Analysis of “Wonderful Picture” by Fet. “Wonderful picture” A. Fet

Poem " Wonderful picture", written in 1842, refers to early period creativity of A. Fet. It was included in the multi-motive cycle “Snow” (1850).

Related to landscape lyrics the poem describes a winter night close to the poet. Fet sincerely loves winter, he is attracted "shiny snow" And "white plain". The apparent simplicity of a simple winter landscape carries within it pure beauty, like snow-white fields.

The work clearly shows main motives- the hero’s fascination with the night landscape, the motive of the path that appears at the end of the poem, the motive of human loneliness, emphasized by the cold beauty of snow-covered nature. The lonely moon above the white plain symbolizes this state of the human soul. Nature and man are fused together in the poem.

Main visual means poems appear epithets: "wonderful picture", "shiny snow", "lonely running", "high heavens", « full moon» . Evaluative epithet "wonderful" expresses the state of peaceful admiration of the lyrical hero. IN landscape sketch present personification ("and the distant sleigh runs alone") And inversion ("high heavens", "distant sleigh"), performing a dual role. It allows you to organize the fall of logical stress in the poem on adjectives, and also introduces the motif of the path into the poem. In the first stanza, Fet resorts to alliteration of the sound “r”, and in the second stanza he uses the alliteration of the sound “s”, which allows him to convey the feeling of light.

The poet addresses in the second stanza I will repeat paraphrase ("full moon""light of heaven", "white plain""shiny snow"). Syntactic parallelism (wonderful picture, white plain, full moon) enhances the feeling of harmony from perception surrounding picture. Contrasting color scheme of the poem– the moon against the background of the night sky, the darkening silhouette of a sleigh on the white snow – gives special expressiveness to the winter landscape.

Fet uses in "Wonderful Picture" verblessness technique, conveying the present tense with the help of denominative sentences and the use of the personal pronoun “you” and the short adjective “dear” ( “how dear you are to me”). The whole poem represents one thing difficult sentence. It creates the feeling that the poet is overwhelmed with feelings and speaks in one breath, and also conveys a feeling of a holistic perception of nature and unity with it. The narrative intonation emphasizes the calm inner admiration of the lyrical hero for the surrounding beauty.

Compositionally The poem consists of two stanzas-quatrains. It is written conveying dynamics and characteristic of folk songs trochaic trimeter. Fet used cross rhyme in “A Wonderful Picture,” which gives special lightness to the work.

The poet builds a certain sequence in the poem images and feelings. Inner space the work has a clearly defined rhythm: higher ( "full moon"), wider ( "light of the high heavens"), below ( "shiny snow"), already ( "and distant sleighs"). The keyword “running” unites all these multidirectional vectors into movement. The previously motionless world becomes moving.

Throughout the poem, the feelings of the lyrical hero change: subjective assessment at the beginning of the poem ( "wonderful picture") is replaced by an objective description of the landscape ( "white plain", "full moon"), which gradually acquires emotional overtones ( "light of heaven", "shiny snow"). The first two and last two lines of the poem unite the experiences of the lyrical hero - an aching sense of beauty native land, mixed with the feeling of a person being lost in this world, among the endless Russian expanses.

A thoughtful landscape painter, Fet managed to convey in a short poem all the beauty and charm of a winter night, the filling of the soul of the lyrical hero with feelings of peace, calm love and slight sadness, his spiritual kinship with his native nature.

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Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet

Wonderful picture
How dear you are to me:
White plain,
Full moon,

The light of the high heavens,
And shining snow
And distant sleighs
Lonely running.

The ability to convey all the beauty in a few phrases surrounding nature is one of the most striking distinctive features creativity of Afanasy Fet. He went down in the history of Russian poetry as an amazingly subtle lyricist and thoughtful landscape painter who was able to choose simple and precise words when describing rain, wind, forest or different seasons. At the same time, only the poet’s early works are distinguished by such liveliness and accuracy, when his soul was not yet clouded by a feeling of guilt before the woman he once loved. Subsequently, he dedicated a huge number of poems to Maria Lazic, moving further and further in his work into love and philosophical lyrics. However, a lot has survived early works poet, which are filled with amazing purity, lightness and harmony.

