each case, the form should be sent along with the postal item to the place of delivery.

Registered letter, like any other type postal item with notification of delivery, is handed over to the addressee (recipient) in person against signature. At the time of delivery, the postal employee fills out the back side of the form, which indicates when and by whom this postal item was received. The recipient puts his signature in the “Received” line. Next, the notification form is sent back to the sender of the letter.

A letter, parcel post or parcel sent with form f 119 can be received either by the addressee himself or by his legal representative based on a power of attorney. Both the first and second must present a passport upon receipt. Legal representative In addition to the identity document, you will also have to show a power of attorney. If the letter is received by another person by proxy, then this point is also indicated in the notification form.

Notice of delivery can be simple or registered. In this case, a simple notification is the same as a simple letter - that is, the postman will simply drop it into the sender’s mailbox; ordered - will be delivered personally.

Notification of delivery of a registered letter is an additional service of the Russian Post, which is paid by the sender. From January 1, 2018 rate next:

  • the cost of a simple notification is 25.96 rubles including VAT;
  • the cost of a registered notice is 61.36 rubles including VAT

Compared to the previous year, the price increased by 2-5 rubles, depending on the type of notification. Upon payment postage stamps– VAT is not charged. The price in this case will be 4-9 rubles lower.

Deadlines for delivery of notifications to the sender exactly the same as for a simple or custom postcard.

Attention: today, in addition to the “notice of delivery” service, Russian Post offers the service SMS notifications about the arrival of the shipment at the department and delivery to the addressee.

How to send a registered letter with notification?

Cost: 10 rubles for each message.

How to correctly fill out the form for notification of delivery of a registered letter f 119

Form f 119 is issued free of charge at post offices. Those who have an agreement with Russian Post are allowed to independently produce and print forms in compliance with all standards. True, such “homemade” forms are very often accepted from ordinary citizens. You can fill out the notification of delivery form online and then print it out using various services that can be found on the Internet.

Below is a sample of filling out the form for notification of delivery of a registered letter:

The form must be filled out on both sides. On the front side the sender must indicate the following:

  • type of notification (simple or custom);
  • type of postal item (letter, parcel, etc.);
  • your address, zip code and full name.

On the reverse side it states:

  • type of postal item;
  • address and index of the recipient (you should also write your full name at the end).

Attention: on the front side the data is indicated by the sender of the postal item. That is, if you send a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery, then indicate your data, since you will be the recipient of this document.

On the reverse side the information about who the shipment is intended for is indicated. In this case, the reverse side of the form, as mentioned above, will be supplemented by the postal employee at the time of delivery of the letter and signed by the recipient.

Download blank form f 119, which can be printed and filled out, can be found at the link: .doc Word

Difficulties rarely arise when filling out a postal notice; this procedure takes a few minutes. If the document is filled out correctly, the Russian Post employee must give the recipient the long-awaited parcel, parcel post or registered letter. If the postal notice was filled out in violation of the rules, the recipient will have to ask for a new form and fill it out without errors. To save time, read simple instructions What to write on the Russian Post notice.

What does the mail notification form look like?

The law establishes a single form for such a document - F. 22 “Russian Post”. This is what the front side looks like:

And this is the other side:

What does the information on the form mean?

The mark zk means that the letter is registered. If it says “judicial,” it means it came from the court.

The first page, that is, the front side, is completely filled out by the postal workers of the department. It doesn't matter if your name and address are handwritten or everything is typed on the computer. It doesn’t matter that the F 22 notice came with errors in the name or street name. Especially on shipments from abroad, distorted data is often contained; during transcription, it is difficult to avoid incorrect spelling of a surname or street name. And the human factor must be taken into account - an employee or the sender himself may make a typo. If the postman showed ingenuity and threw the notice into the mailbox to the right address, then everything is in order.

Don’t be confused by the torn edges of the form either: they are printed several times on one sheet of paper, then torn off in a hurry - there is no time to use scissors.

All fields - “To”, “Address”, “Received in your name”, etc. - have already been filled in by postal employees. At the top right is the date of completion, which can be in the form of a stamp. In the center you can see the notification number, above it is a barcode of the tracking number, as well as the weight, description of the package sent and the address where you can receive it. The most important thing is the delivery address and the opening hours of the post office.

Cash on delivery of Russian Post - how to use and how much does it cost?

How to fill out a postal notice?

