A game where you have to kill a person in different ways. Bullying games

Games of bullying people. Here you can play online for free not only flash games with bullying of humans, but also animals or bullying of zombies with blood, which are called “sadushki and mockery”, as well as joke games. If the day is not a success and someone has spoiled your mood, a boss, a teacher or a girl from class, you can take out your anger with the help of these games. Despite their name, these games are not violent, but are fun, funny and uplifting. To play bullying there is no need to download or register, just play right now.
Shooters and shooters are waiting for you, where you can kill using various weapons; physical puzzles, where bullying is carried out using blows with any objects, taking into account the laws of physics; or races in which you can accelerate on a tractor or car and crush crowds of attacking zombies. Most of games contain bullying. Therefore, bullying games remain such games for boys; girls are not allowed here. Data Online Games belong to the genre of flash jokes.

This is a very exciting online baseball sports game. To make it not so boring, this game has an additional goal - you need to hit the balls so as to break the windows of neighboring houses or hit your neighbor on the head. Arrows will highlight neighbors who, suspecting nothing, went out onto the porch to breathe fresh air. For well-aimed hits you will receive points. But hooliganism cannot last long, sooner or later you will be caught, so keep in mind that you have little time, and you need to destroy as much as possible. Quickly, take a bat and cause mayhem in the area. Space - throw the ball, hit the ball using the arrows.

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Simple game on the speed of your reaction and attentiveness! Your task is to knock down all the balls, glasses and other objects on a rotating circle without hitting the Gingerbread Man. A certain time is allotted to complete each level, so the strikes must be fast and accurate. Select the game difficulty and get started! Incredibly simple dynamic game!
Mouse only control.


This is a very unusual game, but believe me, it is very exciting. The uniqueness lies in the plot! The player is a terrible monster, a zombie child. It's Halloween night and you're escaping from your cage to party outside! Pounce on passers-by and take away their candies. To avoid suspicion and fear, wear a pumpkin as a mask. Beware of yard dogs and hooligans, they can not only deprive you of your covering mask, but also cause fatal harm. There's a boss waiting for you at the end. Complete level tasks and unlock new stages to complete. Collect and accumulate candies to acquire new skills and improve your abilities.
A, D - move left and right, W - jump, S - Hide behind cover or put on a mask, K and L - attack. To hide behind a bush or decoration, you need to approach the object and press S. To put on the mask, you need to find a pumpkin.


A new bloody online game from the Mass Murder series, but this time, a hot battle against zombies awaits you. The whole world is infected with a virus and everyone who could not escape turns into a zombie. Your task is to kill these green creatures. Use the weapons you have to complete the mission and earn money. Between waves of zombies, you can spend money in the store to buy new weapons, grenades, armor and other gadgets and improvements that are so necessary for a real fighter. This game rightfully occupies a high rating among Shooters.
The game has video control tips. Arrows - movement. Space - attack. X - return map view to the hero. Also hold X to open crates containing new weapons and other aid dropped from the sky by surviving allies.


Small but very funny arcade game. You need to kill 4 evil monsters. Each of them requires its own tactics.
Kill all 4 bosses, each of which requires a special approach and tactics.


Funny game! Its goal is to turn the scary old woman into beautiful girl by mixing the ingredients correctly. Hints will appear on the left side of the screen about what needs to be added, guess for yourself. If you choose correctly, you will receive points. Collect as many points as possible, that is, the correct components for the potion. The game has many levels, the further you go, the more interesting it becomes. A game for both children and adults.
Mouse control.


A funny flash game with bullying, where unusual football awaits you. Everything is like in a stadium: enthusiastic cheers from the public, football players, referees, red cards, only instead of a ball there will be a person and you will play not with your feet, but with your head. You need to hit your head so that the “whipping man” flies as far as possible. When flying past the players of your team, he will be given an additional kick in flight to speed up. The arbitrator, on the contrary, will stop the riots. Earn as many points as possible to spend at the sports store.

Press Spacebar to prepare to strike, press Spacebar a second time to strike.

