How to draw an original drawing. Pencil drawing lessons

Do you dream of learning to draw? And look for detailed step-by-step drawing lessons for beginning artists? I will try to help you with this simple matter and I’ll tell you about the many nuances when writing beautiful drawings and portraits in pencil and watercolor! With the help of my step-by-step lessons, master the basics visual arts Not only adults, but also children can!
In this section I publish all my step by step lessons drawing, and separately, in the section Drawing Lessons for Children, I collect simple lessons drawing for beginner artists. Therefore, if you are just taking your first steps in drawing with pencil and watercolor, I recommend starting your training with this section. Be sure to check out all the drawing lessons and tips for artists collected on my blog!

Before you start painting a full portrait, you need to learn how to draw the details of the face. In today's lesson we will learn, how to draw lips in pencil, thanks step-by-step description. The lesson is not difficult and is intended for beginner artists, but do not rush. To achieve a result, namely beautifully draw a person's lips, you need to carefully follow the rules of construction and shading.

Almost every person wants to have their own portrait at home, which is considered one of the most complex drawings what an artist can draw. No wonder there is high demand specifically for this type of drawing. Therefore, the duty of a beginner and an experienced artist is to step by step improve his skills in drawing a person’s facial features, because through the face you can convey not only gender and age, but also the character and temperament of a person. According to their characteristics, portraits are divided into three types: children's, women's and men's. Today we will learn to draw the last view - male portrait with a simple pencil . It has its own characteristics and secrets, which we will tell you about in this step-by-step lesson.

Many people dream of painting a portrait of their family and friends. But before you draw the face as a whole, you need to learn how to draw the details of the face. This lesson for beginning artists is devoted to the question “ how to draw a nose" This task is not difficult, you just need to use the information about constructing and applying shadows. The shape and size of the nose may vary, but the basic design remains the same. Let's quickly find out how easy it is draw a nose with a pencil.

Hands are a personal and unique part of the body. They can often tell a story about a person's life through their shape and size. Long years people study their lines and structure, trying to read the future from the lines. Today we will learn draw hands with a simple pencil by using step by step lesson. We will pay special attention to their construction and the application of shadows so that the drawing comes out as realistic as possible.

A step-by-step lesson on how to draw a woman's portrait with a simple pencil. After going through just a few steps, you can understand the main features that are inherent in portrait of a woman and are absent in the rest. The face will be positioned from the front, hair pulled back. This is important to know before starting work. Now you can get started.

Welcome to the site "Drawing School", our slogan "Learning to draw is easy".Our website contains the best drawing lessons, oil painting, graphics, pencil drawing lessons, tempera drawing.You easily and quickly learn how to draw still life, landscape, and simply beautiful pictures Our Art School for adults and children also offers to start learning remotely, right at home. We conduct weekly interesting courses for drawing with pencil, paints and other materials.

Site artists

Our drawing lessons compiled by the best artists peace. Lessons are clearly explained in pictures how to learn to draw even complex paintings.. Our teachers are highly qualified designers, illustrators and simply experienced artists.

Multi-format site

In any of these sections you will find interesting information about how to quickly learn to draw different materials, such as oil paints, watercolor, pencil (colored, simple), tempera, pastel, ink... . Draw with joy and pleasure, and may inspiration accompany you. And our Art School will do everything necessary for maximum convenience in learning to draw with pencil, paints and other materials.

In childhood, a child does not think about why and what to draw. While drawing, he reworks his life experience, transferring it to paper, and thereby comprehends it and develops.
As you get older, it becomes more and more difficult to find ideas... We get distracted by everyday affairs, we stop hearing ourselves, our inner world. It is especially difficult at the beginning, when you are just embarking on the path of discovering yourself as an artist.
To draw well, you need to draw every day. But where do you get the inspiration for this?

Here are some ideas for you: how and what to draw every day.

What to draw? 11 ideas for daily drawing.

1. Go through the archives of your drawings and sketches.

The simplest thing is to open a folder with your old drawings and look at them.

