Family Day at the Library report. “The whole family to the library”: Guidelines for the work of libraries to help family reading. The main goal of all ongoing activities is

Family is the most important thing in every person's life. Family is close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take example, whom we care about, to whom we wish goodness and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect. This important topic The conversation was dedicated to “Mom, Dad, I am Family.”

May 15 At the initiative of the UN General Assembly, the International Day of Families is celebrated throughout the world.

On this day, in library No. 16, a literary hour“Being together is such happiness.”

From the librarian's story, students and library guests learned about the history of the holiday and its social significance throughout the world.

The main focus was on literary works, who embodied the scenes family life. This is how it was organized for the guys reading out loud Boris Minaev’s story “Far - Close” from the book “Leva’s Childhood”, which was accompanied by elements of theatricalization. Reading excerpts from the works of Russian classical writers alternated with short excursions through the pages of the books in the series “Children’s Project of Lyudmila Ulitskaya”. Those present learned about how families work in different nations, what systems of raising children exist in different countries.

With the active participation of guests, competitions were held for the best expert family hierarchy, best performance poems, songs, ditties about family. The boys and their parents reminisced folk proverbs, sayings and solving riddles.

The meeting ended with a review of books for children in the “Cherished Dream” series.

For Family Day, the library also organized a book exhibition-advice “The Warmth of a Friendly Family.” The exhibition offers readers a selection of books on family issues and its role in raising a child. Guests of the library also looked with interest at the book and illustration exhibition “What a family is based on.”

On the same day, students of class 3 “A” of school No. 15 became guests libraries for children No. 8 , which took place media hour “Russian Saints - Peter and Fevronia”.

A cozy, homely, warm atmosphere was created by librarians. Small exhibition “Mom, Dad, Me - a happy family", a bouquet of flowers, an electronic presentation - all this was conducive to a sincere conversation.

In opening remarks Lyudmila Viktorova Ivanova with the help electronic presentation told the children about the history of the holiday, about family values ​​and the observance of good traditions that unite family and friends. The children learned that working together, family holidays, hospitality, caring for each other, organizing joint recreation are family traditions.

The children read poems, analyzed proverbs about family, and took part in the “Through the Mouth of a Baby” quiz. Then the children were offered a psychological moment of silence, which was accompanied by a beautiful instrumental music, and at that time lovely flowers were blooming on the monitor screen. In a quiet voice, the presenter said that if all people had such beautiful flowers blooming in their hearts, then everyone’s soul would become purer and kinder. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the “flowers,” that is, of your soul and your thoughts.

At the end of the meeting, the children received reminders in the form of a chamomile, which in Russia is a symbol of family. The main words about family values, they will remind children of the holiday and family!

May 19 on holiday “Family is the refuge of the soul” V Central Children's Library young readers were invited with their parents and grandparents. At the beginning of the holiday, guests were asked to remember folk tales, proverbs and sayings that talk about family, the presenter began the proverb, and the guests all finished it together:

  • Family in a pile - (the cloud is not scary)
  • Children are not a burden , (and for joy)
  • When the family is together - (so the soul is in place)
  • What's the treasure for? - (if there is harmony in the family)
  • Away is good , (and at home is better)
  • Alone in the field - (not a warrior)

Nathanael's housewife, the keeper of the library, came to the children for the holiday, and she had in store for the participants of the holiday many different and interesting competitions. Nathanaila told a fairy tale in which there were a lot of mistakes, at the mention of which the children had to clap their hands. And in the game “Explainers”, based on several signs, children had to guess what subject they were talking about.

Then came the test for the mothers - the children were placed with their backs to their mothers and the mothers had to call their child not by name, but by the affectionate nickname that they used to call their baby. Blindfolded children fed their mothers semolina porridge for kind words, and mothers made outfits for their princesses using paper clips and scissors from newspapers, and each tried to make her daughter the most beautiful. And in conclusion, all the guests of the holiday sang a song about Antoshka for the housewife, and not just like that, but like a choir of dogs and cats. The holiday was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere, all children received a sweet prize.

