Particles in Russian. Introducing: modal particle

Particle- one of the service parts of speech. It adds additional shades of meaning to the sentence.into words, phrases and sentences,and can also form word forms.The main role of particles (general grammatical meaning) is to introduce additional shades into the meanings of other words, groups of words or sentences. Particles clarify, highlight, and strengthen those words that are necessary for a more precise expression of the content: « Already the sky was breathing in autumn, Already the sun shone less often.» ( Pushkin A.S.) Already- a particle with an intensifying value.

Particles arose later than other parts of speech. By origin, the particles are related to in different parts speech: with adverbs ( only, only, barely, just, right and etc.); with verbs ( let, let, come on, let it be, it would be, after all, you see and etc.); with unions (oh, yes, and, well and etc.); with pronouns ( everything, it, what for, then, this, itself etc.), with interjections ( there, well and etc.). Some particles are not related to other parts of speech by origin: here you go and etc.

There are few particles in the Russian language. In terms of frequency of use, they are in the first hundred of the most used words (as well as prepositions, conjunctions and some pronouns). This hundred most frequent words includes 11 particles ( no, same, here, only, yet, already, well, neither, even, whether, after all ).

In their structure and functions, particles are similar to adverbs, conjunctions and interjections.

Particles differ from significant parts of speech in that they do not have lexical meanings, therefore particles are not members of the sentence, but can be part of the members of the sentence. Particles differ from prepositions and conjunctions in that they do not express grammatical relationships between words and sentences, i.e. the particle never connects anything.

When parsing the particle is highlighted together with the word it refers to or is not highlighted at all.

In the science of the Russian language there is no consensus according to particle classification. Classifications may vary among different authors.

Particles are divided into 3 categories - semantic, negative And formative.
Form-forming particles include let's, yes, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's. Unlike semantic particles, formative particles are part of the verb form and the same part of the sentence as the verb: I wouldn’t know if he hadn’t told.

Particle- one of the service parts of speech. It adds additional shades of meaning to a sentence and can also form word forms.

Shaping particles: let, let, yes, let's - form together with the verb the form of the imperative mood, for example: let them run, let's make peace, let there be peace.

Particle would forms the conditional form of the verb: I would like, I would say, I would go.

Particles that introduce different shades of meaning are divided into

affirmative(yes, yes, exactly, yes),

negative(no, neither)

interrogative(really, really, really, really, really),

comparative(as, as if, as if, exactly, as if, as if, as if)

amplifiers(even, still, after all, already, everything, after all, simply, directly),

index fingers(there, this, here),

clarifying(exactly, just, truly, exactly)

excretory-restrictive(only, only, at least, entirely, exclusively)

exclamation marks(what the, that, how, well, after all),

expressing doubts(hardly, hardly).

Semantic and negative particles are presented below in table form

Particles Shades of meaning Usage examples
not, nor, not at all, far from, by no means negation He not far as generous as it seemed
really, really, really question Really don't you notice this?
here, there it is indication Take it Here this book
exactly, just, directly, exactly, exactly clarification He exactly the same like his grandfather
only, only, exclusively, almost, solely restriction, allocation We only since you saw him
what the, well, how exclamation marks Well you have a huge dog!
even, neither, nor, after all, really, after all, well gain Even and don't think about it
hardly, hardly. doubt Hardly you can do it

Particles must be distinguished from interjections Oh, well, ah, oh etc., used to express an intensifying connotation, which (unlike interjections) are not separated by commas (and are not accented).

What is a particle in Russian? Previously, particles meant all auxiliary parts of speech. In the 19th century representative of the Kharkov linguistic school A.V. Dobiash began to classify particles as a separate category, which was the beginning of a narrow approach to the issue of particles. V.V. Vinogradov also devoted his works to their research.

Demonstrative particles in the Russian language are included in the category To learn how to correctly identify examples of demonstrative particles in a sentence, it is not enough to learn this list; it is necessary to correctly determine the semantic relationships within a phrase or sentence.

Particle as a separate part of speech

In modern morphology, a particle is an auxiliary part of speech that carries additional semantic, evaluative or emotional meaning of a word, phrase or sentence, and can also serve to form some forms of the word.

The particles themselves do not express lexical meaning, but they can be homonymous to some significant words.


  1. She hasn't arrived yet (yet - adverb). When else will she arrive? (also a particle)
  2. The summer was cold (was - verb). She went, but came back (it was a particle).

