Actress Gulnara Silbaeva: biography, personal life, interesting facts. love stories

Gulnara Silbayeva, who celebrates her thirtieth birthday this September, is one of the most promising representatives of the Kazakh show business. Russian audience talented girl known for her participation in the KVN team "Kazakhi", which took second place in the 2010 season. How is her fate today and what is known about the beginning creative way actresses?


Since 2000 in major league the team "Astana. kz”, which has firmly strengthened its position among other centenarians of KVN. The generation of players has changed, but it has not been implemented in any way main dream- become league winners. The old participants, led by captain Nurlan Koyanbaev, who works on Channel 31, decided to create new team to implement ambitious plans. So in 2010 the KVN team "Kazakhs" was born. Gulnara Silbayeva was the only girl in the line-up who clearly declared herself from the very first game. With her fragility and short stature, she sang amazingly in a low voice, risking doing a parody number on Gloria Gaynor, which immediately attracted attention. Lively, incendiary, Gulnara moved superbly, played brilliantly in reprises, having all the makings of a sketch show actress.

Vice-champions of KVN

Star composition whole year lived in an atmosphere of humor and KVN, leaving families and putting aside others for later creative plans. Reaching the final was for them a natural result of perseverance and real dedication. In the final game, their STEM "Tescha" was recognized as the best, having won the hearts of the audience and the jury. But this was not enough to snatch victory from the team Krasnodar Territory"BAK - Partners". Having performed at the Sochi festival in 2011, the team broke up, refusing to further participate in the game. Some players remained in the Kazakhstan national team, which left the top league at the end of the 2012 season.

Gulnara Silbaeva: biography of the KVN star

The Russians, who admire the girl's talent, wondered how she got into the team. But in Kazakhstan, such a question almost never arose. For a native of Uralsk, Gulnara, already at the age of 16, got on the TV screen, having passed the casting in the first season of the Superstar KZ project and becoming its semi-finalist. At that time, the girl was in the 11th grade and was the winner of many international competitions on vocals. Her date of birth is September 22, 1986. At the age of eight, her mother took her daughter to music school and theater studio at drama theater. Until 16, Gulnara mastered vocals, danced in an ensemble and participated in children's performances. I even tried myself as a host on Christmas trees. She was so lucky with the teachers of the studio theater that the baggage of knowledge acquired in those years remained her main education in acting.

Gulnara Silbaeva sang classical works, and her progress was so significant that in the 8th grade young talent invited to the St. Petersburg Conservatory. Mom was not ready to let her daughter go to Russia, considering it necessary to complete her schooling in home country. At the age of 16, the girl showed independence and ventured to go to Almaty on Superstar KZ, pulling out her lucky ticket. Today she is very critical of her pop singing, but then the whole of Kazakhstan closely followed all the participants in the show, admiring young talents.

The path to show business

On television project there were many useful acquaintances. One of them was with Nurlan Koyanbaev, who later invited the girl to Channel 31. Participating in the show, Gulnara Silbaeva successfully graduated from high school. Fives prevailed in her certificate, and sometimes she seriously claims that she could become an astrophysicist. After school, the girl entered the best humanitarian and economic institute in Almaty - KIMEP - at the accounting department. Later, the girl transferred to a marketer, but at the end of a day she did not work in her specialty. She shone on the student stage at KVN, continuing her passion for playing since school.

"31 channel"

After getting on Channel 31, the girl began a difficult period, because broadcasting was carried out on Kazakh language with which she had big problems. This is one of the vulnerable moments of everyone who grew up on the border with Russia, where the majority of the population communicates in Russian. But the desire to become a TV presenter was so strong that Gulnara overcame difficulties with her inherent energy until she received an offer from Koyanbaev to join the KVN team.

Actor career

After the completion of the performances of the "Kazakhs", part of the team began to implement on television the project of the comedy of situations "Bazarbaevs" (similar to the "Voronins"), where Gulnara Silbaeva also played with Nurdaulet Shertim and Yaroslav Melekhin. The girl successfully starred in videos and commercials, became the host of the weekly program on the First Channel "Eurasia" " Good evening, Kazakhstan!”, interviewing national celebrities: Nurlan Aldan, Beibit Korgan. 2012 brought her success by filming in the TV series Odnoklassniki. This made her extremely popular in the country. The site regularly conducts reader surveys, identifying the TOP first beauties of Kazakhstan. The girl took the sixth position in the poll, ahead of her more famous rivals.

