Group flowers Stas Namin first composition. Ensemble of my youth.via "flowers". Famous musicians about the group "Flowers"

Group of Stas Namin ("Flowers")

The vocal and instrumental ensemble "Flowers" was organized in 1971 at the Moscow state institute named after Maurice Thorez. Its creator and artistic director there was Stas Namin. The ensemble included: bass guitar player Alexander Losev and drummer Yuri Fokin, later they were joined by pianist and composer Sergei Dyachkov, the author of popular youth songs. Among the ideological inspirers of the new team was another no less popular composer and arranger Vladimir Semenov (it was his song “My Clear Star” based on the verses of Olga Fokina that opened the ensemble’s first record). Among other amateur groups, the group stood out for its “live” sound, interesting arrangements, and search for expressive means from the arsenal of big beat, suitable for synthesis with the traditions of Russian melodic music. Stas Namin defined the style of "Flowers" as "lyrical rock". In 1973, the ensemble emerged victorious at the capital's youth group competition, where it won personal prizes and the right to record a record. On that “amateur” disc the songs “Flowers Have Eyes,” “Don’t,” and “My Clear Little Star” were recorded. Participated in the recording of this disc: Symphony Orchestra directed by Yu.Silantiev and the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra. It was a complete success, the record literally never left the players, these songs were sung on the streets and in apartments. The appearance of the second record with the songs “Honestly Speaking”, “Lullaby” and others outlined even more clearly lyrical plan creative handwriting of the ensemble. The secret of such success is in painstaking work, high individual skill of the performers and, of course, in the sincerity of their creativity. The ensemble's songs are distinguished by original arrangements, expressive instrumental solos and original, soulful vocals. The ensemble's repertoire includes many songs with civil themes. After a trip to KAMAZ this spring, the guys wrote several songs about the young workers of this high-impact Komsomol construction site. Now “Flowers” ​​are working on songs about Young Guards.
Arno Babajanyan. 1974
Young musicians found themselves faced with a problem: either to follow a generally well-trodden and fairly clear path - to graduate from college and become a young specialist, or to embark on an unknown and dangerous path - to find a path professional musicians. They preferred the latter, and since 1974, “Flowers” ​​have been a professional touring group. Difficult but joyful days began, devoted to their favorite work. Young artists were faced with an enormous amount of worries: artistic councils, directors' boards, searching for equipment, learning a new repertoire, rehearsals, concerts, rehearsals, tours: The workload was colossal, they were almost never home. Although skill grew, so did the requirements for the game, the lack of necessary equipment was increasingly felt. All this led to a crisis. And, despite the fact that “Flowers” ​​had recognition of success: 1st place at the All-Union competition “Silver Strings” in Gorky, 1st place in Tallinn at the All-Union competition Soviet song- in 1975 the guys stopped professional work. In 1975-76 we had a break, which, as you know, also gave rise to rumors about the breakup of the group, but in fact it was due to the fact that Sasha and I had to complete our studies at universities (Sasha majored in radio electronics, I - philologist).
Stas Namin. 1983
Yes, in 1974 we became a professional team, and Stas Namin could not work with us: he is a philology student at Moscow State University.
Alexander Losev. 1975 The guys went their separate ways and resumed their studies at the institutes, which they eventually graduated from. But time passed Soviet stage developed, new names appeared. And the former "Flowers", jealously observing the blossoming of popular music, were joyfully convinced that their place was not taken, and no one was working in their style, lyrical rock was a white spot on the stage. New stage creativity began in 1977. Stas Namin, having come to realize the need for a new, more modern and expressive style in his work, returns to the professional stage. His a new group starts immediately with recording, because At this time, an offer was received from the Melodiya company to record a record. Working on a new disc became like drawing up a further program for the ensemble; during rehearsals, the guys tried to implement new ideas and tried to formulate their attitude towards what was new in popular music. The attempt of S. Namin, A. Slizunov and K. Nikolsky to revive the team turned out to be as successful as possible. The studio recording of V. Semenov and V. Dyunin's composition "Red Poppies" - Alexander Zabolotny sang it on the record - not only "restored" all the advantages of "Flowers", but also discovered new horizons of creativity. In the comic song-parable “Old Grand Piano,” the ensemble, in a soft, humorous vein, as if inadvertently reminds the listener of the importance of eternal human values, and in this special climate of sincerity and recognition, in approaching human existence, in attention to it, the main potential of the group grew stronger and multiplied. The first EP - and “Old Piano” is a success: the company “Balkanton” selects a song for the record “10” best songs of the Year" along with compositions of such pop stars as the Eagles ensemble, Donna Summer, A. Celentano. So, the rebirth of the ensemble again took place not without the help of the gramophone record. But since by this time many groups had appeared, the names of which were associated with flowers , the ensemble decided to call itself simply the “Stas Namin Group”. On the opening day of the XVIII Komsomol Congress, the “Stas Namin Group” participated in a concert dedicated to this event with a concert number “Solidarity” dedicated to World Festival youth and students in Havana. During the preparation for the festival, the guys prepared Cuban songs, youth protest songs in the languages ​​of the peoples of the world, songs of Soviet composites. At this time, Stas Namin began to actively collaborate with the poet V. Kharitonov - the song “Friendship” was written based on his poems, which was first performed by Renat Ibragimov in 1978 at the festival of youth and students in Havana. In 1979, another EP was recorded with Stas Namin’s songs “It’s too early to say goodbye” and “If you are not there”; The ensemble participated in the recording of V. Kharitonov’s disc “White Wings”.

