Arguments in the direction of “Revenge and generosity. The strength and weakness of the nature of second lieutenant Romashov. Composition based on the story of A. I. Kuprin "Duel" Duel arguments


1. In the novel by L.N. Tostogo "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky convinces his friend Pierre Bezukhov that the battle is won by an army that wants to defeat the enemy by all means, and does not have a better disposition. On the Borodino field, every Russian soldier fought desperately and selflessly, knowing that behind him is the ancient capital, the heart of Russia, Moscow.

2. In the story by B.L. Vasilyeva "The dawns here are quiet ..." Five young girls who opposed the German saboteurs died defending their homeland. Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Liza Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak could have survived, but they were sure that they had to fight to the end. The anti-aircraft gunners showed courage and endurance, showed themselves to be true patriots.


1. an example of sacrificial love is Jen Eyre, the heroine of the novel of the same name by Charlotte Bronte. Jen happily became the eyes and hands of the person most dear to her when he went blind.

2. In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Marya Bolkonskaya patiently endures her father's severity. She loves the old prince, despite his difficult nature. The princess does not even think about the fact that her father is often overly demanding of her. Marya's love is sincere, pure, light.


1. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Captain's Daughter" for Pyotr Grinev, the most important life principle was honor. Even facing the threat of the death penalty, Peter, who had sworn allegiance to the empress, refused to recognize the sovereign in Pugachev. The hero understood that this decision could cost him his life, but a sense of duty prevailed over fear. Alexey Shvabrin, on the other hand, committed treason and lost his own dignity when he joined the camp of an impostor.

2. The problem of preserving honor is raised in the story of N.V. Gogol's "Taras Bulba". The two sons of the protagonist are completely different. Ostap is an honest and courageous person. He never betrayed his comrades and died like a hero. Andriy is a romantic person. For the love of the Polish girl, he betrays his homeland. Personal interests are in the foreground. Andrii dies at the hands of his father, who could not forgive the betrayal. Thus, you should always be honest with yourself first.


1. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova love each other. Peter defends the honor of his beloved in a duel with Shvabrin, who insulted the girl. In turn, Masha saves Grinyov from exile when she “asks for mercy” from the Empress. Thus, mutual assistance is at the heart of the relationship between Masha and Peter.

2. Selfless love is one of the themes of M.A. Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita". A woman is able to accept the interests and aspirations of her lover as her own, and helps him in everything. The master writes a novel - and this becomes the content of Margarita's life. She rewrites completely finished chapters, tries to keep the master calm and happy. In this, a woman sees her destiny.


1. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" shows the long road to repentance of Rodion Raskolnikov. Confident in the validity of his theory of "resolving blood by conscience", the main character despises himself for his own weakness and does not realize the gravity of the crime. However, faith in God and love for Sonya Marmeladova lead Raskolnikov to repentance.


1. In the story of I.A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco" American millionaire served the "golden calf". The main character believed that the meaning of life lies in the accumulation of wealth. When the Lord died, it turned out that true happiness passed him by.

2. In Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Natasha Rostova sees the meaning of family life, love for family and friends. After the wedding with Pierre Bezukhov, the main character refuses social life, completely devotes herself to her family. Natasha Rostova found her destiny in this world and became truly happy.


1. In "Letters about good and beautiful" D.S. Likhachev claims that a book teaches a person better than any work. The famous scientist admires the book's ability to educate a person, to shape her inner world. Academician D.S. Likhachev comes to the conclusion that it is books that teach to think, make a person intelligent.

2. Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451 shows what happened to humanity after all the books were completely destroyed. It may seem that in such a society there are no social problems. The answer lies in the fact that it is simply spiritless, since there is no literature that can make people analyze, think, and make decisions.


1. In the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" Ilya Ilyich grew up in an atmosphere of constant guardianship from parents and educators. As a child, the main character was an inquisitive and active child, but excessive concern led to the apathy and weakness of Oblomov in adulthood.

2. In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" in the Rostov family, the spirit of mutual understanding, loyalty and love reigns. Thanks to this, Natasha, Nikolai and Petya became worthy people, inherited kindness and nobility. Thus, the conditions created by the Rostovs contributed to the harmonious development of their children.


1. In the story by B.L. Vasilyeva "My horses are flying ..." Doctor Yanson from Smolensk works tirelessly. The main character hurries to help the sick in any weather. Thanks to his responsiveness and professionalism, Dr. Janson managed to win the love and respect of all residents of the city.



1. The fate of the main heroines of the story by B.L. Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ...". Five young anti-aircraft gunners opposed the German saboteurs. The forces were not equal: all the girls were killed. Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Liza Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak could have survived, but they were sure that they had to fight to the end. The girls have become examples of perseverance and courage.

2. V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov" tells about two partisans who were captured by the Germans during the Great Patriotic War. The further fate of the soldiers was different. So Rybak betrayed his homeland and agreed to serve the Germans. Sotnikov refused to surrender and chose death.


1. In the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" Andriy, because of his love for the Pole, went into the camp of the enemy, betrayed his brother, father, homeland. The young man, without hesitation, decided to go out with arms against his yesterday's comrades. For Andriy, personal interests come first. A young man dies at the hands of his father, who could not forgive the betrayal and selfishness of his younger son.

2. It is unacceptable when love becomes an obsession, as in the case of the main character P. Zuskind "Perfume. The Story of a Murderer". Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is incapable of high feelings. All that is of interest to him is smells, the creation of a scent that inspires love in people. Grenouille is an example of an egoist who goes to the most serious crimes to fulfill his meta.


1. In the novel by V.A. Kaverina "Two Captains" Romashov repeatedly betrayed the people around him. At school, Romashka overheard and reported to the head everything that was said about him. Later Romashov went so far as to collect information proving the guilt of Nikolai Antonovich in the death of the expedition of Captain Tatarinov. All Chamomile's actions are low, destroying not only his life but also the fate of other people.

2. Even deeper consequences are entailed by the action of the hero of the story by V.G. Rasputin "Live and Remember". Andrey Guskov deserts and becomes a traitor. This irreparable mistake not only dooms him to loneliness and expulsion from society, but also causes the suicide of his wife Nastya.


1. In Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Helen Kuragin, despite her brilliant appearance and success in society, does not have a rich inner world. Her main priorities in life are money and fame. Thus, in the novel, this beauty is the embodiment of evil and spiritual fall.

2. In Victor Hugo's novel Notre Dame Cathedral, Quasimodo is a hunchback who has overcome many difficulties throughout his life. The appearance of the main character is completely unsightly, but behind it is a noble and beautiful soul, capable of sincerely love.


1. In the story of V.G. Rasputin's "Live and Remember" Andrei Guskov deserts and becomes a traitor. At the beginning of the war, the main character fought honestly and courageously, went to reconnaissance, never hid behind the backs of his comrades. However, after a while Guskov wondered why he should fight. At that moment, selfishness prevailed, and Andrei made an irreparable mistake, which doomed him to loneliness, expulsion from society and became the reason for the suicide of his wife Nastena. Pangs of conscience tormented the hero, but he was no longer able to change anything.

2. In the story "Sotnikov" by V. Bykov, the partisan Rybak betrays his homeland and agrees to serve "Great Germany". His comrade Sotnikov, on the other hand, is an example of resilience. Despite the unbearable pain he experiences during the torture, the partisan refuses to tell the truth to the police. The fisherman realizes the baseness of his deed, wants to run, but realizes that there is no turning back.


1. Yu. Ya. Yakovlev in the story "Awakened by the Nightingales" writes about the difficult boy Selyuzhenka, whom the people around did not like. One night, the protagonist heard the trill of a nightingale. Wonderful sounds amazed the child, aroused interest in creativity. Selyuzhenok enrolled in an art school, and since then the attitude of adults towards him has changed. The author convinces the reader that nature awakens the best qualities in the human soul, helps to reveal the creative potential.

2. Love for the native land is the main motive of the painter A.G. Venetsianov. A number of paintings dedicated to the life of ordinary peasants belong to his brush. "The Reapers", "Zakharka", "The Sleeping Shepherd" - these are my favorite canvases of the artist. The life of ordinary people, the beauty of the nature of Russia prompted A.G. Venetsianov to create paintings that have been attracting the attention of viewers with their freshness and sincerity for more than two centuries.


1. In the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" the main character considers childhood the happiest time. Ilya Ilyich grew up in an atmosphere of constant guardianship from his parents and educators. Excessive care became the reason for Oblomov's apathy in adulthood. It seemed that love for Olga Ilyinskaya was supposed to wake up Ilya Ilyich. However, his lifestyle remained unchanged, because the way of his native Oblomovka forever left a mark on the fate of the protagonist. Thus, childhood memories influenced the life of Ilya Ilyich.

2. In the poem "My Way" S.A. Yesenin admitted that his childhood years played an important role in his work. Sometime at the age of nine, the boy, inspired by the nature of his native village, wrote his first work. Thus, childhood predetermined the life path of S.A. Yesenin.


1. The main theme of the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" - the fate of a man who failed to choose the right path in life. The writer emphasizes that apathy and inability to work turned Ilya Ilyich into an idle person. Lack of willpower and any interests did not allow the main character to become happy and realize his potential.

2. From M. Mirsky's book "Healing with a scalpel. Academician NN Burdenko" I learned that an outstanding doctor first studied at a theological seminary, but soon realized that he wanted to devote himself to medicine. Having entered the university, N.N. Burdenko became interested in anatomy, which soon helped him become a famous surgeon.
3. D.S. Likhachev in "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" asserts that "you need to live your life with dignity so that you will not be ashamed to remember." With these words, the academician emphasizes that fate is unpredictable, but it is important to remain a magnanimous, honest and not indifferent person.


1. In the story of G.N. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear" tells the tragic fate of the Scottish setter. Bim the dog is desperately trying to find its owner, who has had a heart attack. On its way, the dog encounters difficulties. Unfortunately, the owner finds the pet after the dog has been killed. Bima can be confidently called a true friend, devoted to the owner until the end of his days.

2. In Eric Knight's novel Lassie, the Carraclough family is forced to give their collie to other people due to financial difficulties. Lassie yearns for her former owners, and this feeling only intensifies when the new owner takes her away from her home. Collie escapes and overcomes many obstacles. Despite all the difficulties, the dog reunites with its previous owners.


