What does the name Alena mean in different countries? Name meaning: Alena

Name Alena - Slavic origin. This was the name of the ancient tribes that lived in the European part of Russia - Alyons.

Alyons were very warlike, their symbol was the sword and fire. And the word Alena means scarlet, fiery. The name of the heroine of Russian fairy tales Alyonushka is exactly Slavic roots, ancient origin.

The name Alena means torch in Greek.

From Hebrew Alena (Alona) is translated as oak.

In fact, the name Alena has nothing to do with Elena, it’s not even Greek name, but Old Russian, pagan. That was the name of the goddess of the morning dawn - Alena. Means scarlet, beautiful.

Little Alena loves fairy tales. He keeps himself a little withdrawn, keeps himself apart among children, lives in his own inner world. But in a well-known team, they are open, cheerful and cheerful.

She is gullible, but when faced with deception, especially one based on the use of her gullibility, she will certainly try to punish the person who deceived her, showing extraordinary ingenuity.

Alena is kind, but her kindness in childhood is rarely active. So, she can bring a dirty street kitten into the house, give it milk to drink, cry over its bitter fate, but will not show firmness when the parents turn the “new resident” out onto the street at night that same evening.

He is interested in a little bit of everything. And she tries to knit, and sew, and embroider - she is attracted to everything beautiful. Lessons are taught from time to time. He does well at school, even excellently in some subjects, mainly thanks to his good memory and the teacher he liked.

Alena often looks like her father. In any case, she inherits his character exactly. Alena is emotional and categorical. Emotions generally play a big role in Alena’s life.

In her youth she gives the impression of being withdrawn and shy, but upon closer acquaintance it becomes clear that she is a cheerful person, a great dreamer and an optimist. Most of all, Alenas succeed in areas that require communication.

Love as a feeling for Alena is secondary; it appears as a consequence of compassion. Alena most likely will not marry a rich and handsome man, prosperous in all respects, but will prefer a man whom she regrets. Without sparing yourself in your sacrificial love, Alena expects the same attitude towards herself.

She is sensitive to everything that takes her husband away from her - to his friends, hobbies and affections. Immersed in the world of her emotional experiences, she is indifferent to the imperfections of everyday life, easily gets by with little, and is not picky.

At Alena's home there is usually peace and tranquility. She is a homebody, a caring mother. You can only be a good housewife depending on your mood. The rest of the time he treats the kitchen as a boring but necessary element of life.

Alena - Symbol of femininity. Fearless, mysterious, changeable... to such an extent that every man can find his ideal in her. She is not characterized by theoreticism, but she is able to demonstrate greater flexibility mind when it comes to achieving a goal. She is capricious, which is both her weakness and her charm. Selfish enough, she won’t miss hers. She is amorous.

Her plans are related to everyday life and work; her place in the world is fulfilling her duty. If she has a favorite job and her area of ​​responsibility, then Alena is a leader, then Alena is happy. Even at home, Alena cannot forget about her debt. Her leadership is realized in the responsibility that Alena is ready to take upon herself.

The character is strong, responsible and demanding of oneself. She is gentle and careful with others, likes to explain in detail rather than demand. She is a logician and analyst, but due to her low energy and lack of interest in technology, she is not very fond of exact and technical sciences.

She is closer to philosophy, psychology, archeology, design and economics. She is lucky, has the strongest possible temperament and is well versed in men, demanding from them the skills of a good lover and high spirituality at the same time.

It is better to look for a husband among techies, mathematicians and economists. Envy, resentment and vindictiveness are alien to her. She can provide for herself, but she takes money lightly.

She needs a family, but Alena quickly gets tired of the excessive stability and monotony of life. She needs business trips and trips.

She is a person of mood, does not like everyday life and physical work, but, possessing amazing tolerance, she is ready to take on everything. He loves praise, but never asks for it, because he considers it humiliating for himself.

Self-esteem is high and realistic, but goals can be underestimated, especially in cases where Alena is forced to feed her family and take care of everyday life. In such a case, Alena noticeably loses her temperament, becoming cold.

It is advisable to engage in mental work without taking on the financial problems of the family - this will preserve femininity.

Life and family for her are a single whole, which pushes her to ground her goals, when Alena herself takes upon herself all the problems of financing the family and household arrangements. Without regret, she will abandon all her goals, switching to caring for her family. If Alena knew that at the same time she was losing luck and femininity, she would never have chosen a similar path, directing her interest to science and creativity.

