How curse, damage and evil eye actually work. Who will the stone fall on?

Is your personal life not going well, problems at work, has your health deteriorated for no apparent reason? So, they caused damage. Has your loved one left unexpectedly? They put a love spell on them. To a small child A dot is applied to the forehead with lipstick – “from the evil eye.” How many victims we know of the evil eye and damage, how many ways we know to protect ourselves from them! But do they work?

What the psychologist says

Psychology is an academic science. She doesn't acknowledge the presence psychic abilities and the influence of “mystical forces”. If you think about the meaning of the words spoken by a psychologist and a psychic, you can see parallels.
In the case of the evil eye and damage, both the psychologist and the “magician” speak the same way. This is a negative attitude that works in the human mind, says psychologist Yana Bulygina.
What does a person say at an appointment with a psychologist who is told that he has been damaged?
Powerlessness, lack of interest in life, giving up, stagnation in life and a streak of failures, apathy - in a word, everything that does not fit the definition of “ happy life" Moreover, there may not be radically bad events, just a gray feeling of hopelessness. A psychologist, after listening to a client with similar complaints, can diagnose several conditions. This could be depression, addiction, mental trauma, unfinished relationships or situations that are difficult to overcome (divorce, separation, job loss, serious illness). How to “relieve” such symptoms? They are lived and realized, but not “whispered” or “retracted”. The processes of living and awareness take place either alone or with the help of psychological therapy. If you break down the magician’s technique, then they are engaged in ordinary psychological assistance: they listen, they show participation. But magicians and “grandmothers” simply surround their manipulations with a mystical aura. We consider what is inaccessible to ordinary perception to be magical. Damage can be depression, destructive or unfinished relationships, or a traumatic situation.

The evil eye is a “lighter” and “short-lived” type of damage. If someone undeservedly offended, was rude, and the person, due to his upbringing and gentleness, did not respond, then the effect of incompleteness arises. The one who was offended worries, thinks again, spends energy on constantly “chewing” the situation. The psychologist will say in this case – “problems with personal boundaries.” The incident is retained in the memory and the mood is spoiled for a long time.

How to “remove damage”, that is, get rid of a negative program? Don't accept the "pitch"! If you are offended, respond. Just don’t hit harder than the offender, because the task is to protect the borders, not to attack. Codependent relationships are the so-called “love spell.” If thoughts and feelings are always occupied by one person, then there is no attention or energy left for other things. But the main thing is that a fixated person deprives his person of attention. Thus, he violates his integrity and sees a way out only in reunification with the object constant attention. In this case, the psychologist advises to persistently work on yourself and your worldview. Thus, our troubles come from lack of love and inattention to ourselves. Another reason is that we don’t talk about problems out loud, we suppress ourselves and our energy.

What physicists say

Everyone is familiar with the name Newton, from the time school course physics and Newton's three laws. But this is not the only thing worth remembering his name for. In 1666, he created the concept of a force field that surrounds living things and gave it the name “aura.” In the 17th century, the presence of an aura could not be proven.

Semyon Kirlian experimentally proved the presence of an aura in 1939, and the concept of the “Kirlian effect” appeared in science. In 1960, he presented the results of the experiment. Experience with indoor plants– one is alive, the other is practically dying. Two photographs showed that the strong plant had a powerful biofield and an even halo of glow. The illumination of the diseased plant was weak and intermittent. Today, the Kirlian method is used to find defects in metals. Kirlian himself stated that this effect could be used to detect the germination of seeds.

The energy shell - or the aura in another way - reacts sensitively to internal biochemical processes. It changes the conductivity of tissues, human emotions and influences external circumstances. A person’s energy is connected to his psyche. Human energy is made up of waves of different frequencies. The human brain actively resonates with radiation in the range available to it. Only a person does not consciously control these processes, and our psyche gets involved.
From the point of view of physics, the evil eye and damage do not exist. There is a resonant phenomenon of the force field of the “victim” and the wave radiation of the “spoiler”. The bottom line is that “damage” can be caused if the wave radiations are similar. That is, if a person is angry, gloomy, self-centered, then he is more likely to receive a blow of “damage” than a cheerful and full of energy. Like a tuning fork, it vibrates only when the sound resonates.

What does a neuropsychiatrist say?