1. In the story of V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician" Peter Popelsky had to overcome many difficulties in order to find his place in life. Despite his blindness, Petrus became a pianist who, by his playing, helped people become purer in heart and kinder in soul.

2. In the story of A.I. Kuprin "Taper" boy Yuri Agazarov is a self-taught musician. The writer emphasizes that the young pianist is surprisingly talented and hardworking. The boy's giftedness does not go unnoticed. His performance impressed the famous pianist Anton Rubinstein. So Yuri became known throughout Russia as one of the most talented composers.


1. In Boris Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago, the protagonist is fond of poetry. Yuri Zhivago is a witness to the revolution and civil war. These events are reflected in his poems. So life itself inspires the poet to create beautiful works.

2. The theme of the vocation of the writer is raised in the novel by Jack London "Martin Eden". The main character is a sailor who has been doing hard physical labor for many years. Martin Eden visited different countries, saw the life of ordinary people. All this became the main theme of his work. So life experience made it possible for a simple sailor to become a famous writer.


1. In the story of A.I. Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet" Vera Sheina experiences spiritual cleansing to the sounds of Beethoven's sonata. Listening to classical music, the heroine calms down after the experiences she has endured. The magic sounds of the sonata helped Vera to find inner balance, to find the meaning of her future life.

2. In the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" Ilya Ilyich falls in love with Olga Ilyinskaya when he listens to her singing. The sounds of the aria "Casta Diva" awaken feelings in his soul that he has never experienced. I.A. Goncharov emphasizes that for a long time Oblomov had not felt "such vigor, such a strength that seemed to rise from the bottom of his soul, ready for a feat."


1. In the story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" describes the scene of Pyotr Grinev's farewell to his mother. Avdotya Vasilievna was depressed when she learned that her son needed to leave for the service for a long time. Saying goodbye to Peter, the woman could not hold back her tears, because for her there could be nothing more difficult than parting with her son. Avdotya Vasilievna's love is sincere and immense.

1. In Lev Kassil's story The Great Confrontation, Sima Krupitsyna listened to news bulletins from the front every morning on the radio. One day the girl heard the song "Holy War". Sima was so excited by the words of this national anthem that she decided to go to the front. This is how the work of art inspired the main character to a feat.


1. In the novel by V.D. Dudintseva "White clothes" Professor Ryadno is deeply convinced of the correctness of the biological doctrine, approved by the party. For personal gain, the academician is launching a fight against genetic scientists. Row fiercely defends pseudoscientific views and goes to the most dishonorable deeds in order to achieve fame. Fanaticism of the academician leads to the death of talented scientists, the cessation of important research.

2. G.N. Troepolsky in the story "Candidate of Sciences" opposes those who defend false views and ideas. The writer is convinced that such scientists hinder the development of science and, consequently, society as a whole. In the story of G.N. Troepolsky emphasizes the need to combat pseudoscientists.


1. In the story of A.S. Pushkin's "Stationmaster" Samson Vyrin was left alone after his daughter fled with Captain Minsky. The old man did not lose hope of finding Dunya, but all attempts remained unsuccessful. The caretaker died of melancholy and despair. Only a few years later did Dunya come to her father's grave. The girl felt guilty for the death of the caretaker, but remorse came too late.

2. In the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram" Nastya left her mother and went to St. Petersburg to build a career. Katerina Petrovna had a presentiment of imminent death and more than once asked her daughter to visit her. However, Nastya remained indifferent to the fate of her mother and did not have time to come to her funeral. The girl repented only at the grave of Katerina Petrovna. So K.G. Paustovsky argues that you need to be attentive to your loved ones.


1. V.G. Rasputin in his essay "Eternal Field" writes about his impressions of the trip to the site of the Battle of Kulikovo. The writer notes that more than six hundred years have passed and during this time a lot has changed. However, the memory of this battle still lives on thanks to the obelisks erected in honor of the ancestors who defended Russia.

2. In the story by B.L. Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ..." five girls fell, fighting for their homeland. Many years later, their comrade-in-arms Fedot Vaskov and Rita Osyanina's son Albert returned to the place where the anti-aircraft gunners were killed in order to set up a tombstone and perpetuate their feat.


1. In the story by B.L. Vasilyeva "My horses are flying ..." Doctor of Smolensk Yanson is an example of disinterestedness combined with high professionalism. A talented doctor every day, in any weather, rushed to help patients, without demanding anything in return. For these qualities, the doctor won the love and respect of all residents of the city.

2. In the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin's "Mozart and Salieri" tells the life story of two composers. Salieri writes music in order to become famous, and Mozart serves art unselfishly. Because of envy, Salieri poisoned the genius. Despite the death of Mozart, his works live and excite the hearts of people.


1. The story of A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin's Dvor" depicts the life of the Russian countryside after the war, which led not only to economic decline, but also to the loss of morality. The villagers lost part of their economy, became callous and heartless. Thus, the war leads to irreparable consequences.

2. In the story of M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man" shows the life of a soldier Andrei Sokolov. His house was destroyed by the enemy, and his family was killed in the bombing. So M.A. Sholokhov emphasizes that war deprives people of the most valuable that they have.


1. In the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" Evgeny Bazarov is distinguished by intelligence, hard work, purposefulness, but at the same time, the student is often harsh and rude. Bazarov condemns people who succumb to feelings, but becomes convinced of the incorrectness of his views when he falls in love with Odintsov. So I.S. Turgenev showed that people are characterized by inconsistency.

2. In the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" Ilya Ilyich has both negative and positive character traits. On the one hand, the main character is apathetic and self-reliant. Oblomov is not interested in real life, it makes him bored and tired. On the other hand, Ilya Ilyich is distinguished by his sincerity, sincerity, and the ability to understand the problems of another person. This is the ambiguity of Oblomov's character.


1. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" Porfiry Petrovich is investigating the murder of an old woman, a usurer. The investigator is a fine expert in human psychology. He understands the motives for the crime of Rodion Raskolnikov and partly sympathizes with him. Porfiry Petrovich gives the young man a chance to confess. This will subsequently serve as a mitigating circumstance in the Raskolnikov case.

2. A.P. Chekhov in his story "Chameleon" introduces us to the story of a dispute that broke out over a dog bite. Police overseer Ochumelov is trying to decide if she deserves punishment. Ochumelov's verdict depends only on whether the dog belongs to the general or not. The overseer does not seek justice. His main goal is to curry favor with the general.


1. In the story of V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish" Ignatyevich has been poaching for many years. Once a fisherman got hooked on a giant sturgeon. Ignatyich understood that he alone could not cope with the fish, but greed did not allow him to call his brother and the mechanic for help. Soon the fisherman himself was overboard, entangled in his nets and hooks. Ignatyich understood that he could die. V.P. Astafiev writes: "The king of the river and the king of all nature are on the same trap." So the author emphasizes the inextricable connection between man and nature.

2. In the story of A.I. Kuprin "Olesya" the main character lives in harmony with nature. The girl feels like an integral part of the world around her, knows how to see its beauty. A.I. Kuprin emphasizes that love for nature helped Olesya keep her soul unspoiled, sincere and beautiful.


1. In the novel by I.A. Goncharov's "Oblomov" music plays an important role. Ilya Ilyich falls in love with Olga Ilyinskaya when he listens to her singing. The sounds of the aria "Casta Diva" awaken feelings in his heart that he has never experienced. IA Goncharov especially emphasizes that for a long time Oblomov had not felt "such vigor, such strength that, it seemed, all rose from the bottom of the soul, ready for a feat." Thus, music is able to awaken sincere and strong feelings in a person.

2. In the novel by M.A. Sholokhov's "Quiet Don" songs accompany the Cossacks throughout their lives. They sing on military campaigns, in the fields, at weddings. Cossacks put their whole soul into singing. The songs reveal their prowess, love for the Don, the steppes.


1. R. Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451 depicts a society based on popular culture. In this world, people who can think critically are outlawed, and books that make you think about life are destroyed. Literature was supplanted by television, which became the main entertainment for people. They are spiritless, their thoughts are subject to standards. R. Bradbury convinces readers that the destruction of books inevitably leads to the degradation of society.

2. In the book "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" DS Likhachev ponders the question: why television is replacing literature. The academician believes that this is happening because the TV distracts from worries, makes you, slowly, watch some kind of program. D.S. Likhachev sees this as a threat to a person, because TV “dictates how to watch and what to watch”, makes people weak-willed. According to the philologist, only a book can make a person spiritually rich and educated.


1. The story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin's yard" depicts the life of a Russian village after the war. People not only became impoverished, but also became callous, spiritless. Only Matryona retained a feeling of pity for others and always came to the aid of those in need. The tragic death of the protagonist is the beginning of the death of the moral foundations of the Russian countryside.

2. In the story of V.G. Rasputin's "Farewell to Matera" depicts the fate of the inhabitants of the island, which must be flooded. It is hard for old people to say goodbye to their native land, where they spent their whole lives, where their ancestors are buried. The ending of the story is tragic. Together with the village, its customs and traditions disappear, which have been passed down from generation to generation over the centuries and have shaped the unique character of the inhabitants of Matera.


1. A.S. Pushkin in his poem "The Poet and the Crowd" calls "stupid rabble" that part of Russian society that did not understand the purpose and meaning of creativity. According to the crowd, poems are in the public interest. However, A.S. Pushkin believes that the poet will cease to be a creator if he obeys the will of the crowd. Thus, the main goal of the poet is not national recognition, but the desire to make the world more beautiful.

2. V.V. Mayakovsky in the poem "With the Whole Voice" sees the poet's destiny in serving the people. Poetry is an ideological weapon capable of inspiring people, prompting them to great accomplishments. Thus, V.V. Mayakovsky believes that one should give up personal creative freedom for the sake of a common great goal.


1. In the story of V.G. Rasputin's "French Lessons" class teacher Lydia Mikhailovna is a symbol of human responsiveness. The teacher helped a rural boy who studied far from home and lived from hand to mouth. Lydia Mikhailovna had to go against the generally accepted rules in order to help out the student. In addition, while studying with the boy, the teacher taught him not only French lessons, but also lessons of kindness and compassion.

2. In the fairy tale-parable of Antoine de Saint_Exupéry "The Little Prince", the old Fox became a teacher for the protagonist, telling about love, friendship, responsibility, fidelity. He revealed to the prince the main secret of the universe: "You cannot see the main thing with your eyes - only the heart is sharp-sighted." So the Fox taught the boy an important life lesson.


