Where does Olga Buzova work. Biography: Olga Buzova - from student to socialite

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Olga Buzova has become a real promoted brand, famous TV presenter, business woman, writer, actress, performer of popular songs.

She is also the owner of several popular boutiques, the author of her own models in both clothes and accessories, and, finally, probably the only lady of our vast country who now has her own currency (Buzcoin), Olga Buzova comes from the most ordinary and not at all media family.

So, Olga Buzova was born in an ordinary intelligent St. Petersburg family on January 20, 1986. In the family, she was the first girl whom her parents loved madly.

From the early childhood Olga was kept in strictness and was vaccinated, almost with mother's milk, that in order to achieve something in this life, it is necessary to work hard and honestly.

Soon a second daughter appeared in the Buzov family. Sister became for Olga Buzova the most important person in her life. Moreover, she madly loves and appreciates her parents: both dad and mom ...

Inexplicable strength - striving upwards!

From childhood, Olga's parents were strict. She had practically no free time. All the time she was doing something: drawing, teaching English, trained. Olya became interested in gymnastics.

The father of the sisters Ani and Oli Buzovs was a military man. Parents taught their girls to military discipline. They always had everything according to plan, according to the regime.

So, having passed the real one, in good sense, drilled, having received a good upbringing and excellent education, Olga Buzova did not miss her chance and caught, as they say in such cases, her wave of luck. She was able to reach incredible heights in many areas of activity.

Thanks to her tireless hard work, everything works out for her. It is thanks to this quality of character that Olga Buzova was able to achieve an annual income of $ 22 million! Not everyone is given this ...

A real defender is always there!

Olga Buzova's father is Igor Dmitrievich Buzov. He devoted his whole life to military affairs. However, he managed to work as both a builder and a manager. Igor Dmitrievich, contrary to all the stories on the Internet, is not at all a public person. He does not at all like increased attention to himself.

A hardworking and calm person in all respects has never sponsored his daughter, Olga Buzova, which, again, is literally trumpeted by the World Wide Web with unverified information.

Thanks to Igor Dmitrievich always worked hard and conscientiously, his family did not particularly need anything. But he clearly could not find funds for the surplus in the form of surcharges for clips or for the development of any business of his daughter. Moreover, he was always opposed to his Olenka even coming to the Dom-2 project.

He long time dissuaded her from participating in a reality show. However, the stubbornness and perseverance of his eldest daughter also took over from him. The girl insisted. And she was able to achieve those heights that we can now contemplate.

Her father always came to her aid. She was especially needed when Olenka Buzova, madly in love with her husband Dmitry Tarasov, a famous football player, found out about the divorce ...

It was then that a calm and balanced man was ready to deal with the offender almost with his fists! His relatives could hardly hold him back. Igor Dmitrievich did not leave his daughter until she herself had been ill with this betrayal of a loved one.

The father remains a real protector for all his beloved girls. Although they are divorced with Irina Alexandrovna, he continues to communicate and support all his girls, and he has three of them: two daughters (Olga and Anya) and a wife.

"Irina the Wise" Buzova!

If in this intelligent, but with such correct concepts to the Buzov family, dad is the "brain", then mother of Olga Buzova and her sister Anya is a real "soul" - kind, bright, forgiving... Irina Aleksandrovna Buzova raised her daughters like this: before the age of 18, you can still somehow influence the child. After 18 - that's it! Adult personality!

She always strived to be an adviser, assistant, friend to her daughters. By the way, it was she who was able to support Olga at her 18 years old, when she decided to be accepted on the reality show "Dom-2"!

That's when she, a completely non-conflict woman, tried to convince her categorically disposed husband, who was against it. Irina Alexandrovna found those words that could soften her father's military heart. In addition, the mother was always close to her daughter. Olga Buzova has repeatedly said that mom is a real friend for her and her sister.

Irina Aleksandrovna was also very upset by the divorce. eldest daughter with Dmitry Tarasov. And more than once she sobbed with Olga in her arms ... It was too hard to see how her daughter was suffering!

There was a time, and mom and dad Olga Buzova lived in an ordinary apartment of the beloved city of St. Petersburg and never boasted that their daughter was a star. For them, she always remains just a beloved child. After the divorce, Buzova's parents parted.