Psychotherapist Dmitry Klevtsov is sure that damage and the evil eye are concepts that denote states of inarticulate anxiety, phenomena that a person cannot rationally explain to himself. A person cannot find a cause-and-effect relationship in current events (or simply does not want to do this) and gives them the name “damage and the evil eye.” In fact, both damage and the evil eye are a way of structuring anxiety, which we have “inherited” since the times of Slavic paganism, when the wrath of the gods was warded off through rituals.

When anxiety grows and intensifies, it becomes a phobia. A person with a phobia is extremely suggestible, which is what sorcerers, psychics, and magicians use. In a state of panic, a person is ready to believe in anything and give any money just to “remove” such a state.
Narcologist Alexander Magalif is sure that the evil eye and damage do not exist. There are internal unresolved problems that need to be discussed with a specialist, and not with a magician. From a medical point of view, there is no concept of damage and the evil eye, there is the concept of “suggestibility”, “infantilism” and the desire for instant results through the help of otherworldly forces.
Alexey Karpeev, director of the Federal scientific center traditional methods of diagnosis and treatment, suggests that it is impossible to diagnose damage and the evil eye - there are no devices, methods, or precedents. Currently, there is an active study of the technology of human consciousness. Perhaps then the principle of “damage” and “evil eye” will become clearer.

How do you know if a person has a curse? What is this anyway? And if it exists, how to get rid of the curse?

A curse. How to remove a curse

A curse is the opposite of a blessing. How to cast a curse? - just wish for various troubles. A blessing, especially a parental one, can save you from many disasters and direct a person to the path of salvation. Can a curse harm a person?

First of all, a curse harms the one who curses. The greatest commandment is the commandment of love, and the curse is the greatest great sin against this commandment. Anyone who curses opposes God, and such things do not pass without a trace for anyone.

Those who thoughtlessly uttered words of curse need to immediately confess this sin, ask God that his crazy words will not come true, pray for those whom he cursed, and give alms to the poor.

What should those who are cursed do? How do you know if you have a curse? How to remove the curse from yourself?

To begin with, do not believe the words of gypsies and psychics that they see signs of a curse on you or that they can remove the curse from you. The signs of a curse on a person, which their “colleagues” publish on various websites, are very peculiar: they say, if there are drinkers and non-believers in the family, as well as someone with scoliosis (do you really have such relatives?), the removal of the curse is urgently needed .

Thinking that if something is not going well in life, then the curse is to blame is counterproductive. It is wiser to acknowledge your responsibility for what is happening and focus your efforts on changing your life and your relationships with others for the better.

But what if you heard a curse addressed to you and are worried about it? Pray for whoever said these unreasonable words, and admit your part of the guilt in bringing the person to such a state.

“People who suffered from the curse, realizing that they were cursed because they were guilty of something, repented, confessed, and all their troubles stopped. If the one who is guilty says: “My God, I did such and such an injustice. Forgive me,” and with pain and sincerity he will tell about his sins in confession to the priest, then God will forgive him,” Elder Paisiy of the Holy Mountain.

Ancestral curse

If you are such a non-conflict person that no one has ever cursed you personally, they may scare you with a family curse. How to determine that a curse has been placed on a family?

If someone in the family dies, and after that you have all sorts of problems, magicians and psychics will tell you that a curse has passed on to you from the deceased. How to get rid of the curse placed on your second cousin? They will offer you all kinds of prayers from generational curse or more exotic ways to remove a family curse. But if you think about the logic of what is happening, it turns out that in fact nothing needs to be removed.

Problems after death loved one may begin for understandable reasons: you are depressed, upset - work is not going well, health problems begin. An empty space has formed in the family, to fill which all its members will have to rebuild, and this rarely happens without conflicts.

Here is how the priest responded to the woman’s question above about how to remove the generational curse in the church: “Witchcraft is a sin, and all “revelations” obtained through magic are from the evil one. What good could come from him? He is the father of lies. And you believed him. There is only one piece of advice for you - throw out of your head everything that the witch told you, forget it. Go to church regularly, confess, take communion, pray and fast, don’t forget to include your child in this. God help you!”

Prayer from the curse

On the Internet you can find various prayers against a curse, especially if it is a curse for loneliness. But are these prayers and do they help?

