What is an innovative product? "Innovative products and technologies"

Innovation activity is difficult process transformation of innovative ideas into an object of economic relations. Practical use innovative idea leads to the creation of new or improved products and technologies.

Broadly, innovations can be divided into product, technological and organizational and managerial. The latter are not considered in this work, although, in most cases, to one degree or another, they are inevitable when introducing both product and technological innovations.

There are known classifications of innovations according to the following criteria: prevalence, place in production cycle, continuity, market coverage, degree of novelty and innovative potential.

Initially, innovation arises and exists in the form of an idea, presented with varying degrees of depth. The goal of the innovator is, as a rule, to promote this idea and introduce it into production, and economic feasibility is not always of interest to him.

The innovative activity of an enterprise has goals that can to a large extent not consistent with the innovator's goals. The goals of the enterprise are:

protecting or increasing its share of the existing market

gaining positions in a new, previously untapped market

creating a new market or market segment

In turn, the end consumer of innovative products evaluates them in terms of functions, quality and cost, i.e. in terms of the degree to which their needs are met. Thus, innovation activity implies the application of marketing efforts in two directions (Fig. 1)


innovative marketing products promotion

At the stage of marketing an innovative idea, it is essential to determine the degree of its innovative potential. According to this criterion, innovations are divided into three types:

Radical innovation. These are fundamentally new products and technologies. Radical innovations are quite few in number and, as a rule, involve the emergence of a new consumer and a new market.

Combinatorial innovation. This is a new combination of already known elements. Combinatorial innovations can be aimed at attracting new consumer groups or developing new markets

Modifying innovations. They are aimed at improving or complementing existing products. Modifying innovations are aimed at maintaining or strengthening the market position of an enterprise.

An innovative idea can be compared with the idea underlying existing prototypes. In relation to the prototype, innovation can be divided into the following types:

Opening innovation. Such products or technology have no comparable prototypes.

Substitute innovation. The existing prototypes are being completely replaced.

Canceling innovation. The use of such an innovation results in the complete elimination of the product due to the appearance of new functions.

Return innovation. There is a return to previous types, methods, methods.

Retroscience. Old forms are reproduced on a modern basis.

Innovation is one of the most important foundations for creating a competitive advantage for an enterprise. This competitive advantage is largely determined by the degree of novelty of the innovation:

Absolutely new. There are no analogues to the proposed innovation. Absolute novelty is recorded very rarely. However, the phenomenon of absolute novelty is not unique.

Innovation here is defined as the first sale of a product using the invention; A small company is considered to have less than 500 employees. The table has been shortened. The original contains 65 innovations.

Relative novelty. Such novelty is determined relative to the selected feature or group of features. In turn, relative novelty can be partial (individual elements are new) or conditional (a new combination of known elements).

To determine the degree of novelty of an innovation, it is convenient to use modern information technologies, which are discussed below. Sometimes the concepts of “cost novelty” are used (costs of R&D, development and use related to the volume useful work, lower than that of the one being replaced) and “expedient novelty” (better performance or consumer properties). Finally, “market novelty” largely determines the success of an enterprise’s innovative activities.

According to the type of novelty for the market, innovations are divided into: new for the industry in the world, new for the industry in the country, new for a given enterprise or group of enterprises.

The properties of market novelty may include expanding the circle of potential consumers and changing their needs.

Based on the scope of the expected market share, innovations can be: local, systemic, strategic.

In terms of prevalence, innovations are divided into: single and diffuse.

Innovative ideas can have different origins. The sources of such ideas are: the vision of the inventor, market signals, the logic of industry development, the results of scientific research, and the actions of competitors.

The potential success of an innovation depends on many objective and subjective factors. The main objective factors determining the success of an innovative product idea are: technological production capabilities and the needs of market participants

The relationship between these factors is presented in Fig. 2.

Fig.2. Successful innovation: connecting technological potential with market needs

The development of an innovative idea and its marketing should largely be based on the study of these two factors and their comparison.

Individual inventors, scientific teams and research organizations can act as innovators. In relation to the enterprise, innovators can be considered as:

Independent external (inventors, universities, etc.);

Industry (industry research institutes, design bureaus, etc.);

Internal (employee inventors, laboratories, etc.).

