Daria Pynzar: “Childbirth occurs in the life of every woman. I wanted my baby to see this when he grows up. Daria Pynzar gave birth to a son and wants to name him David. photo Where Daria Pynzar gave birth to her second child

Daria Pynzar with her husband and newborn son

One of the most famous participants reality show became a mother. The second son of the ex-star of “House-2” was born on May 15 at 17:53. The baby's height is 50 cm, weight is 2.73 kg.

Interestingly, this event happened exactly on the eve of the premiere of the “Pregnant” project, where the blonde took part in the company of other star participants. The baby was born the day before the appointed date. Initially, Dasha herself expected to give birth on May 16th. True, she soon ceased to be so confident about the timing, since she even carried her first child. In addition, the young mother wanted to avoid other troubles.

“We have already had unpleasant moments related to information about my birth. When they even wrote on the official website on our behalf that I gave birth. Although I was still pregnant at that time. After that, accusations began to fall on us that we were deceiving people, although I did not deceive anyone. Therefore, now we have decided not to name any dates in order to avoid such troubles,” Daria told the site a few days before the birth.

By the way, the blonde was a little worried before important event, which she publicly admitted: “Like any woman, I had fears about how the birth would go, whether everything would be fine with the child. But I tried to think less about it and be positive. I would like to say a special thank you to my husband Sergei, who was by my side and supported me throughout the entire process. It was very important for me to go through this together! Now we are incredibly happy and are in a state of euphoria from what is happening,” Pynzar shared her emotions.

Dasha still hasn’t chosen a name for the boy. She hopes that insight will come to her soon. A similar situation happened with my first child. For a long time, she and her husband Sergei planned to name him German, but when they saw the baby, they realized that the boy was actually Artem. By the way, the child, who is already five years old, was really looking forward to his brother, whom he asked for “as a gift.” “The order is received - the order is completed,” joked a participant in the “Pregnant” program. “We started preparing him for the arrival of his second child at the planning stage. We tried to make Artyom and his brother friends in advance and even promised him that the baby would come to him with gifts. We bought them in advance and gave them to Tema right in the maternity hospital. He was happy".

The family has already fully prepared for the birth of a child, having purchased everything necessary. According to Dasha, she does not belong to the category of people who, fearing a bad omen, do not buy anything in advance. Now the newborn baby and mother are feeling well and are awaiting discharge from the hospital.

Daria Pynzar

Eight years of this girl’s life passed in front of television cameras. In the reality show, she found her love, got married and gave birth to a son, Artem. May 15 . Her birth also ended up in a reality show, but this time dedicated to the anticipation of a new addition to the family.

Interesting situation always makes adjustments to life. How has your life changed due to your second pregnancy?

— We are in a hurry to renovate our home. We bought a townhouse, but haven't moved in yet. We plan to do this closer to the new year. We dream that our newborn boy will already be comfortable in his new home. I want to make it in light colors. I really love minimalism: when there is a minimum of color, things and furniture.

— How are you feeling a few days before the baby is born?

- I feel good. Bodrenko. Yes, and no nausea. Maybe because I'm busy all the time. Although I had toxicosis during my first pregnancy. The only thing I find difficult to do now is put on my shoes myself. I can't put on heels. The style of clothing has changed. But nothing else has changed: neither character, nor temperament. Although, maybe I just don't notice it. (Smiles.)

- And who helps you put on your shoes?

- Husband, of course! Who else? (Smiles.) We are always together, and my husband supports me in everything. Moreover, he really wanted a second child and asked me. It was his initiative. And of course, he protects me: I feel protected and supported. I have such a character: if I knew that they wouldn’t give me this, I would hardly have agreed to a second birth. Security and comfort are important to me. I don't reproduce in uncomfortable conditions. (Laughs.) And in general, I think everything manifests itself in the little things. And comfort too. At least for a pregnant woman. The husband must understand everything and be patient with it. Besides, for example, I toss and turn, waking him up if it’s uncomfortable for me to lie down.

- How does your son feel about the fact that he will have a brother?

— Artem is four years old now. When we were still at the pregnancy planning stage, we said that we wanted to give him a brother or sister. They asked if he wanted to. Artem replied: “Yes, I want a brother.” Actually, the request was accepted and fulfilled.