The main difference between particles and prepositions and conjunctions is their inability to express grammatical relationships. What makes them similar to other function words is their immutability and lack of a syntactic role (that is, they are not members of sentences). However, it is worth noting that the word “yes” as an affirmative particle, and the word “no” as a negative particle, no can become independent indivisible sentences. But at the same time, one should not confuse the particle “no” with negative word"no" which is used in impersonal sentences. For example: “No, just listen to how she sings!” (no - particle). “I don’t have time” (no is a negative word). During parsing a particle can be highlighted together with the main word on which it depends, or not highlighted at all.

Types of particles depending on their composition

Based on their composition, particles are divided into simple and compound. Simple ones consist of one word (would, whether, zhe), and compound ones consist of two (rarely more) words (that would be, however, unlikely). Compounds, in turn, can be disjunctive, when in a sentence it is possible to divide a particle in other words.

  1. I wish I could go to Moscow.
  2. I wish I could go to Moscow.

And indivisible, when dividing a particle in other words is impossible. Indivisible particles also include phraseologized particles, those combinations of function words, the semantic connection between which has now lost its original meaning (no other than that, it depends, it’s the same).

Particle functions

In oral and writing particles perform following functions expressions:

  • incentive, subjunctiveness, convention, desirability;
  • subjective-modal characteristics and assessments;
  • purpose, questioning, affirmation or negation;
  • action or state depending on its course in time, its completeness or incompleteness, the result of its implementation.

Particle discharges

In accordance with their functions, all particles are divided into categories:

  1. Formative (let, yes, let, would, etc.). They are used to form the imperative and conditional moods (let him run, would he run).
  2. Negative (no water, no bread; does not bring, not at all funny).
  3. Expressing a sign (action, state) depending on its course in time, its completeness or incompleteness, the result of its implementation.
  4. Modal particles. They carry additional semantic connotations or express feelings.

Types of modal particles

The group of modal particles is quite extensive and can be divided into several types:

  1. Demonstrative particles (here, there).
  2. Interrogative particles (is it, is it, really).
  3. Clarifying particles (precisely, exactly).
  4. Excretory-restrictive particles (only, simply, if only).
  5. Reinforcing particles (even, after all, after all).
  6. Exclamation particles (like, what for, well, right).
  7. Particles expressing doubt (hardly, hardly).
  8. Affirmative particles (exactly, yes, yes).
  9. Particles expressing mitigation to the requirement(s).

Demonstrative particles

The discharge of a particular particle can only be determined in context, since many of them are homonymous. Therefore, it is necessary to know what values ​​the particles of each category have. Demonstrative particles are those that point to objects, actions and phenomena of the surrounding reality, and also connect and demonstratively emphasize words. The most common examples of this type: this, here, there, it, colloquial - in, some others. According to some studies, a postpositive particle is also adjacent to demonstrative particles - in combinations like: then, there, the same, the same, in the same place, where it is connected to pronouns using the agglutination method. Examples of demonstrative particles: “Here is my house”, “There is my garden”, “What kind of song is this?”

Some features of demonstrative particles

The specifics of the use of demonstrative particles can be considered using the example of the demonstrative particle - out. The fact is that in the process of using this particle in various contexts, a shift in emphasis is observed from it. For example, in the sentences: “There he goes” and “There it is,” an intonation difference is clearly visible.

You can more clearly trace the relationship of the remaining particle categories with the index ones in the table.

Modal (express semantic shades and feelings)

index fingers

this, there, here, here and


just, exactly, almost


really, really, really

exclamation marks

just, what the, well, straight


only, at least (would), only, just only, simply, just


after all, only, after all, even


yes, yes, exactly

express doubts

hardly, hardly

express a relaxation of the demands

Ka (come on)


form the imperative mood

yes, come on, let's, let, let

Let there be light!

form a conditional mood

I would like to ride on horseback.


complete negation when used before a predicate

Mom didn't come.

partial negation when used before the rest of the sentence

It wasn't mom who came.

for approval in exclamatory and interrogative sentences

Who have I met!

inside stable combinations

almost, not at all, almost

with double negative

to enhance when negative

There are no songs or poems.

Neither fish nor meat, neither this nor that.

to strengthen the statement in subordinate clauses with a concessionary connotation

Wherever you go, remember home.

Particles are used quite often both in oral and written speech, so to use them correctly you need to be able to determine their meaning and category. To practice this skill, you can look for examples of demonstrative particles or other discharges in works of art with daily reading.

There is no meaning in the linguistic literature.

Vinogradov V.V. identified 8 categories of particles:

  1. Reinforcing-restrictive, or excretory particles: only, only, at least.
  2. Connecting particles: also, also.
  3. Determinative particles: exactly, truly, just.
  4. Demonstrative particles: here, over there, this.
  5. Indefinite particles: -this, -either, -something, something-.
  6. Quantitative particles: almost, exactly, exactly.
  7. Negative particles: not and neither.
  8. Modal verb particles: would, yes, even if, if only.