Prayer is a conversation with God in which you can thank God for His mercies, ask for forgiveness for your sins and mistakes, and turn to Him with a spiritual or everyday request. If a person loves God, then requests for himself are not in the first place in his prayer, but somewhere closer to the end. If he is only concerned with how to earn money, get married, or how to lift a curse, then he sees God as just an automaton for fulfilling his desires. God does not hear such prayers.

As prayers against a curse, you can be offered not only ordinary church prayers or psalms, but also various conspiracies and “prayers” written by esotericists. Conspiracies are most often rhymed, semi-incoherent phrases like “My deed and word are the key, the lock, the tongue. What she said, what she whispered, the Mother of God heard, she helped me at every hour, my deed and word are good news.” In esoteric prayers we will talk about karma, energies, the world soul, the rose of the world, the light forces of the Earth and so on. A Christian cannot say such pseudo-prayers.

Curse and the Church

The most popular advice from the series “how to lift a curse” is to go to church, pray, light candles for deceased relatives, order a magpie or prayer service, confess and receive communion. The advice in itself is good, but even a good deed can be done in such a way that the result will be disastrous.

Under no circumstances should you participate in the sacraments of Confession and, especially, Communion in order to remove the curse. Confession is our repentance before God of our sins with the firm intention not to repeat them again. Communion is union with Christ and through Him with the whole Church. It is permissible to receive communion only if you love God, want to be with Him and are aware of what will happen to you in this sacrament.

In the Church, nothing is done according to the principle “press a button and you will get a result.” This should be remembered by all people who are brought to the temple by the desire to get rid of damage, the evil eye or a curse.

A curse! Does it exist and how to remove it?

A curse is something that almost everyone is afraid of, because it is a concept or phenomenon from the field of magic, esotericism, which most people do not understand. People usually associate a curse with something very negative and terrible.

To be honest, there is something to be afraid of here, but you shouldn’t do it, because everything has an explanation, Curses also have their own mechanisms and they are subject to certain laws. And the main thing you need to understand is that if you don’t deserve something negative, it won’t happen to you!

Let's look at everything about Curses in as much detail as possible!

What is the Curse? Do curses exist, what are they, and how to remove them?

This is a question from one of the readers of our blog “Myself a Psychologist”. But the question, I would say, is not psychological, but purely esoteric. Of course, everyone chooses to believe or not to believe in curses, but based on my personal 15 years of esoteric practice, I can say with absolute certainty that curses exist.

Working with a Spiritual Healer, I was even helped to remove an old curse. Besides, I'm watching from the sidelines I saw how, for example, a family curse works, when at some point in time men in a family suddenly begin to die (perish) and if this curse is not lifted in time, then the family dies out (dies) with the last man.

A curse- this is a very strong targeted energy impact that carries an information program (for destruction). This is not a simple effect, such as the evil eye or something similar, but much stronger. Most often, the Curse is placed on the complete destruction of a person and his destiny, sometimes on the destruction (death) of the entire family. Often a curse, if it is not worked out and removed, lasts several lives until it is removed. That is, if suddenly, God forbid, you discover a curse (it seems to turn on at a certain point in time), then most often it comes from your past life.

What are curses and their types? 1. Generic and individual 2. Ritual and ordinary 3. Those that are placed by people and those that are placed by the Forces of the Subtle World 4. Those that are placed by the Light forces and those that are placed By dark forces 5. Also, curses differ in the program of influence - causing certain harm (for failure, for lack of money, for loneliness, etc.), for death, etc.

It often happens that a person curses himself if he has done something terrible, was unable to forgive himself and cursed himself, for example, to eternal torment and wandering. Such curses can also be very strong. It all depends on what kind of energy charge a person puts into it.

Why are Curses imposed? Why are they cursed? Dark people and forces can curse a person for anything, for crossing the road somewhere, etc. But the curse will not “stick” to every person, so to speak. If the curse is not fair from the point of view. Higher Powers (Karma), then it will not work, it will rebound, because a person is under the auspices and protection of God and the Forces of Light. But if a person has done something very bad (murder, betrayal), then the curse (negative impact) will be fair, God’s protection will be removed from such a sinner and the curse will work.

