How to connect via phone. How to transfer the Internet from a phone to a computer in modern conditions

Many people around the world use mobile Internet. It allows you to access the network from almost anywhere globe and feel free, regardless of the presence of devices other than a mobile phone or tablet. Therefore, we will consider in detail how to quickly and correctly connect the Internet on a computer via a phone using USB or Wi-Fi.

What you need to connect

In the process of developing mobile network standards, 2G and 3G have become the most popular. The most modern is the 4G standard, which is slowly beginning to take part of the market. But still because low level coverage of the territory with appropriate equipment, most users work with 3G, within which it is customary to distinguish networks:

  • CDMA2000 1xEV-DV (CDMA2000 1xEvolution Data and Voice);
  • GPRS (General Packed Radio Services);
  • WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access);
  • EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution);
  • HSDPA (High-Speed ​​Downlink Packet Access);

Moreover, to connect to the Internet you do not need separate wires and modems, you only need a SIM card with a positive balance or paid traffic. To improve the quality of communication, you can use an ExpressCard modem, a USB modem, and a PCMCIA modem.

Let's now consider several options - you have an Android device or a regular mobile phone. In the first case, it is customary to distinguish several methods.

Connect to the Internet using Wi-Fi

We will not comment specifically on connecting the device to the global network - there are instructions from mobile operators for this. The process itself is quite easy - you just need to activate the sent Internet settings and, if necessary, configure the tariff parameters.

Now let's look at the conditions for connecting via Wi-Fi - all devices must be equipped with Wi-Fi modules - both a laptop (or computer) and a tablet (or smartphone). Now that we have everything ready to connect, let's move on to mobile device and look for the “Wi-Fi access point” setting item on it. It can be located anywhere, it all depends on the firmware of the Android device. Usually it is found either through “Wireless Network” or through “Network”, “System”. Inside them there should be either “Modem Mode” or “Access Point”.

Next, click on the menu we need and open “Setting up an access point” inside. An adjustment field will appear - write desired name, select the WPA2 PSK security type, set a password (or not set it - depends on your desire), turn on the access point.

Now we go to the computer - activate the search for all available WAP points (Wireless Access Point), look for our device and connect. A small note - the radius of connection to a WAP access point is approximately 50 meters, but, for example, a concrete wall reduces the wave strength by 40%. Therefore, it is better that the Internet source is within sight of the computer.

How to connect to the Internet using a USB connection

In the case of connecting the Internet to a computer via a USB stick with a phone, the main need is a positive balance on the SIM card and having a conductor. The biggest advantage of this type of Internet is that there is no need to install any drivers on your computer - you can install with my own hands. It is usually used when there is no Wi-Fi module on a computer or laptop. But first, it’s worth warning you, reader, that the Internet on a computer consumes many times more traffic than the mobile Internet. And if you pay one price for 1 GB of Internet via a phone, which would last you for a month, then using a computer it will run out much faster.

Important! Therefore, it is better to disable all applications that you will not use while using the mobile Internet.

And when connecting, you need to be very careful to ensure that there is no interruption in the connection between the smartphone and the operator.

Let's move directly to establishing the connection. First of all, turn on the Internet on your mobile device and check the connection. Everything is okay? Go ahead! We connect the mobile device to the computer using a USB cable. We go to the settings, look for the item “Configuration of network modules” (usually it is located under the “More” article). We enable “debugging via USB modem” there.

Now let's move on to working on the computer. Most likely, driver installation will begin immediately - you will need to answer a few questions about allowing your computer to connect to the World Wide Web and your preferences in network standards and modules. Afterwards, all you have to do is wait for the installation to complete and connect to the network. But in the case of older versions of Windows, not everything is so simple - most likely, you will have to look for the driver on the Internet or from friends. If the box from the device is not lost, then the driver may be on the disk in it. That’s probably the whole installation of an Android device as a modem.

How to connect via a regular phone with USB

First you need to check if you have everything to connect.

Let's go through the list:

  1. Mobile phone with EDGE, GPRS, or 3G modem. Almost all modern phones have this thing.
  2. A program for synchronizing devices – computer and phone. Usually this is either a separate application or a driver from the disk that comes with the phone in the box. If there is no disk, download the application on the official website of your phone manufacturer.
  3. USB cable or cord.
  4. SIM card of any operator. It must contain either the appropriate amount of money or already paid Internet traffic. Also, the “data service” item must be activated in the SIM card settings. If it is not activated, turn it on. This can be done by calling the operator.
  5. The dial-up number and initialization line of your personal account. The first one looks something like “*99*1#” or “*99***#”. The line looks like this AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","usluga", instead of usluga there will be a certain value assigned to the tariff plan. All this can be found out either at the service center or on the operator’s website

