Battle of psychics famous people. Exposing new participants in the “Battle of Psychics.” How they deceive on shows about psychics. Show organizers don't need real experiments

Finalist of the seventh season of the “Battle of Psychics”: 30-year-old Ilona Novoselova fell from the sixth floor balcony. The girl's mother and boyfriend were also in the apartment.

On September 16, it aired on TNT special issue program “Psychics are investigating. "Battle of the Strongest" dedicated to Ilona. On the air of the show, relatives and colleagues told what the witch was like on the set of “Battle” and in everyday life.


Many are sure that Novoselova had a presentiment that she would soon die. “I want to live some more. I have very little time to live,” Ilona said casually on the set of one of the latest episodes of “Battle of the Strongest.” “There was a moment when Ilona and I were talking. She said that she had a bad feeling that she didn't have much time left. This was two months before the tragedy. I then told her not to think about it and not attract bad things. She replied that she no longer had a choice,” said the winner of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics, Alexander Sheps, who, according to rumors, once had an affair with Novoselova.

“She was obsessed, she was not afraid of death. Her feeling of fear disappeared. She had a short life because she gave a lot of energy to the black forces. She became a slave to these forces. These forces, it seems to me, destroyed her,” Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, a participant in the “Battle,” expressed her opinion.

Ilona’s lover Artem said that they were going on vacation to Spain together. Novoselova’s nervous breakdowns became more frequent, and she simply needed a vacation. “I cheated a lot. She made up problems for herself and became aggressive in this state,” Artem shared. Close couples said that passions were in full swing in the lovers’ relationship: they either quarreled and separated, then made up again. Novoselova was afraid that Artem would leave her.

IN Lately Ilona increasingly began to play games with death for show. “She stood on the windowsill and opened the window. We filmed her and asked her not to do that,” Novoselova’s mother said.

On that fateful day, Ilona felt from the very morning that something was going to happen. “I woke up in the morning and said that her soul hurt. Ilona called her mother and said that she felt bad. She walked around the apartment, shouting at me. I came up, tried to calm him down, hug him. She will push you away, then press you. Then he will push you away again. It was some kind of agony,” Artem said.

After the quarrel, the young man packed his bags. Ilona was furious and climbed onto the windowsill again. “She always knew that I would come up and take her off,” Artem said. The witch's boyfriend took her away from the balcony, but she didn't let up. Novoselova’s mother was also in the apartment, asking her to calm down. “I saw that she was going to the balcony again. I said: “Ilona, ​​that’s enough, that’s enough!” I looked around, Artem was standing next to me,” shared Ilona’s mother. The next second, Novoselova’s relatives heard a scream outside the window.

Yesterday began filming the 19th season of “Battle of Psychics”. For eleven years now, the TNT show has been revealing to viewers the names of people with unusual abilities: m agis, witches and clairvoyants are fighting for the main prize of the television project, going through extraordinary testing and helping people. We remembered those participants in the “Battle of Psychics” who themselves had to go through serious life difficulties outside the project. In our review - the most tragic fates.

Ilona Novoselova, season 7

Ilona Novoselova faced many trials: the witch was taken hostage, then she made several suicide attempts, after which she was treated in a psychiatric clinic, at the same time the clairvoyant struggled with rumors that she had once been a man... And final chord Novoselova's misfortune was her unexplained death at the age of 30.

It all started in 2013 when Ilona’s name appeared in crime news reports - it turned out that she and a young man were kidnapped and asked for a ransom of seven and a half million rubles. The robbers released the hostages only after the entire amount was received. However, the police were unable to catch the criminals in hot pursuit. Only a couple of weeks later did law enforcement catch the criminals. “It’s impossible to describe how scary it still is, I can’t go out alone,” Ilona said five years ago. However, instead of sympathy, the girl was criticized. Some accused her that the kidnapping was staged for the sake of extra mention in the press. The girl’s mother, Elena Novoselova, said that this incident greatly injured Ilona and almost drove her to suicide.

After the scandalous material about the kidnapping, details of Ilona’s past were revealed. According to some reports, Novoselova used to be a man named Andrei, but changed her gender in adolescence. It turned out that her companion Oleg, who was kidnapped with her, had undergone a similar operation and was preparing to receive a passport and a new name - Lana. However, Ilona herself denied the ridiculous rumors.

