From the tale of left-handed people who require lexical meaning. Language features of the skaz "Levsha

The fabulous manner of Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov's "Lefty" presupposes the presence of a narrator, a storyteller who not only narrates the events described in the work, but is himself a participant in these events. Therefore, the language and style of the tale reproduce live oral speech. The tale "Levsha" is full of varied and very colorful words that reflected not only inner world heroes, but also their social status and education.

“... This folk, vulgar and pretentious language, which many pages of my works are written with, was not invented by me, but overheard by a peasant, an intellectual, a phrase-monger, a holy fool and a saint,” wrote N.C. Leskov.

Leskov himself said that the idea of ​​the tale "Lefty" came from him on the basis of a proverb, which says that the British made a steel flea, and the Russians shod this flea. And in the tale itself we meet folk sayings: "At least he has an ovechkin coat, but a human soul."

The writer builds his work, stylizing some episodes, for example, like a fairy tale. So, the dialogue between the tsar and Platov resembles a fabulous beginning:

"The sovereign says:" What do you want from me, brave old man? " And Platov replies: "I, your majesty, do not need anything for myself ..."

Leskov's speech of simple artisans is typical of common people... The left-hander, when asked by the sovereign to use the microscope during the work of the artisans, replies that, they say, they will be able to do the work even without the "small scope", since they have already "shot their eyes".

But the so-called Leskov's "word creation" the reader will see where the character is faced with a foreign, obscure to an illiterate person concept. This is how the distorted words appear: "Abolon half-vedera", instead of busts - "busts", "ukushetka" instead of a couch, "whistling", while messengers are needed or instead of a table - "dolbita". Leskov's characters are interpreted in a rather peculiar way by some foreign words, in their own way clarifying their meaning. Probably more understandable to the common man is the expression "wind-blown sack", and not some strange "hood" or "waterproof" - "galoshes".

Emperor Alexander I looks rather peculiar in the tale "Left-handed". Leskov says that Alexander Pavlovich decided not to go to Europe, but to "take a ride." This word is close in structure and meaning to such a word as "ride", that is, take a superficial walk. Thus, the author belittles the image of the king, who is making a rather frivolous journey. But the use of the verb "hobbled" in the emperor's speeches shows how lost and helpless he looks in the eyes of readers.

The impression of the authenticity of what is happening in the tale "Lefty" is created largely thanks to the lively, believable language of Leskov's characters. At one time, the writer opposed the introduction of alien and dissonant foreign words into the Russian language. Therefore, in this work we see a parody of the use in Russian of words that do not take root in it, which came from the West.

"We must protect our rich and beautiful language from damage",

N.S. Leskov in 1878. This appeal of a nineteenth-century writer is more relevant than ever now, when our language is undergoing powerful attacks that destroy its integrity and originality!

By I'll tell

One of the most bright images in the gallery of Leskov's "righteous" became Levsha ("The Tale of the Tula oblique left-handed and about steel flea", 1881). Subsequently, critics noted here, on the one hand, the virtuosity of the embodiment of Leskov's "tale", saturated with puns and original neologisms (often with a mocking, satirical subtext), on the other hand, the multi-layered narrative, the presence of two points of view: open (belonging to an innocent character) and hidden , author's, often the opposite. NS Leskov himself wrote about this "insidiousness" of his own style:

Several other people supported that in my stories it is really difficult to distinguish between good and evil, and that sometimes you cannot even figure out who is hurting the cause and who is helping him. This was attributed to some innate cunning of my nature.

As the biographer B. Ya. Bukhshtab noted, such "cunning" was manifested primarily in the description of the actions of Ataman Platov, from the point of view of the hero - almost heroic, but the author secretly ridiculed. "Levsha" has received crushing criticism from both sides. The liberals and the "left" accused Leskov of nationalism, the "right" found the depiction of the life of the Russian people overly gloomy. NS Leskov replied that "belittling the Russian people or flattering them" was not part of his intentions.

When published in "Rus", as well as in a separate edition, the story was accompanied by a preface:

I cannot say exactly where the first fable about the steel flea was born, that is, whether it started in Tula, on Izhma or in Sestroretsk, but, obviously, it came from one of these places. In any case, the tale of the steel flea is a special weapons-making legend, and it expresses the pride of Russian gun-makers. It depicts the struggle of our masters with the English masters, from which ours emerged victoriously and the British were completely shamed and humiliated. Here, some secret reason for the military failures in the Crimea is clarified. I wrote down this legend in Sestroretsk according to a tale there from an old gunsmith, a native of Tula, who moved to the Sister River during the reign of Emperor Alexander the First.


« Lefty »

A ___________________

Agitation is a combination of nouns: agitation (excitement, excitement - from French agitation) and expectation. Kunstkamera - a collection of rarities, a museum.

Abolon polvedere - instead of: Apollo Belvedere (a famous ancient statue stored in Rome, in the Vatican).

Alexey Fedotov-Chekhovsky is a priest of the Taganrog cathedral church, to whom Alexander I confessed before his death.

"Ay lyuli - se tre crooks." - Cest très joli (French) is very cute.

