What are the definitions of homogeneous and heterogeneous used for? Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

Without definitions explaining the property and quality of an object, human speech would be “dry” and uninteresting. Everything that has a characteristic is conveyed in sentences using definitions. It is the description of objects that creates our knowledge about it and our attitude towards it: tasty fruit, bitter experience, beautiful person, white and fluffy rabbit, etc. Such explanations characterizing objects help to better understand them.

The concept of homogeneous members

To further reveal the content of a sentence or strengthen any part of it, they often use homogeneous members proposals. They answer the same question and explain or relate to the same part of the sentence. Homogeneous members are absolutely independent and are connected in a sentence either by enumerative intonation or by coordinating conjunctions. Rarely can they be connected by subordinating conjunctions that convey the meaning of the concession or the reason for what is happening.

For example:

All members of a sentence, both secondary and major, can be equally homogeneous. Difficulties in placing punctuation marks often raise doubts about their uniformity. To know when commas are needed and when they are not, you need to understand what distinguishes between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

Definitions heterogeneous and homogeneous

Definitions that relate to one member of a sentence or that characterize it and answer one question are considered homogeneous. Between homogeneous definitions Commas are used because they describe an object from some aspect or list its varieties, for example:

Heterogeneous definitions give a description of an object from different sides, characterizing it by its various qualities.

This is what distinguishes homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Examples have shown that homogeneous ones are divided according to the characteristics and conditions that they characterize. They are also characterized by enumerative intonation.

Heterogeneous definitions

According to the method of expressing characteristics and place in a sentence, homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions can be divided.

Heterogeneous ones include:

  • Definitions that characterize or reveal the properties of an object from different sides. At the same time, its various qualities may be listed - shape, color, width, height, material, etc. For example: a long black scarf was wrapped several times around the neck (definitions indicate the length and color of the object).
  • Definitions consisting of a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives. For example: a girl took a red woolen mitten from her hand and stroked the kitten (“red” is a qualitative adjective characterizing the color, “woolen” is a relative adjective indicating the material).
  • Definitions represented by qualitative adjectives included in different semantic groups. For example: his cheerful green eyes narrowed (two qualitative adjectives characterize the word being defined from different angles).

Another feature that distinguishes homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions (examples clearly demonstrate this) is the absence of enumerative intonation when they reveal different properties of objects.

Main signs of homogeneity

To determine what type of definitions in a sentence belong to, you should know what specific features of the subject they can characterize. In the section “Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Definitions” (grade 8), the main features indicating homogeneity are given:

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions are also distinguished by punctuation marks in a sentence. With homogeneous minor terms they are always placed.

Punctuation marks for homogeneous definitions

It is important to correctly determine whether or not to put punctuation marks when there are homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions in a sentence. The lesson (8th grade) on this topic gives the following examples of comma placement:

Commas are not used if homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions are separated by the coordinating conjunction and. For example: red and yellow balls (uniform definitions); the house was large and made of stone (heterogeneous definitions).

Additional signs of homogeneity and heterogeneity

In addition to the main ones, there are additional signs indicating that the definitions are homogeneous. This is characteristic of either poetic forms bound by the requirements of rhyme or terminology. In such speech constructions, definitions, even those that come after the object they define, may be undefinable. For example:

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions (the exercises confirm this) can move from one quality to another. For example, when one definition comes before another, forming a single phrase with the subject: a long train.

A special type of definition

A special type includes definitions that connect explanatory relations. In this case, it is easy to determine where the definitions are homogeneous and heterogeneous. The test for distinguishing them is to substitute the conjunctions “namely” and “that is”.

  • A completely different, interesting time has come (different, namely interesting).
  • The play received a new, original sound (new, that is, original).

A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions associated with explanatory conditions.


As the rules show, they may have exceptions or notes, which is confirmed by the study of the topic “homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.” A class 11 lesson introduces students to a note on this topic. Both homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions tend to change the meaning of a sentence, for example:

  • New, yellow taxis appeared on the city streets (the previous ones were not yellow).
  • New yellow taxis have appeared on the city streets (the number of yellow taxis has increased).

In the first example, the emphasis is on the fact that taxis in the city have turned yellow. In the second, new cars appeared among the yellow taxis.

Double punctuation

Depending on what intonation the speaker uses, in some phrases the definition following the first may become not homogeneous, but explanatory. For example:

  • New proven methods led to the result (before these methods did not exist).
  • New, proven methods led to the result (previous methods were not proven).

In the second example, you can substitute the conjunctions “that is” and “namely”, so a comma is added and the intonation changes.

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

Agreed definitions related to one defined word can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous.

Homogeneous definitions Each is directly related to the word being defined and is in the same relationship to it. Homogeneous definitions are connected with each other by coordinating conjunctions and enumerative intonation or only by enumerative intonation and connecting pauses.

Homogeneous definitions are used in two cases:

a) to designate the distinctive features of different objects (varieties of objects of the same kind are listed, for example: Red, green, purple, yellow, blue sheets of light fall on passers-by, slide along facades (Cat.));

b) to designate various, logically one-dimensional, characteristics of the same object (the characteristics of the object are listed, and most often the object is characterized on one side, for example: Chapaev loved strong, decisive, firm word(Furm.)).

Homogeneous definitions can also characterize an object from different sides, but at the same time the context creates conditions for the convergence of the features they express (a unifying feature can be a distant general concept, the similarity of the impression produced by the features, appearance etc.), for example: Napoleon made a questioning gesture with his small, white and plump hand (L.T.).

