Group dynamite Leonid Nerushenko and Ksenia Borodina. Personal life and biography of Borodina. Relationship with biological father

Despite the fact that Ksenia Borodina appeared on television quite a long time ago, she gained fame thanks to the Dom-2 project. The girl is still the presenter popular show.

Ksyusha has lived in Moscow all her life. Her parents divorced almost immediately after the birth of their daughter. Soon, mom got new family and went to live in Italy. Little Ksenia stayed with her grandparents. For a long time they lived in Kuntsevo, one of the districts of Moscow.

Ksyusha tried more than once to stay with her mother in Italy, but she never stayed there for more than two weeks; Russia has always been for her best place residence.

After finishing the eleventh grade at the Lyceum, the girl went to the UK, but was not able to live and study there either. This time, the reason for her return was her first love. Alexander remained in Moscow, and Ksenia dropped out of school and returned to her lover.

TV presenter's habitats

After Ksyusha Borodina was cast for the role of host of the show Dom-2, she changed several apartments. For a long time, the girl had to live in a rented apartment. Surprisingly, many celebrities rent housing as it is much cheaper than buying an apartment.

  • Life with Yuri Budagov . In August 2008, Ksenia became the wife of the capital’s businessman, Yuri Budagov. Soon, their daughter Marusya was born. The marriage did not last long. In April 2011, the couple filed for divorce. The TV presenter and her daughter continued to live in the rented apartment, which they rented in 2009. The apartment was small, consisted of two rooms and a cozy kitchen. Despite the lack of luxurious accessories and designer touches, Ksenia’s home was quite cozy and modern.
  • Borodina and Terekhin are the happy owners of a country house. After the divorce from Yuri Budagov, Ksenia began romantic relationship with House-2 participant Mikhail Terekhin. The couple took part in the “Terem for Two” competition and won the keys to a luxury house in the Moscow region. But, unfortunately, life in the house was short-lived. After two years of relationship, Ksyusha and Mikhail broke up.

New life and new home

Ksenia Borodina for a long time did not disclose her relationship with her new lover, an entrepreneur from Dagestan, Kurban Omarov. The current husband and wife met while still in another relationship. A spark immediately ran between them. At the end of December 2015, Ksenia and Kurban had a daughter, Teona.

You may be wondering where Ksenia Borodina and her family live on this moment? Not long ago, information appeared that the Omarov family became the happy owner of a huge cottage on Novorizhskoye Highway.

Ksenia's pregnancy with her second child contributed to the couple acquiring new real estate. The luxury house, worth about 19 million rubles, has an area of ​​216 square meters.

Currently, under the control of designers, the cottage is acquiring a suitable interior. The house consists of three bedrooms, a spacious living room, separate wardrobe, dining room and terrace.

According to Ksenia Borodina, the caring head of the family bought the house a year ago, because the couple immediately planned to add to the family.

The move to a new nest took place in the summer of 2016.

In the new cottage village where he will live star family, you already have everything you need for a comfortable living. A first-class building was built for children kindergarten, for adults - various spa centers, many shops and even a horse riding center.

The family is looking forward to moving into their cozy home, but for now, Kurban, Ksenia and the children live in a luxurious apartment in the southwest of the capital.

The last couple of weeks gossips They persistently talk about the discord in the relationship between Ksenia Borodina and her husband Kurban Omarov. And, as it turned out, not without reason. Today Ksenia decided to admit that her marriage really broke up.

On her Instagram page, the TV presenter told fans that she was divorcing her husband. What made Ksenia write such an emotional post is unknown. However, what the popular TV presenter said is, to put it mildly, shocking.

“It’s just that this is the child’s father, so I’m trying to file a divorce in a more dignified manner (as far as the messy situation allows). There are many reasons, I thought he could be loving husband and a caring father (as he presents himself to the public). But I will remember this night of December 12th for the rest of my life. My husband came home from another party at 7 am, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about betrayal is the pure truth, and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered up” his hard parties with cheating.

I wish health to such Yulias, Tanyas, Oksanas and everyone else. If you want to sleep with Borodina’s man, go ahead if you’re not afraid. We all walk under God. It may seem to you that this is a piece of glory, but in reality you are unlikely to wash away such dirt for the rest of your life.”

Ksenia admitted that she lived with rose-colored glasses. She hoped that after the birth of the child her husband would change.