— You have solid experience in participating in reality shows. However, waiting to give birth in front of cameras is a choice brave girl. How was the filming process?

- Actually, it’s simple. They assign a person with a camera to you, and that’s it. Nothing supernatural happens. Besides, I’m used to such things: I spent eight years on reality TV. I knew what I was getting into. Cameras don’t bother me: whether they are there or not, I feel very comfortable in front of them. I’m surprised when people decide to do something, and then they don’t like it and grumble. I'm a grown woman who weighs the pros and cons. I immediately knew that I needed it, even when the TV channel wasn’t sure. (Laughs.) But I convinced them.

— Doesn’t it bother you that overly intimate moments will be captured in the frame?

“I don’t see anything shameful in pregnancy or childbirth.” Well, they will show moments of an ultrasound or how I am lying in the doctor’s room. This is normal for me. This happens in the life of every woman. I wanted to participate in this, to remember it for myself. For my baby to see when he grows up.

— Will they no longer see you on reality shows where love is built?

— I’ve already left “House-2”. Maybe we'll come there for a visit. But they won’t see us there as participants. We have been living at home for two years and are just coming to the TV production site. We have already spent many years there. How can? If we didn't have a child, we could spend at least the whole day there. But discussing other people’s problems when you already have your own family is somehow ridiculous. When the baby was born, we realized that we needed to move on, we had different ideas, and we began to implement them. We had to earn money for the children and for the house that we eventually bought.

— During the filming of “Pregnant” there was a lot funny moments?

“They put a camera in our car, and we had to stop at the request of the traffic cop. As a result, this traffic police officer was caught on camera, and he didn’t even know that he was being filmed. And he still doesn't know. A big hello to him, because a good young man turned out to be...

— Your friend Ksenia Borodina recently became a mother for the second time. Did she share her pregnancy tips with you?

- Of course, I shared it. I even give birth to her doctor. I listened to her advice because she was very happy with the birth, everything went great for her. It seems to me that all friends do this, help each other.

The boy was born today, May 15, at 17:53. The child’s weight is 2.73 kg, height is 50 cm. The first happy moments are at first joint photo With mother and father!


Daria joined the project after Galina Yudashkina and Valeria Gai Germanika. Galina Yudashkina gave birth to a son, Anatoly, on April 5, Valeria Gai Germanika became the mother of a daughter, Severina. Daria and her husband Sergei already have a son, Artem, but the couple have long been planning to become parents of a second child. The couple celebrated the news of pregnancy with a big family celebration, and Dasha is celebrating the birth of her second baby together with the Domashny TV channel!

Daria Pynzar is waiting

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Daria is one of the most fashionable pregnant women; she is attentive to the choice of outfits for her situation.

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At the holiday for pregnant women of the Domashny TV channel

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Any mother knows that it is simply impossible to pass by children's clothing during pregnancy!

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Walking in the fresh air and supporting a loved one are important things for an expectant mother.

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Fruit kiss. Daria with her son Artem.

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Dasha and Sergey Pynzar have already proven themselves to be responsible parents: Dasha regularly tells her fans on social networks about how they are raising Artem. Of course, such parental talent required even greater implementation!

Daria Pynzar: “Like any woman, I had concerns about how the birth would go, whether everything would be fine with the child. But I tried to think less about it and be positive. I would like to say a special thank you to my husband Sergei, who was by my side and supported me throughout the entire process.

It was very important for me to go through this together! Now we are incredibly happy and in a state of euphoria from what is happening.”

The parents have not yet decided on a name for the newborn. From experience, Daria prefers to listen to what her heart tells her - this is exactly what happened with her first son, whom they initially wanted to name Herman. Mom and dad enjoy the first hours of communication with the child and promise that at the first opportunity they will talk about the details of the birth, their impressions and emotions.

“Domashny” congratulates the family on this joyful event!

New season of reality show for expectant mothers"Pregnant" starts tomorrow, May 16 at 23.00. Very soon on the channel!

Follow the project news!

Daria Pynzar is known to many TV viewers as the brightest participant in the reality show “House 2”. As part of the project, she managed to get married successfully and give birth to two sons.

