Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Recommendations for parents. Treatment with folk remedies. Useful foods for hyperactivity

The term “hyperactive child” has been on everyone’s lips lately: doctors, educators, teachers, psychologists, parents. How to distinguish a fidget from a baby with signs of attention deficit? How to distinguish between ordinary pampering and neurological disorders?

A hyperactive child is characterized by a number of qualities: impulsive, excited, stubborn, capricious, spoiled, inattentive, absent-minded, unbalanced. It is important to understand: in what situations you need professional help from a psychologist, drug treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and when it is necessary to reconsider the principles of education. It often happens that parents are looking for a “rescue pill.” But it is enough to rebuild the relationship with your son or daughter for recovery to occur in the most natural way. This requires time, effort, patience and, most importantly, the desire to change something in yourself and your relationship with your children.

What is hyperactivity associated with?

The causes of hyperactivity in children most often lie in the perinatal period of fetal development and difficult labor.

  • Unfavorable pregnancy. Stress, smoking, poor lifestyle, illness, taking medications during pregnancy - all this can affect the development and formation nervous system fetus
  • Neurological disorders during fetal development and at birth. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen during intrauterine development) and asphyxia (suffocation) are the most common reasons ADHD. Rapid or premature labor and stimulation of labor can also affect it.
  • Additional factors. Unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the family, conflicts between parents, too hard or soft methods of education, nutrition, lifestyle, temperament of the child.

The likelihood of ADHD increases significantly if these factors are combined. For example, a child was born with asphyxia, premature, he is brought up in strictness and constant conflicts - hyperactivity in such a baby can clearly manifest itself.

How to recognize hyperactivity in a child

Diagnosing ADHD is not easy because signs of hyperactivity can be symptoms of other neurological disorders. What should you pay attention to?

  • First symptoms. May appear in infancy. Poor sleep, a long period of wakefulness from the first months of life, excitability of the baby, an atypical violent reaction to noise, bright light, games, hygiene procedures, a slight lag in the development of motor skills - all these can be the first precursors of hyperactivity in children under one year old.
  • Age 3 years. Crucial moment in the life of a child, when the famous crisis of three years begins. At this time, most children experience capriciousness, stubbornness, and mood swings. In hyperactive children, these signs appear even more clearly. Also, children with ADHD experience awkward, chaotic, fussy movements, and speech develops late.
  • Health. Hyperactive kids often complain of fatigue and headaches. Such children are often diagnosed with enuresis and nervous tics.
  • The first signs of restlessness. Teachers can pay attention to them kindergarten. When the process of socialization begins and the child leaves the family, signs of restlessness become more obvious. In kindergarten, it is impossible to put a baby to sleep, feed him, sit him on a potty, or calm him down.
  • Disturbances in the development of memory and attention in preschool age. Children under 7 years of age develop intensively memory and attention. A child with ADHD experiences slow learning when preparing for school. And this is not explained by a developmental delay, but by insufficient concentration of attention. It is difficult for a child with signs of hyperactivity to sit in one place and listen to the teacher.
  • Failure at school. Let us emphasize once again that poor grades in children are associated with hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit disorder, and not with their mental inclinations. On the contrary, hyperactive schoolchildren are often precocious. But the problem is that it is difficult for them to integrate into the system and discipline: it is difficult to sit through 45 minutes of a lesson, listen, write, and complete the teacher’s assignments.
  • Mental aspects. Over time, the following qualities appear: hot temper, irritability, touchiness, tearfulness, anxiety, distrust, suspicion. Already in early age The baby may develop phobias, which can persist into adolescence and throughout life if they are not addressed.
  • Perspective. In adolescence, such a child, as a rule, develops (more precisely, it is formed by adults) low self-esteem. A hyperactive teenager can be aggressive, intolerant, conflict-ridden, and uncommunicative. It is difficult for him to find friends, to establish warm, friendly relationships. In the future, he may develop antisocial behavior.

Symptoms of ADHD in children appear complexly and regularly. You should not immediately attribute a “fashionable” diagnosis to your child for excitability, poor sleep, and moodiness, which are observed from time to time. Many objective factors can change psycho-emotional state baby. The reason may be teething, a change of environment, visiting a kindergarten, failure in a game, etc. Even climatic conditions affect the condition and behavior of the baby.

