What does it take to write well? How to learn to write and compose poetry from scratch? “Few people have the gift of poetry, but everyone can learn to write poetry!”

  • Tutorial

On my way I met the most different people writing professions: from editors, copywriters, writers just to real writers. He pestered everyone with a request to teach them how to write, and an intelligible answer on how to write? - I didn’t hear, but all the answers can somehow be ranked.

“This is not given to everyone...”

This answer is the worst. There are two reasons for this (to choose from): a) whether a person consciously or not sees you as a competitor; b) a person does not own the technology, but uses techniques at the level of intuition.

“Well, this is art...”

Any creativity or art, call it what you want, can be called a process, and the process can be called technology. It is the technology of writing that few people know, and few people talk about it. No, this is not art, the artist has paints, techniques, he doesn’t paint with air?

“Well, read something for example...”

You can read all your life, but when will you write? And if you read Faust, how can you write anything after that? You feel like a voiceless midge that only needs to be silent and listen, that is, read. There are many examples when a person who has nothing to do with writing became a writer.

By luck, I met a writer who wrote for a living. He pointed me in the right direction, that writing is as much a profession or, more precisely, a craft.

Where does mastery begin?

With exercises. For a writer, the most important and first exercise is writing an essay. This is a short one literary form- the basis for building great novels. For example, we open Remarque “On western front no change” - sitting in a trench - a half-page essay, half a page - an essay about the memory of home, then a half-page about the bombing - from such essays Remarque turned out thick novels. The topic for an essay can be anything - a pillar, the thoughts of a stray dog, or even a day - the essay will be an entry in a diary. The length of an essay can be from a couple of sentences to several pages. An essay is for a writer as a sketch is for an actor, as a play or vocalise is for a musician.

I will try to outline a few principles that helped me in mastering the craft:

1. Don't lie. Write only the truth. This is difficult to explain - but you cannot lie to yourself, otherwise people are not fools - they will see the deception. Here you need the skill of not lying, at least to yourself, and not to others. There are 2 extremes: a) striptease (this also includes the negative subconscious) b) fear of saying anything at all, because we often lie without thinking. No, write as sincerely as possible, even if you are sincerely mistaken, it will be your truth. But if you betray the truth that is inside you, this is fraught not only with your texts, but also with your head.

2. Euphony. Write euphoniously. Consonances should be pleasant to external and internal hearing. “Game or business - eat Mars boldly” - a combination of dull and hissing - is not the most pleasant in the Russian language. It is better to avoid such combinations: “Design - beauty in functionality” - this phrase is not functional, due to the monstrous combination of sounds. This means you need to look for other options - they exist, you just need to look. It’s easy to check the euphony - read what you wrote - if it hurts your ears, rewrite it.

3. Seven words in a sentence. Yes, yes, I know that a lot of people will come running now - they say that we have rich and powerful people, that there are complex and complex sentences. Thank you, I'm aware - complex sentences beautiful, I don’t argue, but we are talking about the beginning. To immediately write/play symphonies, to immediately think/write in complex structures that are easy to read, moreover, so that they are pleasant to read—no one undertakes this—it won’t work. You must first learn how to burn bricks, and then take on something more complicated. Writing in long sentences is aerobatics, not every writer can do it. Remember Tolstoy’s kilometer-long sentences in War and Peace; I’m not sure that these phrases inspire everyone. I advise you to listen again and count the words: “my uncle is the most fair rules, when I seriously fell ill...", etc.

4. No inspiration. This word is so raped that it’s simply embarrassing to use it. There is an objective reality, and to think that something “from above” will fall on our heads, or on our heads, is naive. We have a huge and powerful machine - the subconscious, it needs to be loaded correctly, and it will produce high-quality and necessary things. What I mean is this: What questions are you asking? What are you thinking about? What are you reading about? What are your dreams? How do you look at others, at the world? What's brewing in your head? – This determines what and how you will produce on paper. A person “under inspiration” is the same as “high” - he doesn’t understand anything, is captured by his state and doesn’t see anything around him - you can drive a bicycle for a long time, or you can calmly drive a truck. Inspiration is schizophrenia creative person, less inspiration.