For example, Ritual Curses. Which were imposed by representatives of the Church and Spiritual Knightly Orders - on knights who committed treason or other very serious violation. Moreover, the entire family of the knight along with the culprit was cursed, all titles, ranks, and merits of the family were annulled, all relatives were expelled from the country (or city), and the surname was given disgrace. The knight himself was publicly ritually executed, and his relatives were outlawed and became outcasts.

This curse falls precisely into the category of curses that are placed by the Light Forces, most often with the wording - "For the betrayal of God and His representatives". Moreover, the greatest torment of a person awaits after death, in hell. For betrayal, the damned remain in hell much longer than those who committed other crimes. Traitors have been suffering there for thousands of years.

The biggest sinners cursed by the Higher Powers include Judas, Brutus and other traitors. Those who betrayed their benefactors. They are still in the farthest reaches of hell.

Also, according to the curse, you need to understand the following! If a person is found to have a curse, it means that he did something very bad (terrible) in the past. But this does not mean that you need to kill yourself about this in the present. Most often, if you have discovered a curse, then by this time it will have mostly been worked out and your main task will be to find its cause and remove it.

How to remove the Curse?

Self-inflicted curses
- the easiest way to remove it is: you put it on yourself, and take it off yourself. 1. You need to forgive yourself for the sin for which a person cursed himself. 2. Next, in prayer, ask for forgiveness from the Higher Powers, from God - for causing harm to yourself, for taking the role of a judge in relation to yourself to yourself. Many reasons for failure in a person’s life are precisely because of those negative impacts that the person himself inflicted on himself in the past.

Curses placed by other people. To remove such a curse, it is also necessary to find out the reasons why this or that person cursed you. If your awareness of the sin you have committed is sufficient and the Higher Powers give the go-ahead, then the curse is lifted. If not, then what follows is your work on yourself, certain actions in the Subtle World (compensation to the offended, etc.) and so on until the curse cannot be lifted.

Ritual curses- this is the most serious category of curses and can be removed they are the most difficult (a person needs to fulfill the most conditions in order to remove them). If in a person’s past there were betrayals by God or his representatives, and he basically worked off his sin through suffering for many lives in a row, then one of the conditions for removing such a curse may be the person’s adoption of the path of Light - the development of his Soul, the formation of devotion to God and Service to Him. That is, the curse will be lifted only when a person cultivates a clear distinction between Good and Evil, and forms absolute devotion to God, the Forces of Light, Good, and also confirms this by passing life lessons, testing and selfless good deeds(helping others).

And when a person has taken the Path of Light and has earned the right from the Higher Powers to lift the curse, an appropriate ritual of apology is carried out, they come high powers Light and remove the negative influences corresponding to the curse from a person and his fate.

In any case, to understand the reasons and remove the curse, it is necessary good specialist! Previously, in the Middle Ages, a good priest could remove the curse, but now there are practically no such priests.

Does it really exist - and if so, how to deal with it?

A generational curse may become a reality, but only if you believe in him. Hence the solution - you can believe it, or you can not. You can suffer and feel sorry for yourself - or you can live life to the fullest and understand that Only you, and not the generational curse, determine how your life will turn out.!

Working with people, I am each time amazed at the lengths people go to just to plunge yourself into the abyss of suffering and prevent changes from breaking into your life. The habit of suffering is strong and difficult to overcome. And yet it’s easy to be happy - you just need to be happy, and the generational curse has nothing to do with it.

Modern people are impressed by “Battles of Psychics” and other programs shown on TV. People have always believed in superstitions and irrational ideas and still do. Why is this faith so tenacious? The fact is that when a person does not understand something, when a person wants to explain some events that are incomprehensible to him, but he does not have a logical explanation, he believes in the intervention of third forces.

R One curse arises in the minds and hearts of those people who do not succeed in something in life. Behind this lies simply the possibility of misunderstanding, not being aware of what they are doing wrong.

Wisdom to you and good karma! :)

I think that from the point of view of the academic science of psychology, this statement is absurd. But this does not mean at all that this phenomenon does not exist. It's a matter of values, beliefs, etc. For me personally, this is about responsibility for one’s life, for which descendants up to the seventh generation will pay. And if I allow myself certain liberties, sins from which others will suffer, then I think that not only I, but also my descendants will have to pay for it. Maybe this is a generational curse?

