Scarlet Sails musical Dunaevsky. Reviews about: Scarlet Sails (Russian Academic Youth Theater (RAMT)). Awards and nominations

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For me and my 13-year-old daughter, “Scarlet Sails” turned out to be the worst performance at RAMT so far. At the same time, we did not want to leave during intermission, but it would have been quite possible not to come to this production.

The performance is not for romantics and not for fans of Green's work. It’s not even a matter of changing the plot and introducing dubious directorial discoveries such as the first meeting of Assol and Gray in the Mayak brothel or Gray painting the sails scarlet with wine from the same establishment. (Although, of course, the subsequent raising of these sails over everything auditorium can be considered a definite hint...)
Problem in general mood performance and strange images main characters.

Assol is not a gentle and romantic girl dreaming of love, but a strong and sharp tomboy, now getting into fights with boys, now singing in a tavern, now deciding to get hired in a brothel, and ultimately, after an unsuccessful suicide attempt, agreeing to marry Menners -son.

We really wanted to believe that Assol had been dreaming of love for 4 years, lighting a guiding beacon for half of her soul every day, but Ramilya Iskander removed any hints of romance from the image as much as possible. Her Assol, whether at 12 or 16 years old, is equally angular and sharp, stooped and dressed in the same cast-offs.

She, in the form of both a child and a girl, sniffs and defiantly wipes her snot with her sleeve. The only thing that hints at age is a beautiful voice, discordant with the image. Perhaps, of course, this is a hint that main character"Terrible on the face, but kind on the inside." My daughter is shocked by RAMT’s image.

And Gray's whole story is told in one song. His role in the play is simply not good. It is impossible to believe in his love for Assol.

The only one strong image in the play - Menners the Son. Denis Balandin is incomparable! He just sincerely loves Assol. He accepts her as anyone and is ready to do anything for her. Perhaps only he and his father (Alexei Veselkin) make this production come alive. You believe their feelings, unlike the feelings of Longren, Assol and Gray.

The scenography of the play is interesting. The transforming structure in the center is impressive, the scene with the ghost of Menners Sr. glowing in the dark is terrifying, and Scarlet Sails over the hall at the end they admire. But even this does not give the production enough energy and does not create an immersive effect. However, since the performance is quite gloomy, it may be good that this darkness and dirt do not drag on...

Also, this production is not for people with ideal musical ear. This is something like a musical, but, unfortunately, not all the actors can sing. Even me (with the weak musical abilities) sometimes I heard them being out of tune.

After the performance, my daughter and I specifically re-read the reviews about the performance on this site. I got the feeling that with some people we were on different productions...
In any case, I think that teenagers (and adults) who love Green’s “Scarlet Sails” and believe in miracles should hardly go to this performance!

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One woman’s husband went to sea for a long time. She was left without money and with a newborn child, a girl, she went to a rich innkeeper to ask for a loan. There she was vilely raped and she drowned herself out of grief. Meanwhile, the husband has returned from sailing and is eager to take revenge on the bastard innkeeper. But, remembering the child, he did not start a scandal, but harbored a grudge. He took advantage of the opportunity and successfully took revenge on the innkeeper. I didn’t shake hands with him or anything, but the fact that he drowned is a bastard.

Meanwhile, the daughter of this sailor is growing up, everyone in the village hates her and obstructs her. In addition, her father turned out to be a murderer and for her birthday he gives her only model ships. There is something to run away from home in frustration and meet in the forest a clearly mentally unstable man who prophesied to her a wonderful captain named Gray, who would one day come for her on a ship with scarlet sails.

The girl grows up, the captain still doesn't show up, local residents Everyone also mocks her, but a relationship with the son of the bastard innkeeper is brewing. This son, taking advantage of the girl’s father’s progressive alcoholism, blackmails her and demands marriage.

At this time, a steamship with elite prostitutes, whose captain’s name is Gray, approaches the village. The girl, in search of a decision whether to marry her or not, rushes around the village and runs onto the ship. On which he encounters this same Gray. He doesn’t make any impression on her; in her dreams he was a tall, long-haired handsome man, but here he is a strange-looking comrade with an incomprehensible hairstyle on his head. But Gray liked the girl, but he was immediately informed that she was getting married. “Well, it happens,” the captain shrugs. - “Better luck next time.”

However, the prostitutes who see this whole thing are not going to give up so easily. After all, this is Assol, after all, this is Gray! After all, this is “Scarlet Sails”! After all, this is the dream of every woman! They practically force the captain to sew new sails from the curtains in the brothel and go after the girl. Meanwhile, the girl is getting married. And then Gray appears with a piece of scarlet fabric in his hands... I don’t know how the case with the innkeeper’s son was resolved, and I don’t know whether the Real Scarlet Sails appeared, because at that moment Gleb and I ran out of the hall - he had a terrible headache.

