Biography of Gianni Rodari brief summary. Giovanni Francesco Rodari

October 23 marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Italian writer and journalist Gianni Rodari.

Italian writer and journalist Gianni Rodari was born on October 23, 1920 in the town of Omegna in northern Italy. The boy's father, Giuseppe Rodari, was a baker - the owner of a small bakery and a bakery and food store.

As a child, Gianni Rodari was sick a lot and was a very weak child. Despite this, he learned to play the violin, wrote poetry, enjoyed drawing and dreamed of becoming famous artist. When the boy was 9 years old, his father died. Difficult days have come for the family. To feed the family (Gianni had two more brothers - Cesare and Mario), his mother got a job as a maid in a rich house.

Gianni Rodari had to study at a theological seminary - there they not only taught the children of the poor, but also fed and clothed them for free.

After graduating from the seminary in 1937, he was forced to go to work to help his family. Rodari became a teacher in primary school and at the same time attended lectures at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Milan, read literature on philosophy and social science - Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Trotsky, Lenin.

After Pioneer, Rodari worked in the youth magazine Avangard, then he moved to the mass left-wing newspaper Paese Sera, where he worked as a literary employee until the end of his life. His feuilletons appeared on its pages almost daily. He was also published in various Italian publications and hosted a children's radio column.

For three decades literary work Gianni Rodari has published more than a dozen books for children - in poetry and prose. Rodari’s poems (collections “Book of Merry Poems”, 1951; “Train of Poems”, 1952; “Poems in Heaven and on Earth”, 1960; etc.) showed the writer’s ability to reveal the complexity and significance of the world in a familiar and small phenomenon.

Rodari's tales are very interesting and informative. The most famous of them is the fairy tale story “The Adventures of Cipollino” (1951, Russian translation by Marshak was published in 1953) about the onion boy and his friends. The heroes of this fairy tale live in a fantasy country inhabited by vegetable men and fruit men. A fairy tale constantly combines reality and fiction. The author made it a rule: while entertaining, talk about serious things. Cheerful, never discouraged, Cipollino defends the poor, fights for justice, and speaks out against cruelty and evil.

The work gained especially wide popularity in the USSR, where it was adapted into a cartoon (1961), and then the film fairy tale "Cipollino" (1973), where Gianni Rodari starred in a cameo role.

Rodari wrote several more fairy tales: “The Adventures of the Blue Arrow” (1952), “Gelsomino in the Land of Liars” (1959), “Telephone Tales” (1961), “Cake in the Sky” (1966), etc.

The only book that the author addressed to adults, but which, as he joked, many children read “by mistake,” was “The Grammar of Fantasy” with the subtitle “An Introduction to the Art of Inventing Stories.” In this book, Rodari tries to teach adults to come up with entertaining stories in order to awaken the imagination of their children, to help them develop such a valuable quality for a person.

In Italy Gianni Rodari for a long time remained unknown as a writer, and he perceived himself only as a journalist. His name became popular primarily due to numerous translations into Russian. Best translations Rodari's poems belong to Samuil Marshak. Only after “The Adventures of Cipollino” were translated into Russian in 1953 did the triumphant march of Gianni Rodari’s works throughout the world begin. Over time, in the writer’s homeland - Italy, Rodari’s poems and fairy tales began to be included in school books.

The writer gained fame, millions of copies of books, high literary titles and awards. For the book "Cake in the Sky" Gianni Rodari received a pan-European prize and a gold medal. “Jeep on TV” and “Book of Errors” received high awards. In 1967 he was recognized best writer Italy. And in 1970, for the totality of all works by Gianni Rodari, the International Gold medal named after Hans Christian Andersen - the highest award in children's literature.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources.

Gianni Rodari(Italian Gianni Rodari, full name - Giovanni Francesco Rodari, Italian Giovanni Francesco Rodari) - famous Italian children's writer and journalist.

Gianni Rodari was born in the small town of Omegna (Northern Italy). His father, a baker by profession, died when Gianni was only ten years old. Rodari and his two brothers, Cesare and Mario, grew up in their mother's native village, Varesotto. Sick and weak since childhood, the boy was fond of music (he took violin lessons) and books (he read Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Lenin and Trotsky). After three years After studying at the seminary, Rodari received a teacher's diploma and at the age of 17 began teaching in the primary classes of local rural schools. In 1939 he visited for some time Faculty of Philology University of Milan.

During World War II, Rodari was released from service due to poor health. After the death of two close friends and the imprisonment of his brother Cesare in a concentration camp, he became involved in the Resistance Movement and in 1944 joined the Italian Communist Party.

