Avitaminosis causes and consequences. The main reasons for the development of beriberi. Reddened and watery eyes

Avitaminosis is a lack of one or more vitamins in the body. The degree of development of beriberi can manifest itself in different ways, ranging from brittle nails to serious diseases. Normally, a healthy person with a varied diet should receive a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements, acids and fats. If nutrition is disturbed or the body for some reason does not absorb the proper dose of nutrients, a critical lack of vitamins occurs. Today we will talk about beriberi - its manifestations, causes of development and methods of treatment.

How to recognize avitaminosis

Symptoms of beriberi are very extensive and varied. Depending on the lack of a particular element, vitamin deficiency can manifest itself with the following symptoms.

  1. Vitamin C is very important for human immunity. If the body is deficient in vitamin C, the skin becomes gray, loses its natural glow and elasticity. A person often feels overwhelmed and lethargic, his performance decreases, the patient feels pain in the muscles. With a critical lack of vitamin C, the gums begin to bleed, the teeth may begin to stagger. With a lack of ascorbic acid, you can notice a decrease in immunity and an exacerbation of many chronic diseases. One of the most dangerous manifestations of vitamin C deficiency is scurvy. The disease was widespread in the Middle Ages, it usually affected seafarers and people besieged in fortresses. The disease is manifested by dizziness, pain in the muscles and joints, severe drowsiness, salivation, pale skin, changes in the structure of the gums. Vitamin C deficiency is very dangerous and can even lead to death.
  2. Vitamin B1 is responsible for the psycho-emotional health of a person. With a lack of this vitamin, the patient often feels crushed and irritated, his speech and memory are disturbed, the level of intelligence decreases, tearfulness appears, and performance drops significantly. In some cases, vitamin B1 deficiency leads to disruption of the internal organs - constipation or diarrhea appears, the liver enlarges, pressure decreases, pains appear in the stomach and heart.
  3. Vitamin A. With a deficiency of this substance, the body begins to slowly fade. The skin becomes dry and gray, begins to peel off, folds and wrinkles appear. The lack of vitamin A in the body is immediately noticed by women - they see how the condition of the skin and face deteriorates. In many cases, a lack of vitamin A leads to a deterioration in vision - its sharpness decreases, especially at dusk. The patient may feel that the eyes have become dry, as if wearing contact lenses. A lack of vitamin A can lead to depression, stress, neurosis, memory impairment, and insomnia.
  4. Vitamin K is essential for maintaining the integrity and elasticity of blood vessels. With a lack of vitamin K, the patient is prone to the development of various bleeding - from the gums, wounds, nose, in the internal organs. With a deficiency of vitamin K, hematomas appear on the skin even from a slight blow or push.
  5. Vitamin E is considered the main female vitamin, since its deficiency very quickly affects the appearance and gynecological health. Vitamin E deficiency is manifested by a lack of sexual desire - both in men and women. Moreover, a person can become whiny, irritable, muscles become weak, often numb. With a lack of tocopherol, the skin becomes dry, wrinkled, pigment spots form on the surface. For a woman, a small amount of vitamin E in the body is dangerous because it becomes difficult for her to become pregnant and bear a child.
  6. Vitamin B2 is responsible for many processes in the human body. With its lack, the oral mucosa often becomes inflamed, the sensitivity of the skin decreases, vision deteriorates, hair falls out, cracks and wounds may appear in the corners of the mouth. With a deficiency of riboflavin, the general condition of the patient worsens, he becomes weak and apathetic, loses appetite and weight. In some cases, dermatological diseases may worsen.
  7. Vitamin RR. With its deficiency, diarrhea, frequent heartburn, nausea, poor appetite, and muscle pain occur. The person becomes lethargic and gets tired very quickly. One of the most terrible consequences of a lack of nicotinic acid in the body is the disease Pellagra. It is caused by extensive symptoms - ranging from brittle nails and hair, ending with baldness, the appearance of spots on the skin, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and even paralysis.
  8. Vitamin D. It is responsible for the integrity of bone tissue and the absorption of calcium. With vitamin D deficiency, bones become brittle, brittle, and soft. The lack of this vitamin leads to muscle and joint pain, obesity, a significant decrease in immunity. Moreover, there are symptoms such as irritability, aggression or apathy, tearfulness, weakness, fatigue, stress, and an unstable nervous state.

We have outlined the symptoms of deficiency of essential vitamins. But how does avitaminosis develop? What could be the reason for this?

What leads to the development of avitaminosis

Here are the main factors that can cause beriberi.

  1. Very often, beriberi develops if the necessary elements do not enter the body along with nutrition. Such a deficiency can occur when following strict diets in an effort to lose weight. Weight loss should be competent and eating only buckwheat or kefir alone will not make you slimmer, but will lead to serious and even dangerous consequences. Mono-diets are one of the main causes of beriberi. When losing weight, the diet should be compiled by a specialist.
  2. Often, beriberi develops when eating fast food and junk food, when the body does not get enough fresh vegetables, berries and fruits.
  3. Avitaminosis often develops in third world countries, when it is not possible to eat normally. In ancient times, beriberi and diseases associated with it were a frequent companion of people in the siege and blockade.
  4. In some cases, the cause of beriberi may be taking anti-weight loss drugs. They cause vomiting or interfere with the absorption of foods.
  5. Prolonged intake of sorbents can also be the cause of beriberi, since the sorbent, entering the intestine, absorbs not only toxins, but also vitamins, and then is excreted from the body naturally.
  6. Avitaminosis can be a consequence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the absorption of products is impaired. Most often this is observed with dysbacteriosis, when the microflora is suppressed - there are no beneficial bacteria in the intestines that are necessary for the synthesis of vitamins.
  7. Children and the elderly are at risk, because their metabolism is imperfect - the children's metabolism is only getting better, and the senile one begins to falter.
  8. Very often, vitamin deficiency develops during pregnancy and lactation. Indeed, at this time, all the useful elements are necessary for the consumption of the needs of the baby, and food often remains just as meager, not designed for two. That is why pregnant and lactating women so often lose their hair, break their nails, and peel off their skin.
  9. Antibiotics and drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis can also cause beriberi.
  10. Vitamin deficiency in urban residents is observed in winter and spring, when the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits is sharply reduced.

Knowing about the main causes of beriberi, in many cases, you can protect yourself from this pathological condition. But what to do if vitamin deficiency is diagnosed in a child?

Features of the course of beriberi in a child

Vitamin deficiency in children can be observed for various reasons. It most often occurs in premature babies. The gastrointestinal tract of the child is characterized by immaturity, the baby's body simply does not know how to absorb some vitamins. In this case, it is very important to feed the premature baby with mother's milk. If this is not possible, the mixture chosen must be of good quality, so that it contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Avitaminosis can also develop due to the late introduction of complementary foods. The fact is that a child after six months of age needs additional nutrition, since mother's milk can no longer satisfy the needs of a grown organism.

Avitaminosis in newborns may be the result of insufficient or unbalanced nutrition of the mother during pregnancy. Transferred viruses and infectious diseases can also be a prerequisite for beriberi in a baby.

Most often in children of the first year of life there is a deficiency of vitamin D. Its deficiency can be the cause of rickets. As a result - curvature of the legs, an increase in the skull and chest, weakness of the limbs and late independent walking. You can avoid this, because we get vitamin D not with food, but with the help of sunlight. The vitamin is synthesized in human skin under ultraviolet light. To treat vitamin D deficiency, you need to walk more with your child in the sun. Moreover, you need to walk in the morning, the vitamin is absorbed only until 11 o'clock in the afternoon. It is not at all necessary to expose the newborn baby to direct sunlight - leave the child in the shade, the reflected rays have the same effect.