Weak lungs can cause melancholy and sadness, taking away vitality. To strengthen the lungs, you need an infusion of oats with milk, oatmeal in the morning, walks and rest. fresh air, better in a pine forest. You should pay attention to an overactive bladder, as this can cause lower back pain. You can use a decoction of lingonberry leaves and kidney infusions.

The owners of this name are most often reserved, and when communicating with unfamiliar people they try to stay on the sidelines, but in a well-known group they are open, cheerful and cheerful.

In character they often become similar to their father. Alen’s hobbies are the most varied. They try to do a little bit of everything, but they don’t have enough desire for anything for a long time, although they don’t have to occupy their ability.

Impressive, empathetic. Thrifty. Introvert, not influenced by other people. Very active and active.

Don't demand more from her than she can give. What attracts the bearer of this name is her openness and simplicity. She does not depict feelings, but simply and directly experiences and experiences them.

The secret of her charm is her artlessness. It feels good, warm and calm next to her. Ray of heat. The one who saves.

It should be noted that today the meaning of the name Alena implies the presence of two most common theories of the origin of this name. According to the first theory, the female name Alena is an everyday, popular interpretation of the name Elena. It should be noted that women bearing the name Alena began to appear in large quantities in the 20th century, but today this name is completely independent.

Besides female name Elena, a separate variation is the name of women Olena. According to the second theory, the female name Alena is distinguished by the presence of roots of origin originating in Ancient Greece. In this interpretation, the female name Alena has such translations as “shining”, “sunny”, and sometimes it means “bewitching”, “attracting” and “exciting”.

Among other things, there is an opinion that the female name Alena is derived from male name men of Europe - Alan. Regardless of the truth of all the versions presented, this article will give the meaning of the name Alena in maximum detail.

Alena's character

After the available options for the origin of the female name Alena have been presented, we should talk about the nature of the person being described. A woman named Alyonushka is characterized by having a very impressive set of all sorts of hobbies. A woman named Alyonushka is always engaged in several activities at once. You will never be bored with such a person, because a woman named Alena is an example of sociability and cheerfulness.

Being an empress and the owner of her own destiny, the woman named Alena is an amazing optimist. A woman named Alyonushka constantly designs her own future for several years. Continuing to give the meaning of the name Alena, it should be noted that the main advantage of this woman is her wit, for this reason she easily wins over strangers.

However, the woman named Alyonushka is a truly amazing lazy person, although this is not her main character trait. A woman named Alyonushka is a rather trusting person, but there is no point in using this trait. This is due to the fact that a woman named Alyonushka will always find a method for taking revenge on her offender. Usually Alena's character is identical to her father's.

Alena's character traits

Alyonushka is a rather emotional person; emotions occupy a leading position in her life. As a teenager, the girl, named Alyonushka, is a shy, reserved person, but this is only at first glance. Upon closer acquaintance, a woman named Alena appears as a dreamer, as well as a cheerful and interesting person.

It is for this reason that Alena, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is being considered, achieves significant success in those areas where high sociability is required. A woman named Alyonushka often shows her own mental capacity, especially when she needs to achieve something. A woman named Alyonushka is capable of showing whims, like a small child.

On the one hand, this trait of hers is a big disadvantage, while on the other hand, men really like her. Alyonushka falls in love quite quickly and easily.

Alyonushka's childhood years

Describing the meaning of the name Alena for a girl, it should be noted that, as a child, she simply adores fairy tales and stories. The girl Alyonushka quite often withdraws into her own inner world and treats other children with great caution. Nevertheless, finding herself in a familiar environment with close people, Alyonushka turns into a cheerful, open child.

Characterized by the presence of honesty, as well as kindness, Alyonushka is very often used for his own purposes not only by his peers, but also by other people. At birth, Alyonushka acquires the categorical nature of her father and the excessive emotionality of her mother. As a child, Alyonushka is very creative personality, in other words, she is seriously interested in singing, drawing, dancing, as well as other types of creative arts.

Child Alyonushka shows his own leadership qualities only in family circle, but in the company of comrades own opinion expresses it with great apprehension. It should be noted that as Alena gets older, she loses her feeling of excessive shyness.

Parents should keep in mind that Alyonushka has a significant ability to focus on things that are truly interesting to her. spend own time Alyonushka will not do boring things. Alyonushka almost never cries, even despite her high sensitivity and vulnerability. This is explained by the ability to control oneself, and only once at home is one able to surrender to the will of feelings.

