For the first time after the death of Zhanna Friske, her ex-husband Dmitry Shepelev began to openly meet with a girl: his new chosen one is a famous designer. Ivan Krasko exposed the deception on the Dmitry Shepelev show: “It’s such a fool that there’s nowhere else Shepelev’s new darling

In the photo Dmitry Shepelev and Oksana Stepanova

The fact that Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Jeanne, Ksenia Stepanova, do not hide their relationship, rumors have been circulating for a long time. In another interview with open sources, Friske's father accused the presenter and his new girlfriend of deliberate actions against the relatives of the singer who died of cancer.

After Zhanna's death, it was she who helped the heartbroken man pull himself together, they had known each other for a long time - Oksana Stepanova was friends with the artist and her husband for a long time. The girl met the soloist of the group "Brilliant" in the process of working with the once popular team, being their make-up artist and makeup artist. It was thanks to Ksenia's talent that the artists looked so attractive at all performances, justifying their roles.

After the transition of Zhanna Friske to solo work, Ksenia Stepanova became not only the artist's personal beautician, but also her close friend. The girl accompanied the singer on tour, not a single concert took place without her. Gradually, the singer and her subordinate became friends so much that the fine line in their relationship between the employer and the hired staff was completely erased. Ksenia Stepanova began to enter Jeanne's house as an old friend, whom the artist unconditionally trusted.

After Friske found out about her illness, the touring activity ceased, but friendly relations with her faithful friend remained still trusting.

Photo: Zhanna Friske and Oksana Stepanova

Dmitry Shepelev special attention to girlfriend civil wife did not pay, at that time all his thoughts were occupied with the struggle for the life of his wife. Therefore, he practically did not know Oksana closely, perceiving her as a stranger.

The death of the singer

Dmitry Shepelev had a new girlfriend after Zhanna, since the photos with Ksenia Stepanova, along with the TV presenter, were not captured.

For several years, Dmitry Shepelev was next to the dying Jeanne, not thinking about his future and who will become him. new girl after Friske left. A terrible diagnosis was made to the singer in 2014. Then Zhana disappeared from the TV screens, posters with her name disappeared in all cities of Russia. As it turned out a little later, the singer found out about the fatal diagnosis while pregnant. It was a terrible time for everyone - in anticipation of Friske's decision, Shepelev, the artist's parents, and her friends and colleagues literally held their breath. Doctors promised a high percentage of healing only if the pregnancy was terminated.

Friske has long wanted a child, she and Dmitry have been knocking the thresholds of various clinics for many years in a desire to find out the reason for their lack of children. Therefore, for Friske, the choice between the life of her child and a painful illness became obvious - she refused to terminate the pregnancy.

After the birth of her son Plato, the woman went to the States for treatment. This required colossal sums - chemotherapy is insanely expensive both in Russia and abroad. To help a woman live the program “Let them talk”, all project participants asked caring people to help raise money to save the life of the dying Friske. The collected amount turned out to be much larger and was withdrawn 2 weeks before the artist's death by her parents.

Zhanna Friske with her son Plato

All this difficult time, Oksana Stepanova was next to her dying friend, caring not only for Zhanna, but also for little Plato- a sick woman could not take care of the baby on her own. According to the artist's relatives, Zhanna died practically in Oksana's arms.

Rumors about Shepelev's new relationship

For the first time, after the death of Jeanne and his new girlfriend, Dmitry Shepelev was talked about by newspapermen, who accidentally filmed a joint visit to the presenter and beautician of one of art exhibitions. By this time, the presenter has published on the network Farewell letter to the deceased wife, trying to express all his pain from the loss of his beloved. In it, Dmitry thanks the gentle angel who saved him from depression and supported the man in the most bitter moments of his life.

He noted that for the first time he felt real care for himself, which he lacked for a very long time.

All journalists immediately seized on these lines, trying to find out at least something about Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Jeanne's death. Group photo at the entrance to a popular gallery, became indirect evidence of the host's relationship with another woman. Some publications carefully exaggerated the version of a long-term relationship between a man and his late wife's beautician, arguing that such devotion to a strange family cannot be based only on friendly relations.