The reverse side of the form is filled out by the recipient himself. But not all of it! If you carefully examine the sample, you can see that on the second page at the bottom the postal notice (form) has lines for postal workers. The main thing is not to get confused and not to sign in the “Issued” line by mistake.

The recipient must include his personal data in the notice (thereby consenting to their processing). For this you will need a passport. Enter the following:

  • passport data (series, number, by whom and when issued);
  • official registration address;
  • date of receipt (can be entered at the last moment, when the shipment is presented with the specified weight, undamaged packaging, with all seals and seals);
  • recipient's signature.

If the form is lost

The notice was lost, Russian Post did not deliver it, or it was not possible to fill it out correctly the first time - no problem. You can receive the parcel without this document.

A registered letter with a simple notification of what it is

A blank form will be issued to replace the lost one at the department itself and there it will need to be filled out according to the proposed sample.

How to submit a notice online

You can make everything even simpler, go to the post office website (, fill out the form and download it. This opportunity is provided by Russian Post - to print a notice by number.

Notice f. 22 in this form must be accepted at any post office. If postmen refuse to accept an unfamiliar printout, you can complain to their support service: 8-800-2005-888 or leave an entry in the book of complaints and suggestions. One mention of the complaint can have an effect and the incident will be over.

How can I find out where a registered letter came from by the notification number?

A mail notification will help identify the sender. You can find out who the letter came from by the notification number as follows:

  • at the top under the barcode find the identifier number (underlined in red);
  • go to the website;
  • enter the 14-digit number in the “Tracking” line;
  • obtain information - who, when and where sent the letter.

Please note that this is a postal notice zk. How to find out who sent shipments marked DHL, UPS, EMS, etc., read the following articles.

If you need a guarantee that the letter will not be lost and will definitely reach the addressee, your choice is Ordered letter. In registered letters you can send everything the same as in regular letters - photographs, papers, documents (only NOT secret ones:), etc.
And finally, you can send a registered letter directly from the site, without leaving your home!

Registered letters are different from regular topics that they can be tracked, because they are registered mail.

After sending, you are given a postal identifier number (also known as a track code), which can be used to track the letter at all stages of its journey. You will always know where your letter is and whether your addressee received it. An example of checking the passage of a registered letter on the Russian Post website:

Also, unlike regular letter, registered ones are not thrown into the mailbox.

Ordered letter

It lies at the post office, and the postal worker brings a notice to the addressee's box - with it and your passport you need to go to the post office to receive the letter. In this way, delivery is guaranteed - the letter actually cannot get lost in transit and will not be pulled out of the box by hooligan teenagers :) This is the main advantage of a registered letter.

A visual sign will help you understand the differences between regular and registered letters:

cheaper expensive
they put it in the mailbox, you don’t have to go anywhere you have to go get a letter at the post office (sometimes the postman brings it)
the letter may get lost and cannot be tracked the letter is registered and its path can be tracked, you always know where your letter is and whether the addressee received it
the letter may be pulled out of the mailbox because the letter is handed over against signature by a postal worker, its loss is almost impossible
we do not guarantee delivery simple letter full guarantee, if the letter is not delivered within 30 days, we will resend it free of charge (or return the money) more details

Letter tracking is carried out on the Russian Post website -
There are also mobile applications for smartphones and tablets (Android and iOS) for convenient tracking of shipments.

In addition to the Russian Post website, there are various tracking services, for example - here you can set up automatic alerts and once every few hours you will receive messages by E-mail (free) or SMS (paid) if there are changes in progress.

Attention: The sender's address can only be Russian. You don’t have to indicate the sender’s address at all; we will enter the recipient’s address there (the letter will not be accepted at the post office without a return address), but then it will not be able to return to you if returned.

Send a registered letter within Russia:
(sender and recipient from Russia)

— 159 rubles

— 179 rubles

Registered letter with postcard— 179 rubles

— 199 rubles

Registered letter with five photographs199 rubles Promotion!

Send registered mail worldwide:
(sender from Russia, recipient - any country)

Registered letter without photos— 259 rubles

Registered letter with one photo— 279 rubles

Registered letter with postcard— 279 rubles

Registered letter with two photographs— 299 rubles

Prices are indicated excluding commissions of payment systems.

It is possible to prove the fact of receipt of the letter by the addressee using a document such as a postal notification of delivery of the letter.
Both at the stage of pre-trial dispute resolution (we send a claim, notification), and during the consideration of the case (judicial notification).