Unfortunately, due to the busy schedule of the TV personality, there is very little time left to visit their parents. But the connection will never be broken in this family. Because they all love and support each other very much.

"The best man in the world" is my sister!

Rarely is there such a close bond not only between parents and children, but also between sisters. Olga Buzova literally adores her little sister Anna Buzova. The girls had common interests since childhood, and when they grew up, even now they have a lot in common.

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For example, the Buzov sisters a few years ago jointly created a common collection of clothes and are actively developing their business in all corners of our homeland.

In addition, the girls have created another area of ​​business that is flourishing. At first, Anyuta became interested in jewelry, and then Olga joined her. Today their accessories are in great demand. They are bought up with pleasure, despite the fact that the cost is quite high.

Anna Buzova, together with her famous and popular sister, conducts motivating marathons, such as "You and I are of the same blood!" Anna Buzova is two years younger than her sister. But she is as purposeful and active as Olga. She also took part in the scandalous reality show "Dom-2" at one time, although she stayed there for a very short time.

The younger sister of Buzova, almost like her sister, Olga Buzova, is developing her microblog. She also has a lot of subscribers.

By the way, Anna also moved to Moscow. He lives separately from both his parents and his famous sister. Girls meet as often as possible, to the extent that Olga Buzova's busy and always busy schedule allows them, literally scheduled by the hour and minute. When they succeed, the sisters do not come off like a child!

Often people ask the question: what is the secret of the popularity of the seemingly not too talented Olga Buzova? Everyone can answer it. But it is important that in almost all her endeavors she will always be supported by a strong, friendly and loving family! Perhaps this is her main achievement!

Olga Buzova is considered one of the most bright personalities domestic show business. She is not only the host of the sensational project "Dom-2", but also a fashion designer, writer, businesswoman, actress, and singer.

Updated 02.08.2018 12:01

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov: reasons for divorce

Young people met in a metropolitan restaurant and immediately realized that their feelings would grow into something serious. The footballer was married at that time, and a few months later divorced his wife (after the breakup, Dmitry's son stayed with his mother).

In the summer of 2012, the wedding ceremony of Buzova and Tarasov took place.

The lovers modestly celebrated this event in the circle of close friends and relatives. The union looked perfect for 5 years, everyone admired the beautiful couple, their warm relations and joint cheerful photos.

In 2016, Olga felt for herself what it feels like when a beloved man is taken away from your family. The marriage began to fall apart after her husband's infidelity. Dmitry is seriously carried away by a young model - Anastasia Kostenko.

Olga went through the gap very hard.

According to some sources, it is known that the football player took the car from his wife and evicted her from his apartment. In addition, it was he who initiated the divorce, Buzova was ready to improve relations with her husband, but Tarasov was categorical. The first months after the breakup, the girl was very worried, but soon she pulled herself together and completely immersed herself in work.

Relationship with ex-husband

The divorce of Dmitry and Olga turned into an endless series of accusations, ridicule and quarrels. In early January, Tarasov married his new darling- young model Anastasia Kostenko. According to rumors, the girl is expecting a baby. Olga commented on this event in an original way on her Instagram, creating a post about Dostoevsky's "Idiot".
A few weeks later, Dmitry and Anastasia's wedding, a wedding banquet, took place. Buzova again did not stand aside, and noted that it was not a holiday, but a tasteless gathering, after which "everyone amicably mocked the unfortunate Tarasov." Many assume that the famous TV presenter and singer still loves ex-husband... Tarasov, according to the press, also has feelings for Olga. Close friend the player told reporters that Dmitry was doing everything for show, in spite of Buzova. His phrase "let the former bite your elbows" has already become an aphorism.

About Lga Buzova - an incredibly versatile media persona, the girl has proved herself quite successfully on television, radio, in the fashion industry and even in the field of publishing. Currently, Olga Buzova is the presenter of "House-2", at the same time with this work, the girl in 2008 received the respected position of editor-in-chief in the publication World of reality show. House 2".

Not so long ago, a socialite could be found at a variety of parties, however, after marriage, Buzova began to plan her leisure time more thoroughly. In 2007, Olga was awarded the status of the most stylish and brightest blonde in Russia, she received this title as part of the award "Golden person".