In a series of homogeneous definitions, each subsequent one can strengthen the characteristic they express, as a result of which a semantic gradation is created, for example: In autumn, the feather grass steppes completely change and acquire their own special, original, unlike anything else (Ax.).

Between homogeneous definitions, since they form a coordinating series and are in a logically and semantically identical relationship to the word being defined, a coordinating conjunction can usually be inserted: cheerful and open smile, open and charming smile etc. (Heterogeneous definitions do not allow this: it is impossible to say: climbed the creaky and wooden stairs, put on a new and red dress.)

Usually the adjective and the participial phrase that follows it (or just a participle) act as homogeneous definitions, for example: It was somehow really sad in this small garden, already touched by late autumn (Hump.); a clean, ironed shirt; gray, dull day.

Definitions are heterogeneous, if the preceding definition does not refer directly to the defined noun, but to a combination of the subsequent definition and the defined noun, for example: The sun disappeared behind the leading low torn cloud (L.T.).

Heterogeneous definitions characterize an object from different sides, in different respects, for example: a large leather briefcase (size and material), an elongated pale face (shape and color), beautiful Moscow boulevards (quality and location), etc. But, if possible, bring such signs under general generic concept definitions can become homogeneous, for example: Along the mossy, swampy banks there were black huts here and there (P.) (the unifying feature is swampy).

Definitions expressed by qualitative and relative adjectives are heterogeneous, since they are not in the same relationship to the noun: a relative adjective extends the noun, and a qualitative adjective is attached to the phrase (relative adjective + noun) as a whole name: sunny autumn day.

Also, the definitions expressed by:

1) pronoun and adjective: your new hat, this one is wooden box;

2) ordinal numbers and adjectives: second stone house;

3) participle and adjective (in that order): purely washed wooden floor, tanned cheerful face.

The clarifying definitions are not homogeneous (the second definition, often inconsistent, clarifies the first, limits the attribute it expresses), for example: Only a narrow, three hundred fathoms strip of fertile land constitutes the possession of the Cossacks (L. T.)

Homogeneous definitions?

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The greatest difficulties in establishing the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the members of a sentence are associated with homogeneous definitions, which should be distinguished from heterogeneous ones (and this is not always easy).

First of all, homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions relate differently to the noun being defined.

Each of the homogeneous definitions explains the directly defined noun: An interesting, exciting film.

In the case of heterogeneous definitions, only the definition closest to the noun is directly related to it and, together with the noun, forms a single complex name. And a definition more distant from the noun characterizes this entire complex name as a whole: A good May day, that is, the definition of good refers not to the word day, but to the phrase May day.

Heterogeneity relations are most often observed between qualitative and relative adjectives-definers (a large glass vase, a new leather bag), while the relative adjective stands immediately before the noun and is part of a complex name, and the qualitative characterizes this entire complex name as a whole.

Definitions are usually heterogeneous if: 1) they are expressed by a pronoun and an adjective: your blue suit; our new friend; each interesting book; 2) numeral and adjective: the first winter day; two old linden trees; 3) participle and adjective: crumbled autumn leaves; dull gray eyes; 4) qualitative adjective and relative: large stone house; bright morning dawn; strong male voice. Such definitions mean different signs item: accessory and color, size and material, shape and color, quality and location, etc.

Combinations with homogeneous definitions are semantically diverse. In general, they can be divided into two groups: 1) definitions that name the characteristics of different objects; 2) definitions naming the characteristics of the same object. (Heterogeneous definitions always characterize one object, but from different sides: There was an old hanging wall clock in the office (L. Tolstoy).)

1) With the help of definitions, varieties of objects are designated that differ in any one respect: color, purpose, material, geographical location, etc.

For example: At a great distance, a city lay out and quietly blazed and sparkled with blue, white, yellow lights (V. Korolenko).

Homogeneity of definitions in such groups is strictly required and is easily recognized. (It is precisely such definitions that either include or allow the inclusion of the conjunction c.)

2) Much more often there are such homogeneous definitions that characterize the same object or a single group of objects. It can be:

A) synonymous definitions (the homogeneity of which is required, since they express one attribute, i.e., characterize an object on one side): a sharp, piercing wind; thick, dense fog;

B) definitions that denote different signs, but often and naturally accompany each other (between such definitions you can insert a causal conjunction since, because): dark, low clouds; night, deserted city;

3) the definitions are necessarily homogeneous, of which the first is single, and the second is a participial phrase (the single definition precedes the common one): we walked through a quiet, star-lit taiga (but: we walked through a quiet, star-lit taiga).

Tell me what heterogeneous definitions are?


Heterogeneous definitions characterize an object from different sides, designate different characteristics of the object, for example, its size, shape, color, material, location, etc. For example: 1) On the edge of the felling lay... a large iron (size and material) stove, indicating that the forest was cut down in winter (V. Soloukhin). 2) Bestuzhev took off the green knitted (color and material) glove from her hand and kissed the cold fingers (K. Paustovsky). 3) A thick rough notebook (size and purpose), in which I wrote down plans and rough sketches, was placed at the bottom of the suitcase (V. Kaverin). 4) Around noon, a lot of round high (shape and location) clouds usually appear... (I. Turgenev).
As a rule, definitions expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives are heterogeneous

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Identify the words being defined, underline homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. For a long time, no attention was paid to the Dymkovo clay painted toy. Interest and then the present global recognition came to her in our days. After all, today there is an acute shortage of goodness.

