How to draw a space rocket with a pencil step by step. How to draw a rocket with a pencil step by step

Rocket is the fastest transport on planet Earth. However, she cannot move like a car or an airplane, transporting people from one place to another.

Her goal is to reach the limits of heights and visit different parts our universe. Therefore, the rocket speed is very high! It reaches 11 km in a second, which cannot but surprise the little guys. And fun lessons on drawing a rocket with a pencil for children will help to consolidate the knowledge about this amazing transport.

Here's a drawing of a rocket we will end up with:

Necessary materials

  • marker;
  • blue, yellow, orange and red pencil;
  • simple pencil.

How to draw a rocket with pencils step by step

1. Let's outline the top of the rocket in the form of a triangle.

2. Next, go a little lower and depict the cockpit.

3. Draw three windows different sizes... Through them, astronauts will be able to observe in space the indescribable beauty of the Universe.

4. Now let's draw the wings on the sides.

5. At the bottom, add a tail in the form of fire.

6. We outline our drawing of the rocket with a black marker.

7. With a simple gray pencil, paint the upper part in the form of a triangle and the rim separating the cockpit from the tail.

8. Red will be applied to the rocket wings and cockpit.

9. The tail should resemble a flame in its color. Therefore, to color it, we will take pencils of yellow, orange and red. Smoothly apply one color to another for a beautiful rolling tone of the flame.

10. Paint each window with a blue pencil. We will also paint its color around the rocket.

Now you know how to draw a rocket for children. Our beautiful drawing can delight you and your children.

In fact, such a complex structure as a rocket is very easy to draw if you use special tutorials and guides. Of course, this is only true if you decide to draw a cartoon style rocket rather than a realistic model. Perhaps, if you are just learning to draw, then it is better to start with something simpler.

So let's start drawing the rocket. First of all, we need to depict its base - a figure that resembles a bullet or a carrot in shape. Try to keep the edges straight and the curves smooth and neat. Do not press down on the pencil too stylishly, or your drawing is unlikely to look neat.

Separate the upper part of the base of our rocket with two curved lines that are at a small distance from each other. The ends of these lines should extend to the edges of the rocket.

In the lower part of the rocket body, we will draw the side elements of our structure.

You can decorate the body with some simple drawing- for example, here we added a square with two parallel lines in the middle.

Color the resulting drawing with the colors that you like, and draw a starry sky around, or, for example, the moon, or.

You can draw a rocket with your child for absolutely any reason - for example, just for fun or as a gift - a postcard with a picture of a spaceship will perfectly complement some cute gift in the form of a cute souvenir from the House of Figures. Dad, grandfather or older brother who received a postcard for February 23, will definitely be glad that the child reveals his creative potential and tries to create something beautiful and attractive.

If it doesn't work the first time, this is not a reason to get upset and give up. Try again by carefully reading all descriptions for step by step pictures lesson. It might be worth reading more first. simple lessons, which will definitely be within the power of the baby.

I decided to show you. It looks intimidating, I hope it will be easier to draw. Before starting, I'll tell you about Pioneer-10. This is the first rocket in the world to go beyond our solar system. And all thanks to bright minds Soviet Union... And in 1972, we got an apparatus capable of not only breaking away from the Earth's gravity, but also developing the third cosmic speed and swinging away from the sun. This is not the end of the story. The pioneer carries with him a sign for the little green men (called by us aliens). And if a representative of another civilization meets on his way, he will see a tablet with painted people and with our space coordinates. And in 34 600 AD, the rocket will be more than 10 light years away from us. So let's wait. Perhaps our great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren in intercontinental online conversations with humanoids will find out about the fate of Pioneer 10. Perhaps, the plate will be returned to its homeland. In the meantime, let's have a good time and paint.

How to draw a rocket with a pencil step by step

Step one Now we will determine the location of our rocket. Draw two straight lines diagonally from the upper right corner. Let's connect them with a sharp "house". Let's create a base from geometric shapes. Draw several more parallel to the main lines.
Step two Draw the side blocks. Then the wings. Let's set the volume to the base.
Step Three Each rocket is conical in shape. Let's carefully draw the edge. The arcs on the body will show us a rounded shape. Each rocket block ends with its own engine. Let's draw the base. Cables go to it.
Step Four The main construct is ready. It remains to revive it a little with inscriptions and very small details. I think you did it! Do not forget to leave comments and attach your pictures of rockets below.
I also recommend that you try to draw.

