Children's drawing on the theme of space in pencil. How to draw space: competition finalists and step-by-step master class

"Every atom of our body
was once a star."
Vincent Freeman

A week ago on our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we launched a competition for the best completion of the task from the notebook “642 ideas on what to draw”. The task sounded simple - space. A lot of creative and creative works. You can see them all by tag. We publish best works and give step-by-step master class how to learn to draw space.

Best works for competition #642ideicosmos

“If you can’t fly into space, make it come to you.” Author of the photo - @al.ex_kv.

"And when darkness sleeps beside you, And the morning is far away, I wanna hold your hand and guide you..." Parov Stelar ft. Lilja Bloom - Shine. Photo by @julia_owlie.

Are they really cool? 🙂

Step-by-step master class

If you did not participate in the competition, but also want to learn how to draw space, save somewhere these step-by-step instructions on what and how to do so that it turns out bright and beautiful.

1. In order to draw the Universe, only 3-4 colors are enough. At least that's the amount you can start with. Important: The sheet for watercolors must be very dense so that it does not wrinkle from water and so that the paint spreads beautifully and evenly.

2. The outline can be drawn with a hard pencil to indicate the space that you will wet with water. Wet part of the allocated space.

3. Apply paint to the wetted area. Try to make the contours beautiful.

4. Wet the rest of the space with water and apply a different color of paint. Selectively add bright pops of color throughout the design. The drawing must be wet so that the paint spreads beautifully.

5. Once the design is completely dry, apply the stars. This can be done with white or yellow paint using an old toothbrush.

6. Some stars could be drawn more carefully.

Photo for the master class from the site

If you sprinkle salt on a wet drawing, the structure of space will turn out even more interesting. The salt will absorb some of the paint, and if you shake it off after it has completely dried, there will be beautiful white dots and clouds in place of the salt.

On our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we will regularly hold competitions on notebooks “642 ideas, what to draw”, “642 ideas, what to write about” and “642 ideas, what else to write about” (new!). Subscribe to keep up to date with everything creative, interesting and creatively fun.

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What and how to draw space so that the work looks rich, bright and realistic? You can take an ordinary simple pencil and, by applying light and shadow, create a sophisticated and beautiful work. Or use watercolor paints and create on a sheet of whatman paper an image of stars beckoning into distant depths with their cool glow. Or, using gouache and acrylic, create a lush landscape with planets, satellites and space rockets.

For fans of creativity, there is a more original way - try to draw space with an ordinary kitchen sponge, thus obtaining an almost unique picture on a star-galactic theme... As you can see, there are many options and all of them are described in detail in step-by-step master classes with step by step instructions, photos and videos available for children and aspiring artists. Choose the most interesting method for yourself and create beautiful painting masterpieces to the delight of yourself and your loved ones.

Drawings on the theme of space for children in pencil step by step, master class

Very beautiful drawing on the theme of space can be done with children, following the tips and recommendations of this master class. For execution you only need simple pencils of varying hardness and medium-density landscape paper. The finished work will be realistic and will fully reflect the atmosphere of another planet on which astronaut researchers have just landed.

Necessary materials for children's drawings on a space theme

  • Whatman sheet
  • simple pencil HB
  • simple pencil 2B
  • ruler
  • compass
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw an interesting drawing on the theme of Space for children

How to paint space with watercolors step by step for beginners

Painting space with watercolors is the most enjoyable and exciting activity, if only because it allows for flights of fancy and allows even novice artists to gradually create a truly unique, exclusive work with their own hands. You can make your own adjustments to the process and introduce any colors that you like and are pleasing to the eye. The main thing is that the overall image looks harmonious and responds general ideas O appearance outer space.

Necessary materials for a step-by-step watercolor painting of Space

  • paper
  • set of watercolor paints
  • brush
  • stretcher or board
  • pushpins

Step-by-step instructions on how to paint space with watercolors

How to draw space in gouache - planets, stars and satellite

To paint such classic elements of the cosmic landscape as planets, stars and satellites, you can use gouache paints. Work done using this technique will turn out bright, rich and rich and will serve as an excellent decoration for a room intended to celebrate Cosmonautics Day.