Discover any memoirs of recognized classics about how they wrote. You won't find a word about "inspiration" there. You will find information about how they set up the process. Exactly technological process: how they wrote down thoughts, how they worked with drafts, how and when they returned to the text, how they found topics for writing, how they processed and polished the text. That's what it's about we're talking about, and not about inspiration that you will never receive. You don’t have to wait, but work – and inspiration won’t come, but when you write a text, there will be something that you can return to and finish, and there won’t be empty thoughts.

Usually, everything that was recorded when the flow was going on requires severe and rigorous verification. After this, you need to calm down and choose all the most valuable things when you are no longer under “inspiration.” It's like, "Oh! I wrote such a cool thing! Wow, how cool!” You call a friend to read your creation to him, but, as luck would have it, he doesn’t pick up the phone. Damn, this is a masterpiece, s..., he doesn’t pick up the phone! Then you get up in the morning, go to the toilet, your creation catches your eye, and you think - how good it is that you didn’t answer the phone yesterday...

5. “Any fight begins with the first blow” - as my coach said, so any text begins with a shock phrase. Put everything you want to say and more into one sentence. Make this the tagline of your text. With a stressed phrase, you put a point and draw a line - you illustrate/reveal/decipher the stressed phrase. For example, in the shock phrase to this text, I laid out everything that I prove, showing that the craft of a writer is as earthly as all other professions. A shock phrase can consist of several words or one word: “Moscow. So much in this sound has merged for the Russian heart.” The shock phrase is Moscow. If in a conversation you try to put it all in one word with the right intonation and feeling, then everyone will understand the meaning that you have put in. And here there is only paper and a reader, you are not around to comment - so you need to put everything in the first sentence in order to set the necessary tuning fork for the reader to read the text that is no longer yours. It already belongs to the reader, and he is free to read it as he wants.

The shock phrase, by the way, solves the eternal dilemma - “What to write about?” and “Where to start?” Come up with an impact phrase - and that’s it, then it’s a matter of technique to write this impact phrase in the text.

6. While writing the text, you must make a discovery. If you haven’t done so, throw the text into the trash. Learn something new for yourself, even from seemingly ordinary objects. If your text is pure platitudes, throw it away.

7. Going beyond form. The words in the text must be used in such a way that you go beyond the ordinary meaning of the words. Kind of like in poetry - when the same words get new meaning and sound. This point is difficult to explain; you need offline work and examples. In a word, this is linked to the previous one: there is no opening - that means you have not gone beyond the limits of the form; if you have not gone beyond the limits of the form - there will be no opening.

8. Appreciate paper. In our age of terabytes, this is difficult to explain. Paper has become not only cheap, but generally free. Imagine that the paper on which you want to write something was made from antelope skin for a whole month. Did one or several people work for a whole month so that you could write something there, or better yet, did you work hard for a long time to make this paper? After this, you won’t write rubbish, and you will think many, many times, practice on the sand, before writing anything on such paper. And so! Sat down! Hit the keyboard and voila! Bam! I was weak, but what are you doing, here you go, everything is ready. The word depreciates along with the paper. So, for training, it is better to write on paper, and not on a computer - you will value paper more, and words, accordingly. Habr, in this regard, it’s also a very good thing - if you wrote something wrong, you won’t have the right to retake it, or you need to try really hard.

Please do not be surprised at the primitiveness of these principles - but they work. This is just the beginning, just the start, for writing person, so that he knows where to start, so that he has the technology in his hands to do something. It is clear that it is impossible to become a great master by observing only these principles, but it is quite possible to start mastering the craft.

Brain exercises

Another important exercise for a writer is to translate abstract things into concrete ones and vice versa. Those. if you have good mood- you must write in what specific way this is expressed (rapid heartbeat or something else), or something happened to you, you did something - you must express for yourself, draw abstract conclusions, generalizations about this. In the language of the Internet, online (thoughts) need to be translated into offline (specifics), and offline must be translated into online.