Dasha Chernykh (her maiden name) - a native of the small town of Yenakievo near Donetsk. She was born in 1986 on January 6th. Her childhood and youth were spent in the Saratov region in Balakovo, where the family - mother, father and two daughters - moved almost immediately after Dasha’s birth. But a terrible tragedy befell the Chernykhs - the girls were left without parents very early, and in fact Dasha was raised by her older sister Natalya.

"House 2"

After graduation high school Daria entered the design department of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture. She studied without difficulty, but the idea came to her to take part in “House 2”; she believed that it was there that she would pull out her lucky ticket. She passed a number of auditions at the very rating show countries, in 2007 came to the site scandalous project, and her career took off. She immediately declared that she was innocent and intended to build strong relationships only with a serious man. Everyone was delighted when Daria and Sergei Pynzar finally found each other, started a family and began to live together. After all, their path to happiness in the family was quite thorny, the process of “grinding in” took for a long time.

Lap of honor at the start of the family

Daria married Sergei in 2010 and took his last name. Their “newlyweds’ career” began in an unusual and unconventional way, however, the life of celebrities cannot be considered ordinary. The main entrance to the Wedding Palace was closed. And Seryozha promised Dasha that he would bring her in his arms to the registry office. Pynzar is a strong guy, an athlete, he, without being confused and not letting go of the bride from his hands, walked around the building, making a “lap of honor.” Some may see this as a symbol of a strong family.

Later, at the “House 2” site, during the celebrations, Daria and Sergei released white doves, and then flew off to Cuba for their honeymoon - this trip was given to them as a wedding gift from their sister Natasha.

Family and children of Daria Pynzar

In 2011, it became known that the couple was expecting a child. Dasha, being pregnant, won the Lady Grace design competition. In general, carrying her son under her heart, Daria led an active lifestyle, traveled, never stopped playing sports and taking care of herself. On July 23, another “son of the regiment” appeared in “House 2”. Pynzari decided to name the boy Artem. Father Sergei was present at the birth.

After this, Pynzari actually stopped participating in the TV show, moved to a city apartment, and played the role of co-hosts in “House 2” rather than participants. How so? Do they live in housing paid for by the TV channel and receive a salary? The spectators were outraged.

Two years after the birth of their first child, the couple got married. In May 2016, Daria Pynzar gave birth to her second son, David.

Today Dasha and Seryozha are planning to conceive a third baby, and emphasize that they would like a daughter. The couple is very determined; they plan to give birth to a child in 2018. They say that in order to realize her dream, Daria Pynzar has already submitted an application to the perinatal center, where she should undergo a genetic study, be prescribed special nutrition and an appointment necessary medications.

New breasts

Dasha was once proud of her bust, but after finishing feeding her son, she realized that her pride had turned into a big problem. Before plastic surgery, Daria Pynzar's breasts were dull, small and unattractive. After the operation, she became sexy and appetizing, even better than before.

At the same time, her husband and relatives were categorically against the operation, but dear Dasha insisted on her own, bringing a weighty argument - the girl always wants to be beautiful for her husband. Even if he is against it.

Look at the photo of Daria Pynzar before and after plastic surgery - the result is not bad, and thank God that everything “took root” as it should.


Being pregnant with her second son, Dasha, together with the daughter of fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin Galina and director Valeria Gai Germanika, took part in the second season of the show “Pregnant” on the Domashny TV channel.

In November 2016, Pynzari became guests of the “Wedding Size” show with Anita Tsoi - the couple expressed a strong desire to lose weight, and passed the test together with dignity. Pynzary's TV career is developing well, and Dasha is very active on social media. Well, “House 2” provides a good chance to start from any point in your life into the crater of popularity. The main thing is not to spill yourself on the rise, not to miss the right moment, and not to stop stirring up interest in yourself.


Some time ago, the TV presenter and blogger could boast of something else. Two studios of Daria Pynzar, specializing in manicure and pedicure, successfully worked on Novy Arbat and in South Butovo.

According to Daria, she came to the salons every day and monitored the employees. I personally hired staff, tested them for professional suitability, and tested their work on myself. Dasha opened studios from scratch, and she had to make a lot of efforts to get people to go there. Daria Pynzar is very scrupulous and demanding; the reputation of the salon was above all else for her. Therefore, employees were recruited at a slow pace.