Often the degree of association of the innovator with the enterprise can play a decisive role in the fate of an innovative idea. As noted above, possessing an innovative product creates certain strategic advantages for the recipient enterprise. Examples of such benefits are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Examples of strategic advantages arising from the introduction of innovations

When presenting an innovative idea to an enterprise selected as a potential recipient, you need to be prepared to answer the following basic questions:

Was there a reason to search for a new product idea?

Is there even a need to create a new product?

Is there a need to replace one product with another?

Is the new product a natural continuation of the previous product line?

Is the enterprise even able to implement the idea of ​​releasing a new product or obtain such a product?

Will the company be able to sell the new product?

Does the new product fill a gap in the market?

Can the new product be described as progressive or retro-introduced?

Has anyone implemented similar ideas before, and if so, how successfully?

Could competitors have similar ideas for new products?

With which financial risk related idea for a new product?

Which market is best to target with a new product idea?

Does the idea for a new product correspond to the internal production structure of the enterprise?

What realistic market chances would a new product idea have?

Decision to start implementation innovative project, with positive answers to the above questions, are accepted if the profit from the project exceeds the costs of its implementation, and the risk associated with it is in the maximum acceptable ratio for the enterprise with potential profit.

The risk of an enterprise - a potential recipient of an innovative idea, may be general view presented in the form of a “product-process” matrix (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Product/Process Matrix

The risks described by the product-process matrix must be compared with the risks of bringing an innovative product to the market. In general terms, these risks can be described using the market-product matrix (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Market-product matrix

The matrices presented in Fig. 3 and 4 contain zones, respectively, of product-technological and product-market competence of the enterprise.

It is obvious that the lowest risks are characteristic of innovative projects that are directed along one of the axes of these matrices. Finally, an effective tool for analyzing innovative proposals can be a model of an enterprise’s innovative portfolio (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Innovation portfolio model

New technologies for this model are classified as follows:

Basic (general) technologies are widely available, often do not have patent protection and cannot be a source of strategic advantage

Own technologies - belong to the enterprise and have protection (patent or other) or are based on special knowledge or the use of special equipment, which makes adoption difficult

Emerging technologies are new emerging technologies that are seeking applications in the market without being core or proprietary.

Close attention to such technologies is due to the fact that their use can create a strategic advantage for the enterprise.

Example: technologies in the telecommunications sector - emerging technologies - technologies that are still far from commercial use, but at the same time, as they develop, they can create a strategic advantage in the future.

Example: genetic engineering technologies. The actions of marketing services during the period of presentation and/or start of sales of an innovative product on the market are related to the nature of its impact on the potential consumer.

Innovative products can be differentiated on this basis into three main groups:

Seamless innovation. Does not require special training for the consumer and does not cause a noticeable change in his behavior. Example: The emergence of fountain pens with capillary refills. Promotion of such innovations on the market can begin at the start of sales or in the period immediately before the start of sales. Advertising for such a product usually focuses on quality or cost benefits.

Dynamic innovation. Changes the usual procedure for use, which necessitates special training for the consumer and causes a significant change in his behavior. Example: The emergence of magnetic storage media for computers (innovation in relation to punched cards. Promotion of innovations of this type begins, as a rule, long before the start of its sales and is accompanied by an active educational advertising campaign.

Leap innovation. Establishes a new need. Example: The advent of personal computers. The promotion of such innovations can begin at the earliest stage of innovative product development. The advertising company focuses not only on the quality and cost characteristics of such an innovative product and is not limited to educational impact, focusing on changes in consumer needs as a whole.

Innovative product

"...An innovative product is the result of innovative activity (innovation, innovation), which has received practical implementation in the form of a new product, method of production (technology) or other socially useful result..."



Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012.

See what “Innovative product” is in other dictionaries:

    innovative product- 3.1.26 innovative product: Same as innovation. Source: GOST R 54147 2010: Strategic and innovation management. Terms and definitions original document...

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    INNOVATION PROCESS- (process innovation) A process in which the methods of producing a product are improved, which should not be confused with product innovation, when an improved or completely new product is created. Often innovations... ... Economic dictionary

    product- 4.28 product: The result of a process. [ISO 9000:2005] Source: GOST R ISO/IEC 12207 2010: Information technology. System and software… Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Innovation project- a project containing technical, economic, legal and organizational justification for the final innovative activity. The result of the development of an innovative project is a document that includes detailed description innovative product,... ... Wikipedia

    project product- 3.11 project product: A measurable result that should be obtained during the implementation of the project. Source: GOST R 54869 2011: Project management. Requirements for project management original document... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    GOST R 54147-2010: Strategic and innovation management. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST R 54147 2010: Strategic and innovation management. Terms and definitions original document: 3.3.17 assets: Everything that has value for the organization. Definitions of the term from various documents: assets 3.2.62 analysis... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    software- 4.42 software product: Collection computer programs, procedures and possibly associated documentation and data. Source: G... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Russian-American High Technology Innovation Council- Is it desirable to improve this article? ... Wikipedia