Shansky N.M. and Tikhonov A.N. distinguish four categories of particles according to meaning: semantic, modal, emotionally expressive, formative.

Semantic particles

Semantic particles express different semantic shades of meaning.

They are divided into several subgroups:

1. Demonstrative particles. Point to objects and phenomena outside world: here, over there, this, it, in.

  • Here front entrance.
  • (N. A. Nekrasov)
  • Who This have you come?
  • It , of course, it's easy to say.

2. Definitive-clarifying, or defining particles. Individual significant words in a sentence are clarified: exactly, exactly, exactly, almost, truly, just.

  • To me just this is where it needs to be.
  • This exactly that house?

3. Excretory-restrictive particles. With their help, a logical selection of words or phrases occurs: only, only, only, unless, although, at least, at least, only, exclusively, solely.

  • This only Start.
  • You at least call.

Semantic particles, according to N. M. Shansky and A. N. Tikhonov, are also adjacent to amplifiers particles acting in the function of secretions: even, (even and), after all, already (already), well, nor, yet, then, simply, directly, positively, definitely, decisively.

  • All this Just little things, maybe...
  • (J. Gordon Byron)
  • Even do not think!

Modal particles

Modal particles express an attitude towards the reliability of a statement.

There are several subgroups:

1. Affirmative particles: yes, yes, exactly, yeah, yeah, definitely, of course.

  • To me definitely I like his way of thinking.

2. Negative particles: not, nor, no, not at all, not at all.

  • In the sky neither clouds.

3. Interrogative particles: whether, perhaps, really, how, what, or what, but, yes.

  • Isn't it can this be done?
  • Really is everything behind?

4. Comparative particles: as if, as if, exactly, as if, as if, as if, as if.

  • She like has changed.
  • Exactly you didn't know.

5. Particles used to convey someone else’s speech: they say (Old Russian deet “says” + skazati), they say (said), -de, supposedly.

  • And if I see- de that the punishment is too small for him,
  • I will immediately hang all the judges around the table.
  • (I. A. Krylov)
  • Allow me to leave,
  • They say , dear case,
  • Like, because local,
  • The yard is just a stone's throw away.
  • (A. T. Tvardovsky)
  • So tell me: Arkady, they say , Ivanovich Svidrigailov bows.
  • (F. M. Dostoevsky)

Emotionally expressive particles

Emotionally expressive particles enhance the expressiveness of an emotional statement: what the, well, where there, how, like this, where, where there, what’s there, this and that, that’s it.

  • Well what the neck, what the little eyes!
  • (I. A. Krylov)
  • Where you have to compete with me,
  • With me, with Balda himself?
  • (A.S. Pushkin)

Shaping particles

Shaping particles are used to form surreal(particle would) and: yes, let, let, yes, let's.

  • Let's compliment each other.
  • (B. Okudzhava)
  • I wanted would live and die in Paris,
  • If b there was no such land - Moscow.
  • (V.V. Mayakovsky)

Babaytseva V.V. and Chesnokova L.D. include here the words most, more and less, which are used to form analytical forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives. In addition, following Vinogradov V.V. to formative particles they relate something, -or, -something, something.

Particles do not have lexical meanings (and in this way they differ from significant parts of speech) and do not express grammatical relations between words and sentences (and in this way they differ from auxiliary parts of speech).

Particles are:

Intensifying (even, even, then, and, neither, after all, etc.)

Restrictive (only, only, etc.)

Index (here, there, that)

Interrogative (whether, really, really, really, a)

Exclamation marks (what for, how, etc.)

Negative (not, not at all, far from, not at all)

Formative particles that serve to form the forms of words and new words occupy an intermediate position between function words and prefixes and suffixes:

1) particles if only, let, let, yes, it was, serving to express moods or shades of moods in verbs;

2) undefined particles: -something, -either, -something, -;

3) negative particle "not" serves not only to express negation, but also to form words with the opposite meaning. In this case, it acts as a prefix:

friend - foe, cheerful - sad, smart - stupid.

Separate writing of particles

1) Particles would (b), same (f), whether (l) written separately:

I would honor it if it were, here, which one, however, however, hardly, hardly.

The rule does not apply to cases where the specified particles are part of the word: so that, also, also, really, or and etc.

2) Particles after all, there, here, even, they say written separately:

so, right there, like that, even him; brought it, they say.

Hyphenated spelling of particles

1) Particles are written with a hyphen -de, -ka, something- (koy-), (-kas - dial.), -either, -something, -s, -tka, -tko, -then:

you, she, here, here, look, someone, someone, someone, some, from somewhere, yes, well, look, so, somewhere, sometime, something.

