How to draw a beautiful, simple drawing. Pictures for sketching with a pencil: beautiful and easy images

Do you like indoor flowers? Then watch short videos of blooming anthuriums, hibiscus and other house flowers.

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Let's draw the mushroom step by step, first with a simple pencil. At the last step, you can color the picture of the mushroom with paints or colored pencils, and if you draw leaves and grass next to it, the picture of the mushroom will be very beautiful and attractive.

To begin with, remember that a rose consists of petals adjacent to each other. This is the biggest difficulty in drawing this flower. To make the rose flower look more realistic, also draw a rose stem with leaves.

Draw flowers better paints, black and white drawing flowers cannot convey all the beauty of flowers. In this lesson we will learn how to draw flowers in a bouquet step by step with a simple pencil.

To draw a picture of a snowflake, in addition to a pencil, you definitely need a ruler. Any snowflake drawing has the correct geometric shape and therefore it is better to draw with a ruler.

It is better to paint a butterfly, just like flowers. But first, draw a butterfly step by step with a simple pencil.

A simple pencil has been known to everyone since early childhood. They used it to draw on the walls, take notes in textbooks, and draw in math lessons. geometric figures. Only those who were involved in drawing, and of course, artists know about his unique abilities.

If you ask ordinary person, which is a simple pencil, then, of course, the answer can be heard that it is graphite, which is in a wooden shell. However, this is not quite true. Each of them has its own shade, which is due to the softness of the rod. This depends on the clay content in graphite: the less it is, the harder it will be.

Based on the material of the shell, these drawing accessories are divided into several types: collet, wooden, all-graphite. Any of them can make a beautiful pencil drawing.

Simple pencil

For artists a simple pencil - close friend. They not only make sketches, sketches, markings, but also create masterpieces. It is universal, as it allows you not only to draw full-fledged images, but also to edge them and apply shadows.

If in the future you plan to cover the drawing with paints, then all sketches should be inconspicuous. For maximum lightness effect, it is best to use an “H” or “HB” pencil. These letters indicate the hardness of the lead: “H” - hard, “HB” - hard-soft.

A pencil drawing in which it is planned to use thick and contrasting shadows should be done with a soft lead, for example 2B. To create ordinary sketches, you should never use pencils of hardness 6H (too hard) and 8B (too soft).

Types of simple pencils

  • Wooden.

The most popular company is Koh-i-Noor. The set includes 12 pieces. You can purchase them at any office supply store, either in a box or individually. The price is low, so these pencils are affordable for any artist. It is best to purchase in a box, since if you buy individually, you can get a fake with a lead of poor quality. The hardness of pencils varies from 8B to 2H. There is also a special drawing kit on sale.

Second place goes to Daler Rowney. The box in which the writing instruments are located is a small pencil case. Soft pencils (2H-9B).

Less popular would be Faber Castell. They are in no way inferior to the previous company. The only difference is that the set cannot be purchased, only individually. There is a cheap series (they look no different from a regular pencil) and an expensive one (they have a triangular shape and small pimples that make use even more pleasant).

  • Collet.

More suitable for work on the road and other field conditions. It is better to work at a desk made of wood at home. Their advantage is that the thickness of the lead varies from 0.5 mm or more. The pencil body itself has different volumes, depending on the artist’s preferences.

  • All-graphite.

They do not have the same base as collet or wooden ones. They are one solid graphite. To prevent people from getting their hands dirty when using it, the creators covered it with a small layer of transparent shell. A significant disadvantage is that they are inconvenient to sharpen. In addition, not every pencil drawing requires such a thick lead, and they are easily deformed under mechanical stress (break).

Watercolor pencils

Watercolor pencils look no different from regular ones. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that after applying the image to paper, it must be blurred. The result is a watercolor painting.

More expensive brands They provide pencils for use that not only draw perfectly (they can be used like regular leads), but also blur “to zero,” that is, leaving no strokes. Pencil drawings with watercolor sticks are best done when you want a soft, flowing image.

How to choose pencils for drawing

In order to draw well enough, you need to choose the right pencils. Highest value has softness. Special art leads contain little sand, which means they do not scratch the surface of the paper. They make it easier to apply the image. There are 17 types of pencils based on hardness. Maximum soft - 9B, hard - 9H.