In 1842, Afanasy Fet wrote the poem “Wonderful Picture,” masterfully depicting a winter night landscape. For such works, the poet was often criticized by venerable writers, believing that the absence of deep thoughts in poetry is a sign of bad taste. However, Afanasy Fet did not claim to be an expert human souls. He was simply trying to find simple and accessible words to talk about what he saw and felt. It is noteworthy that the author expressed his personal attitude to the surrounding reality extremely rarely, trying only to record various items and phenomena. However, in the poem “Wonderful Picture” the poet cannot resist admiration and, talking about a frosty winter night, admits: “How dear you are to me!” Fet feels a special charm in what surrounds him - “the white plain, the full moon” bring into the author’s life long-forgotten feelings of joy and peace, which are enhanced by “the lonely running of a distant sleigh.”

It would seem that there is nothing remarkable or worthy of attention in the recreated picture of a winter night. Probably, the poem itself was written at the moment when Afanasy Fet was making a short journey across the vast Russian expanses. But the tenderness that the author puts into every line of this work indicates that such night walk gave the author incomparable pleasure. Fet manages to convey his true feelings and remind us all that we can experience happiness even from simple and familiar things, which we often simply do not pay attention to.

Wonderful picture
How dear you are to me:
White plain,
Full moon,

The light of the high heavens,
And shining snow
And distant sleighs
Lonely running.

Analysis of the poem “Wonderful Picture” by Fet

A. Fet was often reproached for excessive brevity and lack of deep meaning in poems. The poet admitted that he considers even the manifestation of personal feelings unnecessary. In his opinion, a work should convey immediate impressions as accurately as possible and not impose the author’s position on readers. This idea of ​​Fet was especially clearly manifested in his early work. A typical example is the poem “Wonderful Picture” (1842).

The author describes his real impressions under the influence of a winter night trip. The poem is a miniature. It could have been created at high tide creative inspiration in a few seconds. Fet's talent lies in the fact that he was able to capture the most necessary details. The author’s personal attitude is expressed in only one phrase: “how dear you are to me.” This is quite enough to show the poet’s boundless love for his land. If for most contemporaries patriotism was expressed in an abundance of solemn words and promises, then Fet just mentions some ordinary signs of the Russian landscape: “white plain”, “brilliant snow”. “Sleigh... lonely running” connects his poem with the traditional image of the Russian troika, symbolizing the whole of Russia.

Fet was a man with a very sensitive soul. Ordinary things that many would not pay any attention to could delight him. Main merit the poet's ability to convey this feeling to the reader using minimal artistic means. The poem “Wonderful Picture” seems simple and naive to the point of banality, but magically creates a joyful atmosphere in the soul.

The poet was still a very young man. His inspiration was directly related to his youthful dreams and hopes, which were distinguished by their freshness and purity.

Only after tragic death M. Lazic personal motives appear in Fet’s work. But at the same time, the poet never imposed his sad reflections on nature, but continued to look for in it a correspondence with personal experiences. Fet was of the opinion that nature stands on equal terms with man and has its own soul. Therefore, he saw his task as giving natural phenomena a well-deserved tribute, rather than trying to explain them in terms of reason.

The poem “Wonderful Picture” was written by Afanasy Fet in 1842, and it belongs to the early period of creativity.

The work relates to landscape poetry, and shows a description of a winter night. The author loved winter very much; he was fascinated by the “brilliant” snow and “white” plains. It seems that it is difficult to find the special beauty of the winter landscape, but the author accurately conveyed the beauty and purity that the snow-white edges hide. The main motive is the breathtaking night landscape and the surprise of the hero’s beauty.

