Bunin, "The Village": Analysis. "Village", Bunin: main characters. Essay on the theme of my village Fictional description of the village

Ah, summer, summer. What a wonderful time. I like to go to visit my grandmother in the village. What clean air and aroma there is. Even the heat is transferred differently. Nature changes its colors every day. You will not find such a variety of shades of green, red, yellow, blue and other colors in winter or autumn.

Flowers bloom in the fields, replacing each other and creating a beautiful palette. As if the artist painted this canvas: white daisies, blue bells, pink clover, sedge, loach and many more interesting things.

The trees covered the forest from the hot with their crown

The sun. It's nice to sit in the shade of a birch tree. A light breeze touches her leaves. There is a feeling that they, like a swarm of bees, are telling a story. But you can't sit for a long time, you can fall asleep listening to a birch tree and breathing fresh air.

There are many riches in the forest: different berries, which replace each other from June to late autumn, mushrooms, nuts, useful herbs. Don't be lazy this season. In winter, every spoonful of jam or herbal tea will remind you of warm summer days.

Even the sky in summer is special. It changes its mood quite often, but it always evokes only positive emotions. Blue-white shade of clear weather

Replaced by rainy dark clouds. But this is not frustrating. Summer rain is warm and pleasant, nourishes the whole nature with life-giving moisture.

And how beautiful the lake and the river are, surrounded by a forest. The sun is reflected in the water and beckons to plunge into this depth. You can take a fishing rod and wait for a rich catch. But the presence of annoying mosquitoes and midges sometimes interferes with this pleasure.

Multicolored butterflies flutter leisurely, flying from one flower to another. A hardworking bee is in a hurry to collect nectar. The grasshopper chirps in the grass. You can consider it if you go for this sound.

High in the sky swallows and swifts frolic, which then fly high, then descend to the ground itself. The singing of invisible birds is heard, the cuckoo cuckoo, the woodpecker is engaged in the work of a forest orderly.

Everything pleases in the summer. Nature is full of life.

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I really enjoy spending time in the village with my grandmother. She has a wonderful little house where I am always greeted with warmth. Even in the winter season, I feel great in this place! Why? The answer is simple! This is an amazingly quiet place. At the entrance to the village, only the barking of dogs disturbs the tranquility of the silent nature. I walk up to a pretty courtyard. An old house looks at me affably. The wooden windows are covered with hoarfrost, which gives a special fabulous allurement to this place. Already from the doorway I can smell the pies. Grandma joyfully greets

He escorts me to the living room. It's so cozy here! A pleasant atmosphere surrounds me, supported by the warmth of the fire in the stove, grandmother's stories and fairy tales. To the right of the entrance to the room is a huge old wardrobe. He has seen a lot, as well as the unusual objects that stand inside him. These old vases, a small snuff-box with a porcelain lid, various statues. But the most important thing is the books. This cabinet seems to have gathered the entire long history of our planet. Here are children's books, and educational-philosophical, and lyrical works of different years. There are also encyclopedias ready to tell a lot to those who want it. Directly opposite this rare giant there is a large window from which the entire street is perfectly visible. The snow is falling thickly behind the glass, and I watch the beauty of nature, sitting in a comfortable armchair with a cup of tea. In the middle there is a table, full of food, but ready at any time to get rid of this burden and provide a place for reading or other no less important things. Grandma's house in this quiet village is just a magical place where a bygone past comes to life. I would visit him much more often, but, alas, it turns out only on weekends to escape from the shem city into this mysterious silence. Good luck!

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Bunin wrote the work "In the Village" in 1897. This is one of the most poetic stories of the writer, it is filled with an extraordinary love for the rural landscape.

Bunin dedicated several stories and novellas to the village. It is worth saying that this topic was quite relevant for many writers at the turn of the century. The question of the fate of the Russian peasantry at that time was very acute. If in the nineteenth century in many works of art there is extra pastoralism, then at the beginning of the twentieth century prose writers began to depict rural life without embellishment.

Features of the work of Bunin

"In the Country" is a story that still has optimistic notes. The author mentions the poverty of the peasantry only in passing. The story is told from the first person - from the perspective of a little boy. The author recalls his childhood. It is not easy to summarize "In the Village" by Bunin. It is an extremely poetic work that shows very few events.


If you retell "In the Village" by Bunin chapter by chapter, you need to adhere to the following plan:

  1. Waiting for the holiday.
  2. Way home.
  3. Return to the city.

As you can see from the plan presented above, there is no plot as such in the story. Most of the work is devoted to the road. First, the boy with his father goes to his native village, then returns to the city. About how the Christmas holidays are, nothing is said.

