Alexander Gordon gave a tour of his luxurious mansion. Gordon Alexander: Biography and his family Where Alexander Gordon lives

Alexander Garrievich has become a real legend on Russian television. According to surveys of television viewers, he is considered one of the most popular presenters. In addition, Alexander Gordon, whose biography is quite interesting, is known both as a teacher and as the author of several successful films.


On the twentieth of February 1964 in Kaluga region the boy Sasha was born. His father, Odessa native Harry Gordon, divorced his mother when his son was still very young. A poet and writer, a bit of an artist, he was able to transfer his talents to Alexander only with the help of genes. He met his son when he was nineteen years old. After the divorce, my mother took Sasha and moved in with her grandmother. Antonina Striga was a medical worker.

Alexander Gordon, whose biography began without male attention, was raised by his mother and grandmother. When he was four years old, Antonina Dmitrievna met a man who became her husband, and Sasha not only a stepfather, but also a second father. As Gordon himself says, Nikolai Chinin was always associated with the image of a real Russian hero. Due to the busyness of his parents, his grandmother Marina Mikhailovna Vorobyova was mainly involved in raising the boy. As a result of a fire that happened long before the birth of her beloved grandson, Marina Mikhailovna suffered partial paralysis, but despite this, she had an iron willpower.

It was the grandmother who insisted that the boy be written by his last name own father. Arina Rodionovna - that’s what Alexander Gordon called his grandmother.

The boy's biography has changed a lot over time. This happened when his family moved to Moscow. Sasha's very first hobby was puppet show: he even gave performances to which he gathered his entire courtyard. He even thought about becoming a director and at one time attended a theater studio where GITIS students worked with children.


Alexander Gordon, whose biography could well have turned out differently, since at one time he dreamed of becoming an investigator, played good hockey. At the same time, his love for art was stronger, therefore, after graduating from school, he became a student at the Moscow Institute of Culture. But it was not a very good choice. Alexander failed to get carried away with his studies, and the institute was too far from the place where he lived with his family. He had neither classmates nor a girlfriend. In the summer, a school friend advised Sasha to enter the theater school in Yaroslavl, where that year there was a shortage of boys. Thus, he solved the problem with the army. Alexander, taking advantage of the advice, entered with ease, but did not study for long: after the first semester, he was expelled from school for systematic absenteeism.

Sasha himself wanted to write a letter of expulsion: he was not interested, since he already knew everything that was taught in the first year from theater studio. However, it was the Yaroslavl school that helped Gordon finally decide on a profession and connect his life with the stage. Returning to the capital, he got a job as an assembler. At that time he was led by Sasha whole year after work I sat at the troupe’s rehearsals, and that same summer the eighteen-year-old young man entered the Shchukin School.

Distant countries

In 1987, Alexander Gordon, whose personal life had not yet been arranged, received a diploma and began working at the Studio Theater. In addition to his main job, he began teaching acting to children in a theater group. By that time, Sasha had gotten married. His wife was a graduate of the Literary Institute, Maria Berdnikova. Soon the couple had a daughter, and a year later Alexander and his family emigrated to the USA. There were several reasons for such a drastic decision, but perhaps the first and most important was disappointment in my work. Alexander did not like the acting path, and to this was added a thirst for change and a difficult financial situation. Moreover, Gordon had long been invited to America by his cousins ​​living there.

Career in the USA

At first, life abroad was very difficult. Gordon had to change several professions, he even installed air conditioners and delivered pizza. However, in 1990, he managed to get a position as an announcer at the RTN television company. This first Russian television in America was located in the basement of one of the mansions in New York. Here they carried out the editing work and did the voice acting, and the finished recordings were sent to Manhattan, from where they were broadcast. For Gordon, this period became a school for a new profession, since he had to not only film and host programs, but also create scripts, as well as correct texts, while at the same time performing the duties of a director. Gordon himself says that it was on RTN that he received his elementary education TV man Already in 1990, he worked simultaneously on several television channels. At RTN he was a program director and at the same time was a senior correspondent at the WMNB television channel. And in 1993, Alexander Gordon founded his own company called “Wostok Entertainment”.

Career in Russia

In 1994, his collaboration with the TV-6 channel began. Very soon, Alexander Gordon’s program “New York, New York” began airing, telling about life in the USA. At this time, he actually lived between the two countries, and in 1997 he decided to finally return to Russia. Subsequently, as an author and presenter, Alexander took part in the creation of a number of programs, which, however, did not become popular. The first and most significant project that Gordon led on Russian television was a documentary program called “Collection of Misconceptions,” which received fairly high ratings and attracted the attention of many thousands of viewers.