In most cases, people who have signs of vitamin deficiency try to buy a multivitamin complex, which, in their opinion, will protect them from all diseases. However, it is not. Drinking multivitamin complexes without a doctor's prescription is undesirable and even dangerous. After all, an excess of one or another vitamin in the body can also lead to disease. It is best to take tests and consult a doctor who will prescribe you the necessary drugs. In other cases, you can get rid of beriberi with the help of nutrition - a balanced, varied, healthy one. Every day in the diet should be cereals, meat, fruits, vegetables, herbs and dairy products. And you need to alternate everything. If today you ate buckwheat, tomorrow you need to add barley to the diet, the day after tomorrow - rice, etc. If today there was beef in the meat diet, tomorrow you need to eat fish, the day after tomorrow give preference to chicken. This alternation will allow you to achieve diversity. To make up for the deficiency of a particular vitamin, you need to know what foods contain it.

  1. Vitamin A - carrots, butter, beef liver, egg yolks.
  2. Vitamin PP - milk and dairy products, green peas, fish, buckwheat, rye bread, fish, pumpkin, tomatoes.
  3. Vitamin E - vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, beans, cereals.
  4. Vitamin C - citruses, kiwi, sauerkraut, cranberries, sea buckthorn, apples.
  5. Vitamin B2 - broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, dill, bell pepper.
  6. Vitamin B1 - wheat bran, buckwheat, beans, peas, soybeans.
  7. Vitamin D - fish oil, salmon, butter, red caviar, liver.

Knowing about the lack of a particular vitamin, you can enhance your nutrition with certain foods that will help get rid of the deficiency and defeat beriberi.

To prevent the development of beriberi, you need to monitor the quality of your diet. Eat vegetables and fruits in season, accumulate vitamins for the long winter and spring. In the cold season, give preference to nuts and dried fruits. Drink decoctions of medicinal herbs, freeze berries and fruits - when frozen, they retain most of the nutrients. Take care of your skin with moisturizing creams and lotions, because dry epidermis is a risk of cracks and open wounds. In addition to nutrition, you need to pay more attention to walking in the fresh air, giving up bad habits. In winter and spring, you can drink multivitamin complexes, but only after consulting a doctor. Take care of your body, because its health largely depends on your diet and lifestyle.

Video: how to overcome beriberi


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

What is avitaminosis?

Avitaminosis- this is a condition in which the body has a deficiency or complete absence of one or another vitamin.
Complete or partial vitamin deficiency is common. According to statistics, from 30 to 80 percent of the population of the Russian Federation suffers from a constant lack of ascorbic acid and folic acid, as well as vitamins B1, B2 and B6. The most frequently diagnosed deficiency is vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which is experienced by about 70 percent of Russians. An insufficient amount of vitamin E was found in 60 percent of the subjects. More than half of pregnant women suffer from a lack of vitamin B9 (folic acid), and almost all expectant mothers experience vitamin B6 deficiency.

Vitamin deficiency is a common pathology in other countries. For example, 60 percent of Germans have a lack of vitamin D. Two-thirds of the Canadian population suffers from the same problem. In the United States of America, about 13 percent of deaths are due to a lack of this vitamin. In Europe, this figure is slightly less. Vitamin D deficiency causes about 9 percent of the population to die.
Gender is a significant factor in certain vitamin deficiencies. So, the lack of vitamin B2 in most cases occurs in females. It affects every 5 girls aged 11 to 18 years and every 8 older women.

Interesting Facts
Separate forms of beriberi have been known to medicine since antiquity. More sailors died from a deficiency of ascorbic acid than during naval battles and shipwrecks. Such famous navigators as Ferdinand Magellan and Vasco da Gama faced this disease. The development of scurvy (the highest degree of vitamin C deficiency) was facilitated by the peculiarities of the diet of sailors, in which there were no fresh vegetables and fruits, but crackers and salted meat prevailed. For a long time, doctors could not establish a connection between this disease and the nutritional habits of sick people. In 1536, the French navigator Jacques Cartier spent the winter in Canada and over 100 of his crew fell ill with scurvy. The sick French were saved by local Indians, who offered them water infused with pine needles for treatment. Pine needles are still used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of vitamin C deficiency. The first to treat scurvy with fresh fruits and vegetables was a doctor from Scotland, James Lind. The physician found that the fastest recovery occurs if the patients are fed oranges and lemons.

Another problem seafarers faced was beriberi disease. This disease is a consequence of the lack of vitamin B1 in the diet. Japanese sailors, whose menu consisted mainly of rice, were especially deficient in this vitamin. The first to fight this problem was Admiral Baron Takaki, who diversified the diet of crew members of sea vessels. 3 years later, the example of the Japanese was followed by the Norwegian fleet. Rye crackers were replaced with wheat bread, and instead of margarine they began to give out natural butter. This has significantly reduced the incidence of beriberi.
Another type of vitamin deficiency, which was known in ancient Egypt, is the lack of retinol (vitamin A). One of the manifestations of this condition is night blindness (problems with vision in the dark). Hippocrates, the father of medicine, treated patients suffering from night blindness with raw liver.

Causes of beriberi A, E, PP and C

The development of beriberi contributes to a complex of causes of internal and external nature. The main circumstance that provokes this phenomenon is insufficient provision of the body with vitamins. Also, beriberi may be the result of a disturbed process of production or absorption of vitamins. The specificity of the causes of beriberi is determined by the type of vitamin that the body lacks.

Causes of beriberi A (retinol)

Lack of vitamin A can be triggered by an unbalanced diet, as this element enters the body together with food. Another factor that contributes to beriberi A is its poor absorption in the body.

The reasons for poor absorption of retinol are:

  • insufficient amount of fat;
  • lack of tocopherol and zinc in the body;
  • bad habits;
  • various diseases.
Not enough fat
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and the body needs fats to fully absorb it. Under all conditions, reserves of this element are formed in the liver. This allows the body to function for some time without the intake of the vitamin. Insufficient inclusion of fats in the diet leads to the fact that the vitamin is not absorbed and deposited in the liver, which provokes beriberi A.

Lack of tocopherol and zinc in the body
For the full absorption of retinol, the body needs tocopherol and zinc. In the absence of these elements, the absorption of vitamin A is disrupted.

Bad habits
The use of products containing tobacco or alcohol leads to a decrease in the functionality of the liver. The deterioration of the work of this organ inhibits the absorption of vitamin A.

Various diseases
There are a number of diseases in which the body's ability to absorb fat is impaired.

Diseases that can provoke beriberi A are:

  • syndrome of insufficient absorption (a set of symptoms in which the absorption of vitamins worsens);
  • hepatitis (inflammatory liver disease);
  • violation of the motility of the gallbladder (a pathology in which the outflow of bile is disturbed);
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach (defects in the gastric mucosa).

Causes of beriberi E (tocopherol)

Tocopherol deficiency may develop due to the patient's diet or the presence of certain diseases.

Factors that contribute to beriberi E are:

  • poor supply of the body with a vitamin;
  • adherence to strict diets;
  • violations of the outflow of bile;
  • other diseases.
Poor vitamin supply
Vitamin E deficiency can be caused by inadequate dietary intake. This element is found only in herbal products. Therefore, a small amount of cereals and leafy vegetables in the diet can cause beriberi E. Because of this, tocopherol deficiency is often found in residents of economically developed countries, whose diet is dominated by animal products.

Following strict diets
A common cause of tocopherol deficiency is the adherence to various diets that involve the restriction or complete rejection of vegetable and / or animal fats. The lack of lipids (fats) in the diet leads to the fact that vitamin E is not absorbed well enough and its deficiency develops.
Another factor due to which diets contribute to vitamin deficiency of this vitamin is dramatic weight loss. Since tocopherol accumulates in the adipose tissue of the body, its reserves are depleted during weight loss. Also, with a sharp loss of kilograms, a large amount of cholesterol is released due to the breakdown of fats. Cholesterol impairs liver function, and tocopherol begins to be absorbed worse.

