Mikhail Grushevsky is a humorist. Mikhail Grushevsky, biography, news, photos. But Grushevsky loves his daughter

" This time the player's chair was taken by the popular Russian comedian Mikhail Grushevsky. In a conversation with the presenter of the program Lera Kudryavtseva, he spoke about his parents’ divorce, the scandalous separation from his first wife and new family with his young wife.

“Comedian Mikhail Grushevsky is known not only for his parodies, but also for his scandalous divorce. After ten years of marriage, his ex-wife Irina Mironova complained throughout the country that he had not visited her in the bedroom for eight years. Today Mikhail Grushevsky is happily married to his second wife,” with these words Lera Kudryavtseva met the famous parodist.

Mikhail Grushevsky spoke about his parents’ divorce and why his own father transferred the resentment for breaking up with his mother to his son. “Everyone asked me why your dad doesn’t even talk to you. He resumed communication when I was in fourth grade. Then I was already against it,” explained Mikhail Grushevsky. Having matured, the artist explained this behavior of his father to the tragedy that happened to his first wife and daughter: “First his wife threw herself under a train, and then her daughter from her first marriage.” The parodist noted that now he will not find his father’s grave because he has lost his documents.

His stepfather played a big role in the life of Mikhail Grushevsky. “He was seriously involved in my upbringing. He often punished. One day, he beat me with a stick. Mom, of course, loved him, but in the end they broke up because of his son from another woman,” the artist said. According to him, it was the separation from his stepfather that became a real blow for Mikhail. “Do you understand that your mother always chose you, not women’s happiness,” asked Lera Kudryavtseva. In response, Mikhail Grushevsky burst into tears.

A significant part of the program was devoted to the personal life of Mikhail Grushevsky and his women. The artist said that he met his second wife Evgenia at an Ayurvedic center in a small German town. “I met her at dinner. I liked her right away. We walked a lot, talked, but didn’t even kiss,” the comedian noted. After that, according to the artist, he invited Evgenia to a friend’s anniversary, where everyone began to perceive them as a strong couple. At that time, Mikhail Grushevsky had already been divorced from his first wife for two years.

Evgenia, who came to support her husband at the studio of the “Secret to a Million” program, spoke about Mikhail’s courtship and how he repeatedly stated that she would marry him. "We went to Grand Theatre for the production of The Taming of the Shrew. During intermission, he took me by the hand and seriously announced that I would marry him. It was a real offer. I answered, yes, of course,” admitted the artist’s wife. A couple in love celebrated a wedding worth 2.5 million rubles in one of the most expensive banquet halls Moscow.

The parodist did not avoid questions about life together and divorce from ex-wife Irina Mironova. “I dare to suggest that on Irina’s part, marrying me was part of a strategic plan,” Mikhail noted. The artist emphasized that he has not communicated with his ex-wife for two years, but scandalous divorce with her he still reproaches himself. “I hastened to make this decision public, probably I was afraid to change my mind because of common child", explained Mikhail.

According to tradition, Lera Kudryavtseva gave the final question of the show “Secret to a Million” to the hero in a sealed envelope. “The secret that is hidden in this envelope comes from your childhood. The price of this secret is a million rubles.” Mikhail Grushevsky opened the envelope and briefly answered “no,” after which he burned the secret.

Mikhail Grushevsky spoke about his friendship with Victoria Lopyreva during the crisis with his first wife

Recalls the ex-wife of Mikhail Grushevsky, music video director Irina Mironova

- recalls the ex-wife of Mikhail Grushevsky, music video director Irina Mironova

Mountains of porno cassettes were found in the parodist's apartment

She is a famous music video director. Her creative life is a continuous series of enchanting successes. However, in your personal life - stand or fall. One of the most painful memories is a three-year affair with Leonid AGUTIN. They lived in a civil marriage, during which the singer continually brought home random girls... Then she met, as it seemed to her, the man of her dreams - Mikhail GRUSHEVSKY. However, the parodist turned out to be a doubly scoundrel. 10 years after the wedding, he left her with her child for the sake of a 22-year-old fashion model, and in addition, he stole money!

