Peridot stone: properties, who is this mineral suitable for? What are the benefits of chrysolite, its magical properties. Chrysolite: unique healing and magical properties of the stone

With an emerald soul, they still knew primitive people. They used it in various fields own life. Thanks to him, they influenced the weather, conquered the elements, and most importantly, changed the course of fate.

Ancient knowledge

The life of our ancestors was inseparable from nature; they clearly felt its signals and could independently choose magical gems. Previously, every civilization knew what power a particular mineral had. But the higher the technical process became, the more more people moved away from the magic of the world of earth.

Today only fragments of ancient knowledge have reached us, but even this is enough to protect and improve the invisible force that is present in each of us. The properties of chrysolite, a stone that is distinguished by a pleasant green light, have been known to lithotherapy (a science that studies the healing properties of gems) since the beginning of its foundation. In almost every corner of the world where this mineral could be found, people endowed it with supernatural properties.

Chrysolite as an object of study

The unconventional practice of lithotherapy is based on knowledge various peoples about the nature and spectrum of action of stones. The tool with which the subject is studied is history. Experiments are carried out not in laboratories, but on books, chronicles and legends. Science is based on faith, and that is what plays main role in the effectiveness of treatment.

Every mineral has its own characteristics. Chrysolite has special energy. A photo of this gem can be seen in the material. It is characterized by a green color of various tints: from delicate apple to bluish-light green. It rarely sparkles with bright colors and is usually found in dull, cloudy and pale shades. But due to its glassy shine, it stands out well among other emerald minerals.

Historical origins

The gem got its name in Ancient Greece. The word consists of two parts: chrysos And lithos, where the first is translated as “golden” and the second as “stone”. The properties of peridot, a stone that French jewelers call peridot, have been deeply valued at all times. It beckoned with its soft color and radiant energy.

It was often confused with topaz due to its similar greenish tint. Another name for this precious mineral is olivine, because its color resembles the olive fruit. There is also a more romantic synonym for peridot, which sounds like “evening emerald.” This is due to the fact that under artificial light the yellow-golden tint disappears, but a rich green appears.

You can get it on all continents, but most often it is found in the USA, Arizona.

Instructions for use

The meaning of peridot varies depending on the beliefs of the people. The Mongols discovered these stones near volcanoes, so they considered them a symbol of the dragon. In ancient India, the mineral helped to find mutual language with the opposite sex. He was also a favorite of merchants because he protected their goods from theft, fires and damage.

Lithotherapy teaches that gems must be selected very responsibly. The energy of the talisman must correspond to the person’s aura. It is worth buying an amulet only if you have previously read the information about its properties. Astrology is the easiest way to determine which mineral will help you.

Peridot contains unique magic. Your zodiac sign will tell you who the evening emerald is suitable for. Typically, the talisman is recommended for persons born under the constellation Leo, Virgo, Scorpio or Sagittarius. It is also advisable for people whose date of birth contains numbers such as 5, 6 and 7 to wear the stone.

Precious mineral gifts

Color plays the main role in the magic of stone. Green olivine is responsible for decision making. With him you will feel more confident, the things that will be implemented will be successful. A person will find successful answers even to the most difficult questions. This effect is due to the fact that peridot deepens intuition and promotes the development of prophetic abilities. In the Middle Ages they also believed that it had the power to inspire and promote creativity.

The properties of peridot, an aristocratic stone, were extolled by Renaissance thinkers. They believed that the mineral was capable of improving mental capacity, helps to open new horizons of knowledge, promotes learning and acts as the patron of all virtuosos.

In addition, olivine greatly influences the emotional side of the wearer: it stabilizes internal state, relieves depression, helps get rid of negative thoughts.

Another advantage it has over other gems is peaceful sleep. It becomes a kind of wall between the peace of the night and the demons that seek to harm your health through sleep.

Magnet for good luck

Many sources note: the stone that helps losers as much as possible is chrysolite. The magical properties of emerald olivine are aimed not just at the duration of good luck, but at preventing both small troubles and big troubles.