Violation of the outflow of bile
Entering the body, vitamin E, together with fats, is emulsified by bile, which ensures its normal absorption. In pathological conditions that are associated with a deterioration in the outflow of bile, the process of absorption of tocopherol is disturbed.

Diseases that provoke vitamin E deficiency are:

  • cholelithiasis (the formation of hard stones in the gallbladder and / or ducts of this organ);
  • pancreatitis (inflammatory lesion of the pancreas);
  • cholecystitis (infectious disease of the gallbladder);
  • hepatitis (inflammatory damage to the tissue structures of the liver);
  • liver failure (decrease in one or more liver functions);
  • cirrhosis of the liver (pathological changes in the structure of the liver).
Other diseases
The lack of tocopherol may be associated with pathologies of the digestive system, in which the ability of the intestine to absorb this vitamin is reduced. Diseases such as Crohn's disease (inflammatory lesions of the digestive tract mucosa), intestinal diverticula (protrusions of the intestinal walls), and celiac disease (protein intolerance) can lead to a critical amount of vitamin E.
In some diseases of the genital area, the body's need for this element increases, and if it is insufficiently supplied, vitamin deficiency E may develop.
An increased consumption of this vitamin is also observed with dysfunction of the nervous system and a number of skin diseases.

Causes of beriberi PP (nicotinic acid)

Deficiency of nicotinic acid can be caused by a number of diseases or features of the treatment. For the full assimilation of this vitamin, the participation of a number of elements is necessary, and if they are insufficient, vitamin deficiency RR may also develop. Often the cause of the lack of nicotinic acid is the peculiarities of the diet.

Factors that provoke vitamin deficiency RR are:

  • nutritional deficit;
  • decrease in the absorption function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Hartnup's disease.
Nutritional deficit
A person receives vitamin PP along with food. Also, this element is synthesized by the body from an essential amino acid called tryptophan. Therefore, a deficiency can develop both due to insufficient intake of nicotinic acid and tryptophan. Most often, nutritional deficiency of vitamin PP occurs in regions where a large amount of corn products is consumed. This is due to the fact that nicotinic acid is presented in the composition of this cereal crop in a form that is difficult to digest, and very little tryptophan is contained.
The conversion of tryptophan to niacin (nicotinic acid) requires the presence of vitamin B6 and copper. Therefore, if the diet is poor in these elements, the process of nicotinic acid synthesis is inhibited and its deficiency develops.

Decreased absorption of the gastrointestinal tract
With insufficient absorption function of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, the absorption of nicotinic acid worsens.

Pathologies that contribute to vitamin deficiency PP are:

  • chronic enteritis (pathological change in the structure of the small intestine mucosa due to inflammation);
  • chronic gastroenteritis (joint inflammation of the stomach and jejunum);
  • resection of the jejunum (complete or partial removal of this organ);
  • intestinal tuberculosis (chronic infection);
  • dysentery (infectious disease).
Hartnup disease
This disease is a hereditary pathology. Hartnup's disease is characterized by impaired metabolism of a number of amino acids, including tryptophan. Patients with this disease do not produce nicotinic acid, which leads to its deficiency.

Causes of beriberi C (ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C deficiency can be caused by one or more factors.

The causes of beriberi C are:

  • inadequate diet;
  • violation of the functionality of some organs.
Inadequate diet
Vitamin C is not produced in the human body and comes from the outside along with food. Most often, vitamin deficiency develops during a period when the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is significantly reduced.
Ascorbic acid is distinguished by its instability. This vitamin is destroyed by heat treatment and exposure to sunlight. Therefore, a lack of vitamin can be triggered by the peculiarities of the diet, which limits the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables.

Tobacco products contain substances that destroy ascorbic acid. Therefore, in persons who systematically use tobacco products, the need for this vitamin increases by 2 times. In the absence of a full supply of ascorbic acid, a shortage of this element develops.

Intoxication (poisoning)
When a poisonous substance enters the body, vitamin C begins to be consumed in increased doses. This happens because ascorbic acid is involved in the formation of the conditions necessary for the normal functionality of internal organs in case of poisoning. Therefore, in case of intoxication with industrial poisons, heavy metals or drugs, the consumption of vitamin C increases significantly. This can lead to its critical content in the body.

Violation of the functionality of some organs
Ascorbic acid is absorbed in the jejunum. Pathological disorders in the structure of this organ inhibit the process of assimilation of vitamin C. Thus, beriberi C can develop with enteritis (atrophy of the intestinal mucosa), ulcers (damage to the mucous membranes) and other inflammatory lesions. Often, ascorbic acid deficiency develops in patients with achilia (a disease in which the composition of gastric juice is disturbed).
With a number of certain diseases, the body's need for vitamin C increases. In the case of a protracted course of the disease and in the absence of the required amount of ascorbic acid, there is a lack of this vitamin.

Diseases in which vitamin C deficiency develops are:

  • burn disease(damage to the skin and tissues due to thermal exposure). Ascorbic acid takes part in the regeneration of damaged areas, therefore it is consumed by the body in an increased amount.
  • state of shock(reaction to severe stress or trauma). Vitamin C is used by the body to restore lost functions.
  • Oncological diseases(degeneration of epithelial cells into malignant formations). Vitamin deficiency is provoked by both pathological processes in the body and the treatment for such diseases.

Causes of vitamin B deficiency

The B group of vitamins is very numerous and contains more than 20 vitamins.

The most common types of B vitamin deficiencies are:

  • avitaminosis B1 (thiamine);
  • avitaminosis B2 (riboflavin);
  • avitaminosis B5 (pantothenic acid);
  • avitaminosis B6 (pyridoxine);
  • avitaminosis B9 (folic acid);
  • avitaminosis B12 (cyanocobalamin).

Causes of beriberi B1 (thiamine)

Thiamine deficiency can develop due to inadequate provision of the body with this element or with an inadequate absorption process. In some situations, the body's need for this vitamin increases, which can also provoke its shortage.

Insufficient intake of vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 is part of the products of plant and animal origin. Especially a lot of it in everyday products (bread, meat, cereals). Therefore, thiamine deficiency due to an unbalanced diet is rare. Sometimes avitaminosis B1 can be the result of long-term consumption of carbohydrates with insufficient amounts of protein food.

Violation of the absorption process
Some substances can have a negative effect on the absorption of vitamin B1. Such elements can be contained in food products, drinks or medicines.

Violates the absorption of thiamine the following products:

  • alcohol and tobacco products;
  • coffee and other caffeinated products;
  • products with a high concentration of citric acid;
  • dishes that contain raw fish;
  • vitamin B6 (inhibits the transition of thiamine into active forms);
  • antibiotics (loses properties of both vitamin B1 and drugs).
Increasing need for vitamin B1
The need for thiamine increases with incompetence of the gastrointestinal tract, acute and chronic infections, diabetes mellitus. The need for this element increases after surgical operations and in stressful situations.

Causes of beriberi B2 (riboflavin)

The reasons that cause a lack of riboflavin include some features of the diet, leading to a reduction in the amount of vitamin supplied with food. With high doses of physical activity and a number of other factors, the need for this element increases, which also causes its deficiency. Some diseases or taking medications can also provoke avitaminosis B2.

Factors that provoke avitaminosis B2 are:

  • features of the diet;
  • an increase in the daily intake of a vitamin;
  • taking antagonist drugs (weakening the effect of riboflavin);
  • disorders of the digestive process.
Features of the diet
Insufficient consumption of dairy, meat and fish products can cause avitaminosis B2. Often a deficiency of this element is diagnosed in supporters of a vegetarian diet. Intensive consumption of products from purified (refined) wheat flour also contributes to the formation of riboflavin deficiency.

