Dress up games star wars kylo ren. Why Kylo Ren is better than Darth Vader as a villain

Character from the Star Wars universe. Kylo's parents - captain spaceship The Millennium Falcon is both a general of the Rebel Alliance and leader of the Resistance forces. Adding drama to Kylo's image is the fact that the hero kills his own father.

Kylo has a remarkable appearance: long black hair, Brown eyes, angular face and awkward figure with tall stature. The hero's age is about 30 years. Has the ability to penetrate another's mind and sense another's presence. Possesses telekinesis - can stop a blaster beam in flight and control a lightsaber from a distance. He masterfully wields weapons and, together with a partner, can scatter a crowd of opponents.

History of creation

The script for the seventh episode of Star Wars was written by director and screenwriters Lawrence Kasdan and Michael Arndt. The Lucasfilm studio was sold to The Walt Disney Company", therefore the creator of the saga did not take part in the development of new heroes.

Kylo Ren first appeared in a teaser that was released in 2014. At that time, the character did not yet have a name, but viewers already had the opportunity to appreciate Kylo’s spectacular lightsaber with a guard. Previously, such weapons were not known in the fictional Star Wars universe. Star Wars fans learned the name of the new hero later when a series of trading cards with images of the characters were released.


Kylo Ren first appears at the beginning of Episode VII of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The hero leads an elite squad of stormtroopers of the First Order, whose ranks initially include Finn, one of the main characters of the film. Kylo learns that a map has fallen into the hands of Resistance fighters, which shows the coordinates of a man who has disappeared to an unknown location. Resistance pilot Poe Dameron flies to the planet Jakku to get the map, where Kylo intercepts him and takes him prisoner.

The map leaves Kylo’s hands, but the hero penetrates Dameron’s mind and learns that Dameron’s droid, BB-8, escaped with the map. The fugitive droid is joined by young scavenger Rey, who will become deeply involved with Kylo Ren in the future.

One stormtrooper deserts from Kylo's squad - Finn, who, together with Rey and the droid, escapes from the First Order on the Millennium Falcon. Having met Han Solo in the vastness of space, the fugitives learn the backstory of Kylo Ren. Kylo was Luke Skywalker's student, but he betrayed his teacher, switched to the dark side of the force and changed his name. After this, Luke Skywalker disappeared.

This is only part of the story, and in the next episode - "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" - viewers get the opportunity to look at the situation from a different perspective. The reason for Kylo's betrayal was that Master Luke tried to kill the hero while he was sleeping. Luke felt the stirrings of the Dark Side in the young man and was afraid of the consequences. But it turned out that while the master stood over him with a drawn lightsaber and was considering whether to hit or not to hit, Kylo woke up and made his own conclusions.

From Episode VII, the viewer learns that, having left the path of the Jedi, Kylo became a student of the Supreme Leader, who heads the First Order. Also, before the name change, Kylo was called Ben Solo. Accordingly, he is the son of Han Solo.

In the same episode, the connection between Kylo Ren and Rey is first established. The hero takes the girl captive and tries to penetrate Rey’s mind in order to “get” from there the image of the map with Luke’s coordinates, which the girl saw. But Rey, contrary to expectations, rebuffs him and penetrates Kylo’s mind, reading the hero’s emotions. Rey, and with her the viewer, learns about greatest fear Kylo will never surpass Darth Vader in terms of fame and power.

To be closer to his idol, Kylo wears a mask, but the viewer can repeatedly see the hero without this helmet, and in some episodes even without a shirt.

At the end of the film, Kylo confronts his own father. The internal struggle does not prevent the hero from killing Han Solo, and Kylo himself is wounded. The hero receives another serious injury from Rey. The girl uses the Force for the first time and uses a lightsaber against Kylo, ​​which previously belonged to the hero’s idol Darth Vader when he was Anakin Skywalker.

During the battle, the planet where the heroes are located begins to collapse, and Rey and her friends fly away. Kylo risks dying by exploding along with the planet, but the hero, on the orders of Supreme Leader Snoke, is picked up by “their own.”

