What does cardinal fire mean? What are the cardinal signs of the zodiac

While the elements of the zodiac signs represent certain unchanging qualities and characteristics of the signs, the crosses talk about the strategy of action of various representatives of the zodiac.

The zodiac sign belonging to the cross shows how a person will act, how he will reveal his potential. We can say that each cross is distinguished by a certain way of action and behavior of its representatives, their reaction to life situations.

Cardinal cross of zodiac signs

The following signs belong to the cardinal cross:

  • Aries,
  • scales,
  • Capricorn.

The cardinal cross is conventionally associated with the male active principle. This is due to the fact that representatives of this cross usually strive to take cardinal leadership positions in life; they try to control the actions of others.

This cross of zodiac signs distinguishes people who clearly set goals and are in constant motion in the designated direction.

Aries moves forward. The most straightforward sign of the zodiac. If necessary, it can smash obstacles in its path with its forehead. He achieves what he wants through incredible volitional efforts and usually acts in jerks. Gets tired quickly, putting a lot of effort into one jerk.

Cancer moves backwards and downwards. People of this sign are very attached to their roots, origins, and traditions. They draw their strength from simple universal human values. Cancer always takes care of its rear. Tries to protect his weak points.

The scales move, maneuvering from side to side. They always strive to find balance among extremes and opposites. They often derive their own benefit from the opposition of different points of view existing in society.

Representatives of this sign easily adapt to any new fashion trends and ideas.

Capricorn moves upward. This sign is slowly but stubbornly and steadily moving towards its goal. He knows that he can fall down, so his steps are well-calibrated and careful. Capricorns set high goals for themselves, they are very capable long time act in one direction.

Unlike Aries, they never give it their all, always saving their strength for the last decisive push.

Fixed cross of zodiac signs

The following signs belong to the fixed cross:

  • Taurus,
  • scorpion,
  • Aquarius.

The fixed cross of the zodiac signs is conventionally associated with the feminine passive principle. In order to start acting, these signs need some incentive, a push. Representatives of these signs gain energy gradually, like a locomotive. If they set goals for themselves, they can move towards their intended goal all their lives, while gaining such energy that they cannot stop, even when this is required for safety reasons. These are the most inertial, but also the most energetic and unyielding people in their actions.

Taurus can remain in a calm state for a long time, but if they start to drive him into a corner, he shows unprecedented strength and resourcefulness. In a short period of time, doing a great job and crushing competitors.

Leo also does not like to waste time on trifles. He may sit for a long time, waiting for the right moment. Then he quickly completes a huge amount of work in a short period of time, stopping there for a while.

Scorpio withdraws into himself, accumulates emotional energy, his passions heat up inside him, and his experiences grow. Finally, his patience reaches its limit and all his passions burst out in a deliberate and digested form. At the same time, accumulated issues and problems are resolved emotionally, but quickly and effectively.

Aquarius can sit for a long time doing nothing, but inside him, in the subconscious, a revolution, a transformation, is brewing.

It happens that people, having not met an Aquarius they knew for a long time, noticed upon meeting that in front of them was a completely different person. He has different views on life, different priorities, reasoning, although outwardly he remains the same.

Transforming, Aquarius makes a revolution around itself, doing many things at once in a short period of time.

Mutable cross of zodiac signs

The following signs belong to the mutable cross:

  • twins,
  • Virgo,
  • Sagittarius,
  • fish.

These signs are neither masculine nor feminine. They are conductors between male and female energy. Representatives of these signs are distinguished by their ability to adapt to the changing realities of life. Their life strategy is often replaced by tactics.

They always follow the latest social trends and set their goals based on their need for this moment time. Unlike people belonging to zodiac signs of the cross fixed, they can quickly revise their life goals and methods for achieving them.

Gemini is perhaps the most mobile sign of the zodiac. They quickly grasp the spirit of the times, easily get used to any society, without special effort absorbing its laws and traditions. They are always aware of events happening in the world around them.

Virgo is distinguished by great survival and adaptability. Representatives of this sign are always aware of where and what they can get. These are intellectuals with a pronounced creative orientation. Virgos are practical, able to adapt to any laws and social systems.

Among them, the highest percentage is observed richest people peace.

Sagittarius are people inextricably linked with society and social activities. Who else but them should follow development trends? public life. Sagittarius always strives to show off the best side. He knows how to intuitively grasp the mood and trends of society, and then present himself in the best possible way.

Pisces always feel very subtly the mood of the society in which they find themselves. A representative of this sign feeds on the energy of society and very quickly absorbs all the habits of its members. Pisces are always up to date with the latest fashion and style trends.