1. In the story of M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man" Andrei Sokolov lost his family during the war, but this did not make the main character heartless. The main character gave all the remaining love to the homeless boy Vanyushka, replacing his father. So M.A. Sholokhov convinces the reader that, despite the difficulties of life, one must not lose the ability to sympathize with orphans.

2. The story of G. Belykh and L. Panteleev "Republic of ShKID" depicts the life of students in a school of social and labor education for street children and juvenile delinquents. It should be noted that not all students were able to become decent people, but the majority managed to find themselves and followed the right path. The authors of the story argue that the state should pay attention to orphans, create special institutions for them in order to eradicate crime.


1. In the story by B.L. Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ..." Five young female anti-aircraft gunners died fighting for the Motherland. The main characters were not afraid to speak out against the German saboteurs. B.L. Vasiliev masterfully portrays the contrast between femininity and the brutality of war. The writer convinces the reader that women, on an equal basis with men, are capable of military exploits and heroic deeds.

2. In the story of V.A. Zakrutkin's "Mother of Man" shows the fate of a woman during the war. The main character Maria lost her entire family: her husband and child. Despite the fact that the woman was left all alone, her heart did not harden. Maria left seven Leningrad orphans, replaced their mother. The story of V.A. Zakrutkina became a hymn to a Russian woman who experienced many hardships and misfortunes during the war, but retained kindness, sympathy, and a desire to help other people.


1. A. Knyshev in the article "O great and mighty new Russian language!" writes with irony about the lovers of borrowing. According to A. Knyshev, the speech of politicians and journalists often becomes absurd when it is overloaded with foreign words. The TV presenter is sure that the excessive use of borrowings pollutes the Russian language.

2. V. Astafyev in the story "Lyudochka" connects changes in the language with the fall in the level of human culture. The speech of Artyomka-soap, Strekach and their friends is clogged with criminal jargon, which reflects the ill-being of society, its degradation.


1. V.V. Mayakovsky in the poem “Who to be? raises the problem of choosing a profession. The lyrical hero thinks about how to find the right path in life and occupation. V.V. Mayakovsky comes to the conclusion that all professions are good and are equally needed by people.

2. In the story by E. Grishkovets "Darwin", the main character after graduation from school chooses a business that he wants to do all his life. He realizes that what is happening is unnecessary and refuses to study at the Institute of Culture when he watches a performance played by students. The young man is firmly convinced that the profession should be useful and enjoyable.

A man and an army machine - that's, in my opinion, the main problem of Kuprin's story "Duel". This is a realistic tale of Russian officers. At its center is the conflict between the dreamer and the inhuman world that humiliates human dignity.

The plot of the work is everyday tragic: Second lieutenant Romashov dies as a result of a duel with Lieutenant Nikolayev. An urban intellectual in the uniform of a second lieutenant, Romashov suffers from the vulgarity and absurdity of life, "monotonous like a fence and gray like a soldier's cloth." The general atmosphere of cruelty and impunity that prevailed in the officers' environment creates the preconditions for a conflict to emerge.

"Non-commissioned officers brutally beat their soldiers for an insignificant mistake in language, for a lost leg while marching ..." Violence in the story is an integral attribute of the army's spirit: it maintains military command and discipline, the whole army is created by violence.

Kuprin writes about the recruits: "They stood in the regimental yard, huddled in a heap, in the rain, like a herd of frightened and obedient animals, looked incredulously, sullenly." Once in the army, these young boys quickly lose their individuality: "They danced, but in this dance, as in singing, there was something wooden, dead, which made you want to cry." They themselves begin to beat the soldiers: "They beat him (Khlebnikov) every day, they laugh at him, they mock him ..."

Romashov feels for the hunted soldier Khlebnikov "a surge of warm, selfless, endless compassion." The author does not idealize young Romashov and does not at all make him a fighter against the way of life in the army. Romashov is capable only of timid disagreement, of hesitant attempts to convince that decent people should not attack an unarmed man with a sword: “To beat a soldier is dishonest. That's shameful."

The atmosphere of contemptuous alienation hardens Lieutenant Romashov. Towards the end of the story, he discovers firmness and strength of character. The fight becomes inevitable. His love for a married woman, Shurochka Nikolaeva, who was not ashamed to conclude a cynical deal with a man in love with her, in which his life became the stake, accelerated the denouement.

I must say that the theme of the duel runs through all Russian literature of the 19th century. Let us recall the knightly duel of Petrusha Grinev with the slanderer Shvabrin in Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" and compare it with the actual murder of Baren Tuzenbach by Staff Captain Salt in Chekhov's "Three Sisters". And we see that before us are different generations, different people, different duels. Over time, “single combat of honor” loses its meaning, as the system of human values ​​loses its meaning. This is what worries Kuprin most of all. Therefore, before us is not just a duel between two military men, it is a duel between good and evil, cynicism and purity.

Kuprin raised in his story the painful, acute problem of the Russian army in the early 1900s. Aloofness, a deaf misunderstanding between officers and soldiers, narrow-mindedness, caste isolation, and the scarcity of the educational level of the Russian officers are outlined by Kuprin cruelly, but precisely.

The more the instruments of murder are improved, the more important becomes the question of the state of morality of those who hold these weapons in their hands. Reading Kuprin's story, we find that among the officers there is the following concept of army life: “Today we will get drunk, tomorrow we will be in the company - one, two, left, right. In the evening we will drink again, and the day after tomorrow in the company. " Is it really all life in this?

But no other was offered. The officers and their wives had to be content with such a routine. How miserable are their entertainments and hobbies: "A rather naive, boyish game was widespread among the young officers in the regiment: to teach orderlies in various outlandish, extraordinary things." And a person, cut off from his environment, often lost his face and succumbed to the general army “decay”. Most of the officers are of low morale. Their conversations are dirty and vulgar. They are not interested in lofty matters. I completely agree with Nazansky's opinion: “They laugh: ha-ha-ha, this is all philosophy! .. It is ridiculous, and wild, and impermissible for an officer of the army infantry to think about lofty matters. This is philosophy, damn it, therefore - nonsense, idle and absurd chatter. "

The creators of the army machine deliberately lower the moral level of the officers. And this is not surprising. In order to force a person to kill their own kind, you need to destroy his ideas of good and evil, of justice. But officers are the core of the army. Consequently, the entire army was subjected to moral decay.

I believe that instilling false, unnatural moral concepts in a person is the root of the army's evil. And Kuprin blames the army for the distortion of the natural purpose of man. No wonder the critics called Kuprin's "Duel" a duel with the army.

But among the heroes of the story there are individual officers who are worried about what is happening. Let's listen to the words of those who have experienced the soullessness of an army machine: “Just a question: where are we going to go if we don't serve? Where we go when we only know - left, right - and no more, no me, no crow. We know how to die, that's right, ”says Lieutenant Vetkin. These officers had nowhere to go. They did not have a specialty, they did not know how to earn bread otherwise than by serving in the army. This hopelessness seems to me the most difficult in their situation. The officers who risked breaking with the army returned back, not finding a place for themselves in life.

However, Romashov nevertheless found the strength to break with the army, although he did not manage to bring his break to the end due to his death in a duel. Romashov did not let the army machine erase its personal "I". The protagonist of the story does not see and does not feel the meaning in the very existence of the army.

Of course, the army has its own laws, its own power, its own methods. So it was and will be. It seems to me that a brave daredevil who dares to challenge the army machine is an eminently humanist. Kuprin warned humanity about the danger lurking in the army.

Kuprin's prophecy and undoubted talent lies in the fact that he saw in the hatred of the military for the "punks" the outset of a future civil war. His book, which carries the truthful word, concealing such a brilliant prophecy, is immortal.

"Duel" was published in the days of the defeat of the Russian fleet at Tsushima. The cruel, shameful reality of the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 confirmed the pathos of the story and Kuprin's diagnosis. "Duel" became a literary and social sensation in 1905, the first months of the first Russian revolution. The story was highly appreciated by Gorky, Stasov, Repin.

In 1918 Kuprin wrote with anger and grief about the collapse of the front of the First World War: “We had a wonderful army that amazed the whole world. She melted, leaving behind dirty footprints ... "

I share the opinion of the great writer. And I think that the army traits he debunked remain in the modern army. The story of our contemporary S. Kaledin "Stroybat" proves the relevance of this topic in our days: "There is no government on the lips, legal - no. And without the law - you can find it. " Our young generation still hopes for a new humane law that will revive the glory of the Russian army and change the position of servicemen in our country.

A.I. Kuprin wrote the story The Duel being already a popular author. The former military man himself, the writer knew the officers firsthand. The work on the story took about three years. The reason for such a long period lies, apparently, in the immensity of the chosen topic.

The name Duel has a double meaning. The duel between the young officer Romashov and the unbearable oppressive reality of army life logically ends with a duel - a duel in which one rival dies, and the second has already died long ago, without noticing it himself.

The heroes of the story live in some eerie incomprehensible world. A world where people do not belong to themselves, where common sense is sacrificed to the provisions of military regulations, where relations between people are replaced by subordination. Where a minor mistake can lead to irreparable consequences. Where people, like zombies, walk the same route, unable to wake up from the devil's hypnosis. All of Romashov's colleagues, officers, are just shadows of former people, from whom the army has corroded all human feelings.

And in this ghostly virtual world, not knowing the rules of the game, Romashov is trying to resist the oppressive reality. And at first he even seems to succeed. He starts human relations with his colleagues, he is kind to his orderly Gaynan. He even has a real affair with his friend's wife Shurochka. However, gradually alarming notes appear in the narrative, which gradually become more and more obvious. And finally, the reader begins to realize with horror that there is no way out of this hell and there can be no way out. That the millstones, abrading and grinding all living things, approach inevitably, and that this cup will not escape the hero.

The atmosphere is gradually heating up, the clouds over the hero are gathering. Romashov now and then finds himself in situations from which he comes out more and more depressed and depressed. The riot arranged for him by the commander, the conversation with the former lover of his beloved - all these events gradually press down, oppress the hero, depriving him of his will to win. And the apotheosis is a wild quarrel with Shurochka's husband, which leads to a challenge to a duel.