Speaking of philosophy. Whether you like it or not, when you write, your philosophy will be visible. Therefore, more often than not, writing is a mental discipline. If there are no harmonious judgments in your head, then do not have illusions - they will not exist on paper. If there are failures somewhere, they will be so clearly visible on paper that you yourself will feel sick of these mistakes. But then there is a big plus - we can work with it.

You need to carry a notepad with you. Covered with papers. As one philosopher said: “If you don’t write down the thought that arises in you at that very second, then you will never write it again.” And don’t indulge yourself with the illusion of having a full head - check yourself, write on paper what you’re thinking about - everything will become clear right away.

What mistakes do beginning writers make?

The very first and most important thing: to be a writer. I mean, it would be a mistake to constantly remember “that I am a writer” and pretend. No, you just need to write. Otherwise, this posturing becomes very easy to read and becomes boring. If you ask current writers who they feel like, many will simply say - I write and that’s it, and I get paid for it.

A good way to check your writings is to go with them to the editorial offices; if they pay at least 10 dollars, then it’s worth it. If not, you still need to continue.

I’ll say it again - these recommendations are not a panacea, they’re what helped me personally start writing, and I sincerely believe that if a person wants to learn to write, he should treat writing as a craft. Of course, not all artisans become masters, but without becoming an artisan, you will not have a single chance to become a master.

I don’t want to pretend to be smart, and to say that these are all my ideas would be untrue. The books and sources from which some ideas for this note were taken are given. But I can’t give exact references - I no longer remember where mine is, and what I rethought and passed off as my own. So just links:

Ayn Rand. The art of fiction
Gustav Vodicka. Writing courses
Nora Gal. The word is alive and dead
Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal. Practical stylistics of the Russian language

UPD from commentators (I haven’t read it myself):
Mario Vargas Llosa. Letters to a Young Novelist
Yuri Nikitin. How to become a writer
Leonid Kaganov.

Rap in last decades very popular among young people different countries. Many simply listen to him, some also adhere to a corresponding style of clothing and lifestyle. But there is also creative personalities who want to realize themselves in music. But how to do that? How to compose a rap? There are some basic points.

Rhythm selection

How to compose a rap? Usually, at the very beginning of the song creation process, a melody is born, and then the lyrics. Rap artists do the same thing - first there is a “sense of rhythm”, and then the words fall on it. This is why we can say that rhythm is the basis of a song. It is important that the text fits the given music. For example, an optimistic, humorous and cheerful text is not suitable for a clearly minor lyrical melody. For training, you can take some of your favorite rhythms. You must completely trust your intuition and musical instinct.

"Alien" rhythm

How to compose a rap? First you need to learn to get into the rhythm. Before settling on one variation, you need to listen a large number of very different. Listening to the rhythms, you can imagine what meaning would be embedded in the words that could fit a given rhythmic pattern. Only in this way can we answer the question that interests us. Even if you have an idea for a song (text, poetry), try to choose several options musical accompaniment. You can start by taking a rhythm from a soul song or old jazz - many have done and do this famous hip hop artists. So how to write a rap? First of all, you need to find your rhythmic pattern.

"Own" rhythm

After that, you need to try to compose the rhythm yourself. To do this, you can use a computer and programs for virtual music creation, for example, FL-Studio or Cubase. How to compose a rap? How to come up with a rhythm for it? This can be done using a virtual drum machine. The Roland TR 808 is canonical. Many classic tracks were written with its help. It has a variety of different drum, cymbal, snare, rattle and percussion sounds that can be programmed to create different rhythmic patterns and then processed to create a unique track.


How to compose a rap? The basis should be music, so after creating a rhythm, you need to decide on a melody for it. You can pick up an existing one and slightly modify it. After this, you need to try to record a so-called rough track. There is no need to be upset if it doesn’t turn out the way you hear in your head. The first pancake is always lumpy. However, while listening to it, you can (and should) look for your mistakes and analyze them.