"But that did not happen. “He prefers to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave after 5 minutes,” writes the star presenter. - By the way, everyone who writes about Omar, I love him very much, and I’m sorry that he can’t come to our home anymore! In the meantime, I live for the sake of my children, for myself and my loved ones.”

Finally, Borodina gave parting words to all her married fans. She wished women to remain themselves regardless of the situation.

“And remember, no matter whose wife you are (Dagestan, Chechen, Russian, Armenian), it does not matter at all. The main thing is that you are a woman who deserves respect, love and care for yourself and your children! - noted Ksenia. - Someday I will tell the whole truth. In the meantime, I want to say that it doesn’t matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain faithful to yourself! And I would never allow you to rent for money and sell your family to you. My refusal was the right decision. I will not allow any person (not even my husband) to sell us.”

Let us remind you that after a high-profile breakup with Mikhail Terekhin, it seemed that Ksenia would not soon come to her senses. It was very difficult for them to separate. The popular TV presenter tried not to wash dirty linen in public, but the former policeman was happy to share in his interviews juicy details personal life.

Kurban appeared in the star’s life unexpectedly. I immediately surrounded him with attention and love. As soon as new photos of Omarov began appearing on the TV presenter’s microblog on Instagram almost every day, fans had no doubt: the wedding was just around the corner. And so, on July 3, 2015, Ksyusha and Kurban became husband and wife.

The celebration was gorgeous; the wedding of the famous TV presenter was considered one of the most anticipated events of that summer. The young couple did not skimp on anything; the bride's dress was made by the famous designer David Fielder.

The young people ordered the rings from jeweler Albert Kingsley and his brand The Saplings. They are from white gold, inside there is an engraving “Ksenia – Kurban” and, as a feature, their family hashtag #BOROZIMA.

The wedding was memorable for the amazingly decorated hall. The famous wedding decorator Yulia Shakirova worked on the decor of the premises. It was she and the lovers who created the image of winter in the middle of summer. And, of course, the guests were impressed by the newlyweds’ dance. After the holiday, Ksenia admitted that the couple rehearsed the composition, performed with professional dancers, only twice. Despite this, the number turned out to be gorgeous and without a single misfire. But what a surprise the guests were when not only the newlyweds’ friends, but also Ksyusha herself danced the Lezginka together with the “Pride of the Caucasus” ensemble. Kurban's relatives later noted more than once how cleverly she did it.

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina is the idol of many young people, because she is talented and knows how to present herself favorably to her fans. The woman learned not to pay attention to the evil words of ill-wishers, and also to never give up.

At the same time, Ksyusha is not only famous TV presenter And socialite, but also a DJ, a sought-after actress and the author of two best-selling books. The woman teaches her fans how to look good, offers a proven author’s diet, and also says that to be happy you just need to respect yourself.

Borodina is not only an accomplished star, but also a loving wife and caring mother who never abandons her daughters to their fate.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ksenia Borodina

Fans are constantly looking for information about their favorite’s height, weight, and age. It’s easy to find out how old Ksenia Borodina is, knowing her date of birth, which is not a secret.

At the same time, Ksenia Borodina: photos in her youth and now prove that the TV presenter is a woman without age, because she looks simply gorgeous. The fact is that Ksyusha was born in 1983, so she already managed to celebrate her thirty-fifth birthday.

The zodiac gave the girl the sign of dreamy, creative and original Pisces, and the Eastern horoscope endowed her with the stability and talkativeness of the Pig.

The shade of the girl’s hair is constantly changing, so for those who follow the process, we hasten to inform you that Ksenia Borodina’s hair color in 2017 and this year allowed her to be considered a brunette. By the way, a woman recently did this season’s fashionable balayage, which looks great with curly locks.

By the way, Ksenia Borodina’s haircut is a light cascade at the maximum long hair, which is complemented by a straight parting.

Ksyusha’s height was one meter and sixty-five centimeters, and she weighs incredibly little, only forty-six kilograms.

Biography of Ksenia Borodina

The biography of Ksenia Borodina began when she was born in the capital of our Motherland. Her parents were far from television and creativity, while her father’s name was always shrouded in mystery.

The father, Kim Amoev, is a man who was associated with crime, but he was also an entrepreneur who abandoned his daughter when she was one year old.

Mother, Inna Amoeva, is a nurse and housewife who married an Italian and left for this country, leaving her daughter with her grandparents.