Irina Mironova - famous director, who has shot more than 600 videos for Pugacheva, Orbakaite, Kirkorov, Zemfira and other stars of our stage. In July of this year, she divorced her husband, the parodist Mikhail Grushevsky.

At first glance, she is absolutely happy, successful woman. Huge country mansion worth millions dollars, a wonderful career, grandiose business plans, a charming 10-year-old daughter who dreams of becoming a pianist. But in Irina’s eyes there is bottomless sadness.

-Have you still not come to your senses after the divorce?

Unfortunately, I don't call it a divorce. I regard Mr. G.’s act as a base betrayal with cowardly theft. After all, divorce is different from divorce. You can get a divorce in a humane way: divide property, agree on the further education of your daughter and try to remain at least not enemies in the end. But in his case, everything happened absolutely bestially, which I did not expect at all!

I happily married the “weirdo.” And she naively believed that this would be a family forever. We were adults: I was 28, he was 38! And now he has ruined this family so much that I can only communicate with him through a lawyer.

While running away from home, he grabbed about a million rubles from our common safe! These were our common savings - several months' rent from renting out our 120-meter Moscow apartment, which, by the way, we bought together, but it was registered in his name. And he continues to receive money from tenants without sharing it with me. Well, and, apparently, I also lost my investments - the free money that I invested in the business of his friends - all the papers were also registered in my husband’s name. It’s good that at least the house that we built together, I was smart enough (thanks to my friends, they advised me) to write it down for two! Otherwise they would have evicted me and my child from this house right now! In addition, he completely discredited himself in the eyes of other people, leaving behind a bunch of debts, unpaid bills - in one second, the maintenance of our huge house, with all the employees, repairs, a child and then an expensive lawyer - everything hung on me! There is such a gap in my budget that it now does not allow me to bring my daughter from her mother to Moscow, and she will have to spend another year in Pushchino.

But Mr. G. bought himself an expensive car, clearly beyond his means, and even hired a driver who opens the door for him so that everyone can see: a star has arrived! In general, one gets the feeling that he went into complete isolation in order to take all these funny and quick pleasures from life, until the end of the world came in December 2012.

Boorish slacker

Maybe you still offended him, oppressed him? There was a reason: after all, over these 10 years, he gradually became a nobody from a popular artist. He is nowhere to be heard or seen...

Yes, he tells everyone that I, such a “bitch,” nagged him, poor thing, for all ten years of married life. And when he asked for a divorce, this “bitch” also kicked him out of the house! And his friends really feel sorry for him and are happy for him: finally the man has freedom, he has found himself a normal girl. Why did I oppress him? He already had complete freedom in his family! Lived as you wanted! He could come home at one or three in the morning, and I didn’t even ask where he was - he could rudely cut off all questions: “It’s none of your business, don’t meddle in my life.” And two years after the wedding, he somehow came out of the bedroom and said that he was tired of sex with me. We haven't had sex for eight years! Probably yes, he had girlfriends on the side - it is a medical fact that a man cannot go without a woman for too long. And I came to terms with this too. I even tried to ask him once: “Mish, tell me about your girls...” And he was very shy, by the way, and always came home to spend the night. I believed that sex was not the main thing in the family, the main thing was our cheerful friendship, our daughter, our family closeness... And I didn’t even blame him for the fact that he didn’t develop his creativity at all. At first, however, she tried to somehow shake him up: “Let’s make a comedy for you, make a movie, find people, and write a script especially for you!” - "No need!" Invited him to the video Natasha Koroleva, so comedic, so appropriate, he didn’t even want to change into a suit: “I’m not interested in that!” He acted like he was doing me a favor. Even Seryozha Drobotenko remarked to him: “Mish, why don’t you listen to the director?”

I was mistaken in naively believing that I had married creative person who, like me, will strive to take everything new and new bar. No, he is a simple man in the street who just wants to eat deliciously in a new restaurant and have fun talking with friends. I’m not an idiot to force something on a person that he doesn’t need. Why do I need his hysterics and screams: “If I don’t suit you, then let’s get a divorce”? So everything suited me...

- So why did you leave?