In 1948, Rodari became a journalist for the communist newspaper "L" Unita and began writing books for children. In 1950, the party appointed him editor of the newly created weekly magazine for children, "Pioneer" in Rome. Pioniere"). In 1951, Rodari published his first collection of poems - "The Book of Merry Poems" - and his famous work"The Adventures of Cipollino" (Russian translation was published in 1953). This work gained especially wide popularity in the USSR, where a cartoon was made based on it in 1961, and then the fairy tale film “Cipollino” in 1973, where Gianni Rodari starred in a cameo.

In 1952, he went to the USSR for the first time, where he then visited several times. In 1953, he married Maria Teresa Ferretti, who four years later gave birth to his daughter, Paola. In 1957, Rodari passed the exam to become a professional journalist. In 1966-1969, Rodari did not publish books and only worked on projects with children.

In 1970, the writer received the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Prize, which helped him gain worldwide fame.

He also wrote poems that reached Russian readers in translations by Samuil Marshak.

Everyone knows the fairy tales about Cipollino and the magic voice little boy named Gelsomino. These unique stories for children received wide public recognition and brought worldwide fame to Gianni Rodari. The writer’s biography was reflected in his works, because he also had to endure poverty, but it cannot be denied that the works of the Italian storyteller are full of cheerfulness and optimism.

History of Rodari

The writer was born in October 1920 into a simple family of an Italian baker. He spent his childhood in the small town of Omeña, located in the north of the country. His father died when Gianni Rodari was only 9 years old. Despite the early departure, this one important person In the life of the writer, he managed to instill in his son kindness and love for the entire world around him, mercy for weak and helpless people and animals.

It is surprising that almost the entire biography of Gianni Rodari is connected with working for children, and it was this activity that allowed him to become a world-famous famous writer. Despite his poor health, the Italian worked hard and fruitfully. Already at the age of 17 he began teaching in junior classes, and in 1948 he began working as a journalist. In 1957, Gianni Rodari was able to pass the exam in professional journalism.

Works of the writer

Working on children's projects and creating books for young readers in parallel with journalistic practice was the main occupation of Gianni Rodari. The biography of the Italian writer contains facts such as participation in the communist movement, filming in a film, and so on.

The Italian storyteller presented the world with the following works:

  • "The Road to Nowhere";
  • "Journey of the Blue Arrow";
  • "Alice-Valyashka";
  • "The Adventures of Cipollino";
  • "The Grammar of Fantasy".

Portrait of Gianni Rodari

All works worldwide famous storyteller imbued with goodwill and optimism, of course, such books could only be created by a person with a big heart and a huge imagination. According to the writer himself, fantasy for a person is a kind of “fuel” of life; it helps to survive difficult life situations.

Principles such as love of truth, mercy, curiosity and honesty formed the essence of Gianni Rodari’s character. His biography is proof of this: he always tried to help his friends. Despite the difficulties, the writer was not afraid to express his opinion. And there is no need to talk about the kindness of Gianni Rodari; all his fairy tales are permeated with this feeling. And this was not ignored; the writer’s talent was awarded a high literary award - Hans Christian Andersen.

The fairy tales and poems of Gianni Rodari (biography discussed above) have been translated into various languages ​​of the world: English, German, Romanian, Russian and so on. There is probably no corner on Earth where stories about the brave onion or the journeys of the little train are not known. All these characters do not lose their relevance over time, and interest in the stories of Gianni Rodari will not disappear even after many centuries.

Biography and episodes of life Gianni Rodari. When born and died Gianni Rodari, memorable places and dates important events his life. Writer quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Gianni Rodari:

born October 23, 1920, died April 14, 1980


Here is the love that gave the truth, 

Here is the sadness that wisdom brought.


Biography of Gianni Rodari - the story of a poor boy Italian family. This one is kind and talented person never stopped dreaming, fantasizing and believing in the best, which made him a friend of children all over the world. Books by Gianni Rodari are world heritage, kind and wise.

His father was a baker, and his mother was a maid in a rich house. Gianni himself studied in a seminary for the poor as a child, where he was also clothed and fed. In order to somehow diversify his far from cheerful childhood, Gianni learned to play the violin and read a lot. Immediately after graduation, he began teaching in rural schools. As he later admitted, he was most likely not a good teacher, but his lessons were never boring.

The growth of popularity of Gianni Rodari's books in the USSR was greatly facilitated by his entry into the Italian Communist Party. He began writing books just when he worked in a communist newspaper, and then became an editor. children's magazine in Italy. His book “The Adventures of Cipollino” was a real hit in the USSR - a cartoon was made based on it, and then a fairy tale film in which Rodari himself starred! When the writer arrived in the USSR with his daughter, in the window of a toy store he saw the heroes of his book - Signor Tomato, Prince Lemon, Cherry and, of course, Cipollino himself. Rodari admitted that his most important childhood dream had come true: the heroes of his books became toys.

