What is the instinct of living beings? Instinct: meaning in human life

Instincts are the most complex acts of innate behavior. For instinctive behavior there are two important points. Firstly, the dependence of instinctive behavior on the state of the internal environment of the body. Secondly, stimuli are only triggers of instinctive behavior and are not necessary for the implementation of the entire act. The gray goose, for example, usually returns a rolled egg to the nest by pushing it with its beak, and continues these pushing movements even if the egg has rolled (mixing activity) across the nest.

C. Darwin understood by instinct that part of animal behavior that is characteristic of a given species and assigned to representatives of this species hereditarily.

According to the German zoologist Bigler (1914), an action is considered instinctive if it:

hereditary, i.e. motivation and ability to act are among the hereditary properties of the species;

does not require preliminary intimation;

is performed the same way for everyone;

corresponds to the bodily organization of the animal, i.e. is in connection with her normal use of organs;

adapted to natural living conditions, often even in connection with regular natural changes in these conditions, for example with the seasons.

Currently, all animal actions that do not depend on upbringing are called instinct. Instinctive behavior is based on movement norms specific to a given species (endogenous automatisms), as well as on reaction norms specific to a given species.

Instinct is a set of motor acts and complex shapes behavior characteristic of animals of a given species, arising in response to irritation from the external and internal environment of the body and occurring against the background of high excitability of the nerve centers associated with the implementation of these acts.

Instinct is a hereditary complex of reactions to certain influences, certain changes in the conditions of the external and internal environment, which is the same in all individuals of the species. Instincts are manifestations of behavioral acts determined by the most complex connections of structures and processes of the body fixed by evolution.

According to the types of needs, the following types of instincts are distinguished:

Vital, aimed at the survival of an individual; dissatisfaction of a need leads to the death of the individual; the fulfillment of a need does not require the participation of another individual;

Zoosocial, or role-playing, are aimed at the survival of the species, the effective existence of the group - “what is good for the species is good for you”;

Self-development, facing the future, is aimed at self-improvement of rational activity.

Vital instincts:


*defensive (active and passive)

*regulation of the sleep-wake cycle

*saving energy (force)

Zoosocial, or role-playing, instincts:

*sexual (partner choice)

*parental (separation of the roles of father and mother)

*territorial (protection of habitat zones to conserve resources)

*emotional resonance (acceleration of socialization - the path to the emergence of empathy, sympathy, and ultimately consciousness)

*group hierarchy (altruistic egoism)

Self-development instincts:


*imitation (imitative)

The instinct is carried out in several successive stages: preparatory, search, final.

The properties of instincts include the fact that instinctive behavioral reactions have high species specificity - a complex of fixed actions, genetically predetermined by the central program. Relatively simple (“key”) stimuli only trigger a stereotypical reaction, but do not determine its implementation. Instincts to specific stimuli arise and are inherited. The driving force of instinct is need. Change with age. Does not require training.

Ethologists present instinctive behavior as a complex hierarchy of mutually subordinate internal and external influences, and at each level the nervous system controls specific instinctive acts.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Instinct- a set of innate tendencies and aspirations expressed in the form of complex automatic behavior. In a narrow sense, a set of complex hereditarily determined acts of behavior characteristic of individuals of a given species under certain conditions. Instincts form the basis of animal behavior. In higher animals, instincts are modified under the influence of individual experience. A generally accepted definition of instinct has not yet been developed. Some problems, including the applicability of the term instinct to humans, are debatable. Lorenz believed that humans have automatic, nature-induced behaviors, such as stimuli that cause fixed actions. Certain fixed action patterns developed out of survival motivation. Instinct is an example of fixed action patterns. Any behavior is instinctive if it is performed in the absence of training. Reflexes can be instincts. For example, a newborn baby instinctively knows how to seek out and feed on its mother's breast for nourishment. Unlike animals, in humans and possibly other primates (chimpanzees), instincts do not have direct control over the individual and are instead veiled under feelings and emotions. In humans, the basic instincts are the instinct of self-preservation (fear of dying or being wounded, mutilation), maternal instinct (attachment to a child in order to raise him), hierarchical instincts (ambitiousness, desire for universal recognition, submission to dominants, etc.), instinct of religiosity (faith, fear of supernatural beings, etc.), sexual instincts (sexual desire, etc.).