Biography of Olga Buzova originates in Russian city Leningrad. The future TV star was born on January 20, 1986, her parents were employees at that time. Olga's education is quite diverse and is not connected with a career on TV: first she graduated from high school, where she was awarded “silver” for her achievements, and later entered the Faculty of Geoecology and Geography at St. Petersburg University, after which the blonde plunged headlong into the world of show business.

On May 31, 2007, on the World Day of Blondes, Lyubov Voropaeva, producer of the Golden Person award, presented the award to Olga Buzova as the most stylish and brightest blonde in the country.

During her stay on the Dom-2 project, Olga participated in several media projects as a presenter. In 2005-2006, Olga, together with Roman Tretyakov, hosted the youth talk show "Roman s Buzova" on the TNT channel. Radio "Pops" invited them to conduct their own talk show every Saturday on the radio with the same name - "Roman with Buzova". Since September 2007, she has become the host of her own column "Caution, stylists!" in the program "Morning on TNT". Olga Buzova also acted as the host of the TV show in computer game"Black Mark". Since December 2008, the host of the reality show "Dom-2" and chief editor of the magazine "World of reality show. House 2".

In 2007 Olga was the host of the 7th international competition beauty "Miss Russian radio 2007 ".

In recent years Olga Buzova has taken part in the filming of other TNT programs, such as “Cosmopolitan. Video version ”,“ Attack of the clowns ”,“ Child-robot ”,“ Taxi ”,“ Battle of psychics ”. Repeatedly became a guest of television programs of other television channels - the first television, MUZ-TV, MTV, NTV and others.

In August 2008, Olga Buzova made her debut as an actress in the TV series "Univer" on TNT in the role of Internet acquaintance Eduard "Kuzi" Kuzmin.

Since November 2008, Olga began her solo career, touring Russia and neighboring countries. Her songs are featured in the album "House Stars 2. Laws of Love".

As part of the popularization of the volunteer movement in 2009, Olga was the presenter and participant of the special campaign staff "Train of Youth" under the auspices of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.

At the end of 2009, Olga entered the top three the best TV presenters countries (according to KP.RU version).

In September 2010, the first theatrical debut took place. Olga Buzova replaced actress Maria Kozhevnikova in theatrical performance"Luxurious wedding".

In October 2010, host of 3 issues of “Cosmopolitan. Video version "on TNT (together with Dmitry Olenin).

Olga Buzova has released several clothing collections together with the C&C brand.

Olga Buzova appeared on the TV project House 2 a week after the start of its broadcast on the air. public television... An eighteen-year-old student of St. Petersburg University immediately captivated the audience with her beauty and modesty. Olya came to the show from Northern capital, where she graduated with honors from the gymnasium and in 2008 with honors - the university. Thanks to her innate diligence and diligence, the girl perfectly mastered three foreign languages.

The organizers of the reality show immediately accepted Olga into the ranks of the participants, realizing that this bright blonde would be able to keep all viewers of the TV project in good shape. Indeed, the appearance of Buzova on the perimeter made a real commotion in the men's bedroom. Among the contenders for the girl's heart were Karimov Stas, Abuzyarov Evgeny. From this army of fans, Olya chose Stas, with whom she checked into the VIP room. However, the relationship did not work out from the very beginning and, in order not to torment each other for a long time, the guys decided to leave. It was at this moment that another couple broke up on the project - Elena Berkova and Roman Tretyakov did not agree.

As two loners, Roma and Olya talked for some time, trying to brighten up each other's leisure time. Initially, it was an exclusively friendly relationship, without the slightest hint of intimacy. However, over time, young people began to realize that their friendship had grown into something more and another bright couple appeared on the project.

It was very whirlwind romance with loud scandals, jealousy, reconciliation and unbridled passion. Despite the relationship with the young man, Olga Buzova continued to communicate with Stas Karimov, which drove Tretyakov to madness. Even in Oli's most harmless conversation with other guys, Roman could see the notes of flirting, which invariably provoked the development of a grandiose scandal.

Meanwhile, the Union of Tretyakov and Buzova cannot be called stupid. The guys hosted radio broadcasts, recorded talk shows on TNT, traveled around Venice. But the most important achievement was the book under the intriguing title "Romance with Buzova". Its circulation exceeded eighty thousand copies.