Diagnosis of ADHD

And yet, until the age of 6-7, no one makes a neurological diagnosis, even if there are signs of ADHD. This is explained psychological characteristics preschool children In preschool age, children experience two serious psychological crises - at 3 years old and 7 years old. What criteria are used to make a medical diagnosis of ADHD?

8 manifestations of hyperactivity

  1. Chaotic, fussy movements.
  2. Restless sleep: turns around, talks in his sleep, throws off the blanket, can walk at night.
  3. Cannot sit in a chair for long, spins around all the time.
  4. Unable to be at rest, often in motion (running, jumping, spinning).
  5. If you need to sit and wait (for example, in a queue), you can get up and leave.
  6. Excessively talkative.
  7. Doesn't answer the questions asked, interrupts, interferes in someone else's conversation, doesn't hear what they say to him.
  8. Shows impatience if asked to wait.

8 manifestations of attention deficit

  1. Carelessly and quickly completes assigned tasks (homework, cleaning the room, etc.), does not complete the task.
  2. Has difficulty concentrating on details, cannot remember or reproduce them.
  3. There is an absent look, immersion in one’s own world, and communication difficulties.
  4. Difficulty in understanding the terms of the game and often violates them.
  5. Absent-minded, he often loses personal items or puts them away in such a way that he cannot find them later.
  6. There is no self-discipline, you need to organize it all the time.
  7. Easily shifts attention to other objects.
  8. The “spirit of destruction” lives in him: he often breaks toys and things, but denies his involvement in the matter.

If parents count 5-6 matches from the listed criteria, they need to see a pediatric neurologist, psychotherapist and psychologist.

How to treat a child

When treating hyperactivity in children, it is important to understand what will be most effective for a particular child? What is the degree of ADHD? Is it worth using medications right away or is psychotherapeutic correction enough?

Medication methods

Medical treatment of ADHD with psychostimulants is more often used in the West and in the United States. Stimulants help increase concentration in children and give quick positive results. However, they have a number of side effects: poor sleep, appetite, headaches, irritability, nervousness, reluctance to communicate. These signs usually appear at the very beginning of treatment. They can be reduced as follows: reducing the dose and replacing the drug with an analogue. Psychostimulants are prescribed only for complex forms of attention deficit, when no other method works. These include: Dexedrine, Focalin, Vyvanse, Adderall and many others. In Russia, the prescription of psychostimulant drugs is avoided because, according to the protocol for the treatment of ADHD, they are prohibited. They are replaced with nootropic drugs. The drug "Strattera" is widely used in the treatment of ADHD in children. Any antidepressants for attention deficit disorder should be used with great caution and only under the supervision of a physician.

Working with a psychologist and psychotherapist

This is an important part of therapy, which in difficult cases is carried out in parallel with drug treatment. Psychologist and psychotherapist use a variety of techniques to correct behavior hyperactive child. Various exercises are given to develop attention, speech, thinking, memory, increase self-esteem, creative tasks. Various communication situations are also simulated that will help the child find mutual language with parents and peers. Specialists have to work with anxiety and fears in hyperactive children. Relaxation methods are often used to help relax, relieve tension, and normalize the functioning of the brain and nervous system. For speech defects, sessions with a speech therapist are recommended.

What is important to know? Psychocorrection for a child will be effective only when the parents cooperate with the specialist and accurately carry out all the tasks and advice of the psychologist or psychotherapist. Parents often have the following attitude: “cure the child,” while family relationships need to be treated.

Lifestyle correction

Daily routine and hyperactivity are two things that, at first glance, are incompatible. And yet, parents need to arrange life according to a schedule for the fidget.

  • It is extremely important to maintain a sleep schedule: go to bed and get up on time. If a restless person is behind schedule, it is difficult to put him to bed and difficult to bring him to his senses in the morning. You should not overload such children with information before bedtime or play active games. The air in the room should be fresh and cool.
  • Organize nutritious meals. You need to avoid snacking, especially fast food. It is advisable to reduce fast carbohydrates (sweets, baked goods) in the diet, which excite the nervous system.
  • Walking before bed. Fresh air calms the nervous system. In addition, there will be a good opportunity to talk and discuss how your day went.
  • Physical exercise. Necessary in the life of a hyperactive child to discharge his irrepressible energy. You can try yourself in individual and team sports. Although the latter will be more difficult. Athletics, gymnastics, cycling, and swimming are most suitable. It’s good if a child plays sports for himself. Competitions and any competitive moment will bring even more tension and aggression. Much in this situation depends on the coach and his teaching skills.