The man just went crazy. Midlife crisis in absence creative life, plus the girl is new, young. For me, his departure was unexpected, but quite logical. Over the past two years, we have become completely disconnected. And we parted not as people different characters- I understood perfectly well that I lived with a complete egoist, prone to unreasonable narcissism and everyday hysterics. This was just interesting for me, as a director, to see: yeah, there are such people. No, we diverged as individuals - like airplanes that fly at different altitudes. Misha has his own life, I have mine. I have my own ambitions, but he simply doesn’t have them! Misha spent all his free time with friends - a group of men about his age, who, by the way, also abandoned their wives and children. And so they regularly gather in the sauna or watch football, discuss latest gossip, have fun with young busty girls who change like gloves. They all have stable income, and they don’t need anything else from life. And Misha is happy with them! And somehow, imperceptibly, over these two years he simplified himself to the utmost and fell into the blissful lifestyle, finally turning into a boorish slacker! It even got to the point that, without being embarrassed by my daughter and me, sitting in front of the TV, he could scratch his balls! And how noisily and loudly he left!

Best blowjob in Moscow

- Did you cheat on him? Rumor has it that you are gay. Was Zemfira your mistress?

That’s why there are rumors that, not feeling my husband’s interest in me, I didn’t give a damn about my appearance, completely in vain I made myself look like a bald head, shirts, pants, boots. By the way, when I was filming the video Lyudmila Gurchenko And Bora Moiseev, made friends with Lyudmila Markovna, and she blamed me for everything: “Mironova, why are you pretending to be Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya?! You need red lipstick!” For eight years I have not cheated on my husband, although I could have. But then I would have betrayed my principles and ideals. I haven't had it with women either. love relationship, and it wasn’t with Zemfira. But now I'm ready to try everything! I promise that I will radically change my image, become feminine and learn how to give the best blowjob in the city!

- Do you have a new man?

I don’t have any serious relationships, but I have very good sex! Yes, there was a lot of sex and tenderness. Of course, there is no talk of any marriage, but I will have as many lovers as my health allows. To my surprise, I discovered that I was a very enviable, rich bride. Here's a strange thing: when I felt like a free woman, men suddenly began to pay increased attention to me.

- But does Grushevsky love his daughter?

Of course, it’s his blood and looks very similar. There are feelings, but they will never become stronger than his love for himself. For example, if my daughter comes here on weekends, then for three days I don’t exist for others. But Misha can still go to football with his friends. If at this second his crazy love for his daughter prevents him from satisfying his love for himself, then he will still choose to satisfy his needs.

He left her! After he moved out, he somehow returned to pick up his things. And so we sit with our daughter, and he walks around the house, getting ready, rustling rags, fussing. And I sit and think: this is impossible, the person needs to say something good goodbye. And I say: “Don’t rush, think about everything! We love you and your daughter, you are our dear, we don’t want you to leave, we don’t want to live without you, we want to live with you! We always had fun. We’ll come up with something, you just figure it out...” And the daughter looks at him with eyes full of tears: “Daddy, don’t go!” And he: “I don’t want to live with you! I won’t leave you, but I won’t live with you!” And then in four months he only saw her a couple of times! This is betrayal! Now my lawyer calls him and asks: “Why don’t you help the family, don’t pay for the house?” And he replies: “Why should I pay for it if I don’t see my daughter. I demand that they give it to me twice a week from two to three.” And I laugh: “Why demand to hand her over, like some kind of monkey, to play around with, if he can calmly come to the house and talk to her. Yes, let him take her with him for at least six months! But there is no talk about this - it’s difficult to raise a child, and it was from such difficulties that he ran away.

Chocolate and porn

- Really, you, such a smart, advanced woman, didn’t immediately see what a nonentity this Mr. G. is?

Of course, I saw all these unpleasant features. We met on the ship, on the set of Full House. He brazenly pestered me - I immediately felt that he was not my man. Then we met by chance a year later. We had dinner at the restaurant. And I understood - a stranger, an outsider. Then a year later, again by accident, - and then he suddenly began to pour out his soul to me about how things weren’t working out for him with his girl. He lost weight and from a chubby guy turned into interesting man. And I was so fascinated - apparently, I wanted something serious, and I myself proposed to him to get married, and he was very happy.