For a long time, no attention was paid to the Dymkovo clay painted toy. Interest, and then real world recognition, has come to her in our days. After all, today there is an acute shortage of goodness.
Dymkovka is a childish, joyful, optimistic view of the world. There are caring, serious nannies with children here; graceful playful water bears; funny colorful rams with golden horns; harmless nobles - arrogant and funny. These are happy young people riding a boat; cheerful active buffoons on horses; shy young ladies with umbrellas. And how funny is the rider on a spotted horse in his arrogant, majestic pose!
The famous Dymkovo toy is alien to halftones and imperceptible transitions. These are eye-catching, brightly colored optimistic toys.

In Russian between heterogeneous definitions no comma
placed between homogeneous definitions a comma is added.
Several agreed upon definitions that are not related to each other
unions can be both homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Homogeneous definitions directly related to the defined (main)
in a word, while among themselves they are in a relationship
enumeration (they are pronounced with enumerative intonation and between
they can be combined with and):
Here's an example:
Red, yellow tulips. Yellow tulips. Red tulips. Reds
and yellow tulips.

Heterogeneous definitions not pronounced with enumerative
intonation, it is usually impossible to put the conjunction and between them.
Heterogeneous definitions are differently related to the defined (main)
in a word. One of the definitions (the closest one) is directly related to
defined by the word, while the second is already associated with
a phrase consisting of the main word and the first definition:
Here's an example:
Short passenger train.
In this sentence, the main word composition is associated with the closest to
its definition is short.
The definition of short is related to the entire phrase – passenger
train (Passenger train is short).

Definitions are homogeneous if

Indicate the distinctive features of different objects;
Here's an example:
Blue, white balls – blue and white balls; the balls were blue; there were balls

Denote various signs of one object, characterizing it with
one side;
Here's an example:
Wooden, burnt barn – wooden and burnt barn; there was a barn
wooden; the barn was burnt down.

Characterize the subject from different angles, but in this context
are united by some common feature;
Here's an example:
Sunny, beautiful day - “Sunny, and therefore beautiful”;
cloudy, dreary days - “cloudy, and therefore dreary.”

Under contextual conditions, synonymous ones are created between definitions
Here's an example:
sharp, cutting pain in the leg - in this context, the form is acute and
cutting act as synonyms, that is, as words similar in

They are artistic definitions - epithets;
Here's an example:
Oval, cat eyes.

They form a gradation, that is, each subsequent definition strengthens
the attribute it expresses;
Here's an example:
joyful, festive, radiant mood.

A single definition is followed by a definition expressed by a participle
turnover, that is, a participle with a dependent word;
Here's an example:
Gray, neatly combed hair.

They stand after the word being defined;
Here's an example:
Gray hair, combed.

The second definition explains the first - between the definitions you can put the conjunction that is or namely.
Here's an example:
Normal, peaceful coexistence of states is normal, that is, peaceful coexistence of states.

Definitions are heterogeneous if They:

They characterize an object from different sides, in different respects, that is, they express features related to different generic (general) concepts:
Here's an example:
small wooden shed - “size and material”,
the wooden shed was small;
gray oval clouds – “color and shape”,
the oval clouds were gray;
pot-bellied walnut bureau– “shape and material”,
the walnut bureau was pot-bellied;

Heterogeneous definitions are more often expressed:

Pronoun and adjective;
His new car.

Qualitative and relative adjectives;
Small wooden shed.

Relative adjective and singular participle;
A neglected orchard.

Developing new lesson, we ask questions: what will we study, why and how? When determining the goal, we focus on the class level: lyceum - non-lyceum, as well as on the profile - humanitarian or non-humanitarian. After this, you can make a choice about what material to use - prepared in advance or used during the lesson. Without forgetting the “distant” goal - the formation of the student’s linguistic personality, in the humanities class we set tasks for each student - to determine his own position: speaker - writer, listener - reader. Both examine examples in which, under certain conditions, there is (or is not) a linguistic phenomenon, such as when agreed upon definitions will or will not be homogeneous. In this case, the punctuation rule ceases to be the organizing center; it is assimilated as a consequence arising from the analysis of phrases or sentences. The student comes to the conclusion: there are different variants placement of punctuation marks.

In a non-humanitarian, non-lyceum class, the goal can be formulated differently: it is necessary to competently and consciously use constructions with homogeneous/heterogeneous definitions in speech. Hence the tasks: find out when a comma is/is not placed between agreed definitions, learn to correctly read and write sentences with homogeneous/heterogeneous definitions, and be able to compose them correctly.

Independent research on the topic “Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Definitions” promotes stronger assimilation and is better preserved by long-term memory. We offer it in the humanities class in the form of laboratory work.

Preliminary homework to review what has been covered - answer questions, select examples:

– What minor members of a sentence do you know?

– Which part of the sentence is called the definition?

– What adjectives are qualitative, relative?

– What are the signs subordinating connection“coordination”?

– What parts of speech words agree with the noun?

– Which coordinating conjunctions are connecting?

– What divisive and adversarial conjunctions do you know?

(Questions can be given according to options, distributed among groups.)


I. Preparatory stage

1. Checking homework.

2. Working with concepts homogeneous/heterogeneous.

1) Two rows of synonyms are given. Decide what synonyms the word goes with definition as a linguistic term.

a) Heterogeneous, mixed, diverse, heterogeneous, heterogeneous, heterogeneous, heterogeneous.

b) Similar, identical, close, similar, spitting image, similar, homogeneous, heterogeneous.

2) Think about what the phrases mean: homogeneous definitions, heterogeneous definitions.