Very often, the responsibility to provide evidence of proper notification to the counterparty (the other party to the transaction) rests with the sender. In this case, information about what a postal notification of delivery of a letter is and how to send documents correctly is useful.

How to receive a postal notification of delivery of a letter

That is, at the post office you do not just send a letter, but ask for a registered letter with notification. Or simple with notification.

Tip 1: How to send a registered letter with notification

Special forms are filled out. For shipments within Russia - form 119, for international shipments CN 07. Forms are available at the post office.

Why is a registered letter better than a regular letter? It has a tracking number. By using online service On the official website of the Russian Post you can track the date of receipt. In addition, unlike a simple letter, a registered letter must be delivered only to the addressee against signature in person or to his representative with a power of attorney to receive mail.

What you need to fill out

The notification of delivery of the letter is a small format form with text on both sides. You must fill in the following fields: to whom, recipient's address. Mark with a cross X type of letter (registered, simple, with declared value - when there is an inventory of the attachment, parcel, 1st class item, parcel post).

On back side address and full name are indicated.

(name of organization) sender. So that the postal notification with a mark of delivery is returned to the addressee. In this case, the document with a delivery mark may be returned not to the sender, but to another person. Then the address and information of such a person are indicated.

Returning a postal notification of delivery of a letter

The completed postal notification is checked by a postal employee. For the correctness of the entries on both sides. Then the receipt number is entered, a stamp is affixed, and the sender is charged a fee.

The receipt is given to the sender. If the letter was registered, it has a tracking number. Easy to track. Especially with the prospect of going to court and proving the fact of compliance with the pre-trial procedure for going to court.

After return, the postal notification of delivery of the letter will contain the date of delivery and the signature (with transcript) of the person who received the letter.

Written Notice

What is the correct way to “notify in writing”?

Often we are faced with the need to notify someone: an employer about dismissal, a seller about a complaint about the quality of a product, neighbors about the sale of a room, and in many other situations. When we're talking about about the need to “notify in writing” you should know that this is a legally significant action that has corresponding consequences.

Many civil lawsuits can only be initiated after a pre-trial settlement has been completed. That is, it is necessary to prove that attempts were made to reach an agreement before going to court. What if the other party refuses to compromise or completely ignores requests? And in such cases, the law allows you to go to court. But a mandatory condition for accepting the claim for consideration is confirmation that the plaintiff has properly notified the defendant.

A way to avoid trial

Is proper written notice only important to the court? Not at all! You don't want to sue, do you? Rest assured: so does the person you need to notify. Having received a written notification from you, for example, sent by a notary (more on this below), he will understand that you:

  • are ready to bring the case to court;
  • are legally literate enough to defend their interests in court.

And this is a direct path to a pre-trial settlement of the situation.

Notification form

All notifications that citizens have to deal with can be divided into:

  • notification of various state and municipal authorities;
  • legally meaningful messages in civil law relations.

Upon notification of the state. bodies most often use forms approved by various by-laws regulations(administrative regulations, instructions, orders, letters from various ministries and departments).

In civil law relations, notifications are usually made in free form.

Sometimes the parties to a contract, in order to make their lives easier, make the forms of the most important notices and notifications annexes to the concluded contract.

Notification methods

Since September 1, 2013, the procedure for transferring legally significant documents is regulated by Article 165.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A “legally significant” document can be called differently: claim, demand, notification, statement. The rule for bringing them to the addressee, approved by law, is quite flexible; it does NOT indicate:

  • required delivery methods,
  • the form in which the relevant document must be sent.

But the law states that legal consequences begin from the moment of its delivery. Accordingly, it is in the interests of the sender of the notification deliver it in such a way as to have proof of delivery to the addressee.

Moreover, if a legal dispute arises, he will have to prove the fact of notification. Therefore, if you do not want to later prove in court with the help of witness testimony that you notified orally - notify in writing!

The best options for written notification are those that allow you to document the receipt of this document:

  • by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery;
  • a valuable letter with an inventory and notification of delivery.
  • courier service;
  • delivery to the addressee in person.

Article 113 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation also mentions the following notification options:

  • by fax;
  • telephone message;
  • by telegram.