Mainly in Bunin's work is the village. It was to her that the writer dedicated this short story. And the story of a boy who missed his home and was happy with his father's arrival is probably just an excuse to glorify the rural landscape - gray and unsightly for a person who cannot appreciate its beauty, and beautiful for the author and his heroes.

Waiting for the holiday

The boy studies at the city gymnasium, lives away from his family. At home only during the holidays. The work "In the Village" by Ivan Bunin tells about the events that take place on the eve of the Christmas holidays. The father comes for the boy and takes him to the village, where he will spend two weeks.

As a child, the narrator thought that after the Christmas holidays, spring would come. He was looking forward to Christmas time, and on the way to the gymnasium he looked into the shop windows, where many elegant Christmas tree decorations had already been displayed. The boy was sure that the real, harsh and gray winter was over. After all, my father is coming soon. He saw him infrequently, only on holidays.

Finally, that day has come. In the apartment where the boy lived, the bell rang. It was the father. The whole evening the schoolboy did not leave him, and before going to bed he dreamed of how he would spend time in his native village. In the morning they hit the road.

Way home

Everything pleased him on those days before Christmas. And the long way home along the snow-covered road. And the coachman, who snapped the whip menacingly, shouted at the horse. And huge snowdrifts under the porch of their home.

The word "spring" is often used in the story. What does this time of year have to do with the January holidays? But isn’t the spring mood attending to a child who is finally at home? Also, perhaps, spring is mentioned, because the hero associates it with the house.

In the village

The next day, the boy woke up early, studied the bizarre drawings on the glass for a long time, and then asked his father to go for a ride on the slide. Severe frosts did not frighten him. And he still believed that spring was just around the corner. He did not want to leave the yard at all. Everything made me happy. He wandered into the courtyard, where the cows dozed, the sheep scurried and the horses, which had lost weight during the winter, roamed about. Here he smelled a mixture of hay and snow. And these were the happiest moments in his short life.

A happy person does not notice the time. Griboyedov said something similar once. The boy, drowning in happy dreams, did not notice how the holidays flew by. It's time to head back to town. His father equipped him for the trip and gave him instructions. And to cheer up a little, he promised to buy a stallion by the spring. For the next months, the boy will dream about how he will ride a horse and go hunting with his father. He is very sad to leave his home. But he agrees with his father: spring will come very soon.

Return to the city

The work is imbued with love for rural landscapes. On the way, my father talks about the village, about why people think that living here is boring. Already from a few phrases of the hero, the reader understands that this man is very wise. The man says that the village is not boring at all, but there is indeed a lot of poverty here. In order to avoid it, you need to work hard. And then there will be a good life in the village. After all, only here you can understand what real spring is. In the city, a person does not fully notice the beauty of the thaw. There he pays more attention to bright signs. One can fall in love with nature only in the countryside - that is, perhaps, the main idea of ​​Bunin's story.

On the way to the city, the boy admires the scenery again. He thinks that these huge snowdrifts will soon melt, and even poor black huts will change their appearance - they will become cheerful and clean. He likes country houses, especially brick ones, those that belong to wealthy peasants. In such huts it always smells of freshly baked bread, wet straw lies on the floor, there are a lot of people, and everyone is at work.

They are leaving the village. Around the endless fields. Black peasant huts are behind ...

From the history of writing

At the beginning of the 20th century, Bunin began work on a series of works dedicated to rural life. But the main work in this collection was not a story, a summary of which is presented above, but a completely different work. It is called simply - "Village".

When writing this work, the author set himself the following task: to show a simple Russian peasant without embellishment, while emphasizing the hopelessness of his existence. At the beginning of the century, quite tragic events took place in Russia, from which rural residents suffered primarily. But in the story "Village" Bunin showed poverty not so much material as spiritual. At the same time, he portrayed a picture of village poverty quite realistically.

The writer sympathized with the peasants with all his heart. Exhausted by hard work, throughout their lives they were subjected to humiliation and hopeless poverty. But it is worth saying that despite the rather sad background, the Bunin heroes have spontaneity, childish naivety and an amazing love of life.

These two works on the village are completely different. The first, the content of which is conveyed in this article, is about a wise villager. The father of the protagonist does not suffer from poverty. One of the peasants calls schoolboy - the main hero - "barchuk", but affectionately, without anger and envy. The boy's father is used to working hard, loves his native land and instills this love in his little son. This hero is, perhaps, an example of a correct villager in the understanding of Bunin.

The story "Village" shows the wretchedness of the spiritual world of the descendants of the former serf. The characters of this work live in a village called Durnovo, which speaks for itself.