The writer did not even include the scene of the duel in the story, this is not necessary. The outcome of the human life of the hero of the story is summed up in the language of a dry army report.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam and GIA: Composition Kuprin duel analysis "/ January 2016

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In the story "Duel" Kuprin showed the appalling state of the disenfranchised soldier and degraded officer masses. By their purely human qualities, the officers of Kuprin's "Duel" are very different people. Almost each of them has a minimum of "good" feelings, fancifully mixed with cruelty, rudeness, indifference. But these "good" feelings are distorted beyond recognition by caste military prejudices. Let the regiment commander Shulgovich (this, according to Leo Tolstoy, "a wonderful positive type"), under his thunderous bourbon style, hide his concern for officers, or Lieutenant Colonel Rafalsky loves animals and give all his free and not free time to collecting a rare domestic menagerie - no real relief , with all their desire, they can not bring. Appearing during the Russo-Japanese War and amid the growth of the first Russian revolution, the work caused a huge public outcry, since it shattered one of the main foundations of the autocratic state - the inviolability of the military caste.

The Duel problem goes beyond the traditional military caste. Kuprin also touches on the issue of the causes of social inequality of people, and on the possible ways of man's liberation from spiritual oppression, and on the problem of the relationship between the individual and society, the intelligentsia and the people. The plot of the work is built on the twists and turns of fate, an honest Russian officer, who is forced to think about the wrong relations between people by the conditions of an army barracks life. The feeling of spiritual fall haunts not only Romashov, but also Shurochka. Comparison of the two heroes, who are characterized by two types of world outlook, is generally characteristic of Kuprin. Both heroes strive to find a way out of the impasse, while Romashov comes to the idea of ​​a protest against the bourgeois well-being and stagnation, and Shurochka adapts to him, despite the outward ostentatious rejection.

The author's attitude to her is ambivalent; he is closer to Romashov's "reckless nobility and noble silence". Kuprin even noted that he considers Romashov his double, and the story itself is largely autobiographical. Romashov is a "natural person", he instinctively resists injustice, but his protest is weak, his dreams and plans easily collapse, as they are immature and ill-considered, often naive. Romashov is close to Chekhov's heroes. But the emerging need for immediate action strengthens his will to actively resist. After meeting with the soldier Khlebnikov, “humiliated and insulted,” a turning point comes in Romashov's mind, he is shocked by a person’s willingness to commit suicide, in which he sees the only way out of a martyr’s life. The sincerity of Khlebnikov's impulse especially clearly indicates to Romashova the stupidity and immaturity of his youthful fantasies, with the aim of only "proving" something to those around him.

Romashov is shocked by the power of Khlebnikov's suffering, and it is the desire for compassion that makes the second lieutenant think about the fate of the common people. However, Romashov's attitude to Khlebnikov is contradictory: conversations about humanity and justice bear the imprint of abstract humanism, Romashov's call for compassion is largely naive. In "The Duel" Kuprin continues the tradition of the psychological analysis of L. N. Tolstoy: in addition to the protesting voice of the hero himself, who saw the injustice of a cruel and stupid life, one can hear the author's accusatory voice (Nazansky's monologues).

Kuprin uses Tolstoy's favorite technique - the technique of substitution for the protagonist of the hero-reasoner. In "Duel" Nazansky is the bearer of social ethics. The image of Nazansky is ambiguous: his radical mood (critical monologues, a romantic foreboding of "radiant life", foreseeing future social upheavals, hatred of the military caste's lifestyle, ability to appreciate high, pure love, to feel the spontaneity and beauty of life) conflicts with his own image life. The only salvation from moral death is for the individualist Nazansky and for Romashov an escape from all social ties and obligations. The writer shows that officers, regardless of their personal qualities, are just an obedient instrument of inhumanly categorical statutory conventions.

The caste laws of army life, complicated by material scarcity and provincial spiritual poverty, form a terrible type of Russian officer, who was directly embodied a little later, in the story "Wedding", in the form of ensign Slezkin, who despised everything that was not part of the everyday life of his narrow life or what he didn't understand. Slezkins, run-agamalovs, sieges zealously perform military rituals, but the service makes a repulsive impression on people of a more subtle mental organization like Romashov precisely by its unnaturalness and antihumanity. From the denial of petty army rites, Romashov comes to the denial of war as such. Desperate human "I don't want to!" should, according to the young second lieutenant. to destroy the barbaric method - to resolve disputes between peoples by force of arms: “Let’s say, tomorrow, let’s say, this very second this thought occurred to everyone: Russians, Germans, British, Japanese ... And now there is no more war, there are no officers and soldiers, everyone dispersed houses ".

A.I. Kuprin's story was published in May 1905. The author continued in it a description of army life. From the sketches of the life of the provincial garrison, a social generalization of the decomposition of not only the army, but also the country as a whole, the state system grows.

This is a story about a crisis that has engulfed various spheres of Russian life. The universal hatred corroding the army is a reflection of the enmity that gripped tsarist Russia.

In "Duel", as in none of his other works, Kuprin with great artistic force portrayed the moral decay of officers, showed stupid commanders, devoid of any glimpses of civil service. He showed muzzled, frightened soldiers, stupefied by senseless drills, such as Khlebnikov, a puny left-flank soldier. If humane officers did meet, they were ridiculed, senselessly perished, like Second Lieutenant Romashov, or drank themselves intoxicated, like Nazansky.

Kuprin made his hero a humane, but weak and quiet person who does not fight evil, but suffers from it. Even the name of the hero - Romashov - and she emphasized the gentleness, gentleness of this man.

Kuprin paints Georgy Romashov with sympathy and sympathy, but also with the author's irony. The history of Romashov, outwardly connected with the army, is not just the story of a young officer. This is the story of a young man who is going through what Kuprin calls the “period of maturation of the soul.” Romashov grows up morally throughout the story, finds answers to very important questions for himself. He suddenly comes to the conclusion that the army is unnecessary, but he understands this very naively. It seems to him that it is worth to all of humanity to say "I do not want to!" - and the war will become inconceivable and the army will wither away.

Second lieutenant Romashov decides to break with those around him, realizes that every soldier has his own "I". He outlined for himself completely new connections with the world. The title of the story has the same generalizing solution as its main conflict. Throughout the story, there is a duel between a young man reborn for the new, and the various forces of the old. Kuprin writes not about a duel of honor, but about a murder in a duel.

The final treacherous blow was dealt to Romashov in love. Disregard for the weak, hatred for the feeling of pity, which sounded in the speeches of Nazansky, is carried out in practice by Shurochka. Despising the environment and its morality, Shurochka Nikolaeva turns out to be its integral part. The plot of the story ends symbolically: the old world throws all its forces against a man who has begun to spread its wings.

In the summer and fall of 1905, Kuprin's story shook readers in the Russian army and throughout the country, and very soon there were translations of it into the main European languages. The writer receives not only the widest all-Russian fame, but also the all-European fame.

The story "The Duel" by A. Kuprin is considered to be his best work, since it touches upon an important problem of the army's troubles. The author himself was once a cadet, he was initially inspired by this idea - to go to the army, but in the future he will remember these years with horror. Therefore, the theme of the army, its ugliness is very well depicted by him in such works as "At the Turning Point" and "Duel".

The heroes are army officers, here the author did not stint and created several portraits: Colonel Shulgovich, Captain Osadchiy, officer Nazansky and others. All these characters are not shown in the best light: the army turned them into monsters who recognize exclusively inhumanity and education with sticks.

The main character is Yuri Romashkov, second lieutenant, whom the author himself literally called his double. In him we see completely different features that distinguish him from the aforementioned persons: sincerity, decency, the desire to make this world better than it is. Also, the hero is sometimes dreamy and very intelligent.

Every day Romashkov was convinced that the soldiers were powerless, he saw brutal treatment and indifference on the part of the officers. He tried to protest, but the gesture was sometimes difficult to notice. There were many plans in his head that he dreamed of realizing for the sake of justice. But the further, the more his eyes begin to open. Thus, Khlebnikov's suffering and his impulse to end his own life amaze the hero so much that he finally understands that his fantasies and plans for justice are too stupid and naive.

Romashkov is a person with a bright soul, with a desire to help others. However, love ruined the hero: he believed the married Shurochka, for whom he went to a duel. Romashkova's quarrel with her husband led to a duel that ended sadly. It was a betrayal - the girl knew that this was what the duel would end with, but she tricked the hero in love with herself that there would be a draw. Moreover, she deliberately used his feelings for herself, only to help her husband.

Romashkov, who all this time was looking for justice, in the end could not fight the merciless reality, he lost to her. And the author saw no other way out, except for the death of the hero - otherwise he would have faced another, moral death.

Analysis of Kuprin's story The Duel

The duel is perhaps one of the most famous works of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin.

In this work, we found a reflection of the author's thoughts. He describes the Russian army at the beginning of the 20th century, how its life is arranged, how it actually lives. Using the army as an example, Kuprin shows the social ill-being in which it finds itself. He not only describes and reflects, but also looks for possible ways out of the situation.

The appearance of the army is varied: it consists of different people, differing from each other in certain traits of character, appearance, attitude to life. In the described garrison, everything is like everywhere else: constant drilling in the morning, revelry and drunkenness in the evenings - and so on from day to day.

The main character, second lieutenant Yuri Alekseevich Romashov, is considered to be written by the author himself, Alexander Ivanovich. Romashov is a dreamy personality, somewhat naive, but honest. He truly believes that the world can be changed. As for a young man, he is prone to romanticization, he wants feats, to show himself. But over time, he realizes that this is all empty. He fails to find like-minded people, interlocutors among other officers. The only one with whom he manages to find a common language is Nazansky. Perhaps it was the absence of a person with whom he could speak as with himself that ultimately led to a tragic denouement.

Fate brings Romashov to the officer's wife, Alexandra Petrovna Nikolaeva, or otherwise Shurochka. This woman is beautiful, smart, incredibly pretty, but with all this she is pragmatic and calculating. She is both beautiful and insidious. She is driven by one desire: to leave this city, to get to the capital, to live a "real" life, and she is ready for a lot for this. At one time, she was in love with another, but he was not suitable for the role of someone who can fulfill her ambitious plans. And she chose to marry someone who could help fulfill her dreams. But the years go by, and my husband still does not manage to get a promotion with a transfer to the capital. He already had two chances, and the third was extreme. Shurochka languishes in the shower and it is not surprising that she converges with Romashov. They understand each other like no one else. But unfortunately Romashov cannot help Shurochka get out of this backwater in any way.