Table of division of zodiac signs by crosses and elements.

The signs are located at the intersection of the element and the cross to which they belong.

In our Everyday life we have to play many different roles every day. And often, when we are in any relationship, the role we take on dictates the rules of our behavior. It turns out to be a kind of paradox: we want to fully express ourselves, our “I,” but we are constantly forced to spend a lot of effort on realizing only some of its parts. But we can better realize our potential if we understand how we differ from our friends or other people with whom life confronts us. What leading type of behavior is inherent in us and the people who surround us. So, let's try to explain one of the reasons for our difference from others with the help of astrology. The easiest way to try to understand this is by using three behaviors known in astrology as cardinal, fixed, and mutable (or variable) behaviors. All zodiac signs are divided into these groups:

cardinal signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn;

fixed signs— Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius;

mutable signs— Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

In astrology they are called crosses of qualities. To find out which of these types of behavior predominates in your character, you just need to count how many planets of your horoscope are in each of the crosses. If one of them scores the highest number than the other two, then it is he who most often determines the style of your behavior. It's very simple! You will find an example of such a calculation at the end of the article.

It should be recalled here that every person contains traits corresponding to all three types of behavior, and the pure type is extremely rare. Usually one of the types predominates over the others, but is complemented by their inherent features. Let's try to understand how people behave when one or another type of behavior predominates.

Cardinal type of behavior

If you, your life partner or your children are most affected by cardinal signs, then you are literally bursting with the desire to immediately begin to act. Such people simply need movement, active actions and an active lifestyle, otherwise they quickly begin to experience boredom and their creative potential It might just burn out. People with a cardinal type of behavior personify fearlessness, and the motivating factor for them to start carrying out any projects is the action itself. Because they are willing to take the initiative, they often become leaders. The biggest disadvantage of having many birth chart planets in cardinal signs is that their fire melts too much iron at once. We all know those individuals who start a thousand things, but rarely complete them.

If you are dealing with a strong cardinal personality, then direct confrontation is the best way reduce all problems to zero, and this will need to be done as quickly as possible! The best thing in this situation staunch but friendly defense, because they are not able to wait long, and besides, they are easily discouraged. To help a cardinal type person complete his endeavors, he must always set short deadlines for completion. If the goal is quite huge, it is better to break it down into a number of small ones that can be completed fairly quickly.

As you already understand, patience is not their main advantage. If you are going somewhere with a person of a strong cardinal type, then, regardless of whether he is an adult or a child, make sure to take with you enough toys, books, pictures, etc., or make sure that you have Lots of topics to discuss because they always need to have something to keep them occupied.

Fixed type of behavior

When a fixed type predominates in the birth chart, such a person is most often concerned with issues of protection and security and prefers to adhere to the established order of things once and for all. They really don’t like any accidents, attempts to introduce something new into their usual routine, and generally don’t like changes. Once they learn something, you can bet anything that this is exactly what they will do forever. Therefore, the first thing that must be constantly kept in mind is that it is very difficult for them to decide on any changes. When they act within the usual framework, they have a feeling of safety, security, and it is from this that they draw strength - after all, they always know where they will go and what should happen in the next minute, they do not need any surprises!

The energy that fixed signs give is stability, reliability, stubbornness and, of course, perseverance and constancy (sometimes even to your own detriment). These are precisely those people who are too slow to make a decision, are afraid to take advantage of the opportunity that falls to their lot or the opportunity that opens up, as a result of which they lose everything. It was they who came up with the saying: “Less is better.” They constantly need to be encouraged and encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity and make some changes in their lives.

If you have a child with a strong fixed type of behavior, then as a parent, you are obliged to create such an environment for him so that he feels so protected and out of danger in it that from time to time he can make (or at least allow) changes in his life . Such children love everything familiar, and if something in their cozy world is disrupted, it can cause a feeling of insecurity and even hysteria.

The only way getting a fixed type person to do exactly what you want is indirect impact. You must “plant the seed,” so to speak, by letting them know what you would like and leaving them to act on their own. You will be surprised with what sense of responsibility your child, who has a significant number of planets in fixed signs, will begin to repeat your own actions at the beginning of the task! And then, very soon, he will believe that he has an amazing idea (that is, he will begin to consider your idea as his own), and then slowly but surely, he will begin to implement it.