During processing and cooking, the amount of B2 in foods may decrease. Compared to other vitamins, B2 is quite resistant to thermal effects, but quickly loses its properties under the influence of light. So, in milk, left even for a short time in the light, the amount of riboflavin is significantly reduced. Also, this vitamin can be destroyed if baking soda is added to the dish.

Increasing daily vitamin intake
The body's need for this vitamin increases with the systematic use of alcoholic products, since alcohol disrupts the absorption of riboflavin. The daily rate of B2 increases twice in women who take contraceptive oral contraceptives. Athletes and those people whose activities involve increased physical activity also need to increase the standard dose of riboflavin. A large consumption of vitamin B2 is associated with its participation in various metabolic processes.

Taking antagonist drugs (weakening the effect of riboflavin)
One of the pronounced riboflavin antagonists is quinacrine (a drug used to treat malaria, giardiasis, lupus erythematosus). Various antipsychotics (psychotropic drugs for the treatment of mental disorders) and tranquilizers (drugs that relieve tension and fatigue) block the action of vitamin B2.

Disorders of the digestive process
The failure of some organs, associated with a violation of the process of assimilation of food, leads to avitaminosis B2. Diseases that can cause a deficiency of this element include colitis (inflammatory lesions of the colon), enterocolitis (joint inflammation of the small and large intestines), peptic ulcer (defects in the gastric mucosa and / or duodenum).

Causes of beriberi B5 (pantothenic acid)

Vitamin B5 deficiency is rare. Among the factors that lead to the insufficiency of this element, one can note the long-term use of fast food and semi-finished products. Such products contain a small amount of complete fats and proteins, vitamin C and vitamin B1, which are necessary for the absorption of pantothenic acid.
Intestinal dysfunction, in which the absorption of nutrients and vitamins is impaired, can also lead to vitamin B5 deficiency. Stressful situations, difficult operations and increased physical activity provoke an increase in the need for pantothenic acid. If dietary intake does not cover the increased need for this element, its deficiency may develop.

Causes of beriberi B6 (pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 penetrates into the body in an endogenous and exogenous way. In the first case, pyridoxine is synthesized by the intestinal microflora, in the second case, it is supplied with food.

The causes of vitamin B6 deficiency are:

  • insufficient provision of the body with fiber;
  • frequent overexcitation of the nervous system;
  • therapy with certain drugs;
  • inhibition of the functions of the intestinal microflora.
During pregnancy, the production of estrogen in the female body increases. This hormone inhibits the function of pyridoxine. At the final stages of gestation, the need for this vitamin increases hundreds of times, which can cause beriberi.

Inadequate provision of the body with fiber
Nutritional deficiencies are rare as this vitamin is found in a wide group of foods. At the same time, with a small amount of plant fiber (vegetables, cereals) against the background of excessive consumption of protein foods (meat, fish), B6 ​​deficiency may develop. This happens because the intestines need a balanced intake of all elements to produce this vitamin.

Frequent overexcitation of the nervous system
Pyridoxine is involved in the production of the hormone serotonin, which regulates arousal and helps to resist stress. With frequent stressful situations, the synthesis of this hormone increases, and therefore the need for vitamin B6 becomes higher. Therefore, people who are often nervous can develop a deficiency of this element.

Therapy with certain drugs
Medications that inhibit the effects of pyridoxine include hormonal and contraceptives. Also, B6 blockers are antibiotics and medications for the treatment of tuberculosis.

Inhibition of the functions of the intestinal microflora
With dysbacteriosis (violation of the qualitative composition of the intestinal microflora), the production of vitamin B6 decreases. Also, with intestinal pathologies, the quality of absorption of pyridoxine, which comes with food, deteriorates.

Causes of beriberi B9 (folic acid)

Folic acid deficiency can be triggered by one or a combination of factors related to a person's lifestyle, food culture and food preparation. A lack of vitamin B9 can be a manifestation of certain diseases or a consequence of drug therapy.

Factors that provoke vitamin deficiency of folic acid are:

  • nutritional deficiency;
  • drug therapy;
  • increased body need for vitamin B9;
  • violation of the assimilation process;
Nutritional deficiencies
Inadequate intake of vitamin B9 from food is the root cause of the deficiency of this element. It is found in a large number of products of everyday consumption, but it is unstable and breaks down very quickly. So, folic acid is destroyed even at room temperature, and about 90 percent of this vitamin is lost during heat treatment. Such features of vitamin B9 contribute to the spread of alimentary folic acid deficiency.
Nutritional malnutrition is common among the poor due to the overconsumption of poor quality canned and processed foods.

Medical therapy
There are a number of drugs that suppress the function of folic acid. Some drugs form insoluble substances with B9, which are exported from the body naturally. There are also groups of drugs that reduce the concentration of folate (folic acid) in the blood or interfere with the process of their absorption in the intestine.
Thus, a deficiency of folic acid develops, despite its sufficient intake.

Drugs that can cause avitaminosis B9 are:

  • antacids (medicines designed to neutralize the hydrochloric acid of the stomach);
  • sulfonamides (a type of antibiotic);
  • anti-epilepsy drugs;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • corticosteroids (drugs to suppress inflammation in various diseases);
  • nitrofuran preparations (prescribed for diseases of the urogenital area);
  • cytostatics (antineoplastic agents).
Increased body's need for vitamin B9
The need for vitamin B9 increases when there is intensive tissue renewal. Especially a lot of folic acid is consumed by renewing tissues of the bone marrow and the epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Such phenomena are observed in oncological diseases of these organs, when the growth of new cells progresses. Also, the need for folic acid becomes higher with anemia (anemia), certain skin diseases, during the period of active growth and adolescents and young children. If the supply of the body does not cover the increased rate of folate, folate deficiency develops. By the same principle, there is a deficiency of vitamin B9 in pregnant women.

Violation of the assimilation process
Folic acid absorption is impaired in patients suffering from gastrointestinal disorders. For absorption in the intestines, vitamin B9 undergoes a transformation process with the help of the enzyme conjugase. In a number of diseases, the activity of this substance decreases or disappears, which is a favorable factor for the development of folic acid deficiency.

Diseases that provoke beriberi B9 are:

  • sprue (chronic violation of the process of assimilation of nutrients and vitamins);
  • chronic diarrhea (stool disorder);
  • Crohn's disease (chronic inflammation affecting the small and/or large intestine);
  • colitis (damage to the large intestine);
  • enteritis (disturbance of the functions of the small intestine due to inflammation).
The reason for the lack of folic acid is often the abuse of alcohol. This bad habit has a destructive effect not only on the processes of assimilation, but also on the supply of tissues with vitamin B9. Alcohol interferes with the participation of folic acid in metabolic processes and leads to a sharp decrease in the level of this element in the blood serum. As a result, in individuals who systematically consume alcohol more than normal, B9 deficiency can develop within a few weeks.

Causes of beriberi B12 (cobalamin)

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common pathology and can be congenital or acquired.

The following factors contribute to cobalamin deficiency:

  • alimentary insufficiency;
  • poor absorption of the vitamin by the body;
  • increased vitamin intake;
  • impaired metabolism (exchange) of the vitamin.
Nutritional insufficiency
The main source of vitamin B12 is animal products. Therefore, the reason for the insufficient supply of this element from the outside are strict vegetarian diets, which involve the rejection of not only meat, but also milk, eggs, and butter. Nutritional deficiency of this vitamin is also found in low-income segments of the population who consume a limited amount of meat products, replacing it with semi-finished products and other low-quality food products.

Poor absorption of the vitamin by the body
When the absorption process is disturbed, the body receives a sufficient amount of cobalamin, but it does not flow in adequate amounts from the intestines into the blood. For adequate assimilation of this element, an enzyme (Castle's intrinsic factor) is needed, which is synthesized by the mucous membranes of the stomach. With an insufficient amount of this substance, vitamin B12 entering the body is excreted from the intestines naturally. The reasons for the lack of internal factor of Castle can be congenital or acquired pathologies of the stomach. Various diseases of the small intestine can also negatively affect the process of assimilation of cobalamin.