I think that the curse, like any other phenomenon, has a very real basis. This is the transmission from generation to generation of very real patterns of behavior, psychological programs, according to which any person is formed.

They say there are some vibrational components in this. Maybe I can’t deny or affirm. In general, phenomenological phenomena are very active. After all, information about birth phenomena in systemic family constellations is somehow read using Hellinger’s method... And not all clairvoyants are scammers.

I think that if you work on your awareness, actively participate in your own cognition, in identifying your subconscious programs, you can really counteract any generic negative attitudes and pass on to the next generations more positive programs based on harmonious, friendly attitude to peace, based on relationships of love and cooperation with people around.

Reality, but not fatal. Every person is born with the potential to live his life better, brighter, more correctly in order to improve, among other things, the life of his own kind. Even if there were people in the family with a dirty soul and a dirty tongue (they are the ones who curse), you can always rectify the situation by believing in the best. How? His ANOTHER life! And yours ANOTHER Expensive!

What is a generational curse from a psychological point of view?

From another point of view, there is no point in answering here, as it seems to me. For example, I am not a psychic, so I can only answer within the limits of my competence.

From a psychological point of view, this is a family scenario. Stories that repeat themselves from generation to generation. Alcoholism, alcoholic husbands, emotional rejection, divorce, single mothers, suicidal behavior - this is a generational curse that is passed from parents to children along the chain. The more severe the level of adjustment disorder, the higher the likelihood of transmitting the symptom to the next generation (the son of an alcoholic is more likely to become an alcoholic or have another form of addiction than the son of non-drinking parents).

It is important for a person to understand that much depends on him personally, and he himself can largely influence his destiny. You can believe in a generational curse and thereby program yourself for bad things, or you can start to think and act differently, without repeating the scenario of your generation.

Every person has parents, which means they already carry information about 2 births and receive confirmation of some aspects of life generic system during your own life.

We use both the resource states of the family, which allows us to cope with life’s circumstances, and those states when the resource was lost due to serious trials of the family. It is on this basis that we unconsciously evaluate the quality of our life.

People who have enough resources will most likely treat such concepts as “generational curse” with skepticism. They don't need psychological help.

But there are many people who feel powerless, confused, forced to live not the way they would like, but as if according to some program, and they can’t get out of this vicious circle break out.

Accusing people of weak will or calling on them to think differently is, in my opinion, a superficial and ineffective recommendation. Thoughts are not an act of will.

It is in this state that people often seek help. Working with the sphere of the unconscious allows many aspects to be first recognized and then re-evaluated, i.e., it becomes possible to interrupt a certain predicament.

It should be remembered that any state, be it positive or negative, gives a person the feeling, first of all, of belonging to the clan. And this cannot be underestimated. This should be treated with understanding and respect. And figure it out if a person sees the meaning in this.

What is a generational curse? Some people believe in this, and some don't. The existence of such things is very difficult to prove. Some women come for a consultation and say, “Maybe something has been done to me, why can’t I get married?”, but they themselves are afraid of communicating with men after conflict situations as a child with his father. We work through all this, and the girl comes to life and blossoms.

The word has great power, and if someone wants to harm you and your family, then certain moment he can do this - with a word or a certain ritual. But, nevertheless, we must remember that much is in our hands. If you feel like things aren't going well in your life, look for opportunities to change the situation. Change your attitude. Don't dwell on the bad, but learn to think positively. If you live according to one life scenario, and it does not change the quality of your life, start doing something differently. Anything. If you haven't done yoga, start today. You can always start small. Think about what you yourself can do to change your life. Go to an appointment with a psychologist and together you will see the situation differently.

Remember that your life is in your hands!

The ancestral curse is a reality, and it doesn’t matter whether a person understands it or not, what’s important is how to free yourself from it.

Unfortunately, a person is very cruel at his core, and when someone does not meet his expectations, the first thing he begins to do is curse.

What is a curse - these are words carrying negative, destructive information. A person consists of soul and body, i.e. the curse is aimed primarily at the soul, it destroys the soul, and the person begins to have problems on the physical level. Only, as a rule, curses begin to act in the lives of the children and grandchildren of the one who was cursed.

