Intelligent transmissions list. Intellectual programs on Russian television

Today, the sphere of television has been able to cover almost all spheres and areas of human life and activity. The time has long come when interesting programs designed not only for fans of reality shows or singing competitions. Modern television offers a huge number of interesting programs on a wide variety of topics: from politics and criminology to fashion and design. As for domestic television, most projects are copies or adaptations of American shows. Most often these are culinary programs and talent shows. However, quite a large number of created original formats that can satisfy the curiosity and needs of any viewer, even the most erudite and demanding.

Purpose of gears

Modern television increasingly seeks not only to entertain viewers, but also to educate and enrich them. inner world. Even if a person is a professional in his field, he can always update his knowledge and test his intellectual data by watching the program. Interesting programs can be not only entertaining, but also educational and even documentary. Each TV viewer can find something for himself interesting shows, which will allow you not only to spend time in an informative and exciting way, but also to replenish your knowledge and practical skills in a particular branch of life.

Variety of TV programs

Each TV channel creates and broadcasts a large number of different programs not only to attract viewers, but also to significantly increase this. This move allows you to become more attractive and promising for those who want to advertise their product on it. The most interesting programs can be divided into several main types:

  • News releases and analytical shows.
  • Programs about adventures and travel, nature and ecology.
  • Programs about science and education. Those aimed at developing intelligence.
  • Sports shows. Football reviews.
  • Scientific projects.
  • Children's programs.
  • Entertainment formats.

As for TV shows, this type can also be divided into several subtypes:

  1. An improvisational show where actors live perform certain actions.
  2. A talk show where characters discuss current and important events and problems.
  3. A reality show where characters experience certain events live.

Entertainment programs

The purpose of entertainment programs is to evening time gather the whole family or friends in front of the TV screen. Among the most popular and sought-after types of such projects are humorous, fashionable, dance and vocal ones. It is in such shows that there is not only an entertaining, but also a competitive moment. He makes the program as interesting and unpredictable as possible. There are also very interesting programs in our country. The list of the best of them is as follows: “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Battle of Psychics,” “Dancing with the Stars,” “ Fashionable verdict", "House 2", "X-Factor", "Bachelor".

World TV show rating

If we take into account the world-famous interesting programs, their list is as follows:

  • Top Gear is a program about the types, characteristics and testing of cars. The show has been popular for several decades. Over time, its format has become even more exciting and unpredictable.
  • “MythBusters” is a scientific program that is based on testing and debunking certain legends. Scientists are conducting interesting experiments and show their consequences.
  • “The X Factor” is a vocal show that has captivated audiences all over the world. The main task of the program is to find talented vocalists who compete with each other for a valuable prize.
  • “The Oprah Winfrey Show” is a program that for 25 years gathered stars and popular people America. This project in some way influenced the development of pop culture and the worldview of many Americans.
  • “The Show with David Letterman” is an American-produced program that belongs to the entertaining and humorous format. The host of the show invites celebrities and has an interesting conversation with them with tricky questions.
  • "House 2" - Russian broadcast, which is considered one of the longest. Its format is that it is completely different people they propose to build love relationship and start a family.
  • “Candidate” is an American program that invites several people to try their hand at a certain profession. After several assignments, the employer must choose someone who can fill the vacancy in his company.
  • "The Bachelor" - worldwide famous show, which allows a single successful man to choose a worthy life partner. In each episode, he must refuse one of the girls, thereby narrowing the circle of contenders for his heart.
  • “Battle of Psychics” is a popular program all over the world that allows you to select a true professional with paranormal abilities. Participants must pass many tests and competitions that show the real talents and skills of magicians.

Each person has needs when choosing a TV show to watch, however, according to the ratings of domestic and foreign channels, it is possible to identify interesting TV shows that are most popular and in demand. Each of these projects allows viewers not only to watch something educational, but also to gain new knowledge and skills. Among such shows you can see both entertaining and educational types of programs.