Party affiliation

After some time, in parallel with him, Alexander began to participate in the political talk show “The Process”. At that time, it was very organically intertwined with the party views of Gordon, who back in 1998 announced his desire to run for the presidency of Russia. To this end, he created the “Party of Public Cynicism.” In just a few months, about three thousand people joined it. However, some time later, the presenter sold his batch for a very symbolic price, taking three dollars for it.

Alexander Gordon today

As a TV presenter, he appeared on air in a huge variety of the most different projects. The most famous among them were the programs “Gordon” and “Stress” on NTV, “Gordon Quixote”, “Science of the Soul”, as well as “Citizen Gordon” and “Closed Show”, aired on Channel One Russia. The last of them became the most successful. It was this program, telling about the author’s Russian cinema, that brought him three TEFIs at once. In addition, the program “Gordon Quixote” received an award from the Academy Russian television.

It would be unfair not to mention him great success in the field of cinema. During his life, Alexander Gordon, whose photo can often be seen on the covers of glossy magazines, made four films. The most famous were “The Lights of the Brothel” and “The Shepherd of His Cows.” In addition, the presenter, as an artist and voice-over artist, worked on the creation of several feature and animated films. His voice can be heard in such cartoons as Cucaracha 3D and Crazy Help. “Fate to choose”, “Generation P” - Alexander Gordon performed as an actor in them. The year 2013 was marked for him by working on a film called “Cuckoo”.

Wives and children

Alexander Gordon, whose personal life contains many colorful novels, was officially married twice. His two wives, Maria Berdnikova and Katya Gordon, like him, work on television. After his second divorce, Gordon lived in civil marriage with Nana Kiknadze - Georgian actress and model. At the end of 2011, he amazed everyone by talking about his new marriage with eighteen-year-old Nina Tigorina. And in May 2012, new news came: Alexander Gordon has another daughter, Alexandra. The girl was born after a short relationship with journalist Elena Pashkova.

Under the future own house, which 53-year-old Gordon had dreamed of for many years, the TV presenter bought a plot of land on the banks of the Pestovsky reservoir, 30 kilometers from Moscow. Formally, Alexander's housewarming party with his young wife Noza Abdulvasieva, granddaughter famous director, Honored Artist of Tajikistan Valery Akhadov, celebrated before the New Year.


However, due to the birth of the second common child Fedora’s family stayed in the capital for some time in January of this year. Now, on the eve of the summer season, Alexander Gordon is closely involved in landscaping the local area so that his wife and children can spend time in the fresh air, Express Gazeta reports.

The TV presenter explained why he chose housing in the Moscow region, away from the bustle of the capital. “I considered that in my adult life I had changed one hundred and one rented apartments. I didn’t have my own place to live. And then I thought: I’m already “fifty dollars” - I need to lay my head somewhere. I decided that I don’t need an apartment - that’s what I want “I can always rent while I’m working. And when I can’t, I want to live not in Moscow, but outside the city, in my own house. This has become my dream,” said Gordon.

Posted by Noza Abdulvasieva (@nozaah) Mar 21, 2017 at 12:59 PDT

In choosing a place for family nest Alexander’s childhood memories also played a big role. Since he grew up “on the water” - both on Seliger and on the Volga - he was looking for a similar place in the Moscow region.

“It seems to me that one of the advantages of the house is its relevance in the landscape. It should not be conspicuous,” the TV presenter shared. “I don’t like pretentiousness. I managed to achieve this, my house is almost invisible,” he concluded.

Alexander admitted that he thought for a long time about what exactly his house should be like. In the end, he settled on a mansion made of a double volumetric frame in order to run all communications inside the walls. According to Gordon, this type of structure is stronger than brick and wooden houses, since it is not in danger of deformation.

Gordon's country estate has two bedrooms, a spacious living room, two children's rooms, a matrimonial bedroom, a study, a rooftop solarium, a bathhouse and a garage. Now a happy family waiting for warm days to enjoy spending them outdoors in her own home.

Alexander Gordon, whose biography, along with his workdays, also includes a huge list of his women - official wives, common-law wives and just girlfriends, still remains an incorrigible romantic, a talented TV presenter and film actor. How did he become famous, does he have a family, children, what is he working on now? You can learn about this from the presented article.

What is he like?