So the main difficulty for people with most planets in fixed signs is that they need to be able to advance. They need to be pushed (unlike people of the cardinal type of behavior, who only need to point out the problem), but once they get wound up, it will be very difficult to stop them! Step by step, they will go all the way to the end. A person with a fixed type of behavior only needs to be encouraged and given direction. If you talk to such people, you will definitely hear complaints that they do not understand where and how to start in order to implement their favorite project! And all only because any change confuses them, and they are only able to do one thing.

If your child has a predominant fixed type, then during the day he does not need the entire set of toys available in the house, because he will be focused and concentrated on only one thing, and he will play this game with abandon for hours. Plus, they are dependent, so you can always count on them. Sometimes, as mentioned above, this can be a source of trouble because they do not easily give up their habits and have difficulty getting used to new things. You could allow this new thing to come into their life and move them psychological mechanisms so that they become more flexible and mobile. Then goals that need to be achieved over time may be exactly what they need, giving them the protection and meaning they need in their lives.

Mutable type of behavior

If you are dealing with a person who is a strong mutable type (who has most of the planets in mutable signs of the zodiac) or if you are such a person yourself, you may find that such people are difficult to control. They flow around you like a stream of water, get lost in the crowd, giving in and giving in to the desires of others, and then changing their attitude. And as a result, it often turns out that by giving in, they ensure that others begin to fulfill their desires and accept their point of view. Children of this type do not know peace and adapt well to the constantly changing environment and living conditions. They are malleable, easily adapt to the environment and are suggestible.

Where people of the cardinal type find ways to change what is happening, people of the mutable type simply adapt to it. Very often, they can completely change their personal habits and behavior depending on what people they are with at the moment. These are, of course, not people of a fixed type, always remaining true to themselves and to everyone and everyone, demonstrating the same thing. People of the mutable type are very sensitive and try in every possible way to avoid any direct conflicts. They slide from one topic to another, and therefore best method communication with them is a polite but firm approach.

Arm yourself with patience and let them, albeit in parts, in pieces, tell the truth. Moreover, one part may be contained in one story, the other in a seemingly trifling remark, etc. If they are forced into rigid conventions, mutable people will feel hampered because such conventions limit their freedom to change depending on the situation. They are very fond of phrases like: “And that’s enough about this,” “Let’s talk about it tomorrow.” Their enormous strength- in their ability to respond to changes in the surrounding world, adapting to them and finding new way existence.

Now you see how just a small part of the information contained in the birth chart helps to understand the motives for different behavior in the same situation. People of the cardinal type will find it difficult to appreciate the instructions and calls for regularity and following established orders, which find a warm response among representatives of the fixed type. The latter are shocked by the need of people of the cardinal type to be in the thick of events and actively influence them. People of the mutable type are better than others at adapting and, apparently, can get along better than others with everyone else, although their restless nature can cause a lot of problems for people of the fixed type.

Compatibility is not a simple matter, and there can be many complications. Moreover, we must not forget that in each of us there are traces of each of these three types. Each of us must learn to understand ourselves, and this can be the key to understanding those who are dear to us.

We all need love, approval and care, and we all want others to treat us well. If we can understand how we are different from others and why we do certain things, then perhaps it will be easier for us to understand and accept the motives and actions of other people. So why did this happen? GO FOR IT!

An example of determining the leading cross according to the horoscope

According to ephemeris tables or computer programs You determine which zodiac signs the planets were in on your birthday and write down this information. We take 10 planets. You can also find out the location of the planets in your horoscope by building your natal chart

Let's look at this example. Let's say you were born on January 2, 1974. This is what you should get:

The Sun is in Capricorn - a cardinal sign;
The Moon in Aries is another cardinal point;
Mercury in Capricorn is again a cardinal sign;
Venus in Aquarius is a fixed sign;
Mars in Taurus is a fixed sign;
Jupiter in Aquarius is a fixed sign;
Saturn in Cancer is a cardinal sign;
Uranus in Libra is a cardinal sign;
Neptune in Sagittarius is a mutable sign;
Pluto in Libra is a cardinal sign.

Now it is easy to determine the predominant type. IN in this case cardinal signs were most common. And if you were born on this day, then your character traits are most likely characteristic of the cardinal type.

A fixed cross is a cross of evolution, stability and stability, accumulation, concentration of development. The basis of this cross is constancy. The main quality is courage. He uses the experience of the past. It gives stability, hardness, strength, durability, stability.