Do you have everything? Let's start the installation process:

  1. Install the necessary drivers. They must be available in advance, and we repeat once again that you can find them on the official websites of phone manufacturers.
  2. We create a connection between the phone and the computer. We go to the “Task Manager” window, find the “Modems” section, look for the phone we need, right-click and go to “Properties”.
  3. There should be a line in the window “Additional communication parameters”. Go to this section, inside there will be a line “Additional initialization parameters” and enter your initialization string into it. This is necessary for everything to work according to the required tariff.
  4. Now you need to create a new connection. It is always created through the control panel, inside which there is an item “Create a new connection”. In the window that appears, fill in your phone details and dial-up number. Usually you are asked to provide a name and password - this should not be done. This does not bring any dividends to the user.

That's it, now you have a ready Internet connection. Now you can connect every time either through “ Network connections", which are located in the "Control Panel" window. For user convenience, you can make a shortcut to the icon on the desktop.

Internet - an integral part of life modern man. We go to work - we look at the phone, in the office we sit at the computer, and even at home with a glass of beer we watch TV - more and more often also via the Internet, and not the central antenna. But we’ll talk about TV and strong drinks another time, and today I would like to focus on mobility - how to connect the Internet via a phone, because almost no one can live without it today. In fact, connect a modern phone, smartphone or tablet to the Internet not that difficult. There are even several ways that we have already talked about in some articles, and today we will put them all together in order to formulate full picture.

The simplest and affordable way connecting the Internet to a mobile phone is the so-called “mobile Internet” service, which is provided by absolutely all mobile operators. In all modern tariffs, it is already tied to the number by default, but it is worth considering that for accessing the Internet the subscriber is charged an additional fee - each operator has its own.

It should be noted that in last years All leading operators have tariffs with an included package for the volume of mobile Internet traffic, which is very convenient and profitable. For example, I use Tele2, which has a cool option - exchanging minutes for gigabytes, aimed specifically at those who speak little but access the Internet a lot via phone - I wrote a separate article about it, read it!

To activate mobile internet You will have to do a few simple steps on your phone. On a standard “naked” Android, you need to go to the “Settings > Additional settings > Mobile networks” section and activate the “Mobile data” mode.

Since I am currently using a Xiaomi smartphone that runs on the proprietary MIUI shell, I can show you how to turn on the Internet on Xiaomi. You need to go to “Settings” and open the “SIM cards and mobile networks” section, where you activate the “Mobile Internet” toggle switch.

By the way, there is also a traffic setting - if you know that the free Internet limit is limited, then by entering the value of the volume provided to you according to the terms of the tariff, the phone will track its overuse and report about it using notifications.

In order to disable mobile Internet, accordingly, you need to turn off the “Mobile data” mode.

What to do if the Internet on your phone does not work?

There may be several reasons why the Internet does not work on your phone. Most often, for some reason, Megafon subscribers ask about this, but this also happens with Beeline, MTS and Tele2. I would recommend checking your mobile hotspot settings. There is a situation where the settings of cellular operators go wrong - for example, if you bought your device overseas and it has default configurations for another provider, or you often change SIM cards and the phone does not have time to adapt to them.

To correct the error, you will have to manually enter the parameters to correctly connect your phone to the Internet. This is done in the same section “Settings - SIM cards and mobile networks”, where you need to click on the name of the SIM card of your phone

On this page, you can change the settings for connecting your phone to the Internet one by one.

Below is the data to be entered for each mobile operator:

Internet settings for MTS:

  • APN:
  • Login: mts
  • Password: mts

For Megafon:

  • APN: internet
  • Login: gdata
  • Password: gdata

For Beeline:

  • APN:
  • Login: beeline
  • Password: beeline

Internet on your phone via WiFi

Another simple way to access the Internet from a smartphone is perfect if you are at home, in the subway or in a cafe - this is WiFi. There are two options here to configure the wireless signal distribution.

  1. If you have already read articles on this blog, then you probably know how a phone connects to the Internet via wifi router. No? Then it will help you - scroll it all the way to the subsection about accessing the network from a mobile phone.
  2. The second one is also not quite complicated. If you do not have a router, then we can use a personal computer or laptop as an access point. In order to do this, read about how to share a computer connection and allow other devices to access it.

When we talk about these two methods, we mean connecting your phone to the Internet via Wi-Fi. To enable it on your phone Android versions above 4.0, just go to “Settings” and move the slider to the active state.

After this, you will see a list of networks available for connection. You will choose either a network with a password you know, or a public network that is open to access.