B ___________________ _ Busters are a combination of words: busts and chandeliers.

Canopy - instead of: canopy.

Buremeter - a combination of words: barometer and storm.

I would have made him noble. - "Noble" - here in the meaning: a nobleman.

Recklessness is a combination of words: prejudice and recklessness.

Bobrin plant. - The refinery of Count A. A. Bobrinsky existed in the town of Smila, Kiev province. from the 30s of the XIX century.

Bufta - instead of: bay.


In Candelabria ... - obviously, instead of "in Calabria" (Calabria is a peninsula in Italy). Associated with the word: candelabrum (candle holder).

Probability - instead of: variation (a form of classical or characteristic dance, built on jumping or finger movements, lasting one to two minutes).

Babylon - sinuous patterns, fancies.

Look through the strongest small scope. - Tula craftsmen are still famous for their fine workmanship. For example, the Soviet armourer MI Pochukaev “put his signature on one stalk of the ornament, only 0.1 mm wide; it is visible only through a strong magnifying glass. "


Rough - instead of: hunchback.

Grandeve - instead of: rendezvous (French rendez-vous - a date of love).

Count Kisselvrode - Count Nesselrode Karl Vasilievich (1780-1862), in 1822-1856 - Minister of Foreign Affairs.

D ___________________

Two ten languages ​​- twelve nations. This expression often denoted Napoleon's army.

Before Riga Dynamind ... - Dunamunde, since 1893 Ust-Dvinsk, now Daugavgriva - a port at the mouth of the Western Dvina.

... "two ninety versts" ... - that is, 180 versts. Kizlyarka is a grape vodka of low quality, produced in the city of Kizlyar in the Caucasus.

The groove of multiplication. - Dolbitsa - a combination of words: table and hollow.

Two-seater - a combination of words: double and sit down

Dance to dance. - Danser (French) - to dance; here in the meaning of some kind of dance form.

HER_________________ __ Erfix (French air fixe - hard look) is a sobering agent added to water.

F __________________

Zhukov tobacco. - In the 20-50s, the pipe tobaccos of the St. Petersburg factory of Vasily Zhukov were very popular.

З ___________________

Zusha - the river on which the city of Mtsensk stands; tributary of the Oka.

I / Y _________________

And idolized icons and grave chapters and relics ... - instead of: and miraculous icons I am the myrrh-streaming (supposedly exuding fragrant myrrh) heads and relics.

Empress Elisaveta Alekseevna (1779-1826) - wife of Alexander I.


Ceramide - instead of: pyramid

"Kamenesechennaya" - carved out of stone.

The root tube is carved from the root of a tree.

Chicken with lynx ... - instead of: chicken with rice Tugament - instead of: document.

Kazamat - casemate (solitary cell in the fortress).

Slander is a combination of words: feuilleton and slander.

M __________________

Melkoscope - a combination of words: microscope and small Merbluses - instead of: camel.

Manton is the same as a cloak.

Mortimer rifle. - G.V. Mortimer - English gunsmith late XVIII century.

Murin is a negro.

H __________________

Nymphozoria is a combination of words: ciliate and nymph.

Waterproof - instead of: waterproof raincoat (combination of the Russian word "waterproof" with the ending of the French adjective).

On St. Athos ... - Athos is a peninsula in Greece, on which there were many monasteries and hermitages, including Russians.

But the hands are some kind of legs. Quite definitely the sapazhu monkey is a velvet talma. - Boots - socks. Sapazhu is a genus of monkeys with short, thick fur. Talma is a long sleeveless cape. Plis - cotton fabric similar to velvet.

On a cold parate ... - Parat - probably instead of the front porch.

"To the weakness" - at night.


Ozyamchik - azam, long-brimmed peasant outerwear.

From Anichkin Bridge from a nasty pharmacy ... - that is, from a pharmacy opposite Anichkov Bridge (at the corner of Nevsky Prospekt and Fontanka Embankment).

Obukhvinskaya hospital - instead of: Obukhovskaya.


At his rising ... - that is, at the beginning of his reign.

Will sit under the present ... - Present (gift) here instead of: tarpaulin.

Half-skipper - instead of: skipper - assistant skipper.

Parey - instead of: bet.

Medical assistant - medical assistant, paramedic.

Public - a combination of words: public and police.

Poubel - obviously instead of: poodle.

A sweaty spiral has become ... - The "spiral" here is like a noun from the verb "spiral" (sweaty spiral - air stale with sweat) Sklad is a folding icon written on two or three doors.

A pistol is a pistol.


Fold - fold.

Sugar is rumored. - In 10-20-ies of the XIX century in St. Petersburg there was a sugar factory "commerce advisor and gentleman" YN Molvo.

Prelate of Mir-Lycia ... - Nicholas the "miracle worker" (IV century) was an archbishop in the city of Myra in the country of Lycia (in Asia Minor).

Whistling - a combination of words: messengers and whistles.

My beloved daughter Alexandra Nikolaevna ... - Alexandra Nikolaevna (1825-1844) - youngest daughter Nicholas I.

Studing is a combination of words: pudding and jelly.

Symphon - instead of: siphon (bottle with a tap for sparkling or mineral water).

