Why do you dream of a green boa constrictor? Important quality characteristics. Where did the meeting take place?

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

Python - If you dreamed of a python that attacked someone, then someone will deceive you.

If you saw in a dream a python that was curled up in rings, then you will soon have a new sexual partner.

If you saw in a dream a python that was sleeping, then you will soon improve your health.

If a python hissed in a dream, then you will be forced to fight for your love.

If you dreamed that you killed a python, then you are ready to sacrifice everything to make your dream come true.

If in a dream you picked up a python in your arms, then you will be able to get out of a difficult situation.

See also: why do you dream about a large snake, why do you dream about a viper, why do you dream about a snake.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Why does Python dream according to the dream book:

Python is the potential life energy hidden in you, the healing power.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Python, what does it mean?

According to the Python dream book, if it moves calmly, then you will have a measured life. If the python wants to attack you, your enemies will heal you into a ring. Kill a python - defeat your opponents. If a python surrounds you but does not strangle you, you will be able to make a good marriage.

Miller's Dream Book

Why does Python dream according to the dream book:

Python - a small python that turns into a big one - you have to survive a threat from which you will miraculously escape. All your failures in the subconscious will look simply global. Holding a python in your hands means minor troubles that will make you worry.

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing Python in a dream:

A python that crawls - your enemy openly hates you and will soon go on the offensive. A python that is curled up in a ring and just lies quietly - your enemies are waiting in ambush to strike.

Boa constrictor according to the dream book

A boa constrictor appearing in a dream is a bad sign. In this case, the dream book rarely promises anything positive. To find out more precisely what this creeping creature is dreaming about, carefully study all the interpretations available on this topic.

Female interpreter

Seeing a python in a dream means complete failure. You will often experience emotional turmoil and negative emotions. You may even become disappointed in the person in whom you previously had unlimited trust.

If you dreamed that a boa constrictor was killed, you will probably cope with the problems that befall you. If a snake bites any part of the body before its death, then the difficulties will not pass without a trace. Your life will change forever.

Dream Interpretation of Seasons

If you dream of a big boa constrictor, then there will be a cooling in the marital relationship. You will be seriously disappointed in your partner. If he has no chance of rehabilitation, it is better not to waste time and break up as soon as possible, giving each other a chance to start a new, happier life.

Dreaming of a python is a sign that you will have to solve many problems and take on great responsibility. There is a high probability that there will be no strength left for yourself at all. But don’t despair, the busy period won’t last long.

Seeing a yellow python strangling you in a dream means it is impossible to do main choice In my life. Now, not in a dream, but in reality, you feel like a victim and have no idea how best to act. Wait a little, everything will resolve itself.

A dream of fighting a great white snake predicts defending a personal point of view. The Dream Book of Seasons is convinced that there are many opponents around you. Killing a boa constrictor means defeating your opponents and achieving your goal.

Versions of Tsvetkov and Strannik

If you dream of a boa constrictor within the walls of your house, then you should look for an enemy among loved ones. One of your relatives or so-called friends is plotting insidious intrigues against you. Tsvetkov's dream book advises to always be on guard!

Seeing a yellow boa constrictor squeezing its throat in a dream means mortal danger. Don't think you can avoid it. Try to think about ways out of this in advance. difficult situation, which will develop.

If you dream of a green boa constrictor swimming in the river, then you will be influenced alcoholic drinks. If a white boa constrictor swam in the water in a dream, a good period will come in life. Everything will work out, no matter what you put your mind to. Use this moment to take decisive action. High probability of victory.

If you dreamed of a yellow boa constrictor, pay attention to your health. The Wanderer's Dream Book clearly warns of all sorts of ailments. Don't expect the disease to go away on its own. This, unfortunately, will never happen. The dream book advises - go to a professional doctor. Only he will help avoid the most negative consequences illness.


Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Like all snakes, the python- is a symbol of potential vital energy hidden within you. Like the two snakes writhing around the wand, the python can mean- healing power.

Collection of dream books

Python- the life force within you.

dreamed of a yellow python



in general, dreams about snakes warn of evil in its various manifestations ((((but the dream can also be considered in detail)))))!!!