I feel sorry for those who curse, they don’t even understand that by cursing, they become an instrument of damnation, they themselves punish those they curse, and thereby destroy the future of their descendants. In fact, they have no future.

Therefore, the most powerful antidote to a curse is forgiveness of the curser. As soon as this forgiveness occurs, the negative soul ties between the curser and the cursed are broken. And the one who was cursed is freed from curses, which return to the curser and his descendants.

These are the laws by which the human soul lives; they are invisible just like the soul. But we must know and understand them, because the soul is an important component of a person.

Since a person is born from two people, a man and a woman, he already contains information about two births. And no matter how a person takes responsibility for his actions, unfortunately, he cannot change everything. Sometimes you need to accept what is and already work on how to find a new resource to change in better side information transmitted through clan.

Let me give you an example from my life: my grandfather had asthma and died from asthma. I suffered a lot because of this disease. Then my father began to suffer from asthma. Already less than my grandfather, but there was also suffering. When I was born, I also suffered from asthma. And also less than my father, the attacks were milder, but the disease caused inconvenience.

All this is transmitted from generation to generation in the form of unconscious scenarios, emotions, and conflicts. And from this point of view, it can be a “generational curse”, since a person accepts this layer in his life, poorly understanding where it could come from in his life.

This topic is becoming increasingly relevant and is being widely studied within the framework of the transgenerational approach.

In real practice you have to deal with this. But the problem is that in most cases the client does not have much knowledge about his roots, previous generations, he has to recreate many moments in the course of work, analyze family secrets, legends and phenomena.

Since the source of problems can often be located not only in the parental family, but also at the level of earlier generations.

On today's topic round table I would answer this way: The generational curse is both a myth and a reality - both are true!

If we consider this concept from the point of view of psychology, then Eric Byrne is perhaps the one! Generic scenarios are like endless running in a circle, passing on almost the same patterns of behavior to your heirs... and not understanding what is wrong. Of course, there will be one of the kind who decides to figure out what is actually wrong and will become a psychologist himself or go to see a psychologist.

But I do not exclude that there is something somewhat different, mystical... perhaps this is so. I am not a fan of “Battles of Psychics” and similar television programs. There are just some things that happen in my life that I I can't explain yet, which is why I do not exclude the possibility that there are such realities as a generational curse and similar mystical things.

What is a generational curse from a psychological point of view? Does it really exist, and if so, how to deal with it?

Yes and no.

From the point of view of classical psychology, this is a reluctance to take responsibility for one’s life.

From the point of view of family systems, this is a generic or, as they are also called, parental scenario. Certain patterns, frameworks, beliefs that are passed on from generation to generation.

What else can you call the incessant drunkenness that all men suffer for many generations in certain tribal systems?

Or female loneliness?

It could also be a family myth.

A real case from practice: two sisters, unreal beauties, come to the constellation. For both sisters, all men disappear after the first date. We make an arrangement, and the reason points to such a family myth. And then one of the sisters remembers how her grandmother told her that her great-grandmother was cursed by a gypsy to become celibate. Since then, all the children in their family have been fatherless. During the arrangement, they said goodbye to this scenario, and six months later both got married.

What is this, myth or reality?

It is possible to work with ancestral curses within the framework of systemic constellations.

From my point of view, the generational curse is a very convenient philistine myth. A kind of indulgence, permission for yourself not only not to change anything in your life, but also to suffer gracefully. Periodically looking at yourself in the mirror: am I good enough in my sorrows? Is it time to sprinkle ashes on your head or hold off for now? But, alas, the individual sitting at home on the sofa Greek tragedy falls short. Worlds don't collapse. Including his own.

Another thing is that he teaches this self-justification, beautifully called the “generational curse,” to his children. And if you look at the question more broadly, there are some features of this home runny nose in the mentality. Take, for example, folk proverbs and sayings. Every cricket knows its nest. Where he was born, he fit in. A bird in the hand is better... Well, you’re the boss - I’m a fool.

In general, a “generational curse” is considered as the experience of something imposed from the outside. Where? When? By whom? Under what circumstances? Playing out and drawing this situation helps a person see the absurdity of such a statement, thereby turning something serious into something funny. Or think about the strength and significance of your ancestors, who had such formidable opponents. This means starting to look for traits of strength and significance in yourself. Which is already good.