Thanks to the large number of foreign channels and Internet sites, anyone can choose a program that will satisfy their needs and curiosity. Among these shows are the following programs: “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Polyglot”, “Fear Factor”, “Hell’s Kitchen”, “House 2”.

Cognitive transfers

most often attract people who like to watch various journalistic investigations, paranormal phenomena, current or past military conflicts, important events and people whose names and activities were previously classified. In addition, TV channels present a huge number of scientific and technical programs that talk about important discoveries and inventions. Transport enthusiasts can also find interesting shows telling about models and equipment configurations.

Medical professionals can learn about new pharmaceutical products and the latest developments and achievements in medicine from television shows. Fans of hunting and fishing will also not be left without watching the programs. Since there are even special channels specializing in this narrow topic.

Russian programs

Russian television consists of programs that are borrowed from American projects and formats. They were created specifically for the domestic mentality. On Russian space interesting program programs occupy a special place. Among Russians there are a large number of comprehensively developed and intelligent people who prefer only high-quality and time-tested programs.

Ukrainian broadcasts

Interesting programs that are popular among Ukrainians are quite often analogues of American and Russian projects. However, this is not an obstacle to their popularity and demand. Many Ukrainians prefer mainly educational and entertaining programs that allow them to relax and get a charge of positive emotions.

A significant advantage of modern television is the ability to watch shows live, experiencing all the emotions and incidents online. In addition, almost all episodes and seasons of programs can be found on the Internet without any problems. There you can watch programs without commercial breaks and breaks. Special sites that present a variety of interesting programs on any topic can become a real salvation for those who seek to gain richer and more interesting emotions and knowledge.

25 years ago we didn’t have so many cinemas and entertainment centers, as it is now, so TV shows were a favorite way to have fun.

We especially liked television quizzes, competitions and competitions. You could not only watch them, but also cheer for your favorite participants. Some programs are so loved by people that they are still shown today.

Love at first sight

Three guys and three girls answer tricky questions from TV presenters, but only one couple gets the main prize in the end. This romantic show existed on the RTR channel for 8 years and was so popular that several years later other TV channels repeatedly tried to revive it. But they were unable to repeat the success of the original program.

Brain ring

One day, Vladimir Voroshilov had an idea: what if we came up with a program similar to his native “What? Where? When?”, but with two teams? After some time, he realized his plan, and the people loved the game so much that it began to be released regularly. Intellectual battles between teams, where the time to answer questions was limited, literally riveted all honest people to the screens.

Finest hour

This fascinating program existed on television for 10 years and took place in the format of an intellectual game, and its host was Sergei Suponev, who, like no one else, knew how to find a common language with children. Unfortunately, after tragic death Sergei, the program has closed. The producers were never able to find a worthy replacement for him.

Lucky case

This game show was a great success among family people, because the whole family could take part in it. The program was shown for a very long time, but was closed for a ridiculous reason. The company that owned the rights to the transfer decided to release a board game based on it. But the print quality turned out to be so low that the rating of the entire program began to fall.

Through the mouth of a baby

People took part in this fun game married couples. They split into teams and tried to solve as many riddles as possible in a limited period of time. And little kids asked them riddles, which was very cute and exciting.

Guess the melody

The presenter checks the musical literacy of the participants and evaluates it at the rate of the Central Bank of Russia. This game has been closed several times, but our viewers are so passionate about the music that the show is constantly being revived. A notable feature of the program is that there is a live orchestra playing in the studio.

Call of the Jungle

Children enthusiastically ran, jumped, climbed to cheerful music among bright decorations, and our beloved Sergei Suponev commanded this parade. The game was like " Fun starts” with bright prizes, in which two teams of schoolchildren participated. Children were fascinated by it for 9 years, until it suffered the same sad fate as the program “Finest Hour”.