A new reading of “Scarlet Sails”

And you can believe me, but such a reading of “Scarlet Sails” could work. In the end, to modern man It’s hard to believe in the naive “supra-mundane” Assol, who believed and waited for the right person. After all, anyone could appear under the scarlet sails. Yes, even Menners Jr. (the aforementioned son of the innkeeper). By the way, why didn’t he do this?!

I’m not against a tough play about Assol, who almost lost her faith, and who herself had to be saved. It would be the same in life. How many girls are promised a prince as children? How many of them become princesses?

But it was all too much. Too harsh, too dark, too loud, too blinding spotlights, too bad sound. The latter kills, it seems to me, all the production’s few advantages. The fact is that the Musical Theater does not have live sound. Do the actors sing live? I don't understand, I hope so. But that they are trying to shout over the loud music, which is also phony, yes.

The first section is even more or less so. Even beautiful. The lifting platforms reminded me of my favorite “Nord-Ost”, the light was so gloomy gray. Again, there were children on stage, this always brightens up any musical. Let’s remember “Les Miserables” and the same “Nord-Ost”. The second part all merges into a monstrous cacophony of sounds and actors running back and forth hysterically. And in the end, the audience should cry with happiness, with a beautiful dream, and not with a loud sound!

A plus of the performance is the music of Maxim Dunaevsky. Not a masterpiece, but many of the tunes were memorable. Eh, if only they had something decent musical accompaniment. I also have no complaints about the words.

The second big minus of the performance:

Waves and wind

The fact is that the sea itself came onto the stage! If this is not so, then I don’t know how else to evaluate this ensemble of half-naked young men with wrapped faces in the BDSM style. They dragged Mary (Assol's mother) and Menners Sr. downstairs. And in general, they were always present on the stage when it came to the sea. I have never seen a stranger allegory.


Musical “Scarlet Sails”
Official website of the musical

Music by Maxim Dunaevsky

Shows at the Musical Theater at the address: st. Novozavodskaya 27 (10 minutes walk from Bagrationovskaya metro station)

Very comfortable room and buffet, delicious Abrau-Durso champagne

Ticket price depends on the day of the performance, on Friday and Saturday from 1000 rubles to 3500 rubles

Excellent Assol performed by Maria Ivashchenko. She played everything that was supposed to in this strange scenario. If there had been a better script, she would have acted better. Moreover, not the cloying blonde beauty that is shown on the play poster.

Children from 12

Let me remind you that it all starts with a rape scene. Well, a note to parents. Thank God the children don't understand this. Then Mary's funeral. Well, okay, this is nonsense, children are used to it.

But then treat perception wonderful work“Scarlet Sails” will take a long time. Moreover, not many people manage to understand what is happening on stage. Due to the very loud sound, the entire thread of the plot is lost. So if you take children to a musical, then better than girls. They are more interested in who married whom and why.

Text: Tanya Belkina

One day, an old collector of legends told an eight-year-old girl that years later, on a ship with scarlet sails, a noble man would sail for her and take her with him. The girl believed and waited, and seven years later the old man’s words came true. This is an extravaganza story by Alexander Green about unshakable faith and an all-conquering dream, about how everyone can do a miracle for a loved one. The story is almost a century old and in our time it sounds in a new way in the musical “Scarlet Sails” by Maxim Dunaevsky at the Moskvich cultural center. It is no coincidence that the production is called legendary; it contains star cast starting from the authors of the libretto Andrei Usachev and Mikhail Bartenev to the famous metropolitan actors Maria Ivashchenko and Georgy Koldun. The production is slightly different from the original, new ones have been added storylines and heroes, although the main idea is preserved. You shouldn't expect rose-colored romance here, as in the book, here is more the harsh reality of a seaside village. There are no bright colors, and all the inhabitants are a dark gray mass, whose only pleasure is drinking in a tavern. At the very beginning there is a rather harsh scene of abuse of Mary (Assol’s mother), Menners Sr. is full of anger, he throws the poor woman hard and it seems to be very painful. Seeing such aggression, I want to defend myself, but the audience is powerless. The plot holds attention throughout the musical: difficult farewells to the deceased Mary and Menners Sr., the need to earn money to rescue Longren from prison leads Assol to a tavern and a brothel, a wedding with Menners Jr. and the appearance of Gray. For some, the production may seem gloomy, but I really liked it, even more than the book. Green shows the 50/50 story of Assol and Gray, and here more history Menners the younger, in love and suffering from unrequited feelings. He is ready to do anything, even to be humiliated, if only Assol is with him; his heartfelt aria evokes a storm of feelings. Why did Gray get the girl’s love so easily? It seems to me that Menners is more worthy of it. There are no beautiful decorations on the stage either, there is a static wooden lighthouse and six swing bridges. Due to this, foreground the musical and choreographic component comes out. 30 vocal numbers performed live in strong voices, and the artists of the acrobatic ensemble depict waves and wind in such a way that there is no doubt left. At the end, scarlet sails will definitely appear, as if they will add color to this gray life and will give hope that everything can get better if you sincerely dream and believe. I would watch the musical again, only it is very rarely shown at the Moskvich Cultural Center.

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