In June 2017, participant popular show"Battle of Psychics" died after falling from a sixth floor window. Before her death, the girl quarreled with her boyfriend Artem Besonov. The young man turned away from his girlfriend for a short time, and at that moment she fell out of the window. By official version, Ilona Novoselova wanted to scare Besov, but could not resist. However, the witch's relatives deny this possibility. They believe that Ilona was caught for using black magic.

Ilona Novoselova

Ilona Novoselova

Yuliy Mitkevich-Daletsky, season 15

In the “Battle of Psychics,” Yuliy Mitkevich-Daletsky seemed to have found happiness. On the show he met his future wife Tatiana Larina. They got married in 2015. However, the marriage of psychics did not last very long. Back at the end of 2016, Tatyana and Yuliy were happy and even planned to have a child using IVF, and already in October 2017, Larina went to court because she could no longer tolerate constant beatings and betrayals from her husband. Moreover, Tatyana decided to write a statement to Yuli only after the divorce, which she received in early September 2017.

However, the dark streak in Mitkevich-Daletsky’s life did not end there. In December 2017, he was detained in St. Petersburg for drug possession. According to Mitkevich-Daletsky and his representatives, the clairvoyant was kept in the department for three days. At the same time, people in uniform allegedly mocked him. However, after an internal check, the police established that no one strangled or tortured Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky. A criminal case was opened against the seer under Article 228, which provides for “illegal possession of drugs in a significant amount.” From the very beginning, Julius himself connected the detention and criminal case with his desire to expose false magicians in general and the “Battle of Psychics” in particular. While under recognizance not to leave the place, Daletsky actively published evidence of deception online and looked for victims of charlatan wizards. As for Yuli’s ex-wife, Tatyana Larina was not at all surprised that he was caught with drugs. She noted that she had warned him for a long time and asked him to quit the addiction.

Yuliy Mitkevich-Daletsky

Yuliy Mitkevich-Daletsky

Dilaram Saparova, season 8

Dilaram Saparova captivated all the spectators of the “Battle of Psychics” with her modesty, kindness of soul, open heart and simplicity. Show participant I passed all the tests with honor and eventually took second place. However, after the project, Dilar Saparova had to go through a difficult test. A few months after the end of filming, the husband of a close friend of the Kazakh fortune teller, Alexey Veselov, along with his accomplices, broke into Saparova’s apartment, where she lived with common-law husband Konstantin. The raiders specifically chose a time when the head of the family was not at home and began to beat the unfortunate woman, demanding money from her. Later Dilaram explained that at one time it was Veselov organized the participation of a clairvoyant in a popular show. However, having not received the expected a substantial fee, the man decided to take his earnings by force.

Dilaram, beaten by robbers, indicated where 800 thousand rubles were kept. In addition to the computer and money, the thieves found credit cards in the psychic’s apartment. Having waited for the fortune teller's husband to return, the kidnappers attacked the man with beatings, demanding to tell them the code word and PIN code by which they could get the money. It is noteworthy that Konstantin deceived the robbers and changed only one digit in the PIN code, after which the bank subsequently suspected something was wrong and refused to give the robbers money.

However, a few days later, the fate of the elephant once again decided to test Dilaram’s strength. The man he loved left the clairvoyant, saying that “no one will need her like that.” Saparova experienced the breakup for a very long time, refusing to believe what had happened. Fortunately, now Dilaram is doing well in his personal life. Saparova often publishes on her microblog in Instagram pictures with my husband Alexey Gazhienko. The clairvoyant's husband - brother Ilya Gazhienko, participant in the scandalous television project “Dom-2”. Alexey himself was also involved in the scandalous television production. He came to Dom-2 at the invitation of Anastasia Kovaleva. In the show, Alexey never managed to find his love, but after he left the project, he was lucky to meet Dilaram and find real family happiness. In 2013, the couple had a son.

Dilaram Saparova with her husband

Dilaram Saparova

Nikita Turchin, season 18

Young magician Nikita Turchin became the youngest contestant in the entire history of the “Battle of Psychics.” Despite a confident bid for victory at the very beginning of the 18th season, Nikita was able to last only seven episodes on the project. During his time at the “Battle of Psychics,” the 17-year-old guy acquired an army of fans who begged him to return to television screens. Nikita spent a long time choosing between projects and eventually settled on the reality show “Dom-2”, which he has been on for four months now.