The same thing happens with the iPhone - the “Settings” section, the Wi-Fi slider to the active position.

Internet connection via Bluetooth

Finally, the last option for connecting the Internet to your phone is via Bluetooth, connecting it and a computer that has the Internet. The method is a little specific, since you will need additional software, a lot of settings and super-user rights (root access) on your mobile phone - it’s easier to do this using one of the above. However, for those interested, it will be discussed in a separate post. Wait!

Data for connecting your phone to the Internet of other operators

Login: mts
Password: mts

APN: internet
Login: gdata or Login: megafon
Password: gdata or Password: megafon

Login: motiv
Password: motiv
AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" or

Login: beeline
arol: beeline

Login: -empty-
Password: -blank-

Login: beeline
Password: beeline
for numbers from Beeline that go
along with the modem.

This article discusses the stages of using a mobile communicator as a modem in order to connect a computer or laptop with Windows OS to the Network. Attention is also paid to the issue of how to set up the Internet on a Chinese phone.

What you need to have to connect

You must have a mobile phone with a built-in 3G, EDGE or GPRS modem. Any model of a Samsung, Nokia, Sony or other brand communicator may also be suitable. You need a USB cable to connect your phone to your computer. The wire can be replaced with a Bluetooth device. It is clear that in this option, the computer and phone must have appropriate adapters. It is necessary to have a modem driver or program for synchronization with the communicator. The software is most often supplied on disk along with the phone, and there is also the opportunity to freely download everything you need on the manufacturer’s website. You must have a SIM card from a valid mobile operator with a positive account balance. It is necessary that the data service is active for the SIM card. You can find out this from the operator, and, when the opportunity is not available, make a request to connect it. You also need to define a tariff plan and configure unlimited Internet to the phone. You should find out at the service center or on the website of the mobile operator how to initialize and dial the number for the communicator. They will need to be noted in the modem settings, as well as during connection creation. Particular attention must be paid to choosing a service provider, since the quality and speed of the Internet connection between different providers can vary significantly. These parameters also depend on the region of residence and time of day.

How to connect

Setting up a connection when you need Internet on your phone via a computer is carried out in several stages. Install the driver and connect the phone to the PC or laptop. First of all, you need to install a synchronization program on your computer, and then connect your phone to it using a cord or via Bluetooth. When there is no application for combining, but you need Internet on your phone through a computer, and there is only a folder containing driver files, first of all you need to connect the communicator to the PC. When the system starts installing new equipment, mark the path to this directory inside the desired window.

Carrying out setup

Open access to the device manager of the operating system. In the "Modems" section, find your phone model and click "Properties". In the new window, go to the tab with additional communication parameters and enter the initialization string in the commands column. Next, click the consent button. As mentioned earlier, all the necessary data, if you need Internet on your phone via a computer, you need to find out at the service center. The initialization string will certainly determine which service can be used. As a rule, for everyone tariff plan its own parameter is provided.

How to create a connection

The procedure for gaining access to the Internet on your phone via a computer at this stage depends on Windows versions. In the “Start” menu, follow the path: “Control Panel”, then “Network and Internet Connections”. In the next step, double-click on the “Wizards” icon. In the first window, click “Next”. In the “Network connection type” check the box “To the Internet”. Click "Next". At the next stage, select “Manual connection settings”. Next, we will consider the procedure for setting up the Internet on a Chinese communicator. We will describe the necessary actions using the example of the MegaFon network and a copy of the iPhone smartphone from the Celestial Empire. The setup procedure is typical for all major telecom operators. You need to order automatic settings using a special number, and then save them. Thus, it does not matter which manufacturer's phone you use. If you are a MegaFon subscriber, you can always call the subscriber service at 0500 to get settings for your communicator. Provide the operator with the required information. Following the conversation, you will receive a message on your phone with the necessary settings.

Smartphone users often have problems setting up the Internet on their phone correctly. If you are an advanced user, you can connect manually by filling out the appropriate form with data in the operating system. For all other users, automatic configuration is available via SMS message from the operator.

How to connect mobile internet

You can connect mobile data manually on your phone. Step-by-step instruction, which is used to configure the Internet on Android:

  1. Open the settings menu on your phone.
  2. Select “Connection”, “Mobile networks”, “Other networks”, “More” depending on the device model.
  3. Then select “Access Points”.
  4. Click the “Add” button; if it is not displayed separately, then find it in the context menu.
  5. A new profile will open, which must be filled out in accordance with the settings of the specific operator.
  6. Save your data, go back up one level and select the profile you just created.
  7. Turn on Mobile Data and restart your phone.