But you should not use these methods due to the difficulty of proving the fact of receipt of the notification. They are mainly used by the court to summon participants to a hearing. It is worth noting that, within the framework of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, courts are not required to record the receipt of correspondence sent by them; the mere fact of sending is enough for them. But at the same time the defendant has every right challenge the receipt, which will significantly delay the process. Therefore, the plaintiff has the right to take additional care of notifying the defendant that a claim has been filed against him.

Personal delivery

The notice may be served on the person to whom it is addressed or his authorized representative. When delivering in person, the person being notified must be ensured that he puts a mark of receipt on the second copy of the document being served. It should contain:

  • the inscription “document received” or “received”;
  • surname and initials of the recipient;
  • his signature;
  • date of receipt.

For legal entities There is also an obligation to register the received notification in the correspondence register and assign a number. This number must also be indicated on the second copy of the document being served, which remains with the notifying person.

Simply handing over a document “from hand to hand” will not be considered proper notice. It will be almost impossible to prove its delivery. This is worth considering if, for example, you gave a document to an office employee without checking that it was properly registered. Often such requests are subsequently “lost.”

Letter by Russian Post

Notification through Russian Post services is the most common method. In this case, it is permissible to use the following options for sending letters:

  • registered with acknowledgment of delivery;
  • valuable with an inventory and notification of delivery.

A simple letter cannot be notified.

The reason for this prohibition is the inability to further confirm its receipt by the addressee.

Difference between registered and valued letters in this context is that after sending a registered letter, the sender only has a receipt confirming the fact of its sending. And in the case of a valuable letter, not only a receipt, but also a list of attachments, confirming exactly which documents were sent. The Russian Post rules do not provide for the possibility of compiling an inventory of attachments for letters without a declared value. That's why the option of notification by a valuable letter with an inventory and acknowledgment of delivery is preferable.

Postal rules approved by the Order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated May 17, 2012. No. 114-p, the following procedure for written notification is provided:

1. The sender prepares two copies of the list of attachments f. 107 in an envelope and a completed form f. 119, hands them along with an unsealed envelope to the liaison office employee. The inventory should indicate the names of all documents in as much detail as possible: the number of sheets in each document, the date of its preparation, and other details. The declared value of the letter does not matter - it is quite possible to limit yourself to 10 rubles.

2. The employee checks whether the attached documents are correctly indicated in the inventory and puts marks on dispatch on copies of the inventory.

Registered letter with notification - what is it, how much does it cost, how to send?

One copy of the inventory is placed in an envelope and sealed by the postal worker, the second is returned to the sender.

3. The required marks are put on the postal receipt form and it is attached to the envelope. After delivery, the necessary fields on the form will be filled in, and it will be returned to the sender by post.

4. After paying for the service, the postal employee gives the sender a check.

Where should I send the letter?

When drawing up contracts, you should agree on the address where legally significant messages will be sent and establish the obligation of the parties to notify each other about a change of address (preferably before they change). It should also be indicated that in case of failure to notify the counterparty of a change of address, the violating party bears all the risks associated with failure to receive documents sent to it.

If for some reason there is no agreement, you should act in accordance with the explanations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation contained in paragraph 63 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2015 N 25. Notice will be deemed to have been duly given. if it is sent:

  • to an individual - at the address of his registration or indicated by him in the contract.
  • legal entity or individual entrepreneur- at the address indicated, respectively, in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

When written notifications are sent to the above addresses or to the addresses specified in the agreement, they are considered received even if the addressee is actually located in another place.

What to do if the addressee avoids receiving a notification by mail?

Especially for such situations, Part 1 of Article 165.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that if the addressee avoids receiving a letter, then it is considered delivered (accordingly, the addressee is considered to have received the written notification and familiarized itself with it). Thus, according to the explanation of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (clause 67 of the above-mentioned Resolution of the Plenum), a written notice is considered delivered if:

  • it was sent to the proper address (see above);
  • the addressee did not appear at the post office and did not receive the corresponding letter with notification of delivery;
  • As a result, the letter was returned after the expiration of the retention period.

Therefore, it will not be possible to evade receiving a correctly directed notification.


The notification algorithm via courier service is similar to the previous method. Only the delivery of correspondence is carried out not by Russian Post, but by a specific courier organization. The advantage of this option is speed. The downside is the higher cost.

Notification by e-mail

If the notice is sent by email, the addressee must be able to identify who it came from. For this purpose, the email addresses from which letters will be sent are usually indicated in the text of the contract. You can also confirm your email address by sending it to the person with whom the exchange is expected to be legally meaningful information, written message containing your email address.