    The process is innovative- orderly implementation of a complex of scientific, technological, organizational, financial, production and commercial activities, organized in time and structure, covering the entire cycle of innovation activity. For scientific and technical... ... Dictionary"Innovation activities." Terms of innovation management and related fields


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The result of the innovative activities of organizations is innovative products that can be used for the purposes of the organization itself or act as a subject of exchange on the market. Innovation can be considered as:
1) result creative process in the form of new products, technology, methods, etc.
2) the process of introducing new products, elements, approaches, principles instead of existing ones.
Any innovation in the modern sense is characterized by the following main points. Firstly, an object is understood as an innovation - a new consumer value based on the achievements of science and technology. Secondly, the emphasis is on the utilitarian side of innovation - the ability to satisfy social needs with a large “beneficial effect”. IN in this case the most important feature innovation is not technical novelty, but the novelty of its consumer properties. Innovation is synonymous with the word innovation and can be used along with it.
Thirdly, any innovation is the result of human mental activity, and there is a large share of the intellectual component in it. The problem is the commercial assessment of the significance intellectual property, as in a number of cases, its protection from unfair use.
Innovation must be distinguished from inventions that are the result of mental and creative activity, but may remain unrealized. An "invention" becomes an "innovation" if it succeeds in the market. Innovations must have an effect - commercial or non-commercial. From this point of view, innovation can be considered as a process in which an invention or idea acquires economic content.
Innovation is changes in a product, technology, management and socio-economic processes carried out by an organization or an individual in order to obtain certain benefits.
There are a sufficient number of definitions of innovation, but all of them can be generalized into groups depending on which of the following points of view the authors adhere to:
1) objective (in Russian literature in this case, the word “innovation” is often used as a definite term); the object-result of scientific and technological progress acts as an innovation: new equipment, technologies - major inventions that become the basis for the formation of new generations and directions of technology; improving - small and medium-sized inventions characteristic of stable development scientific and technical cycle; pseudo-innovations - aimed at partially improving outdated generations of equipment and technologies
2) objective-utilitarian: innovation is a new consumer value based on the achievements of science and technology; the emphasis is on the ability to meet social needs with greater beneficial effect;
3) process: innovation as a complex process, including the development, introduction into production and commerce of new consumer values ​​- goods, equipment, technology, organizational forms;
4) process-utilitarian: innovation is the process of creating, distributing and using new things practical means in order to better satisfy social needs;
5) process-financial: innovation as a process of investment in innovation, investment in development new technology, technology and Scientific research
In general, researchers identify three main groups of innovations:
technical - new products and new technologies (methods) of production;
organizational and managerial - new methods of organizing work and managing production;
social - new forms of stimulation, educational work and training.
Technology is a set of means, processes, operations, methods by which elements entering production are converted into output ones; it covers machines, mechanisms and tools, skills and knowledge.
An innovative product, the rights to which are offered on the market, has common signs of consumer value characteristic of traditional goods. But it is different from the previous one and existing group goods with a certain level of novelty, which allows its user to receive additional profit. Outdated technologies and products in one market can move to other markets and remain quite new there for a certain time.
Novelty is a set of properties that characterize the radical change of an object and give it the right to be called new. There are certain levels of novelty:
- at the enterprise level
- at the level of a specific market
- at the global level
A new product (product or service) that is offered to the market may be new to the consumer and/or manufacturer.
From the manufacturer’s point of view, innovation has a certain level of novelty and is reflected in the manufacturer’s readiness to release new products. It can be expressed in cost reduction, the use of new materials, means of production, methods of organizing production and sales. Performance criteria may include profit growth, market leadership, and increased sales.
From the consumer's point of view, the level of novelty and the effect of using innovation is defined as the ability to satisfy a new need or satisfy a traditional need in a new way. For the consumer, a product may not contain new technical solutions, but at the same time be new. Novelty is manifested in the consumer's readiness to use new products and can be expressed in satisfying a new need, or in a new way to satisfy an existing need.
The level of novelty of goods is directly related to the degree of risk and the importance of management problems solved during innovation processes associated with it. (see Fig. 1.1)