On February 21 of this year, Turchin was attacked in Moscow metro.The guy was driving home at eleven o'clock at night, returning from a meeting with friends. During a stop at the Park Kultury metro station, a hooligan entered the carriage and began to bully the young man. Having received a rebuff, the unknown person began to beat young man, hit his head on the glass several times, then tried to snatch the bag, but couldn’t, and ran away when the doors opened. As a result, Nikita was hospitalized with a concussion. Having already recovered from the blow, Turchin suggested that he was attacked by a fan of the show “Battle of Psychics,” who pestered him for six months: he wrote unpleasant comments on social networks, called Nikita’s mother. But his friends believe that this is a simple attack for the purpose of robbery.

Nikita Turchin

Nikita Turchin and Tatyana Larina

Arseniy Karadzha, season 15

Arseniy Karadzha quickly won the hearts of the viewers of the “Battle of Psychics”, but was unable to win the competition of magicians and other owners of paranormal abilities. Again, the name of a participant in the mystical TNT project began to flash in news headlines already in 2017, when in one of shopping centers In St. Petersburg, a young man was detained while trying to steal things from a store. The police found four grams of amphetamine in the would-be thief's pockets. It is noteworthy that employees law enforcement the psychic tried to explain that the substance found on him was not drugs, but magic salt.

Before the trial, Arseniy Karadzha was released on his own recognizance, and he immediately disappeared from the sight of law enforcement officers. To sort out this disappearance trick, the psychic was put on the federal wanted list. They searched for Arseny for a year. And only on the evening of March 6, 2018, he was found in an apartment on Voroshilov Street in St. Petersburg. In June it became known that Karaca had been convicted of drug trafficking and attempted theft. The court sentenced him to three years probation.

Arseniy Karadzha

Arseniy Karadzha

Yuri Olenin, season 9

Yuri Olenin He was remembered by the audience as a healer, clairvoyant, and the founder of the “Holy Surgeons” cosmic school of contactees. The participant claimed that he had a connection with the cosmic mind. In addition, Olenin claimed that he predicted the disaster of the Kursk submarine in 2000. According to his version, she encountered a dilapidated sunken alien ship.

After the show “Battle of Psychics,” Olenin decided to go into private practice. However, in November 2014, he and several other “magicians” and “healers” were detained in Moscow on charges of fraud on an especially large scale. It turned out that Olenin and friends, under the pretext of providing psychic services, defrauded citizens of money. The scammers offered help in family matters, improving health, fighting alcoholism and drug addiction, services for cleansing karma and space, etc. The “owners of the third eye” also valued their help quite magically - from 15 thousand to 1.5 million rubles! As the main defendant in the criminal case, Olenin received three years in a general regime colony, and his comrades received from two and a half to more than three years in prison.

Yuri Olenin

By becoming participants in a popular project, ordinary people also become mega-popular in an instant. And then they realize that they were not ready for this.

The shows “Battle of Psychics” and “Psychics Are Investigating” are already the stuff of legends. Some say that this is all a stage show, others are sure that psychics really have paranormal abilities. However, no one will argue with the fact that the project participants - real people With real stories(and as a rule, all these stories are quite tragic).

But what then happens to the participants of the show?

Ilya Butenko is a young man who has no luck with girls. All three chosen ones left the guy right before the wedding. Admitting that more than anything he wanted a family, the man turned to psychics for help. Alexander Litvin said that it was all about the young man’s ancestors, and the witch Ilona Novoselova saw the curse. After the magical effects were removed, Ilya was promised happy life and a strong marriage. That's where it all started! After the program aired, messages from dozens of Russian girls poured into Ilya’s page, who showered their compliments on the guy and... offered themselves as his wife! At first, Ilya was open to communication and even set the status “I will answer everyone, but later...”, and then he closed personal messages and removed the ability to comment on photos.

The witch Novoselova predicted for Ilya strong family, and now the guy can’t fight off the fans

Maryam Gasymova is a girl from Novosibirsk who committed suicide after a quarrel with her father. The grief-stricken family turned to psychics to understand whether the conflict was the only cause of the tragedy. All photos shown in the program “Psychics Investigate” were taken from the girl’s personal page on social networks. That is why viewers of the program were able to easily find the girl’s profile and…. start writing her private messages. Maryam’s family was shocked by this and even posted a status: “Stop writing messages to this! No one will answer you anyway!”