Over time, everything becomes clear, and the husband of Alexandra Petrovna learns about the novel. The officers of that time were allowed to duel as the only way to protect their own dignity.

This is the first and last duel in Romashov's life. He will trust Shurochka's words that her husband will shoot by, and let him shoot by: honor is saved and life too. Romashov, as an honest man, does not even think that he can be deceived. So Romashov was killed as a result of the betrayal of the one he loved.

On the example of Romashov, we can see how the romantic world collapses when faced with reality. So Romashov, having entered the duel, lost to the harsh reality.

A story for grade 11

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A man and an army machine - that's, in my opinion, the main problem of Kuprin's story "Duel". This is a realistic tale of Russian officers. At its center is the conflict between the dreamer and the inhuman world that humiliates human dignity.

The plot of the work is everyday tragic: Second lieutenant Romashov dies as a result of a duel with Lieutenant Nikolayev. An urban intellectual in the uniform of a second lieutenant, Romashov suffers from the vulgarity and absurdity of life, "monotonous like a fence and gray like a soldier's cloth." The general atmosphere of cruelty and impunity that prevailed in the officers' environment creates the preconditions for a conflict to emerge.

"Non-commissioned officers brutally beat their soldiers for an insignificant mistake in language, for a lost leg while marching ..." Violence in the story is an integral attribute of the army's spirit: it maintains military command and discipline, the whole army is created by violence.

Kuprin writes about the recruits: "They stood in the regimental yard, huddled in a heap, in the rain, like a herd of frightened and obedient animals, looked incredulously, sullenly." Once in the army, these young boys quickly lose their individuality: "They danced, but in this dance, as in singing, there was something wooden, dead, which made you want to cry." They themselves begin to beat the soldiers: "They beat him (Khlebnikov) every day, they laugh at him, they mock him ..."

Romashov feels for the hunted soldier Khlebnikov "a surge of warm, selfless, endless compassion." The author does not idealize young Romashov and does not at all make him a fighter against the way of life in the army. Romashov is capable only of timid disagreement, of hesitant attempts to convince that decent people should not attack an unarmed man with a sword: “To beat a soldier is dishonest. That's shameful."

The atmosphere of contemptuous alienation hardens Lieutenant Romashov. Towards the end of the story, he discovers firmness and strength of character. The fight becomes inevitable. His love for a married woman, Shurochka Nikolaeva, who was not ashamed to conclude a cynical deal with a man in love with her, in which his life became the stake, accelerated the denouement.

I must say that the theme of the duel runs through all Russian literature of the 19th century. Let us recall the knightly duel of Petrusha Grinev with the slanderer Shvabrin in Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" and compare it with the actual murder of Baren Tuzenbach by Staff Captain Salt in Chekhov's "Three Sisters". And we see that before us are different generations, different people, different duels. Over time, “single combat of honor” loses its meaning, as the system of human values ​​loses its meaning. This is what worries Kuprin most of all. Therefore, before us is not just a duel between two military men, it is a duel between good and evil, cynicism and purity.

Kuprin raised in his story the painful, acute problem of the Russian army in the early 1900s. Aloofness, a deaf misunderstanding between officers and soldiers, narrow-mindedness, caste isolation, and the scarcity of the educational level of the Russian officers are outlined by Kuprin cruelly, but precisely.

The more the instruments of murder are improved, the more important becomes the question of the state of morality of those who hold these weapons in their hands. Reading Kuprin's story, we find that among the officers there is the following concept of army life: “Today we will get drunk, tomorrow we will be in the company - one, two, left, right. In the evening we will drink again, and the day after tomorrow in the company. " Is it really all life in this?

But no other was offered. The officers and their wives had to be content with such a routine. How miserable are their entertainments and hobbies: "A rather naive, boyish game was widespread among the young officers in the regiment: to teach orderlies in various outlandish, extraordinary things." And a person, cut off from his environment, often lost his face and succumbed to the general army “decay”. Most of the officers are of low morale. Their conversations are dirty and vulgar. They are not interested in lofty matters. I completely agree with Nazansky's opinion: “They laugh: ha-ha-ha, this is all philosophy! .. It is ridiculous, and wild, and impermissible for an officer of the army infantry to think about lofty matters. This is philosophy, damn it, therefore - nonsense, idle and absurd chatter. "

The creators of the army machine deliberately lower the moral level of the officers. And this is not surprising. In order to force a person to kill their own kind, you need to destroy his ideas of good and evil, of justice. But officers are the core of the army. Consequently, the entire army was subjected to moral decay.

I believe that instilling false, unnatural moral concepts in a person is the root of the army's evil. And Kuprin blames the army for the distortion of the natural purpose of man. No wonder the critics called Kuprin's "Duel" a duel with the army.

But among the heroes of the story there are individual officers who are worried about what is happening. Let's listen to the words of those who have experienced the soullessness of an army machine: “Just a question: where are we going to go if we don't serve? Where we go when we only know - left, right - and no more, no me, no crow. We know how to die, that's right, ”says Lieutenant Vetkin. These officers had nowhere to go. They did not have a specialty, they did not know how to earn bread otherwise than by serving in the army. This hopelessness seems to me the most difficult in their situation. The officers who risked breaking with the army returned back, not finding a place for themselves in life.

However, Romashov nevertheless found the strength to break with the army, although he did not manage to bring his break to the end due to his death in a duel. Romashov did not let the army machine erase its personal "I". The protagonist of the story does not see and does not feel the meaning in the very existence of the army.

Of course, the army has its own laws, its own power, its own methods. So it was and will be. It seems to me that a brave daredevil who dares to challenge the army machine is an eminently humanist. Kuprin warned humanity about the danger lurking in the army.

Kuprin's prophecy and undoubted talent lies in the fact that he saw in the hatred of the military for the "punks" the outset of a future civil war. His book, which carries the truthful word, concealing such a brilliant prophecy, is immortal.

"Duel" was published in the days of the defeat of the Russian fleet at Tsushima. The cruel, shameful reality of the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 confirmed the pathos of the story and Kuprin's diagnosis. "Duel" became a literary and social sensation in 1905, the first months of the first Russian revolution. The story was highly appreciated by Gorky, Stasov, Repin.

In 1918 Kuprin wrote with anger and grief about the collapse of the front of the First World War: “We had a wonderful army that amazed the whole world. She melted, leaving behind dirty footprints ... "

I share the opinion of the great writer. And I think that the army traits he debunked remain in the modern army. The story of our contemporary S. Kaledin "Stroybat" proves the relevance of this topic in our days: "There is no government on the lips, legal - no. And without the law - you can find it. " Our young generation still hopes for a new humane law that will revive the glory of the Russian army and change the position of servicemen in our country.

In the story "Duel" Kuprin showed the appalling state of the disenfranchised soldier and degraded officer masses. By their purely human qualities, the officers of Kuprin's "Duel" are very different people. Almost each of them has a minimum of "good" feelings, fancifully mixed with cruelty, rudeness, indifference. But these "good" feelings are distorted beyond recognition by caste military prejudices. Let the regiment commander Shulgovich (this, according to Leo Tolstoy, "a wonderful positive type"), under his thunderous bourbon style, hide his concern for officers, or Lieutenant Colonel Rafalsky loves animals and give all his free and not free time to collecting a rare domestic menagerie - no real relief , with all their desire, they can not bring. Appearing during the Russo-Japanese War and amid the growth of the first Russian revolution, the work caused a huge public outcry, since it shattered one of the main foundations of the autocratic state - the inviolability of the military caste.

The Duel problem goes beyond the traditional military caste. Kuprin also touches on the issue of the causes of social inequality of people, and on the possible ways of man's liberation from spiritual oppression, and on the problem of the relationship between the individual and society, the intelligentsia and the people. The plot of the work is built on the twists and turns of fate, an honest Russian officer, who is forced to think about the wrong relations between people by the conditions of an army barracks life. The feeling of spiritual fall haunts not only Romashov, but also Shurochka. Comparison of the two heroes, who are characterized by two types of world outlook, is generally characteristic of Kuprin. Both heroes strive to find a way out of the impasse, while Romashov comes to the idea of ​​a protest against the bourgeois well-being and stagnation, and Shurochka adapts to him, despite the outward ostentatious rejection.

The author's attitude to her is ambivalent; he is closer to Romashov's "reckless nobility and noble silence". Kuprin even noted that he considers Romashov his double, and the story itself is largely autobiographical. Romashov is a "natural person", he instinctively resists injustice, but his protest is weak, his dreams and plans easily collapse, as they are immature and ill-considered, often naive. Romashov is close to Chekhov's heroes. But the emerging need for immediate action strengthens his will to actively resist. After meeting with the soldier Khlebnikov, “humiliated and insulted,” a turning point comes in Romashov's mind, he is shocked by a person’s willingness to commit suicide, in which he sees the only way out of a martyr’s life. The sincerity of Khlebnikov's impulse especially clearly indicates to Romashova the stupidity and immaturity of his youthful fantasies, with the aim of only "proving" something to those around him.

Romashov is shocked by the power of Khlebnikov's suffering, and it is the desire for compassion that makes the second lieutenant think about the fate of the common people. However, Romashov's attitude to Khlebnikov is contradictory: conversations about humanity and justice bear the imprint of abstract humanism, Romashov's call for compassion is largely naive. In "The Duel" Kuprin continues the tradition of the psychological analysis of L. N. Tolstoy: in addition to the protesting voice of the hero himself, who saw the injustice of a cruel and stupid life, one can hear the author's accusatory voice (Nazansky's monologues).

Kuprin uses Tolstoy's favorite technique - the technique of substitution for the protagonist of the hero-reasoner. In "Duel" Nazansky is the bearer of social ethics. The image of Nazansky is ambiguous: his radical mood (critical monologues, a romantic foreboding of "radiant life", foreseeing future social upheavals, hatred of the military caste's lifestyle, ability to appreciate high, pure love, to feel the spontaneity and beauty of life) conflicts with his own image life. The only salvation from moral death is for the individualist Nazansky and for Romashov an escape from all social ties and obligations. The writer shows that officers, regardless of their personal qualities, are just an obedient instrument of inhumanly categorical statutory conventions.