However, as often happens in emotional couples, the relationship soon came to a standstill. Due to the prevailing family circumstances Tretyakov had to leave the project. Olga stayed on the show. Rare meetings with the young man now took place outside the perimeter. The novel did not take any steps towards rapprochement with the girl, and soon even announced that he would marry another.

The break with her lover Olga Buzova was going through hard and for a long time. On a television project, she had no desire to build relationships with other guys. And soon the organizers of House 2 invited her to try herself as a presenter. Olga took up her new responsibilities with pleasure. In addition, she took the position of editor-in-chief of the magazine of the same name.

It is worth noting that at first the girl coped with the functions of a TV presenter with great difficulty. She had to develop correct diction for a long time, to train self-confidence and endurance. Moreover, the guys with whom she had recently lived under the same roof simply did not perceive her as a presenter. To earn authority in a new image, Olga Buzova had to work very long and hard. But over time, everything worked out and now Olya is doing an excellent job with her tasks.

In addition to successfully promoting career ladder Olga Buzova still did not stop waiting for a meeting with her love. And finally, she waited. Now Olya is the loving and beloved wife of the famous football player Dmitry Tarasov.

Name: Olga Buzova

Place of Birth: Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Height: 179

Activity: actress, singer, designer, TV presenter, writer, DJ

Family status: divorced (2017)

Olga Buzova: biography

Olga Buzova is an incredibly successful and versatile media personality. The girl has shown herself quite well on television, radio, in the fashion industry, cinema, music and even in the field of publishing. In 2007, Olga was awarded the status of the most stylish and brightest blonde in Russia. She received this title in the framework of the "Golden Person" award.

Biography of Olga Buzova originates in the city on the Neva. The future TV star was born in January 1986. Her parents, Igor Dmitrievich and Irina Aleksandrovna, were servicemen at that time.

Little Olga Buzova developed very rapidly: she had acquired reading and writing skills by the age of three. At the same age, the girl began to study English. Olga's abilities prompted her parents to send their child to school at the age of 5. The baby brilliantly coped with all the difficulties of her studies, brought home excellent grades and quickly found mutual language with classmates.

Already at the age of 13, Olya worked part-time in a children's camp as a counselor, and at the age of 15 she got a job in a modeling agency.

In 2002, Olga Buzova graduated from the gymnasium, where she was awarded "silver" for considerable success. The girl dreamed of becoming an actress, but strict parents asked her to put this “frivolous profession” out of her mind. Soon she entered the St. Petersburg University, where she chose the Faculty of Geoecology and Geography. During these years, the blonde plunged headlong into the world of show business.

Television and "Dom-2"

On the television project "Dom-2" Buzova appeared in 2004 as a participant. Here she was successfully engaged in "building her love" for four years... At the same time, the parents insisted that the daughter receive higher education... And Olya managed not only to graduate from the university, but even to receive a red diploma.

According to media reports, fans of the show recognized Olga as the best participant in the entire existence of the scandalous television project of the TNT channel. One of the most striking novels within the framework of "Dom-2" is a relationship with showman Roman Tretyakov. The charming girl received the nickname "Buzenish" and a whole army of fans. The affair with Tretyakov lasted two years. The couple was named the most romantic in the first season of "House-2".

In 2005 bright girl began to host a talk show on TNT "Romance with Buzova". Its co-host was Roman Tretyakov. Talk show Buzovoy became interested in radio "Pops". The guys were invited to host the program of the same name on Saturdays.

In 2006, Roman Tretyakov announced that he was tired of the "aquarium" life and left the project. He settled in Moscow, rented an apartment and long time waited for his "Buzenysh" to join him. But Olga was in no hurry to leave the show, in which she was still comfortable. Roman Buzovoy and Tretyakov died out. The girl decided to pursue a career in television.

In 2007 in metropolitan museum wax figures there were two wax copies of Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov, beloved by thousands of fans, "House-2". Such an honor was given to them as the most popular couple of the project.

Since September 2007 Olga has been leading her own column "Caution, stylists!" in the program "Morning on TNT". At the same time, the charming blonde was the host of the Black Label TV show.