In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the bond between Kylo and Rey continues to grow stronger. Heroes are able to establish contact at a distance. During one of these “sessions,” Rey comes to the conclusion that Kylo still has a desire for the Light Side of the Force. The heroine believes that she can awaken Kylo's Light Side and goes to meet him.

Kylo, ​​however, arrests Rey and escorts her to Supreme Leader Snoke. He tries once again to manipulate the hero, but as a result, Kylo kills Snoke and, together with Rey, deals with the running bodyguards of the Supreme Leader.

Kylo invites Rey to establish a new world order in the galaxy together, but she nobly refuses. After this, Kylo calmly blames the murder of his mentor on Rey, and declares himself the new Supreme Leader of the First Order.

And Kylo's first order is to attack the rebel base. The First Order troops approach the shelter where they took refuge last strength Resistance. At the last moment, Luke Skywalker himself appears in front of Kylo's ship. The hero orders all guns to be fired at him, but Skywalker, after the shelling, only shakes a speck of dust off his shoulder.

Then Kylo himself comes out to fight against Luke Skywalker, but the old Jedi only dodges the blows and does not attack the hero. After telling Kylo that the war is just beginning, and the last Jedi is not himself, Skywalker allows Kylo to pierce himself with a sword. Here it turns out that all this time the hero was fighting not with his old teacher, but with his projection. Skywalker himself did not leave his island. While Luke distracted Kylo, ​​the rebels managed to leave the base and hide.

Film adaptations

The film “Star Wars. Episode VII: The Force Awakens was released in 2015, and the next episode, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, was released in 2017. Kylo Ren played the role in both films American actor, and in the Russian dubbing was voiced by Alexander Koigerov.

Critics praised Driver's work in these films. The actor conveyed contradictory nature Kylo made him a gifted bad guy with whom “a lot of interesting things could happen.” Kylo's temper, his complex biography, susceptibility to anger, unpredictability of character and high emotionality make the hero more believable and closer to the viewer.


Many of Kylo's phrases were remembered by the audience:

"I'm sorry. I felt it again... the attraction of Light. The Supreme Leader sees everything. Guide me, show me the power of Darkness, and then I will sweep away all obstacles. Guide your grandson and I will finish what you started.”
“No need to worry. Together we will destroy the Resistance and the last Jedi."
"I'm immune to light."
“You need a mentor. I will teach you how to control the Force."
“Let the past die. Kill him if necessary. This is the only way to become the master of your destiny.”

In this article you will learn:

Kylo Ren is the main villain of the new film from the Star Wars universe. This character appeared recently and immediately received mixed reviews. Kylo is the son of Han and Leia, as well as the grandson of Darth Vader. The villain is part of the canon.


The character's real name is Ben. He was born into the family of a smuggler and a princess. The approximate date of birth of the hero is 5-6 ABY. He was born after the Republic's victory over the Empire at the Battle of Endor.

Ben was a force-sensitive boy. His parents were afraid that he would follow in the footsteps of his grandfather, so as soon as the boy reached a certain age, he was sent to study by his uncle.

Perhaps Han and Leia were not ideal parents, so their son at some point left his teacher, becoming a member of the dark organization Knights of Ren, which belonged to the First Order, followers of the Empire. Taking the path of dark power, Ben took on a new name, Kylo.

As a sign that he belongs to the Knights, the hero took the prefix Ren (similar to how the Sith used to take the prefix Darth).

Instead of a regular light blade, Kylo assembled a sword of an unusual design, which was extremely unstable.

After her son left, Leia led the Resistance, Han went on a spree, going on a long journey, and Skywalker, feeling guilty for failing with his student, disappeared.

Ren played by Adam Driver

The Force Awakens

This is the first film where Ren's character appeared. He was played by actor Adam Driver (no comments!).

Kylo became Master of the Knights of Ren and worked under the leadership of the Supreme Leader of the First Order, Snoke, along with General Hux, at Starkiller Base (something similar to the Death Star, only on a larger scale).

