Alisa Ignatieva personal biography. Biography. The beginning of Alisa Ignatieva's vocal career

Alisa Ignatieva is a talented student at the Gnessin Academy. She created her own project and has been performing with her classmates for a long time, performing compositions in such styles as funk, world music and folk. Today she shines on television in the television project “The Voice”.

Childhood and family of Alisa Ignatieva

Alisa is from Moscow. Her grandmother lived in Ukraine. When visiting her, the girl sang folk songs. It was then that Alice's love for singing began. The grandmother dreamed that her granddaughter would one day become an artist and be shown on TV. Parents enrolled their daughter in music school, where she studied piano and balalaika. After school, Ignatieva graduated from college and then entered the Gnessin Academy. The girl worked as a music teacher at school, studying at the Academy by correspondence. In a year she will become a certified choir conductor.

The beginning of Alisa Ignatieva's vocal career

Alice always had a passion for singing. Finding herself at the Gnessin Academy among like-minded people, she decided to organize own project. Its name is “Alice Franka”. Together with the guys, Ignatieva performs folk songs. They perform in world music, funk and folk styles.

The girl made her debut as a singer as part of the Xuman Records / Tales compilation released in 2010.

The civilized Moscow club “Workshop” became the place where the talented aspiring performer made her debut as a soloist.

Alisa Ignatieva on the show “The Voice”

Alisa is well acquainted with the show “The Voice”, as she watched the first two seasons from beginning to end. She found this project extremely interesting because of the drive, thrill, and strong desire of each participant to win. She sent an application for participation after the first season, but there was no invitation to the casting. After the second season, she again sent the questionnaire, and she herself went on vacation to Europe. The news that she was invited to the casting found the girl in Greece. Returning to the capital, Ignatieva went to an audition, where she performed two compositions - “Zombie” by the Cranberries and “Oh, by the Cherry Orchard.” The last song passed the casting the contestant was offered to perform at the “blind” audition.

So in 2014, Alisa became a participant in the third season of the popular musical project of Channel One. At the blind auditions, she presented a folk song that she once sang with her grandmother - “Oh, by the cherry orchard.”

Ignatieva performed this composition beautifully, presenting it sincerely and technically correctly. It must be said that it is quite rare to hear folk songs within the framework of musical projects. However, in in this case, thanks to the soulful and sincere performance, the composition was extremely liked by the audience. The mentors also highly appreciated the contestant’s vocal abilities, but only Pelageya turned her chair towards Ignatieva. It should be noted that Pelageya’s work is very close to Alice, because the group “Alice Franka” sings songs of the peoples of the world.

After performing the composition at the “blind” auditions, it became clear that a completely unusual performer appeared on the project, who was strikingly different from the other participants. Of course, it cannot be said that she is better than all the competitors, Ignatieva is just different. Getting into the Pelageya team was cherished dream young performer, and this dream came true. Pelageya received her with “open” arms and the words: “Welcome!”

At the stage of fights, Alisa’s opponent was Alexander Albert. They performed the song “The shadow of your smile”. Despite the fact that Alexander performed excellently, the judges gave preference to Alice. In an interview given by the participants after the performance of the number, both Alexander and Alisa were sincerely surprised that none of the mentors saved Alexander. Thus, Alisa Ignatieva advanced to the next round.

Pelageya invited Ignatieva to perform the song “The Loon Flew,” which is part of Marina Kapuro’s repertoire, at the “knockouts” stage. At first, Alice thought this composition was too simple and frivolous, however, while working on the song, she felt the joy of singing it on stage. Before the “knockouts” stage, the vocalist fell ill, and in her own words, even lost her voice. Seeing a doctor didn't help, strong voice the singer did not have one. Just before going on stage, the girl decided that she would perform as best she could. Naturally, I didn’t expect to win. When Pelageya left her on the team, she felt that she had won twice. Ignatieva advanced to the quarterfinals.