It is necessary to understand that the fact that the addressee received the notification may have to be proven in court. In this regard Notifications via email are far from optimal. Although many prefer this type of communication for its efficiency. In such cases, it may be advisable to agree in the contract on the simultaneous sending of notifications by electronic (or fax) communication and, at the same time, by mail, courier service, or personal delivery.

Notification by notary

If you need to have on hand “the most significant evidence” of the sending and delivery of a notice, you can take advantage of the opportunity provided by Article 86 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Notaries - transfer of documents to the addressee by a notary.

Notification through a notary is a relatively expensive procedure. However, it may be useful in situations where:

  • the price of the issue is much higher than the cost of notary services;
  • it is necessary to exert psychological pressure on the counterparty;
  • it is required to have maximum evidence of sending the notification and taking all possible measures to ensure that it reaches the addressee.

It is possible to transfer documents by a notary both in regular written form (on paper) and by email(documents are certified by an electronic signature of a notary). In this case, the notary issues relevant certificates as evidence of sending and delivery of documents.

Verbal notification

There is a nuance arising from the content of Part 3 of Art. 159 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If an agreement is signed between the parties and there is no obligation to notify the other party in writing about various circumstances affecting the execution of the agreement, or the possibility of oral notifications is directly provided for, then the parties are free to be content with them. However, this risks the fact that in the event of a legal dispute in court, it will be difficult to prove that such notifications took place. But the presence in the contract of direct indications of the need for oral notifications does not deprive a party of the right to send a written notification in a situation where it considers it necessary to obtain evidence of the delivery of information to the addressee.

Ask your question to a lawyer!

In the age of computer technology, people write paper letters to each other less and less often. It may seem that soon such an organization as the post office will become obsolete altogether. But in reality this is far from the case. Quite often it is simply impossible to do without postage. In this article we will look at the procedure for sending a registered letter with a list of attachments. Let's also talk about how long the letter will take and how much such a service costs.

What is allowed to be put in an envelope

Before we talk about how to send a registered letter with a description of the attachment, let's clarify what exactly is allowed to be sent in an envelope without violating the rules.

It is fundamentally wrong to think that in a postal envelope you can only send greeting card or a letter. The shipment can contain almost any paper:

  • diplomas and certificates;
  • passport;
  • various certificates;
  • contracts;
  • flat paper products, cardboard frames or crafts;
  • photos;
  • brochures;
  • magazines;
  • much more.

The most important thing is that the shipment does not exceed the permitted weight:

  • 100 g - on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • 2,000 g - for shipments abroad.

Often, post office employees refuse to accept letters containing small items, such as jewelry. They justify this behavior by the fact that when stamps and seals are affixed, the envelope may tear. The reason for this will be the voluminous investment, and postal workers will deal with the situation. However, many of those who regularly send such things claim that it is possible to obtain consent for such an investment if you exclude explicit probing of the item. To do this, the attachment can, for example, be wrapped in thick cardboard.

We send a registered letter

Now let's talk about how you can send a registered letter and how it differs from a regular one.

  • complaints;
  • claims;
  • notifications;
  • contracts;
  • requests;
  • petitions;
  • other official papers.

Unlike a regular letter, a registered letter is supplied with a special track number. Using it, you can, if desired, trace the departure route from one point to another. To do this, you just need to go to the official portal of the Russian Post and enter the track number in the “Tracking of items” section.

If you decide to send a registered letter, you can be sure that the person to whom it is addressed will receive it. Such a letter is not thrown into the mailbox. It is issued personally to the addressee upon presentation of a civil passport.

There is a fee for registered mail, and even if you have a postal envelope with a stamp, you won’t be able to simply throw such an item in a box. To do this, you need to personally visit the post office, contact an employee and inform him that you need the “Registered letter” service. A branch employee will weigh the envelope and calculate the cost of shipping. After payment, the shipment will be registered in a special journal, assigned a track number, and a special barcode and the required number of stamps will be affixed to the envelope.

Why order a notification and how to issue it

Sometimes it is necessary to send a registered letter with a list of attachments and notification. This is necessary in order to find out exactly when the addressee received the envelope. To do this, a special form is attached to the letter, in which the addressee signs upon receipt of the item. After this, the notification form is detached from the letter by a postal employee and sent back to the sender.