Brainstorming when writing text

How to learn to compose rap on the go? This is the so-called freestyle - the highest degree of rapper skill. Naturally, this cannot be achieved quickly. But you can work on it.

Having a written rhythm and melody in hand, you need to try to improvise according to them. There is no need to take up pen and paper - it should be a pure flight of fancy. At first, thoughts will be confused, rhymes will be bad. But over time, they will begin to come together into already formed verses. And they can already be recorded and combined.

How to learn to compose rap? Follow the tips described above. This is how many modern talents learned to create music. Increase your text mass.

How to compose a rap? It is necessary to select key points from the recorded verses. Fill the text with idioms and metaphors. How to compose rap on the go? It is very important to be convincing. Concentrate on the most memorable images and lines. It's best to discard anything that doesn't fit the tone, mood, story, or theme. If it is difficult to determine what is appropriate and what is not, you can use one simple trick: sing the song from memory without looking at the lyrics. If you remember certain moment difficult, which means, with a high degree of probability, it is a weak part of the material. Such text must be reworked or cut out altogether. This is especially important if the future performer is thinking about how to write a rap about love. This intimate topic should not contain anything superfluous in the lyrics, otherwise it will quickly spoil the listener’s impression.

But how long should the song be? On average, these are two or three verses of several dozen bars and three or four choruses. In the chorus, the number of lines can vary, but it is not recommended to write too many of them, as the hook should be catchy.

Rhymes on the go

How to write rap anywhere? You just need to let your thoughts flow freely. Keep it with you notebook everywhere - in transport, while shopping, at work. As is often said in interviews with rappers, a very popular place to write lyrics is the shower, and the time before bed/after waking up. It is important not to miss the find, but to write it down immediately. Don’t get hung up on the idea of ​​“how to learn to compose rap on the go.” After the notebook is filled with lines of text, you can begin to edit them: analyze which rhymes and themes turn out better, which ones turn out worse, and so on.

The importance of a good hook

When a person writes a report, he starts with a thesis statement. But how does this rule apply to music? And at the same time, how to compose a rap? Let's start with the hook. This moment in the song is also simply called the chorus. The hook not only reflects the very essence and main theme of the composition. It should be catchy and unique. A good hook is the basis for rhythm and lyrics. If you don’t know how to compose a rap right away, on the fly, then you can take lines from another song and paraphrase them “to suit yourself.”

Song structuring

After creating the rhythm, melody and lyrics you need to add final version songs. You can start a verse from any part of the text, but you need to end it with lines that carry the main idea. How to compose a rap? The most popular structure is this: an introduction at the beginning, then a verse and chorus, again repeating the verse and chorus, after which there may be a bridge or some other inserts, and then the chorus again (sometimes you can repeat it several times, or make a modulation - a transition to different key). The ending can also be different: you can abruptly end the song, you can end with a recitative with minimal accompaniment, just a recitation, or go “fade” (that is, when the song gradually fades away). The song may have an insert (solo) on any instrument. It can be introduced, for example, before the last chorus. Very interesting is the use of backing vocals (additional, “backing up”). These can be either the voices of interested friends or your own, but in this case it will have to be slightly modified.

Hello regular subscribers and guests of my blog! Pavel Yamb is in touch. In today's article I want to talk about how to learn how to write interesting and useful content for websites.

We will look at some questions that arise when writing articles and learn how to best tricks this matter.

How to become a good writer

This question worries many newcomers to the world of literature. Why are some people able to express their thoughts and write coherently? interesting texts, and others produce illiterate essays at the fifth grade level? Probably the secret is that copywriters are different. Some approach their work conscientiously, work a lot on themselves, read specialized literature, while others do not bother themselves much and do the work haphazardly. It happens that after writing a couple of articles and selling them for pennies (and who needs illiterate performers?), newcomers soon give up this difficult task and look for easier ways to make money.