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

On defense young man in 2016, the sister of the artist Natalya got up. IN open interview the woman said that Oksana Stepanova could in no way be the new girlfriend of Dmitry Shepelev, and her appearance on the street along with the presenter was associated with general visit exhibitions, nothing more. According to the woman, Stepanova is an exemplary mother of two sons, a faithful wife and a young grandmother.

New scandal

Not so long ago, Zhanna's father, in his next speech, accused Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend of setting the son of the singer Plato against his grandparents. According to an elderly man, Dmitry and Stepanova have long been in a close relationship. Allegedly, their romance began long before Jeanne's death, and the mistress stole forms of documents from her sick friend, which later appeared in court after the money-back scandal. According to Vladimir Borisovich, long time Shepelev hired a nanny who helped take care of Plato in his absence.

Now Dmitry returned to television after long break in a career, working on a new project on the central channel, which takes a lot of time for a man. He wants to provide his son with everything necessary for his full development and comfortable existence.

Not so long ago, according to the former father-in-law, Shepelev fired the incoming servant, entrusting the upbringing of his son Plato to Oksana Stepanova. This hurt Friske's father. He believes that the woman, together with her former son-in-law, sets her grandson against him and his wife. As Olga Orlova, a close friend of the late Jeanne and godmother Platon, Stepanova refuses to make contact and simply does not answer calls and does not respond to messages on the answering machine. Like, thus, the father of the boy, half orphaned after the death of his mother, was also left without the support of the godmother.

D. Shepelev with his son

Neither Dmitry Shepelev nor his new girlfriend commented on these rumors in 2018. After Jeanne's death, the presenter did not speak very actively in open sources publications about the dirt that Friske's relatives poured over him and the deceased daughter with enviable regularity.

Lawyer's opinion

The lawyer who helps the Friske family in all judicial vicissitudes categorically denies the possible connection between Shepelev and Stepanova. We remind you that after the departure of Zhanna, the terrible scandal about the money from Rusfond allocated for treatment famous singer. The organization itself allocates funds exclusively for the treatment of children with oncology. An exception was made for the universal favorite, and huge funds were received into her accounts, collected in the shortest possible time from literally all over the world.

When Zhanna died, it turned out that about 21 million rubles were missing in an unknown direction.

The court indicted the singer's parents and her little son, whom Dmitry took custody of immediately after the death of his common-law wife. At the same time, the artist's relatives hurried to blame Shepelev for everything, telling scary stories by all means mass media about his far-reaching selfish plans in relation to the deceased daughter and her son.

Vladimir Borisovich, not embarrassed in terms, even threatened the host with murder.

They sued Dmitry, trying to deprive him of custody of his grandson and take the boy away from his legal father, motivating their behavior with a desire to protect Plato and his property from Shepelev. A whole investigation was carried out, which proved that the man is worthy father to your child, loving, caring and considerate.

Therefore, Friske's parents were left with nothing, simultaneously earning a reputation for inadequate personalities.

According to the lawyer, Shepelev simply diverted public attention from his judicial problems by mentioning the care of a tender girlfriend who became a faithful assistant to a man in difficult times. In addition, the guardianship authorities regularly monitor any changes in Plato's life. The appearance in the house of a woman claiming to participate in his upbringing on the basis of a personal relationship with Shepelev should have been reflected in Dmitry's reports to the supervisory authorities, but such an action was not followed.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna, Ksenia Stepanova, may be hiding their relationship so as not to become "food" for journalists and negative comments about them…

24-09-2018, 20:20

Dmitry's chosen one will help him find peace and adequately raise their son with Zhanna, the medium believes.