The snake, like most other reptiles, including the PYTHON, should be interpreted as a penis. If a snake basks in the sun, then this symbolizes a man’s good sexual tone. If a woman sees a snake instead of her partner, this indicates possible changes (including pleasant ones) in your relationship. If a man sees a snake, then this speaks both of his homosexual aspirations, although perhaps hidden, and of the fact that he may be subject to homosexual claims. A snake bite indicates that your sexual relationship may be disrupted by the intervention of another man. If the snake does not bite you, but someone else, then this indicates your sexual desire for this person, or the desire to change your partner if the object of the bite is unclear. If you are chasing a snake, hunting it and trying to catch it, then you are able to lead, or are leading, a very active sex life. If you are running away from a snake, then you have some problems in your sex life that you are afraid of or do not want to resolve. A coiled snake speaks of your desire for self-satisfaction. The slithering snake symbolizes sexual intercourse. If you look at a snake with pleasure and admire it, then you can easily change the style of your sex life, you like to experiment and enjoy it. If you kiss a snake, then you are striving for oral sex, but are embarrassed to admit it even to yourself.
The snake is a difficult symbol because different CULTURES interpret it differently. Interpretations have a very wide range: from fear, chilling the blood, to peace and wisdom. Options are determined by literary history and folklore different cultures, and personal experience. IN real life Fear of snakes is not uncommon. For some people, this fear is so destructive, almost pathological, that even a photograph of a snake seems threatening. For such people, dreams with snakes do not bode well. If in a dream there is someone holding a snake in his hands, then he, in all likelihood, symbolizes the source of wisdom and control of order in the dreamer's world and may in some way represent himself or someone he knows. In Asian and North American cultures, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. The idea of ​​wisdom stems from the snake's ability to shed its skin and renew itself. If someone dreams of snakes in this light, then this dream symbolizes renewal, problem solving and order. In Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation or spiritual resistance to achieving a goal. This interpretation follows from the Bible, in which Satan, in the guise of a snake, seduces Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes a snake dreamed of in such a context hints to you specific person in your real life, with whom you have a less than smooth relationship. Finally, FREUD and classical psychotherapy also offered their own interpretations of this iconic image. In their opinion, the snake symbolizes the phallus, but sometimes embodies fear of sexual intercourse and aversion to it. It is quite difficult to correctly interpret a snake you dreamed about. What emotions predominate towards the snake: fear, respect or opposition? How do you feel about snakes in real life: neutral, fearful or friendly? Did the snake appear when you were alone or with others? What feelings do you have towards those; people who were with you? The answers to these questions should lead to a fruitful interpretation of the snake dream.
Dangerous enemy. Deceit, betrayal; if it crawls, it means illness.
Ring - very important time (attention!). Expanded - dangerous adventures. It's attacking - don't miss the moment! The closer the contact, the closer in time.
Yellow color can mean envy. And also the color yellow in a dream means that you will soon meet a certain woman who will do a lot of good for you, but at the same time will cause you a lot of problems.
But don't worry, everything

Good yellow python

Dream Interpretation Good yellow python dreamed of why the Good Yellow Python is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Good Yellow Python in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Python

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

Treason, deception, envy, illness.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow liquid

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

Extroverted intuition, focused on an external object or other person.

Or cowardice.

In combination with blue it forms the unity of extra-introverted intuition, thereby being the mandala of the magic circle.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

A yellow cow comes to the house - wealth and nobility lie ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

Fame, luxury, impermanence.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow color

Instills joy, expression, ability to act, clarity and alertness of mind, organization, attention to detail, ability to evaluate, discipline and organizational talent.

Eliminates the desire to criticize left and right, stubbornness, contempt for people, feelings of grief, self-flagellation, cynicism..

Dream Interpretation - Kind woman

To see in a dream is very kind woman, who is literally ready to help everyone with advice and deeds - to the mother’s illness.

Dream Interpretation - Kind woman

If you see in a dream a kind, affectionate woman who speaks to you, expressing her disposition with her whole appearance, and you feel the light of kindness literally emanating from her, this is a sign of approaching big deception, which will change your whole life.

Dream Interpretation - Kind woman

You are drawn to goodness, but you see only evil around you.

Yellow python

Dream Interpretation Yellow Python dreamed of why the Yellow Python is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Yellow Python in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Python

Like all snakes, the python is a symbol of the potential life energy hidden within you.

Like the two snakes writhing around the wand, the python can mean

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

Yellow - (color) - In clothes - for a spiritual professional occupation (enter a monastery, become a priest). Flowers - to separation from a loved one, betrayal. Auto - to changeable mood or weather. Yellow color suggests a change in what it relates to in the direction of worsening ( living conditions, provisions).

Dream Interpretation - Yellow color

Some items yellow color or landscapes, dream events, interiors painted yellow mean treason, betrayal, envy, slowdown in business, in resolving necessary issues.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

Seeing this color and wearing yellow clothes means a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

Many gypsy carts are painted yellow - for gypsies this is the color of happiness, love and a close-knit family.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

This color is the color of the setting sun.

Historically a symbol among Buddhists, they symbolize divine qualities - holiness and enlightenment.

But an excessively bright yellow color is envy, delay, betrayal.

Dream Interpretation - Yellow color

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

See the interpretation of the COLOR symbol in the dream book

Dream Interpretation - Yellow

Hope for the best, focus on the future.

The world affects us with color, without taking into account our personal preferences.

And in response we show some emotions or simply feel mood changes.

On a conscious level, we can verbalize our admiration or indignation at color combinations.

This color is more appealing to intellect and intuition.

Most of our dreams are not colored.

We barely have time to notice the characters, their actions and, in better case, sleep environment.

But sometimes we have colorful dreams.

Color appears in our dreams to illuminate those aspects of our lives that we are particularly stubborn about turning away from.

We read color information unconsciously.

Even in reality, preferring or rejecting any color, we are not aware of why we made our choice.

