Anatoly Evdokimov: the best actresses are actors. Anatoly Evdokimov: “Travesty shows are not just men in skirts Anatoly Show

New Year's skit

I never thought that I would do parody. Everything happened by chance. Once upon a time, more than ten years ago, I worked as a bartender in a club, and my colleagues and I decided to make a surprise at the New Year's skit party. I was involved in choosing costumes and directing. The performance, where the three of us (with the chef and the administrator) portrayed Tina Turner, Liza Minnelli, Barbra Streisand and other Hollywood divas, was seen by the director of the new Moscow club. Since then, our performances have become regular, and later I organized my own Evdokimov Show.

The art of transformation

I nurture each of the characters for a long time: I look at the recordings, try on the characters for myself, notice the features, and then - rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals. There are very emotional, very unique artists, for example Tina Turner, who are easy to parody, and there are those who are not easy. You have to “catch” them at a more subtle level. For the audience to believe you, you need to work hard. And I get used to the role of everyone I play on stage, because if I don’t believe myself, then the audience definitely won’t believe it.

Themselves with a mustache

For all performances I do my own makeup. It's not so easy to put makeup on a man so that he looks like a woman from the stage. Different facial structure, everything is different. But in any case, you can learn how to paint, you only need experience. Moreover, nowadays there are many opportunities: you can go to a professional makeup artist, look at magazines, the Internet...


View from the outside

On women, I like natural and discreet makeup that harmonizes with the face, and not bright make-up a la pluck your eye out. I believe that the main task of makeup is to “continue” the beauty of a woman, to emphasize and hide some flaws, if any.

Work on mistakes

I don't look at women to identify flaws in their makeup. But if some mistakes are obvious, of course, it’s difficult not to notice them. The most common mistake girls make is wearing bright red lipstick, which doesn’t suit everyone. Secondly, sloppy makeup, when everything is fuzzy, uneven... Or low-quality cosmetics that crumble and are not absorbed... It’s better not to waste money and buy a good one. After all, investing in yourself is the right one and will definitely pay off.

Text: Irina Bagaeva
Photo: artist’s press service

Cost of performance

from 150 000 before 500 000 rubles

The show's pricing policy is very flexible. Artists are always ready to discuss.
From 150,000 rub. - average cost.


The creative path of Anatoly Evdokimov began long before the creation of the artist own show. At first, the artist’s performances were solo, creating on stage the images of popular artists: Toni Brackstone, Whitney Houston, Tina Turner, whose beautiful voices broke hundreds of hearts of viewers around the world. Then there was work in the Dream Factory team. And four years ago Evdokimov created a show where he and artistic director, and a stylist, and a costume designer - in general, everything. At first, Anatoly didn’t even think that he would make parodies of Rasputin or other domestic show business stars. But after Rasputina, Gurchenko, Piekha, Rotaru appeared. That's how the Divas Show was born.

In 2010, the cast of the show's artists was updated, and two girls appeared in the men's team - not just professional dancers, but winners of many beauty contests. This decision turned out to be very correct - the show became even more vibrant and spectacular, and the male audience appreciated the beauty of the girls. Currently, Anatoly and his show have long stepped beyond the club stage - performances are held in large concert halls with a constant full house.


Anatoly Evdokimov’s repertoire includes parodies, productions, performances both domestic (from Lyudmila Gurchenko and the Mirage group to Sofia Rotaru) and foreign performers(from Tina Turner to Lady Gaga).

Duration of the program

from 20 minutes before 2 hours


8 people:
7 dancers (5 boys and 2 girls)


corporate party, anniversary, festive event, concert

A truly colorful, high-quality, and most importantly professional show in our country can be seen mainly in major cities. On tour, artists, with the exception of a few, show rather modest programs. Regardless of where they live, the public loves beauty and sexuality. The time has come when the public wants a spectacle that would shock, delight, excite and provoke... The viewer wants emotions, impressions and a feeling of never-ending celebration. Combines all this - the only two-time winner of the award in Russia NIGHTLIFEAWARDS as the best dance show in the country. Founded in 1998 Show in full... ode to the permanent leader Anatoly Evdokimov - today this is the best cabaret show in Russia, which shows parodies of favorite and famous celebrities.