Reminder for parents raising a child with ADHD

How to raise a hyperactive child?

  • Increase self-esteem. Hyperactive children are often punished and discouraged: “sit down”, “don’t move around”, “shut up”, “calm down”, etc. This is repeated regularly at school, at home, in the garden. Such comments create a feeling of inferiority in the child. All children need to be praised, but hyperactive children especially need emotional support and praise.
  • Build personal boundaries with children. You need to raise fidgets in strictness, but fairness. Punishments and restrictions must be consistent, appropriate, and agreed upon by all family members. Children with signs of ADHD often do not have “brakes.” The task of parents is to show their own boundaries, demonstrate parental will and make it clear who is boss in the house, and clearly formulate prohibitions. There should be no aggression. If mom and dad have too soft a character, a hyperactive family member will certainly take the reins of power.
  • Small and useful tasks. Hyperactive children should be involved in household chores and their initiative should be encouraged. It is better to give simple, step-by-step tasks. You can even draw a plan, a diagram, a step-by-step algorithm of actions. These tasks will help your child organize his personal space and time.
  • Don't overload with information. While reading books, doing homework you need to give small loads - 15 minutes each. Then take a break from physical activity, then start again with a static activity that requires concentration. Overwork has a detrimental effect on children with ADHD.
  • Learn a new type of activity. It is difficult to interest hyperactive children in anything for a long time; they switch their attention too quickly. However, you need to look for different types of activities (music, singing, drawing, reading, modeling, dancing) in which the child will reveal himself to the maximum. You need to find something that will invisibly “educate” the fidget and require some kind of personal effort and motivation.
  • Communication aspects. For hyperactive fidgets, everything is forgiven at home, but they often find themselves in conflict situation with teachers and are rejected by peers. It is important to discuss with children their lives outside the home, difficult situations, causes of conflicts. This will help them adequately evaluate their actions in the future, control themselves, be aware of their emotions, and learn from their own mistakes.
  • Success Diary. Psychologists recommend having a notebook or notepad where you can write down (or sketch) everything. big victories and small successes. It is important that the child is aware of the results of his own efforts. You can also come up with a reward system.

Some parents believe that the best cure for hyperactivity in children is vitamin D, that is, a belt. This harsh remedy only aggravates the problem and will never eliminate it. the real reason disobedience. The behavior of children with ADHD often causes the righteous anger of parents, but it is still better to avoid spanking.

Difficulties of social adaptation

In kindergartens and schools, children with ADHD are classified as “difficult.” Sometimes conflicts associated with inappropriate hyperactive behavior become so aggravated that it is necessary to transfer the child to another kindergarten or school. It is important to understand that the public education system will not adapt to individual characteristics child. You can search for a suitable kindergarten or school for a long time, but still not find it. In this situation, it is important to teach the child to show flexibility, patience, friendliness - all those qualities that are so important for communication and normal social adaptation.

  • hyperactive students should be in the teacher’s field of vision;
  • it is better for them to sit at the first or second desk;
  • do not focus on the behavioral characteristics of such children;
  • often praise, encourage, but do not overestimate;
  • give small tasks in which the child will move: bring a magazine, distribute notebooks, water flowers, wipe the board;
  • emphasize strengths student, to give them the opportunity to express them.
  • be on the child’s side, but not create an open conflict with the teacher;
  • find compromise solutions;
  • listen to the teacher’s opinion, because an objective view from the outside can be valuable for understanding your own child;
  • do not punish or lecture a child in the presence of a teacher and peers;
  • help adapt to children's team(take part in joint events, you can invite children to visit, etc.).

It is important to find not some special school or private kindergarten, but a teacher who will understand the problem and be an ally of parents.

Treatment of a hyperactive child with medications is advisable only for complex forms of ADHD. In most cases, psychocorrection of behavior is carried out. Therapy is much more successful if parents are involved. After all, a child’s hyperactivity is often associated with family relationships and improper upbringing.


Sedatives for children are becoming increasingly popular among parents. Some mothers and fathers give them to their babies on the advice of a doctor, others look for them on their own. Drugs that reduce the excitability of the nervous system can cope with many problems. What effective and safe means for children?

Why are sedatives needed?

Increased excitability, anxiety, and tearfulness of a child are quite a serious problem for his parents. In children, this condition often leads to poor sleep; in adolescents, it leads to problems in learning and social life. Hysterics and whims do not add harmony to the family. In an attempt to somehow regulate the situation, mothers and fathers turn to specialists, hoping to receive much-needed help.