In June 2015, one of the brightest representatives of Russian stage, singer Zhanna Friske. Ex-soloist once crazy popular group"Brilliant" died of cancer at the age of 41. Friske has left little son Platon, who was taken under guardianship by his heartbroken father and Zhanna's husband showman Dmitry Shepelev. After a while, the fans of the TV presenter and the singer herself started talking about the fact that he should go further and start looking for a second half who could become a good stepmother for his child.

The widower himself was in no hurry to establish a personal life and devoted all his free time from grief to raising his son. And in 2017, the press found out that Dmitry nevertheless acquired a new passion. In the spring of 2017, Shepelev was caught in the capital's Coffeemania cafe along with a charming blonde, whom he tremblingly held by the hand and exchanged hot looks.

Later, the media learned that this is a successful Yekaterinburg business woman, Ekaterina Tulupova, who relatively recently moved to Moscow, where she created the Creative Breakfast women's club. The woman also has Small child. Tulupova alone brings up a charming daughter. The suspicions of the fans were confirmed when the couple came together to the Moscow gatherings to opera diva Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov. The last one was published in in social networks video, where he “lit up” the warmly communicating Dmitry and Ekaterina, who in a narrow circle did not hide their romantic relationship. Recently, an anonymous source from Shepelev's entourage told VistaNews that the showman trusts his new lover so much that he introduced her to Plato and even left his son in the care of Tulupova this summer, when she was vacationing with her daughter in Italy.

Fans were generally happy with the news that Shepelev finally got a chance to find family happiness again, but at the same time, many fans began to wonder if Ekaterina could be a worthy replacement for Zhana Friske. Undertook to clarify the situation famous psychic, who, on condition of anonymity, stated that she was able to contact the spirit deceased singer. The medium stated that she talked with Friske after entering a trance. The voice of a star from the next world approved Shepelev's new passion. According to the clairvoyant, she clearly heard the phrase "Plato needs a mother." She stated that Zhanna considers Tulupova a good woman who can get along with her son and also make Dmitry happy.

The psychic also emphasized that she did not feel the anxiety of Friske's soul. She was calm about the future of Plato. The medium noted that Jeanne in the next world will now be able to find peace, but will continue to look after loved ones.

It is difficult to judge how true the words of the clairvoyant are. She herself claims that she has no reason to mislead journalists, but at the same time admits that she could at some points misinterpret the message of the deceased Friske.

Alexander Solovyov - Correspondent of RIA VistaNews

Zhanna Friske - brief information

Name: Dmitry Shepelev
Date of birth: 01/25/1983
Age: 34
Place of birth: Minsk, Belarus
Weight: 74 kg
Height: 1.75 m
Occupation: radio and TV presenter, actor, DJ
marital status: Not maried

A native of Minsk, Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend, who lives with him after the death of Zhanna Friske, were embroiled in a scandalous story that continues into 2017.

Civil husband went abroad, taking his son with him famous singer shortly before the tragedy. According to the relatives of the late Russian pop star, Dmitry took a huge amount with him and kidnapped the child. It also became known that new girlfriend Ksenia went to rest with Shepelev.

Relatives of Zhanna Friske believe that he acted immorally, tarnishing the memory of their daughter. But, despite all the statements in the press and rumors, Dmitry could not be held criminally liable. He provided irrefutable evidence that he acted within the law, fulfilling the last will of the singer and protecting the interests of her child.

Biography of the "fugitive"

Dmitry Shepelev was born on January 25, 1983 in a family that had nothing to do with show business. From childhood, he was actively fond of sports, visiting tennis sections and swimming pools. In the field of sports, he has achieved great success, entering the top ten junior tennis players in Belarus.

After graduating from high school, immediately after the ninth grade, an ambitious and self-confident young man entered the faculty of journalism on a state basis. Studying did not prevent Dmitry from earning a living using his talents.

Shepelev got a job working for a TV channel and regularly broadcast on Alfa Radio as a DJ. But, after some time, he was invited to work at the Unistar radio station, where he stayed much longer.