Well .. While I have a movie loading, I'm doing a lesson in drawing space .. It may come in handy.

How to draw space with a pencil step by step

Step one.

Draw a circular shape for the planet and the outline of the landscape.

Step two.

Let's correct the contours of the planet and its satellite. On foreground we draw two men, these are astronauts sent to the moon.

Step three.

Let's add some strokes.

Step four.

Let's draw a starry sky. Or more precisely, it is open space. Draw some craters in the middle of the lunar landscape.

Step five.

And it remains to add some shadows. As a result, it turned out like this space picture:

How to draw the Earth with a pencil step by step

Step one. Drawing a circle by hand is very difficult. First, we need two squares, divided in half, in order to inscribe a colo already in them. Of course, you can take a compass and draw a colo. But this is not a royal affair.
Step two. As mentioned above, we draw the outline of our planet, draw four arcs at the corners of the square.
Step three. It will now be easier to draw even circle... We combine the arcs so that everything is as clear as possible.
Step four. Now we sketch on our ball all the continents, oceans, islands and peninsulas. Anything that fits and will be noticeable.
Step five. We remove the auxiliary lines. We stumble around the planet of dots - an image of distant stars, move a pencil, depict space so that the planet does not look lonely.

How to draw the planets of the solar system with a pencil

Step one

We draw the orbits of the planets. Their shape is an ellipse close to a circle. But, if we look from one point, then visually we see not circles, but arcs, parts of ellipses. Such as in the picture. Let's outline the positions of the planets on the lines.

Step two

We draw circles - planets. We start with a small Mercury, then Venus and the Earth are larger, again a small circle is Mars and further, as in the picture. Show the edge of the Sun in the lower left corner.

Step three

Erase the auxiliary lines - the axes of the circles. Let's make the orbits brighter.

Step four

Let's add other celestial bodies: comets, asteroids. Let's draw "rings" for large planets.

Step five

Let's do the shading. With the help of it, we must turn our circles into a sphere. We remember that in the center we have the Sun, and light falls from its side. But the opposite side of the planet will be darkened. The result should be something like this:

How to draw an astronaut with a pencil step by step

There are four steps ahead.

Step one.

At the top of the sheet, place a large round head. She is big because she is wearing a helmet. Draw two curved lines downward - this is the outline of the body. We will draw an astronaut in zero gravity. And this immediately sets his position. Let's draw the contours of the arms and legs. The spacesuit is wearing a belt. We outline the backpack over the shoulders.

Step two.

We begin to draw the details: the helmet, fingers, all sorts of bells and whistles on the "suit". Moreover, all the elements are large enough.

Step three.

Draw a hole for the eyes on the helmet and make it three-dimensional. Let's start drawing the shoes. Let's show the pocket-bag on the belt. Look carefully at the picture and add the missing piece on your sheet. Rivets, folds on the fingers, and more.

Step four.

Show the horizontal shading on the belts. Let's draw the shoes: a drawing on the sole, a fastener. On the hip of the astronaut - small electronic device... Now let's outline the main elements of our drawing. Almost ready. You can "revive" our hero with the help of shading, or add color with the help of paints!

How to draw a space rocket using a pencil step by step

Step one. Our rocket is not just some kind of apparatus with an engine, but a whole spaceship. We draw two oval shapes - this is the ship's hull. Below we will have noticeable one wing of the rocket, and behind - the tail.
Step two. We connect the ovals. The structure of the rocket, its structural parts have complex shape, which does not make sense to describe. Therefore, try to repeat as you see in the picture, or you can come up with your own rocket.
Step three. The ship should have many different parts on the hull, plates, guns, portholes.
Step four.
Step five.