The different types of beriberi include:

  • avitaminosis of vitamin A;
  • avitaminosis of vitamin E;
  • avitaminosis of vitamin C, popularly referred to as scurvy;
  • avitaminosis of B vitamins, includes avitaminosis of vitamin B1 (or beriberi disease), vitamin B2, vitamin B3 (or vitamin PP), vitamin B6;
  • avitaminosis of vitamin D;
  • avitaminosis of vitamin K.

Seasonal beriberi

Vitamin deficiency most often develops during transitional periods (autumn and spring). Therefore, one of the names of this pathology is seasonal beriberi. The most susceptible to this disorder are residents of the northern regions or people who live in areas with a pronounced continental climate.

Variants of beriberi, depending on seasonality, include:

  • autumn beriberi;
  • winter beriberi;
  • spring beriberi.

spring beriberi

The causes of spring beriberi are:
  • inadequate intake of vitamins;
  • depletion of vitamin reserves;
  • lack of sunlight.
Insufficient intake of vitamins
In early spring, fruits and vegetables grown in year-round greenhouses or imported from warm countries are eaten. Such products are characterized by high cost, which limits their use. Due to the peculiarities of the growing and storage process, the amount of vitamins in greenhouse or imported products is unsatisfactory. Therefore, in addition to the price, the disadvantage of such fruits and vegetables is their minimal nutritional value. All these factors lead to the fact that the supply of vitamins to the body from the outside is disturbed.

Vitamin depletion
During the winter period, fresh fruits and vegetables are replaced with canned products. During the preservation process, a significant amount of vitamins is destroyed, especially when using vinegar marinades. Insufficient intake of vitamins leads to the depletion of vitamin reserves, which is most pronounced in early spring.

Lack of sunlight
A large role in the development of spring beriberi is the lack of sunlight. Lack of sun provokes a deficiency of vitamin D, which stimulates the immune system. Reduced immunity leads to various diseases, against the background of which the body's need for vitamins increases.

Autumn beriberi

Autumn beriberi is associated with the adaptation of the body to the change of season. With the onset of autumn, people begin to spend less time outdoors due to weather conditions. The autumn period for many is associated with such events as the end of the vacation, the return to routine and ordinary life, the onset of the study period. The combination of physiological and mental circumstances provokes malfunctions of the body, which often lead to depression. A decrease in emotional tone implies an increase in the need for vitamins. The consumption of foods rich in vitamins decreases significantly in autumn. This, against the background of an increased need for vitamins, leads to vitamin deficiency.

Stages of beriberi

Vitamin deficiency can be of several degrees.

The degrees of vitamin deficiency are:

  • First degree- subclinical. At this stage, there are no clinical manifestations of vitamin deficiency and, accordingly, there are no complaints from the patient. The lack of a vitamin (or vitamins) can only be seen by laboratory tests.
  • Second degree- clinical. Manifested by both clinical and laboratory signs. It is also called the stage of hypovitaminosis, since the reserves of vitamins in the body are not completely depleted.
  • Third degree- actually avitaminosis. This is an extreme degree of vitamin deficiency, which is now recorded in third world countries. Also, this degree of vitamin deficiency occurs in people with chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
By origin, vitamin deficiencies are classified into endogenous and exogenous.

Exogenous beriberi

Exogenous or primary beriberi is caused by insufficient intake of the vitamin (or vitamins) in the body. As a rule, this is due to a lack of vitamins in food.

Endogenous beriberi

Endogenous or secondary beriberi is caused by inadequate absorption or digestion of vitamins by the body. Thus, there are enough vitamins in food, but the body for some reason (chronic diseases, congenital anomalies) does not absorb them. There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Sometimes, and especially in spring, we simply do not pay attention to the breakdown, bleeding gums, hair loss and other troubles. But they can be associated with a lack of some vitamins. Which ones? How to recognize vitamin deficiency and what to do?

Vitamins are the source of life

The word "vitamins" comes from the Latin vita, which means "life". Already by the name of these organic compounds it is clear that health and longevity depend on them. After all, vitamins are involved in the processes of assimilation of all nutrients. Thanks to them, the growth and restoration of cells and tissues occur. When we lack some vitamin, beriberi develops, which can lead to serious diseases.

However, most often a weakened body lacks several vitamins at once, and this condition is called polyavitaminosis. This is reflected in the appearance, mental reactions and health in general. All the vitamins we need are found in nature, in medicinal plants and in the foods we eat. So, in order to get them, you must first of all balance the diet. If vitamin deficiency still does not recede, the attending physician will prescribe pharmaceutical preparations for you. Scientists designate vitamins with capital letters of the Latin alphabet. What exactly happens when we lack these substances?

Vitamin A deficiency

What does a person look like who has been deficient in vitamin A since birth? He is short in stature (from 150 to 160 cm), slumped shoulders, a heavy look from under his brows, directed mainly to the ground, under his feet. With mental stress, deep horizontal wrinkles form on the dry skin of the forehead (regardless of age). The skin on the face is pale grayish, with dark spots of dry acne, which sometimes become inflamed. The eyelids are often inflamed, 2-3 times a year dotted with barley. Lips with a bright red border, very dry. It even comes to cracks that bleed in the morning. The hair is very thin and dull. The man involuntarily scratches his head. The sufferer does not see well at dusk, as the so-called night blindness develops.

The character manifests timidity, low self-esteem. However, in a team such a person gets along well. After all, he is silent, patient and not envious. That is, he rarely takes the initiative, is obedient and led by leaders. In a frank conversation (and this happens very rarely), one feels his affection for his relatives, especially on the maternal side.

Able to keep other people's secrets. In sex, he is infantile, it is difficult for him to show his feelings, emotions. And he chooses a life path that allows him to go with the flow without a fight. Dreams are incoherent, not memorable ...

The bad thing is that a person is prone to depression, but tries not to show it and just withdraws into himself. And in general, the lack of a vital vitamin greatly affects health: always feeling unwell in the morning, frequent infectious diseases, bleeding gums and other troubles.

Such a person needs a balanced diet. Need products of animal origin: liver (including marine fish), butter, egg yolks, milk, especially in summer. Of the vegetables, carrots are very useful, slightly fried in butter or sour cream. It is rich in provitamin A (carotene), which is converted into vitamin A in the body and stimulates the formation of vitamin K in the liver. As a result, a sufficient number of amino acids are activated, the most important of which is methionine. This substance is necessary for the health of bones, hair and skin.

Folk remedies also help in such cases: rosehip infusion, rose petal jam, fish oil, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin B deficiency

What indicates a lack of these vitamins? Frequent allergic reactions, especially itching, nervous exhaustion and insomnia, various phobias (fears). Let us dwell on those B vitamins that we lack most often.

B1 (thiamine). It is especially abundant in yeast, cereals and legumes, as well as in the internal organs of animals and birds - the liver, kidneys, heart, beef tripe. If you eat a lot of sweets since childhood, the need for vitamin B1 increases, since it is needed for the formation of carbohydrates in the body. Its deficiency leads to damage to the peripheral nerves. Very often legs are twisted, ligament ruptures occur. He suffers from fever (especially at night), feet “burn”. Cardiac neurosis, edema develop. There is a growing deficiency of thyroid hormones, which can erupt in early diabetes mellitus.