It protects the owner from the negativity of the surrounding world, evil views (damage) and dangerous decisions. Therefore, it will be especially useful for those people who deal with unstable financial situations every day. The power of chrysolite is to prevent collapse and loss of material wealth. That is why it became the main amulet of the rich, bankers and businessmen.

It also promotes fairness. Peridot, as a symbol of right decisions, takes on the responsibility of a moral and ethical barrier through which evil intentions and bias cannot pass. But if the wearer of an olivine talisman consciously wishes trouble for those around him, then the mineral will turn its intentions against its owner.

Pill for diseases

In addition to a host of psychological properties, the stone improves physical health. With its healing energy it heals neuralgia. A bracelet with peridot on the wrist of the left hand will control the functioning of the heart. It has the power to relieve the wearer of kidney diseases and relieve pain in the stomach. The green mineral is capable of destroying the danger associated with liver and gallbladder diseases in the early stages.

If the above properties are not so easy to evaluate, then there is a list of problems that you can easily see getting rid of. One of them is stuttering. Olivine not only eliminates speech defects, but also makes the owner an excellent speaker who can confidently and skillfully express his thoughts.

A mineral with a soft minty hue helps cure colds and diseases associated with hypothermia.

Fashion for success

The stone enjoyed maximum popularity in the 19th century. It was then that the legend became known that the crusaders, who returned from campaigns, brought olivine with them. He provided them with male strength. Another reason for its popularity was the light shade of autumn leaves, which corresponded to the then fashion trends for a variety of greens.

One of the stones that is present in celebrity jewelry is peridot. Photos where the necks, wrists and hairstyles of stars sparkle with evening emerald can be seen on the pages of glossy magazines.

The gem will not only be an excellent addition to your image, but will also fill your body with a positive charge of energy, attract success and become an amulet of happiness.

Chrysolite translated from ancient Greek means “golden stone” - it is one of the oldest semi-precious minerals on Earth.

History of the origin of the stone

The history of peridot goes back far into the fourth millennium BC. It was also found among meteorites that fell to earth. Characterized by its transparency and various shades, it has extraordinary properties.

In jewelry, peridot is called peridot, and in the geological field, it is called olivine. It also has a name "evening emerald", which corresponds to its property of changing color to green when exposed to light.

The mineral has been popular since its origin on earth. Even in ancient times, chrysolite was a luxury item and fashion accessory, which was preferred by kings and queens. Mentions of these stones have existed since pre-biblical times.

In historical chronicles, a semi-precious stone is often mentioned, which became an adornment for the clothes of royal persons, jewelry, holy objects and many other significant objects of that time. It is worth noting that many ancient things with minerals have survived to this day, which are now in museums and private collections.

Reliable historical data about the history of the mineral:

  • The first crystal mining began in Egypt, during the reign of Cleopatra. It is interesting that the work on extracting crystals was carried out exclusively at night, since it was believed that it was impossible to extract it during the day;
  • There are also references in the chronicles to the Roman Emperor Nero, who used lenses made of peridot to observe gladiatorial battles;
  • Chrysolite also appeared in Slavic peoples, where it served as decoration for church items and clothing;
  • The mineral was popular in France in the 19th century, where it was considered capable of making a man an ideal lover;
  • The stone is also mentioned in the Bible, where it served as decoration on the robe of the high priest;
  • The uniquely cut stone serves as decoration on the crown of the Russian Empire;
  • Peridots were used as decoration for the throne Ottoman Sultan. The throne has survived to this day and is located in Istanbul.

Description of the chrysolite stone

Peridot is a unique mineral, which is popular for its transparency and properties of changing shades of green.