During his life, the writer Rodari wrote many children's books, some of which were also filmed in the USSR. The storyteller beloved by Soviet children even wrote an entire textbook, “The Grammar of Fantasy,” a kind of manual on how to write fairy tales and develop Creative skills. When in 1970 the writer was awarded an honorary prize in the field of children's literature - the Andersen Prize - he, in his acceptance speech said: “Fairy tales can give us clues to enter reality in new ways. They open the world to the child and teach him how to transform it.” This was main feature Rodari's fairy tales, he did not try to hide reality in them, but taught children to see even in difficult situations light and joy that can overcome injustice and grief.

Gianni Rodari's death occurred on April 14, 1980 in Rome. The cause of Rodari's death was the consequences of an unsuccessful operation. Rodari's funeral took place at the Verano cemetery in Rome, where Rodari's grave is located. It is surprising that to this day Gianni Rodari is increasingly known in the post-Soviet space than in Italy, where there is still not a single monument to Rodari.

Gianni Rodari (right) and Soviet writer Sergey Mikhalkov

Life line

October 23, 1920 Date of birth of Gianni Rodari (Giovanni Francesco Rodari).
1939 Study at the University of Milan at the Faculty of Philology.
1944 Joining the Italian Communist Party.
1948 Work as a journalist in the Unita newspaper, writing books for children.
1950 Rodari's appointment as editor of the children's magazine Il Pioniere.
1951 Publication of Rodari’s children’s poems “The Book of Merry Poems” and the book “The Adventures of Cipollino”.
1952 First trip to Moscow.
1953 Marriage to Maria Teresa Ferretti.
1957 Birth of Rodari's daughter Paola, receiving the title of professional journalist.
1961 Release of the cartoon "Cipollino" in the USSR.
1966-1969 Work in children's projects.
1970 Receiving the Hans Christian Andersen Prize.
1973 The release of the fairy tale film “Cipollino” in the USSR, where Rodari played himself.
April 14, 1980 Date of death of Rodari.

Memorable places

1. The city of Omegna, Italy, where Rodari was born.
2. Rodari's house, where he lived as a child.
3. Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, where Rodari studied.
4. Rodari Park in Omeña.
5. Rome, where Rodari died.
6. Verano cemetery in Rome, where Rodari is buried.

Episodes of life

When Rodari arrived in the USSR, he received praise and compliments with great embarrassment. It seemed surprising to him that his fame in this country was so much stronger than in his homeland, where the writer was given a very modest place. Only after the death of Gianni Rodari did Italian newspapers write with regret that the name of this wonderful writer was not even mentioned in any Italian encyclopedia, despite the fact that last years Throughout his life, Rodari was a well-published author, his works were included in school textbooks, plays and films based on his books were staged, and his column on Italian radio was very popular.

In his homeland, Gianni Rodari was less famous than in the Soviet Union, where both adults and children loved his works


“I want to teach the kids the words: peace, freedom, work, friendship with all peoples.”

“There is an old saying: we learn from mistakes. A new one could sound like this: we learn to fantasize from mistakes.”

“The word “truth” is one of those words that carries lightning.”

Biography of Gianni Rodari


“Our last meeting took place several months before his death. I think he felt it, and it felt like a goodbye. After his death, I picked up the story “Baron Lamberto” and read with excitement the final part, where this premonition was evident, perhaps unnoticed by those around me. Here is the text: “Any reader who is dissatisfied with the ending can change it as he wants by adding one or two chapters to this book. Or maybe all thirteen. Never let yourself be intimidated by the word THE END.” Rodari has left us, but farewell to him will be long and slow, as he bequeathed between the lines.”
Lolly Zamoyski, journalist

This book includes most my stories written for children over fifteen years. You will say that this is not enough. In 15 years, if I wrote just one page every day, I could already have about 5,500 pages. This means that I wrote much less than I could. And yet I don’t consider myself a big lazy person!

The fact is that during these years I was still working as a journalist and doing many other things. For example, I wrote articles for newspapers and magazines, studied school problems, played with my daughter, listened to music, went for a walk, thought. And thinking is also a useful thing. Maybe even the most useful of all others. In my opinion, every person should think for half an hour a day. This can be done everywhere - sitting at the table, walking in the forest, alone or in company.

I became a writer almost by accident. I wanted to be a violinist, and I studied the violin for several years. But since 1943 I have not touched it anymore. The violin has been with me ever since. I'm always planning to add strings that are missing, fix a broken neck, buy a new bow to replace the old one, which is completely disheveled, and start the exercises again from the first position. Maybe I'll do it someday, but I don't have time yet. I would also like to be an artist. True, at school I always had bad grades in drawing, and yet I always really loved using a pencil and painting in oils. Unfortunately, at school we were forced to do such tedious things that they could make even a cow lose patience. In a word, like all the guys, I dreamed about a lot, but then I didn’t do much, but did what I least thought about.