Moiseeva N.K. and Aniskin N.P. allocate the following factors, determining the novelty of products:
- originality of the idea, amount of allocations for R&D
- coefficient of renewal of fixed assets
- marketing expenses
- profit rate
- value (volume) of sales.
In American practice, the novelty of a product is determined taking into account its life cycle on the market. The maximum sales on the market is an indicator of the limit of novelty of a product, after which it becomes “traditional”, “obsolete”, “serialized”.
Depending on the level of novelty, products and technologies can not only satisfy existing needs, but also create new needs. Modifications of existing products, imitation products, in some classifications (T. Robertson) are defined as continuous innovations. They have the least destructive impact on established patterns of behavior. Most new products are continuous in nature. The biggest profits usually come from modifications or variations of existing products because they don't require much effort to explain useful properties, and it is much easier for consumers to accept such an innovation.
Dynamically continuous innovation is also distinguished - this is the creation of a new product or variation of an existing one, which, however, usually does not change the established patterns of consumer behavior when purchasing and using a product.
Disruptive innovations are completely new products that fundamentally change (“disrupt”) consumer behavior patterns. These (fundamental) innovations are defined as basic technologies (according to Mensch) that entail the emergence of new industries, the formation of new generations and areas of technology. The American researcher Mensch found that the largest innovations that have a great impact on society occur during the depression phase of the economy. This confirms the emergence of major innovations in the period 1935-1945, and later in the 1970s. The conditions of survival and the system of needs in this period are undergoing great changes, while many former technical solutions turn out to be ineffective, which forces us to look for new ideas. In the depression phase, the introduction of basic innovations turns out to be the only opportunity for profitable investment, and, in the end, “innovations overcome depression.”
Modern post-industrial society is thus being formed on the basis of the fifth technological wave, which is based on achievements in the field of computer science and telecommunications. It is the changes in this area that are now basic and entail improving innovations in other areas associated with changes in the properties of existing production processes and products.
Basic innovations shaping the development of post-industrial society are defined as high tech. High technology is characterized high culture and production accuracy, high science capacity and the universal nature of their application. High technologies are also distinguished according to the following criteria:
. based on new scientific discoveries and major inventions;
. reducing product losses at intermediate stages of the technological cycle;
. having maximum consistency of all structural elements of its constituent parts;
. associated with related complex technologies;
. minimally resource-intensive (labor-, material-, energy-, capital-intensive);
. having high environmental characteristics (more environmentally friendly), new forms of connection between science and production.
Modern high technologies are all in to a greater extent are focused on meeting individual needs, and therefore the emphasis is placed not so much on the technical, but on the social and economic side of innovation.

Goal: to introduce innovative products and technologies; with the importance of innovative activity of enterprises in a competitive environment; develop attention, memory, and develop the ability to work in a team.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework on the topic “The importance of insurance in modern society”;

message “Consumer Rights Law”.

3. Goals, objectives, motivation.

4. Explanation of new material.

Innovation activity is a complex process of transforming innovative ideas into an object of economic relations. The practical use of an innovative idea leads to the creation of new or improved products and technologies.

Broadly speaking, innovations can be divided into product, technological, and organizational and managerial projects.

There are known classifications of innovations according to the following criteria: prevalence, place in the production cycle, continuity, market coverage, degree of novelty and innovative potential.

Initially, innovation arises and exists in the form of an idea, presented with varying degrees of depth. The goal of the innovator is, as a rule, to promote this idea and introduce it into production, and he is not always interested in economic feasibility (making a profit or even covering costs).

The innovative activity of an enterprise has goals that may largely not correspond to the goals of the innovator. The goals of the enterprise are:

  • protecting or increasing its share of the existing market;
  • gaining positions in a new, previously untapped market;
  • creating a new market or market segment.

In turn, the end consumer of innovative products evaluates them in terms of functions, quality and cost, i.e. in terms of the degree to which their needs are met.

Thus, innovation involves applying marketing efforts in two directions.

At the stage of marketing an innovative idea, it is essential to determine the degree of its innovative potential. According to this criterion, innovations are divided into three types:

  • Radical innovation. These are fundamentally new products and technologies. Radical innovations are quite few in number and, as a rule, involve the emergence of a new consumer and a new market.
  • Combinatorial innovation. This is a new combination of already known elements. Combinatorial innovations can be aimed at attracting new consumer groups or developing new markets.
  • Modifying innovations. They are aimed at improving or complementing existing products. Modifying innovations are aimed at maintaining or strengthening the market position of an enterprise.