The program was invented by Leonid Yarmolnik and named after him. Leonid recalls that he conceived it as educational and entertaining, and was going to show the audience the whole world. But in the end I got carried away with another project and abandoned it. But we remembered for a long time how the logo of the BID television company at the end of the program turned into Yarmolnik’s face and showed his tongue.

Two pianos

In this music show Two teams competed with each other, each of which necessarily included a pianist. Whoever guessed the most songs wins. The program was not broadcast for very long, but won a certain number of fans. Unfortunately, it is no longer shown at the moment.

Field of Dreams

This legendary show came to us from America, but thanks to the wonderful and charming manner of communication of Leonid Yakubovich, it gained popularity much greater than the original in its time. Rarely does a program boast such popular love. After all, participants have been solving words, winning prizes and exchanging various amazing gifts with Yakubovich for 25 years.

TV games

The factor of a person’s free time determines the supply and demand for various goods and services, primarily in the rapidly growing industry - the “entertainment industry.” Moreover, television in modern society belongs to the first place.

The external side of the TV game is simple - there is a prize (or several prizes) and there are conditions, the fulfillment of which leads to the possession of the prize (the game itself). The prize can be significant, and then this is emphasized, or it can be trivial. In this case, it is assumed that simply participating in the game or being shown on television is sufficient reward. As a rule, players are people from the masses; they are unknown, although they are remarkable in some way. But there is another option: the players are famous people, characters from gossip columns, their presence should make the game even more interesting. It is understandable that viewers spend time on their TV idols. We need to figure out something else: why games that don’t have these idols attract attention.

Popular presenter. A familiar, pleasant face. A recognizable (and expected) style. Switching to a game show is like visiting a good friend. Thus, the illusion of communication is ensured.

The illusion of intelligence. Most TV games are built on the fact that somewhere, somehow, you still have to think. The process of thinking can be a pleasure that is easy to obtain if it does not require any work. The configuration of the game resolves the contradiction between work and pleasure. The context in which the task can be posed is known in advance. Tasks are selected in such a way that they can be solved in the allotted time. And finally main gift: when a viewer on TV solves a problem faster than the players in the hall, and even better, when the players make mistakes and you turn out to be right. The game gives people the opportunity to feel smarter than others. Needless to say, this is all just an illusion of intellectual activity, similar to solving crossword puzzles. The TV game does not develop and cannot teach anything, unless it gives an idea of ​​some facts, having first taken them out of context.

Clownery. The game is accompanied by traditional jokes, and sometimes antics. The host sets the tone, and the players adapt to it. The game is designed to maintain a certain emotional tone in the viewer. No one sees the trouble in the fact that good mood the viewer is reached with the help of vulgar techniques.

Excitement. IN modern world A lot is built on self-interest (a person must want to earn a lot, he must want to buy a lot, and finally, he must want to make a career). To prevent the established order of things from suddenly cracking, self-interest must be nourished and nurtured. The TV game does both.

When we root for one of the players, we also rejoice at the material component of their success. Thanks to the substitution effect, we seem to be participating in the game ourselves with their help, so their winnings are, to some extent, our winnings, albeit illusory. A common element of TV games is games with TV viewers, when everyone sitting at the TV screen can receive a small but very real prize.

But all this fades into shadow compared to the cult of the winner, which is practiced by almost all games. The winner gets close-up, a light cloud of glory. He is awarded not one, but several prizes at once - from different sponsors. Watching the finale of the game, the TV viewer internalizes somewhere on a subconscious level the idea that, if you are lucky, you can easily get a valuable thing, or even quite an impressive amount.

There are two conclusions from this. First: if you don’t have something, you can get it (lust is born). And second: the main thing is not work, but luck (reality is replaced by illusion).