Characteristics of chrysolite:

  • Chrysolite is an orthosilicate of iron and magnesium.
  • The stone belongs to the silicate class.
  • Accurate density measurement - 6.5-7.0.
  • The exact density of the stone is 3.27-3.37;
  • Peridot has a pyramidal tip at the base of the crystal.
  • The stone is able to change shades:
    • golden color;
    • grassy color;
    • olive color;
    • brown color;
    • pistachio color;
    • yellow.
  • The color of the stone has the property of pale tones.
  • Has the shine of glass.
  • Crystals are usually transparent or translucent.
  • The fractures of the stone are usually small and conchoidal.
  • The soldering property is inaccurate.
  • The mineral has a fragile structure.
  • The light refractive properties are 1.654-1.690.

Due to the properties of the solid composition of the stone, the ability to recognize it among other minerals increases.

Unique properties of peridot in the field of treatment

Treatment with this mineral not recognized by medicine However, it was actively used by our ancestors to treat various diseases. Today chrysolite belongs to folk medicine, where it is valued for its medicinal properties.

Chrysolite is used for the following purposes:

  • Significantly relieves pain in neuralgic diseases.
  • Serves to improve vision and treat eye diseases. It is believed that for treatment to be effective, it is necessary to look at the stone for a long time.
  • Serves to significantly relieve pain in stomach diseases.
  • Relieving the pain of kidney disease.
  • Relieving pain in liver diseases.
  • Significantly improves the condition of liver diseases.
  • Improves the condition of gallbladder diseases.
  • Creates the effect of reducing pain in diseases of the spine;
  • Used for diseases:
    • ARVI;
    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • cardiovascular diseases.
  • Used to eliminate stuttering. It is recommended to wear the stone in the neck area to avoid stuttering.
  • Used to normalize the hormonal system.
  • Used as a medicine for insomnia and sleep disorders.
  • Has the property of relieving pain during childbirth.
  • Promotes faster recovery after operations or serious illnesses;
  • Migraine relief.
  • Used in the treatment of the respiratory system.

In folk medicine, powder from the mineral chrysolite is actively used, which is intended to cleanse the body of toxins and also helps to normalize blood flow in the body.

Magical properties of chrysolite

Chrysolite is used by magicians, esotericists and believers in mysticism in the form of amulets and talismans aimed exclusively at protecting the owner of such a talisman. In ancient times, the stone was valued for its magical and healing qualities; it was believed to have strong energy.

The ancestors believed that it was possible to increase the power of a gem by framing it with gold, thanks to which the stone could heal more effectively and protect from evil spirits and evil spirits with higher magical power. However, the properties of chrysolite in silver are no less effective; silver in combination with chrysolite conveys the properties defensive reaction from various disasters and conflict situations.

Magical properties of chrysolite:

  • Has the ability to renew friendships.
  • The property of renewing relationships of any nature.
  • Promotes the development of intelligence.
  • Promotes the perception of self-confidence.
  • Helps eliminate nervous conditions.
  • Chrysolite actively provides assistance in legal proceedings.
  • It is a talisman for the evil eye and damage.
  • It can be a talisman against rash actions.
  • Helps normalize sleep, eliminating nightmares and bad dreams.
  • Serves as a talisman against evil spirits.
  • Helps fight male impotence, promotes passion in men.
  • Serves as a talisman against ill-wishers. You can read about magical properties here.

Who is chrysolite suitable for?

Peridot stone suits all zodiac signs. However, it is especially suitable for constant use for signs such as Pisces, Leo, and Virgo. The properties of peridot are not suitable for Scorpio, Cancer and Aquarius.

You can use chrysolite as a decoration; jewelry chrysolite looks rich and belongs to amulets, which have magical properties, driving away evil spirits.