In 2004, Dmitry Shepelev, who works for ONT, accepted an invitation from another, beloved channel, M1. He was called to lead morning broadcast Guten Morgen. Not wanting to leave his favorite radio station, Dmitry “chased two birds with one stone” for a very long time, working as a presenter on both radio and television stations in different countries.

He had to fly regularly from Minsk to Kiev to delight the audience and listeners with his unique performances.

In 2008, tired of rushing between the two countries, Dmitry Shepelev decided to move to live in Kiev. The reason was the invitation to take part in the show "Star Factory-2" as a host. And after the end of the project, the young man immediately accepted an offer from Novy Kanal to act in the same role in two programs - “You play or you don’t play” and “Star Karaoke”.

Upon completion of work in projects, in 2012 Shepelev easily switched to the Inter channel as the second host of the Red or Black show. And a year later, he appears as the face of the Summer Kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev program, where he shows his new talents and charms housewives who are fond of cooking.

In parallel with this project, he acts as a host in an interesting music show"One Family" where several families compete for a nice monetary reward, showing their talents in the field of music.

Love story

Rumors and scandals accompanied the relationship between Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev from the very beginning. In August 2011, journalists first tried to tell celebrity fans about the creation of a new couple among the stars. But the public accepted this news, as another way to increase the popularity of the singer.

But six months later, journalists published pictures in which the couple spent time on a joint vacation in Miami.
Despite all the facts, Zhanna and Dmitry continued to prove that they were just friends. And in May 2012, they were again noticed at a joint SPA procedure.

A little later, the first rumors appeared that the wedding date had already been set: 12/12/12. Trying to explain the secrecy of idols, the fans decided that Friske was pregnant and did not want to advertise her position. And in July, everything turned upside down when the singer and presenter appeared at the film festival separately. As Friske commented on this situation, the couple broke up at that time. But the quarrel did not last long. A few days passed and Zhanna refused a lucrative contract with MTV for the sake of a joint holiday in Italy with Shepelev.

The birth of a son

Rumors that appeared in the first half of 2012 about Zhanna Friske's pregnancy resumed in November of the same year. And only a month later, Dmitry Malikov confirmed that the singer was in her 5th month, which is why she postponed joint work at a later date, when he can recover from childbirth.

Shortly before the New Year, one of the members of the film crew blue light told reporters that Zhanna was not pregnant from Shepelev.

The source of information believed that the baby's father was a businessman associated with crime. But in April 2013, all the rumors subsided, because the singer gave birth in Miami, and Shepelev was recorded in the "Paternity" column.

True, until the death of the singer, the couple did not sign, which caused a lot of disputes and litigation between Friske's relatives and her common-law husband.

Circumstances of what happened

After the terrible tragedy in June 2015, when Zhanna Friske died of brain cancer, Dmitry Shepelev immediately left the country.

He justified his behavior and absence at the funeral by the fact that he was fulfilling the will of the deceased common-law wife. Before her death, Zhanna gave Shepelev custody of their son Plato and asked him to take the child away and protect him from pain. The boy did not have to see his mother die and attend the funeral.

Despite the condemnation of Friske's relatives and friends, Dmitry Shepelev, his new girlfriend after Zhanna and son Plato went on an exciting journey.

When the newly appeared married couple returned, it turned out that even before the death of his common-law wife, the presenter began dating her friend and beautician - Ksenia Stepanova.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna do not hide their relationship and post photos of a family of three on the network, including the son of the deceased singer. The nanny who replaced dad while he was at work was also fired. Now he does not need the help of strangers who will raise the child Friske.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna live together in the house of the newly-minted guardian Plato.

Ksenia became a mother for the boy, replacing his real mother. She tries to accept Active participation in the life and upbringing of the child. This behavior upsets Friske's relatives and causes a lot of talk on this topic. But under the law there are no prohibitions on bringing into the house new woman who can accept and understand the child.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend, cosmetologist Oksana Stepanova, support the policy pursued by her lover. She does not answer the phone calls of Friske's relatives and does not contact them. Dmitry and Oksana do not want the son of the famous singer Plato to communicate with people who can cause him moral injury.