The group becomes one of the leaders in the genre of popular music. New forces joined the ensemble: guitarist Igor Sarukhanov, bassist Vladimir Vasiliev ("Good fellows", "Singing Guitars"), drummer Mikhail Faizilberg, singers Valery Zhivetyev and Alexander Fedorov ("Singing Guitars"). For the ensemble, the boundaries of “lyrical rock” are becoming tight, because the range of the group’s capabilities has grown immeasurably. Ensemble members successfully popularize songs Soviet composers A. Pakhmutova, O. Feltsman, D. Tukhmanov, write music and act in musical film Aida Manasarova's "Fantasy on the Theme of Love", in which Stas Namin fully demonstrated his melodic talent. In 1980, the group recorded its first solo giant disc, “Hymn to the Sun,” which became one of the most popular in the country, further consolidating the group’s popularity. “Hymn to the Sun for the ensemble is a program disc. The first side of the giant is a kind of rock suite, where the complex, rich in nuances composition “Just Listen,” which Namin appeared under the impression of Bach’s music, stands out. back side the disk is lighter. for perception, however, there are many finds here too. And if the recordings on the giant Namin group can be put on a par with best works company "Melodiya", then the group's concerts of that time could not be compared with the deep, sincere song performances of "Pesnyary", "Machines
time", "Araks"... Instead of "program" works, the group in the first part of the concerts, with rare exceptions, performed routine hits, and in the second - adaptations of fashionable action films of foreign groups.

Next, the guys, together with Jaak Joala, record the giant disc “Photos of Loved Ones,” which presents compositions by David Tukhmanov and Stas Namin, based on poems by Vladimir Kharitonov.