Neurologists and pediatricians often prescribe sedatives to children. Sedatives inhibit all processes occurring in the central nervous system, removing excessive excitability and hyperactivity of the child. These drugs normalize sleep, eliminate tearfulness and the desire to throw a tantrum out of nowhere. Sedatives also help children adapt to new environments, for example, when attending kindergarten or school.

Types of sedatives for children

All sedatives can be divided into several groups:

  • medications;
  • herbal preparations;
  • homeopathic remedies.

Drugs from the first group should only be prescribed by a doctor. Such drugs are often used for various organic diseases of the central nervous system and the consequences of perinatal brain damage. Many of these sedatives have serious side effects. By using such drugs on the recommendation of a neighbor or young mothers from forums, parents risk serious health problems for their child.

Follow your doctor's instructions strictly and do not exceed the dosage of the recommended drug!

Herbal remedies are herbal mixtures or medicines based on natural ingredients. Such sedatives are very popular among parents because they have a significantly smaller list of side effects. Many herbal remedies can be brewed as a tea and given to your child to drink several times a day.

There is more debate about the benefits of homeopathic medicines. Official medicine does not recognize these drugs, claiming that their effect is no different from the placebo effect. Homeopathic medicines contain such small amounts of active ingredients that the advisability of their use remains a big question. Despite this, many parents prefer homeopathy, arguing that these remedies cope better than many others with increased excitability in the child.

In what form should the sedative be given? Parents of infants should give preference to medications in the form of syrups or soluble powders. At 2 years old, you can offer your child a sedative in the form of tea. After 5 years, many children chew and swallow tablets well. Capsules are allowed to be given to adolescents 12 years of age and older.

Review of the most popular sedatives


  • "Phenibut"

This sedative from the group of nootropics is approved for use from birth, but pediatricians do not recommend giving Phenibut to children under two years of age. The drug has very multidirectional effects, and it is not always possible to predict exactly how the drug will affect the child’s body. At 2 years of age, Phenibut is prescribed for hyperactivity, excitability and tearfulness. In adolescents, this medicine is recommended for use in cases of insomnia, anxiety and neuroses.

The course of treatment with Phenibut ranges from 2 to 6 weeks. If it is necessary to repeat therapy, you should take a break for 2-4 weeks. Cancellation of the drug occurs gradually, with a gradual reduction in dosage. This scheme allows brain cells to adapt to new conditions and learn to independently produce the necessary substances.

Phenibut is available in the form of powders and tablets. The drug is taken orally after meals. In the first days from the start of treatment, increased drowsiness and lethargy are possible. Such symptoms are a manifestation of adaptation to the drug and will soon go away on their own.

  • "Pantogam"

The drug is a nootropic and its mechanism of action is similar to Phenibut. For the little ones there is special form in the form of syrup. After 5 years, you can offer your child “Pantogam” in tablets, provided that the baby is able to swallow the medicine. Taken after meals. The duration of therapy ranges from 1 to 6 months. A second course of treatment is carried out no earlier than 3 months after discontinuation of the drug.

“Pantogam” not only eliminates increased excitability in a child, but also has a beneficial effect on various motor disorders. This remedy eliminates increased tone muscles and relieves excessive motor activity. "Pantogam" is widely used for delay physical development in children of different ages.

  • "Tenoten for children"

Children's sedative is an antibody to the S-100 protein and belongs to the group of nootropics. Available in tablets, used in children over three years of age. It has virtually no side effects, which has earned it recognition among parents of children. The course of therapy ranges from 1 to 3 months. The drug should be taken at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Herbal remedies

Today on the market there are a large number of herbal preparations for children. Each sedative has its own composition and can be used for various conditions. For children over one and a half years old, herbal infusions can be brewed as tea, while for children it is preferable to give herbal medicines from a bottle or spoon.
The most popular herbal sedatives:

  • “Bai-bai” (motherwort, oregano, hawthorn, mint, peony);
  • "Calm down" ( green tea, thyme, lemon balm, mint, motherwort, rosehip);
  • “Children's soothing tea” (hibiscus, mint, valerian, hawthorn, dandelion, oregano, St. John's wort, thyme and ten more herbs);
  • “Phytosedan” (motherwort, valerian, oregano, sweet clover, thyme);
  • “The power of Russian herbs” (motherwort, valerian, mint and 7 more herbs).