Peridot and the signs of the Zodiac

Compatibility of chrysolite with zodiac signs:

  1. Fish. The zodiac sign Pisces is characterized by low self-esteem and self-doubt, especially when accepting difficult decisions. That is why astrologers recommend wearing jewelry or objects with chrysolite for this particular zodiac sign. Products with chrysolites help owners of this zodiac sign in making difficult decisions and avoiding troubles and unwanted conflicts.
  2. Virgo. Holders of this zodiac sign are also recommended to wear items made of chrysolite, mainly jewelry. Virgos are distinguished by their unrestrained character and criticism of the people around them. The mineral can help a virgin not only look more attractive and feel confident, but also concentrate on being patient with herself and with others.
  3. Lions. Leo is the most self-confident and narcissistic sign of the zodiac, loving to always be in the spotlight. Therefore, it is recommended to wear chrysolite in the form of jewelry. The stone will help the lion to accept right decisions and remain in the center of attention, while looking attractive.
  4. Scales. For owners of this zodiac sign, chrysolite is useful for its properties of renewing and establishing relationships, mainly in the family. The stone also has the property of eliminating melancholy and feelings of fear.
  5. Taurus. Taurus are distinguished by excessive stubbornness and intolerance, and the owners of this zodiac sign are unyielding and conflict-ridden by nature. Peridot helps Taurus find the strength to make concessions and restrain their excessive emotions.
  6. Twins. For this zodiac sign, peridot can provide a calming effect, and the properties of the mineral can help overcome frequent mood swings in the owner of the Gemini zodiac sign. The mineral also has the property of imparting wisdom when making decisions about any serious problems, which greatly helps the twins.
  7. Aries. Peridot helps hot-tempered Aries gain prudence, perseverance and a calming effect.

Interesting facts about the gem:

  1. Ancestors believed that the gem awakens a feeling of care for loved ones and people around them, and also sharpens attentiveness and a sense of compassion, making a person more compliant and sociable.
  2. They also believed that the stone became addictive to the owner. When given or lost, the gem would split or lose color.
  3. Gems framed in gold should only be worn on the left hand; it was believed that this could attract good luck.
  4. The stone is ideal for people working in trade or banking.
  5. Chrysolite is also characterized by the property of preserving love and family hearth. It is believed that with a mutual gift of chrysolite by spouses, the marriage will be happy for many years.
  6. Chrysolite is an amulet for people who want to start a family.
  7. It is recommended to place souvenirs in the form of animals made of chrysolite in the house to attract wealth.
  8. To acquire greater magical powers of the stone, it is recommended to purchase an item or product with chrysolite on the 28th day of each lunar cycle.

Rules for caring for chrysolite stone

Peridot is a fragile stone, as it does not belong to the classification of hard crystals, which is why certain rules for caring for peridot should be strictly followed.

Rules for caring for a gem:

  • The stone must not be exposed chemicals. To clean the stone from dust or dirt, use soapy warm water, then wipe with a strictly soft cloth.
  • When used as jewelry, avoid any damage and wear carefully;
  • Peridot is stored by placing the product in a soft cloth, and placing it in a separate cabinet or box.

The chrysolite stone has completely unique properties, interesting story and beneficial healing priorities not found in other crystals.

The stone is also unique in a magical sense; it can be useful for protection from evil spirits and evil spirits, helping to remove shortcomings and acquiring more tolerance and wisdom.

Chrysolite stone is a unique crystal suitable for everyone who needs it, it is the most best choice among the stones.

Chrysolite is a mineral that is difficult to confuse with any other. It stands out for its bright green or emerald color. What are the properties of the chrysolite stone, and which zodiac signs is it most suitable for?

Peridot: general characteristics of the stone

Peridot widely represents the entire palette of green colors

Peridot is a natural and very beautiful stone, distinguished by a rich range of colors: from soft gold to dark green. A distinct glassy sheen, expressive shades (olive, pistachio, etc.) are the characteristic color features of this mineral.

The word "peridot" has Greek origin and can be translated as “golden stone”. The mineral has been familiar to humanity for a long time. According to legend, the birthplace of this stone is considered to be Snake Island in the Red Sea.

Today this stone is mined in several places on the planet. Its largest deposits are located in Mongolia (Khangai massif), Norway, USA, Australia, Russia (Yakutia), Brazil, Tanzania, South Africa and some other countries. The largest specimen of peridot on Earth is kept in the Smithsonian Institution Museum in Washington. The weight of this stone is 310 carats.