Due to disagreements with her partners, the girl had to refuse to cooperate with them. Daria decided not to quarrel with anyone, but simply stop business cooperation. She’s a peaceful girl, why all these quarrels?

Salon owner

Daria and Sergei Pynzari have another one own business- an online clothing store, they personally handle its advertising. In 2012, the couple opened their own boutique, now it’s a chain fashionable clothes. The Pinzar franchise is cute clothes for every day that will never go out of demand.

But in this type of business, the peaceful Dasha was also not without conflicts - a cat ran between the Pynzaris and the Gusev couple, with whom they were very friendly at one time. Both families were competitors in this business, they did not share something to such an extent that the Gusevs even wanted to change their baby’s godmother (she was Dasha). It seems that the conflict has subsided, but the families do not communicate.

How long this brand will be alive is unknown, time will tell. Today the Pynzari couple are seriously planning to leave Russia.

Sunny Alanya

Former members"House-2" Daria and Sergei Pynzar settled in Turkey with both sons some time ago. According to media reports, the family is planning to buy a home by the sea.

Why did they decide in favor of Alanya? Dasha and Sergey say that it is incredibly beautiful and warm here all year round. A small town located on the coast. The sea on one side, mountains and rivers on the other, Dasha had never seen anything like it. All the locals are very positive, they speak Russian, Dasha says that she does not feel a language barrier. There are more than enough mothers with children.

In addition, according to Dasha, the local population loves children, they are always ready to help, she says that this does not exist in Russia.

Artem, the son of the Pynzari couple, goes to the local kindergarten, Mom likes everything. He teaches English language- Mom doesn’t read him bedtime stories, but repeats English words with him.

Well, let's wish them good luck!

Yesterday, there was a new addition to the family of ex-participants in the TV show “Dom-2” Sergei and Daria Pynzar – the couple’s second son was born. A joyful event occurred in Perinatal medical center“Mother and Child” on Sevastopolsky Avenue. Today mother and baby feel great. True, the boy’s parents have not yet decided what to name him.

“Seryozha and I decided to name our son after Christmas,” shares Dasha. – As of May 15, these are Egor, Boris, Gleb, Mikhail, David. Most of all I like last name. Yes, it is not Russian, but Hebrew, but I think if you like it, you don’t need to pay attention to it. Moreover, David is very unusual name, this is also its plus. Well, in the meantime, we are not 100% sure of our choice, we call our son Sergeich...”

Daria says that during her second birth, which lasted 4 hours, she made for herself unusual discovery. “You won’t believe it, the hammock saved me! - the young mother confesses. – An ordinary red hammock that was in my room. Doctors advised me to sit in it during contractions, and it helped me a lot, I almost didn’t feel pain! Of course, this is also a huge credit to the doctors. They, one might say, “gave birth” to the baby for me in just three attempts. It only hurt me a little, until the epidural was done, and only then, just before the birth of my son. I am indescribably delighted with the hospital, I advise everyone to give birth here!”

Throughout the birth, Daria's husband Sergei did not leave his beloved for a minute.

“He supported me, spoke kind words,” says a participant in the reality show “Pregnant” on the Domashny TV channel. – He stroked his head and held his hand. Seryozha cut the umbilical cord and immediately took the baby in his arms. And when I saw the child, I immediately realized that he was a copy of Tem, exactly the same, only dark. And by weight he is even more Topics- 2750 grams, and the weight of the first son at birth was 2530 grams. Height younger brother“50 cm is a little larger than the eldest’s was at birth – 47 cm.”

Dasha’s eldest child Artem, who will turn 5 in July, has not yet seen his younger brother. “My son accompanied me to the maternity hospital with tears,” says Dasha. —Worried about how I would be there, what would happen to me? He said: “Mommy, hold on!”, and my heart was already squeezing... And in the evening, when Seryozha returned home after giving birth, without me, Tema could not hold back his tears. Sniffling, he began to get ready and get dressed: “Dad, I’m going to see mom!” I want to go to her!” Seryozha barely calmed him down... My husband decided that it was better not to call me for now, otherwise he would hear my voice and cry again.”

The young mother and her newborn will be discharged this Wednesday. “We’ll go home straight away from the maternity hospital,” Dasha shares her plans. “I really want to return to my native walls as quickly as possible, and I really miss my eldest son...”

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