With boilie - with fight, with beatings.


Then Sestroretsk was called Sesterbek. - In the geographical books of the 18th and early 19th centuries, Sestroretsk, as well as the Sestra river, on which it stands, are named: Sesterbek; Sisterback, Sestrabek, Sestrebek.

Ukushka - instead of: couch.

Mediterranean Sea - instead of: Mediterranean.

F ___________________

Postilian - riding coachman on the front horse when harnessed by a train.

H ___________________

Trembling clock. - Trembler - a combination of words: repeater (a mechanism in a pocket watch that beats the time when a special spring is pressed) and flutter.


Tweezers - instead of: boots.

« I cannot say exactly where the first fable about the steel flea was born, that is, whether it started in Tula, on Izhma or in Sestroretsk, but, obviously, it came from one of these places. In any case, the tale of the steel flea is a special weapons-making legend, and it expresses the pride of Russian gun-makers. It depicts the struggle of our masters with the English masters, from which ours emerged victoriously and the British were completely shamed and humiliated. Here, some secret reason for the military failures in the Crimea is clarified. I wrote down this legend in Sestroretsk according to a tale there from an old gunsmith, a native of Tula, who moved to the Sister River during the reign of Emperor Alexander I "- Leskov, Nikolay Semyonovich

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on this topic:

"Folk etymology in skaz


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Kazan - 2009


Identify and describe the phenomenon of folk etymology in the tale "Levsha".


Find out the comprehension of the morphemic composition of the word and the motivation of its meaning on the basis of convergence with consonant words that are different from it in origin.


The fate of Lefty symbolizes for Leskov the fate of the entire nation, potential opportunities which are huge, but constrained by external circumstances. In the tale, the writer embodies epic image a gifted master living in the minds of the people. To do this, Leskov uses the technique of "folk etymology" - a distortion of the word in a folk way, reproduces the dialect ordinary people, which is relevant and informative today.

Practical value:

If a student knows from which language the word came into Russian, how it is formed, what is its etymology, then he will never make a spelling mistake.

1. Introduction.

2. Main part.

B) Folk etymology.

3. Conclusion.

1. Introduction.

In the tale "Levsha" we meet with many new words. Word-creation begins where the narrator or hero encounters non-Russian names that are incomprehensible to an illiterate person. The artisan, talking about things unfamiliar and foreign to him, distorts their names according to his idea of ​​them. But at the same time, the narrator puts a humorous meaning in them in the spirit of popular understanding.

In the irregularities that are found in the text, folk etymology (the science of the origin and history of words) is reflected. Big encyclopedic Dictionary defines folk etymology as an understanding of the morphemic composition of a word and the motivation of its meaning on the basis of convergence with consonant words that are different from it in origin. In other words, folk etymology is a reworking and rethinking of a borrowed (less often native) word based on a similar sounding word native language but which differs from him in origin. Unlike scientific etymology, folk etymology is based not on the laws of language development, but on the accidental similarity of words.

Researchers have recorded over 3,000 neoplasms different parts speech in the work of Leskov. He was the first in Russian literature to consistently use this method of word formation as an artistic device.

This is the trait individual style a writer.
Word play displays score, creates comic effect... It characterizes the outlook, attitude towards the usual phenomena of life, as well as a different culture (the life of tsars, English workers). In addition, word-creation, "language tricks", wit, jokes are manifestations of the talent of the Russian people, because the ability to speak "outlandish" is not granted to everyone, like any skill.

3. Main part.

A) "Lefty". The originality of the genre.

The colorful character of the gifted Russian man and his fate in Russia are at the center of attention in his tale "Lefty". The writer actively uses the traditions of folk tale, oral tradition, jokes. Striving for the authenticity of the depiction of folk life, the writer resorts to specific narrative techniques developed by folklore, which ensure the maximum objectivity of the story.

The plot of the tale is based on the motive of competition, rivalry, struggle, characteristic of the folk epic.

The whole story is told from the person common man... It would seem that Leskov does not find himself anywhere. But in covering the events, it is important for Leskov not only to see the whole story through the eyes of a character close to the hero, but also to correct him. Leskov reminds of himself now with a caustic phrase, now with a deliberately satirical depiction, now with sad thoughts. No matter how skillful Lefty is, his craft loses a lot from what he creates on a whim, on inspiration, without considering the simplest knowledge. Therefore, Leskov is not only admired by the skill of the Russian people, but sarcastic. His satire is directed, of course, not at Lefty, who "does not know how to read," but at those who excommunicated him from enlightenment and left his talent gray, unfinished. The fate of Lefty symbolizes for Leskov the fate of the entire nation, the potential of which is enormous, but constrained by external circumstances. Therefore, without abandoning the anthem to the talent of an ordinary Russian person, Leskov significantly sharpens satirical image, and the whole tale takes on a tragic sound. Leskov, as it were, confronts two intonations, narratives: laudatory and caustic. The motive of rivalry allows the writer to give an incident, an occasion, a curiosity a nationwide, generalizing meaning. A life talented person in Russia, according to the writer, is tragic and unnecessary. But Leskov does not lose faith in the people's character, in its vitality, humane and moral principles.