| Contents = Instinct- a complex of motor acts or a sequence of actions characteristic of an organism of a given species, the implementation of which depends on the functional state of the animal (determined by the dominant need) and the prevailing this moment situations. Instinctive reactions are innate in nature, and their high species specificity is often used as a taxonomic character along with the morphological characteristics of a given animal species. | Signature = Danilova N. N., Krylova A. L. Physiology of higher nervous activity. | Alignment = right | Width = 250px

History of concept development

Pre-evolutionary period

The beginnings of ideas about instinct can be seen in Aristotle’s doctrine of the soul, which assumed the existence of a certain “animal soul” that provided the mental functions of animals. The term instinct (lat. instinctus, ancient Greek. ὁρμή ) appeared among the Stoic philosophers. (For the first time it was used in the sense of aspiration or motivation by the Stoic Chrysippus (3rd century BC) to characterize the behavior of birds and other animals.) They understood it as an innate desire that directs an animal towards factors favorable to it and turns it away from unfavorable ones. In general, the animistic ideas that dominated philosophy and psychology for a long time turned out to be unproductive.

Evolutionary period

19th century

A significant breakthrough in understanding the essence of instinct was associated with the emergence of the first evolutionary teachings, one of which was developed by Jean Baptiste Lamarck. According to the teachings of Lamarck, evolution occurs under the influence environment mediated by behavior. Lamarck considered the psyche to be inextricably linked with the nervous system. One of the first definitions of instinct belongs to him.

The instinct of animals is an inclination that attracts, is caused by sensations based on the needs that arise due to their needs and compels them to perform actions without any participation of thought, without any participation of the will.

Original text(French)

< Ainsi, >l" instinct dans les animaux, est un penchant qui entraîne, que des sensations provoquent en faisant naître des besoins, et qui fait exécuter des actions, sans la participation d" aucune pensée, ni d "aucun acte de volonté.

Further development the concept of instinct was associated with the beginning of the systematic scientific study of behavior. Already in early XIX century, Frederic Cuvier established, using the example of the construction of huts by beavers isolated from their relatives, that instinctive behavior is hereditarily determined and stereotypical.

Charles Darwin's main contribution is that he showed the universality of the principles of evolution organic world. Darwin paid a lot of attention to the study of behavior. The results of his work are presented in the monograph “The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals”, “The Origin of Species” and a number of articles. Darwin did not give a strict definition of instinct.

everyone understands what they mean when they say that instinct forces the cuckoo to fly and lay eggs in the nests of other birds. An action, the execution of which requires experience from ourselves, performed by an animal, especially a very young one, without experience, or performed equally by many individuals without knowledge on their part of the purpose for which it is performed, is usually called instinctive. But I can say that none of these characteristics can be considered universal. A small dose of consideration or intelligence, as Pierre Huber puts it, is often observed in animals, even low on the ladder of nature.

XX century

Classical ethology, formed in the thirties, played an important role in the development of the concept of instinct. Lorenz adhered to a clear division of behavior into innate and acquired components. Ethologists for a long time instinct was defined through denial, as an unacquired component of behavior. The morphological approach to behavior, characteristic of ethology, is manifested in Lorenz’s definition.

Instinct is a temporary morphostructure of an animal, which naturally appears in the flow of the animal’s actions in a specific social situation. [ ]

In psychology

The concept of instinct as applied to humans was developed within the framework of psychoanalysis, one of the provisions of which was the recognition of the role of biological prerequisites for behavior. Instincts within the framework of psychoanalysis were considered as hereditary (non-acquired) tendencies that play the role of motivational forces of complex human models behavior.


Humanistic psychology

Hormic psychology

According to hormic psychology, the source of motivation was a special intangible force “gorme”, manifested in the form of instincts. The concept of horme was developed by American psychologist William McDougall. He also developed own classification instincts.

