3 examples of subordinating communication. Subordinating connection of sentences and phrases, examples

Existing between two or more syntactically unequal words in a sentence or phrase, in the case where one of them is considered the main one, and, accordingly, the other - dependent. A subordinating relationship in a sentence exists between the main and subordinate clauses. In this article we will talk about phrases and the main methods of subordinating communication.

A phrase is a logical combination of two or more words that are related grammatically and in meaning. It is known that the phrase serves to more clearly describe objects and their characteristics, as well as the actions that they perform.

In phrases, the dependent word is related to the main word in several ways. So, methods of subordinating communication include:

1) approval;

2) management;

3) adjacency.

This classification of methods is based on which part of speech expresses the dependent word in the phrase. Let's look at each of the above methods in more detail.

Methods of subordinate communication: coordination

So, when managing, the dependent word answers a question, for example: to remember history - to remember (what?), to protect a person - to protect (who?), and so on. It is important to remember that a sign of control will always be a pretext.

Methods of subordinate communication: adjacency

Adjunction is the third type of subordinating connection, in which the dependence of a word is expressed lexically, by intonation and word order. Only infinitives, adverbs, comparative degrees of adjectives, gerunds, and possessive pronouns can be adjoined. These are the words that will indicate adjacency. In principle, the word “adjacent” itself speaks for itself: the dependent word adjoins, that is, it explains the main thing.

In such a phrase, the main word can be a verb (clearly understood), a noun (Turkish coffee), an adjective (very understandable), an adverb, a gerund (slightly tilted).

The connection in phrases with the infinitive is also regarded as adjacency. For example, please write it down, I want to see it, and similar ones.

And finally, a small “cheat sheet” that will help you quickly identify the method of subordinating communication:

When agreeing, there are three requirements of the main word for the dependent word - number, gender, case;

When controlling from the main word, there is one requirement - case;

When adjoining, the main word cannot require anything.

A phrase and a sentence are syntactic constructions that make up a coherent system of any language. Structural and functional features phrases and sentences, studies syntax - one of the sections of grammar.

What are phrases and sentences? A phrase is two or more meaningful words, fastened by a subordinating connection. A sentence is a complex main function of which is communicative, therefore, it is framed intonationally and has certain forms of mood and tense. Individual words in a sentence have a certain semantic connection with each other, due to which, in fact, their communicative and semantic function is formed. Such connections are called syntactic. They, in turn, are divided into coordinating and subordinating. In sentences, both occur in a phrase - only one is subordinating (as indicated above).

Subordinating connections in phrases

The very name “subordinate” clearly shows the essence of this grammatical connection, where two words always occupy different positions: one acts as the main one, and the other is dependent, subordinate to it, and its grammatical features(number, case and gender) fully or partially correspond and are determined by the main word. Depending on the degree of subordination of the secondary word to the main one, there are different types subordinating connection.


Dependent words with this type of syntactic connection fully correspond and are determined by the significant, main word. For example: stone Flower, Big city(nominative pad., m.r., singular), golden cities (plural, eminent. pad.), many beautiful people(gen. fall., plural). Moreover, if the main word changes its grammatical form, it changes, accordingly, in the subordinate one. For example, autumn leaf (nominative p.), autumn leaf (birth p.), autumn leaf(creates. etc.) etc.

Various parts of speech - adjectives ( Nice dress), participles (bouncing ball), (second grade), (with two rooms). At the same time, it is very important to note that such types of subordinating connections as agreement are impossible with verbs, adverbs, gerunds, i.e. parts of speech that have no gender, number, or case. A noun, also when agreed, always acts only as a defining, main word and in no case can it be dependent, because it does not change by gender.

In a phrase, the agreement between its components can be complete, matching all grammatical features, or partial, when the match occurs on one or two features. For example: red heat (full agreement), our postman (partial).

The following types of subordinating connections in phrases are constructed according to different grammatical principles.


In management, the subordinate word is placed in the indirect case with or without a preposition, which is determined by the semantic meaning of the main component of the phrase. For example: run around the room (the dependent word “around the room” is in the prepositional case), watch a movie (the dependent word “film” is in the accusative case), met with interesting people(the instrumental case with a preposition). It should be noted that, unlike coordination in control, when the form of the main word changes, the dependent word does not change. For example: sing a song - singing a song - sang a song - sing a song.

In management, the main words can be verbs, nouns or adverbs. These types of subordinating connections are called verb, adverbial, or adverbial control. For example: reading poetry, a bowl of soup, alone with everyone. Control can be prepositional (with the participation of a preposition) or non-prepositional, as well as strong, when the lexico-grammatical form of the main word necessarily implies a dependent component next to it (for example: devotion to friends, a letter sent), or weak, when such a dependence is not traced (for example : letter in an envelope, vase on the table).