At the same time, there is a fairly wide variety of forms of television games. The most common is an intellectual game in which a participant can earn various amounts of winnings by answering correctly a certain number of questions, applying their knowledge or trusting luck. An example of such games is the quite popular capital show “Field of Miracles” (hosted by Leonid Yakubovich) in the recent past. The program first aired in 1990, and new episodes are still being filmed. This game is aimed exclusively at the masses, and its intellectual level has now dropped significantly compared to the first releases. However this project is quite successful because it is initially aimed at the average person. Essentially this is more shows than a game.

An excellent example of an intellectual television game is the game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” (from 1999 to 2001 - “Oh, Lucky!”), in which the participant wins by correctly answering 15 questions from various fields of knowledge. The game is enjoying unprecedented popularity, perhaps this is due to the fact that it is an implementation famous fairy tale"About the Fisherman and the Fish." The player starts from scratch, he can try to earn more and more, take risks, but he can lose almost everything and be left with a small amount. It is the risk that fascinates both the participant and the viewer.

Every person can find something interesting and educational for themselves; such TV games as “What? Where? When?”, “Own Game”, “Clever Men and Smart Guys”, “The Smartest”, “Brain Ring” are aired. , the programs “Weakest Link”, “Russian Roulette”, etc. were popular. Since 2007, the ONT TV channel has broadcast the game “One Against All”, hosted by Georgy Koldun. The ratings of this intellectual game are quite high.

Especially for young TV viewers, children's TV games, among which “Sportlandia”, “Call of the Jungle”, “King of the Hill”, “Finest Hour” were especially popular, currently - “Steps”, “ABVGDeyka”, “Ben 10: The Ultimate Challenge” on the Cartoon Network channel. On modern television there are many channels that are aimed specifically at children - “Carousel”, “Children’s”, “ABC Kids”, “Disney”, etc. They broadcast best cartoons and series of the world, sport games, intellectual quizzes, news of literature, music, theater, as well as specially produced programs.

Were created and entertaining games, which do not carry a special semantic load and are designed to interest the participant with their humorous, entertaining content. Among such games are “Intuition”, “50 Blondes”, “Make the Comedian Laugh”, “Without a Tower”, “Love at First Sight”, “One Hundred to One”, “ Slaughter League", "Laughter without rules." In such programs, questions either fade into the background or are not asked at all, and the outcome of the game often depends on luck. The MTV channel broadcasts many entertaining TV shows and games aimed at young people: “Next”, “Rabid Ancestors”, “Pimp My Ride”, “Free”, “Love Machine”, etc.

IN Lately high viewership ratings cooking shows, in which game element combined with labor activity. In such famous and fashionable TV shows as “Smak”, “Eating at Home!” the game factor was introduced, competitions in skill between participants (teams), excitement, winning appeared: “ Dinner party", "Hell's Kitchen", "Culinary Duel", "Lord of Taste", "MasterChef".

Musical television shows based on competition between aspiring musicians and performers also find their viewers and fans. And if earlier on Russian and Soviet television channels you could only see the programs “Guess the Melody” and “Two Pianos,” now the choice has expanded much. The world's most famous music and vocal TV shows are “The X Factor”, “Voice of America”, “The Voice”, “The Phantom of the Opera”, “Star Factory”. There are also musical television competitions on ONT: children's - “I Sing!” and the fairly well-known youth “Talent Academy”.

The so-called reality shows have also gained particular popularity. The popularity of reality shows among television viewers can be explained by the fact that this is perhaps the only opportunity to see their own kind on screen: unremarkable people who are interesting only for their desire to “colorize” their dull, uneventful life at any cost. And for this they are ready to sacrifice their own freedom and self-esteem, not to mention the dignity of others.