In general, this year was very fruitful and successful for the “Stas Namin Group” - the ensemble became a guest of festivals in Yerevan, Tbilisi, “Kiev Spring”, “Moscow Stars”, participated in the cultural program of the “Olympics-80”, and with two songs became a television laureate competition "Song-80". The eighties on the Soviet stage were characterized by the appearance of rock groups. New forms were found, the secret of success for a new listener was revealed. And the “Stas Namin Group” remained modern and popular. For the Stas Namin Group, the eighties were also a time of a qualitative leap. The skill of the ensemble members has grown, and the time of maturity has arrived. “The song fights for peace” - this is perhaps how one can characterize the ideological orientation of the “Stas Namin Group” during this period. Contemporary youth music needs a clear political position, and, as it seems to us, its main attitude should be anti-war. Our genre has unlimited possibilities for promoting ideas of peace. Of course, this does not exclude the execution lyrical songs, because the life-affirming principle does not contradict our main theme.
Stas Namin. 1985
For the 40th anniversary of the Victory, the ensemble prepared the concert cycle “Song against War,” which included more than 20 ballads and songs based on poems by A. Voznesensky, E. Dolmatovsky, E. Yevtushenko, Y. Kuznetsov. The ensemble performed at anti-war rallies and theme nights, often donating proceeds from concerts to the Peace Fund.
In 1984, the band became a laureate of the Rock for Peace festival, which took place in Berlin. In 1985, the musicians received special prize for participation in a non-competitive program international festival"Golden Orpheus". They were awarded medals and certificates of honor from the Soviet and Bulgarian Peace Committees. "The Stas Namin Group" existed until 1992.

In 1987, Namin created the Stas Namin Center (SNC), a Russian “non-profit” organization whose main task is “preservation cultural traditions and promotion modern trends Russian art and culture in the world." In 1991, the Center was transformed into a diversified show business corporation. Within the framework of the Corporation there are a non-state television company and a radio station, recording studio, art Gallery, design studio, magazine, symphony orchestra.

With the collapse of the USSR, Namin’s ability to promote “Russian art and culture” in the world was significantly weakened. Now Namin is known as a show business figure. From time to time he offers various musical projects- from holding grandiose rock festivals to staging the Russian-language version of the rock opera "Hair". In 2002, he performed with young musicians of the newly assembled group "Flowers" at the nostalgic concert "Favorite VIA" in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. A little later, Alexander Losev, as part of the “Old Flowers” ​​ensemble, performed at the Olympic Stadium at the “Hit Parade of the 80s”.

Stas Namin made a huge contribution to the development of pop culture in Russia, but since the beginning of the 2000s he has actually gone into the shadows. He created the group "Flowers", one of the first production centers, the first music Festival- all this is the merits of the master.

Childhood of Stas Namin

The future creator of the group “Flowers” ​​Stas Namin (real name Anastas Mikoyan) was born in Russia, in the city of Moscow. His father is Alexey Mikoyan, a military pilot, participant in the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, the boy’s childhood passed on the territory of military garrisons in Belarus, Russia (near Murmansk) and East Germany.

Mother - Nami Mikoyan (Arutyunova), musician, art critic and writer. She instilled in her son a love of music and art. Famous composers and musicians often visited the house.

In 1957, Stas went to the 74th secondary school city ​​of Moscow, but since 1961 he transferred to the Moscow Suvorov School at the request of his father.

First participation in musical groups

At school he first heard works The Beatles And Rolling Stones, which affected the passion for rock music. In 1964, he became a participant in the first music group“Sorcerers”, created at the Suvorov Military School. In 1967, together with childhood friends and his brother (Alexander), Stas created a new group - Politburo.

After starting training at the Institute foreign languages in 1969 he became the leader of the then famous musical group “Bliki” among students.

Influenced by the hippie movement "Children of Flowers", in 1969 Stas Namin created the group "Flowers". They even managed to release a record on the then famous Melodiya company. But due to their dissimilarity musical works with the style of Soviet pop, the group "Flowers" came under a total ban from Soviet central funds mass media, and then only infrequent compromise recordings were released, which for the first time introduced rock musical elements into Soviet culture. In 1975, there was a conflict between “Flowers” ​​and the Philharmonic, which tried to take away the name from the musicians in order to use it commercially

Since 1974, the group “Flowers” ​​began touring. Since 1977, due to a ban from the USSR Ministry of Culture (even the name itself was prohibited as “propaganda of Western ideology and hippie ideas”), it was renamed by the participants to the “Stas Namin Group”. While still banned in the USSR, they were able to release several records and regain their former popularity with a new name.