The caste laws of army life, complicated by material scarcity and provincial spiritual poverty, form a terrible type of Russian officer, who was directly embodied a little later, in the story "Wedding", in the form of ensign Slezkin, who despised everything that was not part of the everyday life of his narrow life or what he didn't understand. Slezkins, run-agamalovs, sieges zealously perform military rituals, but the service makes a repulsive impression on people of a more subtle mental organization like Romashov precisely by its unnaturalness and antihumanity. From the denial of petty army rites, Romashov comes to the denial of war as such. Desperate human "I don't want to!" should, according to the young second lieutenant. to destroy the barbaric method - to resolve disputes between peoples by force of arms: “Let’s say, tomorrow, let’s say, this very second this thought occurred to everyone: Russians, Germans, British, Japanese ... And now there is no more war, there are no officers and soldiers, everyone dispersed houses ".

arguments for writing

Essays on the topic of honor on our website:

⁠ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

The problem of honor and dishonor is one of the most important in a person's life. We are taught from childhood that it is dishonestly bad to act. As we walk past the playground, we hear every now and then: “This is not fair! We must replay! "
Here's the definition honor we find the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova:
There is also a definition of the word "fair":
In the dictionary of V.I. Dahl is given the following sayings about dishonor:

Honor is a moral category. The concept of honor is inextricably linked with the concept of conscience, that is, being an honest person is living according to conscience, according to deep inner convictions that one is good and the other is bad.
With the problem of how to act: honestly or dishonestly (lie or tell the truth; betray or remain faithful to the country, person, word, principles, etc.), a person faces literally every day. That is why all world literature in one way or another turned to her.
the problem of honor and dishonor is one of the most important. Erast, a windy young man, a nobleman, carried away by Liza, a peasant girl, thinks to leave the usual society for her and abandon the old way of life. But in the end, his dreams turn out to be self-deception. Liza, deeply in love with Erast, sincerely believes the young man and gives him the most precious thing that she, a poor girl, has - her maiden honor. Karamzin bitterly reproaches Liza for this act:

But if we can understand and justify Liza (she is truly in love!), Then Erast cannot be justified. Brought up in a noble environment in such a way that he cannot earn his own living on his own, the hero, who is threatened with a debt hole, since he has lost all his fortune at cards, decides to marry a rich widow. Lisa, who is waiting for her lover from the war, accidentally finds out about everything, and Erast, taken by surprise, wants to pay off the girl with money. The act is deeply dishonorable, showing Erast's cowardice, his lack of will, selfishness. Liza turned out to be more decent than Erast, having paid for her love and lost honor at a very high price - with her own life.
all heroes pass a test of honor. Take care of honor from a young age - this is the main instruction of father to Peter Grinev, who goes to work. And the hero fulfills the parent's command with dignity. He refuses to swear allegiance to Pugachev, while another hero - Alexei Shvabrin - does it without much hesitation. Shvabrin is a traitor, but if his act could only be explained by a completely understandable fear of death, then he could somehow be justified. But Shvabrin is a mean, low man. We know this from how he tried to denigrate Masha Mironova in the eyes of Grinev, how he meanly wounded Peter during a duel. Therefore, his betrayal is quite natural and cannot be justified.
Pugachev's henchmen, who betrayed him, also show themselves to be dishonest people. While Pugachev himself, although presented by Pushkin as an ambiguous figure, turned out to be a man of honor (he gratefully remembers the sheepskin coat presented by Grinev, at the request of the protagonist immediately stands up for Masha and frees her from Shvabrin's captivity).
the issue of honor is also key. Both main characters pass the test of honor - both Eugene Onegin and Tatiana Larina. For Onegin, this test consists in refusing or agreeing to a duel with Lensky. Although, according to the unwritten rules of secular society, it was faint-hearted, dishonorable to refuse a duel (if you did an act - answer me!), In the case of Lenskoye, it would be a greater dignity and honor for Onegin to apologize and refuse the duel. But Eugene showed cowardice, frightened of the condemnation of the world: he did not begin to explain himself to Vladimir. Everyone knows the result of the duel: the young poet died in his prime. Thus, formally, Onegin was not guilty of anything: he accepted the challenge and fate turned out to be more favorable to him than to Lensky. But the hero's conscience was unclean. It was the consciousness that he acted dishonestly, dishonestly, in our opinion, that forced Eugene to leave society for seven long years.
Tatiana passed her honor exam with great dignity. She still loves Onegin, which she sincerely confesses to him, but refuses to have a relationship with him, as she wants to preserve the good name of her family. For her, a married woman, this connection is impossible.
A.S. himself Pushkin died tragically in the dawn of strength, defending the honor of his wife, Natalya Nikolaevna, who was accused of being connected with the young Frenchman Dantes. On his death M.Yu. Lermontov wrote wonderful words:
the concept of honor has been replaced by the concept of benefit. It is not without reason that the writer gives him the characterization of a person of a prudently chilled character. From childhood, Chichikov learned well his father’s order “to save and save a penny”. And so little Pavlusha sells food to his classmates, makes a wax bullfinch and sells it the same way. Growing up, he does not shun a shameless scam with the purchase of "dead souls", finding an approach to each seller, deceiving someone, making up an incredible story for this (as he did with Manilov), simply explaining nothing to someone (Korobochka). But other landowners (Nozdrev, Sobakevich, Plyushkin) are fully aware of the meaning of this event, but nevertheless their "honor" does not in the least suffer from Chichikov's proposal. Each of these landowners happily sells "dead souls" to the protagonist, thereby improving their financial situation.
Officials in the poem are also shown as shameless and dishonest people. And although there are no large, detailed images in the work, Gogol gives beautiful miniature portraits of ministers of the state. So, Ivan Antonovich Kuvshinnoye Snout is a typical official who, using his official position, extorts bribes from visitors. It is he who introduces Chichikov to all the intricacies of the bureaucratic machine.
Unlike the poem

a detailed description of the life and customs of officials of a small town N. is presented. All of them are dishonest, since they do not hesitate to take bribes, and they do not really hide it. Officials feel like full-fledged owners of the town, and the only thing the governor is afraid of is denunciation. The habit of taking and giving bribes is so deeply rooted in the minds of officials that they also consider a bribe to be the best way to appease Khlestakov, whom they take for an auditor. Khlestakov, a young man, according to Gogol's definition, "without a tsar in his head", not brought up in strict concepts of honor and dignity, having played cards in St. not understanding what was the matter and why he was suddenly so incredibly lucky. He does not care about the consequences of his words and actions. And he is glad to deceive, attributing to himself more and more new merits (both with Pushkin on a friendly foot, and he writes and publishes in magazines, and is familiar with all the ministers), he is not embarrassed by the fact that he declared his love to Marya Antonovna, his daughter the mayor, and his wife Anna Andreevna, and then completely promised to marry Marya Antonovna.
honor turned out to be an empty phrase for Andriy, the youngest son of Taras, the old Cossack colonel. Andrii easily betrays the Cossacks for the sake of his beloved, the Polish lady. Taras and Andria's brother, Ostap, are not like that. For them, Cossack honor is most important. The father, no matter how hard it was for him, mad with anger after he saw his son chopping his own Cossacks in battle, kills his son with a shot.
speaks for itself. The hero of the story is a boy whom the teenagers entrusted during the game to guard an imaginary military warehouse, taking his word of honor not to leave his post. And he did not leave, despite the fact that everyone had long gone away and it was getting dark and scary in the park. Only the permission of the military man, who happened to be nearby by a lucky chance, freed the child from this promise.
In life, it also often happens that the word given by a person turns out to be higher than any personal benefits, circumstances and other things. All this speaks of the high honor of such people. This happened with A.P. Chekhov, who renounced the title of Academician after M. Gorky was deprived of the same title, for whom Anton Pavlovich had voted fervently and warmly congratulated on his election. But the Academy of Sciences decided to reverse its decision. Chekhov strongly disagreed with this. He said that his vote in favor of the election of Gorky as an academician was sincere and the decision of the Academy did not at all agree with his personal opinion.
In the works of A.P. Chekhov's problem of honor, including professional honor, was raised more than once.

he talks about Dr. Osip Stepanovich Dymov, who remained faithful to his medical duty to the end. He decides to suck diphtheria films from a sick boy, although this was very dangerous for the doctor, therefore it was not prescribed as a mandatory measure of treatment. But Dymov goes for it, becomes infected and dies.

A.I. Kuprin wrote the story The Duel being already a popular author. The former military man himself, the writer knew the officers firsthand. The work on the story took about three years. The reason for such a long period lies, apparently, in the immensity of the chosen topic.

The name Duel has a double meaning. The duel between the young officer Romashov and the unbearable oppressive reality of army life logically ends with a duel - a duel in which one rival dies, and the second has already died long ago, without noticing it himself.

The heroes of the story live in some eerie incomprehensible world. A world where people do not belong to themselves, where common sense is sacrificed to the provisions of military regulations, where relations between people are replaced by subordination. Where a minor mistake can lead to irreparable consequences. Where people, like zombies, walk the same route, unable to wake up from the devil's hypnosis. All of Romashov's colleagues, officers, are just shadows of former people, from whom the army has corroded all human feelings.

And in this ghostly virtual world, not knowing the rules of the game, Romashov is trying to resist the oppressive reality. And at first he even seems to succeed. He starts human relations with his colleagues, he is kind to his orderly Gaynan. He even has a real affair with his friend's wife Shurochka. However, gradually alarming notes appear in the narrative, which gradually become more and more obvious. And finally, the reader begins to realize with horror that there is no way out of this hell and there can be no way out. That the millstones, abrading and grinding all living things, approach inevitably, and that this cup will not escape the hero.

The atmosphere is gradually heating up, the clouds over the hero are gathering. Romashov now and then finds himself in situations from which he comes out more and more depressed and depressed. The riot arranged for him by the commander, the conversation with the former lover of his beloved - all these events gradually press down, oppress the hero, depriving him of his will to win. And the apotheosis is a wild quarrel with Shurochka's husband, which leads to a challenge to a duel.