In 2013, filming began on Eli Gilman's Milk. Sour cream. Curd”, where the real acting debut of the Kazakh beauty took place. Actress Gulnara Silbayeva played in tandem with Linda Nigmatullina, beloved by the audience, in no way inferior to her in skill. The heroine of Silbaeva is a girl from the village who sells dairy products in the yards. big city. The arrogant person from the bank (Nigmatullina) refused the entrepreneur a loan. The plot revolves around the fact that the girls suddenly changed places: the heroine Silbaeva woke up in a city apartment, and the spoiled banker - in the village. The film became a participant in a special screening at the Eurasia Film Festival.

Personal life

In an interview, the girl says that in her thoughts she always saw herself married at the age of 22-23. But the love of creativity was stronger. The project follows the project, revealing new facets of the talent of a star named Gulnara Silbaeva. The husband, meanwhile, has not yet appeared in the life of the girl. But there is a beloved man - Apollon Korchinsky, part-time screenwriter and manager of Gulnara herself. Their joint photos can be seen on her pages in social networks.


Energetic Gulnara does not have time to surprise her fans. Interesting facts of her biography include the beginning entrepreneurial activity associated with the creation of a company for home delivery of healthy food. The girl was seriously interested in sports. This was reflected in her forms: the once chubby, chubby provincial turned into a slender beauty, claiming to be a style icon for young girls. She herself admits that she looks better today than 10 years ago.

In addition to sports, he pays a lot of attention to diet, promoting only healthy food. Faced with the inability to order such food at home at affordable prices, Gulnara Kanatovna Silbaeva created a team of like-minded cooks, couriers, nutritionists, organizing a service in Almaty proper nutrition called In plans - service coverage and other cities. The girl always said she couldn't be office worker and sit in the office from bell to bell. Her active nature requires changes, which means that the actress will definitely prove herself in a new, unexpected role.

Often my friends ask how to meet Kazakh girls, what are the traditions and how to lure them. I'm honestly tired of answering everyone big letters, therefore amounted to brief digression into the world of Kazakh dates and relationships. Supplement, if there is something - I will only be glad!

1. Avoid jokes about Borat

The first point is the most important one! We have all seen this film. But to be honest, I didn't find it terribly funny. But sometimes vulgar and tasteless - yes. But what can not be taken away from him is Kazakhstan's advertising to the world. True, not the best.

In any case, even if this film seemed so funny to you that you can tear your stomach, you definitely shouldn’t joke with a girl on a date with quotes from it. Wounded national pride will bring her before the slap and not before bed.

2. Repeat her name. In front of the mirror. Repeatedly.

Aygyul, Altynai, Botagoz, Nurgul-Guinur… Among my Kazakh women, the names are very interesting and funny. So it's better to repeat her name twenty times, so as not to sit in a puddle.

By the way, it would be useful to ask on a date about the meaning of her name - such attention will be flattering. Of course, no one canceled the classic “fish”, “suns” and “bunnies”, but on a first date it will look strange. This is Kazakhstan, baby! :)

3. First step: get yourself together, rag!

She can be endlessly in love with you and just melts under your gaze, only you will never know, because Kazakh girls are secretive cleaner than James Bond. So the first step is up to you. Otherwise, you will have to sleep not with her, but with an open window :)

And yes do not forget to buy a broom of flowers before a date! Without it, a date is not considered a date - just a walk or a get-together. She might also think you're greedy. And that's it - the doors to the bedroom are closed forever.

4. Look after yourself!

“I don’t know how it is in London, I haven’t been ...”, and in Kazakhstan, the girl will closely follow your manners. So you will bite your nails, swear dirty, burp and scratch causal places at home, alone with yourself. On a date, you should be a gentleman, even if you are not: hold the door, move the chair, take an interest in drinks and entertain all evening!

5. 15 minutes and two hours are the same!

Yes, deal with it and accept - if you have a date at 19:00, and she is late for 15 minutes - you can go to drink coffee, read a book, and sometimes you will have time to watch a movie.

In Kazakhstan, it is a national women's tradition to take time for yourself in order to better prepare. A joke from the people: "if you are invited to a party, it does not matter what time you arrive - it's good if it's on the same day."