Stas Namin and Group Flowers - Light and Joy

Against the backdrop of the 1980 Olympic Thaw, the group began to appear periodically on radio and television channels. At the same time, the author’s album “Hymn to the Sun” was released. But after the conflict with the authorities escalated, they were unable to release even on Melodiya, which hosted them.

The active work of “Flowers” ​​resumed only in 1986, when the famous perestroika began. It was then that they were able to perform for the first time in foreign countries and before 1990, make a world tour, which was previously almost a fantasy. The group became the first domestic rock band to tour the United States, and then, having broken free, toured the whole world in a few years: Eastern and Western Europe, South and North America, Africa, Japan, Australia, etc.

Stas Namin talks about corruption. Interview.

But in 1990 the group split. Their activities came to a complete halt.

Stas Namin in the cinema

In 1982, Stas Namin decides to change his field of activity due to the inability to continue his professional career. musical career, and enters the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors at the USSR State Committee for Cinematography. The following year, he became the author of the first video clip in the country for his song “Old New Year" It was banned from showing due to its obvious political overtones. It was first broadcast only in 1986 in the USA on the MTV channel.

Stas Namin’s first experience of filming was “Neskuchny Sad” in 1991. There he acted not only as a producer, but also as a co-author.

Since 1992, he has been releasing a series documentaries called "International Geographic". As part of it, the audience was shown such cities and countries as Jerusalem (1992), Thailand (1993), New York (1995), New Mexico (1996), Easter Islands, Tahiti and Bora Bora (1997 ), African countries and South America(2002-2007) and Amazonia (2007).

Also, starting in 1989, several concert films were released, where Stas Namin appeared as a producer and director. Among them are the peace festivals in Luzhniki in 1989, “Rock from the Kremlin” in 1992, 3 parts of the festival “ One world"in 1990, 1995 and 1997.

Stas Namin Center

In 1987, Stas Namin created the non-governmental organization “Stas Namin Center” in the Green Theater of Gorky Park. He gathered young and talented musicians, new musical groups(“Gorky Park”, “Moral Code”, “Kalinov Bridge”, “Spleen”), poets, artists and designers. In fact, it was the first production center in Russia. It was in this center that Stas Namin created the Gorky Park group, inventing an image, repertoire and acting as a producer. The group performed at the grand rock festival in Luzhniki in 1989 along with such musicians as Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, Ozzy Osbourne, Scorpions, Cinderella.

At first, the center’s activities were completely non-commercial, because the very concept of show business did not yet exist. The Stas Namin Center includes a recording studio, production center, concert agency, design studio, modeling agency, rock cafe, gallery contemporary art, radio station, television company and glossy magazine.

In 1987, Namin created the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, chief conductor– Konstantin Krimets. In 1997–99, the Moscow Symphony Orchestra recorded more than eighty CDs with music for films, animated films And computer games, which were released in Japan, USA, China, Austria and England.

And in the 90s of the last century, the center held the first independent tour of a foreign star, Iron Maden, at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, although before that time any concert activity in Russia was handled by the State Concert. In 1991, having become interested in aeronautics, Namin created his first balloon and organized the first festival in Russia balloons on the Red Square.

In the second half of the nineties, Stas Namin returned to musical creativity, starting work on several solo albums V different genres– ethno, rock, jazz. The most famous album of guitar improvisations in the art-rock style, Kama Sutra, dedicated to his deceased friend, the famous musician Frank Zappa, was released in 2000.

Also in the nineties, Namin organized several major festivals: “Rock from the Kremlin” (1992), a series of festivals “One World” (1990, 1995, 1997), participated in the organization of the XX Moscow International Film Festival (1997).

Stas Namin Theater

In 1999, the Stas Namin Theater was created - the Moscow Theater of Music and Drama. The beginning was the famous rock musical “Hair,” which was staged for the first time in Russia as a genre. This musical is part of the theater's permanent repertoire. Chamber musical productions based on directing, acting and live music are extremely popular. The most famous production theater, probably the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” by E. Webber.