There is an opinion that the ability to beautifully and competently express thoughts on paper is given from birth, but this is not entirely true. From birth, only beauty or intelligence is given, and other skills are developed in people after some effort. With rare exceptions, nothing in this life comes without difficulty.

Of course, you can graduate from a special literary university, after which you will write no worse than professional journalists. But this path is the most difficult and it will take you more than one year. Yes and most You will spend this time studying subjects that you don’t really need.

You can also learn to write articles on your own; There are paid and free videos courses and literature on the Internet. Paid courses are of course better, but you can also get undoubted benefits from free information products.

Of course, you can master this knowledge on your own, through trial and error. This method is also difficult, but also the most common in our time. And, in fact, why not? There is now plenty of literature, and if available strong desire You can take the same subjects as an external student. But no one will take your exams. You study for yourself, not for a diploma.

Practical application of knowledge

You can practice on copywriting exchanges, where you can see what you are really worth. But make no mistake, the start of your career will be very difficult. A beginning copywriter earns little: the salary of many beginners starts at 15 rubles per thousand characters without spaces. Agree that the amount is insignificant. But once you start working, even for this money, you will gain invaluable experience. This will gradually lead you into a world of completely different, higher earnings.

Your style will constantly improve, and you will finally become a true copywriting master. And this is no longer a joke - good writers earn $2 or more per thousand characters.

Do you want to learn how to write articles and make money online? Right now I am recruiting for free training using the author’s methodology. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH PAVL YAMBU

Now let’s think about how to write quality articles. It's no secret that only those who read a lot have a good style. But if you only read jokes and watch only television series and action films, your literary style will not improve.

A good copywriter must love books - this good way obtaining information for articles. If you are not accustomed to reading, it is better to immediately look for another profession - there will be no point.

Your progress will be greatly helped by reading the classics of prose, as well as literature written for aspiring writers and copywriters. This is the only way to develop a good author's style. It also doesn't hurt to know the basic rules of syntax. This is taught at school, but it doesn’t stop you from repeating everything again by downloading Russian language textbooks on the Internet.

It is also useful to brush up on basic spelling and punctuation rules. This knowledge can be tested Here. It's also a good idea to practice writing interactive dictations, where you will have the opportunity to test your knowledge in practice. There is nothing complicated about this, and you don’t have to write it on paper.

Having opened such an online dictation, you will see a ready-made text, in the missing places of which there are several answer options. You must use your discretion to fill in the missing letters. If you entered something incorrectly, then after the dictation you can check the errors, there they will tell you in detail where you made a mistake and why, plus they will give you a grade.

But, if you already have an idea of ​​how to correctly construct sentences, then you need to go through the next stage: learn how to touch-type on a keyboard using the ten-finger method. Without this, you will not be able to master the profession of a copywriter. Free training programs are available download here.

Working with Stamina 2.5

It is best to download the Stamina 2.5 program. It is not difficult to work with, and after just a week of lessons you will be able to type at a speed of 100 characters per minute. Start getting acquainted with the program with light exercises, which are located in the program under the Mode button, lesson No. 1.

Start with the first lesson. The main condition for success, which, for some reason, is not written about anywhere, is not trying to increase your typing speed. If you think you need to type quickly and with big amount mistakes, then you are deeply mistaken.

The best thing is to slowly but accurately hit the desired letters without looking at the keyboard. The more collectedly you do this, the faster the location of the necessary letters will be stored in your memory. Therefore, do not rush, the speed will not leave you.

If you have forgotten the location of a letter, try to strain your memory, and gradually you will type automatically, knowing where and what letter is located. Practice at least half an hour a day, and the touch typing method will no longer be a problem for you.

The program has other interesting options that will make your classes not only useful, but also fun. Under the Mode button you can find the Lesson Editor, into which you can independently add phrases to suit your taste.

You can also add any music that will complement your lessons. Here you can master the Russian and English keyboard layout. Under the Options key in the submenu there is a function “Add to settings” (F3). There you can change the picture and set other necessary program parameters.