The girl remained on the project until 2008. At this time, she had short affairs with Stas Karimov and Alessandro Materazzo. But in December, she announced that she wanted to leave the show. The producers highly appreciated the last star from the "golden cast" of the show, so they offered Olga Buzova to become the co-host of "House-2". The presenters at that time were Ksenia Borodina and Ksenia Sobchak. Olya accepted the offer.

Olga Buzova in the show "Dom-2"

Thus, in December 2008, Olga Buzova not only changed the status of the Dom-2 participant to the host of this reality show, but also acquired an additional position as editor-in-chief of the World of Reality Show. House 2".

Having gained tremendous experience in the framework of a popular project, Olga Buzova has published two author's books: “It's a hairpin. Tips for a Stylish Blonde "and" Romance with Buzova ". The pages of the latter were saturated with the beauty's favorite aromas.

In addition to her writing talent, the blonde discovered a love of singing: since 2011, Olga Buzova began to actively develop as a singer, and her songs were included in the collection “Stars of House-2. Laws of Love ". Her first work as a singer was the single "Don't Forget", released together with the popular rapper T-killah. A clip appeared for the song.

Recently, Olga, as an accomplished media star, is often invited to participate in various programs on TNT. Viewers saw Buzova in Cosmopolitan. Video version "," Child-robot "," Taxi "," Attack of the clowns "and on many other projects.

In 2010, the blonde star took part in the "Battle of Psychics" project. The seer Galina Bagirova, in whose hands a lock of hair fell from the blonde's head, made Olga burst into tears. She said that Buzova had a difficult childhood under the harsh dictates of her mother.

Olga Buzova at the show "Battle of Psychics"

In 2011, Olga played the role of a bride on the show "Let's Get Married" on Channel One. And in 2012, Buzova competed in flexibility and plasticity on the project "Dancing with the Stars". Her partner was Andrey Karpov, a professional dancer. But the contestant did not last long. She left the show with a scandal, saying that the jury members are too biased towards her and give low marks.

On the popular TV show "Dancing on TNT" Buzova was repeatedly seen as a member of the jury. In the same capacity, she attended the Comedy Battle show.

A charismatic Petersburg woman took place as an actress. In 2008 Olga Buzova made her film debut in cameo roles such popular films and TV shows like "Elena from polypropylene" and "Univer". Then she appeared in the projects "Zaitsev +1" and "Barman".

The acting biography of Olga Buzova continues on theatrical stage... On stage, the artist made her debut in 2010 in the play "Honeymoon" with Tamara Tsatsanashvili and Anastasia Stotskaya. In the play "Gorgeous Wedding" in the same year, Olga Buzova replaced Maria Kozhevnikova.

In 2016, in the TNT series "Poor People" Olga Buzova starred in the role of herself. In the same year, the star played along with Igor Vernik and Mikhail Porechenkov in Ara Oganesyan's comedy "Take a hit, baby!"

In 2016, fans of Olga Buzova were able to read her new book called "The Price of Happiness".

As befits a secular lioness, Olga Buzova is keenly interested in the fashion industry. Therefore, one day the girl tried her hand at being a fashion designer. Olga Buzova's clothing collection was shown at the Estet Fashion Week, where the TV personality demonstrated not only her design, but also DJ talent - the girl independently played a DJ set for the show.

It is known that Buzova worked on this line of clothing together with the Italian company C&C.

Since 2013 Olga Buzova and her sister Anna Buzova are the owners of the Bijoux jewelry brand and the Bijoux Room chain of stores.

Not so long ago, a star " Comedy women"And" Real boys "Marina Fedunkiv began to shoot parodies of Buzova - her amateur series" Celebrity Lessons ". The heroine of the videos is Muzova. Real Buzova against the existence of Muzova: Olga reacted negatively to such videos. Note that Fedunkiv's parodies are very popular on Instagram, and subscribers are asked to shoot a sequel.

In social networks in recent times are actively discussing the topic of Olga Buzova's dismissal from TNT. Allegedly, instead of the bright and beloved by many Oli in 2017, viewers will see another presenter of the reality show. But the press service of the channel dispelled these rumors. TNT reported that the producers do not intend to look for a replacement for the presenter, who has been doing an excellent job with her duties for 10 years. Neither her divorce nor other scandals will become an obstacle to the continuation of the contract with Buzova, and she will continue to lead Dom-2.