Fixed signs symbol

Common features: People of this cross excel in defense. The product of their efforts in the form positive result- endurance, patience, waiting. This man is a fortress. They endure not because of weak will and cowardice, but because of masculinity. They are characterized by constancy, perseverance, but also steadfastness in the event of an attack. They can give a brilliant rebuff (depending on the sign). They have great efficiency, reliability, and unbending will. Realization of energy depending on efforts in any area.

Fixed Zodiac Signs

Fixed Zodiac signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. All fixed (permanent) signs of the Zodiac have qualities such as determination, stability, devotion and consistency. If they set a goal for themselves, then nothing will stop them, they are persistent and reliable. While the enthusiasm of cardinal signs may wane after a while, representatives of fixed signs are able to go all the way. Consistency gives strength and endurance to achieve great goals, and once they have made a decision, they are not inclined to change their mind. As a rule, people of these zodiac signs are not inclined to give up in the face of adversity. Their stable and reliable nature has a lot of energy and willpower, but at the same time they lack flexibility and the ability to accept change. Their constancy forces us to maintain the established order of things, so as not to lose what has already been accumulated. Strength of aspiration and resistance to stress are very good qualities, but excess fixity manifests itself in the inability to change when circumstances require it. If something like this happens, then one can fully expect from them the resistance for which they are so famous. It is not surprising that when change does come, it is a real tragedy for them. They do not like to be restrained or limited in anything; their reluctance to obey can be both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Representatives of this square are energy accumulators, they constantly accumulate knowledge and experience, they know how to save their energy and not waste it at the beginning of a business, like cardinal signs. They are more patient, enduring, but inert, do not like change, innovation and always resist any influence on themselves.

Fixed sign people

Fixity is, first of all, constancy, steadfastness, and determination. Thanks to fixed qualities, we improve what we may not even have already started. These qualities allow us to be balanced, stable, and calm.

Calf ()

Taurus is the most passive sign from this square, knows how to work, but gets down to business only when it is no longer possible to put it off or finds undoubted benefit and pleasure in it. Taurus, a fixed Earth sign, is constant in its desire to accumulate and preserve material values.

A lion ()

Leo is the most active of the square; he gets down to business with great enthusiasm, but more often he strives to organize, lead, control the process, but not to execute. The exception is creative work. Leo, a fixed Fire sign, is constant in its pride and originality, and has a strong need for self-expression and approval.

Scorpion ()

When Scorpio gets down to business, he immediately tries to detect and eliminate vulnerabilities and possible threats, he cannot allow what he invested in to perish. Scorpio, a fixed Water sign, is constant in its desires and would like to make its feelings permanent.

Aquarius ()

Aquarius is recognized as the most original sign because it manages to combine incompatible things: the desire for novelty and extreme inertia. Aquarius, a fixed Air sign, is fixed in ideas and principles - it will take great persuasion to change his mind about someone or something.

Fixed Zodiac Signs

The wonderful word mutability in astrology means adaptability and great potential. Signs that are considered mutable are capable of a lot in life. So mutable are astrological components that can develop in several areas at once, tend to easily experience changes and show flexibility in communication and work.

What signs do astrologers classify as mutable?

Mutable signs of the Zodiac include:

  • Gemini;
  • Streltsov.

They are the ones who can show miracles of sociability and adapt well to situations and people. These signs find new paths to difficult-to-achieve goals where others simply give up.

But this miraculous ability also has reverse side. Representatives of mutable signs are fickle, changeable in their attachments and decisions. It's difficult for them to make choices. Mutable signs often neglect the necessary planning and prefer to solve problems when they are “on their doorstep.”

Each of the above signs is changeable and adaptive in its own way. But impermanence is common feature, which best characterizes the mutable properties of signs.

Mutability of Gemini and its features

Gemini's credo is communication. Without information, this sign cannot live even a day. Their mutability lies in the ability to quickly analyze information, as well as in the fact that they can change their minds about the facts obtained literally on the fly.

Geminis get to the heart of things quite simply. Particularly gifted ones can solve crimes without leaving the TV, but these people also change their point of view in seconds.

Their adaptive abilities are well revealed in communication with big amount of people. Here Gemini can be called real chameleons of interaction.

The negative side of mutability for this sign lies not in society, but in trusting and close relationships. Few people can stand being next to a person who has “seven Fridays a week.”

Virgos stand out among other signs for their practicality. They love to bring everything to a state of perfection. Whether they're ironing clothes or completing an annual report, everything will be done with meticulous precision.

For this sign, mutability is a true salvation from perfectionism. Flexibility in decision-making greatly helps Virgos maintain a balance between their desire for ideality and the realities of this world. In all respects, the mutability of this sign is beneficial for them and has almost no negative properties.