In the tale, he embodies the epic image of a gifted master living in the minds of the people. The writer uses the technique of "folk etymology" - distortion of the word in the folk way, reproduces the oral dialect of ordinary people: "multiplication groove", "double-colored" (double), "nymphozo-ria" (infusoria), "prelamut" (mother of pearl), "without -reason ", etc.

Concluding the story about Lefty, he wrote: “This is their epic, and, moreover, with a very“ human soul ”. The writer strove to ensure that the thoughts and beliefs dear to him, as it were, emanated from the heart of the people. That is why he so widely introduced folklore motives, and the whole tale grew out of the proverb "Tulyaks shod a flea."

B) Folk etymology.

The phenomenon of folk etymology is a vivid sign of vernacular, therefore, writers often resort to the use of words rethought by accidental consonance and semantic convergence to characterize the speech of their characters. We observe such a phenomenon in.

What interesting examples of folk etymology do we find in? Here is an incomplete list of words that illustrate the phenomenon of folk etymology.

    couch - "ukushka" messengers - "whistling" table - "hollow" Apollo Belvedere - "Abolon Polvedere" camel - "meblus" pyramids - "ceramides" variations - "probabilities" mother of pearl - "prelamut" poodle - "pubel" document - "tugament" pudding - "studding" socks - "boots" dance - "dance" microscope - "melkoscope" pari - "pair" bay - "bufta" Mediterranean - "Solid Mediterranean" barometer - "buremeter" "Nymphosoria" - from the words nymph and ciliate "Public" - from the words public and police "Slander" - from the words feuilleton and slander.

Let's try to explain how some of these hilarious words came to be. In my opinion, it is perfectly understandable why socks are called “boots”. They put them on their feet! And the messengers used a whistle to attract attention. Probably, the barometer received an even more accurate name: it can be used to determine the approach of bad weather, storm. So a buremometer appears in the speech of Leskov's heroes. And the probabilities sound quite reasonable, because the word "variation" comes from the Latin "change".

It is interesting to use word-formation models of the Russian language to explain words of a foreign language origin.

Pudding is a casserole made from porridge, cottage cheese, and fruit. Apparently, this dish reminded our heroes of a Russian dish - jelly.

A feuilleton is a newspaper or magazine article on a hot topic that uses humorous and satirical techniques presentation. However, in feuilletons, you can use inaccurate information. And then it really turns into slander.

In a similar way, the words appeared: small scope, buremeter, nymphosoria, publicist, etc.

In the tale, there are many linguistic curiosities in the spirit of buffoons, even in the language of the emperor there are irregularities. The language of the tale imitates live oral speech. The narrator speaks on behalf of the people themselves, therefore distorts unfamiliar, especially foreign words so that they become familiar and understandable to him. People's wit (slander), resourcefulness (buremeter), irony (Count Kiselvrode) were manifested in the distortion of words.

The term folk etymology was introduced by the German linguist Försmann in the middle of the last century. In Russia, such prominent scientists as de Courtenay, modern linguists, etc. wrote about folk etymology. However, when describing folk etymology, modern authors mainly use examples from the fund created by Russian linguists at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. and replenishing very sparingly. This suggests that folk etymological words arise, firstly, in oral speech, secondly, among the illiterate or those who have not received a sufficient education, they are not recorded, not recorded. With growth scientific knowledge and linguistic culture, this phenomenon may disappear altogether.

Now the principle of rapprochement of different, but somewhat consonant words, characteristic of folk etymology, is used by some students when they write dictations. Of course, such "folk etymology" does not save them, on the contrary, it leads to spelling errors. This happens when a vowel [a] or [o], [e] is encountered in a word (and even a foreign one). So the writer is looking for an explanation, bringing the word he needs closer to a word similar in sound and does not take into account that they are etymologically completely unrelated. For example, how to write the word vanilla (French vanille) and morality (French mogaire)? An insufficiently literate person can write “vonil” and “maral”, raising vanilla to the word stench, and morality to the verb dirty. If the student knows from which language the word came into the Russian language, how it is formed, what is its etymology, then he will never make a spelling error. Let's look more often at the etymological dictionary!

3. Conclusion.

Leskov called himself an "artist of the syllable", that is, a writer who speaks living, not literary speech. In this speech, he drew on her imagery and strength, clarity and accuracy, lively emotional emotion and musicality. Leskov believed that in the Oryol and Tula provinces, the peasants spoke surprisingly figuratively and aptly. “So, for example,” says the writer, “a woman does not speak of her husband“ he loves me, ”but says“ he pities me. ”Think about it, and you will see how complete, tender, precise and clear it is. A husband does not mean a pleasant wife says that he "liked her," he says, "she came in all my thoughts. Look again, what clarity and completeness."

Striving to enrich, strengthen language means artistic depiction and expressiveness, Leskov skillfully used the so-called folk etymology. Its essence lies in the rethinking of words and phrases in the common folk spirit, as well as in the sound deformation of words (especially foreign origin). Both are carried out on the basis of the corresponding semantic and sound analogies. In the story "Lady Macbeth Mtsensk district"we read:" Few people will speak to you with a long tongue. " Of course, Leskov overheard such utterances not for the sake of their aesthetic collecting or photographic copying, but for the sake of achieving certain ideological and artistic goals. humorous and ironic connotation.