Personal life of Alisa Ignatieva

Alice loves to travel. This is her hobby. Coming to another country, she is interested in how and what people live there, what their customs are, their way of life, what worries them. She likes to dive in new country, feel like a person of a different culture.

The most memorable of all Ignatieva’s travels is a trip to South America. In two months, she hitchhiked around the entire continent.

On “The Voice,” Alice’s most ardent fan was her younger brother Egor. He is seventeen years younger than his talented sister. The contestant’s mother and the head of her college department also supported the girl. Her boyfriend, Anton, was always next to her.

There are so many people on Earth who are endowed with talent. But not everyone manages to prove themselves in what they love. So, in their hearts, artists become, for example, managers, failed writers become accountants, and artists misunderstood by the public become sellers of goods.

All professions are needed, all professions are important, but as they say, “just because you’re qualified doesn’t mean you’re in the right place.” Fortunately, singer Alisa Ignatieva, who became famous after participating in the popular Channel One project “The Voice,” managed to express herself creatively and make singing not only her favorite thing, but also her profession.

Childhood and youth

Alice was born in 1989 in “Wonderland” - then the USSR. With the arrival of winter, on December 4, a daughter appeared in the Moscow Ignatiev family. Since childhood, the girl loved to sing. Coming to visit her grandmother in Ukraine, the little artist sang folk songs with her.

Alice's parents were sympathetic to their daughter's hobby and enrolled her in a music school. There the girl mastered playing the piano and balalaika. When it's time to decide future profession, it was clear that music was Alice's calling. Then, after graduating from music school, the girl entered a specialized college, and then became a student at the Gnessin Academy.

Of all musical styles Alisa Ignatieva was especially attracted by the songs of the peoples of the world, including Russian and Ukrainian. Alice chose her specialty based on her interests - folk choir conductor.


For a girl so passionate about music, it was not enough to just be a student at Gnesinka - Alisa took two decisive steps to develop her career. Firstly, she began to work as a teacher at a music school in parallel with her studies, and secondly, in 2009 she created a group with a team of like-minded people.

Best of the day

The name of the group coincided with their creative pseudonym - Alisa Franka (Alice Franka). The prefix Franka was not chosen by chance - that was the name of the singer’s great-grandmother (the woman was Polish). The musicians, led by soloist Alisa, perform funk and folk songs in modern arrangements.

The group received recognition and in the same 2009 signed a contract with Xuman Records. The first “live” concert of the group took place in June 2011 at the “Masterskaya” music club. A year later, Alisa Ignatieva was already successfully studying music, and the mega-popular project “Voice” - an analogue of the foreign “The Voice” - started on Channel One.

Singers unknown to the general public tried their hand at the stage. For television viewers, the competition began with the “Blind Auditions” stage. The artist performs a song, and four mentors sit with their backs to him. Pressing the red button and turning the chair meant getting into one of the teams and participating in the project.

Overnight, the project became a dream for thousands of singing Russians (foreigners also began to try their hand). The participants of “The Voice” immediately became the object of increased attention from the audience. The most outstanding ones were invited to participate in national concerts, and the winner received all the laurels, prizes and a contract with a recording company.

Of course, Alisa began to dream of participating in “The Voice,” especially since the girl’s vocal abilities were up to par. She sent an application twice, and by the beginning of the third season of the project, Ignatieva was invited to the casting. At that moment, the girl was traveling around Greece, but she couldn’t miss such a chance, so she immediately flew to Moscow.

At the preliminary selection, Alisa performed two songs of different genres. The first is “Zombie” by the group “ The Cranberries“, and the second composition was my favorite childhood song, which I sang with my grandmother - “Oh, by the cherry orchard.” It was the performance of the folk song that touched the jury, and Alisa was admitted to the exciting stage - “Blind Auditions”. Participation in the project is at stake.

24-year-old Muscovite Alisa Ignatieva was supposed to perform in front of millions of television viewers and four mentors with the same song that amazed the jury at the preview.