Brother - Nikita Amoev - is younger than his famous sister, no one knows for sure whether he is her brother or cousin, it is only known that the young people do not communicate, and the guy raps under the pseudonym Stakhat.

The girl studied at a Moscow school and studied foreign languages, and after graduating, Ksyusha ended up at the Multilingual international school. By the way, higher education she received her studies at the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism in the capital, while simultaneously attending castings for a TV show.

Borodina's television career began with the Dom-2 project in 2004, because of which she refused to go for permanent residence to Italy. In addition, as a participant and presenter, she shone in the programs “Windows”, “Cruel Intentions”, “Dancing with the Stars”, “Reboot”, “Let Them Talk”.

Ksenia Borodina starred in the films “The Lavrova Method”, “Zaza”, “Happy Eighth of March, Men!”, wrote books, and also starred in photo shoots men's magazines and hosted concert programs.

Personal life of Ksenia Borodina

The personal life of Ksenia Borodina was eventful and tragic at the same time, since everything romance novels it ended before it even began. Ksyusha’s first love was her seventeen-year-old peer named Sasha, who lived with her on the next train. They dated the boy for two years and could not live without each other even a day. It was because of her loved one that Borodina decided to return from Italy, where she studied at a prestigious school.

Sasha and Ksyusha decided to enter the same university, but soon the young people broke up, although the girl was grateful to the guy for staying in the Russian Federation.

On the site of the Dom-2 project, Borodina had new fans who fell in love with her, but quickly left her. These include Misha Terekhin and the fatally handsome Oscar Kerimov, who dated the beauty for about a year.

Later, the couple broke up, but Ksenia was not alone for long, because Nikita Isaev appeared in her life, who was a fairly successful guy and headed the Prime Insurance company, which was engaged in insurance.

After Nikita, a young Moscow DJ named Anton burst into Ksyusha’s life, however, the girl did not meet him for a long time. Many of her fans often say that the reason, most likely, was Borodina’s beloved boyfriend and at the same time the vocalist from popular group“Dynamite” Leonide Nerushenko, who tragically died in 2005 in an accident.

However, recently information appeared on the Internet that Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina got married, so we can say that the dark streak in the life of the TV presenter is over.

Family of Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina's family was strange, because it broke up as soon as Ksyusha was one year old. After this, the girl never saw her father, so she was terribly offended and even changed her surname Amoev to her mother’s, because she waited for her dad for several hours at his birthday party, but he did not come.

At the same time, the mother was also not close to her daughter; she decided to improve her personal life, married an Italian architect and owner of a construction company, Jenny, and went to Italy. The baby stayed to live with her mother’s parents, Galina and Bulat, who simply adored Ksyusha, but could not make ends meet.

Mom sent the girl expensive gifts from Italy, but Ksyusha asked her grandparents to sell them in order to buy food and clothes; by the way, Inna Bulatovna knew nothing about this for a long time.

As a child, Ksenia did not get along well with her stepfather; she was afraid of him, but as a teenager she began to constantly fly to Italy. The stepfather even called his stepdaughter to permanent place residence in this country, but Ksenia chose a career in Russian television.

Children of Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina's children were born from different husbands, but the woman simply adores babies. She says that she is grateful to the couple precisely because they gave her children.

When the eldest Marusya was born, her famous mother got a tattoo with her name so that her daughter would always be next to her. However, due to Borodina’s busy creative schedule, she was forced to hire an experienced nanny who replaced her and raised her daughter.

By the way, the age difference between the girls is six years, but they are very friendly, although Marusya, as an older sister, constantly protects the baby and takes care of her.

Ksyusha often calls Omarov’s son from his first marriage his son, and Omar simply adores his new sisters and often comes to visit them. Recently, information appeared on the Internet that the couple broke up and the baby is now not allowed to communicate with his sisters, although he really wants this, but this information remained at the level of gossip.

Daughter of Ksenia Borodina - Maria Budagova

The daughter of Ksenia Borodina, Maria Budagova, was born in 2009, her father was Yuri Budagov. Marusya slightly disappointed her mother, because she was born not on June 8, as she had planned, but on the ninth.

By the way, the baby has already become a real star, since in 2011 she already starred with her mother for the cover of Dom-2 magazine, she took part in many issues of the program, and also participated in photo shoots. Marusya studies at the school for young politicians, she wants to become a fashion model and constantly participates in fashion shows, while doing gymnastics and maintaining her own blog on Instagram. She loves Legos and monsters, as well as cartoons about Shopkins.