Stories and legends about the stone

Before the 1968 jewelry conference, some other minerals were also classified as chrysolites: for example, peridot. In 1968, it was decided to consider only those stones that have a golden or green hue to be considered chrysolites.

Peridot gained its first popularity in Paris

The mineral has gained immense popularity in mid-19th century. It happened in Paris. However, in those days in Europe, moderate use of peridot was considered fashionable: the presence of only one stone in a piece of jewelry or interior was enough. The second powerful wave of popularity of this stone was observed already at the beginning of the twentieth century.

There are many stories and legends associated with this mineral. One of them tells about the cruel Emperor Nero, whose constant companion was a chrysolite monocle. Through him, the ruler loved to look at the 30-meter statue (of himself, his beloved), erected in the Temple of the Sun. Through the same monocle, Nero watched Rome burn, which he had set on fire.

Genesis, features and varieties of chrysolite

IN large quantities chrysolite is very rare

The origin of this stone is volcanic. It is with igneous rocks (basalt and kimberlite) that geologists associate chrysolite and minerals close to it. Most of These stones are small in size, so they are extracted from placers. Large accumulations of this mineral in nature are very, very difficult to find.

If we talk about the chemical composition of this mineral, then it is dominated by magnesium and iron silicates. Peridot crystals, as a rule, have a prism-shaped or pyramidal shape. Thanks to particles of chromium and nickel, the mineral is distinguished by the bright shine of its surface.

Jewelers value peridot for its strong, rich color.

It is thanks to the brilliance and saturation color range, the stone is very valuable in jewelry. In addition, it almost never contains any third-party inclusions. The value of a stone depends on its size: the larger an individual specimen, the more expensive it is, and vice versa.

When processed, stones are given a round or oval shape, less often - a square or polygon shape. One of characteristic properties mineral – a fairly large internal stress. Therefore, aggressive methods of jewelry cutting can lead to splits and other damage.

The value of peridot depends on the degree of saturation of its color

The value of a stone also directly depends on the degree of saturation of its color. In nature, most often there are specimens of light green tones. Such stones, as a rule, are of little interest to jewelers.

The most valuable for jewelry craftsmen are two types of stone:

  • peridot Mass;
  • starry chrysolite.

Messa chrysolite is mined on the San Carlos Apache Indian Tribal Reservation. The dimensions of these stones do not exceed 13 millimeters in diameter. The extraction of this type of mineral is carried out exclusively by Indians, and they do it manually.

Star chrysolite is considered the rarest type of this mineral. Its main feature is the effect of light diffusion, which is observed on a perfectly smooth, but not very transparent surface of the stone. It is for this unique property that star chrysolite is highly valued by jewelers.

Magical properties of chrysolite stone for zodiac signs

Peridot helps to reveal the creative side of personality

Scientists, inventors, artists and creative people - this is a list of people for whom peridot is ideal. A talisman made from this stone will help protect your home from fires and thieves.

If we talk about zodiac signs, then chrysolite is a stone whose properties are best suited for and. But astrologers do not recommend representatives to get involved with this mineral.

The stone is ideal for practical Virgos. It will help this zodiac sign develop their intellectual and creative abilities. In addition, for conservative Virgos, the stone will add progressiveness in life, perseverance and patience.

Leos strive to be winners in any life situation. But for this they often lack confidence in their abilities. This is exactly the problem that a stone can solve. With this mineral, Leos will be able to more easily gain the respect of other people and win them over. The stone will contribute to the development of sociability and communication skills among representatives of this sign.

The healing properties of chrysolite

Chrysolite is widely used in lithotherapy

Lithotherapy did not bypass this mineral either. The stone has long been used by folk healers. Alternative healers effectively use it in the treatment of various diseases and disorders nervous system person: insomnia, neuralgia, nightmares, etc. Many healers are confident that this stone has a beneficial effect on the stomach, kidneys and vision of a person, improving its acuity.