I came to his bachelor apartment, and the first impression was that I shuddered. It was the apartment of a super-egoist who gets quick pleasure from life. Imagine, in his kitchen all the shelves were filled with chocolate, and the shelves in the living room under the TV were filled with porn cassettes. Only porn! There were no other films there! And he wasn’t even shy about it! I remember my shock and horror, but I still stepped over it - out of curiosity, probably. And I also didn’t notice that before me he had a young woman with a child, whom he settled in an apartment next to his - not in his own, because then they would somehow embarrass him, but next to him! And so he supported them for a year, and the girl already called him dad. He and this woman were going to get married. But he got bored with her, and he complained to me, saying that he didn’t know what to do - this woman scolds him, screams at him.

And so we met a couple of times, and for some reason he decided that I was his girlfriend, and he simply kicked out that woman, exchanging her for me, who was younger and, most importantly, self-sufficient! This is very important for him: Mr. G. really doesn’t like to pay for anything! He believes that for him, a “star,” everything should be free! He treated her the same way he’s trying to treat me now - he gathered everyone and announced: “Thank you everyone, everyone is free!” I simply overestimated my capabilities. I put such weights on the scales that outweighed this lightweight morality of his and allowed him to remain in balance even with himself and in complete order in the eyes of others. Well, look for yourself: the man is well dressed, healthy, he has everything! And I supported him in everything! That is, all this was in him, but, like an abscess, it did not burst... And now it has burst! He got bored with our world with my daughter, like with a toy, he played with it and threw it away - and overnight he destroyed everything that had been built for ten years! I don't perceive him as a person anymore. The worst thing is that I’m afraid that my daughter might one day reject him, although in no case will I turn her against her dad.

But in the first two years, was there at least love passion? As they say, an experienced satirist will bring a woman to six sarcasms in one night...

Mr. G. does not like to bother himself with anything. The sex was so-so. And he didn't Brad Pitt Indeed! If you compare it with what’s happening in my life now, it wasn’t sex with Misha. I feel sorry for those women who will have sex with him now. He’s so lazy, the main thing for him is to get pleasure himself, but for a woman you have to try, move somehow! But he never had this desire, both psychologically and physically.

- He didn’t satisfy you in bed?

No! But I wasn't upset about it. I just wanted to live in a family, with my loved ones: my daughter and my husband. And I pushed all my sexual desires, although not of my own free will, far away.

- Okay, you can’t compare him with Brad Pitt, but at least with Leonid Agutin, with whom you had an affair?

Agutin was a wonderful lover!

- So what now?

Of course, for me this is an incentive to rethink a lot and make a great, cool movie. I now have new life, and I just threw away that chip with fragments of life with Mr. G....


I left my lover, Leni Agutin, as a girl who was nothing. I left simply because I was afraid that I risked being left with him... I broke up with the man I loved. I ruined my personal life for many years to come...

When we met, he was not yet the Leonid Agutin that everyone knows now. He just won some kind of competition like Jurmala. Sang a song about “Barefoot Boy”...

As happens with most men, Leni discovered a short distance between friendship and sex. So everything happened quite quickly...

This happened when we went cheerful company going on a yacht with some Spaniards...

To my horror, everything turned out somehow simple. Leni has a different approach to sexual and erotic issues. Everything is fast, easy, a lot and without any problems.

We spent three years together. I rented an apartment nearby. She spent the night either with him or with herself. Sometimes I came to visit him early in the morning and found some girl there who was trying to treat me to tea, was embarrassed, and was busy in the kitchen.

I was so aware of everything that was happening to him that it was possible with me... to discuss various girls - their tits, their way of getting an orgasm, some funny flaws.

From the book by Irina MIRONOVA “Life according to the rules of shooting”

Mikhail Grushevsky (artist)

Mikhail Yakovlevich Grushevsky. Born on December 29, 1964 in Moscow. Russian pop artist, parodist, comedian, actor, TV presenter.

His parents divorced when he was still very young. Mikhail was raised by his mother.

My maternal grandmother is from Kyiv, my grandfather is from Odessa.

After school he entered the Institute of Steel and Alloys. During his studies, he showed himself to be a talented artist, primarily in the humorous genre. At the institute he was the organizer of various cultural events, for whom he himself wrote numbers and often performed with them.