Failed meeting

Zhanna Friske's parents turned to the guardianship and guardianship authorities for help in order to defend their rights as grandparents. In response, they received an official statement that Dmitry, as the sole and official guardian of Plato, independently decides who is allowed and who is forbidden to see the child. If, according to Shepelev, meeting with relatives can harm mental health boy, he has the right to refuse them a meeting.

Some time later, Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend agreed to organize a meeting of Plato with relatives from outside ex-wife but only on their terms. Grandparents can contact their grandson on the territory of the child's residence and only in the presence of a security guard who, if necessary, will interrupt unwanted communication.

At the same time, Dmitry urges not to raise the issue of his own mother and her death in front of the child.
The parents of Zhanna Friske, outraged by this decision, told Dmitry that their grandson must know the truth. But, according to the father and guardian of the child, in this case there will be no meeting with Plato. Therefore, in order to finally see their grandson, the grandparents agreed to the terms of the boy's guardian. They love Plato very much and miss him, so they agree to any conditions, just to see the child.

Whether the meeting will take place is up to Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend, who appeared after Zhanna Friske. On the this moment it is constantly transferred, and the reasons and arguments are not put on display before the public.


The desire to see the grandson is not the only reason for disputes between the relatives of Friske and Shepelev. A huge amount of 68,000,000 rubles was collected for the treatment of the singer.

She was able to undergo the most difficult operation in America, as well as travel around the world, restoring her health. Unfortunately, it didn't help. And after the death of Jeanne, most of the remaining money mysteriously evaporated.

Jeanne's parents still lead litigation with Shepelev

Friske's parents blamed Shepelev for the incident. But Dmitry staunchly denied what happened, in the end, evidence was found that the patient's mother disposed of the money. Based on this, Rusfond won the court and ordered the older generation to pay every penny.

Also, during the proceedings, Dmitry Shepelev was already twice tried to deprive him of paternity. The first time it was lawyer Yuri Gashchin from Kostroma, who was a sperm donor. He believed that there were chances of a celebrity pregnancy from his hereditary material. But after the statement of Plato's guardian that the grandparents would see their grandson when Gashchin stopped his attempts to sue his son, the statement of the Kostroma lawyer was quickly withdrawn.

But soon it began new attempt. Now it has been announced that Plato's father is Shepelev's predecessor. There is no evidence or refutation of this fact yet. Therefore, Dmitry Shepelev with his son and new girlfriend continue to hold the siege.

Zhanna Friske - rare interesting facts

The girl took the surname Friske with the beginning of her career in the "Brilliant" group. Friske is the surname of the singer's paternal grandmother. Subsequently, the artist's relatives also took the surname Friske.
The producer of the group "Brilliant" Andrei Grozny, having met Zhanna Friske, first invited her to become a choreography project consultant, and then asked her to join the team.
In 2004 and 2005, Zhana Friske played the role of the "dark" Alisa Donnikova in the blockbusters Night Watch and Day Watch. For her role in Day Watch, the singer received the MTV Russia Movie Awards 2006 in the Best Actress nomination.
In 2007, at the Muz-TV award, Zhanna Friske won a triple victory, receiving awards in three categories: “Best Performer”, “ Best video"And" The Best Duet "(for the song" Malinki "together with the group" Disco Crash ").
Became the father of the child civil husband singers, showman and TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev.
Zhanna Friske transferred part of the funds raised to the treatment of children suffering from cancer.
At the same time, the animal caused unrest, so the star herself began to leave him various sweets. The singer's favorite delicacy was "Kiev Cake".
Jeanne had a twin brother, they were born seven months old, but he died at birth.
She studied at the choreography department of the Moscow Institute of Culture, then at the correspondence department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, but she never graduated from both educational institutions.
She worked as a sales manager in a company that traded office furniture.
After Zhanna left the Brilliant group, her place in the team was taken by younger sister Natalya Friske.