B2 (riboflavin) found in large quantities in brewer's and baker's yeast, in the brain of cattle and river fish. The main sources of riboflavin are meat and dairy products. Along with vitamin A, it is very important for normal vision. Without it, wounds, ulcers do not heal, hair falls out. In addition, hypertrophy of the thyroid gland develops. There are general weakness in the evening, pain in the eyes, bulging eyes and redness of the cornea. There are pains in the corners of the mouth. Cracks form on the lips and tongue. But by 11 o'clock in the morning - an incomprehensible euphoria, narcissism, readiness for flirting and ... an insatiable thirst for conflicts. A person with a deficiency of riboflavin is characterized by not always justified "prickly" humor and a tendency to impose his opinion on others. This condition disappears if you balance the diet and use folk remedies. Recommended infusions of Chinese peony, Baikal skullcap and other plants that have a calming effect.

B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cyanocobalamin). With their lack, there may be menstrual disorders in women and a decrease in potency in men. When they are not enough, as well as with a deficiency of vitamins B6, E or C, iron is poorly absorbed and anemia develops.

Lack of vitamins C, D, PP (nicotinic acid)

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) especially a lot in plants, raw vegetables, fruits, berries. During cooking, up to 50% is lost. And with its shortage, numerous diseases attack a person: scurvy, atherosclerosis, various tumors ... Such vitamin deficiency is also reflected in the psyche - apathy occurs, and then the doctor chooses which vitamins and microelements to prescribe to the patient. Very often, a cure occurs when the body is saturated with folic acid (vitamin B9) and magnesium.

Vitamin D rich in the liver of fish, marine animals, cattle. Plants contain provitamin D, which, when exposed to ultraviolet light, turns into vitamin P in the body. It contributes to the accumulation of phosphorus and calcium in bone tissues. And if it is not enough in the child's body, then the bones lose the substances necessary for their formation, soften. As a result, rickets, typhosis, curvature of the spine, and sometimes even a hump grows. Adults are threatened with deforming polyarthritis, spondylosis, gout, coxarthrosis.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) found in large quantities in the meat, liver, kidneys and heart of cattle. There is a lot of it in beer and baker's yeast, mushrooms, wheat, millet and buckwheat. With a lack of nicotine
acid develops pellagra, which is also called the disease of the three "D". Diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia are its characteristic symptoms. Patients complain of itching of the mucous membranes, a feeling of coldness in the hands and feet, restless legs syndrome in the supine position, and other troubles.

Nicotinic acid is also used in the treatment of chronic intestinal catarrhs, nervous disorders. Sometimes the cause of persistent constipation is a lack of nicotinic acid plus an increased content of calcium salts with partial dehydration of the body.

Avitaminosis is the cause of many diseases

Let us dwell only on some diseases, which are caused by a deficiency of certain vitamins. What is needed for effective treatment?

Asthma. If during an attack of bronchial asthma you give the patient a large dose of vitamin C and increase the calcium content in the blood, the attack will stop.

Anosmia (loss of smell). After a course of treatment with vitamin A, the sense of smell is often restored. Rinsing the nose with salted water, cleansing the maxillary sinuses with oil inhalations also help. And a miracle happens - a suspicious, jealous and secluded person is reborn to life. Interestingly, with anosmia, a lot of cadmium salts are found in the body. This is the result of self-treatment of a runny nose - the abuse of various pharmaceutical nasal drops.

Myopia. They often treat with large doses of vitamin D. It is believed that myopia is also associated with stress, so vitamins B2, C, E, a lot of protein and calcium are also needed. Wholesome nutrition is very important.

Vitiligo often occurs due to errors in nutrition. It is successfully treated with pantothenic acid (vitamin from group B) or PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid, vitamin B10). Doses are prescribed by a doctor. There is also a folk recipe: lubricate white spots with St. John's wort and warm them in the sun.

Polyposis of the rectum. Vitamin C is needed, the daily dose of which is 3 g. Celandine juice is recommended from traditional medicine. Take according to the scheme; increase the dose from 1 drop to 45, adding 1 drop daily. Then also reduce the dose to 1 drop. The course of treatment is 90 days.

Baldness due to a lack of almost all vitamins of groups B and E. The reason may be a lack of iodine and methionine in the body.

burns. If during their treatment a large amount of vitamin E is given, then the scars will not be so rough, there will be no keloid formations.

Symptoms and signs of beriberi

Difficulty swallowing, spasms of the esophagus are associated with a deficiency of B vitamins. One of the richest natural sources of these vitamins is brewer's yeast.

Cramps in the calf muscles often disappear if the body is fully provided with vitamins B6 and E, as well as calcium and magnesium. At the same time, make an iodine mesh on the soles, calves.

Avitaminosis is a disease that is the result of prolonged malnutrition, in which there are no vitamins. Avitaminosis is a pathological condition in which there is a complete absence of one or another vitamin in the body. In this condition, the symptoms will be pronounced. But again, they will differ, depending on which vitamin is missing. This pathological condition most often occurs with prolonged fasting.

Essential vitamins for the human body

  • Hair - A, B2, B6, F, H.
  • Eyes - A and B.
  • Teeth - E and D.
  • Nails - A, D and C.
  • Vitamins A, B, B12, E and F have a beneficial effect on the skin and on the whole body as a whole.

The main reasons for the development of beriberi

The disease is typical for the winter-spring period, when the source of many vitamins, vegetables and fruits, are not as available and saturated with vitamins as in summer and autumn. However, even in the summer it is not so easy to get the necessary amount of vitamins only from fruits. To fill the daily need for vitamins and microelements, it is necessary to eat at least 1.5-2 kg of fruits, berries and vegetables.

Of course, other factors of the general negative impact on the body also play their role: an unbalanced diet, eating poor quality products, smoking, and an environmental situation that is far from ideal. These processes, both external and internal, interfere not only with the intake of vitamins from food, but in most cases also disrupt the absorption of vitamins from the digestive system into the blood. Thus, the body, having the necessary amount of vitamins in food, cannot "take" them. In this case, vitamin deficiency develops as a consequence of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. This is possible in children with malabsorption syndrome, when the process of digestion and absorption of various nutrients contained in food is very strongly disturbed, and the absorption of vitamins is also disturbed. Another cause of vitamin deficiency may be intestinal dysbacteriosis. Often dysbacteriosis is the result of long-term antibiotic treatment.

The intake of "antivitamins" is another reason. Antivitamins are substances that have the opposite effect of vitamins. More precisely, antivitamins make impossible the functions of vitamins and lead to the development of vitamin deficiency even with a normal content of vitamins in the body. One example of the toxic effect of antivitamins is poisoning with vitamin K antagonists (sinkumar, dicoumarol) in the treatment of increased blood clotting. At the same time, hemorrhagic syndrome develops, characteristic of classic vitamin K deficiency.

But still, the main reason for the appearance of this disease is the lack of physical ability to obtain all the required vitamins with food.

Signs of beriberi

We are constantly afraid of vitamin deficiency. How to determine for yourself whether we really lack them. As experts say, it is rare when the body lacks only one particular vitamin. As a rule, we need a group of these useful substances. If a person refuses animal products, there is usually not enough vitamins A, D, E and biotin. If there is not enough plant foods in the diet, then there is a deficiency of vitamins C and group B.

So, what signs will give out vitamin deficiency:

The skin is peeling

The lack of vitamins makes the skin dry and flaky. And sometimes you can even observe the appearance of rough scaly scales of the epidermis. Beware if your lips are constantly cracked or flaky, acne suddenly appears, as well as cracks and sores in the corners of the mouth. The appearance of inflamed skin, large bruises, or an unusual reaction to jewelry or clothing can all be a sign of a vitamin deficiency.

exfoliate nails

With a lack of vitamins, nails become dull, brittle, and even care products for them - oils or special varnishes - do not save the situation. The lack of vitamins is also indicated by the pallor of the nail plate, the appearance of dimples, stripes or spots on it.

Hair fall out

The main symptom of a lack of vitamins on the part of the hair is their fragility and a tendency to fall out. But the unexpected appearance of dandruff, gray hair, sores and pimples on the scalp or its constant itching should also alert.