Used Books:

1. Encyclopedia for children. T. 10: Linguistics. Russian language. M., 1999.

2. , Bobrova dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1994.

3. , Telenkova - reference book of linguistic terms. M., 1985.

4. http: // *****

5. http: // ru. wikipedia. org /

6. http: // *****

7. ksana k / narod / ru / book / 3 tom / 3 / literature / 12/ htm Features of the poetics of works

N.S. Leskov in "Levsha" very often uses vernacular and dialect words, which characterizes the narrator as a person belonging to certain culture and the social layer. When translating these words, which have a pronounced oral character, many translators experience certain difficulties. Let's look at a number of examples:

"Shooting eyes" ("Lefty" ch.14). - “our eyes are trained” (J.H). “A trained eyes” A. Yarmolensky, B. Deutsch (A. Ya)

"Send after us" ("Lefty" ch.5). - “send for us” (A. Ya).

"embarrassed" ("Lefty" ch.2) - "embarrass" (A. Ya). “Upset” (JH).

"and he walks with his eyes downcast" ("Lefty" ch.2). -

“But Platov strode along with his eyes fixed on the floor” (J. H).

“But Platov walked on with his eyes lowered” (A. Ya).

As we can see from the examples, translators fail to translate common Russian speech correctly. In the translation, the narrator's speech is close to literary, and therefore the motivation of the tale is absent, and thus the image of the hero from the people in the original disappears when translated into English.

In "Lefty" the narrator does not speak literary language, but has a special socially defined manner of speaking, in his speech you can sometimes find dialect words:

"otherwise you are very skillful in the hands of a hosh ..." ("Lefty" ch. 15). -

“And although you are very clever with you hands ...” (JH).

"leg" (the name of the stockings, usually female in Voronezh region) ("Lefty" Ch.15). - “velvet talmas” (JH).

Thus, in translations, dialectisms are often replaced by literary expressions, and sometimes they are completely omitted, which leads to the loss of connotative meaning, i.e. to leveling the cultural flavor.

Proverbs - "stable sayings, grammatically and rhythmically organized, in which practical experience people and their assessment and which appear in speech as independent judgments "[Lekant 2002: 62] are also found in the tales of NS Leskov, and" Levsha "is no exception. Already in the first chapter we meet with the proverb: "(" Lefty "Ch. 1) -" I must sleep on it, he thought "(J.H).

When translated by J.H. Hannah uses conventional literary words, which disturbs the perception of what was said when reading by a foreign reader. Therefore, we believe that in this case it would be more expedient to use an analogue of this proverb in English language“An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening”.

Since the skaz is associated with a socially marked narrator, it may have speech standards and phraseological units of a colloquial nature, the translation of which may be difficult for the authors. Let's consider examples from the tale "Lefty":

"snow falling on our heads" (JH).

As we can see from the example, the translator uses tracing to convey this phraseological unit. But in English there is a more appropriate correspondence to this phraseological unit “as a bolt from the blue”, which we consider to be the best option in this case.

"We gave a blunder" ("Lefty" ch.2) - "Oho, we’ve been had" (JH).

Literally, this phrase can be translated as "well, we got there." Of course, such a translation is inaccurate and does not reveal the full flavor of a genuine phraseological unit, but only shows its colloquial nature.

One of the specific features of the fairy tale manner of narration in "Lefty" is the use of a large number occasionalisms. This can be explained not only by the style of the work itself, but also by the peculiarity of the individual style of N.S. Leskov.

Many scholars distinguish two types of occasionalisms: potential and individual author's. Potential occasionalisms are created on the basis of highly productive word-formation models, and individual-author's occasionalisms are created according to unproductive or unusual models and are distinguished by their originality and catchy novelty [Vinogradov 2004: 125]. For Leskov, individual-author's occasionalisms are characteristic, and in particular, formations built in the spirit of "folk etymology".

Basically, when translating occasionalisms, translators use tracing, replace with literary generally accepted words, and also use a description, which often leads to a loss of the originality of the original:

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Conan Doyle's books definitely add up to several cycles. Each of these cycles is connected thematically or by the destinies of the same heroes. This is how one after another books about Brigadier Gerard, books where Sherlock Holmes or Professor Challenger acts. The adventures of Sherlock Holmes span four novels and five storybooks. Sherlo ...

I think that I managed to reveal the theme of "Mukhtar Auezov". I am even sure that some will learn a lot of new things after they read this essay, although this material should not be unfamiliar to everyone, because everyone should know the history of their people. I believe that I have made a significant contribution to solving the tasks set by the program ...

Poetry of A.S. Pushkin
Updating the theme Patriotic War, its new turn begins with Pushkin. In his youthful poems, Pushkin still largely follows the tradition of his famous predecessors - especially Derzhavin, whose heavy lyre is heard both in Memories in Tsarskoe Selo and in poems of the same lyceum years: “For the return of the sovereign ...