Gordon Alexander, whose biography and photos are often viewed by ordinary people, is a man who has become a legend on Russian television. According to numerous surveys of television viewers, he is among the most famous and popular presenters of modern television in Russia.

He is the presenter and creator of several television programs. He has a very subtle sense of humor, which can sometimes frighten his interlocutors. He is quite straightforward, which is why he is often called a cynic. Men don't like him, but women adore him.

In addition, Alexander Garrievich is known both as a teacher and as the author of numerous films. Based on everything, we can say with confidence that he is one of the most talented people modern television in Russia.

Early years of life. Parents and family

Little Sasha born in the Kaluga region (the village of Belousovo, and according to other sources - the city of Obninsk) in February 1964. His mother, Antonina Dmitrievna Striga, was a nurse, and his father, Harry Gordon, was a fairly well-known writer, artist and poet in the USSR. Parents divorced when Sasha was still very young. Mom got married again. It was her second husband, stepfather Nikolai Chinin, that the future presenter Alexander Gordon (whose biography is very interesting) always considered his father.

As a child, Sasha had many creative ideas. At the age of five, he created his own puppet theater, the performances of which attracted a lot of spectators (according to childhood memories). In addition, he loved sports - he often played hockey, even on the asphalt.

From dream to reality

As a child, he had two dreams: the boy really wanted to become a policeman or a theater director. But, growing up, he decided to choose a more creative specialty.

After receiving school certificate he submits documents to the Theater School. Shchukin. Does it without difficulty. It was there that he studied acting. Along with his studies, the biography of TV presenter Alexander Gordon is replenished with one more fact: he begins to earn money by teaching theatrical arts V children's circle. If we look a little into his (Alexander’s) future, we must say that many years later he will return to teaching - he will become a teacher at the MITRO Faculty of Journalism. But all this will not happen so soon.

The moment of choice

After the end of “Pike” in 1987, Alexander Gordon, whose biography begins to gain momentum in creatively, becomes an actor at the Ruben Simonov Theater Studio. But here he did not last very long. After just two years, the talented guy decides to change everything in his life, packs up his things and moves to live in the USA. First creative success they will come to him right here, in the New World.

Gordon has to change several jobs, choosing a better, more interesting option for himself. He was lucky to get a job on one of several Russian-language channels on American television. In a short period of time, he manages to gain quite significant authority for himself.

Soon Alexander was already working on several television channels in America. For example, on one he is a senior correspondent, and on the other he is a program director. After another three years, he already had his own company, Wostok Entertainment, where he worked for several years.

His Russian career

In 1994, Alexander Garrievich began collaborating with the TV-6 channel. Within this channel, soon enough he becomes the host of a television project about life in America. Alexander Gordon lived practically in two cities during this period. His biography changes dramatically in 1997: he returns to Russia, leaving his first wife and daughter on the other side of the ocean.

Despite the fact that he has lived here for 20 years, he is still a citizen of the United States. Already in his homeland he took part in the creation large quantity various programs as an author and presenter. However, none of them became particularly popular.

The first, truly interesting and significant project that he created on Russian television was the documentary program “Collection of Misconceptions,” which attracted thousands of viewers to the screens. And its ratings were very high.

A little later, in parallel with this program, Gordon became the host and political talk show“Process”, which was very organically intertwined with the party activities of Alexander himself. It turns out that he created a party in 1998, announcing his desire to run for president of Russia. Within a few months, approximately three thousand people became members of the pariah. But later the mastermind and creator sold it for three dollars.

Today's Gordon

For many years, Alexander Gordon, whose biography and personal life are of ongoing interest to ordinary people, has been leading an endless variety of different projects. The most famous to viewers: “Gordon Quixote”, “Closed Screening”, “Stress”. The second of these was especially successful, bringing the creator three TEFI statuettes. Alexander was awarded the Academy of Russian Television award for “Gordon Quixote”.

He also achieved significant success in the field of cinematography, directing four films. As an actor and voice artist, he took part in the creation of films - both feature (for example, a businessman in Fizruk) and animated. He also worked on the films “Cuckoo” and “The Heirs.”

Personal life. Wife No. 1

Yet extraordinary person Alexander Gordon. Biography, wives, personal life events - all this has been of interest to the public for many years. Let's try to figure it out. His first wife was the same age as Maria Berdnikova. Their marriage lasted for eight years. They emigrated together to the United States, where they tried to build a better life than in their homeland. Masha gave birth to his daughter Anna. But neither better life, neither the child saved the marriage. The couple divorced. Masha and Anya remained in the USA, and Alexander went to Russia.