That's why color test is objective psychological characteristics person.

At an unconscious level or in a dream, we become involved in a situation from the opposite position.

First we experience a feeling, then we react by the appearance of a color spot in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Yellow cow

Comes to the house - portends wealth and nobility.

Python boa constrictor

Dream Interpretation Boa Constrictor Python dreamed of why a python boa constrictor dreams in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a python boa constrictor in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Python

Like all snakes, the python is a symbol of the potential life energy hidden within you.

Like the two snakes writhing around the wand, the python can mean

Dream Interpretation - Boa Constrictor

The image of a boa constrictor in your dream may be associated with the words: “Look like a boa constrictor at a rabbit,” thus, your daytime reflections on the relationships of the people around you fall into your dream.

If you dreamed of a boa constrictor climbing a tree, it means that in real life you witnessed how cruelty and arrogance makes its way, and how the most unworthy people seize power by humiliating others.

To dream of a boa constrictor strangling its victim - You feel pressure from your superiors or some influential person on yourself, but you cannot make a choice: to obey in order to save what you have, or to rebel and lose everything except your own dignity.

Fighting a boa constrictor means defending your point of view in reality, although there are more opponents and envious people around than friends and supporters. If you win in a dream, it means you will be lucky in reality. If in a dream a boa constrictor strangles you, but someone comes to your aid and frees you from its deadly embrace, it means that you will get rid of communication with an evil person thanks to circumstances.

A dream in which you experience fear when you see a boa constrictor crawling past you indicates your timidity and indecisiveness, since you do not find the strength to respond with blow to blow, but turn the other cheek when you are hit on one.

Dream Interpretation - Boa Constrictor

Boa constrictor - symbolizes enormous power and suffocation hazard. Seeing a boa constrictor strangling its victim, you feel pressure, some kind of high-ranking official, but you can’t make a choice: submit or resist. Fighting with a boa constrictor in a dream means defending your point of view in reality when there are a lot of opponents around. A dream in which you feel fear when a boa constrictor crawls past you indicates your indecisiveness in defending your own interests.

A boa constrictor appearing in a dream is a bad sign. In this case, the dream book rarely promises anything positive. To find out more precisely what this creeping creature is dreaming about, carefully study all the interpretations available on this topic.

Female interpreter

Seeing a python in a dream means complete failure. You will often experience emotional turmoil and negative emotions. You may even become disappointed in the person in whom you previously had unlimited trust.

If you dreamed that a boa constrictor was killed, you will probably cope with the problems that befall you. If a snake bites any part of the body before its death, then the difficulties will not pass without a trace. Your life will change forever.

Dream Interpretation of Seasons

If you dream of a big boa constrictor, then there will be a cooling in the marital relationship. You will be seriously disappointed in your partner. If he has no chance of rehabilitation, it is better not to waste time and break up as soon as possible, giving each other a chance to start a new, happier life.

Dreaming of a python is a sign that you will have to solve many problems and take on great responsibility. There is a high probability that there will be no strength left for yourself at all. But don’t despair, the busy period won’t last long.

To dream of a yellow python strangling you means you will be unable to make the main choice in your life. Now, not in a dream, but in reality, you feel like a victim and have no idea how best to act. Wait a little, everything will resolve itself.

A dream of fighting a great white snake predicts defending a personal point of view. The Dream Book of Seasons is convinced that there are many opponents around you. Killing a boa constrictor means defeating your opponents and achieving your goal.

Versions of Tsvetkov and Strannik

If you dream of a boa constrictor within the walls of your house, then you should look for an enemy among loved ones. One of your relatives or so-called friends is plotting insidious intrigues against you. Tsvetkov's dream book advises to always be on guard!

Seeing a yellow boa constrictor squeezing its throat in a dream means mortal danger. Don't think you can avoid it. Try to think in advance about ways out of the difficult situation that will arise.

If you dream of a green boa constrictor swimming in the river, then you will be under the influence of alcoholic beverages. If a white boa constrictor swam in the water in a dream, a good period will come in life. Everything will work out, no matter what you put your mind to. Use this moment to take decisive action. High probability of victory.

If you dreamed of a yellow boa constrictor, pay attention to your health. The Wanderer's Dream Book clearly warns of all sorts of ailments. Don't expect the disease to go away on its own. This, unfortunately, will never happen. The dream book advises - go to a professional doctor. Only it will help avoid the most negative consequences of the disease.

Dreams in which snakes appear usually leave behind unpleasant memories. Why do you dream about a boa constrictor or a python? As the dream book says, a boa constrictor or python is a bad sign that predicts a series of failures and a lot of different shocks for you. The river of fate will be so raging and dangerous that complete disappointment in life and people will enter your soul. Meeting with a boa constrictor is especially dangerous large sizes- there will be only failures on your way. But in a dream, killing a boa constrictor is a very good omen; you are destined to quickly and skillfully resolve all difficulties, you will be endowed with the strength to survive a bad streak of failures with dignity.

Why do you dream of a boa constrictor or a python: according to dream books, snakes in a dream symbolize various troubles.