However, without even knowing it, I spent a long time preparing for my writing career. For example, I became a school teacher. I don't think I was very good teacher: I was too young and my thoughts hovered very far from school desks. Perhaps I was cheerful teacher. I told the guys different funny stories- stories without any meaning, and the more absurd they were, the more the children laughed. This already meant something. In the schools I know, I don't think they laugh much. Much that could be learned laughing is learned with tears - bitter and useless.

But let's not get distracted. Anyway, I have to tell you about this book. I hope she will be as happy as a toy. By the way, here is another activity that I would like to devote myself to: making toys. I always wanted toys to be unexpected, with a twist, so that they would suit everyone. Such toys last a long time and never get boring. Not knowing how to work with wood or metal, I tried to make toys from words. Toys, in my opinion, are as important as books: if it weren't, kids wouldn't love them. And since they love them, it means that toys teach them something that cannot be learned otherwise.

I would like the toys to serve both adults and little ones, so that the whole family, the whole class, together with the teacher can play with them. I would like my books to be the same. And this one too. She should help parents get closer to their children so that they can laugh and argue with her. I am pleased when some boy willingly listens to my stories. I rejoice even more when this story makes him want to talk, express his opinion, ask adults questions, demand that they answer.

My book is being published in the Soviet Union. I'm very pleased with this, because Soviet guys are excellent readers. I met many Soviet children in libraries, in schools, in the Palaces of Pioneers, in Houses of Culture - everywhere I visited. And now I’ll tell you where I’ve been: Moscow, Leningrad, Riga, Alma-Ata, Simferopol, Artek, Yalta, Sevastopol, Krasnodar, Nalchik. In Artek I met guys from the Far North and Far East. They were all great book eaters. How great it is to know that a book, no matter how thick or thin it is, is printed not to lie somewhere in the dust on a display case or in a closet, but to be swallowed, eaten with excellent appetite, digested hundreds of thousands of guys.

Therefore, I thank all those who prepared this book, and those who, so to speak, will eat it. I hope you will like it.

Bon appetit!

Gianni Rodari

Journey of the Blue Arrow


The fairy was an old lady, very well-bred and noble, almost a baroness.

They call me,” she sometimes muttered to herself, “simply Fairy, and I don’t protest: after all, you need to have leniency towards the ignorant. But I'm almost a baroness; decent people know this.

Yes, Signora Baroness,” the maid agreed.

I'm not a 100% Baroness, but I'm not so far short of her. And the difference is almost invisible. Is not it?

Unnoticed, Signora Baroness. And decent people don’t notice her...

It was just the first morning of the new year. All night long the Fairy and her maid traveled across the rooftops, delivering gifts. Their dresses were covered with snow and icicles.

“Light the stove,” said the Fairy, “you need to dry your clothes.” And put the broom in its place: now whole year You don’t have to think about flying from roof to roof, especially with such a north wind.

The maid put the broom back, grumbling:

Nice little thing - flying on a broom! This is in our time when airplanes were invented! I already caught a cold because of this.

“Prepare me a glass of flower infusion,” the Fairy ordered, putting on her glasses and sitting down in the old leather chair that stood in front of the desk.

“Right now, Baroness,” said the maid.

The fairy looked at her approvingly.

“She’s a little lazy,” thought the Fairy, “but she knows the rules of good manners and knows how to behave with the lady of my circle. I will promise her to increase wages. In fact, of course, I won’t give her an increase, and there’s not enough money anyway.”

It must be said that the Fairy, for all her nobility, was rather stingy. Twice a year she promised the old maid an increase in wages, but limited herself to promises alone. The maid had long been tired of listening only to words; she wanted to hear the clink of coins. Once she even had the courage to tell the Baroness about this. But the Fairy was very indignant:

Coins and coins! - she said, sighing, “Ignorant people only think about money.” And how bad it is that you not only think, but also talk about it! Apparently, to teach you good manners- it's like feeding a donkey sugar.

The fairy sighed and buried herself in her books.

So, let's bring the balance. Things are not good this year, there is not enough money. Of course, everyone wants to receive from the Fairy good gifts, and when it comes to paying for them, everyone starts haggling. Everyone tries to borrow money, promising to pay it back later, as if the Fairy were some kind of sausage maker. However, today there is nothing particularly to complain about: all the toys that were in the store have sold out, and now we will need to bring new ones from the warehouse.

She closed the book and began to print out the letters she found in her mailbox.

I knew it! - she spoke. - I risk getting pneumonia delivering my goods, and no gratitude! This one didn't want a wooden saber - give him a pistol! Does he know that the gun costs a thousand lire more? Another, imagine, wanted to get an airplane! His father is the doorman of the courier secretary of a lottery employee, and he only had three hundred lire to buy a gift. What could I give him for such pennies?

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