However, the lady, most likely, will not be late for the plane - she will start packing in a week.

6. Deal with national cuisine and traditions

Yes, the Kazakhs were the first to tame the horse. They are also among the top three countries that consume horsemeat. Therefore, be prepared to try beshbarmak, kazy and mare's milk koumiss. Like it or not - the question is not worth it. The main thing is to try to make your lady happy!

7. In the dark, but not offended.

I already wrote about that, and in this case, she is likely to be shy. But everything changes under the cover of night and under the covers. Just don't drag her there right after dinner on the first date - you'll get a turn from the gate.

8. Only you are responsible for dinners.

And don’t even think of jumping off by offering to “divide the bill in a European way.” You are not in Europe. A Kazakh woman is proud and independent, she can pay for a taxi if you are dead drunk, she will sit with you until the morning so that you don’t die, present cute little things to different dates. But you pay for the dinners on your dates. Law!

9. Don't be a snob!

Do not think that Kazakhstan is the backwoods and the ass of the world. Google it, look. Yes, even in the pictures! This is the country of the first cosmodrome, one of the most big countries on the planet, developing by leaps and bounds. Many have higher education and speak several languages ​​(at least two: Kazakh and Russian). In general, a normal country. She will be pleased if you know more about her country than the average tourist who was thrown into Kazakhstan by a fair wind.

10. And she is most likely literate too

At least if you didn't meet her in the wild steppe. Therefore, there is no need for condescension - a girl may well communicate with you on an equal footing. Yes, of course, some narrow topics are new to her, but you are a man for that, so that she would be interested in you.

18:26 09.07.2007

The most influential female manager in Russia

Physicists today are in exceptional demand outside their professional sphere: for example, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel is a physicist by training, as is one of the richest Russian oligarchs, Oleg Deripaska. And at the head of his holding "Basic Element" with assets of $ 23 billion, Deripaska put a physicist with a "red diploma", the best classmate Gulzhan Moldazhanova
Unusual for the world of economics, however, is not the specialty, but the career of 41-year-old Gulzhan Moldazhanova, who soared from the reception room to the CEO's office.

Let's start with an excursion into the past. 1995 Soviet Union has collapsed, Russians are suffering the consequences of price collapses, a precipitous depreciation of the ruble and hyperinflation.

Moldazhanova, who works as a researcher at the famous Moscow state university(Moscow State University) for a meager salary, trying to somehow improve his financial situation and is hired as a secretary with a salary of $ 200 to his former classmate Deripaska in his aluminum sales company: "I had to provide for my existence."

Only two weeks the young Kazakh woman worked in the waiting room, after which Deripaska appointed her as an assistant financial director. A year later, he assigned her to the foreign trade department of his giant Rusal.

Today, Rusal ranks second among the concerns for the production of light metals in the world, and Moldazhanova is more than just the head of this giant. Since February 2005, she has also headed the Basic Element holding. Since that moment, a divorced woman and mother of a three-year-old daughter has been able to achieve a lot: the industrial holding "Basic Element", which covers entire industries from pulp mills to automobile companies, located, in particular, in England, from a courier service, a large number construction companies and a textile factory to the aluminum giant Rusal and agricultural enterprises, divided into seven divisions. All this is headed: Moldazhanova and the head of the Supervisory Board, Deripaska, standing above all this.

Thanks to numerous acquisitions, turnover in 2006 increased by 40% compared to the previous year, to $18.5 billion, the value of 83 enterprises - by 61% to $23 billion - even without taking into account the shares acquired this year in Hochtief construction concerns (9 .9%) and Strabag (30%) and Magna, the world's largest Canadian manufacturer of automotive components.

As the sole owner of Basic Element, Deripaska is the richest Russian, and Moldazhanova is "his right hand", as she herself says during a conversation in the Moscow office.
>She gives the impression of a fragile and restrained woman, a top manager from Alma-Ata holds out her business card with a barely noticeable bow. At the same time, Gulzhan Moldazhanova, ranked 22nd among the most powerful women of the world economy and named by the newspaper "Izvestia" "the most influential woman manager in Russia", is considered in her concern "iron lady". For all seven branches of Basic Element, she set a goal - "5-6% growth in the next 20 years."