Why do boa constrictors dream? correct interpretation such a dream depends on the plot outline. For deciphering, all the smallest details of what is happening in the dream are important: how the python behaved - lying, crawling, attacking, or vice versa - you killed the reptile. To accurately understand the dream, it is important to know the color of the boa constrictor. It is quite possible to compare such details with beacons, because they will lead to a correct understanding of the dream. What exactly a boa constrictor means in a dream can be understood by interpreting all the signs in the dream in a comprehensive manner.

Who saw the dream: woman, man, girl, child

  • Why does a woman dream of a boa constrictor or a python - the sign signals serious problems in the family. Most often, such dreams are experienced by women whose husbands are tyrants who allow themselves to raise their hands against their wives.
  • A dream in which a woman saw a golden or silver python is a good sign; it prophesies the sleeping person a meeting with wealthy man. He will make his beloved rich, lavish her with expensive gifts, but at the same time make her powerless - deprive her of the right to own opinion.
  • If a man dreamed of a boa constrictor, a protracted black streak awaits him with a lot of problems, difficulties and troubles, both at work and in family life. In order to get out of this quagmire, a man will have to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time.
  • If a girl saw a boa constrictor in a dream, she would have to fight with her rival for her betrothed;
  • For a child, such a dream foretells a lot of things to do, troubles and busyness.

What does it mean to see a boa constrictor or python in a dream?

If a boa constrictor appears in a dream, you will have to go through the path of losses, hardships, and failures that will drive you into stress, apathy and depression. If a dying snake bites you, the life obstacle course will leave its mark for the rest of your life. The plot of the dream is filled with multi-colored boa constrictors - in the strategic plans of your ill-wishers there are many tactical moves to destroy you as a business partner. If you dream of pythons with bright colors, then your enemies are dreaming and see you stumble or make a mistake in your activities in order to notify the whole world around you about it.

What color was the snake in your dream?

According to the dream book, a yellow boa constrictor or python means betrayal.

A yellow boa constrictor in a dream is the most insidious; this color prophesies betrayal on the part of friends or closest people. It is very difficult to recognize them, because in the eyes they distribute praise and flattery of the highest standard, and behind the eyes a metamorphosis occurs with them - they characterize you with the help of the blackest colors.

It means that the flatterer intends to harm you. To prevent this from happening, you should identify the traitor and stop all communication with him. There is another version of the interpretation of such a dream: a yellow boa constrictor prophesies an insidious disease, the treatment of which will require emergency health care. You dreamed that a yellow boa constrictor bit you - you are unable to make the main choice of your life, and this will give rise to deep resentment for the rest of your life.

Boa white dreams when circumstances are difficult situation change in your favor and the problem will automatically end.

A green snake is dreamed of by people who suffer from alcoholism or drug addiction and they have problems with impaired perception of reality. The following prognosis is also possible - one dreams of a green snake before an illness that requires treatment under general anesthesia. You had a dream in which a green boa constrictor swims in a pond with crystal clean water- this is a good sign. He informs you: all the plans of ill-wishers will become known to you, and you will quickly neutralize them.

Where exactly did you see this snake?

  • A dream in which a boa constrictor finds itself in the house of a sleeping person means that family relationships bursting at the seams - a mistress or lover has entered your life;
  • If you dreamed of a python in a forest, at work you will have to firmly defend your point of view;
  • If in your dream a boa constrictor is located in the central square of the city - an unusual situation is on your way;
  • You dreamed of a snake in a cage - loneliness will come to you;
  • In your dream, a reptile is swimming in, or any other body of water - your life at this stage will resemble a quiet haven. All problems will disappear for a while.

If a boa constrictor attacked you in a dream

A dream in which a boa constrictor is trying to attack you conveys extremely unpleasant news for you: this moment you are standing at the abyss, one more step and you will fall down. An attempt by a boa constrictor to attack you - life has driven you into a dead end, from which it is difficult for you to get out on your own.

A good dream in which you managed to kill a reptile means the beginning of time has come for you. happy times, and problems, misfortunes disappeared into oblivion, the financial situation also improved sharply. This dream also has a good ending - in a fight with a boa constrictor, you were the first to strike him. Such a dream prophesies good luck and unhindered achievement of your goals. You will reach the intended milestone the first time and will not encounter a single obstacle along the way.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Our dreams are a hint from the subconscious about what awaits us in the future, what we need to be careful of, what actions not to do in order to protect ourselves and loved ones from danger, or vice versa, what we need to do to bring joy and prosperity to our home. Understanding the language of dreams makes it possible to personally open the door to your future for the short term or longer term. Dream books will tell you what fateful events a dream in which you saw a boa constrictor entails.