Azov village library

On the eve of International Family Day on May 13, a thematic hour “Family Reading Circle” was held at the Azov village library. Librarian Tatyana Nikolaevna Pokotilo told those present about the purpose, history, and traditions of the holiday.

Then the presentation of the book exhibition “Family Academy” took place. Those present could familiarize themselves with literature on home improvement, raising children, handicrafts, growing flowers, gardening, cooking variety of dishes, health. With great interest, the event participants read the statements of great people about family, life, love, and relationships.

At the end of the event, the librarian wished everyone family happiness, love, mutual understanding and goodness.

Zavetleninskaya rural library

May 13 in Zavetleninskaya rural library A conversation “Family Hearth” was held dedicated to International Family Day. Librarian Irina Viktorovna Cabril designed the thematic shelf “Family is the warmest place on earth.”

The librarian told those present that a person’s life begins with the family, that the formation of a person as a citizen occurs in the family. Family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which a civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist.

The Skripnyuk family was also invited to the conversation, as exemplary family men Living in love, loyalty and understanding for each other, they shared their secrets and advice about their family life.

May Rural Library

An event dedicated to International Family Day was held at the May Rural Library, in which 9 readers aged from 5 to 11 years took part. It took the form of a moral lesson “Family is the main value.”

The purpose of the event was to instill in children love for their family, their relatives, respect and understanding for them.

During the lesson, the librarian told the children about this holiday and its history. Also, the event participants read poems about family, recalled and discussed proverbs and sayings about family. Of course, it could not have happened without interesting riddles about family members that the children enjoyed guessing. Also, for children and parents, a temporary display “All about the family” was created so that everyone could familiarize themselves with the literature on this topic.

At the end of the event, participants wrote on symbolic paper hearts best wishes for your family.

Pobednenskaya rural library

“Where did the Russian surname come from” - under this title the Pobednaya Library was held educational hour, dedicated International Day families, for middle-aged library users. After all, translated from latin surname- this is family. Why did surnames appear in Rus', what can a surname tell us, who was the first to officially introduce surnames in Rus'? The children learned about this and much more from the story of the head of the Pobednenskaya library, Tatyana Borisovna Kareeva. It turns out that it was Peter the Great who, by his decree, ordered to register all the people living in Russian state, “by names from fathers and nicknames,” that is, by first name, patronymic and last name. That A.S. Pushkin received his last name from the boyar Grigory, nicknamed Pushka. He lived in the 14th century. Why did he get such a nickname? Perhaps for an overly loud voice, reminiscent of a cannon shot? Or maybe he had something to do with the cannon business? Be that as it may, only his nickname turned into a surname, which after several generations went to the great poet. The guys also solved a crossword puzzle, figured out the task that led to the formation of this or that surname. At the event, poems by G. Graudin “Great-Grandfathers”, S. Mikhalkov “ Funny last name", M. Yasnova "Counting table with surnames." We also got acquainted with the presented books by N. Pavlenko “Chicks of Petrov’s Nest”, B. Unbergaun “Russian Surnames”, N. Superanskaya “About Russian Surnames”. And at the end of the event, the guys tried to determine the origin of their surname.

17 people attended the event.

On May 15, Russia celebrates International Day of Families, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993. For this event in libraries of the central library illustrated book exhibitions: “Family, love and fidelity” (Afoninsk rural library branch No. 16), “Island of family treasures” (Chernyshikhinsk rural library branch No. 30), “Patron saints of the family” (Sloboda rural library branch No. 23). Literature reviews were conducted for readers and electronic presentations were shown.

May 14, 2015 at the MBOU secondary school with. Activities for younger schoolchildren The Rabotkino children's rural library - branch No. 6 conducted an educational and game program "Family is the root of life." The children were not bored at the event. The gaming part of the holiday was filled with competitions: “Collect a proverb”, “Who is the most economical?” and "Nimble little tailor." They accepted Active participation in competitions for riddles about family, they recalled the books they had read.