Miss Tbilisi

TV presenter Alexander Gordon turned out to be very amorous. The biography and personal life of this man is filled to capacity with the names of women with whom he had affairs.

His second, unofficial, wife was the Georgian actress, who once bore the title “Miss Tbilisi,” Nana Kiknadze. This marriage lasted a little less - seven years. Later, after their separation, Nana said: despite the fact that she loved this man very much, the period of her life was not easy.

In an interview, she admitted that Alexander was terribly jealous of her, and not only of men, but also of her work. He did not allow her to work in the modeling business, although the girl had many offers from photographers and agencies. He also banned filming. One fine day, when the couple quarreled again and Nana decided to leave common-law husband, Alexander crashed the car at full speed. They were alone in the car and survived.

Personal life. The same Katya

Alexander Gordon did not remain alone for long after Nana left. Personal biography, wives, children - everything, absolutely everything was of interest to ordinary people who saw him on television programs. His third wife (and second official) was journalist Ekaterina Podlipchuk, whom everyone later recognized as Katya Gordon.

Their acquaintance happened completely by chance, in a sushi bar. The girl was sitting at a table with her boyfriend, and Gordon was there alone. Katya was very bored, so she took a collection of her poems and approached Alexander, knowing that his father was a poet. She thought it would be her gift to Harry Gordon from an aspiring author.

The presenter liked the initiative coming from the girl. They began an affair. They got married very quickly, literally within a month. Everything was fine with the newlyweds, but Katya never developed a normal relationship with her father-in-law. Gradually, they began to fight quite clearly, not at all hiding from those around them the burning hostility of one towards the other. But Alexander did not want to notice this, and when he noticed, he only smiled. And more and more often he sided with his father. One day, the young wife's patience ran out.

Later Katya recalled how she fought with windmills. She, being a married lady, always remained alone - both when sadness attacked her and when she was sick. Katya admitted that it was ordinary creative person Alexander was a good man, but the husband... In this marriage, it was Sasha who left his wife.

From Nina to Nozanin

Despite another divorce, Alexander Gordon did not grieve for a long time. His biography was replenished with information about other beloved women and light flirtations. After breaking up with Katya, he had a relationship with out-of-town journalist Lena Pashkova, who gave birth to another daughter from him. And everything would have been fine if not for one detail: during this affair, Alexander was married, this time to his student Nina Shchipilova. It just so happened that each of his wives was younger than the previous one. Having learned about her little daughter, Nina leaves her unfaithful husband. But Gordon doesn't seem to mind at all. He is planning another novel.

Four years ago, in the summer of 2014, news appeared in all media: Gordon got married again. His wife was SGIK student Nozanin Abdulvasieva, who managed to amaze the TV presenter with her big eyes. This girl came to Moscow from Tajikistan. Her great-grandfather was the people's poet of this republic, and her parents were involved in the world of cinema, so she did not have much choice where to study. And yet, having played small roles in films, the girl preferred the role of wife and mother. Relatives agreed with her choice. Grandfather even remembered famous phrase that all ages are submissive to love.

In the same year, the Gordons had a son named Alexander. Unlike other media figures, they did not hide the heir, all the time posting his photographs on in social networks.

The fourth Mrs. Gordon is not at all embarrassed that their couple is periodically discussed by the public. And all because big difference in age (her husband is 30 years older than her) and because of Alexander’s great love. Many people around predict end soon this fairy tale. But be that as it may, so far everything is going pretty well. In addition, they strengthened their union last year by giving birth to another son, named Fedor.

After living in rented apartments for many years, 53-year-old Alexander Gordon finally got his own country house.

For famous TV presenter, director and actor, this event was significant for two reasons. Firstly, all these years he did not have his own corner and wandered around rented apartments. And secondly, a couple of months ago, Alexander once again became a father - his 22-year-old wife Noza Abdulvasieva gave birth to their second child together.

IN popular show On the first channel “Male/Female”, which Gordon now runs together with Yulia Baranovskaya, Alexander always acts as a “strict policeman”. He does not coddle with the heroes, but cuts the truth in their eyes. So much so that it often offends people who come to the studio.

Those who are closely acquainted with Gordon assure that in life he is the same - harsh, meticulous and corrosive. They say that this is why his previous wives did not get along with him (the TV presenter is in his fourth marriage, not to mention his numerous previous affairs).
Even the construction of the house was slow - few could please the demanding taste of Alexander Garrievich.