The first portion of soothing tea should be very small. In some children, herbal preparations cause stool failure. Parents of small allergy sufferers, whose reaction to herbal remedies can be very strong, should be especially careful.

If you experience a skin rash, sneezing or coughing while taking herbal medicines, stop taking the sedative and consult a doctor.

Separately, it should be said about herbal remedies in tablets. The most famous among them is the drug “Persen”. It is a mixture of valerian, lemon balm and mint. Approved for use from 12 years of age in capsule form. In children under 12 years of age, the tablet form of the drug can be used under the supervision of a physician. The course of therapy should not be more than 2 months.

Sedative homeopathic preparations consist of the same extracts of soothing herbs that are used in herbal medicines. Sweet peas are a favorite among children, which largely explains their growing popularity. Many homeopathic medicines are available in the form of syrups, so they can be used in children in the first year of life.

The most famous homeopathic sedatives:

  • "Naughty";
  • "Little Bunny";
  • "Valerianahel";
  • "Leovit";
  • "Baby gray";
  • "Notta";
  • "Nervohel".

Before using medications in preschool children, you should consult a homeopath.

Any sedatives in children's practice are a necessary necessity. Before starting therapy, it makes sense to try other methods of normalizing the child’s behavior. In many cases, organizing a daily routine and avoiding stressful situations allows you to cope with the problem without prescribing sedatives.

Medications help reduce symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity in children and adults with ADHD. Drugs have side effects, risks, and they are not the only treatment option. Whether you are a parent or a patient, it is important to know the facts about ADHD treatment so you can make an informed decision about what is best for you or your child.

Making decisions about taking medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is not easy. The first thing to understand is that they may not help. ADHD medication may improve the ability to concentrate, control impulses, plan, and complete tasks. But this is not a magic pill that will eliminate all problems.

Even when the drug works, a child with ADHD may still struggle with forgetfulness, emotional problems, and social awkwardness. Or an adult with disorganization, distractibility, relationship difficulties. This is why it is so important to make lifestyle changes: regular physical exercise, healthy diet, adequate sleep.

Medicines do not cure attention deficit disorder. They relieve symptoms while taking them, but once the pills are gone, the symptoms return. In addition, the ADHD drug works selectively. Some people experience dramatic improvements, others experience only modest results.

Because each person responds differently to ADHD medications, use should be personalized and carefully monitored by a doctor. When a drug is not carefully monitored, it is less effective and more risky.

Stimulant drugs

Stimulants are the most common type of medication prescribed for attention deficit disorder. They have the longest track record of treating ADHD and the most studies on effectiveness. Includes commonly used pills such as Ritalin, Adderell, Dexedrine.

Stimulants increase dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with motivation, pleasure, attention, and movement. For many people with ADHD, these medications increase concentration and focus while reducing hyperactive, impulsive behavior.

Short acting vs long acting

Stimulants for ADHD have a short and long duration of action. Short-acting stimulants, with peak activity after a few hours, should be taken 2-3 times a day. Long or prolonged action (8-12 hours), taken only once a day.

Common Side Effects of Stimulants

  • Feeling restless and nervous
  • Bad dream
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Stomach upset
  • Irritability, mood swings
  • Depression
  • Dizziness
  • Cardiopalmus

Stimulant drugs cause personality changes. Some people become lethargic, rigid, and less talkative. Others develop obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Because they increase blood pressure and heart rate, many experts warn about the dangers of taking them for a long time.


In addition to potential side effects, there are a number of safety concerns associated with the use of stimulants for ADHD.

Effects on the developing brain— The long-term effects of ADHD medications on the young, developing brain are not yet known. Some researchers are concerned that the use of drugs such as Ritalin in children and adolescents may interfere with normal brain development.

Heart problems- Stimulant drugs are thought to cause sudden death children and adults with heart disease.

Psychiatric problems. Stimulants can trigger or worsen symptoms of hostility, aggression, anxiety, depression, and paranoia.

People with a personal or family history of suicide, depression, or bipolar disorder are at particularly high risk and should be closely monitored while taking these medications.

Potential for abuseoverdose stimulant use is a growing problem, especially among teenagers and young adults. College students take them before exams or nights out. Others abuse stimulants for weight loss. If your child takes stimulants, make sure he or she does not share or sell the pills.