Another high-profile investigation concerned the unexplained death of a young couple in love. On July 16 last year, 17-year-old girl Olesya and her 21-year-old boyfriend Dmitry went for a ride in a car and never returned home. Later, investigators found an abandoned car 100 meters from the road, and a hanged couple in the bushes nearby. According to investigators, Dmitry first killed his beloved and then committed suicide. This version was confirmed by psychics Leonid Konovalov and Zulia Radzhabova, but Dima’s relatives and friends categorically denied it! Moreover, they react very painfully to all comments on social networks and sharply cut off any statements from users regarding the fact that the guy could really kill. Viewers of the “Battle of Psychics” program also seem to have studied Dmitry’s page on social networks inside and out. They found out that the guy was subscribed to groups about maniacs and murderers, some of which were labeled “21+,” and made their disappointing conclusions about the guilt of the ardent lover.

Photos with psychics can still be found on Artem’s personal page

Photo: Personal archive of Artem Gaivoronsky

Artem Gaivoronsky is another hero of the popular show. The guy, as a former military man, was asked to portray the role of a sniper in one of the tests. There were six snipers in total, but it was Artyom who gained enormous fame after filming. The girls wrote him personal messages, liked his photos, wanted to meet him, and asked for his phone number. On Instagram, more than three thousand people subscribed to Artem’s page in a couple of days. At first, the young man seemed to like this popularity, because he tagged most of his photos with hashtags related to the “Battle of Psychics,” but then he closed his personal messages and even changed his last name to a sonorous synonym associated with the name of the city where he was from.

Psychics discovered magical abilities in one of the participants

Once on the screen, all participants in the mystical project automatically become popular. However, sometimes this popularity even begins to go off scale. This happened to a resident of the city of Pushkin. Yana called magicians and mediums to explain why some kind of devilry was happening in her apartment. As soon as he crossed the threshold, Alexander Sheps said that the apartment had a lot of “ souls of the dead", who are attracted here by Yana herself. They say that the girl has a special gift and, if she wants, psychics will discover it, and then Yana herself can become an excellent medium. “However, you need to remember the consequences and understand whether you need it,” said witch Victoria Rydos. During filming, Yana did not answer whether she would “discover” her gift, and after the program was released on the screen, the girl was attacked on social networks. The audience was divided into skeptics who were interested in the details of the filming, and those who were almost ready to make an appointment with Yana and couldn’t wait for her to reveal her gift.

“Everything that happened is true, but I haven’t decided or made up my mind yet!!!” – the girl wrote in her hearts.

Eva Grebennikova participated in the eighth episode of the 14th season of “Battle of Psychics”. The girl came to the set of the show, and the mediums had the task of guessing what misfortune happened to her and two other invited people.

Almost all her life, Eva suffered from bulimia, an eating disorder. At 9 years old, her weight was more than 100 kilograms. To lose it, the girl went on various diets, was fond of vegetarianism and a raw food diet. Thus, she managed to lose weight to 47 kilograms. But the torment did not end there - Eva became ill with anorexia. After about six months, her body became so exhausted that she started eating everything without stopping and developed bulimia. In nine months she gained 40 kilograms again.

Eva Grebennikova. Photo: AiF/Irina Chukhno

“Whatever I did to cope with overeating: I went to psychiatrists, endocrinologists, and stayed in hospitals. Now the disease practically does not manifest itself. If earlier I was gaining weight at a rate of five kilograms per month, then for two years now I have had a stable weight. But I can’t call this the merit of psychics,” says Eva Grebennikova.

Participants in the 14th season of the 8th episode of the “Battle of Psychics”. Photo: TNT channel frame

Unexpected facts

The girl was invited to the “Battle of Psychics” by the show’s workers through a social network. On the appointed day she arrived at the studio.

“There we were seated on chairs, and then they began to launch psychics one by one. They came up, looked and said something. One said that I had changed my appearance very dramatically. Well, everything like that,” says Eva.

None magical rituals Eva was not examined, but only psychological advice was given. One of them: after purchasing clothes, immediately cut off the size tags.

“Actually, we talked about our personal life, about my boyfriend. She said our relationship would last from eight months to three years maximum. But she was mistaken, we’ve been dating for three years and ten months, and we’re not going to break up,” the girl explained. - True, we had very strong quarrels, but now everything is calm. So if psychics or fortune tellers predict separation or even death, this does not always happen.”