Particle -de(colloquial) is used when conveying someone else’s speech, as well as in the meaning of the verb says (they speak) and in the meaning of the particles “say”, “they say”:

And if I see that his execution is too small, I will immediately hang all the judges around the table.

My fellow countryman turned to the commander at a halt: so and so, allow me to leave, they say, it’s an expensive occasion, they say, since I’m a local resident, it’s just a stone’s throw from the yard.

2) Particle they say(colloquial) was formed by merging two words: de and say.

3) Particle -With(derived from the word sir) gives a connotation of servility and obsequiousness:

Chatsky. Lured by honors and nobility?

Molchalin. No, sir, everyone has their own talent...

Chatsky. You?

Molchalin. Two: moderation and accuracy.

If between the particle ko- (koi-) and the pronoun there is a preposition, then the whole combination is written apart:

from someone, on something, from someone, with someone.

4) Particle -yes(“still”, “however”, “nevertheless”, “in fact”, “eventually”) is written with a hyphen:

after the verbs - they persuaded him, he showed up;

after adverbs - truly, for a long time, again, again;

after particles - after all, quite, really, really.

In other cases, the particle is written separately:

The secretary, although he felt a slight dissatisfaction, was still glad to have such old women among the assets of the district.

But although the temptation was great, I still managed to overcome myself.

5) Particle -That a hyphen is added to pronouns and adverbs both to express uncertainty and to give an emotional coloring to the statement:

Why did your heart go bad?

Note 1. A combination like this (“namely”) is written separately before listing homogeneous members:

In mixed forests there are a variety of trees, such as birch, aspen, cedar, and pine.

Note 2. If the particle "-" is inside compound word written with a hyphen, the hyphen is placed before the particle and omitted after it:

Bandage it crosswise (compare: crosswise);

Exactly, but that’s not the point (compare: exactly).

Note 3. If a particle that is written with a hyphen comes after another particle, then the hyphen is not written:

still, somewhere; with whom, supposedly, this does not happen (compare: after all, with whom, supposedly, this does not happen).

Exception: before the particle -s the hyphen is preserved: Would you like to take a bite, sir?

The particles “not” and “neither” are in the next post.

In a sentence. Particles in the Russian language are designed to give a variety of additional shades to words or even entire sentences. The second role of particles is word formation; with their help, word forms are formed.

For example:

1. Only he needs you.

Particle only enhances the meaning of the pronoun You in a sentence.

2. Let it will be the way you want.

Using a particle let The imperative mood of the verb is formed: let will.

Although particles in the Russian language are not members of a sentence, they are inextricably included in its composition. For example:

1. Not the wind It's noisy outside the window and it's not rain.

Particles needed:

Imperative ( yes, let him, let him, come on): let will try;

Conditional ( would, b): sat down would, told would ;

2) when forming adverbs and adjectives, their degrees of comparison - less, more, most. For example: more important,less interesting, most brave, more powerful, less bright;

3) when creating a discharge: -something, -something, -either. For example: something, someone, anyone, somebody and etc.

The role of such particles is close to the role of morphemes.

Particle values

Particles in the Russian language give different shades to a sentence as a whole or to one word.

Particles really, really, really- interrogative. They are often used in questions. For example: Really forgiven? Isn't it is there anything more interesting?

Exclamation particles what the, how convey indignation, surprise, delight. For example: How the world is wide! What the lovely!

Reinforcing particles ( after all, even, after all) are used if you need to strengthen a single word. For example: Even do not think! Still Great! He same It's my own fault!

In Russian it is Not And neither. They approach denial in different ways. Particle Not makes both the word and the entire sentence negative:

1. Not this may happen! The whole sentence is negative.

2. Not the wind broke the branch. The only negative word is wind.

In the case of two particles Not in a sentence, instead of a negative one, they create a positive meaning: I Not Can Not agree with you!

Neither- a particle designed to enhance the meaning of negation, especially if the sentence already has a negation or particle Not. For example: From the sky Not fell neither drops. Not in the forest neither mushroom, neither berries.

In Russian, these are those that are associated with the expression of shades of meaning, attitude or feeling. This group includes the above categories and some others. Non-modal particles, not associated with the expression of feelings, were classified by Vinogradov as semantic.

This category of particles includes:

A group of defining and clarifying ones, such as exactly, exactly, simply etc. For example: exactly this, smooth as many.

A group of excretory-restrictive particles - only, only, exclusively etc. For example: only This, exclusively white.

Demonstrative particles here, there, which seem to indicate an object worthy of attention. For example: Here road!

All particles in the Russian language perform grammatical, lexical and word-formation functions. When used skillfully, they can enrich our speech, make it more colorful and varied.

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