  • flight (fear);
  • rejection (disgust);
  • curiosity (surprise);
  • aggressiveness (anger);
  • self-deprecation (embarrassment);
  • self-affirmation (inspiration);
  • parental instinct (tenderness);
  • food instinct;
  • herd instinct;

The concepts of instinct in the theories of McDougall and Freud were based on subjective experiences and, as a result, lacked scientific rigor. In particular, they did not allow us to compile a list of instincts (McDougall repeatedly changed the number of instincts).

In ethology

Instincts- the essence of adaptations is specific, useful for the species to the same extent as one or another morphological characteristics and just as permanent.

definition by A.N. Severtsova

Instinct- a set of motor acts and complex forms of behavior characteristic of an animal of a given species, arising from stimulation from the external and internal environment of the body and occurring against the background of high excitability of the nerve centers associated with the implementation of these acts.

definition of A.D. Slonim

Instinct is a central concept in the sciences of animal behavior. Ethologists dealt primarily with stereotypical and non-plastic instincts. Traditionally, instinct is viewed as a hereditary and unchangeable component of behavior. By modern ideas, instinct is inextricably linked with learning and forms an inextricable whole with it.

One of the first definitions of instinct was given by the German animal psychologist Heinrich Ziegler (German: Heinrich Ernst Ziegler). According to Ziegler's definition, instinctive behavior has the following properties:

  • Hereditary character
  • Independence from learning
  • Species typicality
  • Close connection with the organization of the animal
  • Close connection with the living conditions of the animal

Structure of instinctive behavior

The instinctive behavioral act is carried out in several stages. The stages of instinctive behavior were first identified by the American scientist Wallace Craig. Craig called them phases and distinguished the search and completion phases. The search phase (preparatory phase or appetitive behavior) consists of searching for biologically significant stimuli. Search behavior occurs under the influence internal factors, which include irritations from internal receptors, hormones, changes in the concentration of certain substances.

Lorenz's theory of instinctive behavior

The central concept of the theory is “specific energy of action” - nervous excitation that serves as a source of motor activity. Instinctive behavior is realized in response to specific stimuli (releasers), for the recognition of which the innate trigger mechanism is responsible.

The structure of instinctive behavior according to Lorenz

The structure of instinctive behavior developed by Konrad Lorenz was based on the developments and factual material predecessors. Like Craig, Lorenz distinguished the search and completion phases. The search (or appetitive phase) of instinctive behavior occurs under the influence of internal factors and is expressed in the fact that the animal begins to actively search for specific stimuli. When the animal finds the stimulus, the inhibitory mechanism is removed and the final phase is implemented. In relation to the feeding behavior of predators, the appetitive phase includes searching, tracking, killing prey, and the final phase is eating it. The final phase is strictly determined genetically, while appetitive behavior is subject to change under the influence of the individual experience of the animal.

Lorenz hydraulic model

1 - influx of specific energy of action (SED)
creates pressure in the tank (2)
3.4 - Congenital trigger mechanism. Feels pressure from the EDMS (3) and the releaser (5)

Thus, as a specific action potential accumulates, the threshold required to trigger the corresponding instinctive response decreases. In the case when the necessary stimulus is absent for a long time, the reaction can take place “empty”, without a specific stimulus.

Lorenz himself recognized the limitations of the hydraulic model. Although it explains some observed phenomena, it has a number of serious shortcomings. First of all, it does not take into account the variability of behavior. Secondly, it assumes the existence of some extra entity - hypothetical energy, and the corresponding nervous structure responsible for the accumulation of a specific action potential. Thirdly, there are facts that contradict this theory.

Due to its simplicity and clarity, hydraulic theory is studied in university zoopsychology courses to this day.

The mechanism responsible for the accumulation of a specific action potential can presumably be found in the pacemaker activity of a neuron, generating an action potential under the influence of a genetic program.