Marusya did not suffer in any way from her parents’ divorce, since she often spends time with her dad and gets along well with her stepfather.

Daughter of Ksenia Borodina - Teona Omarova

The daughter of Ksenia Borodina, Teona Omarova, was born in 2015, and her father was Kurban Omarov. The baby is often called Thea, which means “divine wisdom”, and she is growing up to be a copy of her dad.

Until two years old, Ksenia hid the name and photo of her second daughter from fans, and then she decided to reveal this secret. At the same time, Thea’s character is surprisingly reminiscent of her mother; she is active, cheerful, easily gets along with people and radiates positivity.

Teona loves to play with dolls, and especially baby dolls; she enjoys communicating with animals. The baby works with her mother using the Doman method; she draws, sings and learns English.

Ksenia Borodina's ex-husband - Yuri Budagov

Ksenia Borodina's ex-husband, Yuri Budagov, is a famous businessman whom the TV presenter met in 2008 on the set of a popular show Comedy Club. This meeting was not love at first sight, but the guys met for a long time to chat and drink a cup of coffee.

The romance began when Borodina’s car broke down right on the road, and Yuri simply repaired it without charging a penny for it. Three years later, the guys secretly and modestly got married, and the bride didn’t even have a white wedding dress.

However, in 2011, information began to appear more and more often that Budagov had decided to get a divorce. The fact is that he needed a submissive housewife, and Ksenia spent all her time on the set of “Dom-2” and films, forgetting about her husband and daughter.

After the divorce, the guys went to different apartments, but continue to be friends and communicate only for the sake of their daughter.

Ksenia Borodina's husband - Kurban Omarov

Ksenia Borodina’s husband, Kurban Omarov, met her in 2015; he was a famous Dagestan businessman and a fan of his future wife’s talent. Since childhood, the guys simply called him Winter, because he was distinguished by restraint and self-confidence.

Kurban was not a public person, but for the sake of his beloved he agreed to give interviews and post his photos on the Internet. In 2015, the young people got married, and their children from previous marriages were present at their wedding. Together with the kids, the newlyweds went on their honeymoon to the Turkish coast.

Kurban gave his chosen one a beauty salon, but the relationship was on the verge of collapse, since the guy turned out to be incredibly loving. Ksenia threw him a scene of jealousy, and for the first time he raised his hand to her.

The couple did not meet for several months, but then Ksenia nevertheless forgave her husband, although the Internet was already quick to report their divorce.

Naked Ksenia Borodina

Naked Ksenia Borodina on the Internet is far from uncommon, since the girl often posed nude for many men's magazines. She first undressed for the men's edition of XXL in 2005, but the photos turned out not vulgar, but naive and sweet, since Ksenia looked like a young girl with huge eyes in them.

In 2011, the beauty posed in more candid photo shoot for Playboy magazine, where she appeared as an insidious temptress in furs and a black peignoir. After this, shootings for other magazines followed, but in them Ksyusha, no matter how hard she tried, looked quite chaste.

In 2014, hackers hacked the girl’s computer and put racy photos of Borodina on public display because the star refused to pay them 1,000,000 rubles.

Photos of Ksenia Borodina have never appeared in Maxim magazine, although she is quite pleased candid photos often ended up on the Internet. And it’s not just the hackers who hacked her website, but also the woman’s openness.

However, a completely naked Borodina never appeared on the pages of publications or on the Internet, because she believed that being completely naked is only possible for a loved one whom you trust as much as yourself. There are also ambiguous photos and videos that were taken in films or on television programs.

Ksenia often appears before her fans in luxurious lingerie or a swimsuit, as she is an avid traveler who loves to soak up the sea and ocean.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ksenia Borodina

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ksenia Borodina exist in official form, since the TV presenter is incredibly sociable. From the article dedicated to Borodina on Wikipedia, you can learn about her childhood, education, parents and stepfather, spouses and children. There is also up-to-date information regarding filmography, participation in television programs and doing business.

At least 10,800,000 people have subscribed to Ksyusha’s Instagram profile and can rate and comment on photos and videos, dedicated to creativity, spouse and children.

It is worth noting that Borodina has Official page VKontakte, which you can trust, but, besides VK, you can find reliable data about her life on Facebook or Twitter.

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina- TV presenter, actress, writer.