What is innovation? In a broad sense, this is a significant change in the life of society aimed at achieving positive result which has been applied in practice. Everett Rogers defined innovation as follows: “An idea, Practical activities or an object whose novelty is felt by an individual or group.” It is important to take into account the difference between the concepts of “new product” and “innovative product”. A product based on a fundamentally new solution is fully innovative. It is also associated with significant changes in technology, production. It is also important that it allows the consumer to gain new opportunities and perspectives. An innovative product is fundamentally different from a new product (a version of an existing product). For example, the new kind yogurt is not an innovative product, just like a car that used to have a manual transmission and then became automatic, etc. is not.

Currently, innovative products can be considered 4G communications, iPhone, GPS navigator, medicines based on nanotechnology, products of new biotechnologies, new aircrafts for space tourists, etc. Once upon a time, innovative products were mobile phones, laptops, players, digital cameras, food products instant meals, children's Kinder Surprise, extreme tours, etc.

History shows that the number of innovative products is constantly growing. Currently, not as many innovative products are sold in Russia as, for example, in Japan, the USA or Germany (countries with big amount innovation). Toyota, Sony, General Electric, Microsoft, Intel, BASF have long been known in this area. There is no doubt that the number of innovative products will increase in the near future and there is already a need for the ability to sell them. The famous inventor Thomas Edison said: “I will not invent something that cannot be sold.”

These are the greatest breakthroughs in human life over the past 100 years... Inventions that have radically changed our lives.

Plants - engines of progress

Algae and biofuels

IN Lately In the news you can find many references related to the practical use of algae. And the benefits from them are considerable. Some species are suitable for consumption, others can be used as fuel to generate heat, and algae can also be processed and produce hydrogen, methane, biodiesel, and fertilizers. Seaweed grows very rapidly, in addition, there are a huge number of its species, so that sometimes it can be quite problematic to cultivate any one species required. To grow algae need solar energy and CO2. And these are just types of renewable energy.

The plant, which produces biodiesel from cultivated algae, produces 4.4 million gallons per year. The numbers may not be very impressive yet, but there is every reason to believe that the manufacturer will soon be able to significantly increase its volumes. Other players in the industry are also very interested in algae biodiesel becoming the No. 2 fuel after oil. Since it is a renewable fuel source, algae could be a great solution to energy problems.

Guayule and latex

Guayule is a desert plant that grows in North America. However, it is of considerable value to industrialists. Firstly, it can be used to produce rubber. Most natural rubber is obtained from one species of rubber tree, and it is necessary to protect these trees in every possible way from diseases, since otherwise this will have the most detrimental effect on their productivity. The advantage of guayule in this case is its unpretentiousness, because, being a desert inhabitant, it does not require a large amount of water or fertilizers.

Latex obtained from guayule does not cause allergies and is superior to traditional latex in many respects: products made from it are softer, more elastic, and stronger.

Guayule can also be used to produce gum. This ingredient is used very widely in industry: it is indispensable in the production of paint, paper, soap, and chipboard.

The remains of the plant after processing can be used to produce biofuels and ethanol.

Corn and plastic

As you know, starches obtained from corn are used in the paper industry, as well as in the production of cleaning products and detergents. The scope of application of another derivative substance - dextrose - is also very wide: from the pharmaceutical industry (antibiotics are made with its help) to the production of alcoholic beverages. Corn can even be used to make car tires. The truly revolutionary thing could be plastic made from corn. This type of plastic is biodegradable. And, given that it is now simply impossible to imagine our lives without the use of plastic products, this technology would solve one of the biggest problems of environmental pollution.

Burdock and Velcro fastener

To the invention of the Velcro fastener (Velcro - short for French. vel ours (velvet) + cro chet (hook)) in 1941, Georges de Mestral was pushed by ordinary burdock thorns. And now both babies and astronauts enjoy the fruits of this invention. Thus, each shuttle is equipped with 10 thousand square inches of Velcro. In conditions of weightlessness, this invention greatly simplifies life for astronauts.

Silent “Velcro” were developed especially for the needs of the army. And another fact: 12.5 square centimeters of Velcro can support a load of 79 kg.