Tinbergen's Hierarchical Theory

Instinct- a hierarchically organized nervous mechanism that responds to certain proposed and permissive impulses with fully coordinated, vital and species-specific movements.

N. Tinbergen's definition

  • geese, (Lorenz)
  • ducks (Heinroth and Lorenz)
  • Pigeons (Whitman)
  • Seagulls (Tinbergen)
  • Spiders, mantises (Crane)
  • Cichlids (Behrends)

see also



  1. Definition given by: Biological encyclopedic Dictionary/ under. ed. M. S. Gilyarov. - Ed. second, corrected. - Moscow: Soviet encyclopedia, 1989. - P. 231. - 864 p. - ISBN 5-85270-002-9.
  2. Abraham H. Maslow. Motivation and Personality Chapter 4, Instinct Theory Reexamined.

The instincts of self-preservation and procreation are basic, ensuring the physical survival of the individual and the species. The research instinct and the instinct of freedom provide the primary specialization of man. The instincts of dominance and preservation of dignity ensure self-affirmation and self-preservation of a person in psychosocial terms. Together, these instincts ensure a person’s adaptation to real life. The altruistic instinct socializes the egocentric essence of all other instincts.

Typically, in a person, one or more instincts dominate, while the rest are less pronounced, but fully influence the orientation of the individual in any activity.

As a result of testing, the severity of each of the seven basic instincts and which instinct is dominant is determined.

From early childhood, a person of this type shows a tendency towards increased caution; the child does not let his mother leave his side even for a moment, is afraid of the dark, heights, water, and intolerant of pain (refuses dental treatment, visits to doctors, etc.).

On the basis of this type, a personality with pronounced egocentricity, anxious suspiciousness, and a tendency under unfavorable circumstances to obsessive fears, phobias or hysterical reactions can be formed. These are people for whom “Safety and health are above all!”, and their credo: “There is only one life and there will be no more.” The evolutionary feasibility of having this type lies in the fact that its carriers, while preserving themselves, are the guardians of the gene pool of the clan or tribe. This type is characterized by the following leading qualities:



Willingness to sacrifice social needs for the sake of one’s own safety,

Denial of risk

Anxiety about your health and well-being.

It is characterized by a peculiar kind of egocentrism, when “I” is replaced by the concept of “We” (by “We” we mean family) up to the denial of “I”. Values, goals, life plans are subordinated to one thing - the interests of children and family. Already in childhood, the interests of this type of people are fixed on the family and such a child is happy only when the father and mother return from work, the whole family is assembled, everyone is healthy and everyone good mood. He acutely feels discord in the family, and in this case he may experience a depressive neurotic reaction.

These are people who value the interests of the family above all else, and their credo is: “My home is my fortress.” The evolutionary expediency of having this type is that its carriers are the guardians of the family, the guardians of the gene pool of the clan, the guardians of life.

This type has the following qualities:

Super love for your children,


Extreme concern for the safety and health of their children,

Tendency to deny one’s “I” in favor of “We” (family),

Over-anxiety about the future of your children.

People of this type are characterized by kindness, empathy, caring for loved ones, especially the elderly, and are able to give the last to others, even what they themselves need. They are convinced that it cannot be good for everyone if only one person is bad, and their credo is “Kindness will save the world, kindness is above all.” And they are evolutionary guardians of kindness, peace, guardians of life.

The altruistic type is characterized by leading qualities:


Empathy, understanding of people,

Unselfishness in relationships with people

Caring for the weak, sick,


From early childhood, people of this type are characterized by curiosity, a desire to get to the essence of everything, and a tendency to creativity. At first, these people are interested in everything, but then they become more and more captivated by one passion. Travelers, inventors, scientists are people of this type. Their credo is “Creativity and progress are above all.” The evolutionary feasibility of this type is obvious.

The research type is characterized by:

Tendency to research activities,

Tendency to search for new, innovative in science, art,

The ability to leave a settled place and established business without hesitation when new, risky, but interesting things and tasks appear,

Striving for creativity

Selflessness in realizing creative aspirations.