“I lost weight because I moved from my parents to my boyfriend and started cooking dinners on my own. But I don’t like my own cooking, I can’t eat it, so I’ve lost weight,” says Eva.

There is only one way out of illness - a psychiatrist

After the show aired, people approached Eva on the streets, asked about filming the show, and took autographs. And in social network girls suffering from bulimia and anorexia wrote and asked for advice.

“I really want everyone who is faced with similar problems to know that there is only one path to recovery - a psychiatrist,” shares Eva. — Going to psychics in a similar situation is not the best good idea. If you break your leg, you won’t go to a clairvoyant, but to a doctor. It's the same here. In general, you need to learn to love yourself as you are and not torment yourself with diets.”

Mystical Sarepta

Old Sarepta is a museum under open air. Here, within the boundaries of Volgograd, among hundreds of concrete boxes of the same type, an amazing corner of the 18th century has been preserved: a Lutheran church, a pharmacist’s house, a pastor’s house and Trade Shop. In total there are more than 20 historical buildings, imbued with the spirit of that era.

Museum-reserve "Old Sarepta". Photo: Old Sarepta Museum-Reserve

According to the workers, they all feel the presence of invisible forces here, many cannot stand it and leave.

“It’s creepy. If you saw a ghost like this, up close, what would your reaction be? - asks one museum employee. — We wanted to figure out whether this is good or bad? How can we work with this in the future? And that’s why we turned to the “Battle of Psychics” program.”

As a result, two clairvoyants flew to Volgograd.

"Beer and bread"

Filming began when it was already dark.

The church is located opposite mass grave. Photo: AiF/ Nadezhda Kuzmina

“The filming took a very long time,” recalls Head of the Museum Information Department Tatyana Rvacheva. “The film crew was on site throughout the day, and the process itself began at 10 pm and ended only at five in the morning. Several buildings and basements of Sarepta were explored." One of the clairvoyants “heard the cries of mothers and children who were hiding here from the terrible raids of nomads, and even told us about what was here before the first German settlement appeared.”

Another clairvoyant even “summoned the spirit of a man who supposedly lives here and thereby frightens workers and visitors.”

Ritual in the dungeon of Sarepta. Photo: TNT channel frame

The clairvoyant also told the workers that the spirit “demands beer and bread.” He supposedly considers this place his home and thus protects it.

"Spirits" brought visitors

The move worked, and now the legend of the Sarepta ghosts has become practically business card this place, and many people strive to go on night mystical excursions. At the very least, the psychics definitely helped the museum with this.

The mystical dungeons of Sarepta attract tourists. Photo: AiF/ Nadezhda Kuzmina

Today the museum even has a program “ Mystic stories Sarepta”, during which guests get acquainted with legends and traditions and descend into the mysterious dungeons of the 18th century.

Alcoholism cannot be treated by psychics

He starred together with Eva Grebennikova in the eighth episode of the 14th season of “Battle of Psychics” Evgeny Smelov. He turned to the show in the hope that mediums would help him get rid of his alcohol addiction.

“I wrote on the show myself because I realized my problem and was looking for different ways out of it. I couldn’t cope with alcoholism alone, so I decided to turn to psychics. Then I thought that everything was fair there,” Evgeniy explained.

Evgeny Smelov. Photo: TNT channel frame

According to the man, he started drinking, like many of his peers, at the age of 17, but in moderate doses. Alcoholism appeared only in the last one and a half to two years before the start of filming. Particularly long and severe drinking bouts occurred during the divorce. However, the show said something completely different. The voice-over said: “The continuous drunkenness has been going on for 10 years.”

“As soon as I heard this lie on air, I immediately called the program to sort it out. I asked them: “Can you even imagine what would have happened to me if I really hadn’t stopped drinking for 10 years?” To my dissatisfaction, they replied that it was necessary for the show. Then I already freaked out and said, let them write and do whatever they want,” he said.

After some time, Evgeny received a call from the show. The man talked with the program worker for more than an hour. “The questions they asked me on the phone were quite harmless. Therefore, during the filming, I didn’t even think about them, but was simply surprised at the things that the psychics told me,” recalls Evgeniy. “Then he began to wonder how they knew everything.” And I understood - thanks to questioning. The mediums “saw” only what I myself had told them before. Plus we also found a lot of information on my VKontakte page. For example, there I wrote about the death of my friend, which the sorcerers later told about. I haven’t heard anything new from them.”