Types of subordinating connections in words, in which the dependent word is determined by the main word only by its semantic meaning, are called adjacency. Here the subordinate word can be an adverb (reads quickly), a gerund (does it carelessly), a comparative adjective or adverb (the fur is fluffier, throw it further), possessive pronouns (her room).

How to determine types of subordinating relationships

To correctly establish the type of connection, you first need to determine the main and subordinate words and the part of speech of this dependent component. participate in adjacency. If, when the main word changes, the subordinate also changes its grammatical characteristics, then this is agreement. Finally, you need to ask a question from the main to the dependent word and, if this question refers to any indirect case, then this is control.

Subordinating connection - this is a connection that unites sentences or words, one of which is the main one (subordinate), and the other is dependent (subordinate).

Collocation - is a combination of two or more significant words related to each other in meaning and grammatically. green eyes, writing letters, difficult to convey. In the phrase, the main word (from which the question is asked) and the dependent word (to which the question is asked) are distinguished: Blue ball. Relax outside the city. Ball and rest are the key words.

The following are not subordinating phrases:

1. A combination of an independent word with a service word: near the house, before a thunderstorm, let him sing; 2. Combinations of words as part of phraseological units: to play the fool, to play the fool, headlong; 3. Subject and predicate: night has fallen;

4. Compound word forms: lighter, will walk;

5. Groups of words united by a coordinating connection: fathers and sons.

There are three types of subordinating connections:

Coordination - this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word becomes in the same forms as the main one: green oak , wide field, freshly cut grass, green lawns.
The main word in agreement is a noun (or a word in its meaning), a dependent adjective, a participle, as well as a numeral and a pronoun similar in form to the adjective: green oak, green oak tree in the distance, third oak tree from the road, this oak. Sometimes the dependent word in agreement can be a noun: hero city, teenage girl, giant cliff.
A dependent word can agree in number, gender and case, or in number and case, or in case only.
When agreeing, a change in the main word causes a corresponding change dependent word: green oak - green oak - green oak etc.
Agreement is expressed using the ending of the dependent word.

Control - this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word (a noun or a word in the meaning of a noun) is placed in the case determined by the main word: be proud of your deeds(the main word controls the instrumental case); strive for perfection(the main word controls the dative case); road to the port(the main word controls the accusative case).
When controlled, only the form of the main word changes: I'm proud of what I do, you are proud of your deeds, be proud of your deeds etc.

In a combination of words like three palm trees(dream animate noun) word three in them and wine in cases it controls the noun, and in other cases it agrees with it: im. and wine P. three tables- management; date P. three tables, creative P. three tables, sentence P. ( O) three tables- coordination.
Combined type three girlfriends(with an animate noun) control is observed only in it. p., in other cases - agreement: three girlfriends, three friends, three girlfriends,three friends, (O) three girlfriends- coordination.

Adjacency - this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word is connected with the main word in meaning and intonation: drive fast, speak slowly, desire to speak out,very nice.
Immutable words are adjacent - adverbs (soft-boiled egg), participles (met smiling), infinitive (went out for a walk, desire to go).

Exercise. What type of connection is used in the phrase BUILD MECHANICALLY.

We define the main word and ask a question from it: catch (how?) mechanically; catch is the main word, mechanically is the dependent word. We determine the part of speech of the dependent word: mechanically is an adverb. If the dependent word answers the question how? and is an adverb, then the adjacency connection is used in the phrase.

1. In the text it is easier for you to find the dependent word first.

2. If you need agreement, look for a word that answers the question what? whose?

3. If you need control, look for a noun or pronoun that is not in the nominative case.

4. If you need to find an adjunct, look for an unchangeable word (infinitive, gerund, adverb or possessive pronoun).

5. Determine from which word you can ask a question to the dependent word.

Exercise. Write out from the sentences subordinating phrase with connection CONNECTION.

I was in third grade when I caught a bad cold. I started getting otitis media. I screamed in pain and hit my head with my palms. Mom called an ambulance and we went to the local hospital.

When adjoining, the dependent word is an infinitive, adverb or gerund. Let's try to find these parts of speech: strongly (how?) - adverb. We find the main word for it, from which the question is asked to the adverb: caught a cold. Thus, we write out the phrase I caught a bad cold.

There is such a thing in linguistics as subordinating connection. In Russian, subordinating connections occur in phrases and sentences. This happens in speech all the time. But what is a subordinating phrase and clause?

First, let's look at what a subordinating relationship means. It connects independent (notional) words and phrases with each other through the fact that one part is the main one and the other is the dependent one. This is very easy to check. From the main part you can ask a question to the dependent part. Such a connection is determined both in meaning and grammatically. For example, beautiful flower, where from the word “flower” you can ask the question “which one?” to the word “beautiful” and determine that the dependent adjective here is.