Chrysolite is also widely used to treat colds and relieve pain in the spine. Some experts believe that the stone helps relieve a child from fears and stuttering.

One way or another, chrysolite has all the healing properties that are characteristic of stones of green shades. Lithotherapists recommend not only carrying the stone with you, but also consuming it internally, in powder form. The crushed mineral can relieve stomach pain, relieve inflammatory processes in the cecum and even disinfect the blood in the body.

Amulets and talismans made of chrysolite

Chrysolite protects against envy and evil intentions

The stone has certain magical properties, which our ancestors have known about since time immemorial. Yes, back in ancient times people were sure that chrysolite protects against envy and evil intentions. Products made from this stone will bring harmony and mutual understanding to your home.

Medieval alchemists believed that a bright green stone was able to fight evil spirits, protecting its owner from the evil eye and various conspiracies. At the same time, jewelry made from the mineral should be worn exclusively on the left wrist.

Chrysolite is a reliable amulet against the fire element. The owner of this stone, as well as his property, are not afraid of fires and burns. Peridot decoration will protect you from external negative impacts, and will also attract the attention of the opposite sex. In addition, the stone helps to awaken and develop a person’s ability to clairvoyance.

Chrysolite is able to ward off negative influences and protect against the evil eye

Various amulets and talismans made from this stone have proven themselves to be excellent. They contribute to the development of intellectual and creativity, add courage, sociability and self-confidence to a person. A talisman made of chrysolite is an excellent amulet against the evil eye.

Thanks to its exceptional magical properties, the peridot stone is ideal for two zodiac signs: Virgo and Leo. It will add patience to the first, and self-confidence to the second. But, according to many astrologers, this mineral is categorically not suitable for Pisces.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that comes from with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

One of the oldest minerals known to man is chrysolite. The name of the mineral is translated from ancient Greek as “golden stone”. This transparent green mineral with various shades has unique properties. Jewelers call the stone peridot, and geologists call it olivine. Due to its ability to change color to green under artificial light, it is also nicknamed “evening emerald.”

Chrysolite has attracted people with its attractive power and charm since ancient times. The first mention of it dates back to the 4th millennium BC. This semi-precious stone was also found in meteorites that fell to Earth.

Description of the chrysolite stone

  • This mineral belongs to the valuable varieties of olivine.
  • Chrysolite is a fragile, but at the same time hard mineral that dissolves well in acids.
  • It is easy to polish. After this procedure, the mineral acquires its signature shine.
  • The color of peridot is green with various shades of gold, yellow, pistachio, grass, olive and brown. With rare exceptions, the color can be intense; usually the mineral is characterized by pale tones.
  • The mineral has a glassy luster.
  • Hardness – 6.5–7 on the Mohs scale.
  • The density is 3.3 g/cm3.
  • Chemical composition– iron-magnesium orthosilicate.
  • Iron affects the color intensity of the mineral.
  • Sometimes the stone contains chromium and nickel.
  • Field: Egypt, Pakistan, Vietnam, Mexico, Mongolia, Burma, Russian Federation, Australia, USA and other countries.

Application area

Peridot has found application in jewelry. Typically, this beautiful transparent stone is used as inserts in all kinds of gold or silver products. Peridot is also used for decoration various accessories and interior items. This mineral is used for embroidering icons. It is processed using the step, emerald or diamond cut method. This is done with extreme caution, since chrysolite is a fragile and heat-sensitive stone. This semi-precious stone is also used in magical rituals. Despite its relatively low cost, this gem is considered rare today.

The stone has found application in alternative medicine. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it must be applied to the sore spot for half an hour. In order to cook medicinal water, the mineral is thrown into the liquid and infused throughout the day. In addition, medicinal ointment is prepared from peridot. To prepare, place a piece of stone in a container with the prepared ointment.