  • Any type of heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Glaucoma
  • High level of anxiety
  • History of drug abuse


Call your doctor right away if you or your child experience any of the following symptoms while taking stimulant medications for ADHD:

  • chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • fainting
  • see, hear something that is not real
  • suspicion, paranoia

Non-stimulant drugs

In addition to traditional medications, there are several other drugs used to treat ADHD: Strattera, atypical antidepressants, some blood pressure medications. In most cases, non-stimulant medications are considered when stimulants do not work or cause intolerable side effects.

On the other hand, Strattera is not as effective as stimulant medications for treating hyperactivity symptoms.

Common side effects of Strattera:

  • Drowsiness
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Abdominal pain, indigestion
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Mood swings

Straterra may cause insomnia, appetite suppression, these side effects are more common in stimulants.

Strattera - risk for children

Strattera may cause an increase in suicidal thoughts and actions in some people. Especially kids and young adults who have bipolar disorder or depression in addition to ADHD.

Call the doctor right away if your child exhibits agitation, irritability, suicidal thinking or behavior, or unusual changes in behavior.

Other Treatment Options

The following drugs are sometimes used "off-label" in the treatment of attention deficit disorder, although they are not FDA approved for this purpose. They should only be considered when stimulants or Strattera do not help.

Blood pressure lowering drug for ADHD

Some blood pressure medications are used to treat ADHD. Examples include clonidine (Catapres) and guanfacine (Tenex). These medications may be effective for hyperactivity, impulsivity, and aggression; they are less helpful when we're talking about about problems of attention.

Antidepressants for ADHD- For people suffering from ADHD and depression, certain antidepressants that target multiple neurotransmitters in the brain (norepinephrine, dopamine) may be prescribed. Wellbutrin, also known by the generic name bupropion, is the most widely used. Another option is the use of tricyclic antidepressants.

Should I take it?

Even when armed with all the facts, deciding whether to take ADD/ADHD medications is not always easy. If you're not sure, don't rush into a decision. Consider your options. And if the medication is for your child, be sure to include it in your decision-making process.

The most important thing is to trust your instincts and do what you like. Don't let anyone - be it a doctor or a school principal - force your child to take medicine if you don't like it. Remember: pills are not the only treatment option. Especially for small children, drugs should be considered as a last resort and not the first course of treatment.

Questions to ask a specialist

Consulting with a specialist or experienced psychiatrist can help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of medications. Here are some questions to ask:

  • What treatments do you recommend?
  • Can symptoms be managed without medication?
  • What medications do you recommend, are there any side effects?
  • How effective are the products?
  • How long should I take them?
  • How will the decision to discontinue treatment be made?

For parents: useful questions about ADHD treatment

When deciding whether to put your child on medication, ADHD expert Jerome Schultz, MD, recommends first considering the following questions:

  • Did non-drug approaches help your child? Deep breathing and yoga often help children with attention deficit disorder.
  • Was the school trying to teach him to be more attentive and less active?
  • The decision is the result of behavioral observations long time, in different conditions, for example, at school, at home?
  • When is the child better? Fishing with your dad, playing video games? Help your doctor understand how widespread or selective the problem is.
  • Are there other conditions that can be mistaken for hyperactivity? Children exposed to toxic substances chemical substances or have an undiagnosed learning disability, anxiety disorder, exhibit similar behavior.

Source: Family Education Network

One medicine is not enough

Treatment for attention deficit disorder is not just about seeing doctors or taking medications. There are many options available to help you or your child cope with ADHD issues and lead a calmer, more productive life. By using the right advice and tools, you will be able to manage many symptoms yourself. Even if you decide to take pills, healthy image life and other self-help strategies will allow you to take a lower dose.

Exercise regularly

Sport is one of the most effective ways to reduce ADHD symptoms. Physical activity increases the levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the brain—all of which affect concentration and attention. Use walking, skateboarding, hiking, dancing, your favorite sport. Encourage your child to cut out video games and play outside.

To learn more Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: minimal brain dysfunction

Eat healthy

Although the diet does not cause the disorder, it does have an impact on mood, energy levels, and symptoms. Set regular meal times. Add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. Make sure you get enough zinc, iron, and magnesium.

Get enough sleep

Regular quality sleep leads to significant improvements in ADHD symptoms. Simple changes to your daytime habits will pave the way for a restful night. Set a daily routine and stick to it. Avoid caffeine before bed.