Psychic Nadira Azamatova is being tested. Photo: TNT channel frame

Going to psychics is a sin

As Evgeniy said, five of the eight psychics who participated in the program promised to help him, but in the end no one helped him.

“None of the psychics helped me. They just fool people's minds. I would say that these people are just good psychologists with excellent pre-ester preparation. You yourself understand that there cannot be as many mediums as participate in the show in the country.”

The man also noticed that all psychics lead personal receptions and they ask for about 50-60 thousand rubles per session.

“This show is needed so that fools like me, looking for salvation, pay big money to psychics. This outrages me. Well, if you have the ability, then help just like that. And then there are people who take out loans because of them. And okay, if “clairvoyants” could actually solve problems, otherwise... Say something - yes, help - no. And how many more people will get into their network and give away their last money is unknown,” Smelov noted.

A year after filming, Evgeny began to often visit Serpukhov Vysotsky monastery. He lived there for several months, then went home, and then returned again.

Evgeniy said: “After participating in the “Battle of Psychics,” I both drank and continued to drink. These so-called clairvoyants did not help me. There was only one thing left to do - turn to God. With the thought that psychics were useless, and going to them was generally a sin, I went to the monastery. I haven’t drunk or smoked for 13 months now.”

Is it true that the TV project Battle of Psychics reveals psychics? This is the most main question which interests every show enthusiast.

Here you will find the answer to it and other questions about the Battle of Psychics, which are most often components first.
Where did the idea come from that a television project was looking for and finding psychics? Maybe this is a fiction, and the Battle of Psychics is “just a show,” as many say? No! See how it is positioned in advertising, on the website,

146 people with unusual abilities!

as well as project participants.

Also, in confirmation, I cite the words of the chief expert of the project, psychiatrist-criminalist Mikhail Vinogradov:

“For every one, up to a thousand people who call themselves psychics come to the project. Three people are people who actually confirmed their abilities.

Another interview:

“- Sick people, scammers, various outrageous personalities who want to show themselves come to our show. We do not guarantee their psychic abilities. Such we give guarantees only for three winners- people who took prizes in the season. These are truly professional psychics who can help.”

Mikhail Vinogradov's statements are clear and do not leave much room for interpretation. The battle of psychics, according to him, effectively sifts out hundreds of applicants for participation extra people and leaves three true professionals in whose abilities, thanks to numerous and convincing tests, there is no doubt.
I will reveal to you the truth about the Battle of Psychics by refuting this dangerous statement.

The TV show “Battle of Psychics” does NOT identify real psychics

Even if we assume that psychics really exist, Mikhail Vinogradov’s statement that the three finalists are necessarily strong psychics is either an outright lie or a naive delusion (hardly). The amazing successes of the participants can be observed mainly within the framework of this program. Outside of it, their magic instantly fades.

Finalists outside the Battle of Psychics

Psychic Bakhyt Zhumatova at the Harry Houdini Prize

In 2015, the Harry Houdini Prize was established in Russia. The winner will receive a reward of 1,000,000 rubles.

In her application for participation in the award, the finalist of the seventh season of the Battle of Psychics, Bakhyt Zhumatova, indicated that she has the gift of clairvoyance and can see money well. Unsuccessful participants in such awards like to claim that their organizers do their best to interfere with the completion of tasks.
Contrary to such statements, money was used to test the psychic Bakhyt Zhumatova, which she needed to find in one of several black closed boxes.
At the press conference, she expressed confidence in her abilities and the successful completion of the experiment, but did not even pass the preliminary test.

Instead of a successful, eloquent result, the audience received the eloquence of Bakhyt Zhumatova:
“If I, for example, were looking for money for myself, I would find it, but this is, as it were, for an experiment.”

Not very convincing:
Firstly, the winner of the award receives 1,000,000 rubles for himself, so there is no need to talk about lack of motivation.
Secondly, if she had voiced this requirement before the start of the test, there would probably have been people willing to risk a couple of hundred notes to create suitable experimental conditions.
Thirdly: this is a typical story for such tests. Participants always find excuses for failure after failure. They didn’t eat enough, they didn’t sleep enough, they drank too much, or the stars didn’t align well...

Later, another reason for the defeat of the psychic Bakhyt Zhumatova became clear. This is “stress from dealing with police officers.” Five criminal cases were opened against Bakhyt Zhumatova.