To issue a notification, a special form F-119 is used. You can obtain it from a branch employee or download it on the Internet. This form is easy to fill out. It is enough to simply answer the questions posed. If nothing works out at all, you can ask a postal worker for help.

How to send an envelope with a description of the contents

Quite often it happens that you need to clearly record which papers were sent to the addressee. For this purpose, there is a registered letter with a list of attachments. This type of sending correspondence is considered the most reliable. Indeed, in this case, the post office takes on additional financial obligations. If your shipment, God forbid, is lost, Russian Post will be obliged to pay compensation in the amount at which you valued the letter when sending it. Such a letter is assigned a special number by which it can be tracked at any point along the route.

In order to send a so-called registered letter with a list of attachments, you will have to work a little. First of all, you need to download on the Internet or ask a post office employee for a special form marked “f-107”.

The sender fills out this form at home or directly at the branch. And he does this in duplicate. Each item indicated in the inventory is certainly evaluated. The letter is brought to the post office open and the department employee carefully checks the contents of the envelope with the list indicated in the document. Only after this does the post office employee sign and stamp each copy. The sender also leaves his autograph.

One copy of the inventory is placed inside the envelope, and the sender keeps the second. In the future, it will serve as confirmation of what exactly was included in the envelope. Now the package (envelope) can be sealed and handed over to a post office employee for processing.

Sending subtleties

And now it’s time to tell you the worst secret! Russian Post does not send registered mail with a description of the attachment. Due to their ignorance, post office customers often confuse some concepts.

An exceptionally valuable letter is sent with a description of the attachment. In this case, the sender fills in special form, which was mentioned above.

Of course, you can also send a registered letter with a list of attachments. No one has the right to forbid you to do this. But you will have to draw up such an inventory by hand and in any form. No one will check it or pay any attention to it at all. There will be no seal or signature of a department employee on it. This means that, if necessary, you will not be able to confirm that the envelope contained exactly the documents that you said you put there.

How to fill out the inventory correctly

If you are not sure that you understand how to issue a registered letter (with a list of attachments), you can view a sample directly at the post office or in our article. This is, in general, a simple matter.

  1. First of all, you need to indicate the address of the recipient of the correspondence, that is, the person to whom you are writing.
  2. All documents placed in the envelope are entered one by one in a special field. It is advisable to indicate the name of the document, the date of its issue, number and brief content.
  3. The adjacent column indicates the number of documents of the same name.
  4. Another column is occupied by the value you declared for each security. You can set any amount here, but do not forget that it is from this figure that the state duty that you will have to pay will be calculated. So you shouldn’t value a photo of your beloved grandmother at a million.
  5. At the bottom is the total amount, which is obtained by adding all the numbers in the “Cost” column.

Since the inventory of the attachment is filled out in two copies, it is very important that the information in them is identical letter by letter. If a discrepancy of even one letter is detected, the operator may require the document to be rewritten.

How much does it cost to send a letter?

It is almost impossible to answer this question unambiguously. The fact is that it all depends on too many factors. The shipping price is affected by:

  • weight of the item;
  • forwarding distance;
  • delivery method;
  • with notice or not;
  • whether it is custom made or not;
  • whether the letter has a certain value.

For letters with a description of the attachment, it is worth remembering this nuance. Such letters are called “Valuable”. This means that upon shipment you will have to pay an additional duty (insurance fee) of 4% of the declared value. So before you evaluate an investment, think carefully about whether you have enough money to pay for shipping.

By the way, if the letter is lost, the insurance fee will not be reimbursed to the sender. Only the declared value of the shipment will be returned to you.

Delivery terms

Another question that often interests citizens: As you understand, this will also require clarification. It all depends on where exactly the letter was sent. For example, delivery of correspondence within one municipality cannot exceed three working days. Well, if you are on the other side of the country, then answering the question of how long it takes for a registered letter to Russia will be quite difficult.

In any case, Russian Post has certain standards that it must adhere to. So you can often find out at least the approximate delivery time from the branch operator.

Correspondence in the Russian Federation is often delivered in violation of regulatory deadlines or disappears completely without a trace. So, Russian Post loses almost every 5-6th letter. Communications workers explain this fact by the enormous distances within the country, the difficult economic situation and the fact that letters get stuck in local post offices for days, weeks, or even months.