II. Main stage

1. Updating attention. Motivation.

A student, telling the story of the appearance of a little magpie in the house, wrote: “I was walking through the autumn and damp park, when suddenly, either under a yellow or under a tall larch tree, I saw something I didn’t understand. Then someone small and black and with a white chest jumped out of the bush.”

Describing the chick’s character, the student made up the following phrases: self-reliant and independent, pugnacious and willful; either neat or capricious.

What speech and grammatical errors would you note?

2. Lesson form.

3. Topic of the lesson.

5. Task.

6. Work with handouts.

Exercise. Carefully read the examples from the book by A.M. Zimin “An Unfamiliar Familiar Forest” and fill out the tables.

Homogeneous definitions

Signs and conditions of homogeneity Examples
1. List the characteristics of different objects
2. Characterize an object from one side, indicate its condition
3. The subsequent definition explains and clarifies the previous one
4. You can insert a conjunction between definitions And
5. Come after the word being defined
6. Expressed by an adjective and participial phrase
7. Expressed with qualitative adjectives

A tall, thick bird cherry tree grows next to the bathhouse. A finch flew to a birch tree and sang short, cheerful songs. Never before have I seen so many white and yellow lilies. The fir trees were breathing in your face warm and thick aroma of pine needles. Large and small bubbles float with the current. Russula stands openly on the road - wet, pink, joyful. Birches dressed in gold, aspens and maples - in yellow, orange and purple dresses. On a gray bank that had not dried out from the spring water, a marigold bush opened its bright yellow buds. Nearby in the grass I found two young porcini mushrooms, browned in the sun. When the winter birds fly away in the spring, swallows from the south will come to visit: both village and city ones. It seemed that the sparrows had not come here to dine, but were starting a very interesting game with the bread crust, but incomprehensible to me. The rains are falling more and more often, and now there is a quiet, warm, leisurely rain, from which you don’t want to hide either under the tree or under the oilcloth. Under the tree grew lanky, toasted, bun-like porcini mushrooms, and round, reddish-brown boletus-barrels stood near the pines. The pot-bellied boletus is all in sight, respectable and proud.

Heterogeneous definitions

A small round forest lake. I found a convenient flat rock in the water. Young pink leaves appeared on the aspen tree. Quiet, motionless pines stood further from the water. A chaffinch and a willow warbler began to sing in the light birch forest. I walked along the black, burnt bank of the river. It was difficult to look for firewood in the dark, so I kept the fire going with dry grass from last year. The duckling swims up to the snag-seal, collects something from its wet, smooth back and talks to it about something. In the vague gray bushes the corncrake creaks tirelessly. I'm walking along an overgrown narrow road. Increasingly, the road is blocked by fallen, dry, gnarled trees. I part the grass and catch large ripe berries from it. Here, an amazing hectic life is in full swing around me. Only red marsh russula grew in the damp, mossy spruce forest. A thundercloud rustled over the forest and left clean, warm puddles on the road.

7. Drawing up diagrams.

Homogeneous definitions – ,

heterogeneous definitions –

III. The final stage

1. Assess your condition and your work.

2. Comments and suggestions for the lesson.

IV. Homework(students' choice)

1) Select 8–10 sentences with homogeneous – heterogeneous definitions;

2) select a text containing sentences with homogeneous – heterogeneous definitions;

3) come up with 8–10 sentences with homogeneous – heterogeneous definitions;

4) compose a text containing sentences with homogeneous – heterogeneous definitions.

Material for the second lesson

1. Be careful! Determine whether the agreed adjectives in all sentences are modifiers.(Not in all of them. In examples 1, 3, 5, the adjectives are part of a compound nominal predicate.)

1) The dried moss crunched underfoot, and the cloudberries were surprisingly juicy and large.

2) A silver night moth flickers in a ray of light.

3) The river here is narrow, the banks are high and steep.

4) I came to collect cloudberries on a hot, windless day.

5) The thick litter of fallen leaves was dry and soft.

2. Explanatory dictation.

1) A queen bumblebee in a black fluffy coat with a yellow belt flew to our parking lot on the shore of the lake, humming with a bass voice.

2) It seemed that autumn had hung colorful holiday lanterns on the aspen tree.

3) The water in the river has already cooled down from the long cold nights and does not have time to warm up during the day.

4) Strong, sharp, alarming cries of a thrush were heard in the bushes.

5) I squeezed my large mushroom basket into my backpack, and together with my son we went to our treasured places to Spring Lake.

6) The marsh grass, cotton grass, approached the lake itself, its heads in white downy caps bent towards the water and began to listen to something. (A. Zimin)

3. Write down the text with a title and explain the punctuation marks. Check the author's punctuation.

The sky is clear blue sun, although not very warm, but bright and festive. Autumn cobwebs are silvering in the sky. Along the road there are colorful aspens. When the wind blows, the aspens throw heaps of red, yellow and orange leaves at me. I catch leaves on the fly and throw them up again, rejoicing along with the aspen trees on a fine autumn day.

And suddenly, in the wind, in the shadow of thick fir trees, I noticed a quiet young aspen with black leaves. What kind of grief does she have? He approached her and stood next to her, but he couldn’t help her, he couldn’t even ask her questions.


The sky is clear, blue, the sun, although not very warm, is bright and festive. Autumn cobwebs are silvering in the sky. Along the road there are colorful aspens. When the wind blows, the aspen trees throw piles of red, yellow and orange leaves at me. I catch the leaves on the fly, throw them up again, rejoicing along with the aspen trees on a fine autumn day.