Necessary materials for drawing on the theme of space in gouache

  • paper
  • set of gouache paints
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • brushes (wide and thin)

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw planets, stars and a space satellite in gouache

  1. Make a preliminary sketch and mark on paper a large semicircle of the planet on foreground, a smaller ringed planet slightly further away in the upper right corner, and a small meteorite satellite in the upper left of the composition.
  2. Use dark blue thick colors to tint the upper part of the picture. Make broad strokes and do not shade them along the edges so that the different shades are visible to the eye and are easier to read.
  3. In the lower part of the composition, make a lighter background, diluting the blue paints with white.
  4. Color the largest planet on the right side with lighter colors, and towards the bottom with rich bluish-gray tones.
  5. Make the meteorite as dark as possible, and paint the planet with rings in a bright orange rich tone.
  6. Then take a thinner brush and highlight the details. Mark bends and bulges on the meteorite so that it looks three-dimensional and realistic. On the largest planet, draw volcanic craters and highlight those on the sunny side with white.
  7. Scatter large eight-pointed stars over a dark blue background, and in some places place small white dots symbolizing distant luminaries. Wait for the work to dry thoroughly and hang it on the wall.

How to paint space with acrylic paints - a simple step-by-step master class for children

Simple, step-by-step master class will tell everyone how to make a bright and optimistic drawing of space using acrylic paints. They have excellent coverage, allow you to achieve rich, dense colors and dry quickly. All these characteristics make acrylic a very convenient working material not only for experienced painters, but also for very young beginning artists.

Necessary materials for depicting space with acrylic paints

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • acrylic paint set
  • brushes

Step-by-step instructions for the master class “Children’s drawing on the theme of space with acrylic paints”

  1. On clean slate of paper in the upper left and lower right corners mark two semicircles of planets different sizes. On the remaining empty space place 3-4 small planets, spaceships and stars. In the lower semicircle, draw the figure of an astronaut, and in the upper semicircle, draw a flying rocket.
  2. Coloring the drawing is quite conventional, without resorting to mixing different colors. Tint the upper planet bright red, and the lower planet yellow-orange.
  3. Cover the vault of heaven with a very dark blue or even black color. Paint the stars with light yellow, pinkish and silver tones.
  4. Paint small planets according to your own taste; use bright, contrasting colors to paint spaceships.
  5. The astronaut standing on the lower planet is “dressed” in an orange spacesuit and “given into his hands” the Russian national flag.
  6. Draw the faces of aliens in the windows of interstellar ships and space dishes. Wait for the painting to dry and hang it in a prominent place or present it as an exhibit for a school competition.

How to draw space with a sponge - master class step by step on video

The author of this video tells how to draw picturesque cosmic distances using an ordinary kitchen sponge. From additional materials To work, you will need a toothbrush, plastic lids of different sizes and a small piece of fiberboard. You can use any paints, including acrylic, gouache or watercolor. The process does not take much time, but requires some skill. You need to learn how to carefully and clearly use a sponge, applying certain tones to the paper. Since the work is quite “dirty”, it is better to do it in some place where there is no risk of staining interior items, walls and furniture. It also wouldn’t hurt to put on an apron or some simple clothes that you don’t mind putting a splash of color on. But the final picture more than compensates for all these inconveniences and will bring a lot of pleasure to both the author and the audience.

Children are very attracted and attracted by everything new and interesting. Space appeals to almost all content, be it stars, planets or spaceships. In this article you will find diagrams for drawing a rocket of varying complexity; even a small child can draw some images.

Remember how many boys wanted to become astronauts and explore the depths of space. One has only to imagine how many secrets and mysteries are hidden among the stars and one inevitably thinks about how to get there, to take a look with one eye. Such travel, even if only for fun, is impossible without a rocket. I suggest you draw this space transport together with your child.

How to draw a rocket for children: children's drawing

You will need paper, pencils and paints, and an eraser. Before you start drawing or during the creative process, you can also tell your child some educational information. This way the baby will become interested in the process and remember interesting facts well.

Of course, with small children it is better to choose a simple drawing option, where simple geometric shapes predominate, and the picture does not contain large quantity small parts.

If you have already mastered the basics of drawing, you can start drawing with smooth lines.

If you draw a porthole in a rocket, you can then add an astronaut or paste in some picture.

Or you can use a simpler algorithm.

How to draw a rocket, video

How to draw a rocket with a pencil step by step for beginners?

  • Draw 2 parallel lines that point up
  • Connect at the bottom with a straight line
  • At the top of the rocket, close the lines of the body with a triangle
  • At the bottom, draw 3 cones - steps. Their bases should protrude beyond the lines of the body
  • Draw a circle in the center - a porthole
  • Erase excess lines and colorize

You can also depict the rocket with smoother lines - then it will look more toy-like, cartoonish.