In the poem you can notice the theme of human loneliness, with the help winter beauty, it takes on a special meaning. The moon in the poem reflects the human soul. Therefore, a picture of the unification of man and nature emerges before us. Basic artistic media that Fet used were: epithets, personifications, inversions. The composition consists of two systems; with the help of cross rhyme, the special lightness of the work is felt.

Analysis of Fet's poem by A.A. "Wonderful picture"

Wonderful picture
How dear you are to me:
White plain,
Full moon.

Light of the high heavens
And shining snow
And distant sleighs
Lonely running.

The poem “Wonderful Picture”, created in 1842, is one of the most fascinating poetic works of A. Fet.

The poem contains two motifs: the motif of fascination with the winter night landscape and the motif of human loneliness emphasized against the backdrop of the cold face of nature. A snowy plain, a lonely moon and stars casting light on the snow are not so much images of nature as a symbolic designation of the state of the soul.
Fet's painting appears as if before the reader's eyes. Vivid landscape details are sketched based on first impressions. In the “wonderful picture” the night is bright and full of sparkle. Suddenly a lone sleigh appears. The experiences of a lonely traveler are familiar to the author.

Literary critic M. Gasparov argued that “images and feelings in eight lines are replaced in an orderly and harmonious sequence.”

What do we see? “White Plain” - we look straight ahead. “Full moon” - our gaze slides upward. “The light of the high heavens” - space expands to a cloudless sky. “And shining snow” - our gaze slides back down. “And the distant sleigh runs alone” - the field of vision narrows, in the white space the gaze stops at one dark point.

Higher – wider – lower – narrower. This is the clear rhythm in which we perceive the space of this poem.
All three dimensions of space are given by the words “plain”, “high”, “distant”. The key word “running” reduces breadth, height and distance to movement. The motionless world becomes moving!

From the first lines (“Wonderful picture…”) you can understand the intonation of the entire poem: sadness and admiration for nature. A poem is a sequence of feelings.

The beginning is an emotional exclamation, emphasized by the lyrical epithets “wonderful”, “dear”; then the poet moves on to an objective description:

White plain,
Full moon…

A calm picture that acquires emotional overtones already in the following lines:

Light of the high heavens
And shiny snow...

The last lines of the poem are a picture that is not only alive, but also heartfelt. “Lonely running” is a feeling not of an outside viewer, but of the rider himself. This is delight in the “wonderful” world winter nature and sadness among the desert. The observed world becomes the experienced world, as always in the poems of A. Fet.

The reader does not immediately notice that there are eight lines in front of him without a single verb; only eight nouns and adjectives that convey rapid movement along the endless winter road.

For Fet, nature never exists on its own, separately from man. The soul and the world are united, and so it is in the poem “Wonderful Picture.”

Literary scholars note not only the picturesqueness, but also the musicality of Fet’s poetic paintings. So in the poem...

Analysis of Afanasy Fet’s poem “Wonderful Picture”

An amazingly light creation, calming and captivating with the touching images - “Wonderful Picture” by A. Fet. The work was created in 1842. In its content, Fet again reveals his gift of transmitting in simple words the extraordinary beauty of the world. This time the author was hooked by the beauty of the winter landscape.

The poem can be divided into two figurative components: the poet’s tender admiration for what he saw and a detailed transfer of the properties of the observed nature. The first line literally duplicates the title of the poem. The second consists of a frank emotional confession (“How dear you are to me”), followed by the rest of the explanatory content. It should be noted that the work consists of only one sentence. It is divided into two equal four-line stanzas. The enumeration of the paintings captured by the poetic gaze is carried out through commas and connecting conjunctions.

“White Plain” is the first thing that strikes the author’s soul. Then he looks up at the “full moon.” The gaze involuntarily embraces the entire expanse of view—the “light of heaven.” Fet sees the reflection of the shining heavenly bodies in the snow. And finally, the eyes focus on the distance - the “lonely run” of the sleigh becomes full of meaning.