Types of subordinating connections in phrases


Gender, number and case form of the dependent part are fully consistent with main part, that is, he is likened to her. From the main word you can ask questions “which?” and “whose?” (these questions may vary depending on the form).

When agreeing, the main noun is always the noun, and the dependent ones can be:

  1. Adjectives: blue sea, clear image, bright light.
  2. Ordinal numbers: first place, (on) the tenth floor, hundredth film.
  3. Participles: writing man, running kitten, bouncing ball.
  4. Possessive pronouns(except for them, him, her): our hearts, my treasure.

Coordination also can be complete or incomplete. In the first case, the dependent word in all forms is likened to the main one, and in the second case - only partially. But the incomplete form rather concerns only exceptions and vernaculars. An example of incomplete (or partial) agreement is the case when a word denoting a profession (as we know, many such words occur in male uniform, but the person himself can be a woman), has an adjective next to it, but in a different gender (our doctor).


When controlling, the dependent word changes under the influence of the main word only by case, one word “controls” the other. Control phrases can be: verb + noun, gerund + noun, participle + noun, two nouns or cardinal number + noun. Happens two types of control: with a preposition, when there is a preposition, or without a preposition. When controlling, the dependent word is asked an indirect case question or an adverbial question (where, to where, from where), since the word can answer two questions at the same time.

Examples: smoking a cigarette, living in a house, a toy cat, six players, dropping out of school, writing books.


With this type of connection, one part is “adjacent” to another. In other words, such phrases determined only by meaning, since both parts retain all their shapes. The main sign of adjacency is that the dependent word is an unchangeable part of speech (the infinitive of the verb, the gerund, the adverb, the pronouns his, her, their).

The main difference from management and coordination is precisely the “independence” of the parts and dependence on each other only in meaning. An adjacency is a connection between two nouns if they denote a name (Lake Baikal, the country of Russia, the Volga River). You can ask an adverbial question (not to be confused with management!): what to do, what to do, what by doing, what by doing and whose (his, her, theirs).

Examples: his jacket, planet Earth, live well, drive without stopping, grew up quickly.

Phrases that do not have a subordinating connection

  • Word and functional part of speech (near the house).
  • Compound words (more vivid).
  • Words joined by the conjunction “and”.
  • Phraseologisms.
  • Verb and subject.

Subordinating communication in sentences

Sentences also have a subordinating relationship, but this only applies to non-complex sentences. A complex sentence differs from a complex sentence in that both parts cannot be broken. If they are used separately, the sentence will lose its meaning, while parts of a complex sentence can be completely use separately from each other and divide the letter with a dot.

The types of subordinating connections in such sentences are distinguished only if there are several subordinate clauses. For example: he told me that he would only go to the place where he was directed. Here we see one main clause and two dependent clauses.

  • sequential;
  • parallel;
  • homogeneous.

Sequential a sentence can be defined if a question goes from the main part to a subordinate clause, and from this subordinate clause to another subordinate clause. For example: I bought a jacket (which one?), which was sewn for me in an atelier (which one?), which is located far from my home.

At parallel In the form of subordination to all subordinate clauses, questions from the main part are asked, but from different words. Thus, a sort of “parallel” is obtained. In such cases, usually the main part is located between the dependent ones. (Example: when the school bell rang, I was talking to a new classmate who had recently transferred to our class).

At homogeneous type, dependent clauses refer to the same word found in the main part. (For example: today I went for a walk in the park, where there are usually very few people and where I forgot my jacket).

Coordinating connection

Means of expressing syntactic connections in phrases

III. Adverbial phrases

1. Phrases with an adverb (for example: very successful, still good).

2. Collocations with nouns (for example: far from home, alone with my son, shortly before exams).

Syntactic connection - formal structural relations between the components of syntactic units, revealing semantic connections (syntactic relations) and expressed by means of language.

Means of expressing syntactic connections in phrases and simple sentences:

1) forms of words:

· case form of nouns;

· number, gender, case of adjectives;

· person, number, gender of conjugated forms of verbs.

2) prepositions;

3) word order;

4) intonation (in writing expressed using punctuation marks).

Syntactic connections are divided into coordinating and subordinating, which oppose each other based on the presence/absence of the “master” and “servant” relationship in the syntactic structure.

At essay the components are single-functional. This connection is characterized by the number of combined structural components, i.e. a sign of openness/closedness.

At closed coordinating connection only two of its components can be connected ( not a sister, but a brother; you love sadly and difficultly, but a woman’s heart is a joke). Must be expressed by adversative conjunctions ( A, But), gradational ( not only but; yes and), explanatory ( namely, that is).