After graduating from university, I was assigned to one of the research institutes, where I also actively participated in amateur performances. As a result, in 1988 he ended up at the Grotesque theater studio.

And already in 1989, his first television broadcast took place - in the socio-political program “Vzglyad”. Then, at the invitation of Alexander Lyubimov, he made a parody of Soviet Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev - this was the first parody of a senior official in the USSR, demonstrated on TV.

The artist himself noted that he considers Vladimir Vinokur (whom he later also successfully parodied) to be his creative mentor: “He is vitally important person for my destiny. Although he never persuaded anyone to take me into any program. But there was some mentoring on his part. I'm still in student years I came to his solo performances, went behind the scenes, saw the whole behind-the-scenes life.”

From 1996 to 2004 he took part in the filming of the humorous program “Full House”. He also participated in many other humorous and satirical programs. In particular, great success His parody voices were used in the TV show “Dolls” on the NTV channel (he worked in the program in 1994-1995, voicing dolls famous politicians).

As a rule, politicians liked his parodies: “Some even said that they should pay me extra for promotion. I never refused, but for some reason I never received money from anyone,” said the artist. “We saw Boris Nikolaevich after the concert, he liked my parody of Mikhail Sergeevich most of all. Leshchenko and Vinokur even came to me on stage with bouquets after listening to “Vovchik and Levchik.” But, unfortunately, I did not cross paths with Gorbachev. they said that one channel invited him to a program dedicated to the First Congress of People's Deputies, and he replied: “I can’t.” “Well, how can we do without you?” “And you invite Grushevsky.” If this is so, then I’m pleased, damn it !,” recalled Mikhail Grushevsky.

In 2007 he hosted the talk show “ Babi revolt"on the REN TV channel. In 2008, he participated in the reality show “Channel One” “ Last Hero».

In 2013-2014, he participated in the Channel One project “Repeat!”, where the objects of his parodies were: Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Nikolai Ozerov, Yan Arlazorov, Arkady Raikin (performed Raikin’s original monologue “The Age of Technology”), Vladimir Vinokur (in the “Telephone Prank” category, he played it with the voice of showman Alexander Gudkov), Ilya Reznik, Frunzik Mkrtchyan (the actor’s character from the film “Mimino” was parodied), Evgeny Leonov (Winnie the Pooh, voiced by Leonov, was parodied), Lev Leshchenko (performed Leshchenko’s original song "Coward does not play hockey").

Mikhail Grushevsky - a parody of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Mikhail Grushevsky - a parody of Arkady Raikin

“I can make you laugh both at the stadium and in the square. But I prefer intimate formats - clubs. I feel comfortable when the audience can drink,” Mikhail pointed out.

Starred in several films. In particular, he played the role of composer Nikita Bogoslovsky in the television series “Star of the Epoch”. He played himself in the TV series “Civil Marriage”.

In 2014, he opened the holiday agency “Dreaming!” (the first event was his own wedding).

Mikhail Grushevsky's height: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Mikhail Grushevsky:

Was married twice.

The first wife is Irina Mironova, a music video director. They were married from 2001 to 2012. The couple had a daughter, Daria, in 2002. According to the stories of people close to the couple, family life was fraught with constant conflicts, which is why they eventually broke up.

“Fortunately, I have the opportunity to actively participate in my daughter’s life. Actually, because of her, I saved this marriage, which cracked quite a long time ago. And then it finally burst,” said the artist.

The second wife is Evgenia Guslyarova, an English translator and marketer. Their romance began in May 2014. Lived for some time in civil marriage. We got married on January 31, 2015. On May 21, 2015, their son Mikhail Grushevsky Jr. was born.

Longtime fan of the Moscow football club CSKA. Frequent guest and guest author of many sports television programs and publications.

In 2013, Mikhail Grushevsky found himself at the epicenter of a scandal. He was offered to take part in the filming of the pilot episode of the show “An Evening with a Comedian” on one of the Ukrainian TV channels. The interview program was to take place in the interior of a white limousine driving around Moscow. But then one of the Russian TV channels aired a program dedicated to show business, which used excerpts from scenes with the participation of Mikhail Grushevsky and his young journalist interlocutor. All this was accompanied by comments about the loving nature of the famous parodist and his life on a grand scale. After this, Mikhail Grushevsky filed a claim with the Presnensky Court in Moscow to protect his dignity, honor and business reputation.