Landscape in Bunin's story

The prose of this writer is extremely poetic. He achieved real mastery, of course, in the creation of works dedicated to love. Bunin is known primarily as the author of short romantic stories, for example, the stories included in the collection "Dark Alleys". But the famous love stories were written much later, already in exile. In Russia, for the writer, apparently, the theme of the village was much more important - beggar, gray, sometimes gloomy, but very beloved by the last Russian classic.

In order to understand how important the role of the landscape in a literary work, you should read one of the stories of Ivan Bunin. And first of all, the one we are talking about in today's article. When immersed in the world of Bunin's images, it is as if you find yourself in another time. You can feel that amazing mixture of the smells of hay and snow, which so pleased the hero of the story "In the Village". You see endless snow-white fields, and in the distance - black peasant huts. The summary does not convey the richness of the Bunin language. In order to appreciate it, the work should be read in the original.

For rural sociology, important methodological principles are, first, that agricultural production is a sphere that ensures the integrity of the national economic organism and without which the functioning of other industries is impossible; secondly, the involvement of a huge number of people in work, in life in the countryside - the number of rural residents in Russia in 1989 amounted to 39 million people, or 26% of the total population.

Before the revolution, when the village consisted of small producers, it was a fairly strong, stably conservative unit with a tendency to further isolation and fragmentation. At the first stages of the existence of collective forms of management, the village and its main social institutions - the collective farm, the state farm - basically coincided with each other. Later, starting from the 50-60s, when the focus on concentration, specialization and enlargement of agricultural production intensified, the village, as a unity of production and territorial aspects of people's life, disintegrated again, but now on a different basis, which, as life has shown , turned into major economic and social miscalculations. This gap is especially clearly visible in the ratio of the number of collective and state farms and rural settlements: already in 1980, one agricultural enterprise accounted for an average of 10 settlements.

By the mid-1980s, the situation in agriculture showed in its entirety the crisis that the agrarian policy had led to. The face of the countryside was determined not by the small number of advanced collective and state farms, but by their bulk, which more and more lagged behind the real needs of the time, marked the dead end to which the process of collectivization in the country resulted in the ruin of the countryside, mass migration, and a decline in the prestige of work. on the ground. And the apotheosis of all this is the import of grain into our country since the beginning of the 60s.

The economic crisis in the countryside was accompanied by far-reaching changes in social life. A very difficult socio-demographic situation has developed in the village, which first of all manifested itself in the intensification of migration processes. The decrease in the rural population was mainly due to the center of the European part, the North and Siberia (T.I. Zaslavskaya).

Technological progress, attempts to improve organizational forms of management did not lead to efficiency and a new quality of labor, which put on the agenda such urgent issues as changing the forms of land tenure, the qualitative structure of employment, and training workers capable of radically increasing labor productivity.

It is important to look at rural life from another angle. Despite repeated attempts to improve the material well-being of rural residents (for example, from 1970 to 1989, the salary of a state farm worker increased from 98.5 to 196 rubles), the level of real incomes of collective farmers and state farm workers was seriously inferior to this indicator in cities. And not so much in terms of the difference in wages, but in the fact that rural workers do not use the range of benefits for housing, utilities, and the transport network that workers living in cities have.

There are still many problems associated with meeting the spiritual needs of the population. Although some quantitative characteristics of social and cultural development at first glance were improving (the size of the housing stock, the number of club institutions and cinema installations), one cannot fail to notice the poverty of that book fund, the absence of clubs and houses of culture, not only in many villages and cities, but even in regional centers. (in 1986, about 400 regional centers did not have houses of culture). In general, cultural services in the countryside do not meet the needs of the time, the needs of rural workers.

But the main thing is that the consciousness and behavior of the peasantry has radically and strategically changed, which has developed a special form of lifestyle and a specific reaction to the processes taking place in society. At the beginning of collectivization, in the 30s, the relationship between the collective farm and the family yard developed in such a way that the collective farm acted as a kind of branch of the peasant family economy. This was manifested in the fact that the peasant worked just as stubbornly, selflessly and persistently on the collective farm, as he was used to working on his individual farm, regardless of any costs or time. However, in the 50s and 60s, a process of “quiet collectivization” took place, which, in the words of V.G. Vinogradsky, in its form meant the enlargement of collective farms, the closure of unpromising villages, and in fact, carried out a radical restructuring of peasant life: now the courtyard has become to the branch of the collective farm. The yard was placed at the center of the rural dweller's concerns, he fed, developed, subsisted on the collective farm, began to quickly, systematically and consciously connect to the financial and resource potential of collective farms and state farms, fully embodying the well-known saying: “Everything around is collective farm, everything around my".