It is much more difficult with a family curse within the family. This is already an unsympathetic and hushed up story. Disapproved marriage. An unwanted child. Deceived relatives. Forgotten old people. Here the intensity of passions rises to the heights of tragedy. Only these are most often quiet tragedies. Without a mirror and self-admiration. And there is no chorus of sympathizers around.

There is a generational curse, from a scientific point of view or a non-scientific point of view.

From a scientific point of view, these can be negative scenarios, for example: in the old days, if a girl went on a spree and became pregnant before the wedding, her parents could kick her out of the house for shame, and she then wandered around the world, looking for refuge somewhere and with anyone. Here her parents' love for her is interrupted, and her and her children's torment begins. This may be reflected in future generations.

The Bible says, "Children are responsible for the sins of their parents." Every person carries within himself what he received from his parents - these are genes and life programs, including problems.

Scientists have also proven that thought has a wave structure, it is not emptiness. And if one person wishes something bad for another, then it can enter him without his knowledge and destroy, especially if the person has many weaknesses. Therefore, it is believed that you cannot wish harm on anyone; it can come back against you. Jesus said, “Turn the other cheek if you are hit on the one cheek.” Wisdom comes from the people for a reason.

There is a way out of this situation. From religious beliefs, you can ask for forgiveness, repent before the priest; in psychology - to work through a topic, change negative scenarios to positive ones. So I think that damnation is not a death sentence, and that makes me happy!

A curse- a verbal formula containing a wish for troubles and misfortunes addressed to a specific person (group of people, people, animals, natural objects and elements, addressed to mythological characters);
a verbal ritual aimed at using the magical power of the word to inflict damage on the offender, enemy, by sending evil rock;
a demonstrative act of severing family or social ties with a person who violates laws and customs.

The pronouncing of a curse among the Slavs was regulated in accordance with the circumstances (it was forbidden to curse in houses where there were pregnant women or infants).

Schutzenberger Ann Anselin answers this question best from a psychological point of view in her book called “The Ancestor Syndrome.” The epilogue to this book begins with the words:

Each of us is a link in the chain of generations, and sometimes we have to, to our own surprise, “pay the debts” of our ancestors. This kind of “invisible devotion to family” pushes us to unconsciously repeat pleasant situations or sad events. We are less free than we think, but we have the opportunity to win our freedom and avoid fatal repetitions in our family history by understanding the complex intricacies in our own family.

By exploring a complex tangle of family stories using a genosociogram, it is possible to identify connections between generations and break the chain of unconscious repetitions so that a person can realize his own purpose and take advantage of his chance in life. Otherwise, this so-called “ancestral curse” will remain inscribed in the genetic code of each member of the ancestral system.

my practice. Often a feeling of loneliness, alone with depression, comes to them. Sometimes they terrorize their loved ones with their outbursts of anger, and then feel guilty. Difficult events occur in their lives. Trying to find a way out on their own, they take desperate steps to free themselves, namely from prophecies, instructions received from family scenario. In stories about their childhood, they recall a wounding sensibility. About parents who felt threatened or embarrassed by the child’s emotional strangeness, from what they themselves would like not to notice.

Many are interested in how underlying family history, choices, the behavior of parents and sometimes even more distant ancestors affect us and our children. Creating consequences that we have to deal with. As with curses, so with noble actions. Of course, the process of neutralizing “curses” requires personal effort and investment in one’s own development. Talented psychoanalysts. Attention to various elements of the resulting problems, some of which remain in the unconscious of our psyche. But we can change by freeing ourselves from their adverse influence on our lives. And our actions of a different emotional nature will be

Interesting question. On the one hand, it seems to be a myth, but sometimes this myth somehow influences the family.

This topic directly concerns my family. My husband’s grandfather is German; his ancestors came to Russia back in Catherine’s times. Grandfather wore German surname, in connection with this he was repressed twice. He was a man of encyclopedic knowledge; from the age of 8 he kept diaries, which after his death his grandchildren published in the form of a book.

The history of the family name was written in the manuscript. Its first mention was in some historical books of I-don’t-remember-what-century. The story is told about a poor knight who took part in crusades. This young man was distinguished by his special atrocities; he bore the nickname The Hangman because he mercilessly hanged peasants on his way to the Holy Sepulcher. So, it further says that the Lord cursed the Hangman and said that his entire family would die out.