The writer did not even include the scene of the duel in the story, this is not necessary. The outcome of the human life of the hero of the story is summed up in the language of a dry army report.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam and GIA: Composition Kuprin duel analysis "/ January 2016

Similar compositions:

The story of A.I. Kuprin's "Duel" became a kind of explosion, a shock for the readers. This work told the whole truth about the Russian army of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. And the truth was terrifying.
Kuprin himself, as you know, served in the army and knew "from the inside" all its laws and orders. For the first time in Russian literature, he frankly and in detail showed how the military disfigure people, deliberately destroying their personality. The writer argued that it is not profitable for the army to have thinking, critical people in its ranks. The very specifics of the army demanded in its ranks machines capable only of obeying and killing. And when all this was superimposed on Russian reality, the army turned into an unbearable torture for a person, the ending of which was known in advance - death, spiritual or physical.
In the center of the story is the fate of the young officer Georgy Romashov. The writer paints him as a subtle, deep nature, thinking and feeling. Romashov is a romantic. He came to the army to serve the Motherland, to defend the fatherland. But, plunging into the painful everyday life of the army, the hero begins to see the true face of the Russian army. And this truth repels Romashov.
The hero enters into a kind of duel with the life around him, an army machine. He tries to approach everything from the point of view of human morality, morality. Romashov tries to treat people with love and understanding. Therefore, his heart breaks, and his reason cannot understand what the hero sees around him.
Struck by the incident with Khlebnikov, who was driven to despair by the officers' bullying, Romashov begins to sympathize with him. But, besides this, he realizes that the downtrodden "gray Khlebnikovs with their monotonous submissive and exhausted faces are actually living people, and not mechanical quantities called a company, battalion, regiment ..." That is, the hero begins to see a personality in every soldier ... And with such an approach and view, it is impossible to exist in the army, where the personality is deliberately ignored and destroyed.
Here, in the army, Romashov falls in love. Shurochka Nikolaeva, the wife of Lieutenant Nikolaev, becomes his "goddess". This woman can also be called with all the courage a victim of the army. Talented, capable, with a sharp mind and beautiful appearance, she could make up the happiness of some outstanding person. Moreover, Alexandra Petrovna is very ambitious. She aspires to Petersburg, where, in her opinion, real life takes place.
That is why Shurochka so wishes her husband to finally pass the exams and enter the Academy of the General Staff. This would open the way for further career growth. The heroine makes every effort to make Lieutenant Nikolayev learn the program, but it is given to him with great difficulty. Unfortunately, Shurochka's husband is a narrow-minded and not very capable person.
Romashov adores Alexandra Petrovna. Everything about her seems beautiful to him. But gradually we begin to understand that the romantic hero in many ways invented the image of his beloved, endowed her with ideal features. In fact, Shurochka turned out to be a rather eccentric and selfish nature. Carried away by "cute Romochka" from boredom and emptiness, she practically becomes the culprit of his death. A duel takes place between Lieutenant Nikolayev and Romashov over Shurochka. And Romashov dies.
This death is very natural in the logic of the development of the story. Let us recall that as a result of his reflections, Romashov comes to the conclusion that the army is not needed at all. But he does not know what he can personally do to improve the situation. We can say that Romashov finds himself at a moral and ideological crossroads. He realizes the viciousness and incorrectness of the system and the way of life around him, but he sees no way out, has no idea how to fix it.
In general, in the finale of the story, all the fights that the hero fought throughout his life are revealed and brought together. This is Romashov's duel with himself, with his weakness, dreaminess, indecision. This is also his duel with society, which destroys the personality in a person and interferes with the awakening of the personality's self-consciousness. As a result, all this is embodied in a literal duel between Romashov and his rival, Lieutenant Nikolayev.
Romashov dies in a duel. And this sad ending of his life is very symbolic. The hero lost the fight with life, or rather, with its absurd order. In such a life there is no place for pure and bright souls, Kuprin says. It is important that Romashov dies at the very moment when his soul is full of love for Shurochka Nikolaeva. Thus, Kuprin once again emphasizes that the existing system, way of life ruins all the best, living, and sincere. There is no place for people in the army and life described by the writer. Only dullness, slaves, cannon fodder survive there.
Even the power of love is unable to change anything in the current system. Or was he not here, the real feeling? Kuprin shows that there is no place for Christian love in the army - for one's neighbor, for a person in general. Everything here is built only on violence and destruction. There is no place and no love of a person for himself, because the system destroys it at the root.
There is no place in the army and no love for a man for a woman. Shurochka does not love her husband, but lives with him, hoping for his promotion. She likes young Romashov, but she does not see her "hero" in him. And, despite this, he plays with him and becomes the reason for his death.
Thus, Kuprin makes us understand that there is no place for love in the Russian army at the beginning of the 20th century, which means there is no place and life. The Russian army is doomed to perish, to extinction.

A man and an army machine - that's, in my opinion, the main problem of Kuprin's story "Duel". This is a realistic tale of Russian officers. At its center is the conflict between the dreamer and the inhuman world that humiliates human dignity.

The plot of the work is everyday tragic: Second lieutenant Romashov dies as a result of a duel with Lieutenant Nikolayev. An urban intellectual in the uniform of a second lieutenant, Romashov suffers from the vulgarity and absurdity of life, "monotonous like a fence and gray like a soldier's cloth." The general atmosphere of cruelty and impunity that prevailed in the officers' environment creates the preconditions for a conflict to emerge.

"Non-commissioned officers brutally beat their soldiers for an insignificant mistake in language, for a lost leg while marching ..." Violence in the story is an integral attribute of the army's spirit: it maintains military command and discipline, the whole army is created by violence.

Kuprin writes about the recruits: "They stood in the regimental yard, huddled in a heap, in the rain, like a herd of frightened and obedient animals, looked incredulously, sullenly." Once in the army, these young boys quickly lose their individuality: "They danced, but in this dance, as in singing, there was something wooden, dead, which made you want to cry." They themselves begin to beat the soldiers: "They beat him (Khlebnikov) every day, they laugh at him, they mock him ..."

Romashov feels for the hunted soldier Khlebnikov "a surge of warm, selfless, endless compassion." The author does not idealize young Romashov and does not at all make him a fighter against the way of life in the army. Romashov is capable only of timid disagreement, of hesitant attempts to convince that decent people should not attack an unarmed man with a sword: “To beat a soldier is dishonest. That's shameful."

The atmosphere of contemptuous alienation hardens Lieutenant Romashov. Towards the end of the story, he discovers firmness and strength of character. The fight becomes inevitable. His love for a married woman, Shurochka Nikolaeva, who was not ashamed to conclude a cynical deal with a man in love with her, in which his life became the stake, accelerated the denouement.

I must say that the theme of the duel runs through all Russian literature of the 19th century. Let us recall the knightly duel of Petrusha Grinev with the slanderer Shvabrin in Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" and compare it with the actual murder of Baren Tuzenbach by Staff Captain Salt in Chekhov's "Three Sisters". And we see that before us are different generations, different people, different duels. Over time, “single combat of honor” loses its meaning, as the system of human values ​​loses its meaning. This is what worries Kuprin most of all. Therefore, before us is not just a duel between two military men, it is a duel between good and evil, cynicism and purity.

Kuprin raised in his story the painful, acute problem of the Russian army in the early 1900s. Aloofness, a deaf misunderstanding between officers and soldiers, narrow-mindedness, caste isolation, and the scarcity of the educational level of the Russian officers are outlined by Kuprin cruelly, but precisely.

The more the instruments of murder are improved, the more important becomes the question of the state of morality of those who hold these weapons in their hands. Reading Kuprin's story, we find that among the officers there is the following concept of army life: “Today we will get drunk, tomorrow we will be in the company - one, two, left, right. In the evening we will drink again, and the day after tomorrow in the company. " Is it really all life in this?

But no other was offered. The officers and their wives had to be content with such a routine. How miserable are their entertainments and hobbies: "A rather naive, boyish game was widespread among the young officers in the regiment: to teach orderlies in various outlandish, extraordinary things." And a person, cut off from his environment, often lost his face and succumbed to the general army “decay”. Most of the officers are of low morale. Their conversations are dirty and vulgar. They are not interested in lofty matters. I completely agree with Nazansky's opinion: “They laugh: ha-ha-ha, this is all philosophy! .. It is ridiculous, and wild, and impermissible for an officer of the army infantry to think about lofty matters. This is philosophy, damn it, therefore - nonsense, idle and absurd chatter. "

The creators of the army machine deliberately lower the moral level of the officers. And this is not surprising. In order to force a person to kill their own kind, you need to destroy his ideas of good and evil, of justice. But officers are the core of the army. Consequently, the entire army was subjected to moral decay.

I believe that instilling false, unnatural moral concepts in a person is the root of the army's evil. And Kuprin blames the army for the distortion of the natural purpose of man. No wonder the critics called Kuprin's "Duel" a duel with the army.

But among the heroes of the story there are individual officers who are worried about what is happening. Let's listen to the words of those who have experienced the soullessness of an army machine: “Just a question: where are we going to go if we don't serve? Where we go when we only know - left, right - and no more, no me, no crow. We know how to die, that's right, ”says Lieutenant Vetkin. These officers had nowhere to go. They did not have a specialty, they did not know how to earn bread otherwise than by serving in the army. This hopelessness seems to me the most difficult in their situation. The officers who risked breaking with the army returned back, not finding a place for themselves in life.

However, Romashov nevertheless found the strength to break with the army, although he did not manage to bring his break to the end due to his death in a duel. Romashov did not let the army machine erase its personal "I". The protagonist of the story does not see and does not feel the meaning in the very existence of the army.

Of course, the army has its own laws, its own power, its own methods. So it was and will be. It seems to me that a brave daredevil who dares to challenge the army machine is an eminently humanist. Kuprin warned humanity about the danger lurking in the army.

Kuprin's prophecy and undoubted talent lies in the fact that he saw in the hatred of the military for the "punks" the outset of a future civil war. His book, which carries the truthful word, concealing such a brilliant prophecy, is immortal.

"Duel" was published in the days of the defeat of the Russian fleet at Tsushima. The cruel, shameful reality of the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 confirmed the pathos of the story and Kuprin's diagnosis. "Duel" became a literary and social sensation in 1905, the first months of the first Russian revolution. The story was highly appreciated by Gorky, Stasov, Repin.

In 1918 Kuprin wrote with anger and grief about the collapse of the front of the First World War: “We had a wonderful army that amazed the whole world. She melted, leaving behind dirty footprints ... "

I share the opinion of the great writer. And I think that the army traits he debunked remain in the modern army. The story of our contemporary S. Kaledin "Stroybat" proves the relevance of this topic in our days: "There is no government on the lips, legal - no. And without the law - you can find it. " Our young generation still hopes for a new humane law that will revive the glory of the Russian army and change the position of servicemen in our country.

A list of arguments from literature in the direction of "Revenge and generosity" for an essay in grade 11.