With an open coordinating connection, an indefinite number of components can be connected at once. Can be expressed without conjunctions or using connectives ( And, Yes) and separating ( or, or, Also etc.) unions.

At subordination The role of the components in creating a design is different, they have different functions. The Russian language has different formal means of expressing subordinating relationships. These funds are grouped into three main types.

First view formal expression of dependence is the likening of the form of the dependent word to the forms of the dominant word; such assimilation is carried out in cases where the dependent word changes by cases, numbers and genders (this is an adjective, including pronominal adjectives, ordinal numbers and participles), by cases and numbers (this is a noun) or by cases other than them. n. and, for some. excl., wine n. (numerals); eg: new house (new home, new home...), late passengers, my brother, first flight; tower house, giant plant; three tables, four tables, several athletes. The condition for the formation of such a connection is the possibility of coincidence in the connecting words of case, number and gender - in case of dependence of the adjective, or case and number, or only case - in case of dependence of the noun ( tower house, in the tower house..., nursery-new building, V nursery-new building...).

Second type formal expression of dependence - setting a dependent word in the form of an indirect case without a preposition or with a preposition (attaching the case form of a name to a word); in such a connection, the main word can be a word of any part of speech, and the dependent word can be a noun (including a pronoun-noun, cardinal and collective numeral): read a book, angry with the student, drive into the yard, pass for the groom, monitor the instruments, be in the city, work for seven, father's arrival, buying a house, award to the winners, math exam, city ​​on the Volga, scientifically gifted, alone with myself, stronger than death , someone in a mask, first from the edge.

Third type formal expression of dependence - the addition to the dominant word of a word that does not have forms of change: an adverb, an unchangeable adjective, as well as an infinitive or gerund, which syntactically behave as independent words. The main word can be a verb, a noun, an adjective, a cardinal numeral, and also, when combined with an adverb, a pronoun-noun. With this type of connection, the formal indicator of dependence is the immutability of the dependent word itself, and the internal, semantic indicator is the emerging relationships: run fast, right turn, beige, saddle coat, golden side, sixth from left, three upstairs, order to advance, decide to leave, act smarter, older people, someone more experienced.

In modern Russian, there are traditionally three types of subordinating connections: coordination, control and adjacency. When distinguishing and defining these connections, not only strictly formal types of connection must be taken into account, but also the significant side of the connection inseparable from these types, i.e., the relationships arising on its basis.

Coordination- this is a subordinating relationship, which is expressed by assimilating the form of the dependent word to the form of the dominant word in gender, number and case, or in number and case, or only in case, and means relations that are actually attributive: new house, someone else's, tower house, nursery-new building. The main word in agreement can be a noun, a pronoun-noun and a cardinal numeral in the form of noun-vin. n. With words that are informatively insufficient, agreement combines a defining meaning with a complementary meaning and thus acquires signs of a strong connection: fun thing, unfathomable things.

Control- this is a subordinating relationship, which is expressed by joining the dominant word of a noun in the form of an indirect case (without a preposition or with a preposition) and means a complementary or objective relationship or a contaminated one: object-complementary or object-defining. The main word in control can be a word of any part of speech: become a scientist, be in the dark, master of inventions, brooding, two students, alone with myself; read a book, buying a house, angry at everyone; run into rudeness; get home, move down the mountain..

Adjacency is a subordinating relationship that exists in two forms, each of which receives an independent definition. There is a distinction between adjacency in the narrow sense of the word (or adjacency itself) and adjacency in the broad sense of the word (case adjacency). The actual junction - this is a connection in which the role of a dependent word is played by unchangeable words: an adverb, an unchangeable adjective, as well as an infinitive or gerund. In this case, there may be different relationships: when joining an infinitive - complementary (), objective ( learn to draw, agree to go), or adverbial determinatives ( come in and talk); when adjoining adverbs, gerunds - attributives ( To talk slowly, read faster, extremely interesting, city ​​at night, second from left) or determinative-replenishing ( be nearby, costly, be listed here, become smarter); when adjoining an unchangeable adjective - the actual attributives ( indigo, tsunami waves, mini skirt, older boy). A word of any part of speech can dominate in this connection.

Case adjunction- this is the attachment to the main word (any part of speech) of a case (without a preposition or with a preposition) form of a name with a defining meaning: come on the fifth of May, come in the evening, wooden spoon, city ​​on the Volga, house with two windows, checkered gray, handsome face , teapot lid, one step ahead, someone in blue, first in line. With case adjacency, attributive, subject-attributive relations arise, or - with informatively insufficient words that require an adverbial extender - adverbial-complementary ( be on the shore, be registered at the plant, cost a hundred rubles, long before dawn).

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