What is unfinished about them? Where did the hitch occur?

Look at the drawing with fresh eyes. Think how to modify or rewrite it.

In addition, immersing yourself in past drawings will immerse you in the emotions that you previously experienced. This may reinvigorate your creative muse. Maybe based on an old idea a new one will arise... And then another picture will be born.

2. Draw something from life.

Take a look around the house: walls, furniture, interior items, potted plants, souvenirs brought from trips that keep your memories. What caught your eye?

Draw one object. You can add other objects to it and draw the background.
As a result, your drawing can turn out to be very atmospheric, keeping the warmth of the house, your thoughts and memories

I suggest watching the recording of my speech on Periscope on the topic quick sketches from nature. I hope you find this video helpful.

Sketch of a plant from life

3. Draw an abstract combination of spots.

Unleash your imagination, imagine yourself as a creator and get the most out of the play of color, how the paint flows and mixes, what new shapes and shades you observe. Cast aside doubts and fears. Create! This is great color therapy.
Depict your day, your mood, and capture it in color.

4. Create a hand-drawn recipe.

The process of cooking itself can be very creative. And if you also transfer it to paper... Write down your culinary ideas, make them beautiful pictures, create your unique books recipes In the future, this will inspire you to continue to create in cooking and drawing.

Don't know how to draw recipes? Watch this video:

Recipe drawing: charlotte with apples!

More interesting and useful information about drawing
from the artist Marina Trushnikova

You will find in electronic magazine“Life in Art”.

Receive magazine issues to your e-mail!

5. Draw a sweet little something for your friends or family.

This could be a postcard for a holiday - for a birthday, for the New Year, for March 8 or Valentine's Day. Or just a cute impromptu for no reason...

Get a hand-made postcard forever emails- it's unusual. Such gestures are always very pleasant.

The emotions of gratitude received in return will certainly give you inspiration to continue the creative process.

6. Practice quick sketches.

Draw people and animals using sketchy human and animal anatomical figures.

To complicate the task, use a timer, setting yourself the time for this work in seconds.

In the future, the ability to quickly draw a human figure will inspire you to make quick sketches.

By observing and noticing interesting scenes, types and characters, you will be able to draw, capturing scenes from life: on the street, in the theater, in a cafe, at work.

This will allow you to develop yourself, your worldview and the inner feeling of an artist.

Seconds timer:

7. Practice creating monotypes.

Learn to create monotypes. This will allow you to create without initially thinking about the plot. Monotype will do this for you.

Use your imagination! Experiment! A monotype print will give you many opportunities for spontaneous solutions. Examine the image in the spots and streaks that have appeared. And draw in the spots a little to help the viewer see this image.

Start painting with watercolors today!

Master the basics of watercolor painting with this popular course

“Taming Watercolor”

8. Draw a graphic design.

Do you like to draw with a simple pencil or in black and white?

Then try your hand at graphics! This can be drawing a spot with further drawing of details with a pencil, gel pen, ink or marker.

Or maybe you will first make some kind of graphic graphic, and then complement it with a background, add volume to the details, make a fill, fill it with fancy patterns, lines and scatter splash spots.

Practice making doodles!

9. Draw in a travel sketchbook.

Going on a trip? Bring a small sketchbook with you!

A notebook filled with impressions and drawings (as well as booklets, tickets, receipts, napkins... and other “tourist trash”) will become no less valuable a memory than an album with photographs.


  • learn to quickly record your thoughts and impressions
  • remove the fear of drawing in public
  • bring beautiful travel books back from travels

then my sketchbooking workshop

will become an invaluable assistant for you in this!

10. Browse the websites of your favorite artists.

Look at their paintings, find something that catches you and touches your soul. Compare different techniques, try to imagine how this or that picture was painted, what the artist felt, what he wanted to say, how he saw the world while working.

Look at your favorite painting by your favorite artist and try something like this. Or just copy a piece of the painting to study the technique, repeat it as you understand.