Alena's love relationships

Continuing to answer the question of what the name Alena means, you should pay attention to the fact that this woman is distinguished by the presence watchful eye to the opposite sex. Alyonushka is characterized by the ability to activate coquetry and playfulness when it is truly necessary.

However, a woman named Alena will never marry because of the man’s beauty or his financial security, but rather will give preference to a soft, sensitive person. Alyonushka’s man should be distinguished by the ability to console her and caress her. A woman named Alena gives all of herself in a relationship, although she expects the same from her partner.

Having truly loved her man, she is capable of feelings of jealousy, and this will extend to every element that takes her spouse away from her. A woman named Alena needs a somewhat down-to-earth husband (mathematician, economist). When choosing a husband, a woman named Alena does not think about his financial wealth, but prefers a man with a varied life, full of adventures. A boring moneybag is not for Alyonushka.

Alena's family relationships

It should be noted that a woman named Alena is distinguished by the presence of a character that does not allow her to maintain a balance between home and profession. A woman named Alyonushka is capable of falling into boredom due to everyday life, since her mental state requires regular adventures. If certain circumstances do not allow Alyonushka to go somewhere, it will be enough for her to go to the cinema or engage in creativity.

If a woman named Alena is bored in family life, tired from hard work or experiencing dissatisfaction in marriage, her self-esteem will decrease. The woman named Alena does not share the torment of everyday life, and she also does not really need family joys, for this reason she often regrets her choice.

Career and business

It should be noted that the secret of the name Alena suggests that such a woman is quite meticulous. A woman named Alyonushka is distinguished by her ability to control the people around her, and also uses this skill very well. True, she does all this without any malicious feeling, but rather simply for the sake of interest. Theory is not strong point A woman named Alyonushka, however, still knows how to use her head and does it successfully.

A woman named Alyonushka is able to prove herself in absolutely every matter, but she gives greater preference to philosophy and psychology. As a profession, he can easily choose archaeological or economic orientation. May become interested in design. He can’t stand technology or exact sciences, but he thinks with his brain rather than “waving a broom.”

Friendship and fate of Alena

Here it is appropriate to note the name Alena, the meaning of the name and fate suggests that this woman is strong, freedom-loving and truly simple, completely devoid of feelings of vindictiveness or envy. It is for this reason that a woman named Alyonushka is a wonderful friend. True, she is not at all capable of keeping secrets - she is a fairly sincere and honest person.

Such a woman is not made for gossip. The woman, named Alyonushka, loves praise addressed to herself, but will not ask for it. As for her health, Alena’s main problem is her lungs, which are quite weak. Sometimes she suffers from pain in the back or disorders of the genitourinary system.

In general, a woman named Alyonushka has a good future, however, if she can fall in love family life, while her loved ones will provide her with time for small trips.

As soon as Alena starts talking, she immediately has her own opinion on absolutely any issue. This “own” view of the world allows the girl to discover it for herself in a way that no one else sees it. She is interested in absolutely all areas of life, but most of all she is interested in philosophy, psychology, design, economics and archaeology. Alena likes to explain something to someone in great detail and in colors, but does not like it when they do this to her, especially when we're talking about about things that are little understood to her. This is a person of mood, but, as a rule, she remains more in good location spirit.

The meaning of the name Alena

There is no exact information about the meaning of the name; there are only speculative versions. One says that Alena is the Hebrew “Alona”, which translates as “oak”. Another speaks of the ancient Greek origin of the name, which translates as “solar.”

Character of the name Alena

In other people's campaigns, Alena may seem closed and uncommunicative, but when a girl gets into a familiar circle, she immediately blossoms like a flower and shows all her activity and cheerfulness. She is impressionable and can empathize, and is thrifty. It can rather be attributed to those who are weakly influenced by outsiders. In character she is often similar to her father. The girl has varied interests, she always tries to do something specific, but after some time she can give up everything due to loss of interest. It’s always a pleasure to communicate with Alena and be around, she is like a ray of warmth, she will always support and encourage.

Although Alena does not like physical work, she can do it if necessary, but she prefers to engage in purely intellectual work. This girl loves being praised more than others, but she herself will never ask for praise, because she believes that it is low. She can achieve in her career unprecedented heights at the expense of her intelligence and endurance, but under no circumstances should she take the family completely into her own care, since in this case she will completely waste her tenderness and, which will lead to discord with her loved one.