Surprisingly, the poet drew only with nouns and apt epithets complete picture winter, put his feelings into these descriptions and related nature to man. Verbs turned out to be superfluous for the embodiment of a literary idea.

The last two lines reveal the motive of loneliness. The author perceives the loss of a human being in the white snowy expanses as deeply personal. He projects his feelings: the movement of the sleigh - how life path man along unexplored paths and distances.

Inversion makes it possible to build the harmonic series of the trimeter trochee, and personification embeds the motive of the path (“sleigh… running”) into the verse. The color palette of the verse is monotonous, but amazingly bright thanks to the contrasts: white - snowdrifts, the moon and stars, and black - the abyss of the sky, the figure of a cart.

The space of the poem is expanded one by one, line by line, to all-encompassing limits. Seeing the shining frosty landscape, Fet concludes with love in his soul: “Wonderful picture.”

analysis of the poem Wonderful painting by Fet

A. A. Fet is a famous Russian poet who knows how to see the beauty of nature. The idea of ​​his poem “Wonderful picture. » - show a winter landscape. The author presents a wonderful picture, and not the movement of winter, so he uses many epithets: “wonderful picture.” "white plain" "high heavens" "shiny snow" "distant sleigh" "lonely running" They convey the majesty and immensity of Russian fields.

The text also uses inversion (“high skies.” “distant sleigh”). thanks to which logical stress falls on adjectives. In the last stanza there is personification: “and the lonely running of a distant sleigh.”

There is also alliteration in the text. In the first quatrain, the sonorant sound p is highlighted, and in the second - s, creating a feeling of light.

I think that there is no motive of loneliness in the work, because lyrical hero, although he drives along a lonely, untrodden road, he never ceases to admire the sparkling snow, the full moon, and the light of the heavens.

Aliev Shamil Student (159) 1 week ago

“Wonderful picture” A. Fet

The ability to convey all the beauty of the surrounding nature in a few phrases is one of the most striking distinctive features of Afanasy Fet’s work. He went down in the history of Russian poetry as an amazingly subtle lyricist and thoughtful landscape painter who was able to choose simple and precise words when describing rain, wind, forest or different seasons. At the same time, only the poet’s early works are distinguished by such liveliness and accuracy, when his soul was not yet clouded by a feeling of guilt before the woman he once loved. Subsequently, he dedicated a huge number of poems to Maria Lazic, moving further and further in his work into love and philosophical lyrics. Nevertheless, many of the poet’s early works have survived, which are filled with amazing purity, lightness and harmony.

In 1842, Afanasy Fet wrote the poem “Wonderful Picture,” masterfully depicting a winter night landscape. For such works, the poet was often criticized by venerable writers, believing that the absence of deep thoughts in poetry is a sign of bad taste. However, Afanasy Fet did not claim to be an expert on human souls. He was simply trying to find simple and accessible words to talk about what he saw and felt. It is noteworthy that the author expressed his personal attitude to the surrounding reality extremely rarely, seeking only to record various objects and phenomena. However, in the poem “Wonderful Picture” the poet cannot resist admiration and, talking about a frosty winter night, admits: “How dear you are to me!” Fet feels a special charm in what surrounds him - “the white plain, the full moon” bring into the author’s life long-forgotten feelings of joy and peace, which are enhanced by “the lonely running of a distant sleigh.”

It would seem that there is nothing remarkable or worthy of attention in the recreated picture of a winter night. Probably, the poem itself was written at the moment when Afanasy Fet was making a short journey across the vast Russian expanses. But the tenderness that the author puts into every line of this work indicates that such a night walk gave the author incomparable pleasure. Fet manages to convey his true feelings and remind us all that we can experience happiness even from simple and familiar things, which we often simply do not pay attention to.

Listen to Fet's poem Wonderful Picture

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