From early childhood, there is a desire for leadership, the ability to organize a game, set a goal, show the will to achieve it, a personality is formed who knows what she wants and how to achieve what she wants, is persistent in achieving the goal, ready to take calculated risks, able to understand people and stories them behind you. The credo of this type is: “Business and order above all”; “One - nothing, all - everything”; “It will be good for everyone - it will be good for everyone.”

The evolutionary expediency of this type of presence of this type, which gives birth to leaders, organizers, politicians, is that they are the guardians of the interests and honor of the entire family.

The dominant type is characterized by:

Tendency to leadership, to power,

Predisposition to solve complex organizational problems,

Priority of prospects for career growth over material incentives,

Readiness for a tough fight for leadership, for first place,

The priority of the general (the interests of the business, the team) over the private (the interests of one person).

Already in the cradle, a child of this type protests when he is swaddled. The tendency to protest against any restriction of freedom grows with them; people of this type are characterized by a desire for independence, denial of authorities (parents, teachers), tolerance to pain, a tendency to leave early Father's house, predisposition to risk, stubbornness, negativism, intolerance of routine, bureaucracy. The credo of such people is: “Freedom above all!” And they are the guardians of everyone’s interests and freedom, individuality; they naturally limit the tendencies of individuals of the dominant type. They are the guardians of freedom, and with this, life. This type has:

Tendency to protest, rebellion,

Predisposition to change places (denial of everyday life),

The desire for independence

Tendency to reformism, revolutionary changes,

Intolerance to any form of restrictions, to censorship, to the suppression of the “I”.

Already in early childhood a person of this type is able to grasp irony, ridicule and is absolutely intolerant of any form of humiliation. Characteristic recklessness, willingness to sacrifice everything in defense of one’s rights, unshakable position “Honor is above all.” The instinct of self-preservation in such a person is last place. In the name of honor and dignity, these people go to Calvary.

Attachment to the family is expressed in the form of preserving family honor: “There were no scoundrels or cowards in our family.” The evolutionary expediency of having this type lies in the fact that its bearers are the guardians of the honor and dignity of the “I”, the personality, and with this, a life worthy of a person.

People of this type are characterized by:

Intolerance to any form of humiliation,

Willingness to sacrifice well-being and social status in the name of one's own dignity,

Priority of honor and pride over safety,

Uncompromising and direct in relations with leaders,

Intolerance to all forms of infringement of human rights (c)

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.


The meaning of the word instinct

instinct in the crossword dictionary

Dictionary of medical terms

instinct (lat. instinctus urge)

purposeful adaptive activity, determined by innate mechanisms and characterized by the constancy of responses to the action of certain stimuli.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


M. lat. the unconscious impulse by which animals act; wake-up call wake up east In man, reason and will; in an animal, both are merged in the wake-up call. Instinctive, wake-up, wake-up. The instinct is so bad that one cannot help but wish that it could be replaced by a wake-up call.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


instinct, m. (Latin instinctus - urge). The innate ability of animals to unconsciously perform purposeful actions and movements (biol.). The instinct of self-preservation. The bird instinctively builds a nest before laying eggs.

Natural, irresistible, unconscious attraction, feeling (book). Animal instincts. Social instincts.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    The innate ability to perform appropriate actions on immediate, unconscious impulse. I. self-preservation.

    Subconscious, unconscious feeling, inner instinct. Understand something. instinct loving person. Maternal and.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    An innate reaction of the body that occurs in response to external or internal stimuli.

    Subconscious, unconscious feeling; inner feeling.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


INSTINCT (from Latin instinctus - urge) a set of complex innate reactions (acts of behavior) of the body that arise in response to external or internal stimuli; complex unconditioned reflex (food, defensive, sexual, etc.). A person's instincts are controlled by his consciousness.