In the 2009–2010 season, to mark the tenth anniversary of the theater, Namin presented a series of premiere performances - the musicals “ The Bremen Town Musicians", "The Three Musketeers", "The Picture of Dorian Gray", "Alice in Wonderland", "Beatlemania" and musical performances for children " The Snow Queen" And " A little prince", musical by Gennady Gladkov "Penelope, or 2+2".

Revival of the group "Flowers" by Stas Namin

In 1999, Stas Namin formed his group “Flowers” ​​for big concert for the thirtieth anniversary, where everyone who was ever in the lineup performed. But this event was not the beginning triumphant return bands on stage. The musicians perform as part of the Moscow Theater of Music and Drama, created by Stas. In particular, they accepted Active participation in the musicals “Jesus Christ Superstar” and “Hair”.

Stas Namin and Group Flowers - Summer Evening

The team formed its permanent composition only in 2000. It included Oleg Predtechensky (guitar and vocals), Valery Diorditsa (keys and vocals), Alexander Gretsinin (bass guitar and vocals), Yuri Vilnin (guitar only) and Alan Aslamazov (saxophone, keys and vocals). After this, the “Flowers” ​​group began to return to active touring and creative activities.

The year 2009 was marked by the release of the double album “Back in the USSR”, which included hits from 1969-1983. The album was released for the band's fortieth anniversary. And a year later the group began for the first time in 20 years concert activities- first performing in Moscow, then starting regular tours.

2011 was marked by a new album, “Open Your Window,” which included 15 previously unreleased songs from the 1980s, and 2 new songs, “Open Your Window” and “Hymn to the Heroes of Our Time.”

In 2013, the group “Flowers” ​​released two new concert albums at once - “Homo sapiens” and “The Power of Flowers”. And for the group’s forty-fifth anniversary in 2014, “Flowers” ​​planned big tour in forty-five cities in Russia and abroad.

Stas Namin today

In parallel with work on creative projects, since 2008 Namin has been teaching and is a professor and artistic director of the course at the Faculty of Cultural Studies and musical art Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. Sholokhov, and since 2010 – professor and artistic director of the faculty’s musical course musical theater Russian Academy theatrical arts(GITIS).

Personal life of Stas Namin

Stas Namin had three official marriages. His first wife, Anna, is currently the director of his production center and is in charge of all financial matters. From her he has a daughter, Masha (1977). It was Maria who gave him his granddaughter Asya.

The singer's second wife - famous singer and the beautiful Lyudmila Senchina. This marriage lasted seven years.

Stas's current wife, Galina, has been by his side for 25 years. Together with her, Namin accepted her son Roma (b. 1983) from his first marriage. Common child- Artem appeared much later - in 1993.

Today, in addition to performing, Stas Namin is involved in producing and organizing various festivals, both film and music, including various international ones. In addition, he manages to run his own modeling agency, artistic clubs and restaurants. He also took part in charitable activities more than once.

The vocal and instrumental ensemble "Flowers" appeared in 1969, but only in 1972 it became a super popular VIA in the USSR, thanks to the first record released by the Melodiya recording company. The EP sold millions of copies, literally turning the idea of ​​the Soviet stage of the 1970s upside down... The ensemble included bass player Alexander Losev and drummer Yuri Fokin, later they were joined by pianist and composer Sergei Dyachkov, the author of popular youth songs. Among the ideological inspirers of the new group was another equally popular composer and arranger, Vladimir Semenov (it was his song “My Clear Star” based on the lyrics of Olga Fokina that opened the ensemble’s first record). On that “amateur” disc the songs “Flowers Have Eyes,” “Don’t,” and “My Clear Little Star” were recorded. The symphony orchestra conducted by Yu. Silantiev and the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra took part in the recording of this disc. It was a complete success, the record literally never left the players, these songs were sung on the streets and in apartments.