In order for a person to feel happy, he needs to learn one thing - to live in harmony with himself, outside world and the people around you. To do this, you need to find some balance between your external and internal self-expression. And of course, it is worth saying that this is not so easy to do. After all, in order to carry out serious work on your shortcomings and bad habits You need to make a lot of effort and all this will require a certain investment of time. And no matter how hard you try to be kind to others, sometimes unpleasant moments happen in life, and negative emotions just overwhelm you, causing your nerve cells to suffer. Causes negative emotions and as a consequence bad mood can be completely different: your boss and colleagues at work bothered you, someone stepped on your foot in public transport, your beloved sport Team I lost again, it’s been pouring rain all day, I just didn’t get enough sleep, etc.
To relax a little, we suggest you play games from the category called bullying games or as they are also called sadushki games. This category differs from other categories in the absence of an intellectual component, but in order to lose one’s ardor, this is not so important. This category contains flash games that abuse people, monsters, aliens, animals, zombies, and insects. They are created specifically to release negative emotions and release. Play online bullying games and you might feel better.
Online bullying games have a comic plot with elements special type humor - black humor. Basically, the presented games in this category can be divided into shooters or shooting games, where you can use a variety of weapons to kill, inflict physical injuries with blows or some other objects. Or go crazy and rush along the highway at breakneck speed, knocking down everyone and everything in your path while running away from police cars. Of course, such games do not teach anything good, just like bloody films, action films and horror films, as well as literature of a similar genre. But sometimes you really want to play, watch or read this type of thing.
Our website presents a variety of bullying games that are available to you around the clock and do not require lengthy preliminary registration, because there is no such registration at all. All online flash games are absolutely free and are constantly updated with new interesting toys.

Are your parents angry? - No problem. They will help you bullying games. They are specially designed to discharge and release negative emotions. On our website you will find a large selection of online games for boys and girls. All online games are free.

Bullying games for girls- that's pretty now popular games. Today, banter is one of the most popular forms of self-expression, and this, of course, is not always normal. To throw out your heat and not lose your temper in public, but to be calm and balanced, we recommend that you play flash bullying games for girls online for free!

Sometimes lose important relationships with people it’s simply unacceptable, I don’t want to lose my temper in front of everyone, but my soul is already so “boiling” after the next conflict that I want to express myself somehow. And in this case, it is flash games that are bullying the best way They will defuse the situation and even make you laugh at yourself - this will not be superfluous in any situation! This is not at all sadistic humor, as some people like to say. Sometimes the situation simply requires timely discharge. Angry teacher at school? Got a bad grade? For all these cases, there is an indispensable remedy - bullying!

Yes, we talk about this absolutely calmly. Download the first game you come across and start tormenting a poor person, animal or any other substance - you will immediately feel relaxed and realize that you are no longer angry with anyone! Find a lot of fun and joy in one great moment - and it's completely unpunished! After playing bullying, the next morning you will go to school or work, relax, talk with your friends and not feel a drop of yesterday’s irritation! And all this is possible thanks to virtual flash games of bullying, designed for girls, which you can play online and for free!

Sometimes girls need to let out their emotions, so here you young ladies can always have a lot of fun! Flash games of bullying are created for you, play and enjoy them!

Bullying play online for free:

Do you like torture as much as the creators of the game do? Help torture a man suspended by his hands on ropes in order to take out all his anger on him. All...

Today, something strange is happening in the city - cats, who were previously peaceful residents of the city, began to turn everyday life in hell. Someone has to protect...

Once upon a time, a teacher was expelled from the university. No one ever found out the clear reason for the dismissal. But over time, the scientist became very cruel and evil...

“I have been working for the same company for several years. All these years I have put up with my weak-minded colleague. Dave is a computer specialist like me. But he is not even able to remove a network worm from his own computer.
- Hello, Rick. I caught the virus again!
Every day Dave bullies me and makes my life a nightmare! He starts the morning by taking over my parking lot! He gets all the credit for my work! He always drinks the last cup of coffee. And with all this, he always asks me for help! Every day starts all over again, the same thing."

These words are a preface to this game of mockery, accompanied by blood and mayhem.

The main character is a typical system administrator who confidently and efficiently does his job. But his partner, and indeed everyone around him, are real mediocrities who live at the expense of others. That's it, he's had enough! In a fit of anger, Rick throws the monitor, breaking the window. He makes an improvised knife from a piece of glass and a rag, and sets off to take revenge on the whole world, especially on the inhabitants of his office.
As in most cases, creations in the spirit of the Pyrozen developers are distinguished by an abundance of tyranny and chaos.

What kind of tricks does an IT specialist resort to in order to throw out his emotions, mocking people:

A shotgun that smashes through the skull, spattering everything around with fresh blood!
- a screwdriver on a rope that can be thrown into the eye;
- a lighter and an aerosol can, you know why;
- kitchen plug, wire and battery - this is an electric shock;
- a cylinder with compressed air, and a piece of metal inserted into the hose makes a hole in the brain - as in famous movie Coen brothers "No Country for Old Men."
- a mop, a fly swatter, a water gun... You can also simply throw a sheet of crumpled paper or an empty tin can at your annoying colleague.
Spend the points you earn from combo attacks and other amenities to improve your abilities.