Realizing the place and significance of N.S. Leskov in the literary process, we always note that this is an amazingly original writer. The outward dissimilarity of his predecessors and contemporaries sometimes made them see in him a completely new phenomenon that had no analogues in Russian literature. Leskov is brightly original, and at the same time, you can learn a lot from him.He is an amazing experimenter who spawned a whole wave of artistic searches in Russian literature; he is a cheerful, mischievous experimenter, and at the same time extremely serious and deep, setting himself great educational goals.

Leskov's creativity, one might say, knows no social boundaries... He displays in his works people of various classes and circles: and landowners - from the rich to the half-poor, and officials of all stripes - from the minister to the quarter, and the clergy - monastic and parish - from the metropolitan to the sexton, and military men of different ranks and types of weapons, and peasants, and people from the peasantry - soldiers, artisans and every working people. Leskov willingly shows different representatives of the nationalities of the then Russia: Ukrainians, Yakuts, Jews, Gypsies, Poles ... Leskov's versatility of knowledge of the life of each class, estate, nationality is surprising. Leskov's exceptional life experience, his vigilance, memory, his linguistic flair were needed to describe the life of the people so intently, with such knowledge of everyday life, economic structure, family relations, folk art, and the national language.

With all the breadth of coverage of Russian life, there is a sphere in Leskov's work, to which his most significant and famous works belong: this is the sphere of the life of the people.

Who are the heroes of Leskov's most beloved works by our readers?

Heroes " A sealed angel"- bricklayers, "Lefties"- blacksmith, Tula gunsmith," Stupid artist "- serf hairdresser and theatrical make-up artist

To place the hero of the people at the center of the narrative, you need first of all to master his language, be able to reproduce the speech of different strata of the people, different professions, destinies, ages. The task of recreating the living language of the people in a literary work demanded a special art when Leskov used the form of a tale.

The tale in Russian literature comes from Gogol, but especially skillfully developed by Leskov and glorified him as an artist. The essence of this manner lies in the fact that the narration is conducted as if not on behalf of a neutral, objective author; the narrator is the narrator, usually a participant in the events reported. The speech of a work of art mimics the living speech of an oral story... At the same time, in a tale, the narrator is usually a person of the wrong social circle and cultural stratum to which the writer and the intended reader of the work belong. Leskov's story is led by a merchant, a monk, a craftsman, a retired mayor, or a former soldier ... Each storyteller speaks in the way that is characteristic of his education and upbringing, his age and profession, his concept of himself, his desire and ability to impress the audience.

This manner gives Leskov's story a special liveliness. The language of his works, unusually rich and diverse, deepens the social and individual characteristics of his heroes, becomes for the writer a means of subtle assessment of people and events. Gorky wrote about the Leskovsky tale: "... People of his stories often speak about themselves, but their speech is so amazingly alive, so truthful and convincing that they stand before you as mysteriously tangible, physically clear as people from the books of L. Tolstoy and others, otherwise say Leskov achieves the same result, but with a different method of mastery. "

To illustrate Leskov's fairy tale manner, let's take some tirade from "Lefty". Here is how the narrator describes the living and working conditions of English workers based on Lefty's impressions. : "Every worker with them is constantly satiated, dressed not in scraps, but on each capable jacket, shod in thick tweezers with iron tops, so that he does not run his legs on anything anywhere; he works not with boile, but with training and has for himself In front of everyone there is a multiplication groove in plain sight, and under his hand is a washable tablet: everything that the master does is looking at the groove and verifies it with the concept, and then he writes one thing on the board, erases the other and brings it exactly: what is written on the tsyfir , then it actually turns out. "

The storyteller hasn't seen English workers... He dresses them according to his imagination, combining a jacket with a vest. He knows that they are working there "according to science", he himself only heard about the "multiplication trench" in this area, with it, therefore, the master, who does not work with "eyeballs", but with the help of "numbers", must check his products. Familiar words, of course, are not enough for the narrator, he distorts unfamiliar words or uses them incorrectly... "Boots" become "schiglet" - probably by association with panache. The multiplication table turns into "hammering" - obviously, because the students "hammer" it. Wanting to designate some kind of extension on the boots, the narrator calls it a knob, transferring the name of the extension on a stick to it.

Narrators from the folk environment often change incomprehensibly sounding foreign words into Russian which, with such a modification, receive new or additional values; Leskov especially willingly imitates this so-called "folk etymology ". So, in" Levsha "the barometer turns into a" buremeter ", a" microscope "- into a" small scope "," pudding "- into a" studio " etc. Leskov, who was passionately fond of puns, play on words, witticisms, jokes, filled Lefty with linguistic curiosities... But their set does not cause an impression of excess, because the immense brightness of the verbal patterns is in the spirit of folk buffoonery. And sometimes word play not only amusing, but behind it there is a satirical denunciation.