The solution is obvious - send registered letters with notification. In this case, you will receive a receipt indicating the identification number of your letter and then on the Russian Post website you will be able to track its traffic within the country. The procedure is not particularly difficult.

Submission procedure steps

The envelope for the letter should not exceed A4 format, and the weight should not exceed 100 g. Exceeding any of the parameters for postal employees is legal basis refuse the service. The addresses of the recipient and the sender on the envelope should be written clearly, ideally in printed form.

After the envelope is signed, you need to come to the post office. Only there you can get a notification form and buy the required number of stamps. Their number depends on the location of the recipient.

The notification is a two-sided form of the established form. It should include information about the sender and recipient.

The form must be glued to the envelope. Usually it is secured on the back side with tape so that the information is convenient to read on the front side. This can be done by both the sender and the postal employee.

Having completed all the necessary manipulations, the envelope with the notification must be handed over to the department employee. It is accepted only in sealed form. An employee will weigh the message, affix the required number of stamps and the sender’s individual barcode.

The sender receives a check that contains all the necessary data - the recipient's address, type of letter, cost of the service. The receipt should be kept until the addressee receives the letter.

The receipt will contain a 14-digit code. Using it, the path of the envelope can be tracked daily on the Internet. To do this, just enter your code into the window on the Russian Post website, and the system will display where the registered letter with notification you are interested in is currently located.

About letter delivery

So, payment for the service of sending your letter by mail has been made. It begins its difficult journey to the recipient.

The stamps are usually extinguished and stamped by a machine. Then the letters are sorted taking into account regions, districts, and cities. The bags of mail are picked up by trucks and taken to airports and train stations. Some letters travel by plane, others by train. The packages travel from station to station, from where they are picked up again by trucks and delivered to local post offices.

If the recipient arrives on time

When correspondence arrives at the specified post office, the addressee receives a notification. It is usually delivered in person or dropped in a mailbox. To receive a letter, a person must have an identity card (passport) and a notice.

When something went wrong

The first notification is sent to the recipient on the day the letter arrives at the post office. If the addressee, for various reasons, does not appear for the letter within 5 days, the notification is repeated. Has the recipient failed to show up again? Then the postman brings new paper.

In any case, the post office will keep the notification letter for exactly one month, starting from the date of arrival. After this period, the letter is sent back to its sender.

As soon as the recipient picks up the letter at the post office, the notification is sent back to its sender. The document confirms that government agency performed the service within the stated list of its functions.

Sending letters is still relevant in this day and age. By contacting any branch of the Russian Post, you have the opportunity to send a letter to any address - both in Russia and abroad.

Letters are sent directly to Russian Post offices. If you do not know where exactly the branch is located or which one is closest to your location, use the branch and branch search service on official page organizations. You can locate your branch using a map or exact address. The letter can be simple, registered or with declared value, and is intended only for sending a written message. The maximum weight of a letter is 100 g. For mailing, you will need to purchase an envelope of the appropriate size. The details of the sender and recipient are indicated on the outside of the envelope. The speed of delivery directly depends on the correctness of filling. For sending internal written correspondence, the details are indicated in Russian, and for international correspondence - in English or the state language of the recipient.

The details are indicated in this order:
  • last name, first name and patronymic;
  • street name, house and apartment number;
  • name of the area;
  • name of the republic, territory, region;
  • country name for international shipments only;
  • index.

The sender's information is written in the upper left corner of the envelope in legible handwriting, the recipient - in the lower right. Postal code is a mandatory requirement when filling out address information, which you can find out at the post office or look in the section of the website. Some types of envelopes have a code stamp of the addressee, where the index is written in stylized numbers.

After placing the letter in the envelope, you should contact the department employee who handles written correspondence. He will weigh your message and apply a stamp, depending on the weight and destination address. You can find rates for domestic and international shipping in the following tables.

If you need to send a document or securities, use the service of sending a letter with a declared value. To do this, evaluate the investment at your own discretion, but for each ruble of evaluation you must pay 4 kopecks. In the inventory form, indicate the name of the written attachments. Such letters are subject to numbering, which makes it possible to independently track the stage of delivery.

You can download the form here: .

You can see an example of a completed form here: .

If it is very important to you to know when the recipient will receive the letter, send certified mail with return receipt requested. At the post office you must fill out a form and be sure to select the type of letter. Moreover, such a letter will be almost twice as expensive as a regular one.

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