And suddenly, in the wind, in the shadow of thick fir trees, I noticed a quiet young aspen with black leaves. What kind of grief does she have? He approached her and stood next to her, but he couldn’t help her, he couldn’t even ask her questions. (A. Zimin)

4. Copy the text, insert homogeneous or heterogeneous definitions in place of the gaps. Underline homogeneous definitions with a wavy line.


It's raining. With the wind. Sometimes drizzling, sometimes _______, _______, _______. In the wet _______ sky, geese flying south scream, screaming night and day, sometimes so high that they are not visible in the rain, and sometimes very low, right above the forest. And then it seems that a gusty _______ wind is carrying them along with the clouds to the south. The aspen and birch trees bow and wave their branches. Red and _______ leaves fall from the branches and fly after the geese. A flock of finches flies along with the leaves. You start to confuse where the finches are and where the leaves are. But then the finches flew away, and the leaves, exhausted, fell on the _______ _______ grass from the heavy rains, on the muddy and _______ road, on the pockmarked _______ puddles. Behind the birch forest the cries of geese can be heard again. The wind carries another flock of geese to the south. (A. Zimin)

5. Test. Indicate the numbers of sentences with homogeneous definitions.

1) A large, shaggy dog ​​of some indeterminate color came out from around the bend.

2) The geese noticed the puppy and, cackling with displeasure, gathered closer together, scolding him in different ways. The great white gander, the leader of the flock, especially tried.

3) Having received a portion of milk, the elk calf lay down immediately under a young spreading birch tree and rested until lunch.

4. Winter was approaching. Lisanka's fur coat became fluffy and thick.

5) By autumn the little fox turned into an adult beautiful fox and began to cause us trouble.

6) The cat squinted her eyes and saw a mouse, small, gray, with a long tail dragging along the floor, running nearby, warily looking in her direction.

7) The chickens lay on their sides in the dust, as if dead, the sparrows were sitting on the fence, not far from the old basin, from which a white cat with yellow spots was slowly lapping, standing on its edge with her paws.

8) Before Naida had time to reach the first bushes, her nose was filled with a fox smell - strong, unbearable.

9) The fox swerved towards the ravine, rolled down the slope and immediately up, jumped over a frozen stream, tore through thick and thorny bushes, leaving tufts of red fur on them, and began to climb to the right.

10) Spring turned out to be early and unusually quick. (V. Svintsov)

Answer. 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10.

When studying new topic in non-lyceum classes, as many years of practice have shown, it is best to go from the experience of children: learning the material is always higher if you first understand examples of phrases, sentences, texts invented by students, and only then from the textbook. For this reason, work on the topic “Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions” can be structured as follows:

1. Riddle.

The proverb says about this bird that it and the sparrow are sea backwaters. It can be semi-domestic and wild at the same time. (Pigeon.)

2. Conversation.

– Do you think the phrase is composed correctly? the dove is bold and semi-homemade?

(No, a speech error was made, since a sign that determines the character of a pigeon is named, and a sign that determines its habitat is indicated.)

– Can you say pigeons? postal and decorative?

(It is possible, because signs indicating the purpose of pigeons are indicated.)

– Is the phrase composed correctly? plumage is white, blue and brown-brown?

(Yes, adjectives indicate color.)

– Is there a speech error in the sentence? Pigeons feed on seeds of legumes and cereals?

- Here: transverse white stripe on the lower back? Or: wide dark stripe at the end of the tail?

(The phrases are composed without errors.)

– The definitions in the phrases are consistent, but are they homogeneous?


– Give an example where the definitions, in your opinion, are homogeneous.

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

4. Offer– at the end of the lesson, independently formulate the purpose of the lesson.

5. Topic movement. Working with material.

Exercise 1. Look at the drawing. Read the sentences.

In which sentence are definitions expressed by qualitative adjectives? What is the rank of the adjectives in the first sentence? What are the definitions in the third sentence? Where are the definitions homogeneous and heterogeneous? Pay attention to the placement of punctuation marks. In what case can a conjunction be inserted between definitions? And? Try to formulate a punctuation rule.

Task 2. Look at the drawing.

Make up phrases: quality adjective + quality adjective + noun, and qualitative adjective + relative adjective + noun(word order can be changed). When making phrases of the first type, describe the beak, wings, legs, and tail of pigeons. When composing phrases of the second type, take into account the size, age, plumage, endurance, purpose, and habitat of the birds.

Task 3. Describe the personality of each bird using appropriate adjectives.

Independent, unpretentious, cautious, reserved, secretive, brave, quarrelsome, proud, meek, important, calm, pugnacious.

Task 4. Read the text. Tell me briefly. Find heterogeneous definitions and explain punctuation marks.

The dove is a symbol of purity, meek disposition, as well as tenderness and love. In a number of traditions, the dove acts as a heavenly messenger and as a symbol of the soul of the deceased. Thus, according to Slavic belief, the soul of the deceased turns into a dove. In addition, he is a sacrificial animal.

The white carrier pigeon notifying the Greek cities of victory Olympic Games, became the prototype of the dove of peace with an olive branch in its beak, since peace was declared during the games in Greece. The artist Picasso resurrected ancient symbols by painting a white terry carrier pigeon for the World Peace Congress. (According to V.V. Adamchik)

Task 5. Find in the text and write down homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions as part of phrases. Explain punctuation marks.

The buzzard is a large bird of prey, noticeably larger than a crow, with a pointed, hooked beak. Its color is simple: from grayish-ochre to dark brown, the underside is lighter, with longitudinal streaks. Short, rounded tail with transverse stripes. A flying bird has a light stripe visible below its wide wings. (V.D. Ilyichev)

Task 6. Write down the text, add punctuation marks. Underline homogeneous definitions with a wavy line and heterogeneous definitions with a straight line.