At correct selection materials (paper) and writing objects can be created that are truly worthwhile pencil drawings. For beginners, it is best to purchase rods:

  • for sketches (2H);
  • for shadows (2B, HB, B);
  • for thick shadow or rich black (4B and 8B).

Professional artists prefer 3B and 2B rods. Sometimes softer pencils are used, but you need to keep in mind that they are the most brittle and also wear off quite quickly.

Secrets of pencil drawing, or How to make a pencil drawing

In order to start drawing with pencils, you need to take a lead, for example 6B, A4 paper and an eraser. For convenience, it is recommended to use a special device - an easel. Its design includes a paper holder and a pencil holder. The object that you plan to depict should be placed directly in front of you. For accuracy, it is important to spend 5 minutes examining the item. Before work, it is necessary to provide for the nuances of lighting.

The famous pencil drawings of artists who are known throughout the world turned out so amazing thanks not only to their talent, but also to some secrets:

  • If it is necessary to do shading, the first layer should be applied with a hard stylus.
  • The wide mark is most beautiful when using the pencil in an inclined position.
  • The rod must be sharpened with a knife, not a regular sharpener. In this case, the lead becomes very thin (0.7 mm).
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Many ideas are beautiful, simple, funny pictures for sketching in Personal diary.

Easy, simple and beautiful step by step for beginners for sketching in a personal diary with pencils

Many people dream of having a personal diary. But some people don’t know how to keep a personal diary or what to write about. In this article we will tell you not only how to decorate your personal diary using drawings, but also give tips regarding the content of your personal diary.

Important: A personal diary conveys the state of a person’s soul. You can keep a diary if you want to speak out, understand yourself and your feelings, or simply tell the story of your life or certain episodes.

Keeping a diary is a purely personal matter. Therefore, there are no specific frameworks regarding what a personal diary should look like. It can be a huge notebook or a small notepad; you can make notes in any colors. In general, as your soul desires.

IN Lately It is fashionable to make sketches in a personal diary. If you don’t know how to draw beautifully, it doesn’t matter. We suggest you first master simple drawings. All you need is perseverance and a little diligence to draw a picture step by step.

You can see step-by-step picture options on the theme “Love” below.

Teddy bear with heart

Heart with wings

Two swans in love

Variants of pictures for sketching on the theme “Animals”.

How to draw a cat step by step

Hedgehog drawing

Options for sketches step by step on the theme “Flowers”.

Carnation in pencil

A bit more simple pictures for sketching in a personal diary.

How to draw Winnie the Pooh step by step

Christmas tree

Video: Simple braid patterns for a personal diary

Black and white and small drawings in cells for sketching in a personal diary

We haven't revealed yet main topic, related to keeping a personal diary, namely: what to write about in your diary? So, here are some ideas for keeping a personal diary:

  1. The first thing that comes to mind is transferring your personal experiences, events, emotions and feelings onto paper. On the pages of your diary you can be as frank as possible, because these are your personal secrets.
  2. Can also be described in chronological order events happening to you. It is desirable that they be bright and interesting points. Believe me, after many years these recordings will make you smile with tenderness.
  3. If you write poetry, you can write it in your journal. A great idea to preserve and perpetuate your creativity.

Important: Drawings in a personal diary can convey the state of your soul. For example, sadness, joy, love, anticipation of a holiday.

If you keep a personal diary in a squared notebook, you can try drawing in the squares. Thanks to the diagrams below, you will easily master this drawing technique.

Pokemon Pikachu



Winking smiley

Boy and girl

Monster High

Cute drawings for sketching in your personal diary

Important: A personal diary is a special notebook; it is stored for many years. It is advisable to decorate your personal diary beautifully; for this you can use available tools.

The first step is to design the cover. To appearance your diary is kept fresh, the cover should be hard. In order not to bother, the easiest way is to immediately buy a notebook with a hard cover, and then decorate it. The following materials are most often used to decorate the cover:

  • Textile
  • Lace ribbons
  • Rhinestones and beads
  • Clippings from glossy magazines
  • Stickers

On the first page of the diary, you can write a little about yourself, write statuses and quotes that you like, and draw a cute picture. Cute drawings on the pages of the diary will enliven it and make it beautiful.