Among other amateur groups, the group stood out for its “live” sound, interesting arrangements, and search for expressive means from the arsenal of big beat, suitable for synthesis with the traditions of Russian melodic music. Stas Namin defined the style of "Flowers" as "lyrical rock".

In 1973, the ensemble emerged victorious at the capital's youth group competition, where it won personal prizes and the right to record a record. The appearance of the second record with the songs “Honestly Speaking”, “Lullaby” and others even more clearly outlined the lyrical plan of the ensemble’s creative style. The secret of such success is in painstaking work, high individual skill of the performers and, of course, in the sincerity of their creativity. The ensemble's songs are distinguished by original arrangements, expressive instrumental solos and original, soulful vocals.

Young musicians found themselves faced with a problem: either to follow a generally well-trodden and fairly clear path - to graduate from college and become a young specialist, or to embark on an unknown and dangerous path - to join the path of professional musicians. They preferred the latter, and since 1974 “Flowers” ​​have been a professional touring group. Difficult but joyful days began, devoted to my favorite work. Young artists were faced with an enormous amount of worries: artistic councils, directors' boards, searching for equipment, learning a new repertoire, rehearsals, concerts, rehearsals, tours: The workload was colossal, they were almost never home. Although skill grew, so did the requirements for the game, the lack of necessary equipment was increasingly felt. All this led to a crisis. And, despite the fact that “Flowers” ​​had recognition of success on their face: 1st place at the All-Union Competition “Silver Strings” in Gorky, 1st place in Tallinn at the All-Union Soviet Song Competition - in 1975 the guys stopped professional work.

“We took a break in 1975-76, which, as you know, also gave rise to rumors about the breakup of the group, but in fact it was due to the fact that Sasha and I had to complete our studies at universities (Sasha majored in radio electronics, I am a philologist)" - Stas Namin (1983)

“Yes, in 1974 we became a professional team, and Stas Namin could not work with us: he is a philology student at Moscow State University” - Alexander Losev (1975)

The guys went their separate ways and resumed their studies at the institutes, which they eventually graduated from. But time passed, the Soviet stage developed, new names appeared. And the former "Flowers", jealously observing the blossoming of popular music, were joyfully convinced that their place was not taken, and no one was working in their style, lyrical rock was a white spot on the stage.

A new stage of creativity began in 1977. Stas Namin, having come to realize the need for a new, more modern and expressive style in his work, returns to the professional stage. His new band starts right away with recording, because... At this time, an offer was received from the Melodiya company to record a record. Working on a new disc became like drawing up a further program for the ensemble; during rehearsals, the guys tried to implement new ideas and tried to formulate their attitude towards what was new in popular music. The attempt of S. Namin, A. Slizunov and K. Nikolsky to revive the team turned out to be as successful as possible. The studio recording of V. Semenov and V. Dyunin's composition "Red Poppies" - Alexander Podbolotov sang it on the record - not only "restored" all the advantages of "Flowers", but also discovered new horizons of creativity. In the comic song-parable “The Old Piano,” the ensemble, in a gentle humorous vein, as if inadvertently reminds the listener of the importance of enduring human values, and in this special climate of sincerity and recognition, in approaching human existence, in attention to it, the main potential grew stronger and multiplied groups.

On the opening day of the XVIII Komsomol Congress, the Stas Namin Group participated in a concert dedicated to this event with the concert number “Solidarity”, dedicated to the World Festival of Youth and Students in Havana. During the preparation for the festival, the guys prepared Cuban songs, youth protest songs in the languages ​​of the peoples of the world, songs of Soviet composites. At the same time, Stas Namin began to actively collaborate with the poet V. Kharitonov - the song “Friendship” was written based on his poems, which was first performed by Renat Ibragimov in 1978 at the festival of youth and students in Havana.

In 1979, another EP was recorded with Stas Namin’s songs “It’s too early to say goodbye” and “If you are not there”; The ensemble participated in the recording of V. Kharitonov’s disc “White Wings”.

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