On May 15, in the Bolshemokrinsk rural library - branch No. 31, together with the rural house of culture, a competition was held - game program“A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud.” The purpose of the event: to expand children’s ideas about family as the greatest universal value, to show that peace in the family is the main condition for the well-being, happiness and health of all family members.

The event was fun and interesting. In the program, the children had to take part in educational and game competitions: “Draw a house blindly”, “A house where a large and friendly family will live”, “Let’s help Cinderella”, “When mother is not at home”, “Tie a scarf”, “My light, mirror , Tell". Workers of the village House of Culture held a fun relay race “Sport is a family matter.” Book exhibitions “Image of the Family in fiction" and "We and our family", at which literature about family education and hobbies, where you can relax with your family, how to spend your leisure time. The children enjoyed looking at the drawings presented at the “My Family” stand.

Dear Colleagues!

Reading for the younger generation requires support - first of all, from those closest to you - parents. If reading is part of the lifestyle of adult family members, then the child catches and absorbs it. It is very important when a child comes to the library with his parents, when they choose a book together, read it together, and discuss it. Such communication educates more than edifying words. “Bringing together” a family around a book is the library’s task, for which we invite you to organize a number of events.

To plan work in this direction, we suggest using "FAMILY CALENDAR".



8 — International Women's Day(In 1910, at the International Conference of Socialist Women in Etkin, she proposed annually holding the Day of Solidarity of Working Women of the World. It has been celebrated in Russia since 1913.)

20 – International Day of Happiness


1 - Domovoy's name day.

18 — Mother's Day of Russia

5 - Children's Day.

15 — International Family Day(Celebrated since 1994 by decision of the UN)

17 – International Day baby phone trust.


1 — International Children's Day(Established in 1949 at the Moscow session of the Council of the International Democratic Federation of Women)

8 - International Day of Housewives and Housewives.

9 – International Friends Day.

21 — International Father's Day.


6 – World Kiss Day(approved by the UN 20 years ago. Invented in the UK)

8 - Day of Peter and Fevronia. All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Considered lucky for lovers. (Celebrated at the initiative of deputies of the State Duma since 2008)

20 - Friend's Day.

28 — Parents' Day.


1 - 7 - World Breastfeeding Week.


10 – Grandparents Day(USA)

15 - Day of Honoring Elders. Age Respect Day. (Japan)


7 - World Men's Day(Arose on the initiative of the President of the USSR, celebrated on the 1st Saturday of November)

20 – World Children's Day(Celebrated by UN decision since 1954. November 20 is the day of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989)

25 – International Day against Violence against Women.

preschool education, schools, parents and media

All work should be carried out on the basis of combining the efforts of the library, preschool education institutions, schools, parents and the media.

You can get additional information about the child reader and his family by parent surveys "The 21st Century Family and the Library."

"21st Century Family and Library"

(questionnaire for parents)

Dear parents! This questionnaire is intended for you!

It will help both you and our library staff to correctly assess the possibilities and prospects for raising a gifted reader – your child!

  1. What place do books and reading occupy in your family’s life?
  2. What gives to the modern child Reading books?
  3. Does your family have a home library?
  4. How often do you replenish it?
  5. What literature do you prefer to buy?
  6. How often do you read aloud to your child?
  7. Name children's books that, in your opinion, your child should definitely read.
  8. Name your child's favorite book.
  9. Do you think books will survive in their form in the future?
  10. Can the Internet replace books?

Your wishes to the library:

You have answered the questions. Thank you very much! We are waiting for you and your child in the library!

The questionnaire will allow the librarian to obtain as much information as possible about the child, convince parents that the family and the library together can raise a gifted reader, and draw parents’ attention to the meaning of home library in the upbringing and development of their children, find out what parents expect from their child’s communication with the library.

Getting acquainted with the capabilities of the library should begin with creating advertising posters, messages, announcements, invitations and their distribution.

The best way to attract preschoolers to the library is to directly invite their parents. This can be done by letter with the following content. Letter can be given at the library or through the institution where the child is located.