Mikhail Grushevsky is a parodist, a talented actor and a ladies' man. Want to get more information about his person? The article contains the biography of Mikhail Grushevsky, the history of career development and details of his personal life. We wish you pleasant reading!

Mikhail Grushevsky (parodist): biography

He was born on December 29, 1964 in Moscow. Our hero from ordinary family. His mother has Ukrainian roots. Misha prefers not to talk about his father. And all because his parents divorced when he was not even 5 years old.

Finding yourself

In the mid-70s, Misha Grushevsky graduated high school and entered the Institute of Steel and Alloys. He was one of the best students on the course. Our hero was responsible for organizing cultural events. Mikhail himself came up with jokes and humorous acts.

In the early 80s, Grushevsky received a university diploma. The young specialist had no problems finding employment. Misha was hired at one of the Moscow research institutes.

Television career

In 1988, Grushevsky changed his field of activity. From the research institute he moved to the theater-studio "Grotesk". The local artistic director predicted a brilliant future for him in the humorous field. And he was right.

When did Mikhail Grushevsky first appear on screens? The parodist was introduced to the general public in 1989 on the air of the program “Vzglyad”.

The talented comedian was noticed by the producers of a major Russian channel and was invited to Full House. Mikhail could not miss such a chance. From 1996 to 2004 he performed on the same stage with Vladimir Vinokur, Yura Galtsev and other stars of the humorous genre.

Grushevsky masterfully made parodies of famous politicians, singers and actors. IN different time he tried on the following images: Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Yan Arlazorov, Dmitry Dibrov and so on.

Mikhail Grushevsky (parodist): personal life

Our hero has always enjoyed success with representatives of the opposite sex. And there is nothing to be surprised about. Mikhail has natural charm and an amazing sense of humor.

Grushevsky's first wife was a famous music video director. The couple formalized their relationship in 2001. Mikhail and Irina worked hard to achieve their main dream- build a large and comfortable house.

In 2002 they were born common child- charming daughter. The baby was named Daria. Taking care of the child brought us together even more married couple. But since 2009, the relationship between Irina and Mikhail began to deteriorate. After some time, the couple went to different apartments. In 2012, the couple officially divorced.

Performances, tours, filming on TV - Mikhail Grushevsky tried to fill the void in his personal life with all this. Parodist for a long time was in bachelor status. But in 2014, information about the showman’s new novel appeared in the print media. And it turned out to be true. Mikhail Yakovlevich began an affair with a girl much younger than himself - Evgenia Guslyarova. She is a successful entrepreneur, marketer and English translator. In January 2015, Zhenya and Mikhail got married, and 4 months later their son was born.


Now you know when Mikhail Grushevsky was born, where he studied and with whom he lives today. The parodist feels like a young and successful man. Although he will turn 51 in December 2015.

Grushevsky, Mikhail Yakovlevich(born in Moscow December 29th ( 19641229 ) year) - Russian actor, comedian, pop parodist, sports expert.


Born in Moscow. On his mother's side, his ancestors were from Ukraine, his grandmother lived in Kyiv, and his grandfather in Odessa.

The actor also took part in many other humorous and satirical programs, in particular, in the television show “Dolls”, where he voiced the characters - politicians.

In 2008, he participated in the Channel One reality show “The Last Hero”.

Popular showman, presenter entertainment programs, holidays. He has a unique talent for parody improvisation.

Personal life

  • First marriage - Irina Mironova. Marriage 2001-2012.

Daughter - Daria Grushevskaya (born 2002)

  • Second wife - Evgenia Guslyarova, literary translator ( English language), marketer, entrepreneur. The wedding took place on January 31, 2015.