When Ksyusha was one year old, her parents separated and her father left, so Ksenia never saw him again in her life. The mother soon remarries an architect from Italy, who has his own construction business. She moves to Italy, and Ksyusha remains to live in Moscow with her grandparents, periodically visiting her mother and new father abroad.

Until the 9th grade, Borodina studied at an ordinary Moscow school No. 749, but for the last two years she has been studying at a private lyceum, specializing in in-depth study of foreign languages.

In 2000 17-year-old Ksenia’s parents send her to study at the most prestigious European school “Multilingual”, which is located in England. Her mother and stepfather tried to give Ksenia a good education, but she did not live up to their hopes at all, dropping out of school just a couple of months later. Ksenia returned to Moscow, where her great love named Alexander was waiting for her, a young man living in the next building.

Borodina considers her action correct, even though she and Alexander broke up soon. The girl immediately enters the second year of the Moscow Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism.

Also in student years Ksenia began to dream of becoming a TV presenter. She sent out her resume everywhere with enviable regularity, went to castings and auditions. But, alas, she never managed to attract the attention of powerful TV bosses. Therefore, disappointed in her idea, Borodina agrees with her stepfather’s proposal to move to Italy with them and work in his business. However, literally a couple of hours before departure, Borodina received a call from the TNT channel and was informed that she had passed the casting and was invited to filming. The girl remains in Moscow, becoming the presenter of “House-2”. This action led her to big quarrel with my family.

In 2004, in May Borodina made her debut as a TV presenter of the reality show “Dom-2”. Ksenia’s co-host becomes the second Ksenia - the famous brawler and socialite Ksenia Sobchak. This TV project instantly becomes popular in all CIS countries, and the popularity of its presenters is growing.

Around the end of the year, Ksenia begins dating the lead singer of the Dynamite group, Leonid Nerushenko. Everything was fine with the couple, but their romance was cruelly interrupted by a tragic incident: on September 3, 2005, Leonid died in a traffic accident while returning home on his motorcycle.

In 2006 Borodina, having recovered a little from the loss of her loved one, begins to live her life again. This year, she begins an affair right on the project: she begins dating a participant in “House” - Oscar Karimov. True, the romance was short-lived, lasting just over a year.

After that, Ksenia’s suitors included Nikita Isaev, president of the insurance company Prime Insurance, as well as the capital’s DJ Anton.

In 2007, in the fall, Borodina makes her debut as a writer. Her first book was published - “House-2. Laws of love." In the same year, Ksenia participates in one of the episodes of the “Battle of Psychics” project, in a series where psychics tried to talk about the details of the death of Leonid Nerushenko.

In 2008 Borodina makes her acting debut. She is starring in Andrei Silkin’s film “Zaza”. In the same year, Ksenia, together with the famous stylist Sergei Zverev, opened a beauty salon. Borodina also acts as the host of corporate events and private parties.

In 2008, on August 8, that is, on the “day of three eights,” Ksenia Borodina marries businessman Yuri Budagov, whom she met on the set of “Comedy Club.” The wedding event, surprisingly, was arranged by the young couple very modestly. Instead of the traditional white bride's dress, Borodina wore a gold evening dress. And among the guests there were only the closest relatives. Even my work friend, Ksenia Sobchak, was not at the wedding.

In 2009, On June 9, Ksenia Borodina’s daughter Marusya is born. He immortalized the name of his first child by getting a tattoo on his hand with the inscription “Marusya”. This year Ksenia becomes co-host of “Cosmopolitan. Video version."

After giving birth, the TV presenter gained incredible weight. However, in a short period of time she was able to lose weight well and bring her figure back to normal. Having lost tens of kilograms, Borodina shocked and amazed both fans and colleagues from show business.

In 2011 information appears in the tabloids that Yuri Budagov is demanding a divorce from Borodina. Friends of the couple said that they simply different concepts about family life. Ksenia loves social life excessively, taking her time to take care of her family, her husband and her one and a half year old daughter. In April, the couple officially divorced.

In the same year, suffering briefly after a divorce from her husband, Borodina began an affair with another participant in “House-2”. This time her chosen one is former police major Mikhail Terekhin, who at that moment was facing trial for extorting a bribe. Borodina, who is in love, helped settle all the court cases for her boyfriend, so that nothing would overshadow their happiness. She became friends with Terekhin’s son, and over the past six months she has already taken her lover abroad several times on vacation: to Thailand, Dubai, Morocco, etc.

In 2011, Ksenia Borodina takes part in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars”, where she dances together with actor Alexander Golovin. In the same year - participation in the TV show “Cruel Intentions”.