Other mutable zodiac signs are capable of using their traits for both good and evil. And Virgos use mutable properties so that there are no unwanted distortions in their behavior.

People born under this sign are highly intelligent. But its manifestations are expressed in practicality, logic and rationalism. And it is mutability that helps Virgos come to an understanding of lofty matters.

The mutability of Pisces is about adaptability and improvement. But they improve not the material world, but the sphere of communication, the area of ​​feelings and human relationships. Pisces are fickle, but extremely sociable. They are able and willing to help others. That's why good side their mutability consists in deepening the above skills.

The desire for completeness allows representatives of this sign to find a foothold in life. They not only help, but also always want to make sure of the result afterwards. Not knowing how the matter ended, Pisces are worried and stressed. And here adaptive abilities come to their aid.

The downside of mutable properties for Pisces is that they have a poor sense of boundaries. When communicating with other people, Pisces seem to become them for a short period, since they have great abilities for empathy. And here mutability prevents the establishment of personal barriers and contributes to the dissolution of individuality. However, Pisces get used to this quite easily.

For Sagittarius, mutability is a lifeline in a vast ocean of adventure. Since this sign has passionate nature and does not refuse to participate in positive adventures; mutable properties help him feel normal in any conditions.

Sagittarius will not be intimidated by a hike in the mountains and a big business project. Adaptive abilities are at their best. Mutability also allows representatives of this sign to explore philosophical and cultural aspects. But it makes it difficult to accept one topic over a million others.

All mutable zodiac signs express their flexibility in different ways. In some, mutable properties predominate, while in others they are hidden and are waiting for the right moment to appear. But for all of the above signs, their mutability is a constant part of their nature.

The quality of signs, or Crosses, are cardinal, mutable, and fixed. Even based on the names, we already see a lot. Can we assume that the cardinal does something quickly and irrevocably? Can. Does the fixed one strive for something long-term? We can too. It’s a bit difficult for us here with mutables, but with mutables it’s always like that :) Therefore, there is a synonym for them - movable signs, which also tells us that the owners of a pronounced mutable cross are restless and fickle people.

Cardinal signs

The cardinal order includes Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The key word for everyone is speed. Aries will be the hottest and, of course, the fastest among all. The slowest sign here will certainly be the sign belonging to the element of earth - Capricorn. These signs are the most active and the most irritable. They make decisions quickly, but each is guided by their own motives.

For Aries it is an impulse, for Cancer it is emotions, for Libra it is an endless fluctuation, but if they have already made a decision, they will accept it. And Capricorn is a profit motive. Most often, astrologers recommend such people a profession where quick results are needed and where the work can be done at once. When a person does not have a cardinal cross, then he lacks initiative.

Mutable signs

The mutable order includes Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and, of course, Pisces. All mutable signs can start several things. But starting does not mean finishing. This is the problem with mutability. The way out here I see is this: they should study various activities simultaneously. Thus, many representatives of this particular cross combine several jobs. For example, a woman can work as a school teacher and at the same time be a teacher in some kind of children's center. Another option can be suggested: the activity is inconsistent and different. If this is a web designer, then he needs to make different orders. For example, one site on psychology, a second for a company that sells communications equipment, another for a “PR person,” etc. So that these orders are not of the same type.

Fixed signs

We don't have many "for dessert" signs left. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. Fixed signs are the slowest of the entire zodiac circle. But, in fairness, I cannot help but note their constancy. Stability is a word of fixed signs. They have difficulty “throwing themselves” into new things and adventures. They are the most jealous of all, even Aquarius, which is often at odds with tabloid horoscopes. Such horoscopes say that Aquarius and stability are incompatible concepts. My practice has shown that they are quite compatible, if there are no other indicators that refute this.

Why do we even need to know crosses? Firstly, this is a piece that allows you to delve deeper into astrology. This may seem strange to you, but I will explain. The fact is that, for example, in a horary chart, the crosses show the time of the event. For example, I often like to build horaries about searching for things. And when I see that the significator indicating a thing is in Sagittarius, then I understand that the sign is mutable. And many moving signs speak of a thing sandwiched between objects. Just recently I was looking for my dress and the significator of the dress fell into Sagittarius. Bottom line: I found my dress between 2 other things that were simply folded very tightly.
In synastry, we also look, thanks to the qualities of the signs, to what extent people are suitable for each other in temperament. In a solarium, the occupancy of houses, which are also cardinal, mutable and fixed, can tell a lot. For example, whether the year will be fateful for a person or not.

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