Reddened and watery eyes

Reduced vision, especially at dusk, is the most serious sign of a vitamin deficiency. In addition, hypovitaminosis can cause redness and swelling of the eyelids, constant itching and discharge from the eyes, and frequent inflammatory diseases. Often the result of a lack of vitamins is intolerance to bright light, glare, double vision, and even developing cataracts.

Bleeding gums

Increased bleeding gums, sores on the cheeks and tongue, loose teeth with sensitive enamel and a tendency to crumble, as well as a swollen, coated or discolored tongue are also clear signs of a vitamin deficiency.

Face swells, joints swell

The appearance of edema on the face and hands, not associated with addiction to marinades or yesterday's alcohol intake, should alert. Sudden joint swelling, numbness, muscle pain, cramps, and poor coordination can also be symptoms of a vitamin deficiency.

The smell is changing

In addition, muscle weakness, burning under the skin and in the joints, as well as a constant feeling of cold and even an increased or changed body odor, indicate a vitamin deficiency.

Apathy, poor concentration

Our nervous system also reacts to the lack of vitamins. Inability to concentrate, insomnia, depression, apathy, irritability, lack of energy, constant irritability can all be signs of a vitamin deficiency.

Failure in digestion

Constipation, diarrhea, changes in taste, weight gain, increased blood cholesterol levels, nausea, and malabsorption of nutrients in the intestines are symptoms of a vitamin deficiency. And even loss of appetite, smell and taste.

Lack of desire

In many cases of decreased sexual desire, it is not fatigue that is to blame, but an unbalanced diet.

Types of beriberi

  • Vitamin A deficiency. This vitamin plays an important role in the normal functioning of the organ of vision, so its deficiency will cause disturbances in the work of the visual analyzer. There will be "night blindness" (deterioration of twilight vision), dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye (feeling of sand, burning, discomfort), due to constant scratching of which ulcers can even form. This vitamin is also important for the skin. If it is not enough, then the skin becomes dry, with small abscesses and inflammations, it can peel off. If a lack of vitamin A is observed in a child, then its development will slow down, disturbances in the nervous system may occur. Also, with this type of vitamin deficiency, immunity will decrease, which is fraught with increased morbidity.
  • Vitamin deficiency associated with a lack of B-group vitamins will be manifested by insomnia, sudden mood swings. There will be violations of the digestive system in the form of constipation or diarrhea, loss of appetite. The mucous membrane of the mouth with this pathology is inflamed. "Jumps" will appear.
  • Vitamin C deficiency. Manifested by increased fatigue, reduced performance, drowsiness, reduced resistance to various infections. The elasticity of the skin will also decrease. A small blow will cause significant bruising and bruising. Vision deteriorates. An extreme form of vitamin C deficiency can be called the development of scurvy, the main symptom of which will be bleeding gums and tooth loss.
  • Vitamin D deficiency will most quickly cause disorders in the musculoskeletal system. If we talk about children, then they will experience the development of rickets, increased fatigue, sweating, the formation of the skeleton and teeth will be disturbed. In adults, due to a lack of this vitamin, brittle bones, pain in the musculoskeletal system, and tooth decay will be observed. It is important to remember that the lack of this vitamin can cause the development of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and even cancer.
  • With a lack of vitamin E in the body, the functioning of the genital organs is disrupted, and changes in the liver are also observed - fatty degeneration of its cells begins.
  • With a lack of vitamin PP, the digestive system suffers first of all. Immediately there will be an aversion to food, dryness of the oral mucosa, vomiting, and a violation of the stool will be observed. In addition, significant disturbances will be observed in the stomach. So, this organ will stop secreting gastric juice. The general condition will worsen significantly. In addition, violations will be visible on the skin. The skin will become rough to the touch, areas of depigmentation will appear.

Treatment of beriberi

Since the main cause of vitamin deficiency remains an unbalanced diet, the main measure of its treatment is precisely the correction of one's diet. Proper nutrition, by the way, will also be a preventive measure for such a condition. So, for starters, it should be said that the basis of the diet should be as simple as possible products, the culinary processing of which will be minimal. You should eat cereals from whole grains, as well as bread made from wholemeal flour. Of course, do not forget that there should be as many varieties of fruits and vegetables as possible. And, of course, you can not exclude meat products from your diet. Synthetic vitamins can also be used to correct the condition, but it is still better to give preference to food. Treatment is possible only in the form of replenishing the lack of vitamins when eating or in the form of vitamin preparations. But since the latter are not very effective, it may be optimal to use folk remedies to combat vitamin deficiencies. It is also important to lead a healthy lifestyle, if possible, live in a favorable ecological environment and treat diseases in time that can impair the absorption of vitamins in the body.

Folk recipes for the treatment of beriberi

  • Mottled hemlock (leaves and seeds) - 2 parts, mustard seed powder - 1 part, 90% alcohol - 4 parts. Mix all ingredients. Insist in the dark for 7 days. Tincture take 2 drops no more than 5 times a day.
  • Gentian yellow (roots) - 1 tsp. spoon, mustard seed powder - 1 tsp. spoon, centaury (grass) - 1h. spoon, yarrow (herb) - 1h. a spoon. Pour the mixture with 3 cups of water, boil for 7-10 minutes and strain. Drink the dose evenly throughout the day.
  • St. John's wort (grass) - 3 tbsp. spoons, mustard seed powder - 1 teaspoon, white yasnitka (flowers) - 2 tbsp. spoons, blackberries (leaves) - 2 tbsp. spoons. Grind the mixture and steam for 3 hours in 1 liter of boiling water. Drink hot throughout the day in equal portions.
  • Fireweed (leaves) - 1 part, nettle (leaves) - 1 part, mustard seed powder - 1 part, buckwheat (flowers) - 1 part. 3 art. spoons of the collection pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 3 hours and strain. Drink throughout the day in 3-4 doses 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 6-8 weeks.
  • Nettle (leaves) - 1 part, yarrow (flowers) - 1 part, mustard seed powder - 1 part, dandelion (root) - 1 part. 1 st. pour 1.5 cups of boiling water over a spoonful of the collection, leave for 3 hours and strain. Drink in 3-4 doses throughout the day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 8 weeks.


Treatment of beriberi will not be difficult if its appearance is caused only by malnutrition. You just need to adjust your diet: eat as many whole grain cereals as possible (the best option is oatmeal and buckwheat), try to serve foods that are minimally cooked. When using bakery products, preference should be given to those made from wholemeal flour. It is better to use unrefined oil. Fresh vegetables and fruits are a must in your diet.

At the same time, in no case should you refuse products of animal origin. The required daily amount of vitamin A is found in the yolks of chicken eggs, beef liver, fish oil. An excellent source of the necessary vitamins is fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk), which also contain a lot of calcium.

If we are talking about the treatment and prevention of beriberi C, then you should eat more foods that contain vitamin C: citrus fruits, apples, red and black currants, sauerkraut. In fact, each person, in order to maximize the micronutrients necessary for health, if he only wants it, is quite capable of organizing proper nutrition.

Vitamins and complexes

Our ancestors led a much more active lifestyle and worked hard, expending energy and strength. If you begin to eat like this, then the problem with beriberi, most likely, can be solved, while earning a new one - overweight. That is why it makes sense to use vitamin complexes that are produced in a variety of dosage forms. If such complexes are taken in therapeutic doses, they do not accumulate in the body and do not give side effects. There is no need to be afraid of the use of synthetic vitamins. They also do not cause side effects and allergic reactions.

Modern multivitamins are harmoniously balanced, chemically pure compounds that do not have the disadvantages present in preparations of plant and animal origin. It is only important not to forget that the main part of the vitamins is absorbed only with food intake, that it is impossible to drink vitamins with coffee, carbonated water and milk in order to avoid insufficient absorption. Today, there is a great variety of options for such vitamins: pills, tablets, powders, capsules, liquid form. The most convenient form is a capsule, which, as it moves through the intestines, loses layer by layer, as a result of which vitamins are easily absorbed. The capsule should be taken whole without chewing. The best time to take multivitamin complexes is in the morning. The use of vitamins should not exceed the daily requirement for them! An overdose threatens to negatively affect the general condition and lead to new ailments.