The hero studied the entire history of his grandfather and became so obsessed with him that he vowed to finish his work. Like all Knights of Ren, the character wore dark robes and a mask.

While Ren was chasing the fugitives, a battle took place in orbit of Starkiller Base, which ended with the destruction of the Order's weapons.

Kylo managed to catch up with Finn and Rey. In a short fight with Finn, who used Luke Skywalker's sword, the dark disciple emerged victorious, but his strength was not enough for Rey, who defeated Ren. Kylo could have died at the hands of the scavenger, but Starkiller Base began to fall apart and Ren and Rey were separated.

After failing, the surviving Kylo was delivered to Snoke.

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The return of Jar Jar Binks, the relationship between Kylo Ren and Rey, the death of Chewbacca and other fascinating versions of the plot that fans are discussing in anticipation of the premiere.

With less than a month left until the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, fans don't have the strength to just languish in anticipation, and to keep themselves busy, they come up with various theories about what plot twists what to expect from the 7th part and why. Website Time magazine I chose the ten most exciting ones.

Jar Jar Binks will be back

This may be the most well-founded of all fan theories, and there may be a real Lucasfilm secret behind it, but it's still hard to believe. According to her, Jar Jar Binks is actually a Sith, the opposite of Master Yoda, who, like him, hides incredible power under the mask of an absurd animal. It was Jar Jar who was behind Chancellor Palpatine at the head of the conspiracy against the Republic. When you read the full justification for this theory, at first you laugh, then you look for a jaw on the floor: all the facts that we know about the ridiculous inhabitant of Naboo fit so neatly into it. The only problem is that even if the writers had such an idea in Episode I, they abandoned it in the second and third episodes, because Jar Jar was cut out of the plot, appearing a couple of times in random episodes. However, some fans believe that Jar Jar will return and become the main antagonist of Episode VII.

Chewbacca will die

In one of the trailers, Rey cries inconsolably over the body of a murdered comrade. We don’t see this ally himself, but there’s something amazingly hairy in the corner of the screen! Fans analyzed all the teasers and trailers, compared every frame, and came to the conclusion: in one of the scenes, Chewbacca will save his friends by defusing a bomb at the cost of his life.

Rey and Kylo Ren are twin brother and sister

For symmetry, this would be beautiful: obviously, the protagonist of Episode VII is Rhea, a pretty girl in gray rag outfits and an extravagant long suit as a weapon, and the main villain is Kylo Ren in a dark mask and cape. History repeats itself and it is revealed that they are brother and sister, like Luke and Leia. In an interview, director J. J. Abrams even said that he intentionally left Rey and Kylo without last names (Ren is a title, just like Darth in the name “Darth Vader”). Solo is a great fit for both names, isn't it?

Rey - daughter of Han and Leia

Well, it's simple here: lost girl, who in the trailer wanders around Tatooine with a cute droid, seemingly in Luke Skywalker cosplay, and introduces herself: “I am Nobody.” After all, Han Solo and Leia Skywalker were going to have children. Plus there are many arguments from the footage that we were shown: it seems that Rey is driving the Millennium Falcon. Who else besides his own daughter would Solo let take the helm? In the Asian trailer, Rey tells the droid BB-8, "I know all about waiting... waiting for your family." Well, clearly, clearly.

Finn is the son of Leia and Lando Calrissian

Everything is clear here too. A black guy who aspires to be a Jedi, and as we remember, there are no Jedi left in the far, far away Galaxy except Luke and Leia. You say everyone in your family had strength? Fine. But how else could Leia, for whom Lando was so clearly attracted, have a black son? Fans discovered a children's puzzle on Amazon that suddenly explicitly names Finn as Lando's son. This could be a mistake due to the unusually extensive marketing support, or it could be a spoiler. There are no other candidates for the role of mother besides Leia yet, so...