  • Draw the base. To make it easier to depict a rocket body, imagine the shape of a carrot or a bullet.
  • Separate the nose of the rocket with 2 semicircular lines
  • Draw additional elements on the sides below
  • Add a frontal part to the rocket
  • Draw a porthole

How to draw a rocket in space with a pencil step by step?

Drawing space with a rocket in the background is quite simple. You can give free rein to your imagination little artist and he himself will draw the sun, stars, planets, and maybe even funny aliens.

For example, you can depict a meteorite or comet. To do this, draw a star and draw an arc on its tail.

Or you can draw Saturn, which stands out in the picture with its rings.

Drawing of Saturn

Unlike previous “toy” examples, you can draw a real one space rocket. It is somewhat more complicated due to the presence of small parts and their abundance, however, if you follow the instructions, you will succeed. To make the task easier, you can use the templates below.

  • Draw a curved body - the base
  • Express the front wing in the form of a curved triangle
  • Draw a wedge shape in place of the second wing
Rocket. Step 1
  • Draw a tall wedge-shaped figure at the end of the rocket to express the tail wing
  • Add extra lines to add depth and realism
Rocket. Step 2 - Draw Additional Lines
  • On the nose, hull and wing, draw curved rectangles to reflect the hatches
Rocket. Step 3
  • Now draw the engine at the bottom of the rocket. It is expressed in 4 different rounded shapes
Rocket engine. Step 4
  • Draw rectangular windows in place of the cabin and along the hull, add ovals on the nose
Rocket. Step 5
  • Draw a flame. All you have to do is finish drawing the stars and planets and decorate the drawing

How to draw a rocket in space

Well.. While I’m loading the movie, I’m doing a lesson on drawing space.. It might come in handy.

How to draw space with a pencil step by step

Step one.

Draw a round shape for the planet and the outline of the landscape.

Step two.

Let's correct the contours of the planet and its satellite. In the foreground we draw two men, these are astronauts sent to the moon.

Step three.

Let's add some touches.

Step four.

Let's draw a starry sky. Or more precisely, it is outer space. In the middle of the lunar landscape we will draw several craters.

Step five.

All that's left to do is add some shadows. In the end it turned out like this space picture:

How to draw the Earth with a pencil step by step

Step one. Drawing a circle by hand is very difficult. First we need two squares, divided in half, so that we can fit the colo into them. Of course, you can take a compass and draw a circle. But this is not a royal matter.
Step two. As mentioned above, we make the outline of our planet, draw four arcs at the corners of the square.
Step three. Now it will be easier to draw smooth circle. We combine the arcs so that everything turns out as clear as possible.
Step four. Now we sketch all the continents, oceans, islands and peninsulas on our ball. Anything that will fit and be noticeable.
Step five. We remove the auxiliary lines. We stick dots around the planet - the image of distant stars, move the pencil, depict space so that the planet does not look lonely.

How to draw the planets of the solar system with a pencil

Step one

Drawing the orbits of the planets. Their shape is an ellipse, close to a circle. But, if we look from one point, then visually we see not circles, but arcs, parts of ellipses. Such as in the picture. On the lines we outline the positions of the planets.

Step two

We draw circles - planets. We start with small Mercury, then larger Venus and Earth, again a small circle is Mars and further, as in the picture. In the lower left corner we will show the edge of the Sun.

Step three

Let's erase the auxiliary lines - the axes of the circles. Let's make the orbits brighter.

Step four

Let's add other celestial bodies: comets, asteroids. Let's draw “rings” to the large planets.

Step five

Let's do the shading. With its help we must turn our circles into a sphere. We remember that we have the Sun in the center, and light falls from its side. But the opposite side of the planet will be darkened. The result should be something like this:

How to draw an astronaut with a pencil step by step

There are four steps ahead.

Step one.

At the top of the sheet we will place a large round head. She's big because she's wearing a helmet. Let's draw two curved lines down - this is the contour of the body. We will draw an astronaut in zero gravity. And this immediately sets his position. Let's draw the contours of the arms and legs. The spacesuit has a belt. Let's outline the backpack behind our shoulders.

Step two.

We begin to draw out the details: the helmet, fingers, all sorts of bells and whistles on the “suit”. Moreover, all the elements are quite large.

Step three.