As a child, Alena loves fairy tales, she is very trusting, but right up to the first deception. If she recognizes him, she will immediately let you know about it. Moreover, he will try to punish the culprit in the most extraordinary way. But in fact, this is not a vindictive girl and taking revenge is not at all in her style. This is a very compassionate person, but from birth she has a very gentle character. She can bring home a dirty puppy, feed him and cry over his fate, but as soon as the parents become indignant and ask to expel him, more often she will do so.

Alena is interested in a little of everything. He knows how to sew a little, knit a little, etc. Alena always does her homework on time, but there are not so many excellent students among them, there are much more good ones. She has an excellent memory and gets along better with the teachers at school.

He is more of a born optimist, a cheerful person with a great imagination. She likes to communicate and would gladly choose a field of work that requires this skill.

This girl rarely shows love in pure form As a rule, compassion arises first, and only then, as a consequence, love. Sometimes this can go so far that the healthy and rich young man the girl will prefer the one she regrets. But at the same time, she will expect that her lover will reciprocate her feelings.

For Alena, everything that in any form takes away her beloved man is painful: work, friends, hobbies, attachments. She tends to immerse herself in her experiences, it is not typical for her to be picky, she can be content with what she has.

Within the walls of a girl’s house, calm and peace often reign. It comes out loving mother and an attentive wife. Frankly speaking, she was used to being a good housewife depending on her mood. If it is zero, then she is indifferent to the household and vice versa.

Alena can be considered the embodiment of femininity, mystery, fearlessness and variability. Surprisingly, every man can find his ideal in her. It is not typical for a girl to be stubborn; her mind is flexible when it is not about achieving a goal. The girl is very capricious, but in her case it is both a charming and weak trait. For all her gentleness, she is selfish and will never miss her goal.

Adult Alena is always too demanding of herself, responsible and strong. He behaves cautiously and at the same time gently with others. He always strives not to impose or force someone to do something, but to clearly explain and sort out why it is needed. At the same time, she can rightfully be called a natural, since she, although gently, will still get her way. The most interesting thing is that in most cases, the girls themselves with this name do not suspect that they have this talent.

It is better for Alena to initially decide what she will devote her life to, family or career, because it will be almost impossible to pull both “straps” on herself.

The fate of the name Alena

Some aspects from Alena's life.

  • Health . Alena often has very weak lungs, so you need to keep an eye on their health. Active strengthening of the immune system and frequent walks in the fresh air are indicated, it is better if this is Pinery. Otherwise, there are no serious problems noted.
  • Relationships and marriage . When searching for a life partner, it is better for a girl to look for a loved one in the field of economics, mathematics, and techies. Alena can provide for herself and live without needing anything, so she rather needs a soul mate. She, of course, needs a family, but the monotony and everyday life quickly tires her. She much prefers going on business trips. But it is possible that Alena will still choose family over her career. If a girl is confident that a man can fully take on financial obligations, then she will be completely immersed in family life.
  • Career and business . Alena doesn't like physical labor, it's more people creative, so you need to choose appropriate professions. Luck and intelligence allow a girl to achieve good luck in a career, but it is still undesirable to organize a business.

The name Alena has ancient Slavic “roots” and means “sunny”, “scarlet”. Parents often call their little princess Alenka, Alyonushka, Lena, Lelya. As you can see, the name is truly universal and opens up wide scope for imagination.

Some believe that the name Alena is a derivative of Elena, so to speak, a diminutive option. However, this is not the case, since both names have different origins and characteristics. So, let’s look at the “subtleties” of the meaning of the name Alena, and also consider its compatibility with the signs of the Zodiac.


Many people often perceive the sound of this name as an analogy with the famous chocolate “Alenka”, immediately imagining a cute, rosy-cheeked girl. Indeed, little Alyonushka has a cheerful, perky and cheerful character that evokes sympathy among those around her. Having many friends, she can always listen and understand a person, show sympathy and empathy. Simplicity and openness always attract and attract people to it.

Alena has natural kindness, but this trait can be quite superficial. For example, showing compassion for a homeless animal and taking it home, negative reaction parents, in response to this act of mercy, the girl may well throw the puppy or cat out the door. So firmness and the ability to insist on one’s own are character traits that are not characteristic of a girl named Alena.

True, thanks to her excellent memory, schoolwork comes easily to her, so even if she does her homework irregularly, the girl will not “lag behind” the school curriculum.