Over time, reality show formats began to develop in several directions:

a voyeurism show in which the passion for peeping and eavesdropping inherent in the vast majority of the world's population is satisfied (“ Big Brother"(Holland), "The Big Diet" and "Broken" (UK); " Behind the glass", "House-2", "Holidays in Mexico" (Russia));

the survival show is unbearable for normal life conditions in which project participants fight for victory (“Survivor” (Sweden), “Alive” (USA) and “ Last Hero" (Russia));

The training show, in addition to its entertainment function, has practical benefits for both viewers and participants. Participants are given the task of mastering a new profession or improving professional level, and viewers have the opportunity to gain practical knowledge (“ Star Factory" And " House"(Russia), "Podium" (USA));

show games (" Chicks & Freaks», « Battle of the makeup artists"(USA), "Wife Swap").

However, reality shows also have a negative side. Show organizers, in pursuit of entertainment, often teeter on the brink of obscenity, and sometimes even clearly go beyond it, which can also have an impact negative impact on the morality of viewers, many of whom are inclined to accept television images as a standard without reasoning.

Throughout the world, Russia continues to maintain its status as an intellectual power. This can be indirectly evidenced by the abundance of intellectual shows on domestic television (which, however, are lost against the backdrop of a massive attack of entertaining trash), which for decades have not lost popularity and have not left the screen. I remembered who hooked Russia on the needle of intellectual TV games, as the Russians did best game about smart gentlemen, which they now want to show all over the world, what Alexander Druz was like in his youth and who from “The Smartest” turned out to be really the smartest.

Didn't share the TV

He started an intellectual war on television. Former theater artist and the production director, who managed to shine at the Moscow Art Theater, the Maly Theater, Sovremennik and the Taganka Theater, in the mid-1960s changed his specialization and went to TV in search of decent income. For television, Voroshilov turned out to be a godsend. After working on documentary projects, he came up with the first program, unlike any Soviet television project: formally intellectual, but essentially an advertising quiz “Auction”. Its participants answered questions about various products, and at the end of the show, the best player received this very product as a gift.

The program was closed very quickly and with scandal. The TV was to blame - some of the officials thought such a prize was suspicious. As a result, the winner of the “Auction” was left without a reward, and Voroshilov was left without a job. He was banned from appearing on air. According to another version, the program was closed because of a banned bard song that was performed in one of the programs.

However, after some time the ban was lifted, and Voroshilov began filming the intellectual casino “What? Where? When?”, which was destined to become iconic in the history of Soviet and then Russian television.

Few people remember, but in 1975, when the ChGK was just launched, the program was completely different. It was not “gentlemen” experts who took part in the competition, but families. But a year later the format was changed. The program began to be positioned as a youth television club, and students took part in it. Everyone played for themselves and had to answer questions instantly. Nobody even thought about monetary profit - in the 70-80s best players books were given as a reward.

Behind the scenes, Voroshilov, known to viewers as “Mr. Presenter,” was the main attraction of his show. He selected the participants and had a special understanding of intellectuals. Voroshilov could not stand arrogant people and believed that ChGK was for those whose intellect was a harmonious component of their personality. Therefore, they were reluctant to take cramming lessons to the casino. Despite the paradoxical nature of this thought, Voroshilov believed that in order to play “What? Where? When?" You don’t need to be a genius - school education and ingenuity are enough.

Spectators for a long time they didn’t know what the presenter looked like, they only heard his voice behind the scenes. They also didn’t know that everyone’s favorite show was his brainchild. IN last years“Mr. Presenter” appeared before the public, but this was not necessary: ​​even while remaining behind the scenes, he made experts tremble.

The game has taken deep roots on television. Nervous sorting through versions at the gaming table, sweaty foreheads of the “ladies and gentlemen” from tension, arguments to the point of foaming at the mouth, a minute of hassle, bickering with the host, waiting for the correct answer and long-awaited relief - the whole country lived with a circle of experts for a minute of discussion, the audience on the other side screen for 60 seconds also turned into the ChGK team, into armies of armchair experts. No unnecessary effects - only real human emotions.