The warbler has a thin, pointed beak and plumage that is brownish above and greyish-ochre below. Slender and agile, she quickly and maneuverably moves in the crowns and bushes and is secretive. Lifestyle although he is not afraid of man. Active during daylight and night time. (According to V.D. Ilyichev)

6. Formulating the purpose of the lesson.

7. Generalization.

– Do homogeneous definitions characterize an object from one side or from different sides? (On the one side.) Moreover, adjectives most often belong to which category? (These are qualitative adjectives.)

– When do homogeneous definitions list the characteristics of different objects? Give an example.

– Is it true that heterogeneous definitions characterize a subject from different angles? (Right.)

– Under what condition is a comma placed between agreed definitions? (If they are homogeneous.)

8. Lesson summary.

9. Homework.

Read and retell the paragraph from the textbook, select and complete one exercise in writing.

Additional material for control and correction: working with texts by V. Ilyichev (6th version adapted).

1) Read the text.

2) Determine the type and style of speech.

3) Find and write down homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, indicate their characteristics. Explain punctuation marks.

Option 1

The white stork is a large, stately bird with black-tipped wings, an elongated red beak and red legs.

The stork walks a lot on the ground, flies well, interrupting its flight by soaring. Having no voice, it characteristically cracks its beak.

This bird lives in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the western part of Russia. Willingly settles in populated areas, in fields and marshy meadows. Winters in Africa. Nests White stork settles on poles, roofs of houses or large trees.

Its food is frogs, mice, insects.

Option 2

Who hasn’t seen this smart and cautious bird! Black-headed, with a pointed black beak, black strong legs and a rounded tail. It is gray underneath, and the neck and back are the same color.

Surprisingly, the hooded crow is a songbird, although it is difficult to call its dissonant, piercing croaking, clicking and cracking singing as singing. She flies well, walks quickly on the ground, and deftly climbs branches. Spends a lot of time in treetops and on buildings. Leads a sedentary lifestyle, undertakes migrations in the autumn-winter period.

Option 3

The forest pipit is an elegant bird, smaller and slimmer than a sparrow, with a thin, straight and pointed beak, long legs, weakly carved tail. In summer, its back is covered with clay-grayish spots and streaks. The ventral side is buffy-yellowish, with wide streaks on the crop and chest. The legs are pink, the hind toe has an elongated and curved claw. The outer tail feathers are white.

Option 4

Despite this disrespectful name, the kestrel is a predator, albeit a small one, the size of a pigeon. This is a bird with a long stepped tail, wide rounded wings, and a pointed, hooked beak. Males have a gray head, tail and rump, wings and back with black spots, a gray tail with a black and white border at the top, and an ocher underside with brown longitudinal spots. The female has a brown upperparts, with a transverse pattern on the back, shoulders and tail, and a head with longitudinal stripes.

Option 5

It's hard to imagine a person who doesn't know the tit! Here she is: slightly smaller than a sparrow, with a straight, pointed beak and short, tenacious legs. The top of the tit's head is shiny, black, the back of the head and cheeks are white, the back is greenish, the bottom is yellow with a black longitudinal stripe, wide in males and narrow in females. The gray-blue wing has a light transverse stripe, and the outer tail feathers are white. This agile, agile bird, active during the day, spends a lot of time in the crowns of trees, in bushes, and on the ground. He is not afraid of people, especially children.

Option 6

Winter nature decorated with our favorites - the handsome bullfinches. The common bullfinch is larger than a sparrow. It has a thick, short, strongly swollen black beak. The plumage is soft, long, thick. The tail is black, straight-cut. Strong and tenacious legs hold the bird upside down on a tree branch as it reaches for berries and seeds. Males have bright red underparts, females are whitish-gray, and both have a shiny black crown, forehead, cheeks, wings and tail. The back is gray, the underbelly, rump and undertail are white.

Lyceum “Sigma”,

July 17, 2015

Incorrect punctuation is one of the typical mistakes made in writing. The most complex punctuation rules usually include the placement of commas in sentences where there are heterogeneous or homogeneous definitions. Only a clear understanding of their features and differences helps make the entry correct and readable.

What is the definition?

This minor member sentences denoting a sign, property or quality of an object denoted by a noun. Most often expressed by an adjective ( white scarf), participle ( running boy), pronoun ( our house), ordinal number ( second number) and answers the questions "which one?" "whose?". However, there may be cases of use as a definition of a noun ( checkered dress), a verb in the infinitive form ( dream of being able to fly), adjective in simple comparative degree ( an older girl appeared), adverbs ( Hard boiled egg).

What are homogeneous members

The definition of this concept is given in syntax and concerns the structure of a simple (or predicative part of a complex) sentence. Homogeneous members are expressed by words of the same part of speech and the same form, depending on the same word. Therefore, they will respond to general question and perform the same in a sentence syntactic function. Homogeneous members are connected with each other by a coordinating or non-union connection. It should also be noted that their rearrangement within a syntactic structure is usually possible.

Based on the above rule, we can say that homogeneous definitions characterize an object on the basis of common (similar) features and qualities. Consider the sentence: “ In the garden, white, scarlet, burgundy buds of roses that had not yet bloomed proudly towered over their fellow flowers." The homogeneous definitions used in it denote color, and therefore characterize the object according to the same characteristic. Or another example: " Soon, low, heavy clouds hung over the city sweltering from the heat." In this sentence, one feature is logically connected to another.