Varieties and colors

The main color of chrysolites is green. Most stones are transparent and have pale shades. Bright stones are rare. Gems can be evenly colored, have spots or stripes. Minerals with the color “ cat eye».

The healing properties of chrysolite

Official medicine has no scientific evidence that chrysolite can cure a person from large quantity diseases. But adherents of lithotherapy think differently. Since ancient times, representatives of many nations have used this stone to treat various diseases.

In lithotherapy, chrysolite is used for the following purposes:

  • improving vision and healing from eye diseases. It is believed that it is enough to cure long time look at the stone;
  • to reduce pain in the stomach, kidneys, liver, gall bladder, spine;
  • in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, fever, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the endocrine system;
  • to relieve neuralgia;
  • getting rid of stuttering. To do this, lithotherapists recommend constantly wearing jewelry made from this gem;
  • to balance hormonal levels;
  • for quick recovery after serious illnesses;
  • helps women in labor by relieving pain during contractions;
  • getting rid of headaches;
  • treating insomnia and getting rid of nightmares.

Lithotherapists use chrysolite powder to heal the body, relieve pain in the stomach and cleanse the blood of poisons and toxins. This powder is also added to ointments used to treat dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

Magical properties of chrysolite

Since ancient times, people believed that the Sun endowed chrysolite with special powers that could protect against negative influence dark forces and evil spirits. That is why ancient magicians wore amulets decorated with chrysolite. It was believed that in order to increase the magical power of this gem, it must be framed in gold. The mineral differs from other minerals in its strong energy.

The following are attributed to chrysolite magical properties:

  • he is able to establish mutual understanding between people, as well as strengthen relationships, including friendship;
  • relieves envy and nervous tension;
  • help its owner gain a sense of self-esteem;
  • restores the joy of life and relieves depression, melancholy and melancholy;
  • develops intelligence and intuition;
  • helps in resolving severe life situations;
  • assists in court cases;
  • protects against rash, stupid actions and bad luck;
  • protects from fires;
  • gives the owner insight;
  • helps get rid of bad dreams. To do this, it is enough to put gold decoration with peridot under the pillow;
  • protects from enemies and danger;
  • increases male attractiveness and helps cope with male impotence, awakening passion.

Who is suitable for chrysolite according to their zodiac sign?

Jewelry with peridot can be worn by all zodiac signs. According to astrologers, this gem is most suitable for Pisces, Leo and Virgo. It is not recommended to wear peridot for Aquarius, Cancer and Scorpio.


It helps Pisces to take meaningful, quick and right decisions and also avoid conflict situations. Peridot also gives people born under the zodiac sign Pisces confidence and determination. In addition, jewelry with chrysolite should be worn to increase self-esteem, since very often representatives of this sign lack self-confidence.


For people born under the sign of Leo, this gem will help them make the right decisions. After all, people born under this zodiac sign love to be the center of attention and win, but they often lack fortitude and self-confidence. Peridot jewelry will also add attractiveness to its owner and help reveal him positive traits. And as you know, Leos need universal recognition most of all.


Practical and demanding Virgos are recommended to wear jewelry made from this green-golden stone in order to become more patient and less demanding of others. The mineral also promotes the development of intelligence, attention and memory. Also, jewelry with this mineral will make Virgo more attractive to others.



Positive influence Peridot has an effect on other zodiac signs.
As you know, Taurus are stubborn and selfish. Very often they cannot yield in controversial situations. Peridot adds generosity to the representatives of this zodiac sign and makes them more compliant.


Characteristic feature Gemini is that they themselves do not know exactly what they want. They often contradict themselves. Peridot acts as a sedative for representatives of this zodiac sign. Geminis become more balanced and do not change their mood so often.


As you know, Aries are fire signs. Characteristic feature Their character is considered to be ardor. Because of this, they often have difficulties. Peridot has a calming effect on representatives of this zodiac sign, and also gives them prudence and perseverance.

How to distinguish peridot from a fake?