Vladimir Friske said that Dmitry Shepelev now lives with Ksenia Stepanova, who was a makeup artist and friend of his daughter. It is she who brings up the son of the singer.

While Zhanna Friske's parents are mired in lawsuits from Rusfond, Dmitry Shepelev seems to be getting better. He not only got a prestigious job on the main channel of the country, but also arranged a personal life. According to Vladimir Friske, for this reason, the TV presenter said goodbye to the nanny. Now another woman is looking after four-year-old Plato.

Dmitry Shepelev himself did not hide the fact that after the death of Zhanna, the only person who supported him was Ksenia Stepanova. In the past, the woman worked as Jeanne's personal beautician and was her friend. When Friske fell ill, she was nearby and after the death of the singer did not stop communicating with her loved ones.

A week ago, the next, third meeting of the Friske family with Plato was to take place, but it was canceled due to the boy's illness.

« Then I found out that Dima still fired the nanny, - Jeanne's dad told StarHit. - Before that, something stopped him every time, because someone should look after the child while he is at work. And now Ksyusha Stepanova appeared in Dima's life. I suspect that they became friends, even when Zhanna was sick. Otherwise, who pulled out documents from her daughter, on which fake signatures subsequently appeared?»

In one interview, Shepelev confessed his love for Xenia, calling her a "gentle savior." " Previously, Ksyusha just came to visit Plato- said Vladimir Borisovich. - Later, I learned that he and Dima became so close that they flew to Greece with their grandson. And now Stepanova has completely moved to him. I call her all the time, but she never picks up the phone. Olya Orlova also tried to get in touch with her, but also to no avail. It turns out that Ksenia replaced Plato and her own, and godmother. Okay, so be it! But why limit communication and ignore relatives?” complained Vladimir Friske.

« Although last date I was so shocked with Plato that I don’t even know what to do now ... The grandson then asked: “Grandfather, where is the money, where is the house?” He is being turned against us. I don't think anything will help us.”, concluded the father of Zhanna Friske.

Recently, sensational facts from the personal life of the legendary actor Ivan Krasko were revealed on the air of the “Actually” program. Allegedly, the 88-year-old artist had a new young lover, Yulia, who was beaten by the legal wife of Ivan Ivanovich Natalya. Of course the fans People's Artist were shocked by this turn of events. They did not believe in the sincerity of Yulia's feelings, declaring that she was ready to have children from Krasko and brighten up his old age.

Soon, Ivan Ivanovich himself got in touch with reporters, saying that everything that happens on the show is a pre-prepared script that does not suit him at all.

“They also need to come up with plots, although these plot lines are absolutely not peculiar to me. Such a fool that there is nowhere else to go. Of course, they began to tell me that, they say, they paid the same. And I answer: “Yes, instead of serials, I have this show.” Of course, I did not know this Julia before filming. Absolutely. They imposed this Yulia on me, supposedly she is my beloved. I saw her before the show, when we had to make sub-pictures for the transfer. Then I was asked to be gentler with her, ”the artist admitted.

Ivan Ivanovich noted that Yulia, who was recorded as his mistress, had nothing to do with him. On the air of the show, the girl stated that she was a longtime fan of the actor, but in fact, she had nothing to do with the theater and creative activity Krasko.

Now the artist is extremely offended by the way he was treated. He warned the editors of the program in advance that he would expose them and would no longer participate in the filming.

“I didn’t watch the last episode and didn’t participate. I refused to act, said that I had nothing to do there. This Yulia was imposed on me, ”the artist emphasized.

Yulia Kichemasova herself is ready to share revelations about the shooting only if she is paid a decent amount. According to the girl, she went all out on the set of the program "Actually" on full program but never received the promised fee.

But Natalya Krasko has so far refrained from commenting on scandalous story. Earlier, the girl noted that in her relationship with Ivan Ivanovich, everything is not so simple, and, perhaps, it could come to a divorce. However, while "KP" does not report how events are developing in the family of the famous artist. Krasko himself is determined to stop filming in the sensational program, because they negatively affect his reputation.

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