To Alice’s delight, among those sitting in the red chairs of Alexander Gradsky, Leonid Agutin and Dima Bilan was the folk singer Pelageya. Of course, as Alice herself said in an interview, most of all she wanted to get to a colleague in the genre.

It was time for Alice to speak. The girl sang so purely and soulfully that the mentors listened to her voice. Not even a minute had passed since the start of the performance when Pelageya, appreciating Alice’s skill, pressed the button, thereby expressing a desire to take her to the team.

The male part of the jury highly appreciated the participant’s performance, but no more buttons were pressed, and Alisa became a participant in the “Voice” project as part of Pelageya’s team.

Next on the project is a girl with in a clear voice luck was with us. At the “Fights” stage, Alisa performed the song “The shadow of your smile” in a duet with a participant named Alexander Albert. Both contestants were excellent, but Pelageya left Alisa on the team.

Afterwards, the singer faced a difficult period. For the “Knockouts” stage, her mentor invited her to perform the song “The Loon Flew.” Alice considered the composition too simple and at first was even upset by the choice. Thoughts about the inappropriate song unsettled the performer, and she fell ill, losing her voice. However, before the competition day, Alice gathered her will into a fist and decided to “perform in spite of”, to do everything in her power. The efforts paid off, and the girl advanced to the next stage.

The quarterfinals were approaching. Now the fate of the project participants depended not only on the decisions of the mentors, but also on the voting of television viewers. Alice sang a melodic love song “White Snow”. The atmosphere of a winter, snowy, quiet evening was recreated on stage. The singer herself was dressed in a white openwork dress with a fur cape. The performance produced strong impression on Pelageya and TV viewers. Therefore, according to the voting results, Ignatieva received 108% of the votes against 32% and 58% of her opponents.

There were two steps left until the desired victory. In December 2014, the semifinals of the third season of “The Voice” took place. Alisa loudly sang the song of the group “Ivan Kupala” in the folk style “Eyebrows”. Alice's opponent at this stage was another member of Pelageya's team - Yaroslav Dronov. Unfortunately for Ignatieva, this time the mentor and the audience were more impressed with her opponent. Pelageya gave 40% in favor of Alice, and 60% went to Yaroslav. The audience advantage was 2 times: Alisa received 34% of the votes, and Yaroslav 65%. Thus, the girl’s journey on the project ended.

Personal life

In her free time from music, the girl loves to travel. Moreover, he doesn’t just come to the country and visit popular tourist places, but tries to penetrate local culture and customs, to understand how the local people “live and breathe.” Alice remembers a 2-month hitchhiking trip across South America as her most memorable trip.

Alisa Ignatieva now

As for her personal life, now Alice happy wife and mother little son. on her official page On VKontakte you can see photos of the girl’s family and child.

Alisa also continues to be creative and performs in concerts with the group Alisa Franka. In April 2017, the girl personally informed fans (in the official VKontakte group) that she was recording her first album.


2009 - song The night is dark in the compilation album Tales Compilation

2014 - “Oh, at the cherry orchard”

2014 - “White Snow”

2014 - “Eyebrows”

2014 - “A loon flew”

2017 - “Dunyasha”

2017 - “Not a blizzard”

2017 - “Rus is called holy”

2017 - “Take Any Train”

There are so many people on Earth who are endowed with talent. But not everyone manages to prove themselves in what they love. So, in their hearts, artists become, for example, managers, failed writers become accountants, and artists misunderstood by the public become sellers of goods.

All professions are needed, all professions are important, but as they say, “just because you’re qualified doesn’t mean you’re in the right place.” Fortunately, singer Alisa Ignatieva, who became famous after participating in the popular Channel One project “”, managed to express herself creatively and make singing not only her favorite thing, but also her profession.