“I calculated that in my adult life I have changed one hundred and one rented apartments,” Gordon once shared in an interview. - I didn’t have my own home. And then I thought: I’m already “fifty dollars” - I need to lay my head somewhere. I decided that I didn’t need an apartment - I could always rent one while I was working. And when I can’t, I want to live not in Moscow, but outside the city, in my own house. This became my dream, because after fifty it’s already difficult to wake up, because all your desires have already been exhausted: you open your eyes in the morning and don’t understand why.”

When the TV presenter divorced his young wife Nina Shchipilova in November 2013, and six months later married an equally young VGIK student Nozanin Abdulvasieva (granddaughter of the famous director, Honored Artist of Tajikistan and Russia Valery Akhadov) and found out about her pregnancy, the question of his own living space stood up very sharply.

Gordon assures that he then studied mountains of literature, talked with a dozen acquaintances who own country real estate, and made several important conclusions. In his opinion, a brick house is too expensive, a log house is somehow rustic, and a timber house is not entirely reliable.

“It is important that the house is not only durable, but also warm and quiet: I don’t want the neighbors to hear what’s going on with me,” Alexander meaningfully expressed his wishes. “I also want the two houses – the master’s and the guest’s – to be connected by a common living room.”

As a result, the search construction company dragged on for another year, but when young Noza became pregnant with her second baby, Gordon finally signed up for the grandiose project.

In January, Noza gave her husband a second son, and little Sasha a brother.
Especially for future home the TV presenter bought a plot of land on the banks of the Pestovsky reservoir, 30 kilometers from Moscow. And since then I spent all my free time there, at the construction site.

It was decided to build the star mansion from a double volumetric frame in order to run all communications inside the walls, and not disfigure the landscape with protruding pipes and wires. In addition, this type of structure, according to Alexander, is stronger than brick and wood - it is not in danger of deformation.

“I grew up on the water all the time - either on Seliger or on the Volga, so I was looking for a similar place in the Moscow region,” Gordon shared. - When I found it, another question arose. It seems to me that one of the advantages of the house is its relevance to the landscape. That is, it should not be conspicuous. I wanted a small country house. I managed to achieve this: my house is practically invisible. I don’t like pretentiousness.”

Alexander Gordon, Noza and son Sasha

Indeed, the TV presenter’s two-story mansion looks quite modest against the backdrop of its neighbors’ cool cottages. But Gordon’s roof is very unusual - in appearance it resembles the deck of a ship, where you can sunbathe.

IN guest house two bedrooms and a spacious living room, but in the master’s room (in addition to all other necessary premises), Gordon created his own with special care Personal Area. There he installed a massive and expensive work desk, a comfortable sofa, many bookshelves and a rocking chair.

They say that Alexander and his family celebrated a housewarming party on the eve of the New Year. Although in January, when Noza gave her husband a second son, the family lived in Moscow for some time. And now, when little Fyodor has grown up a little, Gordon is busy landscaping the site so that in the summer his missus can calmly spend time with the children in the fresh air.

Presenter, actor and director Alexander Gordon is the owner of a two-story mansion. The outside of the house is done in gray tones and has a balcony. The celebrity lives here with his wife and children. Gordon let in for the first time film crew to his mansion and for the first time opened the doors of his home for the program Perfect renovation, which airs on Channel One. His co-host Yulia Baranovskaya was delighted with the renovation that was done to her in this program, and Alexander also decided to take this step. As part of the program, Alexander’s local area was arranged, and his mansion itself was equipped for living before the program. According to the presenter, all the furniture in the house was ordered through Internet flea markets. The celebrity mansion is located on the banks of the Pestovsky reservoir in the Moscow region. The walls of the house are decorated with paintings, including those of Alexander’s father. Gordon does not specifically collect paintings, but simply buys what he likes. On the ground floor of the mansion there is a living room and Gordon's study, which his wife and children liked and they spend a lot of time there. On the second floor there are bedrooms. After participating in the program “Ideal Renovation,” an Austrian-style gazebo appeared on the territory of the presenter’s house, which can be seen in the photo below. Alexander himself thought of making a canopy here under which he could cook on the grill and in a cauldron. As conceived by the program designers, a wooden gazebo with a hanging chair, a large dining area and a barbecue appeared here, just as Alexander wanted. Photos of the mansion from the outside can be seen on this page. You can take a video tour of the celebrity's house using the video clip below.

Gazebo in the house of Alexander Gordon

Photo of Alexander Gordon's house

Video of Alexander Gordon's house

and construction of an open gazebo on the local area in the program Ideal Repair

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