Objects of parodies

  • Mikhail Gorbachev

The actor himself spoke about this:

« I had not only presidents in my “arsenal,” but also Khasbulatov, Zhirinovsky, and the now departed Lebed, and many others. Some even said that they should pay me extra for promotion. I never refused, but for some reason I never received money from anyone»


The objects of the parodies themselves, according to the actor, treated his performances as follows:

« We saw Boris Nikolaevich after the concert; he liked my parody of Mikhail Sergeevich most of all. Leshchenko and Vinokur even came to me on stage with bouquets after listening to “Vovchik and Levchik.” And, unfortunately, I did not cross paths with Gorbachev. I was told that one channel invited him to a program dedicated to the First Congress of People's Deputies, and he replied: I can’t. “Well, what would we do without you?” - “And you invite Grushevsky.” If this is so, then I’m pleased, damn it!”

In the program “Repeat! »

  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky (1 issue);
  • Vyacheslav Zaitsev (2nd issue);
  • Nikolay Ozerov (3rd issue);
  • Yan Arlazorov (4th edition; performed the original monologue by Y. Arlazorov “On the Plane”);
  • Arkady Raikin (5th edition; performed the original monologue by A. Raikin “The Age of Technology”);
  • Vladimir Vinokur (6th episode; in the “Telephone Prank” category he played it in the voice of showman Alexander Gudkov);
  • Ilya Reznik (issue 7);
  • Frunzik Mkrtchyan (8th issue; F. Mkrtchyan’s character was parodied - Rubik Khachikyan from the film “Mimino”)
  • Evgeny Leonov (category “Cartoons”; Winnie the Pooh, voiced by E. Leonov, was parodied); Lev Leshchenko (final; the original song by L. Leshchenko “A coward does not play hockey”) was performed.

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An excerpt characterizing Grushevsky, Mikhail Yakovlevich

“Yes, they must find it pathetic! - he thought. “How simple it is!”
“The birds of the air neither sow nor reap, but your father feeds them,” he said to himself and wanted to say the same to the princess. “But no, they will understand it in their own way, they will not understand! What they cannot understand is that all these feelings that they value are all ours, all these thoughts that seem so important to us are that they are not needed. We can't understand each other." - And he fell silent.

Prince Andrei's little son was seven years old. He could barely read, he didn't know anything. He experienced a lot after this day, acquiring knowledge, observation, and experience; but if he had then possessed all these later acquired abilities, he could not have understood better, more deeply the full meaning of that scene that he saw between his father, Princess Marya and Natasha than he understood it now. He understood everything and, without crying, left the room, silently approached Natasha, who followed him out, and shyly looked at her with thoughtful, beautiful eyes; raised, ruddy upper lip he trembled, he leaned his head against her and began to cry.
From that day on, he avoided Desalles, avoided the countess who was caressing him, and either sat alone or timidly approached Princess Marya and Natasha, whom he seemed to love even more than his aunt, and quietly and shyly caressed them.
Princess Marya, leaving Prince Andrei, fully understood everything that Natasha’s face told her. She no longer spoke to Natasha about the hope of saving his life. She alternated with her at his sofa and did not cry anymore, but prayed incessantly, turning her soul to that eternal, incomprehensible, whose presence was now so palpable over the dying man.

Prince Andrei not only knew that he would die, but he felt that he was dying, that he was already half dead. He experienced a consciousness of alienation from everything earthly and a joyful and strange lightness of being. He, without haste and without worry, awaited what lay ahead of him. That formidable, eternal, unknown and distant, the presence of which he never ceased to feel throughout his entire life, was now close to him and - due to the strange lightness of being that he experienced - almost understandable and felt.
Before, he was afraid of the end. He experienced this terrible, painful feeling of fear of death, of the end, twice, and now he no longer understood it.
The first time he experienced this feeling was when a grenade was spinning like a top in front of him and he looked at the stubble, at the bushes, at the sky and knew that death was in front of him. When he woke up after the wound and in his soul, instantly, as if freed from the oppression of life that held him back, this flower of love, eternal, free, independent of this life, blossomed, he was no longer afraid of death and did not think about it.
The more he, in those hours of suffering solitude and semi-delirium that he spent after his wound, thought about the new beginning that was open to him eternal love Moreover, without feeling it himself, he renounced earthly life. Everything, to love everyone, to always sacrifice oneself for love, meant not loving anyone, meant not living this earthly life. And the more he was imbued with this principle of love, the more he renounced life and the more completely he destroyed that terrible barrier that, without love, stands between life and death. When, at first, he remembered that he had to die, he said to himself: well, so much the better.
But after that night in Mytishchi, when the one he desired appeared in front of him in a semi-delirium, and when he, pressing her hand to his lips, cried quiet, joyful tears, love for one woman imperceptibly crept into his heart and again tied him to life. Both joyful and anxious thoughts began to come to him. Remembering that moment at the dressing station when he saw Kuragin, he now could not return to that feeling: he was tormented by the question of whether he was alive? And he didn't dare ask this.