Step-by-step lessons teaching pencil drawing give an idea of ​​drawing techniques that can be mastered by people of any age and with different abilities. After such classes, it turns out that drawing is not at all difficult. Not everyone is confident in their abilities and doubts that they can draw, and draw beautifully. Of course, do it complex paintings only oil can do it true master, but everyone, even the most young artist, after drawing lessons, which can be found on our website, will be able to draw his loved one cartoon character. Any child will be interested in the opportunity to learn how to draw with a pencil. Yes, you need to start drawing from the simplest. And the simplest thing is to draw with a pencil. Starting with pencil sketches, you can then master more complex skills. And as a result of everything - this is more complex drawing paints. Interesting lessons will captivate children and introduce them to interesting world images and images.

On our website, after completing the lessons pencil drawing, you can learn the basics of graphics done with a pencil - such lessons are similar to the classes taking place in art school. Even the youngest children successfully learn our lessons. The drawing process is given step by step, in a very exciting and interesting presentation.

Pencil drawing lessons.
At first, adults will have to help their children a little: for example, show how to hold a pencil correctly, move the baby’s hand, and draw the lines of the drawing with him. It is necessary for the child to understand what the degree of pressure on the pencil should be and how to correctly draw a line of the required thickness. After joint activities, the child should try to draw something simple himself. After the basics, you can move on to something more complex and draw a square or circle. By drawing, the child’s skills will be consolidated, and he will be able to draw more complex plots. It’s better to pretend at first simple objects, familiar images. For classes you need to buy everything you need, the very first thing you need is a soft stylus, thick in shape, which is easy to draw without much pressure on it.

Step-by-step pencil drawing lessons for children.
Each person has some natural inclinations and abilities that are easier to reveal and develop with childhood. The ability to translate images into images will be very helpful in the future. We want to tell you and show you how to draw easy pictures with a pencil for beginners step by step. Drawing lessons are very useful for children and very exciting. Useful for children to develop fine motor skills, which in turn stimulates brain activity and has a beneficial effect on psycho-emotional state. With the help of drawing, an aesthetic perception of reality is formed, an understanding of harmony arises, and in the process of drawing, children come to a balanced state and become calm. All this applies to adult audiences: drawing also has a beneficial effect on them; during the process, anxiety goes away, nerves are put in order, and stress resistance appears. Therefore, it will be good if children learn drawing lessons together with their parents.

The task of adults is to help children master their first lessons, help them navigate the workspace of the sheet, hold the pencil correctly, and calculate its required pressure on the paper. Sometimes a child may begin to position the drawing incorrectly, and it will not fit on the sheet, which will cause disappointment to the artist. This is where an adult should help and organize the lesson correctly, then drawing will bring great pleasure. The lessons are designed so that the child learns to draw objects that are familiar to him.
Each lesson introduces him to something new and expands his horizons. The lessons will help systematize the experience that you already have little man and form A New Look to the surrounding world.

The basis artistic arts— drawing with a pencil, or to be more precise, sketching with a pencil. After basic exercises with a pencil (for example, on a stroke), you need to take up sketching in order to acquire drawing techniques, use your hand and understand how certain things are drawn. How lighting and shadow are drawn, how to create a “skeleton” of a drawing and attach detailing to it. We offer you pictures for sketching with pencil: beautiful and easy images that will help develop all of the above. The pictures are collected all over the Internet, both Russian and foreign.

The author of the collection was engaged in drawing at an elementary level. Drawing was not easy for me, but my diligence paid off. The pictures presented in this collection are suitable for both beginners and advanced beginners. Get ready to scroll down for a long time, because there are more than 60 pictures in the selection! You will surely find something to your liking and skills.

A large selection of beautiful and easy pictures for sketching in pencil

A simple outline of a camel-ship of the desert for sketching in pencil.

A beautiful and easy to draw silhouette of a cat.

Kawaii hamster with highlights on his eyes. But they don't make it much more difficult to draw. Beautiful and simple drawing!

Outlines of an anime cat for drawing, easy to draw even for a beginner.

The frog is a small animal with few curves. Try to work the shadow as closely as possible to the original, and you will get an excellent copy.