Leading the scandalous show channel "TNT" Ksenia Borodina not only helps participants of the show "House 2" find and build their love, but also manages to organize her life and, through her example, demonstrates to TV viewers all the subtleties true love and strong relationships. Since the famous host of a scandalous TV show is a public figure, people never tire of discussing her, and main theme of the day, the children of Ksenia Borodina often become.

Biography of Ksenia

Ksenia was born in the Russian capital on March 8, 1983. By nationality - Armenian. The famous TV presenter's parents separated when the girl was not even a year old. Since then she has not seen her father. Borodina’s mother once married a businessman from Italy and left Russia. All the time, Ksenia remained in Moscow with her grandmother, periodically visiting her mother in Italy.

Until the age of 18, Ksenia bore her father’s last name, Amoeva, but then decided to change it to maiden name his mother - Borodin. Native father The presenter showed up when the girl became popular, but she was never able to forgive him.

When Ksenia finally decided to pursue a career in television, having bypassed numerous castings and having lost hope, she was about to go to live with her mother in Italy, when she suddenly found out that she had been cast for the role of a TV presenter in the emerging new show of the TNT channel. Since then, Borodina has remained the most important and constant TV presenter of the “House 2” project.

In addition to working on television, Ksenia actively advertised weight loss techniques. The fact is that the TV presenter dramatically lost weight, which attracted the public’s interest. Now the girl was truly unrecognizable. Ksenia also surprised everyone with her writing skills, in 2007 she released the book “The Laws of Love”. In addition to writing, the TV presenter opened her own beauty salons and is actively involved in the production of clothing. The girl also does not refuse additional work at corporate events and weddings as an event host. In clubs, the girl pursues a career as a DJ and travels to clubs in Moscow and other cities with her tracks.

Children from first marriage

In 2008, the TV presenter married a man she met on the set of the comedy show Comedy Club. It was a beautiful romance in Ksenia's life. Before the wedding, they dated for 3 years. The couple started thinking about children immediately after the wedding. The presenter had already developed a plan for combining work and caring for the child, since she did not want to stay on maternity leave for a long time.


Ksenia planned to give birth to a child on June 8 (Borodina considered the number 8 to be the happiest in her destiny). But the baby arrived a day later than the desired date. On June 9, 2009, Ksenia became the mother of a wonderful girl. The newborn was named Marusya. The young mother, out of happiness, immortalized her daughter’s name on her hand.

Ksenia Borodina married for the second time

In 2015, Ksenia married a second time to Dagestan businessman Kurban Omarov. The TV presenter hid her romance with the businessman for a long time, actively posting photos of herself with her chosen one with a hidden face, leaving fans in bewilderment. But there was no need to hide the romance for long, and Ksenia introduced her beau to the public. Millions followed their love story, and finally Kurban asked Ksenia for her hand in marriage. Only the closest people were present at the ceremony, but this did not stop it from being grandiose. From his first marriage, Kurban has a son, Omar, who often visits his father, and Ksenia has a daughter, Marusya, who lives with her. The children get along well, which makes parents happy. We can safely say that both of them are the children of Ksenia Borodina, with whom she often posts photos on social networks. Also, Kurban’s son and Ksenia’s daughter are delighted with their newly-made parents.

Soon Borodina announced her pregnancy. The TV presenter hid this fact for a long time, but then she revealed to fans the news about her situation. The couple prepared thoroughly to prepare for the birth of their second child. Not knowing the star’s pregnancy period, fans began to wonder if Borodin had given birth to a second child. The questions stopped on December 22, 2015, when Ksenia’s second daughter was born. However, now everyone began to worry about Ksenia Borodina. Parents were in no hurry to announce the name of the newborn to the general public.

Little Theona

The question of whether Ksenia Borodina gave birth to a second child closed by itself when she became a mother on December 22, 2015. The baby was born in the same clinic as the TV presenter’s first daughter. The birth went well, and soon the young mother was discharged home.

Ksenia's husband put on a real show in front of the maternity hospital. I invited clowns and actors. They decided to name the baby Thea (Theona). To all questions about why she chose this particular name, Ksyusha answers that both parents liked exactly this Greek name. Ksenia Borodina's children get along well. Marusya often helps her mother look after her sister.

At the moment, the family lives in complete idyll, and Ksenia Borodina’s children enjoy every moment of shared happiness.

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