The table shows the settings of three popular providers, entering which will allow you to connect the Internet to cell phone. If, when filling out your profile, you encounter additional items, you should skip them and leave the default values:

Automatic setup

If for some reason you were unable to connect your mobile Internet manually, you can always use automatic setup. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. “Ask” your cellular network operator to send a special message with settings (this SMS is often marked with an envelope icon with a gear).
  2. Open the received SMS message.
  3. Select the item labeled “Application: Internet.”
  4. Click the "Install" button.
  5. If a PIN code is required, enter “0000” or “1234”.
  6. If the code does not work, contact your cellular network operator to find out the correct PIN.
  7. Confirm your choice by pressing the “Yes” button and turn on mobile data in the phone curtain, restart the device to activate the changes.
  8. On some phone models, the above steps are not required; you just need to order a message from your operator to connect to the Internet.

Connect via Wi-Fi

You can access the Internet on your phone not through mobile data, but through Wi-Fi. To connect the World Wide Web in this way on the Android operating system, use the following instructions.

  1. Unlock your device, go to the main menu.
  2. In the list of icons or in the curtain of the operating system, find “Settings” (often this item is indicated by a gear symbol), and make the transition.
  3. A list of customizable items will appear in front of you, find the “Wi-Fi” line and go to the submenu.
  4. In older versions of the Android operating network, you first need to go to “Wireless Networks”, and then select “Wi-Fi Settings”.
  5. If Wi-Fi router is enabled, all available connections will be immediately displayed.
  6. If the adapter is turned off, the system will prompt you to turn on the Wi-Fi module to view available networks.
  7. Select the desired network from the list.
  8. In the dialog box that appears, enter the access password.
  9. If you accidentally entered incorrect data, click on the network name again, select “Forget” and re-enter the authentication parameters to connect to the Internet.

The ability to connect to the Network in this way is regulated by the functionality of the device. Before getting down to business, you need to study some of the nuances and features of this option for each specific gadget.

USB modem - Internet without problems

Mobility has become the basis modern life. Almost all modern mobile devices have the technical ability to access the Internet, which means they can easily replace their stationary counterparts. This is why compact and easy-to-use USB modems are becoming increasingly popular. They allow you not only to establish a stable connection, but also to save money by using the Internet at a fairly affordable price.

Externally, a USB modem looks like a regular flash drive. It is small, especially compared to modems used on desktop personal computers. Thanks to this device, you can go online whenever you want: on the street, at home, in the office, in transport.

You can buy a modem at any communication store of any operator. They are sold everywhere. After purchasing, you do not need to wait for connection; you just need to insert the device into your laptop and you can start working.

What is special about connecting via a USB modem?

When you connect the modem to any mobile device, the driver installation program starts automatically. Connection settings are also made autonomously and do not require intervention.

This will take some time, after which a message should appear on the screen stating that all necessary operations have been completed and the gadget is completely ready for use.

Even during such a simple process, difficulties can arise. For example, disabling autorun. In this case, all settings will have to be made manually. How to do it?

  1. Through the menu, going to the “My Computer” section, you need to find the operator whose modem you are going to configure. By clicking on the icon, you will launch the installer program. Next you will be offered various options settings, you need to select and confirm the ones you need. If manual configuration is not possible, you need to contact the operator’s support service or go to its website. As a rule, the menu already has a separate section dedicated to installing and activating the modem.
  2. It is important to know! The modem cannot be removed from the connector until the automatic installation and configuration process is completed.
  3. Once all drivers are installed, launch the program. If everything is done correctly, a connection button will appear on the screen, by clicking which you can safely use the Internet.

How to connect a smartphone to the Internet via USB?

This is where things get a little more complicated. The role of the modem in in this case will be performed by a personal computer equipped with a USB port.

In addition to special cords, in order to use USB, you will need special superuser or root rights.

There are no rights to Android - you will have to first study the algorithm for obtaining them. Step-by-step instructions are freely available. Let's assume that you have already received the rights.

  • If you have an operating system installed on your personal computer Windows system, you need to download and install the Android SDK. In the computer menu, select “Network Connections”, “Network Connection” item. This item contains property settings.
  • In chapter public access you need to allow other users to use the Internet connection of the PC itself. And confirm your choice.
  • You need to return to your tablet or mobile phone. Select the item intended for developers in the “Settings” section and start debugging the Internet on the phone via USB.
  • Don't forget to connect your tablet to your computer and download the proposed archive to your hard drive. After unpacking, you can run the AndroidTool.exe program.
  • We activate the search for connected devices and start the connection.
  • Attention! The installed application may require superuser rights - provide them.

Once all stages are completed, the personal computer will be ready to distribute the Internet to devices running Android OS. That's all you need to know about how to share the Internet

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