Arguments in the direction of "Revenge and generosity":

  1. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

      Andrei Bolkonsky is very disappointed in his beloved Natasha Rostova when he finds out that the girl is carried away by a young man Anatol Kuragin. He shares his experiences with Pierre Bezukhov, telling him that "I did not love and hate anyone else like her." But still, when he met before death, he was able to show generosity and forgive the girl, whose feelings for him turned out to be sincere and burned with even greater force.

  2. M. Gorky "At the bottom"

      In the play by M. Gorky "At the Bottom", the relationship of the characters is built on bitterness and revenge. Each of them, without hesitation, takes revenge on everyone else for falling to the bottom of life. All these poor people pull each other even deeper, because no one should have a way back if you do not have one yourself. This is the unwritten law of the flophouse. For example, Vasilisa tyrannizes her younger sister out of jealousy. Her lover, Vaska Ash, showed sympathy for her, and the despotic woman was outraged. Her revenge culminated in the finale when her legitimate husband was killed in a fight. Now Ash is threatened by faithful hard labor, but his former lady of the heart does nothing to save him, on the contrary: she diligently drowns everyone in her slander. Even her "love" for Vaska does not stop the vengeful nature of the heroine. It is obvious that revenge is a feeling that destroys a person from the inside and expels all virtues from him.

      In M. Gorky's play At the Bottom, the characters are not inclined to show generosity. On the contrary, they seek to hurt and prick each other more painfully, because poverty drives out of them everything that makes a person human. But there is one wanderer who breaks the vicious circle of resentment and abuse. This is Luke. He also lived a difficult life, even hinting that he had escaped from hard labor. But these tests did not harden him. The old man finds affectionate words of support and participation for each interlocutor. In his eyes, true generosity shines to everyone who surrounds him. He gave the inhabitants of the bottom hope for a bright future, and they themselves are to blame for the fact that this was not enough for their moral revival. In their caustic environment, the wanderer did not last long and left, probably realizing that these poor people do not have not only a home, but also a heart, since they mercilessly drown each other. Unfortunately, generosity cannot always help people.

  3. A.I. Kuprin "Duel"

      In AI Kuprin's book "Duel", the main character looks after the officer's wife, and the woman encourages his attempts to get closer. Romashov is sincerely in love, only Shurochka plays with his feelings. She mercilessly condemns him to death for the promotion of her husband. Not that a loved one is important to her, she just longs for a transfer to a new place where she can have fun. Because of gossip and anonymous notes, the deceived spouse assigns a duel to Romashova. He wants to avenge the trampled honor. Shura assures the hero that they will shoot "for fun", only so that Nikolaev is not considered a coward. The young second lieutenant believes his beloved woman, but in a duel her husband kills his rival, rising in the eyes of his fellow soldiers. Unfortunately, in the society of that time, revenge was considered the norm, so hundreds of young people who were capable of more became its victims. It can be concluded that revenge is dangerous for people because, due to a sense of imaginary justice, they appropriate the right to dispose of other people's lives.

      In A. I. Kuprin's book "Duel" Romashov abandons his annoying mistress. But the woman does not want to let the young man go and swears that she will take revenge on him at any cost. Raisa Aleksandrovna Peterson was a desperate adventurer. She decided that it was necessary to discredit the second lieutenant's new connection, but he and Shurochka had absolutely nothing. But Mrs. Peterson, because of her depravity, thought differently and sent out anonymous letters exposing the betrayal of Nikolev's wife. The deceived husband flared up and demanded a duel. As a result of the intrigues of Shurochka herself, Romashov was killed, and her husband victoriously "defended the honor of the family." The consequences of revenge are always tragic: an innocent person is killed and cannot be returned by any tricks.

  4. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

      In the story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" generosity is inherent in Pugachev, when, despite his reputation as a robber, he acts according to his conscience: he saves the life of Pyotr Grinev, who at one time showed kindness to the rebel. He also shows nobility to Marya Mironova, releasing her from the fortress. For justice, Grinev appreciates Pugachev, so the execution of the rebel makes Peter sad.

      For other arguments from the story of the Captain's daughter, see.

  5. A.S. Pushkin "The Queen of Spades"

      Wanting to get rich quickly, the main character of the play A.S. Pushkin's "The Queen of Spades" military engineer Hermann by all means is trying to find out the secret of the old countess about three win-win cards. He begins to look after her pupil Liza and, having achieved reciprocity, deceived him into the house, but not on a date with the girl, but into the chambers of the old woman. The Countess cannot withstand Hermann's interrogation and dies. But her ghost shows generosity to the failed engineer and reveals to him the secret of the winning combination in exchange for a promise to marry Lisa. Hermann does not hold back this word and loses in the last game all the acquired fortune, after which he goes crazy. Thus, you should not make unfulfillable promises, this can threaten with cruel retribution.

  6. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

      In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" revenge led to a tragedy: the young poet Lensky was killed. It all started when the main character received a letter where Tatiana confessed her love to him. He rejected the girl's feelings, citing his unsuitability for family relationships. Naturally, he did not want to embarrass her with his presence, but an enthusiastic friend invites him to Tatyana's name day. He also expects to spend a pleasant evening with his bride there. Eugene agrees, but at the very evening he feels an extreme degree of awkwardness. He blames Vladimir for everything and decides to take revenge on him, flirting with his beloved, Olga, a windy coquette. Lensky was furious, because he did not get the girl's attention. He challenged his opponent to a duel, and Eugene could not refuse. As a result, Onegin killed his comrade because of his petty and stupid revenge. These are the consequences of the alleged pursuit of justice.

      In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" depicts the ideal of a generous woman. This is Tatiana Larina. Her soul can truly be called great, because she neglected her passion for the sake of maintaining family well-being. Once in her youth, the girl fell in love with a visiting nobleman, who did not take her feelings seriously. But the heroine kept them in her heart forever, even though she married another person. She did not love the general, but she respected and was grateful to him for the adoration with which he treated her. When, many years later, Eugene returned from his wanderings around the world, he was inflamed with passion for Tatiana. But she was married and refused the one whom she still loved selflessly. The heroine generously rejected her own happiness in order to preserve the peace and joy of a loved one. After all, true generosity requires self-denial.

  7. A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

    • In the story of A.S. Pushkin's "Dubrovsky" the author tells how one revenge gave birth to another. A trifling conflict between the two landowners Dubrovsky and Troyekurov develops into the latter's desire to avenge the blow to his pride. In a dishonest way, he takes away the property from a friend, as a result of which he dies of an attack. Dubrovsky's son cannot forgive Troyekurov for the death of his father and becomes a robber and robber, taking property from wealthy landowners. Only love for Masha Troekurova makes him show generosity and retreat from the main revenge.
  8. M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

      In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time" the author describes the tragic consequences of revenge on the example of Kazbich, who killed a kidnapped girl in order to take revenge on Pechorin. At the beginning of the chapter, Maxim Maksimych reports that Grigory fell in love with a Caucasian beauty and decided to steal her by bribing her brother. He promised him the famous horse of the whole region Kazbich, which Azamat dreamed of. The deal was done, Bela was captured by Pechorin. But Kazbich was seeking her hand, so he became very angry upon learning about this, and decided to take revenge on the offender. When Grigory and Maxim Maksimych went to hunt, the hero took the girl, but they were quickly overtaken. Fleeing from the pursuit and realizing that the two of them cannot escape, the kidnapper kills the victim and throws it on the road. Did he achieve justice with his revenge? No. He only killed the beautiful Bela, left with nothing.

      In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time" proved the entire inconsistency of revenge. Grushnitsky tried to achieve justice with her, but he himself fell victim to his aspiration. The fact is that he was trying to impress Princess Mary. He was in love, but the girl remained indifferent to him, because next to her was a more skillful gentleman - Pechorin. Gregory fell in love with a young girl, playing coldness towards her, which spurred her pride and aroused curiosity. In desperation, the cadet decided to take revenge on his lucky rival. Together with his friends, he noticed Pechorin leaving the princess's house at night. He left his mistress Vera, but Grushnitsky accused him of seducing Mary. Naturally, Gregory challenged the liar to a duel. Then the cowardly slanderer decided not to load his pistol in order to win the duel for sure and get rid of the opponent. But Grigory saw through the deceiver, and it was Grushnitsky who became the victim. What did he achieve with his revenge? Nothing but my own death.

  9. M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov"

    • The merchant Kalashnikov dared to take revenge on the Tsar's oprichnik Malyutin in order to justify his wife and restore dignity to his family. In an honest fist fight, he kills the enemy, for which Ivan the Terrible sends Stepan Paramonovich to execution, since Kiribeyevich's death occurred as a result of a prohibited technique. But the tsar shows generosity to Kalashnikov and fulfills his dying wish: he does not leave an orphaned family without support.
  10. V.A. Zakrutkin "Human Mother"

    • The Great Patriotic War took away from Mary the most precious thing: her husband and son. Seeing the wounded fascist, she rushed at him with a pitchfork to avenge her enemies for the death of her family and all their inhuman deeds. But the woman was stopped by the words of the German: “Mom! Mama!" Mary's heart trembled, and she spared the young man. With this example, the author demonstrates the highest degree of generosity of a Russian woman.
  11. N.V. Gogol "Terrible revenge"

    • Revenge became the cause of all the misfortunes of the heroes of the story. In an effort to punish Peter for his own death with his son, Ivan, presenting himself before God, asks to impose a curse on the entire family of his brother. The last descendant of a murderer is born as an evil sorcerer-murderer, who commits terrible atrocities. Peter under the ground is experiencing bitter torment, and Ivan, seeing from heaven how innocent people suffer, realizes his mistake, but is unable to change anything. None of the brothers in their time showed generosity, for which they doomed themselves to eternal torment.
  12. A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo"

    • To avenge a broken fate is the main task facing the protagonist of the novel by A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo". The envious conspirators write a false denunciation against the sailor Dantes, after which he is sent to prison right from the wedding. In captivity, the young man meets the abbot, who helps him escape and find wealth. Having become a noble Count of Monte Cristo, Dantes begins to repay debts to his offenders. Revenge catches up with all traitors, he shows generosity only to his former beloved Mercedes, without harming her son. But the count also remembers good deeds. Monte Cristo saves his former owner from bankruptcy by paying the debts for the ship, and then makes his son Maximilian the heir to his wealth.
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