Grandfather wrote that it seems to be true, everything was born from generation to generation fewer boys, the grandfather himself was only son, he has two daughters, the family is extinct. There are boys in the family, but with different surnames. My grandfather has an only great-grandson, my son, who was born only after we adopted the boy.

It seems like nonsense! But it is enough to look at the family genogram to believe in this generational curse. The huge Helmbrecht family no longer exists.

A family curse becomes a reality when members of the family believe in it. And the mechanism of self-fulfilling prophecies begins to work. The ancestral curse is a kind of manifestation, programmatic, installation, under which events are adjusted. This is how the unconscious generic script is realized.

To belong to a clan, people are ready to pay this tribute for generations, taking the curse upon themselves. And there is a certain convenience in this. You are a person from a family with a certain unusual story. And it’s convenient to blame all your failures in life on the curse.

A negative generic scenario certainly exists in the most different options. Exploring the dynamics of birth family stories and family myths, we reach the key negative attitudes clan members and different methods We can work effectively by “removing” the generational curse.

I have a more psychological view of the ancestral curse than an esoteric one. In my opinion, when they talk about a generational curse, then we're talking about about a situation where a certain behavior scenario is passed on from generation to generation. For example, I know families in which there are at least three generations of “victims” (grandmother, mother, daughter), or families in which there are three generations of divorced women.

The scenario is conveyed very simply - parents who have learned norms, values, and limiting beliefs from their parents (grandparents) pass on these same norms, values, and limiting beliefs to their children in the process of upbringing. And if parents do not work on themselves, do not build their lives consciously, then these norms can be passed on without changes, and then we get a “pure” script from children.

Children adopt the behavior of their parents uncritically, not always understanding why they need to behave this way. Therefore, sometimes children internalize the behavior of the parent, which was a consequence psychological trauma, and reproduce it in their lives, although the traumatic situation is no longer present.

This is how I think about this issue.

If a person’s faith in something is strong, then it will inevitably lead to the goal that he has chosen for himself, because he believes in what is “destined for him.” The vector of his actions will always be aimed at ensuring that his “goal” ultimately comes true, if only in order to explain to himself that this is exactly what was “predestined by fate.”

It happens to some that unpredictable misfortunes and troubles constantly revolve around them. These could be daily problems with the person himself or his loved ones. He also takes on some business that he is good at, but ultimately the business falls apart or brings failure. Their children often get sick, and after the wedding, in most cases they get divorced or live in an unhappy marriage, and their grandchildren have an unhappy fate. IN in this case It is generally accepted that there is a curse on the family.

Experienced healers say that the curse is verbally directed negative energy, which was deliberately sent to a specific family or specific people.

Where and how does the curse come from?

For the worst deeds, a family curse can be imposed on the family. For example, this could include killing a person. The sin committed by the murderer reflects not only on him, but can even be imposed on the future generation. Because of a sinner, even close relatives may suffer punishment. It happens that a pregnant woman was abandoned by her husband, who is the father of her child. If a lady falls in love with some man and casts a love spell on him, then a heavy burden is placed on her entire family. Punishment of people in singular or plural who a certain person driven to suicide or loss of self-control.

A powerful curse is placed on one of the older or adult family members. Using an example, you can see when parents visually curse their child, or grandfathers curse their grandchildren. The most powerful and effective curse that exists only on our planet is the curse of a mother on a child, which lasts up to twelve generations in her family.

Note that a curse can reach someone even because of accidental wrong words spoken during a quarrel. You cannot have black envy - otherwise you can also be cursed. In addition to all of the above, a person, through actions committed by him personally, can impose God’s punishment on the present and future generation, after which it will last for more than one generation.

Consequences of the curse

Basically, a curse in most cases manifests itself through the following actions:

Many folk healers suggest that if you turn to witches, then with the help of a certain ritual they can impose a curse that will be passed on from one generation to another.

How to get rid of the curse?

It is impossible to protect yourself from a generational curse, and it is even impossible. But you can learn to live life according to your conscience, to distinguish between good deeds and good from evil and bad deeds. Treat others with mercy and watch your actions.

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