"We just buy the company's shares on the stock exchange and then announce it," said Moldazhanova, who travels to Germany and Austria with Deripaska "at least twice a month." "We don't do hostile takeovers," she says. As for the Hochtief or Strabag concerns, Basic Element does not claim a controlling stake here either. It is, she says, about joint projects and know-how for Russia".

At the same time, both construction concerns can hope for "large orders" for Deripaska's projects in Sochi, which recently received the right to host the 2014 Winter Olympics. At the same time, the energetic woman, who grows flowers and avocado trees in her spare time, admits that the purchase of shares in European concerns and Magna was "an important breakthrough." Since then, it has become much easier to dispel prejudice against Russian companies in the West. She refused to talk about further acquisitions, did not comment on the much-discussed closure of the unprofitable business of Hochtief in Germany, as well as the plans of Magnas to take over Ford's subsidiaries Volvo and Jaguar: "These are the decisions of their management."

In Russia, she has "all the powers CEO"- this is how Moldazhanova defines her role. And what is it like to be a woman at the head of a heavy industry enterprise? "In the negotiations in Austria or Germany, women have never been my partners, unlike the USA, France or even China. Basic Element" is no secret. Despite the fact that the holding continues to bet on takeovers and acquisitions of shares, these are all long-term investments. And the listing on the stock exchange, which has become fashionable among Russian concerns, is not an "end in itself" for Basic Element. The shares are being sold to finance major projects and to "further build on our reputation."

Matthias Bruggmann

Source - Inopressa
Permanent address of the article -

This whole story ... Something similar to mine, that I want to cry ... I have a difficulty ... My mother is Kazakh, my father is Russian. My mother, having married, lost the support of her relatives. I grew up in Russia. My only language is Russian. None Kazakh traditions I have not been vaccinated since childhood, with the exception of Kazakh cuisine. That is, I grew up as an ordinary Russian girl, only my appearance is a copy of my mother. There were no Kazakhs among my entourage. Naturally, I married a Russian. She bore him a daughter. Then she successfully divorced him. History is not about that. After the divorce, I thought that I would never be able to love anyone, but time heals. I am currently dating a 26 year old guy. We've been dating for 4 years now. He loves me and I love him. I'm not going to get married. I don't need all these stamps and seals. Financially, I do not depend on him, I have my own apartment. I just love him and enjoy every moment when we are together. But here, unexpectedly for me, a problem arose: his parents are against our communication. I don't want to talk bad about them - they are HIS parents. Everyone wants happiness for their children, especially since the son is the only one. But their behavior hurts me deeply. First they brainwashed him. He did not stop communicating with me, he did not even tell me about it, he was afraid to give me anxiety. Only after 1.5 years, when we went to his parents, his father, having drunk a little, began to ask me to leave his son alone. I was very worried, I cried, but I decided to simply ignore Sasha's father. I just can't leave the one I love. I did not even dare to discuss this topic with him. I thought that I was a girl with a child, which is why Sasha's father is worried. Time passed, my father did not calm down, he began to insult me, and if he had asked me before, now he began to demand that we end the relationship. All this unbalanced me and I saw that Sasha was also suffering. He loves me and loves his parents. This made it even worse, I felt guilty that he was spoiling relations with them, I didn’t want him to swear with them, but it didn’t work out otherwise. My father insulted me, Sasha defended me, my mother supported her husband. Some fiction began that I was a witch and bewitched their son. And in the heat of all these events, I find out that the main dislike for me is because of my oriental appearance. I had no idea how much people can hate another nation! But before that, I didn’t feel like a Kazakh. I've lived all my life in Russia, I don't have a\"other mentality \" I speak and think in Russian. And even this is not particularly important, it is important that I LOVE THEIR SON. I live with him for 4 years, despite the difficulties. I give gifts to them for the holidays, I have never said a bad word about them to anyone, especially their son. And they only care that their grandchildren can be\"chocks \" in their expression! Now I try not to communicate with them. I don't know if I can overcome all this. Sasha is trying to help me, he tried to talk to them, saying that I was his choice, all to no avail. They consider him bewitched, enchanted, I don’t know how to call it correctly. The desperation to which I got is beyond words. I do not know what to do. What should I do??? Can you tell me if I'm missing something??? Is there any way out of this nightmare? Help!

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