Kylo Ren wants to resurrect Darth Vader

It’s hard to believe, of course, but why not? Kylo is clearly in the process of gaining the Force. Kylo must have some kind of mission in the film, separate from the organization First Order, which he joined, and from the Knights of Ren, which he seems to lead. Such a mission could well be an attempt to use the Force to bring Darth Vader, to whom Kylo is clearly partial, back to life: either directly alive, or at least in the form of a ghost, like Obi Wan.

Luke Skywalker becomes an exile

According to this theory, which is supported by the fact that there is very little, if any, Luke in the trailers and merchandising, Luke, like Obi Wan, went into self-imposed exile because he is the strongest active Jedi, but does not consider himself wise enough to fight evil. Instead of swinging a lightsaber across the Galaxy, he sits somewhere at home, on the edge of the Universe, and juggles pieces of furniture in the air, monitoring the balance of the Force in the world.

Luke Skywalker has fallen to the Dark Side

The same argument is here: Luke is not in the trailers or on the posters at all. It is quite possible that at the end of Episode III, in order to save his friends and defeat Darth Vader and the Emperor, he switched to the Dark Side, he simply forgot to tell about it until the final credits. And now he turns out to be a Sith. That would be it sharp turn, Certainly.

Luke is Yoda

Well, not in the literal sense (although, you know what? Wait, that's not a bad idea...) It's just that evil, if the trailer is any indication, is growing and multiplying. Heroes Light Side They look more like not knights, but a team of defenders of the Emerald City: a frightened black guy, a schoolgirl, a pensioner on a starship from the last millennium, and a large primate. Someone must revive the Jedi Order so that the Dark Side does not take over completely, and best candidate, than Luke, who has matured and become 30 years more experienced, cannot be found for the role of a master.

The Resistance is hiding on Boba Fett's planet

In the trailer (the third, to be precise), in one of the frames, banners with Mandalorian symbols are visible - it was on Mandalore that Boba Fett was born, who is still in the belly of the Sarlacc worm on Tatooine, where he remains a kind of “Schrödinger’s mercenary”, since To be digested, it needs to sit there for a thousand years. So for now, you can be sure that he can be taken out of there alive and unharmed. So the likelihood of meeting him again in Episode VII is very, very high. Moreover, he has always been the favorite villain of the most devoted fans of the saga.

    Kylo Ren is the son of Hal Solo, who turned to the dark side of the force, a descendant of Darth Vader, on dark side he became commander of the First Order. this role is played by actor Adam Driver, his photo can be seen below

    Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) is one of the characters in the Star Wars movie. Episode VI: The Force Awakens (2014). According to the script, Kylo is dominated by the Dark Side of the Force. Kylo Reno was played wonderfully by actor Adam Driver. You can see Kylo Reno's biography here

    Well, this is what Kylo Ren looks like without a mask:

    Kylo Ren- a disciple of the dark side, an ally of the First Order who seeks to bring all the planets of the Galaxy to their knees

    Before turning to the dark side, Kylo Ren had a different name - and his name was Ben Solo

    It turned out that under the mask was the son of the legendary Han Solo, whom the dark country called to its side.

    At the same time, the forces of good are calling on Kylo Ren and he is between the two sides

    Kylo Ren's goal is to continue what his ancestor started - Darth Vader

    PS: Below you can see what Kylo Ren looks like without a mask

    Kylo Ren is fictional character from Star Wars played by Adam Driver.

    According to the plot, he is Han Solo's son(played by Harrison Ford) and Lei Organa(Carrie Fisher). At birth, his parents gave him the name Ben. But despite his roots and training from Luke Skywalker, to whom his parents gave him to distract him from the dark force, Ben still switched to the Dark Side, where he received the name Kylo Ren.

    On the dark side he became Commander of the First Order...

    Kylo Ren is a fictional character from the Star Wars saga. Real name: Adam Driver. Adam's biography and other interesting facts about the character can be read on this website

    Photo of the actor in reality:

    You can look at a photo of Kylo Ren from Star Wars without a mask in a regular Google search engine on the Internet by writing - Kylo Ren without a mask and click find in pictures.

    Adam Douglas Driver is the actor who plays Kylo Ren.

    Age 32, American actor.

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