Lotus and nanotechnology

Lotus growing in dirty water, but its leaves remain clean. The surface of the leaves of this plant is uneven, and while water droplets roll down, they take all the dirt with them. The microscopic structures trap air bubbles and expel water with their waxy coating. Due to the fact that the surface of the leaves is not flat, the water droplets gradually roll off. This superhydrophobic coating repels water well, but not droplets of water vapor.

The applications of such water-repellent and self-cleaning surfaces are simply limitless. Due to their properties, their production requires the use of fewer different chemicals, which means the final product will be cheaper and less toxic.

5. Updating the acquired knowledge. Work in pairs (ask each other questions).

6. Homework: find material about nanotechnology in any industry; prepare for the test.

Target: introduce innovative products and technologies; with the importance of innovative activity of enterprises in a competitive environment; develop attention, memory, and develop the ability to work in a team.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework on the topic “The importance of insurance in modern society”;

message “Consumer Rights Law”.

3. Goals, objectives, motivation.

4. Explanation of new material.

Innovation activity is a complex process of transforming innovative ideas into an object of economic relations. The practical use of an innovative idea leads to the creation of new or improved products and technologies.

Broadly speaking, innovations can be divided into product, technological, and organizational and managerial projects.

There are known classifications of innovations according to the following criteria: prevalence, place in the production cycle, continuity, market coverage, degree of novelty and innovative potential.

Initially, innovation arises and exists in the form of an idea, presented with varying degrees of depth. The goal of the innovator is, as a rule, to promote this idea and introduce it into production, and he is not always interested in economic feasibility (making a profit or even covering costs).

The innovative activity of an enterprise has goals that may largely not correspond to the goals of the innovator. The goals of the enterprise are:

    protecting or increasing its share of the existing market;

    gaining positions in a new, previously untapped market;

    creating a new market or market segment.

In turn, the end consumer of innovative products evaluates them in terms of functions, quality and cost, i.e. in terms of the degree to which their needs are met.

Thus, innovation involves applying marketing efforts in two directions.

At the stage of marketing an innovative idea, it is essential to determine the degree of its innovative potential. According to this criterion, innovations are divided into three types:

    Radical innovation. These are fundamentally new products and technologies. Radical innovations are quite few in number and, as a rule, involve the emergence of a new consumer and a new market.

    Combinatorial innovation. This is a new combination of already known elements. Combinatorial innovations can be aimed at attracting new consumer groups or developing new markets.

    Modifying innovations. They are aimed at improving or complementing existing products. Modifying innovations are aimed at maintaining or strengthening the market position of an enterprise.

The global financial crisis has once again revealed problems of a raw materials nature Russian economy. The country's leadership and business representatives realized that in the near future it is necessary to learn how to create and introduce innovations into production. Plans for the production of innovative products are already being implemented. But this is not enough; the ability to sell innovations on the market is no less important. The fate of many promising new products was unsuccessful simply because they failed to sell them and convince consumers of their advantages. The topic of diffusion of innovations in the market was first described in famous book Everett Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations, which was published in 1962 .

What is innovation? In a broad sense, this is a significant change in the life of society, aimed at achieving a positive result, which was applied in practice. Everett Rogers defined innovation as: “An idea, practice, or object of which novelty is perceived by an individual or group.” It is important to take into account the difference between the concepts of “new product” and “innovative product”. A product based on a fundamentally new solution is fully innovative. It is also associated with significant changes in technology and production. It is also important that it allows the consumer to gain new opportunities and perspectives. An innovative product is fundamentally different from a new product (a version of an existing product). For example, a new type of yogurt is not an innovative product, just as a car that used to have a manual transmission and then became automatic, etc., is not.

Currently, innovative products can be considered 4G communications, iPhone, GPS navigator, medicines based on nanotechnology, new biotechnology products, new aircraft for space tourists, etc. Once upon a time, innovative products were Cell phones, laptops, players, digital cameras, food products instant cooking, children's Kinder Surprise, extreme tours, etc.

History shows that the number of innovative products is constantly growing. Currently, not as many innovative products are sold in Russia as, for example, in Japan, the USA or Germany (countries with a lot of innovation). Toyota, Sony, General Electric, Microsoft, Intel, BASF have long been known in this area. There is no doubt that the number of innovative products will increase in the near future and there is already a need for the ability to sell them. Famous inventor Thomas Edison said: “I will not invent something that cannot be sold.” 5 . Updating the acquired knowledge. Work in pairs (ask each other questions).

6. Homework: find material about nanotechnology in any industry

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