"What? Where? When?" - oldest project on domestic TV, which continues to keep the viewer in suspense to this day. From a simple TV show, the game has become social phenomenon. Seeing a keen interest in it in society, experts went offline and created the so-called sports ChGK: teams compete by answering the same questions, and the strongest reach the finals. ChGK is played everywhere: there are teams in any self-respecting university, in schools, fans of the game rent premises and organize brainstorming without any reward. The game has lost its touch of elitism and has outgrown its creator: “What? Where? When?" on the screen turned into only a television version.

They tried to adapt the unique Russian imperishable film abroad. And if the project took root in post-Soviet countries, a difficult fate awaited it in the United States. believed American actor Ukrainian origin Alex Reznik (TV series “Emergency”, film “ Social network"), who recommended paying attention to the unique idea of ​​the Russians. The Americans liked the idea of ​​an intelligent casino, so the television show Million Dollar Mind Game (the so-called analogue of ChGK in the USA) was built precisely around the desire to win - the winner received a million dollars. The version was far from the original: much less than in the usual “What? Where? When?”, attention was paid to questions, but there were no unique people like Alexander Druz or Rovshan Askerov. The show lasted a year and was closed.

Frame: Million Dollar Mind Game show

Young Rovshan Askerov is ready to beat up Kozlov

In the mid-1980s and early 1990s, being smart became fashionable. This is evidenced by the intellectual boom on television. At a time when Druz’s gaze did not yet incinerate with indifference, and Maxim Potashev’s curls turned pitch black, TV shone with a scattering of new young stars. Among them is a young, but already mustachioed native of Lugansk. He got on television in 1986 and liked it so much that after just a few years of playing What? Where? When?" he became one of the most sought-after presenters on federal television. His finest hour- the “Brain Ring” program, a fusion of the super popular program “Musical Ring” and “What? Where? When?”, where teams destroyed each other in the ring not with their fists, but with the power of their intellect.

The first episode aired in May 1990. It’s not hard to guess that the trend setter of that era, Voroshilov, launched the program. Together with his wife Natalia Stetsenko, he founded one of the first private Russian television companies, Igra-TV. The producer put out project after project as if from an assembly line, which the generation of the 90s remembers with warm nostalgia. Consider the bold show “Love at First Sight,” which was hosted by the son of Voroshilov’s wife, who, after the death of the master, took on the role of the host of the ChGK.

In terms of intensity, “Brain Ring” was not inferior to “What? Where? When?" The teams, consisting mainly of very young people, literally lived in the ring, which added entertainment to the game. They didn’t make a mistake with Kozlov either - he was passionate to the point of obsession, he turned out to be a skillful presenter, able to withstand intrigue, and, if necessary, give some pepper.

Sometimes jazz was driven by the old guard. Then Druz came on stage and showed the youth how to think correctly in order to win.

Spoiler. In the early 1990s, Alexander Druz looked exactly the same as he does now.

At times, emotions in the Brain Ring went so high that it seemed like a fight was inevitable. At least when the young and explosive Rovshan Askerov played in the Brain Ring.

Kozlov's emotionality played with him cruel joke. According to rumors, in 1996 it detonated with obstinacy and unwillingness to miss the profits of the main shareholder. Igra-TV had a well-established relationship with ORT: for each episode the channel paid its affiliated International Association of Clubs $35,000. By the mid-1990s, the network had added an advertising division, which fined the channel $1.3 million for exceeding the level of sponsorship advertising on the show. As a result, ORT stopped paying the producer money, for which it filed a lawsuit against the channel.

But the court was not going to take the side of the MAK, and Kozlov’s relationship with Berezovsky completely deteriorated. As a result, the producers, without so much as a slurp, migrated to another channel, which had just begun broadcasting - “TV-Center”. But in 2000, the new management of the channel closed the program, as they said, due to the high cost of its production. In 2001, Voroshilov died, and the restart of the program was shelved.