Video on the topic

Heterogeneous and homogeneous definitions: distinctive features

This question often causes difficulties. To understand the material, let’s take a closer look at what features each group of definitions has.



Each definition refers to one word being defined: “ The cheerful, uncontrollable laughter of children was heard from all sides.»

The closest definition refers to the noun, and the second to the resulting combination: “ On this frosty January morning I didn’t want to go outside for a long time.»

All adjectives are usually qualitative: “ A beautiful, new bag hung on Katyusha’s shoulder.»

A combination of a qualitative adjective with a relative adjective or with a pronoun, participle, or numeral: big stone castle, my good friend, third intercity bus

You can insert a connecting conjunction AND: “ For the craft you needed white, red,(AND) blue sheets of paper»

Cannot be used with I: “ In one hand Tatyana had an old straw hat, in the other she held a string bag with vegetables»

Expressed by one part of speech. Exception: adjective + participial phrase or inconsistent definitions after a noun

Refer to different parts of speech: “ We finally waited for the first light frost(numeral+adjective) and hit the road»

These are the main features, knowledge of which will allow you to easily distinguish between sentences with homogeneous definitions and heterogeneous ones. This means using punctuation marks correctly.

In addition, when performing syntactic and punctuation analysis of a sentence, you need to remember the following important points.

Definitions that are always the same

  1. Adjectives next to each other characterize an object according to one characteristic: size, color, geographical location, assessment, sensations, etc. " At the bookstore, Zakhar purchased reference books on German, Italian, and French culture in advance.».
  2. A group of synonyms used in a sentence: they call the same feature differently. " WITH early morning everyone in the house was in a cheerful, festive mood caused by yesterday's news».
  3. Definitions that appear after the noun, with the exception of terms such as grab overhead crane. For example, in A. Pushkin’s poem we find: “ Three greyhounds are running along a boring winter road" In this case, each of the adjectives refers directly to the noun, and each definition is logically highlighted.
  4. Homogeneous members of a sentence represent a semantic gradation, i.e. designation of the characteristic in increasing order. " The sisters, overwhelmed by a joyful, festive, radiant mood, could no longer hide their emotions».
  5. Inconsistent definitions. For example: " He entered the room briskly A tall man in a warm sweater, with shining eyes, a bewitching smile».

Combination of a single adjective and participial phrase

We also need to stop at next group definitions. These are adjectives and participial phrases used side by side and related to the same noun. Here, punctuation depends on the position of the latter.

Definitions that correspond to the scheme “single adjective + participial phrase” are almost always homogeneous. For example, " In the distance, dark mountains towering above the forest could be seen" However, if the participial phrase is used before the adjective and refers not to the noun, but to the entire combination, the rule “punctuation marks for homogeneous definitions” does not work. For example, " Yellow leaves swirling in the autumn air smoothly fell onto the damp ground.».

One more point needs to be taken into account. Consider this example: “ Among the dense, spreading fir trees, darkened in the twilight, it was difficult to see the narrow path leading to the lake" This is a sentence with isolated homogeneous definitions expressed by participial phrases. Moreover, the first of them is located between two single adjectives and clarifies the meaning of the word “thick”. Therefore, according to the rules for the design of homogeneous members, they are distinguished in writing by punctuation marks.

Cases when a comma is not required but is preferred

  1. Homogeneous definitions (examples of which can often be found in fiction) designate different, but usually accompanying each other, causal features. For example, " At night,(you can insert BECAUSE) Long shadows from trees and lanterns were clearly visible in the deserted streets" Another example: " Suddenly, deafening sounds reached the old man’s ears,(BECAUSE) terrible thunderclaps».
  2. Sentences with epithets that give a diverse description of the subject. For example, " And now, looking at Luzhin’s big, pale face, she... was filled... with pity"(V. Nabokov). Or from A. Chekhov: “ Rainy, dirty, dark autumn has arrived».
  3. When using adjectives in a figurative meaning (close to epithets): “ Timofey's large, fishy eyes were sad and carefully looked straight ahead».

Such homogeneous definitions - examples show this - are an excellent means of expressiveness in a work of art. With their help, writers and poets emphasize certain significant details in the description of an object (person).

Exceptional cases

Sometimes in speech you can find sentences with homogeneous definitions, expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives. For example, " Until recently, old, low houses stood in this place, but now there are new, tall ones." As this example shows, in such a case there are two groups of definitions that relate to the same noun, but have opposite meanings.

Another case concerns definitions interconnected by explanatory relationships. " Completely different sounds, alien to the boy, were heard from the open window." In this sentence, after the first definition, the words “namely”, “that is” would be appropriate.

Rules for placing punctuation marks

Here everything depends on how homogeneous definitions are related to each other. Commas are used in non-union connections. Example: " A short, wrinkled, hunchbacked old woman was sitting on a chair on the porch, silently pointing to the open door." If there are coordinating conjunctions (“usually”, “and”), punctuation marks are not needed. " Women in white and blue homespun shirts peered into the distance, hoping to recognize the horseman approaching them." Thus, these sentences are subject to punctuation rules that apply to all syntactic constructions with homogeneous members.

If the definitions are heterogeneous (their examples are discussed in the table), a comma is not placed between them. The exception is sentences with combinations that allow for double interpretation. For example, " After much debate and reflection, it was decided to resort to other proven methods" IN in this case it all depends on the meaning of the participle. A comma is used if “namely” can be inserted before the word “verified”.