The narrator in a tale usually addresses some interlocutor or a group of interlocutors, the story begins and progresses in response to their questions and comments. At the heart of "Dumb artist"- the story of the old nanny to her pupil, a nine-year-old boy. This nanny is in the past an actress of the Oryol Serf Theater of Count Kamensky. This is the same theater that is described in Herzen's story" The Thief Forty "under the name of the theater of Prince Skalinsky. But the heroine of Herzen's story is not only a highly talented, but, due to the exceptional circumstances of life, an educated actress.Lyuba, on the other hand, is an uneducated serf girl, by natural talent capable of both singing and dancing, and performing in plays the role of "visual" (that is, by hearsay, following other actresses She is not able to tell everything and reveal what the author wants to tell the reader, and not everything can know (for example, the conversations of the master with his brother). Therefore, not the whole story is told on behalf of the nanny; part of the event is set out by the author with the inclusion of excerpts and small quotes from the nanny's story.

In the very popular piece Leskov - "Lefty" we meet with a skaz of a different kind. There is no author, no listener, no storyteller here. More precisely, the author's voice is heard for the first time after the end of the tale: in the final chapter, the writer characterizes the narrated story as a "fabulous legend", "an epic" of the masters, "a myth personified by folk fantasy."

(* 10) The narrator in "Lefty" exists only as a voice that does not belong to a specific, named person. It is, as it were, the voice of the people - the creator of the "gunsmith legend."

"Lefty"- not an everyday tale, where the narrator tells about the events he experienced or personally known to him; here he retells a legend created by the people, how folk storytellers perform epics or historical songs. folk epic, in "Levsha" there are a number of historical figures: two tsars - Alexander I and Nicholas I, ministers Chernyshev, Nesselrode (Kiselvrode), Kleinmichel, ataman of the Don Cossack army Platov, commandant of the Peter and Paul Fortress Skobelev and others.

Contemporaries did not appreciate either Lefty or Leskov's talent in general.They believed that Leskov was excessive in everything: he applied bright colors too thickly, put his heroes in too unusual positions, made them speak in an exaggerated, characteristic language, strung too many episodes on one thread etc.

Most associated with the creativity of the people "Levsha"... The very basis of its plot is a comic saying in which the people expressed admiration for the art of Tula masters: "Tula shod a flea". Used Leskov and walked among the people legends about the skill of the Tula gunsmiths... Also in early XIX century, an anecdote was published about how an important Russian gentleman showed an expensive English pistol to an artisan of the Tula arms factory, and he, taking a pistol, "unscrewed the trigger and showed his name under a screw." In "Levsha" Platov arranges the same demonstration to prove to Tsar Alexander that "we have our own at home just as well." In the English "armory of curiosities", (* 12) picking up a particularly vaunted "pistol", Platov unscrews the lock and shows the tsar the inscription: "Ivan Moskvin in the city of Tula".

As you can see, love for the people, the desire to discover and show the best sides of the Russian folk character they did not make Leskov a panegyrist, did not prevent him from seeing the features of slavery and ignorance that his history imposed on the people. Leskov does not hide these traits in the hero of his myth about the ingenious craftsman. The legendary Lefty, with two of his comrades, managed to forge and attach horseshoes with carnations to the legs of a steel flea made in England. On each horseshoe "a master's name is displayed: what Russian master did that horseshoe." These inscriptions can be seen only through the "small scope, which increases by five million." But the artisans did not have any microscopes, but only "with an eye on".

This, of course, is a fabulous exaggeration, but it has real reasons. Tula craftsmen have always been especially famous and are still famous for their miniature items, which can only be seen with the help of a strong magnifying glass.

Admiring the genius of Lefty, Leskov, however, is far from idealizing the people as they were, according to historical conditions, at that time. The left-hander is ignorant, and this cannot but affect his work. The art of the English masters was manifested not so much in the fact that they cast a flea from steel, but in the fact that the flea danced, being wound up with a special key. Savvy, she stopped dancing. And the English masters, hospitably receiving the Lefty sent to England with a savvy flea indicate that he is hindered by a lack of knowledge: "... Then you could figure out that in every machine there is a calculation of force, but you are very skillful in your hands, but you didn’t realize that such a small machine, like in the nymphozoria, is designed for the most accurate accuracy and carries its horseshoes Now nymphozoria does not jump and does not dance through this. ”Leskov attached great importance to this moment. In an article devoted to the tale of Lefty, Leskov opposes Lefty's genius to his ignorance, and his (ardent patriotism to lack of concern for the people and homeland in the ruling clique. one person, and that where "Levsha" stands, one must read "Russian people".

The left-hander loves his Russia with a simple-hearted and ingenuous love. He cannot be seduced by the easy life in a foreign land. He is eager to go home, because he is faced with a task that Russia needs to fulfill; thus she became the goal of his life. In England, Lefty learned that the muzzles of guns should be oiled, and not cleaned with crushed bricks, as was customary then in the Russian army, - why "bullets dangle in them" and guns, "God bless war, (...) shoot is not good ". With this, he hurries home. He arrives sick, the authorities did not bother to supply him with a document, the police completely robbed him, after which they began to take him to hospitals, but they did not take him anywhere without a "tugament", they dumped the patient on the floor, and, finally, his "back of his head broke on the paratha." ... Dying, Lefty thought only about how to bring his discovery to the tsar, and still managed to inform the doctor about it. He reported to the Minister of War, but in response he received only a rude shout: "Know (...) your vomit and laxative, and don't interfere with your own business: there are generals in Russia for this."