(from Latin instinctus ≈ urge), a set of innate complex reactions (acts of behavior) of the body, arising, as a rule, almost unchanged in response to external or internal stimuli. The mechanism of I., according to I.P. Pavlov, is an unconditioned reflex, therefore he considered the concepts of I. and the unconditioned reflex to be identical. Usually, only complex unconditioned reflexes (food, defensive, sexual, etc.) are called I., in contrast to simple unconditioned reflexes (blinking, sneezing, coughing, etc.). Any reaction consists of a chain of reactions in which the end of one link serves as the beginning of another. There are attempts to classify I. according to their biological and physiological significance (Soviet physiologists N. A. Rozhansky, A. D. Slonim). According to the school of I.P. Pavlov, the following main I. can be distinguished: food, manifested in the form of food acquisition, capture of food, accumulation of its reserves, etc.; defensive, consisting of both passive defensive reactions (running away, “freezing,” “hiding”) and active defense with the help of teeth, claws, horns, etc.; sexual, including mating games, dancing, singing, mating, fighting for the female, migration to the spawning site and other acts that culminate in mating; parental (also called caring for the offspring) in the form of building a nest, storing food for the young, feeding them and teaching protective, hunting and other techniques; group, forming the basis of the relationship between members of a herd, flock, swarm, family and manifested in joint defense from enemies, building a nest, overcoming space (migration), heating each other in the cold season, in common care of offspring, etc. With in-depth The study of I.'s mechanisms attracts special attention to their variability due to the possible layering of conditioned reflex reactions (see Conditioned reflexes), which together with I. constitute a “biocomplex of activity” (in the words of A. N. Promptov), ​​or “unitary reactions” (in the terminology L.V. Krushinsky). It has been established (L.A. Orbeli and others) that the more developed the central nervous system, the greater the proportion in the animal’s behavior that reactions acquired in individual life. Thus, the behavior of lower invertebrates (protozoa, coelenterates) is based exclusively on I. In the behavior of higher invertebrates (insects, crustaceans, higher mollusks), despite the presence of complex I. (especially in “social” insects - bees, ants) , conditioned reflexes play a significant role.

A person’s intelligence is largely subordinated to his conscious activity, which is formed in the process of upbringing. However, education, in turn, in addition to socio-historical foundations, is based on a biological foundation in the form of the most important I., which mature in various periods of embryonic and post-embryonic life. Already in the uterine period, individual structures of the nervous system of the embryo mature faster than others, thereby ensuring the readiness of the newborn organism to survive in its specific conditions of existence (P.K. Anokhin). At various times after the birth of the body, other impulses begin to mature, on the basis of which important functions of the body develop (sexual desire, feeling of motherhood, etc.). In the implementation of instinctive activity, the endocrine glands play a very important role.

The study of I. is extremely important: for medicine, since some mental illness depend on a disorder (or disturbance) of instinctive impulses; for livestock farming in connection with the selection of animals with the most economically useful innate characteristics; as well as for developing methods for transforming wild fauna, acclimatizing animals, controlling agricultural pests, etc. See also Instinctive behavior.

Lit.: Pavlov I. P., Lectures on work cerebral hemispheres brain, Complete collection soch., vol. 4, M.≈L., 1951; Promptov A.N., Essays on the problem of biological adaptation and behavior of passerine birds, M.≈L., 1956; Rozhansky N. A., Essays on the physiology of the nervous system, L., 1957; Krushinsky L. V. Formation of animal behavior in normal and pathological conditions, M., 1960; Slonim A.D., Instinct. Mysteries of the innate behavior of organisms, Leningrad, 1967; Anokhin P.K., Biology and neurophysiology of the conditioned reflex, M., 1968.

L. G. Voronin.



Instinct- a set of innate tendencies and aspirations expressed in the form of complex automatic behavior. In a narrow sense, a set of complex hereditarily determined acts of behavior characteristic of individuals of a given species under certain conditions. Instincts form the basis of animal behavior. In higher animals, instincts are modified under the influence of individual experience.

A generally accepted definition of instinct has not yet been developed. Some problems, including the applicability of the term instinct to humans, are debatable.

Examples of the use of the word instinct in literature.

Intraspecific aggression, which divides and alienates relatives, is the opposite of herd aggression. instinct, so - it goes without saying - strong aggressiveness and close unification are incompatible.