His illness took its own physical course, but what Natasha called: this happened to him happened to him two days before Princess Marya’s arrival. This was the last moral struggle between life and death, in which death won. It was the unexpected consciousness that he still valued the life that seemed to him in love for Natasha, and the last, subdued fit of horror in front of the unknown.
It was in the evening. He was, as usual after dinner, in a slight feverish state, and his thoughts were extremely clear. Sonya was sitting at the table. He dozed off. Suddenly a feeling of happiness overwhelmed him.
“Oh, she came in!” - he thought.
Indeed, sitting in Sonya’s place was Natasha, who had just entered with silent steps.
Since she began following him, he had always experienced this physical sensation of her closeness. She sat on an armchair, sideways to him, blocking the light of the candle from him, and knitted a stocking. (She learned to knit stockings since Prince Andrei told her that no one knows how to take care of the sick like old nannies who knit stockings, and that there is something soothing in knitting a stocking.) Thin fingers quickly fingered her from time to time the clashing spokes, and the pensive profile of her downcast face was clearly visible to him. She made a movement and the ball rolled off her lap. She shuddered, looked back at him and, shielding the candle with her hand, with a careful, flexible and precise movement she bent, raised the ball and sat down in her previous position.
He looked at her without moving, and saw that after her movement she needed to take a deep breath, but she did not dare to do this and carefully took a breath.
In the Trinity Lavra they talked about the past, and he told her that if he were alive, he would forever thank God for his wound, which brought him back to her; but since then they never spoke about the future.
“Could it or could it not have happened? - he thought now, looking at her and listening to the light steel sound of the knitting needles. - Was it really only then that fate brought me so strangely together with her that I might die?.. Was the truth of life revealed to me only so that I could live in a lie? I love her more than anything in the world. But what should I do if I love her? - he said, and he suddenly groaned involuntarily, according to the habit that he acquired during his suffering.
Hearing this sound, Natasha put down the stocking, leaned closer to him and suddenly, noticing him glowing eyes, walked up to him with a light step and bent down.
- You are not asleep?
- No, I’ve been looking at you for a long time; I felt it when you came in. No one like you, but gives me that soft silence... that light. I just want to cry with joy.
Natasha moved closer to him. Her face shone with rapturous joy.
- Natasha, I love you too much. More than anything else.
- And I? “She turned away for a moment. - Why too much? - she said.
- Why too much?.. Well, what do you think, how do you feel in your soul, in your whole soul, will I be alive? What do you think?
- I'm sure, I'm sure! – Natasha almost screamed, taking both his hands with a passionate movement.
He paused.
- How good it would be! - And, taking her hand, he kissed it.
Natasha was happy and excited; and immediately she remembered that this was impossible, that he needed calm.
“But you didn’t sleep,” she said, suppressing her joy. – Try to sleep... please.
He released her hand, shaking it; she moved to the candle and sat down again in her previous position. She looked back at him twice, his eyes shining towards her. She gave herself a lesson on the stocking and told herself that she wouldn't look back until she finished it.
Indeed, soon after that he closed his eyes and fell asleep. He did not sleep for long and suddenly woke up in a cold sweat.
As he fell asleep, he kept thinking about the same thing he had been thinking about all the time - about life and death. And more about death. He felt closer to her.
"Love? What is love? - he thought. – Love interferes with death. Love is life. Everything, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists only because I love. Everything is connected by one thing. Love is God, and to die means for me, a particle of love, to return to the common and eternal source" These thoughts seemed comforting to him. But these were just thoughts. Something was missing in them, something was one-sided, personal, mental - it was not obvious. And there was the same anxiety and uncertainty. He fell asleep.

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