How to choose vitamins?

The selection of vitamins for beriberi is selected by a nutritionist, depending on the clinical manifestations of beriberi. At this stage, the less a person will show initiative, the more positive the forecast will be.

Doctors recommend taking vitamins in the form of capsules, because. they are made in such a way that as they move through the digestive organs at each stage, the vitamins are gradually absorbed by the body, providing the necessary dose of useful substances all the way.

How to take vitamins correctly?

The most suitable time to take vitamins is in the morning, when the body adjusts to daytime activity. Most vitamins are absorbed only with food. But you do not need to drink vitamins with milk, soda and coffee - these drinks can interfere with their normal absorption. Vitamins in the form of capsules should be taken whole, without chewing.

Consequences of beriberi

  • Avitaminosis A (retinol). It can lead to inhibition in the development and growth of the child, as well as cause vision problems, night blindness.
  • Avitaminosis B1 (thiamine). Thiamine deficiency can trigger the development of a disease such as "Beriberi".
  • Avitaminosis B2 (riboflavin). Riboflavin deficiency can provoke the development of diseases such as cataracts, conjunctivitis, growth retardation in children, and mental retardation.
  • Avitaminosis B3 (PP, niacin). Deficiency of niacin can trigger the development of a disease such as pellagra.
  • Avitaminosis B5 (pantothenic acid). It is a common cause of spontaneous abortion of children in the early stages.
  • Avitaminosis B9 (folic acid). It manifests itself in the form of a violation of the reproductive function in men, as well as anemia.
  • Avitaminosis B12 (cobalamin). Contributes to deviations of mental activity - poor memory, absent-mindedness, dementia.
  • Avitaminosis C (ascorbic acid). A deficiency of ascorbic acid for a long time can lead to the development of a disease such as scurvy.
  • Avitaminosis D (calciferol). A deficiency of calciferol for a long time can lead to the development of a disease such as rickets.
  • Avitaminosis E (tocopherol). Tocopherol deficiency can lead to muscle tissue degeneration, anemia, anemia.
  • Avitaminosis F (linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids). In children under 1 year old, it is expressed in a lag in growth and development. The tendency to cardiovascular diseases increases - atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke.
  • Avitaminosis K. It manifests itself in the form of severe bleeding from the nose, gums, subcutaneous, in the digestive tract.

Symptoms of childhood beriberi

Often, children suffer from beriberi. That is why caring parents must be aware of how vitamin deficiency manifests itself in children. So, the first sign of a shortage may be a decrease in the activity of the baby, a deterioration in appetite and a decrease in immunity. If beriberi continues long enough, then it is quite possible for the baby to lag behind in development and growth from their peers.

Also, with a deficiency of vitamin D and calcium, a child may develop a disease called rickets. This pathology occurs in young children and infancy. Such a disease can lead to serious problems with the musculoskeletal system in the future. Therefore, parents should ask a qualified pediatrician about what to do with beriberi in a child and how to prevent it. Indeed, in this case, only prevention will prevent the occurrence of serious problems.

So, beriberi manifests itself in different ways, affecting one or another area of ​​the human body. Only a therapist is able to determine which substance is missing. Sometimes, according to its purpose, a special analysis is carried out for the content of vitamins in the blood. In any case, an attentive attitude to one's own health will, if not prevent beriberi, then at least cure it in time.

- a pathological condition of the body resulting from an acute deficiency of vitamins.

Avitaminosis is a rather complex disease that requires examination, as well as treatment by a specialist. Many people confuse beriberi with hypovitaminosis, which is characterized by a partial deficiency of a certain vitamin in the human body.

Vitamins are irreplaceable biologically active substances that serve as catalysts for enzyme systems or are part of numerous enzymes. In the absence of them, the necessary metabolism, tissue growth and renewal, as well as the biochemical provision of numerous body functions, is not possible. A lack of vitamins can lead to a failure of enzymatic reactions. Avitaminosis is more common in the population of far northern countries, which happens quite rarely.

As a rule, beriberi occurs in the winter-spring period, since at other times of the year the body is saturated with vitamins when eating fruits and berries, with which there are no problems in the summer. However, doctors believe that this disease is not seasonal and many people suffer from beriberi throughout the year.

Causes of avitaminosis.

The main causes of beriberi are a violation of the intake of vitamins and malnutrition, problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion, long-term use of antibiotics, taking antivitamins (with excessive blood clotting), stressful situations and bad habits.

Smokers need to consume several times more vitamin C than a non-smoker. Children and the elderly suffer from beriberi due to age-related metabolism.

Symptoms and signs of beriberi.

The manifestations of vitamin deficiency include lethargy and pallor of the skin, dry falling hair, cracked corners of the lips, brittle nails, bleeding gums, apathy, irritation, chronic fatigue, frequent colds, relapses of herpes and fungus.

People suffering from vitamin deficiency are prone to difficult awakening in the morning, depression, poor concentration and absent-mindedness. Avitaminosis becomes a common cause of visual impairment and problems with the digestive system.

In the case of an acute deficiency of a certain vitamin, patients against the background of characteristic manifestations may suffer from the development and specific signs. With a lack of vitamin A, the development of night blindness (decreased vision at night), degenerative changes in the mucous membranes, skin and glands, as well as the appearance of pustules is possible. With beriberi A, the likelihood of infectious lesions of the respiratory system, urination and digestion increases. A lack of vitamin A in children can lead to developmental delays and neurological disorders.

In the case of vitamin B1 deficiency, there is a violation in the work of the cardiovascular system and peripheral nerves. Often worried about shortness of breath after physical exertion and heart palpitations. There are headaches, swelling, lowering blood pressure and fatigue.

With a lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), the patient has a violation of twilight vision, appetite decreases, the condition of the mucous membranes and skin deteriorates. Aphthous stomatitis, conjunctivitis or burning of the skin and pain in the eyes may occur. In the case of a long course of the disease, a malfunction of the nervous system occurs, which may result in anemia.

With a deficiency of nicotinic acid (vitamin B3, B5 and PP), pellagra, achilic, erosive gastritis, polyneuritis, and even unsteadiness when walking and convulsions can develop.

If the body lacks vitamin C, anemia and scurvy can develop, which is characterized by general weakness, regular gum bleeding, high vascular fragility and a depleted nervous system.

With a lack of vitamin D, children suffer from rickets, and adults from pain in the muscles, joints, and dental problems.

Diagnosis of avitaminosis.

Before direct treatment, a specialist must conduct a diagnosis to identify the missing vitamin in the body using a blood test.

Treatment of avitaminosis.

The basis of the treatment of beriberi should be a daily balanced diet, which will ensure the body receives the desired complex of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Throughout the year, you need to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits (canned, fresh, and frozen), greens, poultry and fish baked in foil. These products contain many valuable components and easily digestible amino acids.

Before direct treatment, a specialist must conduct a diagnosis to identify the missing vitamin in the blood.

With a deficiency of vitamin B1, it is necessary to consume large quantities of peas, pork, wheat rye bread and yeast.
Vitamin B2 is found in various cereals and dairy products, nicotinic acid is found in nuts, fish, poultry, legumes, lean meats and whole wheat.

Beef liver, sour cream, and herring should be consumed by patients with vitamin D deficiency.

As a rule, with beriberi, the doctor prescribes the use of a vitamin-mineral complex, which is available in the form of powders, tablets, lozenges and dragees. However, the most acceptable form is a capsule. Moving through the intestines, losing one layer after another, it allows vitamins to be gradually absorbed inside.

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