How to draw a lunar rover with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's divide the device into structural parts, depicting them on paper in the form of rectangles.
Step two. Let's sketch out the astronaut sitting in the car.
Step three. Add a small antenna in front of the vehicle, sketch out the person behind the wheel in more detail.
Step four. Let's delete the auxiliary lines and outline the contours more clearly.
Step five. To show the effect of movement, we will make shadows under it, and also add shading to the wheels, astronaut and other parts. Here:

How to draw a spaceship with a pencil step by step

Step one. Sketching a template with geometric shapes for the ship, displaying the hull and places for the engines.
Step two. Let's draw the jet turbines, tweak the hull lines a bit and add a small cannon underneath.
Step three. You need to highlight the borders with a thicker line with a pencil, add a lot of details to the wing, circle them, and also add the number 09 for the view.
Step four. Light movements shade the entire area of ​​the ship horizontally, and completely obscure the windows, turbine outlets and the cannon.

How to draw the moon with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's mark the location of the moon on paper using a square.
Step two. Let's draw a circle, preferably even. Although the surface of the moon is not even, it will seem different from afar.
Step three. Add craters, mountains and depressions to the surface.
Step four. Let's add shading.

Children are very attracted and attracted by everything new and interesting. Almost all contents like space, be it stars, planets or spaceships... In this article you will find schemes for drawing a rocket of varying complexity, some images can be drawn even by a small child.

Remember how many boys wanted to become astronauts and explore the depths of space. One has only to imagine how many secrets and mysteries are hidden among the stars and inevitably think about how to get there, look with one eye. Such travel, even if only for fun, is impossible without a rocket. I suggest you draw this space transport with your child.

How to draw a rocket for children: child's drawing

You will need paper, pencils and paints, and an eraser. Before starting drawing or in the process of creativity, you can also tell your child some cognitive information... So the kid will be interested in the process and will remember interesting facts well.

Of course, with young children, it is better to choose a simple drawing option, where simple ones prevail. geometric figures and the picture does not contain a large number small parts.

If you have already mastered the basics of drawing, you can start drawing with smooth lines.

If you draw a porthole in a rocket, then you can then finish painting the astronaut or paste in some picture.

Or you can use a simpler algorithm.

How to draw a rocket, video

How to draw a rocket with a pencil step by step for beginners?

  • Draw 2 parallel lines that point upward.
  • Connect at the bottom with a straight line
  • At the top of the rocket, close the hull lines with a triangle
  • At the bottom draw 3 cones - steps. Their bases should protrude beyond the lines of the body
  • Draw a circle in the center - porthole
  • Erase extra lines and color

You can also depict the rocket with smoother lines - then it will look more toy, cartoonish.

  • Draw the base. To make it easier to depict the body of a rocket, imagine the shape of a carrot or a bullet
  • Separate the rocket nose with 2 semicircular lines
  • Draw additional elements at the bottom on the sides.
  • Supplement the rocket with a frontal part
  • Draw a porthole

How to draw a rocket with a pencil step by step in space?

It is quite easy to draw space against the background of a rocket. You can give free rein to fantasy little artist and he himself will draw the sun, stars, planets, and maybe even funny aliens.

For example, you can depict a meteorite or a comet. To do this, draw a star and give it an arc of a tail.

Or you can draw Saturn, which stands out in the picture with its rings.

Drawing of saturn

Unlike the previous "toy" examples, you can draw a real space rocket. It is somewhat more complicated due to the presence of small parts and their abundance, however, if you follow the instructions, you will succeed. To make things easier, you can use the templates below.

  • Draw the curved body - the base
  • Express the front wing in the form of a curved triangle.
  • Draw a wedge shape in place of the second wing.
Rocket. Step 1
  • Draw a tall wedge shape at the end of the rocket to represent the tail wing.
  • Draw additional lines to add depth and realism
Rocket. Step 2 - draw additional lines
  • On the nose, hull, and wing, draw curved rectangles to reflect the hatches.
Rocket. Step 3
  • Now draw the engine at the bottom of the rocket. It comes in 4 different rounded shapes
Rocket engine. Step 4
  • Draw rectangular windows in place of the cockpit and along the hull, add ovals on the bow
Rocket. Step 5
  • Draw a flame. You just have to finish drawing the stars and planets, decorate the drawing

How to draw a rocket in space
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