Creative biography ANATOLIYA EVDOKIMOVA began even before he created his own show. A lawyer by training, an artist by vocation, he has been directing the Evdokimov Show Theater team, which he created himself, for fifteen years. Everyone knows the funny films “with dressing up” - “Hello, I’m your aunt!”, “Mary Poppins, goodbye!” (where Oleg Tabakov shone in a female guise), “Tootsie”, “Mrs. Doubtfire”, “Some Like It Hot”... But few people think that they could easily fail due to “errors” of taste and/or lack of the talent of their creators. And then, instead of a diva, you see a grimacing jester on stage, the cabaret turns into a tavern, and the film or performance falls into the “not for everyone” category. People come to Anatoly Evdokimov’s show with their families. It all started with ordinary nightclubs and imitation of Russian and world stars. Now this is not just a synchronized buffoonery, but a real Russian cabaret with expensive scenery, costumes and original choreography.

His first performances were solo: he created images on stage famous singers, such as Toni Braxton, Whitney Houston, Tina Turner, whose voices break the hearts of millions of people. Then he was a soloist in the Dream Factory group. And four years ago, Anatoly created a show in which he is now not only a soloist, but also an artistic director, director, stylist, and costume creator. At first, Anatoly had no idea that he would parody, say, Masha Rasputin. But after creating Rasputin, Piekha, Gurchenko, and Rotaru appeared. This is how the programs were born DIVASSHOW", "SONG OF THE YEAR".

“ I nurture each of the images for a long time: I look at the recordings, try them on myself, and notice characteristic movements. There are very emotional, very unique artists, for example, Tina Turner, who are easy to notice, and there are those who are not easy. We have to “catch” them at a more subtle level. The biggest compliment is when the audience comes up after the concert and thanks for the opportunity to see Whitney Houston, Edith Piaf, Madonna or Edita Piekha and Sofia Rotaru with their own eyes,” says Anatoly.

SHOW THEATER ANATOLY EVDOKIMOV can safely be called one of the most expensive in Russia - handmade corsets and hats, unique costumes designed specifically for the show, a myriad of crystals and ageless divas with the main hits.

In the summer of 2010, Anatoly Evdokimov presented the updated composition of EVDOKIMOV SHOW THEATER - now, in addition to the male ballet, two girls appeared in the show. They are not just highly professional dancers, but both are winners of many beauty contests. This decisive step added even more brightness, entertainment, dynamism and aesthetics to the Evdokimov Show, and the male part of the audience appreciated the beauty of the girls.

Today Anatoly Evdokimov has long stepped beyond the club stage - his performances are held in large concert halls.

In 2007, the long-awaited solo concert in Moscow and presentation of a new show SOUNDTRACK, and already on March 8, 2008, especially for the female half of humanity, a program was presented “EVOLUTION OR WOMAN THROUGH THE EYES OF A MAN.”

In the winter of 2009, Anatoly Evdokimov presented the show “NEW YEAR’S FEERIE”, based on the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”. An original reading of a children's fairy tale, now a fairy tale for adults, where the fearless Gerda finds herself in the luxurious but vicious world of show business, fights with S&M queens, literally goes through fire and water, flying through copper pipes.

The beginning of 2010 was marked by Anatoly Evdokimov’s acquaintance with NAOMI CAMPBELL AND VLADISLAV DORONIN, who personally invited EVDOKIMOV SHOW to Switzerland.

Success accompanies all of Anatoly’s performances, whose show has visited many cities in Russia, near and far abroad. The team has toured a total of about 30 countries, including America and Canada. And the designer MARCJACOBS invited Anatoly Evdokimov to be the face of his worldwide website (

In May 2012, at the invitation of the jewelry house De Grisogono, the show performed at the main party of the Cannes Film Festival - De Grisogono Party Cannes Film Festival, where Anatoly Evdokimov met the world supermodel Heidi Klum!

April 26 and 27, 2012 in Moscow State Theater The stages have passed anniversary concerts Evdokimov show “I made everyone!”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the team.

Making a show no worse than a Western cabaret is a serious task. This has never happened in Russia before. The budget for the performance is amazing: half a million euros were spent on it.

“This is a huge show. A lot of effects, lighting effects. Light suits, constant change of these suits. Sometimes five costumes are changed per show,” admits showman Anatoly Evdokimov.

Today SHOW THEATER ANATOLY EVDOKIMOV is rapidly gaining popularity. Performing in Moscow and expanding touring routes around the world, the band gives the audience new feelings and emotions, energy, an atmosphere of happiness and love, invariably causing the audience to burst into childish delight and rightfully deserves the title COUNTRY'S FAVORITE SHOW.