Personal life of Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova's personal life, as you know, was built over recent years publicly - anyone could turn on Dom-2 to find out the details of the relationship between Buzova and Tretyakov.

But after the girl left the project, dozens of cameras stopped following her life. In 2011, rumors spread that the blonde beauty had an affair with Lokomotiv footballer Dmitry Tarasov. The spice of the rumors was given by the fact that Tarasov was married at the time of Buzovoy's acquaintance. His daughter was growing up. Some sources claim that the couple met in one of the Moscow restaurants, where famous football player had dinner with my friends.

Soon, the lovers stopped hiding their relationship. It is noteworthy that the footballer tried to protect the girl from attacks and accusations that Olga Buzova allegedly "took away" Tarasov from the family. Dmitry gave official comments in defense of the "House-2" star. He stated that no one "took" him away from the family, that this divorce had been brewing for a long time, and the preconditions for it had arisen long before he met Olga.

Two months after they met, the footballer took his beloved to rest in Dubai, where he offered to become his wife. Buzova agreed. The wedding took place in June 2012. The ceremony was held in the circle of relatives and best friends of the couple. Olya took her husband's surname, but left - as a creative pseudonym - her maiden name.

Olga Buzova has repeatedly said that she dreams of becoming an ideal wife, so she devotes a lot of time to her husband. She abandoned many of her projects and became less likely to take part in serials, films and entertainment TV shows.

Some time beautiful couple compared with the Beckham spouses. And they were also called the funny nickname "Tarabuziki". But after 4 years the tale came to an end. The first to guess about the sad ending of the novel were the subscribers of the couple's Instagram pages. They noticed that the couple are no longer cute joint photos... When the fans asked the athlete to comment on this, he advised everyone to contact Olga, who allegedly "likes to comment on everything."

The couple's family life, as predicted a couple of years ago by the winner of the "Battle of the Psychics" Julia Wang, at the very end of 2016 ended in divorce. Rumor has it that Dmitry Tarasov has a new lover, whose name is Anastasia Kostenko. She is "Vice-Miss Russia" 2014. In social networks, they talk about Nastya's pregnancy and that the football player rented an apartment for his new lover. But so far this news has not been confirmed.

Whatever the reason for the separation of the spouses, Olga Buzova after the divorce, it seems, will not receive anything. This was stated by lawyer Sergei Zhorin, who is well versed in legal matters. He recalled that Buzova and Tarasov at one time signed a marriage contract. According to him, all the property of a football player is registered on him and his mother.

And not so long ago burst out new scandal: someone leaked to the network intimate correspondence Olga Buzova with Dmitry Nagiyev. Some skeptics claim that she was allegedly leaked by the angry beauty herself in order to "annoy" her husband. Screenshots of the correspondence are dated back to the time when Buzova and Tarasov were married.

It is possible that the photos and correspondence were stolen by hackers by hacking the TV star's phone.

Recently Olga Buzova in the top loud news... In addition to the divorce and the scandal with the spicy correspondence with Nagiyev that got into the network, changes in the beauty's appearance are being actively discussed. Buzova-blonde dyed and not so long ago turned into Buzova-brunette. In addition, some of Olga's ill-wishers suspect that the 30-year-old beauty did plastic surgery, as a result of which her face did not change the best way and somewhat swollen. Fans of the TV star argue that everything is due to the age and worries of Olga Buzova, who, after the divorce, was left with nothing.

Whatever it was, but the woman plunged headlong into work. She shot a video for her new hit "To the Sound of Kisses" and traveled with him to almost all the provincial cities of the country. Olga Buzova also tried her hand at being the host of a fighting tournament.

Fans of the star recently suggested that their favorite removed a tattoo from her wrist, which appeared in honor of her marriage to Dmitry Tarasov. On some fresh photos Olga Buzovoy on Instagram, a black bandage appeared on her arm, which covers the previously filled tattoo dedicated to her ex-spouse. Probably, the woman decided to get rid of her following the example of Tarasov. He also combined the previous entry with the date of the wedding and the initials of the ex-wife. In that place appeared latin phrase Omnia fert aetas, which means "time takes everything away."

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