Miller's Dream Book - serious troubles

  • This famous dream book considers the boa constrictor to be the most terrible phenomenon in a dream, comparing him with the image of the devil. Such a dream is a storm in a person’s destiny, with failures, disappointment and loss of spirit. The sleeper's disappointment in humanity reaches its highest point.
  • If you dreamed that a reptile was trying to strangle you - all the difficulties are from your enemies and enemies, but you have the strength to withstand this unequal battle with evil, deceit and hatred. In your dream, a boa constrictor attacks suddenly - these are the machinations of your opponents who are trying to knock you out of the saddle
  • You saw in a dream how a small snake in a very short period of time became a huge boa constrictor - such a snake metamorphosis indicates the impossibility of defeating enemies at this stage.

Vanga's dream book - meeting with enemies

Often a boa constrictor or python in a dream symbolizes an enemy that you will face.

The famous Bulgarian seer agrees with the traditional interpretation of the image of a boa constrictor in a dream. She predicts that the boa constrictor brings a person not only great troubles and failures, but also shocks of a tragic nature.

This image prophesies a battle with the enemy. If in the dream the python was poisonous, then your enemy will win this battle. If not, then you have every chance of inflicting a crushing defeat on the enemy without getting hurt in battle with him.

Vanga believes that a dream with a boa constrictor has a positive side, because the dream is a warning, which means that you have a tool in your hands that gives you the opportunity to avoid problems and reduce the force of the blow to fate. You have time to take action preventive action and develop tactics to overcome the black streak and return life to its former shores.

Freud's Dream Book - experiments in bed

For a famous psychologist, all interpretations of dreams are related to psychological states person. According to his interpretation, a python in a dream announces the awakening of sexuality. He confirms his point of view with the following fact: in a dream, people watch the actions of reptiles without fear - with interest, and sometimes admiration. Why does a woman dream about a boa constrictor? Freud believes that this indicates a desire to conduct experiments in bed. He is also convinced that if a man dreams of a boa constrictor from which he is running away, these are problems in the intimate sphere that affect sexual relations with the opposite sex. Escape is avoiding their decision.

Modern dream book - problems and obstacles

A dream in which you see a python means troubles that you can overcome. If you are trying to fight boa constrictors, you are able to take steps that will protect you from adversity and problems. If you are not afraid to confront the reptile, then you have enough courage to fight the dark streak in life.


Dreams in which the main character is a boa constrictor usually bring events negative plan, most often disappointments and failures. This is a sign behind which there are troubles and serious difficulties. The dream will indicate the nature of the trouble, so when you wake up, you will know where the harsh wind is coming from. This means you will have time to prepare for the blows of fate and to form internal forces to endure all these trials with honor.

Your destiny is in your hands, everything depends on your desire, skill and performance, and a dream will only help you see your future a little earlier.

Video “Why do you dream of a boa constrictor”

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of a Boa constrictor in a dream according to 19 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Boa Constrictor” symbol from 19 online dream books. If you haven't found necessary interpretation on this page, use the search form for all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Boa constrictor in a dream?

Boa constrictor - your hopes will come true.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing a boa constrictor in a dream- to unpleasant shocks and complete failures. This dream may be a harbinger of your disappointment in human nature as such.

Killing a boa constrictor is a good sign indicating that you can cope with all difficulties.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Boa constrictor according to the dream book?

Good evening! I had the following dream in the morning: I was lying on the bed, and a boa constrictor, hugging me, tried to squeeze my knees, my knees were bare, in the dream I felt pressure, a little fear, I remember that I threw it away... then a ball of small snakes...

The boa constrictor slowly began to surround my neck, at the beginning I had goosebumps because... I never hate snakes in my life. But after that I even felt pleased! After he surrounded my neck, he began to put his head in my face-mouth! I feel it all, but I don’t see it! Afterwards it starts to irritate me. And I take all my willpower, take the snake in my hands and throw it off my shoulders onto the floor! She turns into a little snake and crawls away! I don't worry anymore, because... she won’t be able to get along at my house and it’s as if this isn’t true

I saw in a dream how my husband brought in his hands a small yellow boa constrictor less than a meter in size, then I dreamed that I was lying on the bed on my stomach and this boa constrictor was crawling along my back, I was yelling and asking my husband to take it away, I woke up

in a dream I saw my husband being strangled (having wrapped his body around) a huge boa constrictor and I rushed to save my husband from this boa constrictor, soon the boa constrictor let go of my husband and rushed at me, I hit him and he disappeared, but then I started running and there were a huge number of large snakes, boa constrictors

first, somewhere on a counter in a change house I’m under a blanket, clear water is gushing into the streets at the entrance, I go out and try to fix the damage, but it turns out that it’s a boa constrictor and he strangled the girl, and I kill the boa constrictor, after that I dig with a trench so that the water goes away , and she starts to leave and become dirty, while flooding my boots, but I get out dry.

I dreamed that I seemed to have left home, left my grandparents, and I did this without telling them, to Finland, where I found myself as if in a house on the water, some man showed me a boa constrictor, which he leaned against me several times. I remember that my feelings were so disgusting, and he, seeing this again and again, leaned him against me. I remember seeing a woman walking on water. There were also people in the dream; I don’t know them in life, but in the dream it was as if I knew them. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the ending of the dream.