Analysis of all of the above leads to the conclusion that punctuation literacy largely depends on knowledge of specific theoretical material on syntax: what is a definition, homogeneous members of a sentence.

It is necessary to distinguish from homogeneous definitions (in writing separated by commas) heterogeneous definitions, between which there is no comma.

When delimiting homogeneity/heterogeneity of definitions it is necessary to take into account the meaning of definitions, the way they are expressed, their position in relation to the defined noun, and also general character context.

I. Heterogeneous definitions characterize an object from different sides, indicate different characteristics of an object, for example its size, shape, color, material, location And etc. For example: 1) Lying on the edge of the clearing... large iron (size and material) a stove indicating that the forest was cut down in winter (V. Soloukhin). 2) Bestuzhev took it from her hand green knitted (color and material) glove and kissed the cold fingers (K. Paustovsky). 3) Thick rough(size and purpose) the notebook in which I wrote down plans and rough sketches was placed at the bottom of the suitcase (V. Kaverin). 4) Around noon, a lot of round high (shape and location) clouds usually appear... (I. Turgenev).

Usually, heterogeneous are definitions, expressed a combination of qualitative and relative adjective (see examples 1-3 above).

Heterogeneous there may be definitions expressed qualitative adjectives of different semantic groups(see 4th example above): 1) Cold large drops began to fall to the ground (M. Gorky). 2) Good-natured little gray eyes squint (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky).

It should be noted, however, that similar examples allow different understandings, and therefore different pronunciations and different punctuation (heterogeneity in such cases is not necessary and definitions can be considered as homogeneous; see below about this). Wed, for example: His tiny, motionless eyes smoldered dully (I. Turgenev).

II. Homogeneous definitions characterize an object from any one point of view, according to any one characteristic, on any general basis.

Always homogeneous:

1. Definitions, standing after the defined noun (regardless of their meaning): 1) ...I will then possess the eternal truth , undoubted ... (I. Turgenev). 2) And blue, bottomless eyes bloom on far shore(A. Blok). 3) Along the winter, boring road, three greyhounds are running (A. Pushkin).(The exception is some combinations of a terminological and logical nature: early double aster; frost-resistant winter wheat and so on.)

2. Definitions, with the help of which varieties of objects are designated that differ in any one respect (in color, material, purpose, geographical location, etc.), for example: 1) Black, red, yellow rocks were reflected in the water (K. Paustovsky). 2) A talented student who spoke five languages ​​and was comfortable in French, Spanish, German literature like at home, he boldly used his knowledge (V. Kaverin).

3. Definitions-synonyms (they call the same feature differently, i.e. they characterize an object from one side), and their synonymy often arises in the context: 1) Pale, dim stars were barely noticeable in the sky (L. Tolstoy). 2) She felt completely healthy and was in a cheerful, festive mood (A. Chekhov). 3) The arable land is overgrown with strong, tenacious, unpretentious weeds (M. Sholokhov). 4) His heavy body is filled with flexible, animal grace (M. Gorky)(words flexible And animal, which are not synonymous in the language, turn out to be synonymous in this context).

4. Definitions, of which the first is single, and the second is a participial phrase (the single definition precedes the common one): 1) At night above the ship there is a deep sky, densely seeded with stars (I. Sokolov-Mikitov). 2) One day Vanya brought a small, dug With birch root (K. Paustovsky). 3) It’s good to trample soft hay that gets under your shirt (I. Sokolov-Mikitov). 4) His black, bare head flashed in the bushes (I. Turgenev).

Note. Please note that the comma is placed between the adjective and the participial phrase, and not after the participial phrase.

Usually homogeneous:

1. Definitions, which denote different signs, but often and naturally accompany a friend; such definitions are interconnected by cause-and-effect relationships, conjunctions can be inserted between them since, because or adverbs because, therefore, therefore: 1) The lilac bushes bent over, as if inviting passers-by to pick a thick, heavy(thick, therefore heavy) bunch (S. Marshak). 2) Young, fragrant(smelly, because young) the grass has broken through a little (I. Bunin). 3) Ahead rode fresh, beautiful(fresh, therefore beautiful) old man... (L. Tolstoy). 4) You wake up in the middle of a dark, moonless(dark because there is no moon) March night and at first you can’t figure out where you are (A. Kuprin).

Uniformity such definitions are not required (although preferred).

2. Artistic definitions (definitions-epithets). With the help of such definitions Every single detail of the description is emphasized (although they characterize the subject from different sides): 1) Well-fed, white, important birds walked along the dam (A. Tolstoy). 2) Kashtanka looked at the stranger through the snowflakes hanging on her eyelashes, and saw in front of her a short and plump man with a shaved, plump face... (A. Chekhov). 3) And now, looking at Luzhin’s big, pale face, she... was filled with... pity (V. Nabokov).

Diverse definitions in contextual conditions they are often united by some common feature, a common element of meaning (similarity of the impression made, positive or negative assessment, etc.): 1) The grey, small house of the Vlasovs increasingly attracted the attention of the settlement (M. Gorky)(homogeneous definitions have in this context a common element meaning “inconspicuous”, “inconspicuous”). 2) The locomotive howled its way forward into the dim , stuffy darkness (A. Platonov). 3) Merry , bright morning burst into the room (V. Veresaev).

III. A special type is definitions, connected by explanatory relations (second definition explains the first); usually you can insert a conjunction between them that is, namely:1) Other, better rights are dear to me;

I need a different, better freedom... (A. Pushkin).

2) Completely different city sounds were heard outside and inside the apartment (V. Kataev).

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