Another frog with more detailed eyes and muscles. But have you already trained on the previous frog?

A simple and surprising volume. Surprise him even more by drawing him well!

It’s very simple to draw this cat’s face; the main thing is to immediately estimate the lines of symmetry and mark the ovals. There's nothing complicated about the drawing itself (except maybe the eyes), so just make it symmetrical.

Elementary pencil drawing of a bird. You can not stop there and continue to detail it by adding feathers and shadows.

How to draw an elephant: step by step instructions.

Pencil drawing for advanced beginners. The face of a lion cub from a Disney cartoon.

Zebra is the perfect animal to draw with a simple pencil. We suggest drawing this zebra, which does not have complex detailing. Lightweight and beautiful image!

Large bear for sketching. The main thing here is to follow the rhythm and direction of the stroke. The bear should be combed, as in the original. If you can draw a nickel as cool as the original, then you're not so bad at drawing!

A drawing without detail, but which will require a confident hand and a clear delineation of space. You can first draw the cup more freely, applying a lot of extra strokes, and then remove them with an eraser.

An owl under a blanket with a cup of hot drink. Great autumn drawing It will work if you develop it and detail it. But for this you need to draw at least one like this! You know what to do.

Cute kitten is playing. An excellent drawing in terms of anatomy and shadows, although a minimum of strokes were used. The cat is alive! You can also convey this in a drawing, try it!

A ballerina with a minimum of detail and a very abstract figure, and even with her eyes closed. A real gift for a sketcher.

Panda looks out of a cup. You can make the shadows better than in the original, but you have a basis for sketching.

Scrabbles cat in an original drawing style. Big eyes, on which it will be very convenient for you to practice glare. Also the shadow and the rhythm of the stroke are very important here. Notice how the stroke becomes more frequent where the shadow thickens, and how it thins out in the illuminated place.

Fox from Zootopia, depicted in a slightly casual style. You can first portray him in severe negligence, and then remove the excess.

A beautiful drawing for sketching in pencil: a pretty girl has a Pikachu sitting on her shoulder. But it has a minus: it is not so simple. You'll have to try hard to draw it well. But there's not much detail, so go ahead!

An easy way to draw a horse.

A simple way to draw Winnie the Pooh in the Russian style.

Vinny in an overseas, Disney style. Both options are cute and easy to draw with a simple pencil.

A cute kitten with virtually no detail, easy to draw.

Lace-up boots with heels. Try sketching just one shoe first.

A sad but funny owl sits on a branch and waits for you to start sketching it with a simple pencil.

A simple landscape, without unnecessary detail. But there is something to practice in applying shadows and being steady with your hand.

Little penguin for sketching.

Little squirrel with a potion in his hands. Eyebrows are the final touch in conveying emotion, as are facial wrinkles at the bottom of the drawing.

Stylish, beautiful street pattern. Sketching it in pencil will be the first step to depict something similar in paint in the city.

A girl's cute face in profile, not burdening you with unnecessary detail. Only outlines, only basics.

Waist and legs of a ballerina. There must be very subtle work with shadows. Do everything in your power: eraser, fingers, movements barely touching the sheet of paper.

A bullfinch sits on a branch.

Another bird on the branch. Here you will have to try to shade the bird properly. Notice where and how the lines become denser and darker.

A great picture for sketching that will develop your skills. No special detail, just playing with strokes and darkening.

Picture for practicing drawing bird feathers. The ideal angle for these purposes.

Key from; A watermark will not interfere with copying from this picture.

Landscape with two boats, trees, silhouettes of mountains in the background. Easy picture, but requiring initial training

Half detailed house. Try to draw at least half of it. Notice how the roof tiles are made. Rocks are less of a problem here.

Cute parrots communicate, and you copy them, because they are really light and beautiful.

Cool drawing with an abstract silhouette of a girl with curves.

Landscape with trees, stones, bridge and mountains in the background. The picture is easy, does not require any super technical skills, but tests your diligence and perseverance.

Flower buds for sketching

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