In the story " Dumb artist " the writer displays a rich count with an "insignificant face" exposing an insignificant soul. This is an evil tyrant and tormentor: people who disagree with him are torn to pieces by hunting dogs, the executioners torment them with incredible torture. This is how Leskov opposes “masters” to truly courageous people from the people, who are mad with immense power over people and who imagine themselves courageous, because they are always ready to torment and to destroy people at their own whim or caprice - of course, by the hands of others. There were enough such "alien hands" at the service of the masters: both serfs and civilians, servants and people appointed by the authorities for all kinds of assistance. " the strong of the world this ". The image of one of the master's servants is vividly outlined in the "Dumb Artist". This is pop. Arkady, not intimidated by the torture threatening him, perhaps fatal, is trying to save his beloved girl from the abuse (* 19) of her depraved master. The priest promises to marry them and hide them for the night, after which both hope to get into the "Turkish Khrushchuk". But the priest, having previously robbed Arkady, betrays the fugitives to the count's people sent in search of the escaped, for which he receives a well-deserved slap in the face.


THE PERSONALITY OF NARRATION. LANGUAGE FEATURES... Speaking about the genre originality of the story, we did not say anything about such a definition of the genre as “skaz”. And this is no coincidence. Tale as a genre of oral prose implies an orientation towards oral speech, narration on behalf of a participant in the event... In this sense, "Levsha" is not a traditional tale. At the same time, such a way of narration can also be called a skaz, which involves the "separation" of the narrative from the participant in the events... In "Levsha" just such a process takes place, especially since the word "fable" is used in the story), which presupposes the narrative character of the narrative. The narrator, being neither a witness nor a participant in the events, actively expresses his attitude to what is happening in various forms. At the same time, in the tale itself, one can find the originality of the position of both the narrator and the author.

Throughout the story, the narrative changes... If at the beginning of the first chapter, the narrator outwardly simple-mindedly outlines the circumstances of the emperor's arrival in England, then he consistently talks about the events taking place, using vernacular, outdated and distorted forms of words, different types of neologisms etc., then already in the sixth chapter (in the story about Tula masters) the narrative becomes different. It does not completely lose its conversational character, however becomes more neutral, distorted forms of words, neologisms are practically not used . By changing the narrative manner, the author wants to show the seriousness of the situation described.... It is no coincidence that it occurs even high vocabulary, when the narrator characterizes the "skillful people on whom the hope of the nation now rested." The same kind of narration can be found in the last, 20th chapter, which, obviously, summing up, contains the author's point of view, therefore its style differs from that of most of the chapters.

In the calm and outwardly dispassionate speech of the narrator, they often introduce expressively colored words(for example, Alexander Pavlovich decided to “ride” around Europe), which becomes one of the forms of expression author's position deeply hidden in the text.

The narrative itself skillfully emphasizes intonation features of characters' speech(cf., for example, the statements of Alexander I and Platov).

According to I.V. Stolyarova, Leskov “Directs readers' interest to the events themselves”, Which is facilitated by the special logical structure of the text: most of the chapters have an ending, and some have a kind of beginning, which makes it possible to clearly separate one event from another. This principle creates the effect of a fantastic manner. It can also be noted that in a number of chapters, it is in the ending that the narrator expresses the author's position: “And the courtiers who stand on the steps, all turn away from him, think:“ Platov is caught and now they will drive him out of the palace, because they could not stand him for courage ”” (end of the 12th chapter).

It should be noted the use of various techniques that characterize the features of not only oral speech, but also folk poetry in general: tautologies(“Shod on horseshoes”, etc.), peculiar prefixed verb forms(“Admired”, “send”, “slap”, etc.), words with diminutive suffixes("Palm", "belly", etc.). It is interesting to pay attention to the proverb text(“Morning is wiser than night”, “snow on the head”). Sometimes Leskov can modify them.

O mixing of different modes of narration is evidenced by the nature of neologisms... They can in more detail describe an item and its function(two-seat carriage), scene(busts - combining the words busts and chandeliers, the writer gives a more complete description of the room in one word), action(whistlers - whistles and messengers accompanying Platov), ​​indicate foreign curiosities(. merblyusy mantons - camel coats, etc.), the state of the heroes (expectation - expectation and agitation, an annoying bite on which long years lay Platov, characterizing not only the inaction of the hero, but also his wounded pride). The emergence of neologisms in Leskov is in many cases due to literary play.

“Thus, Leskov's tale as a type of narration not only transformed, enriched, but also served to create a new genre variety: a fairy tale. The fairy tale is distinguished by a great depth of coverage of reality, approaching in this sense to the form of a novel. It was Leskov's fairy tale that contributed to the emergence of a new type of truth-seeker, who can be put on a par with the heroes of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky ”(Muschenko E.G., Skobelev V.P., Kroychik L.E. S. 115). The artistic originality of "Lefty" is due to the task of searching for special forms of expression of the author's position in order to assert the strength of the national character.

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