Childhood and youth

Alice was born in 1989 in “Wonderland” - then the USSR. With the arrival of winter, on December 4, a daughter appeared in the Moscow Ignatiev family. Since childhood, the girl loved to sing. Coming to visit her grandmother in Ukraine, the little artist sang folk songs with her.

Alice's parents were sympathetic to their daughter's hobby and enrolled her in a music school. There the girl mastered playing the piano and balalaika. When the time came to decide on her future profession, it was clear that music was Alice’s calling. Then, after graduating from music school, the girl entered a specialized college, and then became a student at the Gnessin Academy.

Of all musical styles, Alisa Ignatieva was especially attracted to the songs of the peoples of the world, including Russian and Ukrainian. Alice chose her specialty based on her interests - folk choir conductor.


For a girl so passionate about music, it was not enough to just be a student at Gnesinka - Alisa took two decisive steps to develop her career. Firstly, she began to work as a teacher at a music school in parallel with her studies, and secondly, in 2009 she created a group with a team of like-minded people.

The name of the group coincided with their creative pseudonym - Alisa Franka (Alice Franka). The prefix Franka was not chosen by chance - that was the name of the singer’s great-grandmother (the woman was Polish). The musicians, led by soloist Alisa, perform funk and folk songs in modern arrangements.

The group received recognition and in the same 2009 signed a contract with Xuman Records. The first “live” concert of the group took place in June 2011 at the “Masterskaya” music club. A year later, Alisa Ignatieva was already successfully studying music, and the mega-popular project “Voice” - an analogue of the foreign “The Voice” - started on Channel One.

Singers unknown to the general public tried their hand at the stage. For television viewers, the competition began with the “Blind Auditions” stage. The artist performs a song, and four mentors sit with their backs to him. Pressing the red button and turning the chair meant getting into one of the teams and participating in the project.

Overnight, the project became a dream for thousands of singing Russians (foreigners also began to try their hand). The participants of “The Voice” immediately became the object of increased attention from the audience. The most outstanding ones were invited to participate in national concerts, and the winner received all the laurels, prizes and a contract with a recording company.

Of course, Alisa began to dream of participating in “The Voice,” especially since the girl’s vocal abilities were up to par. She sent an application twice, and by the beginning of the third season of the project, Ignatieva was invited to the casting. At that moment, the girl was traveling around Greece, but she couldn’t miss such a chance, so she immediately flew to Moscow.

At the preliminary selection, Alisa performed two songs of different genres. The first was “Zombie” by The Cranberries, and the second composition was my favorite childhood song, which I sang with my grandmother - “Oh, by the cherry orchard.” It was the performance of the folk song that touched the jury, and Alisa was admitted to the exciting stage - “Blind Auditions”. Participation in the project is at stake.

24-year-old Muscovite Alisa Ignatieva was supposed to perform in front of millions of television viewers and four mentors with the same song that amazed the jury at the preview.

To Alice’s delight, among those sitting in the red chairs there was a folk singer. Of course, as Alice herself said in an interview, most of all she wanted to get to a colleague in the genre.

It was time for Alice to speak. The girl sang so purely and soulfully that the mentors listened to her voice. Not even a minute had passed since the start of the performance when Pelageya, appreciating Alice’s skill, pressed the button, thereby expressing a desire to take her to the team.

The male part of the jury highly appreciated the participant’s performance, but no more buttons were pressed, and Alisa became a participant in the “Voice” project as part of Pelageya’s team.

Alisa Ignatieva in the show "The Voice"

Later on in the project, the girl with a clear voice was lucky. At the “Fights” stage, Alisa performed the song “The shadow of your smile” in a duet with a participant named Alexander Albert. Both contestants were excellent, but Pelageya left Alisa on the team.

Afterwards, the singer faced a difficult period. For the “Knockouts” stage, her mentor invited her to perform the song “The Loon Flew.” Alice considered the composition too simple and at first was even upset by the choice. Thoughts about the inappropriate song unsettled the performer, and she fell ill, losing her voice. However, before the competition day, Alice gathered her will into a fist and decided to “perform in spite of”, to do everything in her power. The efforts paid off, and the girl advanced to the next stage.