Chrysolite is a precious stone, but its price is low. Despite this, the mineral can be imitated using glass or plastic. In order to determine the authenticity of a stone, it is enough to run a sharp object across its surface. Chips will peel off from the plastic fake. Natural stone has a fairly high degree of hardness. Therefore, he is not afraid of a sharp object.

A glass fake will heat up quickly and retain the resulting heat for some time if it is squeezed in the palm of your hand for a few seconds. The genuine mineral remains cool, and when heated, it instantly releases heat.

It is necessary to pay attention to the size of the mineral. In nature, large gems are rare. Therefore, jewelry stores usually sell small stones.

From other stones having green color, chrysolite is distinguished by its hardness, hue, and presence of inclusions yellow color and a strong oily sheen.

The word “peridot” is translated from ancient Greek as “gold”. The stone was so named for its soft, greenish-golden color. In the old days, chrysolite (Olivine) was called the evening emerald, since after sunset its beautiful, green tint is especially noticeable.

Peridot has a very rich story. It is also mentioned in the Bible as a stone that must certainly be present in the robes of the high priests.

The seventh foundation of Heavenly Jerusalem, according to the “Apocalypse” of John the Theologian, is decorated with chrysolite. This stone is one of the regalia of the famous Russian crown.

Magical properties of Chrysolite

The Mongols call chrysolite the Dragon Stone. It was believed that the gem, having absorbed the power of the powerful, mythical creature, is able to drive away evil spirits, as well as help to gain the favor of others, without any problems. This stone has always been considered indispensable by lawyers, because it helps to win the most difficult, complicated cases.

Since peridot is credited with the ability to preserve property, it is often worn by bankers, traders and merchants.

Medicinal properties

The most main function chrysolite in treatment – ​​blood purification. As a consequence of the first, the stone can ease pain in the heart, partially relieve eye diseases, and relieve pain in the spine.

Character of the stone

Chrysolite (olivine) is precisely the stone that helps the owner protect himself from wrong actions; in ancient times it was called the stone of the highest law. Since chrysolite is the embodiment of will, it can significantly add courage to the owner, give strength, and help not to stray from the chosen path.

A gem faithful to its owner will relieve impotence and melancholy, restore the joy of life, and help make a thoughtful, informed decision.

The stone is unsuitable for people who like to interfere in other people's lives and impose their will on others. Chrysolite is a symbol of one’s own spiritual path.

The gem has a soft soothing energy, it will give confidence and... Greatest benefit chrysolite will bring, because the character and energy of the stone completely coincides with people born under this solar sign. They, like chrysolite, love to envelop loved ones with care and boundless love. It is with Leos that chrysolite often reveals itself to its full potential, like a talisman.


More often than others, chrysolite is given to athletes; it is also suitable for those who strive for family happiness.

It is advisable to carry chrysolite carved in the shape of a fish or lion. for your home, you need to place it in the living room in the very center, in a prominent place, it will shine gratefully in the setting rays of the sun and give gifts to the people living in the house.


The price of peridot is inferior to precious stones, but it is no less valuable as a gift dear person. The Dragon Stone, full of inner nobility, will definitely bring happiness to the owner.

It is desirable that the shape of the talisman resembles an animal. This form is close in spirit solar energy stone and will give the greatest effect.

Chrysolite (Olivine) is worn without a frame or in gold; this noble metal significantly enhances the positive. The gem has very good energy regeneration, so even if the stone was once stolen, there is no need to worry that it could become a carrier negative emotions. The only thing you can’t do is steal peridot yourself, then it will do nothing but harm.

Zodiac signs

Planet: Sun moon.

Element: Water, Fire.

How to spot a fake

Peridot is considered precious stone, however, its cost is not so high as to grow artificial gems. This is why scammers create fakes made of plastic and glass.

Real stones are quite durable and very difficult to scratch. If you run a sharp object over natural stone, nothing special will happen. If you have an imitation made using plastic in your hands, you will be able to see how chips are separated from the stone.

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