Hello! I dreamed of a lot of snakes, I especially remember a salad python or a boa constrictor, in general big snake, and a multi-colored snake, we looked for them, caught a bright one and killed it, there were also snakes there, but they were not significant

At first I dreamed of a creature, it seemed like it was a crocodile that ate a cat, then I saw that it was approaching the child, my wife was nearby, I shouted to her to pick up the child, but she began to drive away the crocodile to no avail, he grabs the child and I see that a boa constrictor is swallowing him. I attack him, cut off his head, try to get to the child and wake up. such a dream

Hello!!! My name is Sergey! I dreamed about mine an old house, was early spring, I went out into the garden and huge snakes (boa constrictors or pythons) were crawling on the still unmelted snow. They weren't aggressive.

I dreamed of the city of my childhood and youth where I grew up, and the very courtyard where we lived. Then I saw a childhood friend, with whom we now also communicate very well. I stood near the mud on the ground from which the head of a boa constrictor appeared, I ran back and shouted to my friend, but she went straight to that very mud and got stuck there, I saw the large rings of a boa constrictor that began to wrap around her, and I can’t do anything, I started call for help, in our yard through the windows...then the moment I don’t remember how the Machete ended up in my hand..I cut the boa constrictor but my friend was already dead....!!! horrible dream some kind.

I dreamed of a boa constrictor that attacks. He's in a red spot. First he strangles my cat and crawls away, then after some time his skin peels off. Mom says he will get hungry in 4 hours, but it happens earlier and is about to attack us. I wake up several times at night, but the dream repeats itself!

The boa constrictor was sitting on the bedside table, it was very large, then it began to crawl onto the closet and shed its skin, and push it behind the closet. And then, in the place where the boa constrictor was, a flower appeared in a pot

A short, large boa constrictor wrapped itself around my stomach, so I walked around school with it for half a day, the next day I lay sick and hungry on the bench, curled up in a ball and changed color from black to pale yellow

there was a snake in the water—a lake or a river—that I didn’t put in, but I knew it was there. then she opened herself up and it turned out that it was a boa constrictor. At first I was scared because I realized that she wanted to attack, but I extended my hand to her and decided to somehow become friends, stroked her on the head and as a result, from the context of the dream, she began to protect us (so I thought in my head), i.e. She lay next to us, curled up in a circle. and even after I began to stroke her she became covered with fur, I thought like a dog.

I dreamed how the boas gradually, one by one, tried to attack my family, I managed to kill some, and I hit some with a knife, but nothing happened to them, then I saw that there were only shoes, but my one-year-old daughter was gone .I understand that these boas ate her and with all my strength and with all the anger I have I begin to beat them, I cry, and nothing comes of it, but they hide all the time, I felt so bad that my daughter was gone. Thank you for your attention, I will I’m grateful to you if you can explain this terrible dream to me. I had a dream about it today (from Monday to Tuesday)

I saw two large snakes in my house. They crawled everywhere and my animals played with them and the child played with them. It was very scary because they were large. I crushed their heads with a crowbar and they moved for a long time and died. Then I saw small snakes. They crawled like worms.

A boa constrictor crawled into my parents' house, my mother and I tried to drive it away, for this we fed it chicken and a piece of meat, while the boa constrictor ate it, we dragged it to the exit, but it crawled away right in front of the door and we could not find it

The boa constrictor was in full length, crawling and swimming in the pool nearby, and at the same time I was stroking its entire length all the time. And she warned her loved ones not to let him wrap the ring around them more than 2 times, because then a friend would become prey for him.

huge boa constrictors that look like fish swim in the water in which huge waves arise. They don’t kill anyone. My younger son plays with him, can’t stop him from jumping into the water. Then the son quickly swims across the pond to escape from a huge boa constrictor. We wait for him to swim out, but he gets stuck in the bridge

In the dream I was in a field, I think it was India, I can’t say for sure, but in this field there were plots for vegetable gardens, I came there to call a girl I knew (I can’t explain why, I don’t remember) I remember that her plot was next to the forest and I said that it’s not very good to be near the forest because there can be a lot of different unpleasant reptiles (snakes, etc.) then they called me and I went telling her that she should go too. As soon as I moved away from her area I saw just a huge boa constrictor , I began to be a little afraid, but remained calm, then I saw 3 boa constrictors lying one next to the other, then I thought what the girl would do if she found out that there were so many reptiles here, then I ran and while I was running I met a lot on my way boas and a few snakes, several cobras stood in a stance, but as I remember, it wasn’t at me, I ran very quickly because I was very scared, I don’t know how loudly I even screamed in fear. Not a single reptile touched me (didn’t bite me) at the end of the dream I ran out to the last boa constrictor, he looked straight at me, I screamed, for some reason he growled internally and it seemed to me that he was a little scared of me, then I saw some kind of animal that looked like a ferret he ran in my direction as if attacking me but retreated before he could reach me, I turned around and saw people, then woke up with horror from fear (in my life I have never seen so many boa constrictors and snakes in one dream, in one place, although deep down I understood that they wouldn’t touch me, but it was very scary)

I was walking along the road, around a field on the side of the road, there were stacks of straw in the straw, a boa constrictor lying quietly, I passed by, went into the barn, turned around and saw that a huge boa constrictor was rolling in rings away from me along the road
A man came out of the barn, holding a shovel in his hands, I thought that it was not very wide to kill the snake

a large snake of unrealistic size tries to attack me throughout the entire dream, and I run away. throughout the entire dream, this snake bites everyone in its path of pursuit. The result is that I didn’t catch up.