Next there are a few phrases that are not formatted for our site, but the description requires it. In appearance cultured people, and what kind of things they do, as will later be found out. For fun, he will urinate in a flower pot, relieve himself in a drawer with documentation, or stare at magazines with indecent content. Or maybe all these pathetic people deserve cruel punishment? Of course not, God be their judge. But our guy doesn’t know this. Only frantic mockery of them will calm his anger.
Let's give an interesting hint: the shotgun is in the boss's office on the second floor, under the table on the left. And the cartridges for it are in the archive room, on top of the cabinets, and in several places. And don't forget to tear the circuit plans off the walls, you need them.

Let's tickle your nerves?

Sometimes questions arise, the first is why people watch horror films, thrillers and films with similar plots, and the second is why the spectacle of bloody murders attracts and attracts numerous people? The answer to the questions may be that people are interested in watching horror films and have a new viewing experience. Moreover, in horror films there are just fewer bloody scenes than in the same action-packed Hollywood action films. Probably horror movies once again emphasize that our life is relatively calm and there is a certain regularity in it. And people want to feel adrenaline or experience stress, so watching these films can, albeit briefly, bring a similar effect.

Hollywood directors and screenwriters have long understood that the role of fear plays a huge role in creating intrigue in storyline film. They began to use the feeling of fear in great abundance, sometimes even forgetting about the sense of proportion. But we must not forget that such films are not created for the sake of a work of art, but for the sake of increasing box office revenue thanks to those who want to see such films. There is a law of direct correlation between the amount of fear instilled in the plot of a film and the increase in the collection of money from viewing it. For those who want to experience the thrill and fans of horror films, the category of bloody online games is suitable.

At the same time, you do not need to spend money, because the games on our website are available without registration and are absolutely free. Collected here a large number of bloody flash games where you have to fight with:

  • living zombies,
  • alien and bloodthirsty monsters,
  • poachers.

Well, of course, games with carefree, cute characters from the well-known animated film"Happy Tree Friends", which is created in the genre of thriller and black humor. The main goal of games in the category of bloody games is to complete tasks that have some sadistic nature. Games completely lack an intellectual component, but at the same time they help you relax after a busy day at work. In such games you can, bypassing various Negative consequences, to take revenge on a boring neighbor, a stupid boss, for which real life Punishments can and will definitely follow. Of course, such games cannot teach anything kind and good; they should be treated as a tool for relieving stress and tension. It’s better not to stress, relax more and then there will be no such need to relieve any stress.

A virtual world full of dangers

Today at virtual world you can find games for every taste and color. They develop memory, logic, reaction, accuracy, intelligence, and train observation and tactics. Genres and stories suggest going through labyrinths, fighting enemies, looking for objects, coloring pictures and collecting puzzles, playing Board games and go to the casino. There are good, creative games that awaken a sense of nobility, courage, valor and knightly spirit, as well as those involving magic and sending you to other worlds. And there are bloody online games where you are given the task of shooting, blowing up, etc. Well, this is also suitable for variety, especially since we are already accustomed to various horror and thrillers.

Bloody games for every taste

There is no shortage of plot fantasies from developers. You can start a hunt for zombies and destroy them in hordes. You don’t feel sorry for these monsters at all, and therefore conscience has absolutely nothing to do with it. Another question is important here: who will remain in the city - you or the walking monsters? Whenever possible, pick up weapons and ammunition, move through the streets in search of the next target, but do not forget that they are watching you too. The truck parked by the side of the road only seems harmless, and the dilapidated building is deserted. In fact, zombies may be hiding behind them, waiting for their prey.

Escape from prison is a risky business, but the game is worth the candle. You know that there is a guard at each tower, the perimeter is surrounded and guarded, and the dogs will easily pick up the trail in case of escape. But if you think that you have calculated everything correctly and the business will definitely work out, you can try your luck. If you're tired of running and hiding, become a killer and accept orders to destroy objects. Don't worry, you won't have to lie in ambush the entire game, but pursuit, surveillance and shooting are guaranteed. Oh, and the job of an assassin is hard - bad weather conditions, nervous tension, unforeseen situations, constant movements, dirt after work done. True, when two opposing gangs meet and a showdown begins, there will be even more bloodshed.

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