Popular utilitarianism now confidently asserts that altruism should be understood as a rational ennoblement of egoism, as a result of the influence of society and, moreover, as a manifestation of natural instinct.

Everything you need is present in your offspring, both catabolism and anabolism, and instincts.

Man - meaningful will, suppression instincts, impact on nature, reasonable control of the animal nervous system, but a complete inability to control unconditioned reflexes, the autonomic system, and hence the relativity of freedom and the body’s defenselessness against disease.

Unique Feature Annenkov's biography is that in some incomprehensible way he managed to turn out to be the most direct participant in these events every time, as if anticipating their onset in advance in a special, mysterious, but completely unmistakable way instinct.

Who knows what atavistic instincts push to such a duel, when two opponents look point-blank into each other's eyes until one surrenders.

The terror that descended on the city with the arrival of Baev forever took away all of Wolf’s ambitious desires, leaving them no longer in their place - instinct: to survive, to survive until retirement, to run away and hide forever, so that even his name is forgotten - to survive, just to survive.

Smiling in front of television cameras, unspiritual leaders, insignificant before the Lord, set one nation against another, inciting bestial behavior with their calls. instincts in people, as a result of which cities and villages are destroyed, their inhabitants are doomed to grief and lamentation.

The generations that are now entering life still face many evils: laziness, ignorance, emotional lack of culture and primitivism, aesthetic wretchedness, superstition, selfishness, dominance instincts over a high sense of duty - all this, unfortunately, still exists around us.

Dmitry Alekseevich Kropotov, thrown out into the street one day, was one of those many, most ordinary mortals, simple, weak, not particularly outstanding, whose hearts had not yet died out. instincts truth, conscience did not sum it up, and the heart did not lose the ability to beat and tremble at the sight of inhumanity and injustice, and finally, overflowing, sometimes made itself felt with timid words of indignation, sympathy, and regret.

Freud and behaviorism intersect not in the problem of sexuality, not in the problem instinct, but in emphasizing the role of the social in the development of the child.

Unemployment along with vagrancy instinct led him from one workshop to another along the streets of London, along the roads of England and through all the roadside taverns.

Those formidable bastions with which state organization defended herself from the old instincts freedom - these bastions primarily include punishment - led to the fact that all the named instincts of a wild free wandering person turned back, against the person himself.

This great human happiness is available only to those who know how to control themselves, who have the power of reason over instinct.

The brain has the finest analyzing center, which evaluates acquired conditioned reflexes and has valve properties that regulate the selection of conditioned reflexes for turning them into instincts, transmitted by inheritance.

lat. instinctus - urge) is an evolutionarily developed innate adaptive form of behavior characteristic of a given animal species, which is a set of inherited complex reactions that arise in response to external and internal stimuli. The instincts of humans and animals are programmed in nervous system as part of the hereditary constitution. Currently, it is customary to use the following concepts to denote instinct: “species-specific behavior”, “stereotypical behavior”, “innate behavior”, “genetically programmed behavior”, “a complex of fixed actions” (N.F. Reimers). Referring to human instincts, often consumed figurative expression"species memory". IN human society There are two types of “species memory” - inherited (genetic) and non-genetic. Instinct is a “species memory” passed down from generation to generation. “Non-genetic memory” of the human collective - culture (Definition by Russian culturologist, semiotician Yu.M. Lotman). The instinctive behavior of humans and animals has a number of characteristic features. Let us list them: 1) The instinctive behavior of animals or humans is highly adaptive and does not require prior learning. 2) Instinctive behavior is species-typical, that is, the same for all animals of a given species with the same external and internal conditions. The order and strength of muscle contractions carried out during the execution of instinctive movements coincide to the smallest detail in all animals of a given species. The instinctive behavioral reactions of animals are so constant and characteristic of each species that they can serve to clarify the systematic position of a particular animal (i.e., they can serve as a taxonomic character). 3) Instinctive movements are programmed in genes and are formed (mature) in the process of individual development.

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