The quarterfinals were approaching. Now the fate of the project participants depended not only on the decisions of the mentors, but also on the voting of television viewers. Alice sang a melodic love song “White Snow”. The atmosphere of a winter, snowy, quiet evening was recreated on stage. The singer herself was dressed in a white openwork dress with a fur cape. The performance made a strong impression on Pelageya and the TV viewers. Therefore, according to the voting results, Ignatieva received 108% of the votes against 32% and 58% of her opponents.

There were two steps left until the desired victory. In December 2014, the semifinals of the third season of “The Voice” took place. Alisa loudly sang the song of the group “Ivan Kupala” in the folk style “Eyebrows”. Alice's opponent at this stage was another member of Pelageya's team -. Unfortunately for Ignatieva, this time the mentor and the audience were more impressed with her opponent. Pelageya gave 40% in favor of Alice, and 60% went to Yaroslav. The audience advantage was 2 times: Alisa received 34% of the votes, and Yaroslav 65%. Thus, the girl’s journey on the project ended.

Personal life

In her free time from music, the girl loves to travel. Moreover, he doesn’t just come to the country and visit popular tourist places, but tries to become imbued with the local culture and customs, to understand how the local people “live and breathe.” Alice remembers a 2-month hitchhiking trip across South America as her most memorable trip.

Alisa Ignatieva now

As for her personal life, Alice is now a happy wife and mother of a small son. On her official page

Alisa Ignatieva - professional musician and performer-vocalist, fourth-year student of the elite Russian Academy named after the Gnessins. In this educational institution The girl is training to be a choir conductor. In addition, despite her small age, Alisa Ignatieva took part in vocal super project"The Voice" of the third season (Pelageya's team). Born on December 4, 1989 (Sagittarius) in Moscow (Russia).

Alisa, in her words, has been making music since she was three years old: when she was little, she often sang folk songs with her grandmother in Ukraine.

Alisa Ignatieva plays the piano and native Russian first-class and masterfully folk instrument balalaika. The girl is in the "drive" music project Alisa Franka, in which absolutely all participants perform music in different styles and directions: World Music, Funk, Folk and so on. Alisa Ignatieva’s debut as a singer took place as part of the Xuman Records / Tales compilation, released in 2010, and the first big solo concert took place in June 2011 in the civil Moscow club "Workshop".

The girl has been involved in musical activities since she was three years old. Alisa was pushed on this path by her grandmother, with whom she sang Ukrainian and Russian folk songs. Then the girl was sent to a music school. Then she decided to continue musical activity and went to college. Having successfully completed her studies there, Alisa Ignatieva entered the most civilized and elite music venue throughout Russia - the Gnessin Music Academy. However, the most unforgettable and, undoubtedly, striking event in Alice’s life is hitchhiking through the countries of Latin (South) America.

September 2014 turned out to be very stressful for Alisa Ignatieva, but at the same time responsible. Participation in the vocal super project “The Voice” of the third season on Channel One was overwhelming with feelings and emotions. At the “blind” auditions, the girl tenderly, enthusiastically and sensitively sang the Ukrainian folk song “Oh, in the Cherry Orchard” (In the original - Ukrainian folk song Oh, at the cherry orchard). During the speech, she only turned to Alice. According to Alisa, she is very glad that she got into the team of this particular mentor, because the themes of their songs are one hundred percent the

Since 2011 - group "Alisa Franka"

In the group:
- Alisa Franka - vocals, balalaika, bass
- Roman Zorkin - acoustic guitar
- Gleb Laskin - acoustic guitar
- Yuri Shurkhovetsky - electronic guitar
- Alexey Balobanov - bass guitar
- Over Serrano – Cajon

Musicians: Valery Stepanov, Yuri Kolesnik.

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