Use psychotherapy

ADHD specialists can help you or your child learn to cope with symptoms and change habits that are causing problems. Some methods are aimed at managing stress, anger, and impulsive behavior. Others teach how to manage time, improve organizational skills, and achieve goals.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

A positive mood and common sense are the best assets for treating ADHD.

If you decide to take medication for ADHD, it is important to take the medication as directed. By following your doctor's instructions, you will be able to use your medications as effectively as possible, and minimize side effects and risks. Some recommendations for safe use:

Find out about prescribed medications. Find out everything you can about the medications you take, including potential side effects, how often to take them, and special warnings.

Have patience. Finding the right medication and dosage is a process of trial and error. This will require some experimentation, as well as open, honest communication with your doctor.

Start small. It is always better to start with a low dose. The goal is to find the lowest possible dose that relieves symptoms.

Control the effects. Pay special attention to the effect that the medicine has on emotions and behavior. Monitor for any side effects and monitor how well the medicine works to relieve symptoms.

Wean off slowly. If you want to stop taking your medication, ask your doctor for advice on gradually reducing your dose. Abruptly stopping use can lead to unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, fatigue, depression, and headache.

Talk to your child

Many children and adolescents with ADHD do not take their medications correctly—they stop taking them without talking to their parents or doctor. If your child is on SRSD, make sure he understands how to take the medicine correctly and why the instructions are important.

Encourage anyone to come to you with any medication-related problems so you can work together to resolve the problem or find another treatment option. It is also important to remember that the product should never have an overwhelming effect on the child's energy, curiosity or enthusiasm. He must act like a child.


Here is a list of questions to ask when a child begins drug therapy, changes dosage, or starts taking different medications.

  • Does the drug have a positive effect on the child’s mood and behavior?
  • Do you think the dosage and the drug are working? How does the child think about this?
  • Should I increase or decrease the dose?
  • Experiencing any side effects such as headaches, stomach pain, fatigue, insomnia (suicidal thoughts while taking Strattera)? What is the likelihood that these side effects will continue? (Ask your doctor). Are there any long-term side effects?
  • Think your medication or dosage level has stopped working?

The advisability of using drugs for hyperactivity in children is periodically questioned. To understand, you need to define the very concept of hyperactivity syndrome.

Is a disorder of higher nervous activity which is often detected in children younger age. Complications during pregnancy or childbirth can provoke the development of this condition in a child.

A child suffering from hyperactivity has great difficulty concentrating and also finds it difficult to control his behavior. This is due to the fact that the child’s nervous system has difficulty processing incoming information. At the same time, persuasion and punishment have practically no effect - the hyperactive child remains impulsive and restless.

The main approach to treating children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should be comprehensive and include both medications and pedagogical and psychological correction.

With the help of nootropic and metabolic drugs, the child gets the opportunity to better adapt to Everyday life. In order to select the correct dose of the drug, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Medicines have the following therapeutic effects:

  • Reducing the level of impulsivity and excitability in response to external stimuli.
  • Improved learning ability and concentration.
  • Increased performance.
  • Improved absorption educational material and developing new skills.
  • The child’s behavior becomes more orderly, and his activities become purposeful.
  • Improving coordination of movements, including fine motor skills.

In Western countries, it is widely practiced to treat hyperactivity in children using drugs from the group of psychostimulants. However, such drugs have a large number of side effects. Very often, treatment with such drugs is accompanied by the development of insomnia, psychomotor agitation and headache. In our country, such treatment of children is not practiced. In Russian pediatric and neurological practice, it is more common to treat children with the use of nootropic drugs.

This group includes medicinal substances that have a positive effect on the higher integrative functions of the brain.

The choice of drug depends on the predominant syndrome in a particular small patient. If the child's primary concern is distracted attention, a greater effect can be achieved by using nootropic drugs. These medications include Cortexin, Gliatilin, Encephabol.

If the leading syndrome is hyperactivity and disinhibition, treatment is carried out mainly with the help of gamma-aminobutyric acid derivatives. These drugs include Pantogam and Phenibut. They control inhibitory functions in the brain.

Only a neurologist or child psychiatrist should prescribe such drugs. You should not try to prescribe treatment for your child yourself.

Treatment with Gliatilin

Gliatilin is a drug that belongs to the class of neuroprotectors. Widely used in the treatment of ADHD and other brain diseases of an organic and functional nature.

The pharmacological effect is to restore metabolic processes and normalize blood flow in the brain tissue. Thanks to the effects of Gliatilin, conductivity in the tissues of the cerebral cortex improves.