If you want to better understand what the finalists of the show are, it makes sense to also familiarize yourself with the predictions of the clairvoyant. They are quite entertaining:
“And in 2014, Brad Pitt will die in a car accident...
- What are your bold predictions based on?
- All I need to do is see a person, write a name on paper, light a match - and I will see his life, past and future. Like a series of fragmentary images: health, career, family...”

Surely many writers would like the same. No inspiration, light a match - and go!

Checking the finalists of the Battle of Psychics Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova and Maxim Vorotnikov in the Big City program

This experiment does not pretend to be scientific, but it also casts doubt on the words of expert Mikhail Vinogradov about the abilities of the finalists. Be sure to check it out! This is a very interesting video:

Ilona Novoselova - finalist of the 7th season of the battle of psychics

Ilona makes generous promises to clients on her website and guarantees 100% success.

Psychic Ilona unconditionally believes in herself

And she seems to get into trouble more often than most of us. She is unable to warn them relying on her clairvoyance.

Soon Ilona Novoselova and her boyfriend were found and released. During the investigation it turned out that Previously, Ilona's name was Andrey, and her boyfriend, Oleg Petrov, turned out to be a girl!!!

What a twist!!

Recently, the lover of 26-year-old Ilona Novoselova underwent gender reassignment surgery. Oleg Petrov, a 21-year-old native of Yaroslavl, became a woman by getting rid of male genitals.

Less than two years have passed since Ilona once again appeared in crime chronicles:

Psychic Dilaram Saparova finalist of the Battle of Psychics of Season 8

Dilaram Saparova In addition, he is the winner of the Battle of Psychics of Season 12 on the STB TV channel (Ukraine).

In January 2010, she was tortured and robbed by Alexey Veselov, Dilaram Saparova’s sponsor at the Battle of Psychics and his friend.

They came to the apartment where Dilaram lives with her common-law husband, tied them up and, threatening them with a knife and a stun gun, took a million rubles, a TV, a telephone and other equipment from the apartment.

The clairvoyant, who, while participating in the “Battle of Psychics” project, often solves problems of finding missing people and stolen valuables, turned out to be powerless in the face of my misfortune. She immediately contacted the local police.

Am I the only one who thinks that even after being robbed, the psychic should have led the police to the criminals on the same or the next day?

Psychic Sadykov Irik Salikhovich finalist of the fifth season and employee

As you already know, Battle of Psychics expert Mikhail Vinogradov argued that the finalists of the show are undoubtedly professionals.

“Professional” Irik Sadykov is not just a finalist, but also an employee of Mikhail Vinogradov’s center, which means we can safely assume that the main expert of the Battle of Psychics has special trust in him.

“I don’t just have a tough selection, but a truly police selection,” says Mikhail Vinogradov.

Listen to this extremely entertaining story from the life of a police-qualified trusted psychic:

The idea was undoubtedly good. Once in two days no people were found in the river, it means they are unlikely to be found. We can safely, with a high degree of probability, say that they are alive. But probability is an unreliable thing; it does not give guarantees. This time Irik Sadykov was unlucky. Irik immediately stated that the missing people were alive and repeated this several times. But while he began to talk about the details of the abduction, divers began to pull the corpses out of the water.

Eh, that was awkward!!

It is difficult to imagine a more uncomfortable situation for a psychic, but nevertheless he was not struck by lightning from heaven, nor was he overtaken by the anger of the relatives of the victims and he didn’t even lose the trust of Mikhail Vinogradov, Irik Sadykov live and continues to practice at his center. Welcome to your appointment, the price of a magician’s consultation is only 12,000 rubles.

Irik Sadykov is well-fed, drunk and with tobacco on his nose.

"my best friend I visited Irik Sadykov. This one actually made me laugh. I kept trying to get something out of her, but it wasn’t there, my friend sat with a stony face. They looked at each other like that for about ten minutes, and then he said that the information was closed (this is their favorite excuse). True, the money was returned...

You know, I read positive reviews about these psychics, but I also saw people who were at receptions in front of me; so they themselves blurted out everything, and the psychics said it only in other words.
In any case, my advice to you is that if you decide to visit a psychic, then at least don’t talk about yourself, let him speak for himself, and you can decide whether he has abilities or not.”