In 2009, the STS Media holding took over it, for which Igra-TV had already made music program"Life is Beautiful". However, Brain Ring lasted only three years at STS. In 2013, the show suddenly surfaced on the Zvezda channel, but only for two months, after which it disappeared into oblivion. And now in 2018, they are taking on the task of reviving the former legendary program. The premiere is scheduled for early March.

The kids are okay

One day, a candidate of science who had recently started working in television was given the task of coming up with a program for high school students. By that time, he already had experience launching programs for teenagers: in 1989, he aired literary quiz"Image".

The NTV television company has closed “Own Game,” a television quiz show that for 19 years on air has won the status of the country’s main intellectual program. While numerous fans of the game are discussing what caused this decision - low ratings or the machinations of enemies - recalls the most interesting television quiz shows that, for various reasons, disappeared from Russian television.

"As easy as pie"

The program was most remembered in the period from 1994 to 1996, when Nikolai Fomenko was its host. It was built on the principle of the game "tic-tac-toe": in a giant square 3 by 3 cells sat famous personalities who answered questions. The player was required to agree or disagree with the answer. If he chose correctly, the sign he had chosen was placed in the square; if incorrectly, the opponent’s sign was placed. Distinctive feature- a catchy song in the intro and an incredible abundance of sponsors by today's standards. Like many domestic television games, it had an American prototype - the Hollywood Squares program.

"Golden fever"

Quite eccentric, even by the standards of Russian TV in the late 90s, Leonid Yarmolnik’s show. The main thing in "Gold Rush" was the surroundings. The actor in the image of the devil uttered sacramental phrases and moved along the metal grating that separated him from the players. His assistant, a dwarf in a cloak with a hood, interacted with the players mainly. Each program featured 30 people who, while answering questions, desperately fought among themselves for ounces and kilograms precious metals. The main prize of the super final is a pound of gold.

"The Weakest Link"

This program was also hosted by Nikolai Fomenko for some time, but “The Weak Link” owes much of its popularity in Russia to the first presenter, Maria Kiseleva. The famous synchronized swimmer looked very natural in the role of a dispassionate observer of human vices: in each round of the game, one of the players, by the collective decision of the others, was declared the “weak link” and dropped out of the competition for the main prize. The TV game, which forced players to demonstrate their most unpleasant qualities, was seriously accused of excessive cruelty, which did not prevent it from staying on the air for four years - from 2001 to 2005.

"Russian roulette"

Another attempt to add passion and adrenaline to the intellectual show. In Valdis Pelsh’s program, the player risked “falling into the abyss” for his mistake. Literally: each of the six participants stood on a hatch, which opened randomly after an incorrect answer. Any player could fail, not necessarily the author of the incorrect answer. In the first round, only one hatch opened. There were more and more of them as we got closer to the end. In the last round, the probability of falling into the hatch was extremely high; but at this stage, the presenter himself could fail along with the player.

"Oh, lucky guy!"

Russian-language adaptation of the British game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" for some time it was one of the most popular quiz shows on domestic television. One player had to answer 15 questions to win a million rubles. Some realities of the game - for example, the hint “Call a friend” - have become firmly established in the language. Copying the style of his foreign colleagues, presenter Dmitry Dibrov thoroughly shook the participants’ nerves and only then announced the correct answer.

"Brain Ring"

A sports version of the TV quiz show "What? Where? When?" and one of the few truly mind games on Russian TV. Two teams of six experts each answered questions at speed. Questions, according to tradition, were asked not for knowledge, but for logical thinking. Along with the team captain, a particularly responsible position was occupied by the player “sitting on the button” - his main task it was possible to signal that the answer was ready before the other command, but not before the answer was actually ready. The program aired from 1989 to 2000, and was briefly revived on the STS channel in 2010.

"My own game"

And finally, “Own Game” is an analogue of the American television game show “Jeopardy!”, which lasted on Russian television for almost 20 years. In the video below - a pig in a poke, "Erich Krause", an auction question and the great Onotole, defeated by the sports editor of "" Yaroslav Kotyshov.

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