Ways to create a good article

And now that you have refreshed your memory of the rules of the Russian language and learned how to touch-type, you can move on to writing your first article.

Before you start, you should think about what you will write about. Find good idea for an article it’s not easy for many, but there is one great way, which will help us solve this problem.

Let's go to the copywriting exchange www.textsale.ru and choose a profitable topic. When you open this page, then on the left side of the menu, at the top, find the line “Search queries”.

Once opened, we will see a long list of topics. Pay attention to the red numbers that are on the left side. Where there are pluses, the topic of the articles is popular, minuses mean the opposite. They say that in given time The customer is not interested in the topic.

After choosing a topic, say “refrigerator,” go to a page where you will see many articles for sale. Write down the most interesting headlines for yourself, and then go to your browser’s search engine.

Let's say I chose an article called “Do-it-yourself refrigerator repair.” The topic is popular, such an article can be quickly bought, because it carries useful information. Let's check it in the service Yandex word selection. The screenshot shows that 5,516 people are interested in this topic, which, in principle, is not bad at all.

This service is also used by website webmasters. Surely many of them will look for such articles on the stock exchange. This means that there is a chance that your article will be quickly bought. Now enter its name into the search engine. Here we immediately see that we will have plenty of material for the article.

Rewriting articles

Let's take the following sentence as an example and try to make a simple rewrite:

“Housewives wash window glass with a special composition.” We are faced with the task of rewriting the text so that it sounds new, but its meaning is not lost.

Let’s try to remake it like this: “Special compounds help housewives wash window glass.”

Or this: “Modern glass cleaning compositions are excellent helpers for housewives. They make any job a real pleasure.”

The last example is closer to copywriting; these are the texts you get when you close the source text and write from memory.

The most important rule: do not allow fantasies and do not deviate too much from the meaning of the article. Otherwise, it may happen that you, having absolutely no understanding of the topic, can write an article that will be absolutely meaningless. And in the end, the customer will also suffer if you publish it without checking it, and if you give him such a text.

Deep rewriting

Rewriting can be done better and increase its uniqueness if you follow the following rule: divide the text in Word into parts, and highlight each part different colors. After that read the text in small excerpts, try to deeply understand its meaning.

Then close the text, and without looking at it, try to convey its content in your own words. The last option makes it possible to get truly unique text, which you don’t even have to redo after checking its uniqueness. I wrote separately about deep rewriting.

And now that we have mastered speed typing and refreshed our memory of the rules of the Russian language, we can try our hand at creating articles.

How to outline an article

The article consists of:

  • title;
  • entry (cut);
  • article body;
  • conclusions
  1. Start your article with an intriguing title. This can be done using the word "How". “How to learn copywriting”, “How to set up your blog perfectly” and so on. The title must contain a number. “Five ways to get acquainted,” etc.
  2. Introduction: Tell the reader how they will benefit from your post.
  3. Then come up with several logical parts that will expand on the topic. Give each part a subtitle.
  4. At the end write summary, draw your conclusions and leave it at that.

The end result should be something like this:

How to learn to make soap

Did you know that you can make soap from ingredients you have at home?! This article will tell you how to do it in half an hour.

  1. Required ingredients.
  2. Soap recipe.
  3. What to flavor?
  4. How to cook.
  5. Where to sell.
  6. Conclusion:

This article showed how to make cheap soap from available products... and so on. About the plan of the article, read my article at the link.

I hope this post was interesting and useful to you, friends. Please like us on social media. networks and write comments. And most importantly, write articles, learn to express your thoughts beautifully, and forward to the stock exchange. See you.

Already in literature classes in primary school The teacher invites students to continue the famous lines of writers with their own lines. Some people do it well, but others can’t even put two words together in rhyme.

In adolescence, captive love comes, the soul yearns to be free, you want to write and create. Sweet speeches come to mind, a person shouts words about his feelings. It is difficult to judge how professional these lines are, because these words flow from the heart and are intended only for a loved one.