On the helmet we will outline an opening for the eyes and make it three-dimensional. Let's start drawing shoes. Let's show a pocket-bag on the belt. Look carefully at the picture and fill in what is missing on your sheet. Rivets, bends on the fingers, etc.

Step four.

We will show horizontal shading on the belts. Let's draw the shoes: the pattern on the sole, the clasp. On the astronaut's hip is a small electronic device. Now let's outline the main elements of our drawing. Almost done. You can use shading to “revive” our hero, or add color using paints!

How to draw a space rocket with a pencil step by step

Step one. Our rocket is not just some kind of device with an engine, but a whole spaceship. We draw two oval figures - this is the hull of the ship. Below we will notice one wing of the rocket, and behind it is the tail.
Step two. Connecting the ovals. The structure of the rocket, its structural parts have complex shape, which makes no sense to describe. Therefore, try to repeat it as you see in the picture, or you can come up with your own rocket.
Step three. The ship should have many different parts on the hull, plates, guns, portholes.
Step four.
Step five.

How to draw a lunar rover with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's divide the device into structural parts, depicting them on paper in the form of rectangles.
Step two. Let's sketch a sketch of an astronaut sitting in a car.
Step three. Add a small antenna in front of the vehicle and outline the person behind the wheel in more detail.
Step four. Let's remove the auxiliary lines and outline the contours more clearly.
Step five. To show the effect of movement, we will make shadows under it, and also add shading to the wheels, the astronaut and other parts. Here:

How to draw a spaceship with a pencil step by step

Step one. Sketching a template with geometric shapes for the ship, we will display the hull and places for the engines.
Step two. Let's draw the jet turbines, adjust the lines of the hull a little and add a small cannon underneath it.
Step three. You need to highlight the borders with a pencil with a thicker line, add a lot of details to the wing, outline them, and also add number 09 for appearance.
Step four. Light movements Let's shade the entire area of ​​the ship horizontally, and completely shade out the windows, turbine outlets and the cannon.

How to draw the moon with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's mark the location of the moon on paper using a square.
Step two. Let's draw a circle, preferably an even one. Although the surface of the moon is not smooth, it will appear different from afar.
Step three. Let's add craters, mountains and depressions to the surface.
Step four. Let's add some shading.

Congratulations to everyone on greatest event in history! This morning, August 6, 2012, the Curiosity rover reached its goal and landed in the area of ​​Martian Gale Crater!

Introduction: Where are we from and why are we like this? People never stop developing. Human capabilities are becoming more perfect and flawless every day. Although our life expectancy is short, but with the help modern technologies children absorb new knowledge so quickly that it seems as if a modern child is a real scientist compared to people who lived two hundred years ago. Don't believe me? I'll prove. IN this moment, You, my dear readers, are near your monitor and, surfing the Internet, looking for pencil drawing lessons, it is so? But to get them you use a lot of knowledge and skills that are not available to the common man earlier, for example:

  1. Quick typing of characters on the keyboard
  2. Using search engines
  3. Using key combinations, sets of codes, ciphers
  4. Even a simple VKontakte registration will require knowledge of a certain algorithm.

Still not sure? But you have much more knowledge today, at this particular moment, than advanced programmers had 30 years ago! And you try to explain to your grandfather, who never used a computer, that it is possible to see Paris from a bird's eye view without leaving your home on Google Maps, or even better, take a virtual walk through the streets of the city. And such an opportunity has long become commonplace for us! Let me return to my question. Who are we? Why can’t my cat know how to type on a keyboard, even though he lives with us? We are different. Perhaps not even from this planet, not from this galaxy. Unsuccessful attempts to find out this here on Earth no longer leave hope. That is why the most brainy people on our planet are trying so hard to explore the vastness of space. I'm sure there's an answer there. Let's just wish them success! Let's get back to drawing.

How to draw space with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a round shape for the planet and the outline of the landscape.
Step two. Let's correct the contours of the planet and its satellite. In the foreground we draw two men, these are astronauts sent to the moon.
Step three. Let's add some touches.
Step four. Let's draw a starry sky. Or more precisely, it is outer space. In the middle of the lunar landscape we will draw several craters.
Step five. All that's left to do is add some shadows. The result was this picture of space:
I hope that scientists will still be able to find life on this planet. And in the near future, we will make flights to Mars not as scientific expeditions, but as if it were a vacation package, like Korben Dallas in the film The Fifth Element. See the continuation of this lesson.

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