Hello! Yesterday I had a dream that it was as if my mother woke up a big fat boa constrictor. It was such a big thick yellow snake, so I decided it was a boa constrictor. The snake lay and slept in the ravine. And my son and I watched from the sidelines and worried, and I wondered why his mother woke him up? But the snake just crawled and raised its head and released its sting, but did not bite us. Why did I have this dream? Please tell me.

Mom and I are in the cave. Mom is trying to pick at the ceiling of the cave, and a large boa constrictor is descending from the other side of the ceiling. And, hanging from the ceiling, he looks at me very carefully. I shout to my mother: “Don’t touch the ceiling! There might be snakes in there!” And I threaten the boa constrictor with a stone. Then the boa constrictor stopped looking at me. I only saw in the distance of the cave his body hanging from the ceiling.

I dreamed that a boa constrictor was so fat and orange, from the beginning he was crawling on me and trying to eat me, someone was there with me and said that he would eat me in a minute, that if he attacks me, it would be impossible to survive, but then we came up with the idea that if we throw an orange cat, the boa constrictor will start hunting then an orange cat appeared behind him, he ran and the boa constrictor crawled away after him

I dreamed that I was riding either on a bus or on a train, and I was holding a small boa constrictor in my hands near my head, then it fell out of my hands and crawled away, but with the help of strangers I caught it and held it again, then I woke up

This happened in former apartment a dark green boa constrictor in the toilet, when I opened the door there, he tried to open his mouth threateningly, but I hit him on the head with some kind of rag and closed the door. But there were two little girls in the apartment, I was afraid that the boa constrictor might crawl out of the toilet room, so I grabbed the children and ran out. Having run into an open neighboring apartment, the owner of the apartment began calling various authorities to come and pick up this boa constrictor.

Last night I dreamed that a boa constrictor (in my subconscious I understood that one was female and the other was male) crawled between my legs and I also thought I knew them. Then an empty cat appeared with the face of a Persian. And the head of the boa constrictor acquired the same silhouette as that of a cat, they looked at each other big eyes in the eyes.

I dreamed of a boa constrictor. He was calm towards me and did not harm anyone at all. My mother caught it and killed it, then cut it into pieces so that it could be eaten (like regular fish) and sold. In the dream, it didn’t seem strange to anyone except me, for them it was normal, but only I understood that it was a snake.

The huge head of a boa constrictor digs between my legs, I see burns (bites) on my hands. I try to push the head of the boa constrictor away while holding it in my hands, at the same time asking him to be put to sleep. And the boa constrictor falls asleep on its own. They are trying to help me free myself from the boa constrictor.

The boa constrictor crawled around in the house, didn’t touch anyone, was calm, but I was still afraid of it. Afterwards the boa constrictor began to talk to me male voice“I won’t touch you, don’t be afraid of me.” He had a nest under the table and he often crawled under the bed, I plucked up the courage to stand up and cover him with a rag, this rag was dried in blood.

I remember I just saw a big huge snake, it crawled up to me, shook me, miraculously I escaped, ran into some building, and it by me, by the snake there was an owner, he wanted to feed me to her, he kept looking for me in this building, and the snake was crawling after him, I ran out into the street, the snake was behind me and this man also talked to her, he talked to me so that I would give up on my own, and the boa constricted me ate it, but of course I didn’t want to, I kept hiding and running away, then the boa constrictor ate its owner, he got tired of crawling after me, I woke up

Hello! This is what I remember: I was in my yard, turned around and saw a boa constrictor. It was very long, curled into a ring, and I liked his eyes. But when I saw him, I became afraid that he would swallow me and ran to my brother (a neighboring house) for protection. That's all.

Good evening, Tatiana. I had a dream in which my husband and I supposedly had an aquarium in which a medium-sized boa constrictor lived. I didn’t like him, but he seemed to have been passed down to us from our relatives as a duty. He was unpleasant to me, but I didn’t wish him harm. Rather, she resigned herself to the unpleasant responsibility of feeding him, walking him, etc.
And then one of the next times, when the glass lid was removed from the aquarium to feed him, something distracted me and he crawled out. I start looking for him, because he needs to be fed in time, “or else he’ll die,” but he crawls out into the street. I'm looking for him. And I see that he climbed into the hollow of the tree, curled up and lay there. There was a feeling that the boa constrictor was also unpleasant to me and that he was already tired of our many years of hostility and he simply did not want to communicate anymore. It’s as if he plans to stay in this hollow forever and doesn’t want to return to the aquarium. Until the end of the dream, I absentmindedly thought, “I have to feed him, he’ll die.” But she didn’t want to pull him out of the hollow herself. That's how I woke up...
This is such a dream

Hello. I work in a military unit. Its territory is fenced. I have a dream: I am on the territory of the unit, the street is clear, warm, sunny. I notice a big boa constrictor yellow. He starts crawling after me. I quicken my pace, and so does he. As a result, I’m already running away from him, and he’s crawling after me very quickly. When I run out of the unit, it’s winter there and there’s snow. The boa constrictor stuck its snout out from behind the gate and did not crawl further after me.