It is this situation, when the courtyard and the collective farm (state farm) - mutual branches, mutual "filters" and mutual "lands" - explains the fierce resistance to the precocious agrarian policy of the neoliberal persuasion, which in the early 90s was intent on "benefiting" the peasants without their knowledge and desires.

And if we take into account that at the same time there was a disintegration of the intellectual environment of the village, then all this allows us to conclude: the position of the peasant is seriously destabilized, the process of peasantization continues, the villagers have lost in many ways the necessary spiritual communion with the land. There was an alienation of the rural man from labor and its results, which, in turn, could not but affect the economic and social efficiency of agriculture as a whole (P.I.Simush).

The public consciousness of the peasantry, like no other group, presents a very contradictory picture. And most importantly, even those sprouts of the revival of the landlord's attitude to the land, which appeared among some of both former and current peasants, were actually ruined by the unreasonable agrarian policy of the new political leaders of Russia.

Chepizhko Pavel

This work belongs to the course "Geographic Local Lore". The work is devoted to a comprehensive description of a small village located in the central part of Russia. The village of Derbuzhie is the pupil's small homeland, and therefore its past and present are interesting to him. The main purpose of the work was to give a geographical description of the village.



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Research work on the topic "Comprehensive description of the village of Derbuzhie"

This work belongs to the course "Geographical Local Lore". The work is devoted to a comprehensive description of a small village located in the central part of Russia. The village of Derbuzhie is my small homeland, and therefore its past and present are interesting to me. The main purpose of the work was to give a geographical description of the village. Tasks: 1. Collect and organize the material. 2. To issue the work electronically.

Geographical position The village of Derbuzhie is located on the eastern outskirts of the Spirovsky district of the Tver region. This territory belongs to Central Russia.

Factors influencing the development Positive factors: Remoteness from large settlements and industrial facilities made it possible to preserve nature. There is a road connecting the village with the regional center. Negative factors: Small aging population. Lack of jobs.

Population Year Number of P S E pr. Migration 2006 59 1 1 0 2007 55 0 0 0 -4 2008 54 1 2 -1 -1 2009 49 0 3 -3 -4 2010 41 0 0 0 -5

Infrastructure The village has a dirt road, water supply, power supply, post office, liquefied gas is brought from Spirov.

Economic activity Animal husbandry. Until the mid-90s, animal husbandry was widely developed in Derbuzhie. Cattle, sheep, and pigs were raised here. The big sheepfold was in Panikha. A pig farm with a broodstock was in Polyuzhie. At the moment, there is a Musaev farm in the village, in which there are about 70 heads of dairy herds and 40 heads for fattening. And also the Chepizhko farm, in which there are ≈ 50 pigs for fattening and several sows giving offspring. Plant growing. The main crops grown in the area are oats and flax. Previously, rye was sown, and even earlier buckwheat was grown. Vegetable growing in this area is not developed. Growing potatoes is laborious because the soil is rocky. In this regard, only a potato digger can be used from agricultural machinery; it is necessary to plant and collect potatoes manually.

Education Former elementary school. There are currently no educational institutions in the village. But about 15 years ago, in the neighboring village of Polyuzhye, there was an elementary school in which children from two villages studied. After graduating from the fourth grade, the students moved to Biryuchevskaya secondary school. But every year the number of students became less and less. One year before the school closed, it had one teacher and four students. The school is now completely destroyed.

Culture There are no cultural objects in the form of houses of culture, clubs, sports facilities in the village. But locals organize their holidays using the possibilities of nature. For example: they are engaged in landscape design, relax in nature, go to the forest for mushrooms and berries.

Trade network In the neighboring village of Polyuzhye there is a store owned by the District Consumer Society. The goods are brought from Spirov. Most of the population makes purchases in this store.

Historical outline Until 1965 the village of Derbuzhie and other nearby villages (Panikha, Kruchinka, Derguny, Yablonka) were part of the same collective farm "Truzhenik" People worked without wages, only once a year they received money (1 workday - 5 kopecks). Then the collective farm was transformed into a state farm. After that, the state began to supply the people with equipment, compound feed, and the state farm handed over everything to the state. The road Biryuchevo - Derbuzhie was built in the mid-80s. The bus began to run in the 90th year.

Monuments The main attraction of the village was the old chapel, which was demolished before the start of the Great Patriotic War. The old-timers say that it was a very beautiful, carved chapel surrounded by a stone fence.

Development prospects. The countryside has no particular prospects, since agriculture in the country as a whole is in decline, changes are possible if the state changes its policy in the field of rural development: gas, roads, and jobs will appear in the countryside. Also, the prospects depend on the personal initiative of the population.

Thank you for the attention!


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