Sample letter to parents of preschoolers

Dear parent! (Dear Parents)

I would like to invite you to enroll your child (your children) in our library. And start getting to know her by participating in events summer reading. Just because your child cannot read yet does not mean that he or she is too young to participate in the Program. Our series of events is designed not only for those who read themselves, but also for children who have books read to them by their parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers.

We would like to help your child develop a love of books and learning. Research shows that early exposure to books and participation in reading programs do play an important role in a child's life. Please review the plan attached to this letter. summer events. It contains dates and all the details of all the activities planned for the children in the library this summer.
The events are free and easy to participate. Nothing is required of you except the time you spend reading to your child and sharing the pleasure of the book with him.

If you have any questions or need Additional Information, please come see me or call me at the library. I hope to see you soon.

Sincerely ________________________

(last name, position)

For adults: mothers, fathers, grandparents and guardians, the library should become one of the few places where they could freely discuss their problems and try to find ways to solve them. You can offer them memo "Simple Truths" about literature on family pedagogy, recommendation list “When my mother reads a book to me...” thematic card index "Faculty for Parents" And do it on time family excursion in the library "Book Universe"

For both children and their parents, the library should become not only a place where they can get interesting or the right book, but also a space for communication and development. They will help with this review cycles for parents “Reading Together”, “Science” family relations", "Book + Family = good friends" And conversations “Put in a word about a good tradition”, “A smart family is a reading family”, “Secrets for adults, or How to become ideal parents” and others . The happiness of a family depends on each member. That's why conversations family relationships should be discussed with both adults and children “The art of hearing each other”, “For parents about children.”

And as always, we must begin our work with families with analysis of literature collections for family reading and family pedagogy. And they will help to reveal all the diversity of literature available in the library book exhibitions: “The Joy of Family Reading”, “The Science of Family Relationships”, “ Healthy family– happy family”, “Good hands of the family” and others.

It would be good if it became a library tradition to hold family events “Family Scale Reading”, holidays: “Book wisdom is family wealth” ,"First ball for Mom, Dad and Baby" ( on which to give to young parents memo “How to raise a bookworm”), “Books for growth”, “Celebration of sunny childhood”, holiday dedicated to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom "Day of Love and Marital Fidelity" , Family Reading Days “Your family will be happy if you are passionate about reading”, “Tales of my grandmother”, during which both adults and children will be able to participate in literary quizzes, competitions, fun games "If I were the hero." “The whole family is happy about magazines - everything is in magazines. What is needed."

Holiday dedicated to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom "Day of love and marital fidelity." Children should be invited to this family holiday along with their fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, brothers and sisters. The holiday program can include musical and dramatic numbers performed by children, quizzes, poetry readings, and a librarian's story about Peter and Fevronia of Murom. The competition of proverbs and sayings about family will arouse some interest among the children. Questions for the competition should be printed on chamomile petals - the symbol of this holiday. At the end of the holiday, event participants can give gifts to each other postcards - affectionate, which they themselves will make, with wishes of love and family happiness.

It is important to show that a library is not only a house where books are stored, but also a place where you can learn a lot, relax, get advice, take part in library affairs, and get acquainted with the latest literature.

Popular today and discussion forms of work, such as "Confession of Passions" (readers' stories about the role of books in their family), discussion platforms “Family reading: yesterday and today”, “Family. Book. Library", meeting of generations “The light of books does not go out in our house”, “Favorite books in my family” and others. All this introduces children and their parents to joint reading and creative activities.

Family bonding hours “Favorite childhood books”, “The union of family and books”, “Family and books: united by reading”, “How to raise a miracle child”, And gatherings - read aloud “Favorite books of our mothers and fathers”, “The joy of family reading”, “Good hands of the family”, And book cabins - companies “For talented children and caring parents”, “My baby and I”, “Bright colors of children’s literature”, “For parents about children’s writers”, held at libraries will help parents establish even closer relationships with their children.