Huge snake crawled down the mountain towards me. I felt horror. I got closer. I put my palm forward. The snake bit me. I was covered in blood. My husband carried me in his arms. And I woke up.

I dreamed that I was sitting with friends in nature, here in the forest, a great boa constrictor appears, my friends tell me, sit and don’t crumble, the stench freezes, the snake surrounds them and doesn’t bite them, and at this hour I begin to run away from the snake I note I squat and freeze in Shvidko he sniffs me strongly and I don’t collapse... then he comes up to me without any fear, and then a dog comes along and bites the boa to death and I throw myself away, I was so tossed and my hands were cowardly, but it really wasn’t.... I wanted to live and I'm not even afraid snake

Summer sunny day. A very bright sun shines through the dense foliage of a lonely tree in a sunny clearing. Standing under the tree round table covered with a snow-white tablecloth. there are snow-white openwork chairs around. Everything on the table is set for tea. In the center of the table is a huge basket with apples and grapes. I am young, light in a white silk dress and a straw hat with a gauze scarf, swinging on a swing. I get up. I go to the table, reach into the basket to take an apple, and from there appears a huge python or a boa constrictor, I don’t know. But I'm not afraid. He is turning into a person, a man, that I really like. I smile at him, but I don’t see his face, since he is standing against the sun. It seems to me that I’m about to fly, my heart is filled with happiness…. I wake up with a feeling of flight and lightness throughout my body

I had a dream that my friend was a boa constrictor, he was friendly like my pet, I bathed him and stroked his head. In the dream we have friendship. At some point, I realized that he needed food and let him go in Odessa. As I understood, there was a rat there and he very quickly began to hunt for it. But the peron was strange, there were a lot of stones and he hunted among these stones.

I dreamed that I spent the night in my teacher’s office and he asked me to look after his boa constrictor, which lives in his office, or simply left him in the office. I spent the night in the office because I had to work until late. When I sat down to work, I periodically went to bed and woke up and continued working. But this boa constrictor constantly crawls into the room to bask, and then I drive him away. In a dream, I was afraid to let him come close to me, not understanding what to expect from him, but he, in principle, did not attack me, but he also constantly crawled after me, wherever I was, he went there too. I tried to push him away from me, and he persistently returned. (well, I actually spent the night in the office that day and fell asleep and this is what I dreamed about).

One of the most frequent guests in the plots of night dreams is a snake. But what if it is not a simple snake, but a reptile belonging to a specific species - a boa constrictor or a python? You can find out what a boa constrictor dreams about in this article.

In the dream book of the Seasons, a snake is also seen as a sign of upcoming changes. The forecast for the future will be more accurate if you remember exactly what kind of creeping reptile you dreamed about.

The python in the dream plot is a clue that soon the dreamer will be forced to take on greater responsibility. For the dreamer, a boa constrictor, according to this dream book, symbolizes calm in his personal life. The larger the boa constrictor, the longer this period will be.

In addition, there is an additional meaning appearance and the actions of a reptile in a dream. If this is a yellow snake, then in real life the person will encounter difficult choice. If the snake was white, it means that in the near future a person will need to defend his own opinion. It also matters what actions connect the hero with the reptile:

  • If a yellow reptile strangles the dreamer in a dream, this symbolizes the person’s doubts. This means that in reality he cannot accept the right decision due to anxiety and uncertainty.
  • If a white snake attacks you, this dream may promise that your opponents will try to resist you. The ability to defend your decision and opinion will allow you to achieve your goal, despite the actions of your opponents.
  • To kill a crawling creature in your dream, be it a yellow, white or other colored snake, means that in real life you will be able to resist envious people and the vicissitudes of fate.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, seeing a boa constrictor or a python in the plot of night dreams is an attempt by a person from one’s close circle to commit a dirty trick. Therefore, if you dreamed similar dream, try to be alert. Also, Tsvetkov’s dream book advises those who see a plot with a yellow reptile in the house to be careful. It carries a warning that a person will soon be faced with negativity, which can be survived with restraint and calm.

At the same time, the Wanderer’s dream book warns of a possible illness if there is a yellow snake in night vision. Seeing a boa constrictor or a python of this color in your dream means you need to pay attention to your health. A green reptile warns that in the near future the dreamer will be under the influence of alcohol.

As you can see, all versions of what a boa constrictor dreams of are ambiguous. Much depends on a person’s perception of the world around him. Therefore, when drawing up interpretations, you need to focus on the semantic load in order to see what the plot of night dreams hints at.

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