Wherever people live, even in small town, they want not only to watch grandiose shows on TV, but also to see the artists in person. Unfortunately, if touring artists wander into provincial, sparsely populated cities, they cannot show a real, decent, full-fledged show; they show the simplest numbers. This cannot be said about Anatoly Evdokimov and his travesty show. Wherever the group goes, the artists always give their best.

Carier start

Anatoly Sergeevich Evdokimov is a native of Moscow. He was born on November 21, 1975 and has always loved to portray celebrities. This love became his whole life, helped create a grandiose career as a dancer, a soloist of the most popular travesty show not only in Russia but also abroad.

Initially, the guy worked as a bartender in a nightclub and there, with the agreement of the director, he began to organize his solo performances. The public admired the young man, who very similarly portrayed Whitney Houston, Toni Braxton and Tina Turner.

"Dream Factory"

Thanks to Anatoly, the club became so popular that its owner persuaded the talented guy to create own group, where there will be several artists. Anatoly Evdokimov dreamed about this for a long time, and it didn’t take long to ask him to work out a plan for creating the show. This is how the “Dream Factory” appeared, and Anatoly became the main soloist in this show.

There were more artists, and the program began to expand. Soon, visitors to the establishment could see Madonna, Edith Piaf, and many other foreign and Russian celebrities, who were portrayed by men in disguise.

Own show

In 1998, Anatoly Evdokimov decided to be not only a soloist, but also the main screenwriter, director, choreographer, costume designer, and owner of his own show. This is how he became the creator of the Evdokimov Show. He himself wove hats, sewed suits and spent six months nurturing images of celebrities so that viewers could see singers who were almost indistinguishable from real stars.

Soon Masha Rasputina, Sofia Rotaru, Edita Piekha, Lyudmila Gurchenko appeared. This is how the show program “Divas Show” was born.

Evdokimov's travesty show is a very expensive pleasure. All costumes are unique, personally created, decorated with rhinestones. Every new image is created long time, Anatoly Evdokimov personally watches concert recordings several times so as not to miss a single recognizable gesture of celebrities. He pays more attention to studying Russian stars, since Houston is easy to replace, Russian viewers did not study her so carefully. But Masha Rasputina, the favorite singer of many, is not at all easy to parody so that the image is as similar as possible.

Anatoly Evdokimov says that there is nothing better than receiving gratitude from the audience after a performance for being able to see, for example, Madonna with their own eyes. Even if not real, but very similar. Anatoly also loves praise, because he puts his whole soul into his work.

Dilution of the team

In 2010, Anatoly decided to slightly dilute his pure men's team and invited two girls to work, Margarita and Olga. These girls are notable for the fact that they are not only high-quality dancers, but also with their appearance they were able to earn many awards, bonuses and prizes by participating in beauty contests. With their appearance, the “Evdokimov Show” became more intense, dynamic, and aesthetic. The male half of the audience was especially pleased with this addition to the team. They appreciated not only the talent of the new participants, but also their beauty.

Show by Anatoly Evdokimov

Now Anatoly Evdokimov has completely stopped appearing on club stages. His show is so popular that it attracts huge audiences in theaters and concert halls.

For the New Year 2010, Evdokimov Show presented viewers with a fairy tale for adults, “New Year’s New Reading” Snow Queen". Here Gerda, in search of Kai, literally undergoes trials by fire and water, fights the temptations of the vicious world of show business, and escapes from the sadomasochistic queen. In general, there was something to see.

For the Halloween holiday, Evdokimov amazed the audience with a new show, in which Gogol's Pannochka from "Viy", rising from the coffin, sang her no less familiar song in the familiar voice of Sofia Rotaru!

All the shows are truly grandiose, they are so spectacular that they are remembered for many months!

Touring artists

In 2010, the lead singer of the drag queen show was personally introduced to Naomi Campbell and Vladislav Doronin. These people invited the group to perform in Switzerland, and so began touring abroad. Subsequently, “Evdokimov Show” was appreciated in thirty countries, including Canada and America. Now the show travels around the world, visiting different countries each time.

Anatoly Evdokimov, whose personal life remains behind the scenes (if there is one at all, given such busy schedule), became so popular and recognizable in the world that Marc Jacobs himself (designer) offered him cooperation.

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