Reading aloud– the most accessible, but now slightly forgotten form of working with readers younger age. Such reading helps children create imaginative ideas, sets them up for a special emotional wave, helps to interest the child, can make him want to continue reading on his own, and teaches him to listen carefully to the text. wrote: “Children love to listen more than to read, already because in the first 2-3 years the very process of reading still tires them. In addition, it is necessary to teach children not only to read, but also to listen carefully, and then assimilate and pass on what they hear.”

Loud readings: “Be friends with books from an early age”, “Books for young adults”, “Read to me!”, “Read to your child”, “A book is small - sweet to a child” - this is a great opportunity to attract the whole family to the library and establish contacts with kindergartens, etc.

It would be good if libraries were created creative family associations, family clubs, family living rooms. Meetings of such associations can be very different: “Together with my grandmother - on the Internet”, “We feel good together”, “Home holiday in the library”, “A book by inheritance”, “With the warmth of a book, under my mother’s wing”, “My family’s favorite books”. We recommend inviting psychologists, teachers, educators, and readers to the events, in whose families reading books is a long-standing tradition. One of the directions could be organizing meetings-interviews with famous people district, city, rural settlement, which can be called not only successful, but also actively reading.

Can be announced stock "It's fun to read together"“We are a family, which means we can cope with any task,” "Reading in gift for mom», during which you invite the children to make a baby book for their mother or learn a poem.

And participation in family competitions “My Dream House”, “The book is a family rarity”, “The best book mother” will help develop children's need for reading and a culture of reading, and expand their literary horizons.

The main task of libraries today is to convey to parents the idea: what children read or do not read today really depends on their lives, studies, behavior, moral character, character and, ultimately, destiny.

Compiled by: L. A. Potokina, methodologist

“Family reading connects one soul with another with a thin thread, and then a kinship of the soul is born.”

J. Korczak.

IN Lately There is a decline in interest in books and reading, both among adults and among children and adolescents; families have almost stopped reading and discussing books together with children. But, on the one hand, it was the book that at all times united people, fostered a culture of communication, and was the bearer of moral and spiritual values. On the other hand, it is in the family that interest in books is formed; the first mediator between the child and the book is the parents.No wonder back inXVIcentury it was noted: “A child learns what he sees in his home - his parents are an example to him.”

All this increases the role of the library and the librarian in the revival of family reading.

How to introduce a child to reading? How to love a book? How to teach him to read? How to teach a child to understand what they read? Ready-made recipes are difficult to find. After all, every child is individual. And most importantly, for a child, reading should be associated with joy, and not with boredom and compulsion.

Having a special aura, a children's library is a necessary family assistant, promoting through the book development spiritual world child. The role of the book and libraries in the formation of a child is truly great and irreplaceable because family is the future of our country.Interaction between the library and families - this is the most effective way to join family reading for adults and children.

Our library pays great attention to the revival of family reading.

Full librarian-parent interaction begins with deep individual work with every family member who comes to the library. During the first visit, parents and children have individual conversations with them about the rules for using the library, the child’s interests and reading preferences are identified, which allows them to subsequently offer literature that interests them.It is very important that a child learns to love books, read them, determine the idea of ​​a work, and extract information from the text. But you won’t achieve all this in one day. This is a great joint work of librarians, parents and children.

For this purpose, various book exhibitions and conversations for parents are held: “From time immemorial, books raise a person”, “Family reading for the heart and mind”, “Books of our childhood”. Parents and children enjoy participating in our family holidays, dedicated to the Day family, Mother's Day.

For in order to support and develop into young readers need, craving, interest in book, we we try to use everything available funds. One of them - This a game. And that's why it works in the library puppet show“Alenushka's Tales” is the favorite brainchild of children and parents; many performances are staged that kids are looking forward to. The library cinema “Book on Screen” is also very popular, where preschoolers and their parents can watch their favorite cartoons and films - fairy tales based on the works of Russian and foreign writers.

Our library’s work on family reading continues, and we think this will only benefit our readers. It is important to convince parents that reading good children's books is a family activity, interesting and very useful.

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