Cute drawings for ld

Cute cat

Pictures for ld

Cute drawings for ld

Drawings for sketching

Nice cat

Cool drawings for sketching in your personal diary

If you decide to draw in your journal, try creating drawings that are relevant to the event being described. For example:

  • Drank tea with girlfriends - draw a cup;
  • There was a meeting with a lover - a heart;
  • If you are waiting for a holiday - a gift;
  • Good mood - rainbow.

As you can see, imagination in this regard is limitless. Everyone has an individual approach to keeping a diary, we only give tips and advice.

Cool pictures for sketching

Drawings for a personal diary

Cool drawings

Girl under an umbrella

Video: Ideas for a personal diary

Cool drawings for sketching in your personal diary

Important: Both color pictures and black and white ones look great in a personal diary. Using a simple pencil you can create very deep and rich pictures.

You will see this when you see the pictures below.

Black and white drawings for sketching

Cheshire Cat

Some more cool color pictures.

Pictures for sketching on the topic “Food”

A cup of coffee

A piece of cake

Important: When to write in a personal diary? Your diary will be more colorful and interesting if you don’t make entries under pressure. It’s better to make notes less often, but at the call of your inspiration.

Drawings for boys for sketching in a personal diary

Not only girls, but also boys can keep personal diaries. And if girls draw more feminine pictures in their diaries (shoes, love, flowers), then boys prefer drawings that are more typical masculine character. For example: cars, superheroes.

Pictures with food, animals, abstractions and many others are also suitable for sketching in a boys’ diary.

Below is a selection of pictures for sketching in a personal diary for boys.

Pictures for drawing

Ideas for a personal diary for boys

Simple step by step drawings

Drawing ideas for a personal diary, sketchbooks

Now a few words about where to keep your personal diary. There are several ideas for this:

  1. Carry a personal diary with you. If your diary is always at hand, you can write or draw at any time when inspiration strikes.
  2. Keep it in your room. There is probably a secluded place in your room that only you know about. Some people keep personal diaries in the linen closet, others hide them under pillows or a mattress.
  3. Turnkey diary. You can keep a personal diary in a notebook that has a lock and always carries the key with you.

Original idea for sketching

Shoes - sketch for girls

Beautiful drawing for a personal diary

Unicorn, rainbow

Girl's face

Cute ice creams

We hope that the selection of pictures for sketching will be interesting and useful for you. And soon you will decorate your personal diary with them. Keep your secrets beautifully! And finally, we suggest watching a video that contains ideas for pictures for a personal diary.

Video: Pictures for a personal diary

Why are art schools created? No, not in order to make painters out of all the students. The point is to develop in the child the ability to depict on paper objects that he sees correctly, and if necessary, he could draw a curious view of the area, or any other object, from life. The ability to draw develops in a person the ability to correctly evaluate fine arts that bring great pleasure. It also follows from this that teaching this type of art should differ from the usual method of teaching, based solely on copying from ready-made drawings, or originals. It is necessary to develop an eye, to learn the properties of various lines and their mutual compatibility, to distinguish between shapes that are drawn by hand, without using a ruler or compass.

What can you draw with a pencil?

If there is no opportunity or desire to visit art school, you can learn all this yourself. But keep in mind that this will require much more effort to study. necessary literature. Remember that you need to start with small ones, gradually moving towards more complex ones (learn to draw in stages). Drawing books recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the following positions:

  1. Lines, their equality, connection and composition of figures
  2. Drawing rectilinear images
  3. Curvilinear figures, rules of perspective
  4. About light and shadows
  5. About regular bodies
  6. Representation of complex bodies from life

And only after that move on to drawing full-fledged paintings. You can't make it up what to draw with a simple pencil? Look around! There is so much here: streets, houses, people, trees, animals, objects. Can't you find anything worthy of your brush? You can copy pictures from books (this is the simplest thing you can think of). And just draw mom and dad! On our website you will find a lot of useful step-by-step lessons, for example, learn how to draw:

  1. In the woods;

And much more! You can see how many ready-made lessons we have in the right column above. I also picked up a little interesting pictures, which will help your imagination. Look below!

Drawings for boys:

See mine. This is a complex picture in Anime style. I made the lesson much easier.

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