How can you learn to write poetry in such a way that you can boldly demonstrate them to society and be proud of your creative fruits? Basic recommendations from famous creative personalities!

To write or not to write?

  1. The magical form of versification includes the following concepts: knowledge + feelings + imagination = the result of creativity. It’s not for nothing that everyone talks about a muse that visits a person and gives him inspired thoughts, and that’s how a poem turns out.
  2. It is important to know the rules of the rhythm of verse, the alternation of unstressed and stressed syllables in a line. Poetic meters are divided into trochee and iambic (bisyllabic) and dactyl, amphibrachium, anapest (trisyllabic). These features distinguish prose from versification.
  3. You need to work on studying the rhythm, of course, you shouldn’t sit for hours and come up with a rhyme for one word, but finding the logical ending of a line is a simple matter! Having mastered the rhythm, it will be possible to write not only simple four-verse poems, but also to encroach on more literary “thoughts”.
  4. Usage artistic means will allow you to decorate your creativity, express your feelings in a hidden form, encrypt messages to readers, etc. It is important to master metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, allegory, comparison - and then the poem will sparkle with new blessed colors.

To make poetry not so boring and monotonous, you need to read the classics every day, replenish your lexicon, learn to form sentences by creating your own, individual style who will be yours business card for the future.

You can’t hide feelings in your soul!

When a person is excited about something, words jump onto paper, resulting in reverent and sincere lines. Writing to order turns out dull and heartless. Even if these lines are of the highest literary quality. Living thoughts become words, giving birth to their offspring - a poem that makes readers empathize, rejoice or cry with the main character of poetry.

If after reading your poem a person has nothing to say, he is full of emotions, feelings are bubbling in his soul - it means that you have chosen the words and rhythm of poetry correctly. Touched the secret strings of the reader’s soul - that’s worth a lot!


Yes, such poems are filled with exquisite images, surprise and bring pleasure to readers. Encrypted meanings, lost thoughts, mysterious images - this is the goal of true art. To achieve such results, you need to read a lot, think, dream, mentally create images for future poetry.

Beginning writers should remember the rhythm of the poem; one extra syllable can ruin the entire composition. You shouldn’t sacrifice meaning for the sake of an intricate phrase; the simpler it is, the more accessible it is to society.

Creativity is a process, not a result. It’s impossible to say in the morning - today I’ll write a poem, because the muse visits a person in a state of spiritual experiences, emotions, and it’s useless to scribble mediocre lines in the “dry”.

For a poem to be poetic, one should avoid cliched rhymes, like tears are dreams, heaven is miracles. It's simple and boring. And you don’t need to imitate anyone, your style should be individual and unique!

  1. Write every day, even if 9 out of 10 verses go into the trash bin, but you will hone your versification skills. Learn to choose the right participants and participial phrases, skillfully use metaphorical structures, look for your own unexpected and catchy images.
  2. Do you think that all poems are about love? Of course not. You can try yourself in the genre of messages, tell your friends, family, and even strangers about your feelings and experiences. Open your soul, become a moment closer to those around you, give them a warm word and a good mood!
  3. Improve your general literacy, study the rules of grammar, read, write dictations, retell texts, enjoy the learning process and inspire your loved ones to new literary achievements.

“Few people have the gift of poetry, but everyone can learn to write poetry!”

There are many ways to express your thoughts; we list the main types of poetic works:

  • blank verse, despite the fact that there is no rhyme, the size and rhythm are clearly preserved;
  • acrostic - the first letters of each line form a new word, or maybe two or three;
  • mixed verse combines several types of rhymes;
  • prose poetry is a particularly expressive style of conveying the writer’s feelings; it can also refer to poems;
  • Free verse is a difficult style, characterized by a special construction of lines, rich images and the absence of an established rhyme.

What type of poetic work to use is up to the author! The main thing is that inspiration is nearby, and the words are asked to be written down on paper tirelessly.

Enjoy the poetic creativity of the classics, modern writers, create your masterpieces - and make the world more beautiful, kinder and happier! This is the main task of the writer's word!

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