Show organizers don't need real experiments

Now let's dig a little deeper. Why and how does this show identify psychics?

I was once made to think seriously by the words uttered on the show “Who Will Fool Pen and Teller?”

“I knew exactly what you were doing, but I didn’t notice the slightest catch.” That is, even an illusionist with extensive experience, a leader in his profession, sometimes cannot always see how they are trying to deceive him.

Talentedly created and carefully worked out tricks brought to perfection make a huge impression and looks like real magic This is why they are created.

A layman, assuming that he can distinguish a skillful illusion from a manifestation psychic abilities, almost always overestimates his strength.

Moreover, in the video below you can see that even a person who has exposed charlatans and has an idea of ​​how illusionists work may well be deceived:

“Illusion is the art of showing what is impossible, you will see it with your own eyes!”— illusionist Denis Chertovsky.

Unskilled testing also has many other problems - for example, guessing, which, together with the Barnum Effect, produces strong impression and “information leakage”.

The leak of information can be either accidental, for example, an expression of interest on your face, or special. Maybe you think that in such a “serious” program as the Battle of Psychics, leaks are excluded?

Yes, excluded, says Mikhail Vinogradov, chief expert Battles of psychics: “When the tests begin, here I am, one of the leaders of these tests, I find out about the test in two to three hours. Then they tell me where it will be, I come. Then they tell me what the test will be and only two editors know about the essence of the test. None of film crew really doesn’t know.”

At least two people know everything for a long time, but you can’t get a word out of them. All preparations for the transfer are carried out in the strictest secrecy. Let's take the word of the creators of the TV project?

It’s strange to hear something like this from a doctor of medical sciences. It is impossible that he has never heard of the double-blind method.

When using this method, neither the experimenter nor the subject knows important details experiment.

This is necessary to exclude the influence of the experimenter on the subject (in our case this is also a leak of information) and subjectivity in assessing the results.

If you do not exclude ANY possibility of a conscious or unconscious hint, it is impossible to say exactly how the subject received the information - from completely ordinary sources or accurate answers are a consequence of his special “super” abilities.

« Experts" in the show are needed to create the visible seriousness of what is happening

This becomes completely obvious when you see the reaction of expert and skeptic Sergei Safronov to passing the test with Pakhom searching for a person in the trunk:

“In short, you can fire me, today you lost a skeptic.”

Pretty groin famous freak and outcast and he couldn’t get on the show by chance, Sergei Safronov knew him.

Pakhom himself will tell you briefly but very succinctly about himself:
“Here I am, Pakhomov, a forty-year-old Muscovite with no education - I sing, I dance, I show my dick, I act in banned films, I use drugs, if I have them, I’m as poor as a church mouse...”

He also used to draw a lot:

Mushrooms means mushrooms.

Small Dutchman shows small Dutchman.

An interesting fact: Pakhom at the Battle of Psychics in at least two tests imitated a bird, copying its movements, taking an unusual pose, and purring.

Curls when studying the skull:

Sergei Pakhom finds a man in the trunk of a car with a purr.

The first time he did this was back in 1999 on the set of the film “The Green Elephant”. According to the script, his character wanted to purr to return the taken shoulder straps - then it didn’t work. It seems that over the years the strength of the cooing has increased significantly.

Kurlyk for the shoulder straps.

And this, let me tell you, is Pakhom’s music video “Kurlyk”. The bird theme is present.

Why Pakhom came to the Battle of Psychics is not at all a secret; he himself openly talks about it in his interview:

Most of the finalists of the Battle of Psychics have websites designed primarily for selling services. At Pakhom's It is only clear that Pakhom does not seek to sell expensive sessions. From paid services he only has computer tests with payment via SMS. It is quite logical for him to remain a psychic for those who learned about him in this particular role, but refuses to conduct receptions, not wanting to bend his soul.

Cook, you see, the magician Sergei Safronov quite deliberately committed deception for the sake of the show and his popularity, playing along with Sergei Pakhom for the benefit of the show. This is the price of conscience, professional honor and ethics of an expert in the Battle of Psychics.

Conclusions: the whole truth about the battle of psychics

In this article, I in no way set out to refute the existence of psychics, but look at the facts - the television project Battle of Psychics does not identify psychics, it is a lie, deception, ordinary television show. The program experts, apparently having the knowledge to conduct such checks, do not use them, but their authority is exploited with all their might to promote the show.

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