In the human body, Gliatilin breaks down into two main active substances - glycerophosphate and choline.

  1. Choline takes part in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Thanks to this active substance, the speed of transmission of nerve impulses and the exchange of information between tissues and nerve cells significantly increases.
  2. The cell membrane of neurons contains phospholipids. Their main component is the substance glycerophosphate. It significantly increases the resistance of nerve cells to negative external factors.

Thanks to the effects of Gliatilin, brain functions impaired due to hypoxia are restored and the child’s cognitive abilities are increased, concentration and the formation of new skills are improved.

Gliatilin in pediatric practice

Despite the fact that reference books and instructions for use do not contain data on the possibility of treating children with this drug, domestic pediatricians and neurologists have extensive positive experience in treating minor patients with the following diseases:

  • Consequences of birth injuries and organic brain diseases.
  • Delayed mental and psychomotor development.
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
  • Signs of early childhood autism of various origins.

For children under 2 years of age, the drug is indicated in injection form. For older children, the medication is prescribed in the form of gelatin capsules. Typically, the course of injection procedures lasts from 10 to 15 days. When prescribing the drug orally, the course of treatment should be from 1 to 3 months. The dosage is determined by the attending physician based on the patient’s age and body weight.

The only contraindication to the use of this drug is possible individual sensitivity to its components. If unpleasant symptoms such as nausea occur, the dosage of the drug can be slightly reduced. If a urticarial rash appears, you should stop taking the medication and seek help from a specialist.

There are drugs on the pharmaceutical market with similar properties and active ingredients, but with a different trade name. However, only a specialist can replace the drug.

Treatment with Cortexin

Cortexin belongs to the group of nootropic drugs and stimulates metabolic processes in brain tissue. The use of this drug helps improve higher mental functions. This allows the child to improve his learning ability and assimilate a greater amount of new information.

Cortexin perfectly protects brain tissue from the effects of hypoxia and various toxins. Improving the functions of the nervous system allows brain neurons to recover much faster from adverse external influences.

The use of this drug helps restore the structure and function of neurons after suffering stress. In addition, this medication suppresses excessive pathological activity of neurons and has an anticonvulsant effect.

By suppressing the process of lipid peroxidation, Cortexin helps neurons better survive in hypoxia.

It was noticed that during treatment with Cortexin, new material was also memorized. The child's speech becomes smoother. Stuttering may disappear.

The amino acid glycine, which is part of the drug, has an additional effect. The medicine is available only in the form of a lyophilized powder, which is diluted and administered intramuscularly. It is best to give the injection in the shoulder area. In children under the age of six months, muscle mass is small, so injections are made into the front surface of the thigh. It is best to give this injection in the morning between 7 and 8 o'clock. This allows you to avoid a large number of side effects that the substance can cause.

It should be remembered that the powder causes noticeable pain when administered, so dilute the medication better solution Novocaine or Lidocaine at room temperature. However, if a child has an allergic reaction to local anesthetics, the medicine is diluted with distilled water or saline solution.

The prepared diluted drug should not be stored - it must be administered immediately and in full.

The full therapeutic course lasts 10 days. After six months you can repeat it if necessary.

The dosage of the drug depends on the child’s age and body weight. If a child weighs more than 20 kg, the drug is administered in a dose calculated for an adult. For infants and children weighing less than 20 kg, there is a special dosage calculation table.

You should not deviate from the regimen prescribed by your doctor or try to change the duration of treatment or dosage on your own.

The drug can be administered even if you have a cold - this is not a contraindication. The medicine goes well with antipyretic substances. There is even an opinion that with the introduction of Cortexin, the child’s body copes with colds faster and more effectively.

Pantogam is a drug based on gamma-aminobutyric acid. This substance controls inhibition processes in the brain. It is available in the form of syrups or tablets for oral use.

You can take the drug 30 minutes after your next meal. You should not take the medicine at night - your child may have problems falling asleep. The dosage is prescribed by a neurologist depending on the age of the child.

The duration of treatment can range from several months to six months. Then it is recommended to take a break for 3-6 months, after which the course can be repeated if necessary.

The effect of taking the drug can be increased with the help of complex treatment. While taking the medicine, there is a decrease in the child’s signs of anxiety or hyperactivity, and an increase in perseverance and ability to concentrate. In addition, the drug affects the pathological activity of brain neurons and has an anticonvulsant effect.

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