What are Alena's hobbies? She is interested in “everything in a row”, scattering herself into many activities at the same time and not completing anything. Concerning physical exercise, then Alena is indifferent to them and is unlikely to turn out to be an athlete striving for new records.

Love sphere

Adult Alena is distinguished by flexibility and agility of mind, creativity, and the ability to control her feelings. “In love by choice” is just about a girl with this name. If she wants to, she will stop loving the person as quickly as she fell in love. Thanks to her ability to understand people well, Alena will be able not to succumb to “other people’s” influence, but will prefer to engage in her own activities.

Alena never lacks male attention, which is facilitated by her attractive appearance, high self-esteem and the ability to combine superficial emotional restraint with an internal bright temperament.


As a rule, in family life Alena is truly an ideal - an affectionate wife and caring mother. When choosing a husband, Alena will give preference to a man with a strong character who will patronize her - fortunately, there are plenty of candidates for her hand and heart.

Alena's health

The owner of this name cannot boast of good health. The most common concerns are diseases related to the kidneys, intestines and spine. Periodic mild nervous system disorders are possible.

Zodiac signs - who is Alena compatible with?

The name is most suitable for a girl born under the constellation Leo, Aries or Sagittarius, since Alena’s character is close to each of these signs. For example, Leo and Alena have one thing in common - irrepressible energy and self-confidence. With Aries - connects a periodic need for nervous release, which sometimes falls on others. And Sagittarius is also a great lover of traveling and learning new things.

Alena is one of the most beautiful female names. It comes from the ancient Greek Helene, which means “light”, “torch”, “shining”, “sunny”. There are other options for the origin of the name Alena. IN Slavic languages it is considered an extra-church variant of Elena. Also given name interpreted as “scarlet”, “fiery”. And its diminutive form is correlated with the name Magdalena, Madeleine.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Patron Planet: Sun
  • Talisman stone: heliotrope, diamond, peridot
  • Color: yellow, red
  • Wood: cherry
  • Plant: lavender
  • Animal: lion, scarab
  • Favorable day: Sunday

Character traits

Alena's character is open and cheerful. She studies well and diligently at school and takes her work seriously. Alena is strong, demanding of herself, but more loyal and gentle towards people. Mysterious and fearless - her logic and optimism can conquer everyone.

Alena is able to get by with little, but she is sensitive to people’s inattention. She is overly emotional and prone to causeless sadness. In addition, it is quite specific and categorical. As a child, she may be a little shy, shy away and wary of certain people, not letting them get too close.

He doesn’t know how to keep other people’s secrets, so he often finds himself in an awkward position. She often allows herself to be capricious, no matter how old she is. However, for the people around her, she is a real outlet, capable of listening and calming. Alena is a sincere, honest, impressionable and patient person. Loves praise, but deserved one. Physical labor is not for her, however, it will always help if necessary.

What are your hobbies?

Absolutely any shape will suit Alena creative activity. It could be something related to needlework, embroidery, knitting or drawing. However, she can quickly get bored with all this. She loves to create, and this can become her life's work.

Profession and business

Alena may have a penchant for philosophy, history, psychology, archeology and economics. Any activity where there is no physical activity and a strict work schedule is perfect for her. Gets along great with the team. She can invest her emotions into active social activities. Creative professions(artist, designer) or the social sphere will become her calling and favorite job.


Those with the name Alena, as a rule, have poor health and weak immunity. Most often the spine, kidneys or intestines are affected. Due to increased emotionality, she is susceptible to nervous disorders and breakdowns. Problems with extra pounds are possible, so parents should monitor their daughter’s diet from childhood.


When choosing a partner, Alena is pedantic and picky. Material values It's not important to her. In the first place - soul, wealth inner world, generosity, kindness, and a strong character. The one she chooses will be happy. Alena will amaze him with her fiery temperament and passion, as well as her readiness to experiment. Common sense guides her all her life, but she is capable of much for her loved one.

Family and marriage

Love, as a rule, arises against the background of compassion. Therefore, her husband will most likely turn out to be a simple, humble man and, perhaps, not rich. Alena is amorous and can get married more than once. In marriage he does not cheat, but sometimes a fleeting infatuation or love happens. Once making a mistake, Alena will become wiser. He doesn't repeat his mistakes. Her house is always cozy and calm. She is a wonderful mother, a caring wife. The secret of the name is that its owner is an ideal wife and homemaker. IN good mood might even cook a delicious lunch. At other times, the kitchen is a routine for her.

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